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Ismail Nasution
PhD Student at UIN North Sumatra; [email protected]
Corresponding Author:
Ismail Nasution
PhD Student at UIN North Sumatra; [email protected]
Islam is a universal religion, regulating all aspects of life, regulating individual,
family and social relationships, regulating human life patterns from childhood to
adulthood to old age. Islam also regulates eating, drinking, and even rest. Humans, as
social creatures, cannot live alone without associating with others. Basically, humanity
in general has a relationship, either as one family, one tribe, one nation, one belief or
at least both descendants of the Prophet Adam as, namely fellow humans. By some
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
In this paper, we will discuss and explain the traditions of the Prophet
Muhammad Saw which are related to ukhuwah imaniyah, namely ukhuwah because
they have the same beliefs. In various traditions, the Prophet often conveyed the
parable of the believers, also emphasized the relationship between one Muslim and
another Muslim, the rights of one Muslim and another Muslim and there was also a
parable of the relationship between one Muslim and another Muslim. In this paper,
we will focus on the hadith that mentions that believers are like buildings. Namely:
)عن أبي موسى قال قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم * المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان يشد بعضه بعضا (رواه مسلم
Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: One believer and another
believer are like a building, one part of which strengthens the other. (HR. Muslim)
Before getting to the core material, of course, the takhirj of the hadith and the asbabaul
wurud will be presented, then the hadith commentary will be presented which aims
to explore more in-depth information related to the hadith that is the object of
discussion, this article is also expected to be a lesson for readers to always remember
that the unity of Muslims is needed. The Muslim Ummah is always in disgrace if unity
is not realized. The enemies of Islam are rampant, intimidating, trampling Muslims in
various parts of the world, because of the lack of a sense of ukhuwah imaniyah and
This research is a literature research with the main references are the books of
Syarah Kutubussittah
Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
Sheikh Abdul Muhdi Abdul Qadir Abdul Hadi in his book Turuq at-Takhrij al-Hadis
explains that according to his search, takhrij hadith can be done by 5 (five) methods:
2). Takhrij based on the pronunciation of one of the mufradat (vocabulary words)
of the hadith
5). Takhrij based on the type/character (qudsi, mursal, masyhur) of the hadith.
In this paper, since the author already knows the hadith that will be the topic of
discussion, namely the unity of the Ummah, the first method of takhrij is the
appropriate bag to apply, the author traces from the initial wording of the hadith,
المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان. In our tuhfatul asyraf bi ma'rifatil athraf. The result is as follows:
) عن خالد بن يحيى ؛ وفي األدب88 : 2( (خ) في الصالة.[خ م ت س] حديث المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان يشد بعضه بعضًا
م في- عن أبي أسامة،) عن أبي كريب5 : 2( وفي المظالم- ) عن محمد بن يوسف ؛ كالهما عن سفيان الثوري36(
،) عن أبي كريب1 : 17( و- وأبي أسامة- كالهما عن عبد هللا بن إدريس،) عن أبي بكر وعبد هللا بن براد17 : 1( األدب
) عن الحسن2:18 ت فِي البر (والصلة.ِ وثالثتهم (بل أربعتهم) عنه بِه- وأبي أسامة- وابن المبارك- عن ابن إدريس
،) عن عبد هللا بن الهيثم بن عثمان67( س في الزكاة. صحيح: وقال،ِ كلهم عن أبي أسامة بِه،بن على الخالل وغير واحد
From the above hadith search through the book Tuhfatul Asyraf, we can understand
from the code listed that the hadith about the unity of the believers is found in a
number of hadith master books namely Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan at-
b. Sanad Criticism
components that must be considered, one relating to the sanad and the other relating
Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
to the matan. In terms of the sanad there are 5 (five) conditions that must be met so
1) The sanad is connected. That is, the connection of the Hadith sanad starting from
the beginning of the Hadith to the end of the Hadith, which in its narration reaches
the first narrator who had direct contact with the Prophet.
2) The narrator has a fair character. This means that the narrator can fulfill the
requirements including the narrator is a Muslim, can distinguish between right and
wrong, is healthy in reason and carries out the recommendations of Allah SWT and
3) The narrator is required to be dabit. This means that someone who narrates the
5) Must be free from an illat (defect). That is, the Hadith narrated must be free from
Furthermore, When viewed from the description of the above Hadith, the first and
second numbers are found in the Sahih books of Bukhari and Muslim, which are
the opinion that the most valid Hadith is the Hadith that has the most valid sanad,
such as the Hadith that comes from Imam Malik from Nafi' from Ibn Umar. Then the
Hadith that is agreed upon by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, then by Imam Bukhari
c. Matan Criticism
The matan is the most important component in the structure of the hadith. The matan
is the redaction or lapaz of the hadith, from which the ruling, the lesson of the hadith
will be taken. A valid Hadith text will not contradict another valid Hadith, let alone
Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
the Qur'an. This is because both the Hadith and the Qur'an were delivered by the same
The classical scholars of hadith although they paid attention to the matan of the
hadith, they did not pay as much attention to the sanad of the hadith. However,
according to the development of hadith studies and the many western criticisms of
the authenticity of the hadith, the scholars have developed a method of criticizing the
Compiled from various primary and secondary books in hadith literature, the main
2) It does not contradict the stronger mutawatir tradition or the more popular
6) Does not contradict the senses, reason, scientific truth or is very difficult to
interpret rationally.
The Hadith on the parable of believers above is essentially a description of the unity
and brotherhood of the ummah, where it is mentioned that believers are like a
building that strengthens one another, one feeling, one feeling, one in common, if one
is afflicted with a disaster then the others should feel pain, if one part is disturbed then
the other part will be disturbed. Surely such material does not contradict common
sense, history, the five senses, let alone the verses of the Quran.
In the early period of Islam, the Prophet has succeeded in providing an example, how
the heart bonds of the companions who share the same fate, it can be read from a
number of verses of the Koran and several traditions of the Prophet, among others:
Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
Meaning: Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in orderly ranks, as if they
Meaning: Verily, the believers are brothers, so reconcile between your two brothers
(who are in dispute) and fear Allah that you may find mercy.
d. Hadith Synopsis
Imaniah brotherhood is a bond that will last forever, starting from this world to
the hereafter. The hadith that is the subject of discussion in this paper reads:
)عن أبي موسى قال قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم * المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان يشد بعضه بعضا (رواه مسلم
Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: One believer and another
believer are like a building, one part of which strengthens the other. (HR. Muslim)
The above Hadith is in line with other Hadiths including the Hadith from Nukman
bin Bashir:
إذا اشتكى منه عضو تداعى سائره بالحمى والسهر)متفق، مثل المؤمنين في توادهم وتعاطفهم وتراحمهم مثل الجسد
Meaning: The example of the believers in terms of love, gentleness and compassion is
like a torso, if one member of the body complains, the whole body is hot and keeps
The text of the above hadith is taken from Sahih Muslim, while the text in Sahih al-
Bukhari states that the Prophet شبك أصابعهmeans that the Prophet grasped his fingers.
In fact, there is a hadith report that prohibits tashbik. Al-Muglathoi in Syarah Sunan
Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
Ibn Majah explains the above hadith, that regarding tashbik in the hadith, actually
scholars differ in opinion about tashbik in prayer, however, even if it is forbidden, the
law is only makruh even some of the companions and tabi'in scholars do it, Ibn Umar
and Salim tolerate tashbik, as well as Hasan, even Malik said that they had actually
tashbik in the mosque, and there was no problem, the problem was when it was done
Ibn Rajab in Sahih al-Bukhari explains that when the Prophet performed tashbik as in
this hadith, there is no evidence that the Prophet was in the mosque, because tashbik
is prohibited when done in the mosque. From the explanation of a number of scholars
prohibited, the prohibition does not reach the level of haram. The Prophet did tashbik
Ibn Rajab also explained that this hadith is very serious because the Prophet after
likening ukhuwah imaniyah with words, then he also explained with actions, namely
the grip of his fingers, so that the meaning of this hadith becomes very clear and real.
When the Prophet likens the brotherhood of faith to fingers, it means that even though
there are several fingers in quantity, they lead to one source, namely the palm of the
hand, so do the believers, different and many personnel, but united to the same source,
Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari explains that this hadith by quoting Ibn Bathol that
mu'awanah (mutual help) is in the affairs of the hereafter as well as the affairs of the
حديث أبي هريرة وهللا في عون العبد ما دام العبد في عون أخيه
'Allah will always help his servant, as long as he helps his brother'.
Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
Ibn Hajar explains the meaning of the Prophet's statement in Sahih Bukhari regarding
The meaning of this expression is that the Prophet informed his companions that if
you see anyone asking for help / need to me then you help, whether I accept your offer
of help or not you will still get a reward from Allah Swt if you have done it, whatever
the Prophet's actions are in accordance with the destiny of Allah Swt, either helping
or not being able to help the person in need. Imam Nawawi on the above Hadith said
'the above Hadith explains how great the rights of Muslims are between one another,
the Hadith above recommends mutual love, gentleness, and mutual assistance except
saying that Ahlul Faith is actually supporting and strengthening each other in terms
of goodness, and if one believer with another believer has supported / supported each
other in terms of spreading good and rejecting evil, then the believers will be strong,
just as building stones strengthen each other, so that a building can stand upright, the
walls can be solid. And if just one stone is removed from a building then the building
can be shaky and even the walls can collapse, so is the believers if they do not help
each other some of them to some others, they do not strengthen and support each
other then perish religion, the destroyers of religion become strong, faith becomes
Hadiths about ukhuwah islamiyah are scattered in the books of hadith, one of which
is the hadith that compares believers to a building that strengthens each other.
Through this Hadith, it can be understood that the bond of faith is regardless of
Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)
ISCIS2023: International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Studies
ethnicity and race because the essence of the believers is one unit, bound by the same
creed, namely belief in the six pillars of faith, believers will be strong if they believe
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Ismail Nasution; The Believer is Like a Building (Sarah's Study and Hadith Criticism)