Constitutional Law 2 Pyq 3 Years LLB BU

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Constitutionäl Law-II
Paper : 3.2.1
Time: 3 Hours Full Murks: 80

The figures in the. margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their
ovvn words
as far as practicable.
* Answer any four questions.

can be elected as 'President' of India?

any member of Parliarnent be elected as President ol India!
ben S+S+10=20
BIscuss the procedure of impeachment of the President of India.
a trom
of the President of India. How does the power of the Governr of
Discuss the powers State dlter
the power of the President ol India?

do you mean by Parliamentary privilegcs? Point out the p.ivleges which

Cxpr:ssly cnlerreu
by tie Cerstitution. Discusa the sources of other privileges. 5+5410=20
case a hill in Parliument. Discuss tlhe
do you mean by 'Resolution of dendlock' in of pussing of
Constitutional provision for resclution of such u deadlock. S-15=20

Discss in detail the power of Parliament to legizlate on State suhjects

ADiscuss the nuture of Supreme Cuurt jurisdieivm regurding speciul leive tu uyal
stl wetiv
Supreme Court is found by its own previous decisions.
of state in tort in the light of Constitutional pruviMN witlh deciled cue 0

7. Examine the liability

on any two of following:
B/Write notes
a(b) Collegium system
Union Public Service Commission
(c) Dgcrine of territorial
sRight to property under Indian Constitution


LL.B. 3rd Year 2nd Semester Examination, 2016

Subject Constitutional Law-II
P'aper : 3.2.1
(New Syllabus)

Time: 3 Hours Full'Murks:'80

The figuretn the margin indicate full markr.
Candidates are requtred to give their answers in their ownwords
far as practicable.
Answer any fourquestions.

K o Why the election of President has been made indirect?

(6)What is the mcasure adapted by the constitution if the post of the Prerident becomes vacant before fve
cDiscuss the nature of clemeicy powers of the President and the Governors as provided under the
Constitution of India? 5+5+10=20
2. How mAny members and Erom which field are aominated by the President to the Rajya Sabha?
6 Dicuss the impact of the number of population on the cornpositi on of the Lok Sabha citing
constitutional provision. 5+15=20

3.5 What is the meaning of Legislative procedure?

5 Dcuss.thë statusofof pending bill in Rajya Sebia arnd Lok Sabha.
(oy iiss the role Pestdent in Legislátkve rocedure. dos 5+10+5=20

A (9 Kytod ippglatment ofdges afectjudicial

() DHSchetoonboveity garding appottmót of two juáges of be High Court and Supreme

Goaicrte ind inteicourie. shalt be'freo thronghout India.- Discus 20

Way Bupremo.Court of India-is considered as a guardian of the Constituion? State whether Supreme Court
eajoys any power of Laherent jurlsdioin. 10+10=20

Wte a tiot note on cotrrcoal endtörtlous HstHtyof.Bate. inpat 20

Whet is Doctrine of Pleasure"? What defences are avallable to the ermployees against the above doctrine?

Years LL.B. Semester Examination, 2017

Full Marksi 80
Time: 3 Hours full marks.
Thefigures in the margin indicate wors
Candidates are required to give their
answers in their own
faras practicable.
Answer any four questions.

power of the Governor. 20

Discuss about the law making power and pardoning
immunities of members of State Legislative Asernbly.
Bricfly discuss about the power, privileges and
t o
,3. Write a short note on 'Doctrine of Pleasure'. jP
the Judges of High Courts and Supreme Court
What is the constitutional procedure for the appointment of with
India? Can the parliament through constitutional
amendment bring changes in this procedure? Discuss
decided cases by the Indian Sudiciary. s
Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Court.
5. (a) Make the distincions between Contempt Jurisdictioh and
cormmon original jurisdiction of the High Courts and the Supreme Court?
(b) What do you mean by
(c) Can a Judge of the High Court and the Supreme Court be
punished under Contempt Jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court? Discuss with decided cases by the Indian Judiciary.
emergency can be inposed upon a state under-Article 356 of
(a) How and uder what circumstánces state
the Constitution of India?
power is connected with the power of the President under
(b) How the Govermor's discretionary
Article 356, regarding dissolution of State Assembly during state emergency?
power of the Govermor. 10+5+5=20
(c) Discuss how the apex judiciary has re-examined such discretionary

7. Write a note on Constitutional ptovision of Administrative Tribunal.npt| 20

Write short notes:

Eminent Domain

Mopey Bil and other Financial

Bill inpanta
) 10+10=20
TMCP LLB.-IIIP-3.2.1/19
3 Years LL.B. (Honours) 2nd Semester ExXAmination,
Subject Constitutional Law-II
Paper : 3.2.1

Time: 3 Hours
Full Marks: 80
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
as far as practicable.
Answer any four questions.

i. What is meant by Money Bil? Lay down the special procedure provided
for passing Money Bill in
Indian Constitution. How a deadlock on a Bill can be
resolved under Indian Constitution?
(a) What is the Appellate Jurisdiction of Suprcme Court?
Examine the nature and extent of the
Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India.
(b) A Judge of High Court was transferred to another court
Judge and against the views expressed by the Chief Justice
of the transfer.
against the wish of the concerned
of India exarmine the validity
3. Discuss the Power of Parliarnent to legislate upon a subject enumerated
under state list. What is the
Constitutional position in case of repugnancy between Central
law and State law? 1S4520
4. (a) Explain the extent of Goverarment liability for the tortious acts of its servants under the deye
(b) ^ truck belonging to the Indian Army met with an accident
resulting in the death of 'A.
A's wifc claims compensation by filing a suit against the Government. Can
she suCceed?
5. Discuss the mode of amendment of Constitution of India. Examine the limitation on
the parliament to amend the Constitution under Article 368 with relevant cases. the power of inparnd
Discuss when and how national emergency can be proclaimed.
State its effects. Can a
proclaimation of ational emergency be challenged before the Supreme
Court on any ground?
7. Wite short notes on (any wo):
Va) Doctrinc of colourablc legislation
vb) Ordinance making power of the President
Mé) Doctrinc of basic structure
Independence of Judiciary

Please Turn Over
8 Disinguish between the folowing (any two):
10x2 20
Aricle 226 and 32
(b) Special Leave to Appeal and Appeal
(c) Probibition and Certiorari
d) Power of President and Power of Governor





Scarned gKEN SCan

O h
Years LLB. (Honours) (CBCS) 2nd Semester Examination, 2020

Subject :Constitution-I
Paper : LCC 3.2.1
Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 40
Each question carries 10 marks.
Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Answer any four questions.

1. Discuss the concept of 'Anti Defection' law under the Indian Constitution
2. Write a note on jurisdiction of High Court. 10
3. “Public interest litigation is the anti-thesis of
private or self interest." In the light
of the above statement examine the scope and limitations of public interest
litigation in India. dse 10
Discuss the various principles regarding interpretation of Constitution. 10
S Discuss in brief the procedure of Constitutional amendment. 10
vb. Write a note on Collective Responsibility of Ministers. 10
3 Years LL. B (Hons.) Semester II, Examination, 2021
Subject: Constitution-II
Paper: LCC 3.2.1

Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80

The figures in the margin indicatefull marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as
far as practicable.

Answer any eight questions

Tudiu'al Re
"The amending power cannot be exercised in such a manner as to destroy or
emasculate the basic or fundamental features of the Constitution"- Explain. 10

Examine the parliamentary privileges cnjoyed by the members undcr Indian

Constitutional framework. 10

3. Write a note on Public Interest Litigation. (eDF) 10

Discuss the measure taken by the Constitution to protect the impartiality and
independence of the Judiciary. 10
Discuss the power and function of the Indian President. 10
6 Writea brief note on the legislative relationship between the Union and States.10 6

Writea brief note on the composition of the Parliament. 10

Discuss the original and advisory jurisdíction of Supreme Court of India. 10
9. "Ministers are collectively responsible before the House and once a decision is
passed they cannot retrieve from it'"- Explain
A0 Write a Short note on: Anti Defection Law of India. 10

3 Years LL.B. (Honours) 2nd Semester Examination, 2022 (CBCS)

Subject : Constitution-II
Course : LCC3.2.1
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80

Thefigures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
far aspracticable.


1. Answer any five of the following questions: 2x5

(a) Indian President is elected in accordance to the system of
(i) Single Transferable Vote.
(ii) Proportional Transfornation of Single Means of Representation Vote.
(ii) Proportional Single Transferable Voteby Representation Vote.
Proportional Representation by Means of Single Transferable Vote.

(o Find out the incorrect statement:

(0The Council of States shall not be subject to dissolution, only one-third members shall
retire after expiry of every second year.
(ii) The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio chairman of the Council of States.
(iii) President can nominate two Anglo-Indian to the House of People.
(iv) President is the Supreme Command of the Defence Forces.

(c) Mr. X is being punished with death sentence by the Session Court and the
same has been
as a last resort Mr. X applied for
confirmed by the High Court and Supreme Court. Thus,
granting pardon under Article 72 of the Constitution before the President of India. However,
the President without giving any opportunity of hearing rejected the application. Is it ulbra
vires to the Constitution?
(i) Yes, because President is bound to hear applicant personally.
iNo, because the President is not bound to hear applicant personally.
(iii) Yes, because it violates the principle of audi alteram pertem'.
(iv) Yes, because it is the question of life and death.

(d) Match the following list:

Articles Particulars
Article 131 Advisory Jurisdiction of Supreme Court
Article 143 Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Court
Article 226 High Court to be Court of Record
Article 215 Writ Jurisdiction of High Courts

24835 Please Turn Over

3Yr.LL.B. (H)-IWLCC-3.2. I/23 (2)
(e) Match the following list:

Cascs Issucs
1. Kesavananda Bharati i) Pardoning power of President
v. State of Kerala

2. Kehar Singh v. Union (ii) Basic structure of Constitution

of India
3. S. R Bommai V (ii) Prospective overruling
Union of India
4. Golok Nath v. State ofiv) Guidelines for State emergency

() In order to distribute power between the Centre and State the list has been enumerated in
(i) Schedule VII
(ii) Schedule VIII
(iii) Schedule IX
(iv) None of the above

Answer any three of the following questions. 10x3

2. Examine the power of Indian President as executive head of the nation.

3, Discuss the various jurisdictions of the Supreme Court of India.

4. Examine the 'Doctrine of Pleasure' under the Constitution of India.

What are the effects of the national emergency on the fundamental rights of citizens?

Answer any tvo of the following questions. 20x2

6. The present collegium system lacks transparency, acceptability and objectivity. The trust deficit
has affected the collegium system'= in the light of the above remark examine the merits and
demerits of the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC).

7. The word 'amendment' did not include the power to completely abrogate the Constitution at one
stroke."- In the light of the above statement of the Supreme Court examine the amending power
of the Parliament.

8. Write a critical note on anti-defection laws in India.

9. Examine legislative and administrative relations between the Centre and State under the
Constitution of India.

2us ()

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