Family Law 2 Pyq 3 Years LLB BU

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3.1.5 PAPER
Full Marks :80 Time :3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answer in
their own words as far aspracticable.

Answer any four questions.

1.What are different sources of

Muslim Law? 20
2. (a IsMuslim marriagea civil contract ? Discuss briefly
the nature of a Musim marriage..
(6) What is option of puberty under Muslim Law ?
10+ 10 = 20
3.Discuss the essential conditions of valid Muslim mar

riage. What is Iddat ? Distinguish between Batil and Fasid

marriage. 105 +5=20
4. What is dower ? Briefly discuss the object of
dower. Briefly
discuss the different types-of ower ? 5 +5 + 10 = 20
5. Distinguish between Talaq-u-Sunnat and Talaq-ul-Bidat.
How can Muslim married women get their marriage dis
solved? Discuss briefly the concepts and procedures.
10+ 10 = 20
6.: Discuss Muslim women's right to maintenance in view
of the Supreme Court's judgments from Mohammed Asmed

A/l1-300 [Turn Over ]

( 2 )

to Shabana Bano v. Imran

Khan Shah Bano Begum (1985)
Khan (2010)
What are
Discuss brieflya the essentials of a valid gift. + 10 = 20
the essentials of valid will?
8. Write short notes on: 5+5+5+5 = 20
Ca) Muta marriage
(b) na
(c Zibar
(c) Riyas.

MC BUILLB(H)-3.1.5/Sem-I/20I5

Subject : Family Law-II
Paper : 3.1.5
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin
indicate full marks.
ansners in their Own wonds
Candidates are required to give their
as far as practicable.
questions given.
Answer four questions out of the eight
sources of Muslin Law.
1piscuss bricfly the different 20
a Muslim marriage.
Discuss biefly
types of prohibitions applicable to
the different
2. dower be fixed by guardian?
Discuss briefly the
deferred dower. Can S+5+10=20
3.' Distinguish between prompt_and
nature of "Right tó Dower.
is Talaq-e-l'atweez?
Talaq. What are the conditions for a valid Talaq? What
5Define 20
Women's nght to rmaintenane under Section 125 Cr.PC, 1973.
6Discuss briefly Muslim Mushaa? S+10+5=20
thhe characteritic features of Hiba. What is doctrine of
What is Hiba? Discuss 5+5+5+S=20
8. Write short notes
(a) Khula
(b) Mubarat
Muslim Law
(C) Polygamy under
(d) Khyar-ul-Bulugh
3rd Year LLB Honours) LLB(H)Y3rd Yr./Sem-/3.I.5
1st Semester Examination,
Subject : Family 2016
me: 3 Hours Paper : 3.1.5

Thefigures in Full Marks: 80

the margin indicate
Candidates are required fullnmarks.
to give their answers
as as in their own words
far practicable.
Answer any four questions.
1. Discuss the role
of Ouran and Hadith as sources
of Muslim Law.
What do you mean by 'Nikah'? Discuss 20
the nature of Nikah
3Briefly explain the meaning, nature, under Muslim Law.
pbject) and kinds
of Malr.
4. Discuss the Muslim Law 20
relating to Wasiyat with
(a) Bssenlials to reference to the following
Wasyat matters: 10+10-20
(b) Limits of testamentary
S. Write short notes on
(any four):
(a) Doctrine of Cypres
b) Fasid marriage
(c) Iddat
(d) Shariat Act
(e) Khyar-ul-Bulugh
(t) Gift of Mushaa
Deine Wagf. Describe the essential
requisites of a valid Waqf. How
Wagf may be created? 5+ 12+3=20
1. DisCuss about the general principles of
inheritance under Muslim Law.
8.What 1s Talag? Discuss aboyI the various 20
forms f talag
Yrs. LLB (H) 1st Semester
Examination, 2017
Subject : Family Law-II
Time: 3 Hours Paper : 3.1.5
The figures in the margin indicate Fall Marks: 80
Candidates are required to give full marks.
their answers own words
asfar as practicable. in their
Answer any four questions.
ADiscuss any
four sources of Muslim-Law.
•2. What are the essentials uf a 20
valid Nikah'? What type
of marriages are prohibited under Muslim Law?
tarDiscuss, in brief, the various schools of Muslim Law.
VA^Wite a note on Talaq and discuss about its 20
5. Who is a Mutawalli? Explain 20
the power and function of mutawalli.
Define Hiba.
What do you mean 20
by Gift
of Musha? Discuss about the essential
Hiba. requiements of valid
Explain the term 'Mahr'. Discuss about 20
its importance and kinds.
8. Write short notes on (any four): 20

(a) Muta Marriage 5x4=20

(b) Doctrine of Representation
(c) Donatio Mortis Causa
(d) Testamentary power of legator
(e) Hiba-bil-iwaz
() Maintenance of divorced woman
3 Years LL.B. (Honours) 1st
Semester Examination, 2018
Subject : Family Law-II
Paper : 3.1.5
Time:3 Hours
Pall Marks : 80
The figures in the margin inicale fullmurks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in
theiroWn word
as far as practicable.
Answer any four questions.

(a) What do you understand by source of any law? 2
(b) What are thcprimary sources of Muslim Law? 12
(c) Discuss the role of legislation in the developmenu of Muslim Law in Indiz.
2 Definc the forn 'marriage' or 'nikah'.
Ab) What is the object of Muslim Mariage?
.e) Whal are the vaious types of Mustim Marriage? 6
(d) Critically examine the szalement-Muriage among Muhammedans is not a kaCrament but purely a
civil contraci. 6
3. (a) What are the principal modes of dissolution of Muslim Marriage?
(b) Briefly discuss the types and essential conditions of talaq-ul-smnat,
decided case luwy
(c) What is tala-ul-biddat? Is it in operstion in India? Answer wih

(a) What is 'dower' or 'mahr'?

Ab) What are the vasious types of dower?
(cHow a Muslim wife can cnforce her dower to
as to prompt and delerred dower if the KABIN NAMA fils
(d) What will be the presumption
distinguish between prompt and defered dower?,

(a) Define 'will'.

a valid will?
(b) What are the essential conditions of
upon the testamentary powers of a Muslim?
(c) What are the limitations
(a) Definc "wakf.
a valid wakf?
(b) What are the cssential condition of 4
(c) How a wakf can be created?
types of wak?
(d) Wht are the various
Plese Turn Over
3 Yenrs LLL.B.(Honours) LLB.-IUMP-3.1.5/19
lst Semester Examination,
Subject : Family Law-1l 2019

nc: 31lours Paper: 3.1.5

Full Marks: 80
The figures in the marein indicate
Candidates are required to vive their wswersfll marks.
in their
as fur as practicable. vn words
Answer any four questions.

1. (a) Explain the sources of

\luslim Law.
(b) Explain the different schools
under the Muslim Law.
Define "mariage'. What are the essential conditions a
of 'sahih" Muslin mariagc?
you agrce with the vicw
thal–"Muslim marriage is purcly a civil contract"? I0+10=20
What is alaq-e-tafweez"? B

Mhy Dencribe the procedure of pronouncing different kinds of talaq.

12 e) Discuss the grounds available to a Muslim wife under
1939 for dissolving her narriage.
Dissolution of Muslim Mariage Act.
(a) Define'dower', What is the objcct f dower When can the court
fix "proper dower'?
(b) C'an u Muslim wife claim deferred dower before dissolution
of her mariage? How can she
enforce her dower nght when it remains unpaid? Is therc any minimum or maximum
of dower?
Define 'wakf. Discuss the origin of wukf. What are the iegal incidents of a valid wakf?
Briefly discuss the apointments. powers and functions of a Mutawalli. 12+8=20
6. (a) What is "will" or "wasivut""! Can wasiya be male in favour of an unborn eson? Can a
person make whole of his property the stibjcct matter of uill?
(b) What is Hiba'? Is delivery of possession of propeny always necessary to complete a hita?
Explain. I0+10=20
3. Wite shor noes on ans four of the following: Sx3=20
) Khyar -ul-bulugh option of pubeny)
tddat period
Fasid marrnage
|la andZihar
futa narriage
(() Talaq-u1-biddat

S4M Meae Trm (ver

3 Years LL.B.(Honours) 1" Semester Examination, 2020
Subject: Family law II
Paper: 3.1.5
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable
Figures in the margin indicate full marks

Answer any four questions

Time: 2
hrs Full Marks: 40
1. Explain in brief the characteristics of the different schools of Muslim Law. (10)
2. (a) "Marriage among Mohammedans is not a sacrament, but purely a civil contract"-Explain.
(b) Distinguish between Shahih Marriage and Batil Marriage. (5+5)
3. "Dower is an essential incident of Muslim Marriage"-In the light of the above statement discuss

the object and importance of dower. (10)

4. Explain different forms of Talaq under Mohammedan Law, (10)
5. Define Wakf. what are the valid objects of wakf? (10)
6. (a) Define Hiba. What do you mean by conditional gift and gift with condition?
(b) Define and explain Marz-ul-Maut. (S+5)
3 Years LL.B (Honours) 2nd Semester (CBCS) Examination, 2020
Subject: Family Law Il
Paper: LCC3.2,3

Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 40

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as

far as practicable.
Answer any four questions.

1.Discuss in brief the different sources of Mohammedan Law. (10)

2.Who are competent parties to make a contract of marriage under Muslim law? (10)
3. What is the importance of dower in Muslim law? Distinguish between Prompt dower and
Deferred dower. (10)

4. Explain the different forms of Talaq under Muslim law. (10)

5. Define wakf. What are the valid objects of wakf? (10)

6. Define Hiba(What do you mean by conditional gift and gift with condition? (10)
3Years LLB (Hons.) Semester I, Examination, 2021
Subject: Family Law II
Paper: LCC 3.2.3
Time: 3 hours Full Marks: 80
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required togie their answers in their own words as
far as practicable.

Answer any eight questions

1. Explain in brief the characteristics of the different schools of Muslim Law, 10

2. "Dower is an essential incident of Muslim Marriage" - In the light of the above

statement discuss the object and importance_of Dower. 10

3. Explain the different forms of Talaq under Muslim Law. 10

4. )State the grounds-of Dissolution of Marriage under the Dissolution of Muslim

MarriagesAct,1939. 10

5. Define Wakf. What are the objccts of Wakf? 10

6. Define Wasiyat. What are the essential conditions required in case of a valid wasiyat?

7. Write short note on any two of the following: 5x2-10

(a) Doctrine of Cypres.

(b)Hiba-ba-shartul- iwaz
(c) Doctrine of Halala.

8. What are the essentials of a valid Hiba? State the difference between conditional and
contingent gifts. 5+5=10

9. Write a detailed note on the administration of the Estate of a deceased Muslim) 10

10. Discuss the powers of an Exccutor or Administrator under the Indian Succession
Act, 1925. 10
3 Yr.LL.B. (H)-IIVLCC-3.2.3/23

3 Years LL.B. (Honours) 2nd Semester Examination, 2022 (CBCS)

Subject : Family Law II
Course: LCC 3.2.3
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80

the margin indicate full marks.

The figures in

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.

1. Answer the following questions : 2x5

)VWhat constitutes Sunna' under Muslim Law?


tsaws SS Explain
doctrine of
gift is made in favour of a child in mother's womb
state the validity of such a gift.

eCan a non-Muslim constitute valid waqf?

Answer any three of the following questions. 10x3

2Discuss the significance of 'Custom' and Legislation' as sources of Muslim Law.

3. Explain the testamentary right of a Muslim stating the rule of bequeathable one-third.

State the conditions for wife's right of Remission of Dower.

SWho may be appointed as a 'Mutawalli '? What are his powers and functions?

Answer any two of the following questions. 20×2
6. 'A neighbour has a right, superior to that of a stranger in the lands adjacent to his own.
Explain the statement highlighting the nature of the right of pre-emnption and its essential
Elaborately discuss the primary sources of Muslim Law.
"There must not be any prohibition or impediment in contracting a marriage under Muslim
Law."- Explain this statement in the light of Absolute' and Relative' prohibition.
9. Explain the administration of estates of a deceased Muslim pertaining to the management and
disposal of his properties after his death.


220 A

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