Fight With Spirit - Setpieces Rulebook
Fight With Spirit - Setpieces Rulebook
Fight With Spirit - Setpieces Rulebook
Hayley Gordon Design and Writing
(Carry Your Bat, Skyball: Reach New Heights)
Chloe Sobel Design and Writing (Swing For Your Future)
Melody Watson Editing
Vee Hendro Layout
“Should ladies play cricket? A few OVERVIEW HOW TO USE THIS SETPIECE
years ago such a question would have In late-nineteenth century England, everyone was playing • Read The Story So Far (on the opposite page) aloud
been deemed absurd; one might as well cricket. Seen as more than just a game, cricket was glo- to everyone before you play.
rified as both national symbol and moral pursuit. Playing • During Collaboration, you may want to discuss
have asked, should ladies ride bicycles? cricket was said to create good men and better scholars. the roles that sexism, patriarchy, and gendered
Nowadays it is no longer absurd. We are It was also one of the few sports acceptable for women expectations will (or won’t) play in your game.
not sure that ladies do not ride bicycles; to play. Gender roles are at the heart of this setpiece, but
you can always adjust the assumptions made in
they certainly play cricket.” As the cricket craze swept the country, cricket became The Story So Far to fit your decisions.
— The Graphic, September 1890. an obsession at university colleges. Students staked • Add the Playing in History trait and condition cards
their pride in inter-college tournaments. While these were to those from the standard game.
usually organised by students, they were viciously com- • Choose teams from the four colleges included.
petitive and drew large crowds. Each college can field either a men’s team or a
women’s team, so you’ll need to choose which to
Meanwhile, opportunities for women were expanding. include. You can also include both a men’s team
Universities opened their degrees to women, more col- and a women’s team from the same college in your
leges allowed their admission, and the suffrage move- tournament, or even a mixed-gender team from
ment continued to pick up steam. Despite this, traditional Habershire College. We recommend having at least
expectations about marriage and the place of both men one men’s and one women’s team in your game.
and women in the family remained strong. • For your first game, we recommend the player team
should be a women’s team.
With so many pressures and possibilities, college students • Team specials, rival match games, and team match
had hard decisions to make. How should they imagine their games are not used in this setpiece.
futures, and what would they give up to achieve them? • You can use the Cricket Inspiration section (on the
Bega Women’s Cricket Club, c. 1900.
opposite page) to add detail to your characters
While this setpiece is inspired by nineteenth century cricket and during Backstory. The purpose of that section isn’t
the expansion of women’s access to higher education, it is not to accurately explain cricket, but rather to provide
based on specific historical tournaments or colleges. inspiration for the personalities and play styles of
the major characters. It is not strictly historically
accurate, as it includes some concepts created after
FURTHER READING the 1870s as a way to provide more options.
• Keith A. P. Sandiford, ‘Cricket and the Victorian
Society’ (1983), Journal of Social History
• Rose Staveley-Wadham, ‘Women’s Cricket in the
1800s’ (2019), British Newspaper Archive
• Rafaelle Nicholson, Ladies and Lords: A History of
Women’s Cricket in Britain (2019)
Women take to the field, c. 1900.
Your college is one of the most expensive and presti- • Indigo purple and eggshell white THE RIVAL TEAMS?
gious in London, with a venerable history and many
powerful alumni. Its purpose isn’t just to provide you an Choose one for each rival team in your story:
education, but also a chance for you to befriend soci- WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• Out for a fight: Your college demolished this team
ety’s richest and most influential. It only recently estab- • A retired superstar who draws a crowd
last year and they want revenge.
lished its women’s department and it is often said the • An influential lord or lady with a passion for cricket
• Famed foes: Your face-offs have become
girls who attend here are in search of good husbands. • An ancient disciplinarian who has trained the best
legendary among students. You must win against
of the best
them at any costs.
• A schoolmistress who has secretly been playing
EXCELLENCE OF CHARACTER • Former teammates: Many of you played with
for years
each other outside of college and you know each
Proper gentlemen should be great cricketers, and your
other’s styles well. Old friendships and grudges
college has spared no expense in getting the best of
the best to aid your team. The men’s team has won the
• Sibling college: Your colleges are near each other
college tournament for the last few years running, but • A sparkling, dewy green with an immaculate pitch
and you share social events together. You have
the women’s team is yet to participate. While students used only by your college
community ties that go beyond this sport.
of Alexander College expect success, you still have to • Costly, rented facilities usually used by
• Practice partners: You’ve played this team so
prove—to parents, influential connections, and soci- professional players
many times and know them inside out. Will it be
ety—that you are worth the substantial investment the • A green in the heart of London’s wealthiest
different when it’s the real thing?
world has made in you. district, with many passing gentry of note
Your college is infamous for its admission require- • Bold blue and pale leather beige THE RIVAL TEAMS?
ments—lots of money, and very little else. Most students
are industrial heirs whose parents are trying to propel Choose one for each rival team in your story:
them into respectable society. There’s also a handful of WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• Contempt: Whether for your extravagant wealth
rogue gentry who couldn’t find entry elsewhere. Many • A rising pro convinced to put off their own career
or lack of education, this college has always
of you have less than stellar educational records and are by excellent pay
looked down on you. You’ll show them you’re just
trying quickly to catch up. • The headmaster, who was quite a bowler in his day
as worthy.
• Everyone’s favourite charlatan cricketer, a little
• Former teammates: Many of you played with
past their prime
CRICKET, THE GENTEEL EXAM each other outside of college and you know each
• The school’s primary donor, with little to offer but
other’s styles well. Old friendships and grudges
When it comes to batting and bowling, your team is con- enthusiasm
still simmer.
fident in their skills. But cricket is rife with complicated
• Famed foes: Your face-offs have become
rules of etiquette that throw you at every turn. Succeed-
WHAT IS YOUR PRACTICE AREA LIKE? legendary among students. You must win against
ing in this tournament, both competitively and socially,
them at any costs.
would be the ultimate way to prove that you are ladies • The gardens of a teammate’s sizable London
• Sibling college: Your colleges are near each other
and gentlemen worthy of a place in English society. residence
and you share social events together. You have
• A green near the factories, also used by the union
community ties that go beyond this sport.
cricket team
• Practice partners: You’ve played this team so
• A green leased from one of the other colleges
many times and know them inside out. Will it be
with an offer so large they couldn’t refuse
different when it’s the real thing?
Recommended traits for your first game: Engaged to
the Enemy, Fading Joy, Our New Captain, Ringer, Ready
or Not.
• Debra Shattuck, Bloomer Girls [book] (2016)
• Dorothy Seymour Mills & Harold Seymour, Baseball
[book series] (1960–1990)
Watching a baseball game, c. 1900. • John Thorn, Baseball in the Garden of Eden [book]
• Ken Burns, Baseball [documentary series] (1994)
• Mitchell Nathanson, A People’s History of Baseball
[book] (2015)
By default, this college has a single-sex men’s team. PENNANT COLOURS WHAT ARE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH
• Royal blue and crimson red THE RIVAL TEAMS?
THE PRICE OF SUCCESS Choose one for each rival team in your story:
Cartwright College has long been lucky enough to grad- WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• Match fixing: You’ve always suspected that this
uate successful men—the kind of men who endow the • A pro player looking to give back
school hires ringers to improve its team, but
school with more money once they’ve been out in the • An overbearing parent who wants a winning team
you don’t know for sure. Can you defeat them
world long enough. In the last decade, a number of suc- • A physical education specialist who has never
cessful professional ballplayers have joined the ranks coached before
• Sibling squabbles: Your schools don’t just share a
of these graduates. The administration was an early • A professional coach looking for a comeback
sport, you share practice space. There is regular
adopter of ticketed ball games, and the varsity baseball
disagreement over who should get it when.
team has raked in the cash for Cartwright.
WHAT IS YOUR PRACTICE AREA LIKE? • Big draw: Playing this school always means a
higher turnout and more tickets sold for games.
• Professional—shared with a professional team,
A CRISIS OF TRUTH The competition may be fierce, but you need
in fact
each other.
Unfortunately, money can’t actually buy skill. This year, • A fenced-in field just off the campus, manicured
• Former teammates: Many of you played with each
your team faces an internal crisis: play honestly and risk and clean
other in out-of-school teams and you know each
looking like amateurs, or hire ringers to get the team • A rolling lawn next to a pond, that’s thought to
other’s styles well. Old friendships and grudges
back on track? Baseball should be fun, but it’s also a help improve throwing accuracy
still simmer.
moneymaker, and those players who aspire to become
• Local kids: You live near each other and many of
pros after graduation want to play on a good team. It’s Recommended traits for your first game: A Bigger
you played on the same junior teams. You have
time to choose a path. Stage, Losing Streak, Our New Captain, Ringer, Ready
community ties that go beyond this sport.
or Not.
• Practice partners: You’ve played this team so
many times and know them inside out. Will it be
different when it’s the real thing?
By default, this college has a single-sex women’s team. PENNANT COLOURS WHAT ARE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH
• Emerald green and sunny yellow THE RIVAL TEAMS?
YOUR BURIED PAST Choose one for each rival team in your story:
Wadsworth College has a decades-long history of wom- WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• Inspiring idols: You were inspired to form your
en’s baseball. Since the 1860s, Wadsworth students • A physical educator who played as a girl
team after seeing how this school played. Your
have been organising teams for pickup games after • A retired professional male player
goal has always been to play at the same level.
dinner, clubs that last a semester and then don’t reform, • A literature professor learning to play
Have you finally succeeded?
and friendly competitions between classes or houses. • A recent graduate who returned to teach
• Sibling squabbles: Your schools don’t just share a
What all of these have had in common is that, until you • You don’t have one
sport, you share practice space. There is regular
started playing here, you’d never heard of them.
disagreement over who should get it when.
WHAT IS YOUR PRACTICE AREA LIKE? • Newspaper darlings: You always see this
RECLAIMING A LEGACY school’s games covered in sporting newspapers.
• The green at the center of campus, shared with
Journalists regularly attend their games and talk
You know where you fit into society’s strictures: you’ll whoever is on it at the time
up players as future pros.
graduate from college and go off to an acceptable job • A field hidden behind tall hedges, out of sight of
• Former teammates: Many of you played with each
or marriage. But before then, you’re going to stake the curious
other in out-of-school teams and you know each
your claim on baseball’s future. This doesn’t have to be • Whatever empty space you can find when you
other’s styles well. Old friendships and grudges
your career to make it worthwhile in the here and now. need it
still simmer.
By building a strong team that will play year after year,
• Local kids: You live near each other and many of
you can leave your mark on Wadsworth even after Recommended traits for your first game: Dorm Super-
you played on the same junior teams. You have
you graduate. visor, Final Year, Into Your World, Part-Time Pals, Time
community ties that go beyond this sport.
Cut Short.
• Practice partners: You’ve played this team so
many times and know them inside out. Will it be
different when it’s the real thing?
Spalding College is a coeducational teachers college • Marigold yellow and coral red THE RIVAL TEAMS?
that’s always been ahead of the times. Spalding was
one of the first schools to admit women, and its baseball Choose one for each rival team in your story:
team followed suit shortly after. You’ve always been WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• Maybe-mergers: This school has offered to
proud of your college and the role you’ll play in shaping • A celebrated professor with a long tenure
absorb yours, which would transform your college
society’s future as both a teacher and ball player. • An alum filled with Spalding pride
into one of several schools under its larger
• A cricketer intrigued by a new sport
umbrella and probably absorb your team, too.
• You don’t have one
THE VANISHING POINT • Figures of legend: In last year’s tournament, your
team made an excellent play—but now people
You’ve just found out that a larger and more traditional
WHAT IS YOUR PRACTICE AREA LIKE? talk about it as though it was the other school
school has recently made overtures to Spalding, with
that pulled it off. Trying to correct the record is
plans to absorb your college into its own. As students, • An indoor gymnasium with all the latest physical
slow going.
you have little say in this decision, but you know it would education equipment
• Big draw: Playing this school always means a
strip Spalding of its progressive focus. You need to show • The field behind the college president’s house
higher turnout and more tickets sold for games.
the administration in any way you can that Spalding can • A small baseball field built by the students
The competition may be fierce, but you need
and should stand on its own.
each other.
Recommended traits for your first game: Budding Se-
• Former teammates: Many of you played with each
cret, Engaged to the Enemy, It’s Like Breathing, Quitter
other in out-of-school teams and you know each
Returns, Youth Coach.
other’s styles well. Old friendships and grudges
still simmer.
• Local kids: You live near each other and many of
you played on the same junior teams. You have
community ties that go beyond this sport.
• Practice partners: You’ve played this team so
many times and know them inside out. Will it be
different when it’s the real thing?
The name Ashgrave has adorned the mighty crown of • Dawnbreak yellow and rich gold THE RIVAL TEAMS?
Avoka for generations, commanding deference and
respect from all. While the house is not shy about using Choose one for each rival team in your story:
its power, it also seeks to prove itself worthy to rule. As WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• Sworn vassal: This house is technically sworn to
a rider of the royal house, you enjoy certain privileges— • A former skyball star injured in war
serve yours, although it rarely acts like it. Your
but you’re expected to give back just as much in return. • A young royal who really likes the idea of skyball
house’s leaders expect the other house to let you
The house crest reads ‘honour, prowess, and dignity.’ • A skilled foreign knight seeking a new start
win, but you doubt it will be so simple.
To complete your apprenticeship you must stand before • A representative from the Dragon Court with
• Rogues and knaves: You know this house does
the queen herself and show you possess these quali- ancient secrets
not play honourably. Will you give as good as you
ties. For now, as you take to the air, these expectations
get, or stick to your principles?
weigh heavy on your shoulders.
WHAT IS YOUR PRACTICE AREA LIKE? • Destined rivals: Your houses have been at each
other’s throats for longer than you’ve been alive, a
• An expensive, towering pavillion full of inscrutable
THE WORTHY SHALL FLY HIGHER tradition even the apprentices continue.
magical equipment
• House of fables: You always hear tales of this
With privilege and power at its disposal, Ashgrave al- • An intricate and grand arena—a living monument
house sung by bards or delivered by messengers.
ways performs in the Apprentices Cup. This year, you to the crown
You’re unsure which of the stories are true.
must continue to make your house proud. Even so, you • A gleaming cloud sphere constructed by royal
• House exchange: It is common for apprentices of
can’t help but think about recent rumours that have wizards, constantly beset by tours from visiting
your houses to learn and study with each other.
been flying around the house. These whispers say that dignitaries
You feel you know them inside and out, but will it
the apprentice who conducts themselves best will com-
be different in the air?
plete their apprenticeship and be appointed to the royal Recommended traits for your first game: I’ve Always
court. There’s also rumblings that another great house Loved You, Mounting Distrust, Replaced Too Soon, Rival
intends to use the competition as a display of power. Start, Special Treatment.
Amidst all this, can you perform at your best and prove
you’re worthy of your house’s trust?
When you began your apprenticeship, House South- • Sky blue and wine red THE RIVAL TEAMS?
hope was not even a name worth knowing. But then,
several years ago, a new leader arose. Your house has Choose one for each rival team in your story:
thrived under the ambitious leadership of Lady South- WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• Out for a fight: This house knocked you out
hope, gaining power and fame. These years have been • An impoverished griffin knight trying to make ends
of the Apprentices Cup last year in the most
tough. The other houses resented Southhope for its meet
embarrassing manner possible. You intend to right
rise, and at times barely acknowledged its existence. • An expert dragon rider poached from a rival
this wrong.
But despite that, Southhope has become a mighty force house
• Love-charmed: A witch foretold that someone on
worthy of awe. • An ambitious house politician here to make a
your team is destined for true love with someone
from this one, and you’ve all been thinking about
• Lady Southhope herself
TIME TO MAKE YOUR MARK it ever since.
• Dragon-linked: Your team’s dragons and theirs
Finally, things are starting to feel different. As a rider
WHAT IS YOUR PRACTICE AREA LIKE? know each other and have complex relationships
from Southhope, you’ve begun to earn interest and
of their own.
respect from other riders, and even their houses. In the • A secret canyon outside Cloud City, gated by
• Allies in power: Your houses have a tentative
Apprentices Cup, it was a simple matter to defeat your warding magics—your tactics must remain hidden
alliance though you both believe yourselves the
early opponents. But now you’re about to face the other • Cloud City’s recreational skyball park, shared with
stronger party. You have shared many social
great houses, and they won’t accept your place among local teams and visiting knights
events together and have community ties that go
them so easily. You know that the way the other houses • An unusual space requisitioned from another
beyond this sport.
treat you as apprentices will pave the path for how your house
• House exchange: It is common for apprentices of
house is treated in the future. You need to look for allies
your houses to learn and study with each other.
and weed out threats. It’s time to make an impact and Recommended traits for your first game: Budding
You feel you know them inside and out, but will it
show the world that Southhope is a name to remember. Secret, Eternal Apprentice, Fading Joy, Into Your World,
be different in the air?
Time Cut Short.
Once your house was a force to be feared, but that was • Moonflower purple and rose quartz THE RIVAL TEAMS?
many years ago. Some say your leaders overplayed
their hand, others call it misfortune or even a curse. No Choose one for each rival team in your story:
matter how it began, the house was forced to surrender WHO IS YOUR COACH?
• A great debt: Your house owes a great debt to
land, wealth, and allies to the other great houses. Of • A secretive bog witch who mysteriously retired
this house. You’ve been told it may be better to let
the few holdings that remain, most have fallen into ruin. • The ghost of an apprentice’s ancestor
them win, but you certainly don’t plan to.
They call you weak, a house in disgrace. The truth is, • A storied griffin knight now trapped within a sword
• Love-charmed: A witch foretold that someone on
until now, you’d find it hard to prove otherwise. • A criminal offered pardon if they can lead the
your team is destined for true love with someone
house to victory
from this one, and you’ve all been thinking about
WHAT IS YOUR PRACTICE AREA LIKE? • Destined rivals: Your houses have been at each
As apprentices about to come into your own, you re-
other’s throats for longer than you’ve been alive, a
fused to be trapped in the remains of a ruined house. • A hallowed training ground used by Dunside since
tradition even the apprentices continue.
With the last of Dunside’s might, you’ve readied yourself time immemorial
• A mighty curse: There are rumours that this
for this year’s Apprentices Cup. Somehow you made it • A decaying cloud sphere plagued by fracturing
house laid a terrible curse on Dunside, causing its
through the first few rounds, and now the battle against magics
misfortune. Could they really be true?
the other great houses begins. Your house has always • The cramped courtyard of a ruined castle, still
• House exchange: It is common for apprentices of
been friend to dragons, and so you called upon the filled with ransacked remnants
your houses to learn and study with each other.
Dragon Court to watch you play. Should they see some-
You feel you know them inside and out, but will it
thing in you, they might just help restore Dunside. You Recommended traits for your first game: Our New Cap-
be different in the air?
must prove to the dragons and all of Avoka that you’re tain, Dragonheart, Fight Me!, Losing Streak, Wild Magic.
far from dead and gone.
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