BU QP MODEL FORMAT (Software Testing)
BU QP MODEL FORMAT (Software Testing)
BU QP MODEL FORMAT (Software Testing)
Reg.No: ………………………………..
Q.P Code: [ 10 SC 06 ]
(For the candidates admitted from 2010 onwards)
Fifth/Fourth Semester
Part IV - Computer Science
Skill Based Subject: SOFTWARE TESTING
Time: Three hours Maximum: 55 marks
SECTION A – (10 x 1 = 10 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Choose the correct answer:
1. Which of the following is the odd one out?
SECTION B – (5 x 3 = 15 marks)
Answer ALL questions
(b) How does a white box test adequacy criterion differ from a black box test adequacy
12. (a) Tabulate the black box methods and knowledge sources.
(b) Classify the activities of defect bash.
13. (a) List the several types of system tests.
(b) Compare functional Testing from non-functional Testing.
14. (a) Define Performance Testing.
When should Regression testing to be performed ?
15. (a) Define test measurement process.
(b) What are the key benefits in using metrics in product development and testing ?
SECTION C – (5 x 6 = 30 marks)
Answer ALL questions
16. (a) Explain about specified based life cycle models in levels of testing .
(b) What is static testing? Briefly describe its types.
17. (a) Explain in detail about equivalence class partitioning.
(b) Describe decomposition based integration and its goals . Explain the different types of
decomposition based integration .
18. (a) Explain various system testing approaches in detail.
(b) Compare and contrast Alpha and Beta Testing with suitable example.
19. (a) Analyze the various steps in forming the test group.How will you build a testing group
discuss with an example.
(b) What is regression testing? Discuss the different regression test selection techniques.
20. (a) Discuss the significance of various measurements in the testing process.
(b) How metrics are classified? Demonstrate project metrics.
Reg.No: ………………………………..
Q.P Code: [10 SC 06]
(For the candidates admitted from 2010 onwards)
Fifth/Fourth Semester
Part IV - Computer Science
Skill Based Subject: SOFTWARE TESTING
Time: Three hours Maximum: 55 marks
SECTION A – (10 x 1 = 10 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Choose the correct answer:
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. d
10. b