Idance: Delr (N Cnnan Cela

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:A Dat ,

EAC Cn T o diflecton Commanel

( ACo Delr(n Cnnan d Chelln PAL)
(1.Cu idance aya Cela R)- fari Axio
ELAC aator cllciog Comnand, Dela Q) TH5/k vat
(2) Atlet d.
A Cimit Rol ATT tAg1ol Tote \S PeSee
DeAa P AtL Same Co mmand lovén o FACGuig
AP limbngfn is Spee landy
O l a R i s 20

Ifmibion cAppliceble o r Spcile alLO

LA 1 1 P SPL o to (S L0n API-20"se
Cemmand from FMGrC is wsed crteyEDG
C iio NOse wkRa-thY SsCO duvin Tang Sp 30K
aFCU R 2not em inrace be}ueom Cruw cnd
MCDL long temn unt2a tace belwem CXtu_cud
sdacted Guidance a9 nicity over manag
Colour d FMA
arcen- ACe tMode
rYned Made
Magona-Mods& med Becau e oConsaei-
whte Engageent 2ius.
Am -Reajuing atenktm.
ot Fl Plan.
*** A co intearabian of O Eomends (Databace) and.
miicx CSPeed, Allitude,Teme cemsrains)
CiiniBediaiguwhile moking ?ml=
3: Tiw c2 ins.
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ve 2 8 da utlenelel ix
tlepeles} îx .
t«d, PLddc
il«d -[A
ADIPO Daa) Ambcr)

CI fms Alc STHIO DF:On MCDU Csu )

mde peiwt Me da
decndant MAde
Rdder pedl icedit)-
Yaw darpes NO
D uM Ted.uaniaq ir dt splad on PAD LA
FAC I2 Fault
Ala ttus Acie logic
THC s disconnectad esATHR PB.on
Fcu amd keeP THa Lever bcduweon actin rarge
nclud idlepositian
and TDL-fr Bah engines Ani
ty MCI and s d
IF oe cngima inoperaie
ATHD is anmed
poth therst leves.erucgn ÇLand EDL
delantcGF BHuo engfneR epcaaire)
COnethausEleer-befuuccn MCT and dL
ditins } one emla in cpeatiye)
18 FMA Colaur af ATHR
OEmage and Active-ulil
Cii Engàge.and NGE Active-Gacn glwARM
19 n nomial conditien2 ED2 (B0TH FMGCOK)
Ono EMGCails 2FD2 ( Fmac-i ed)_

Scanned by CamScanner
TnPerorin xe

n eanusl mcde ulth RolL donpi,, TC

d a r by L and EFC
Engine fail Csmdibrs

L n uiemalic med DRD , EFC TC

Eduticm bFAC
Engaopa ond Not aciye ined

Bpusinae HHR PB on F wen e ergis

Cire not uinemg we

21) Settira th4 lorers at PX or TOGH

4 ) By Dusma he aSHe PB on Fw wiule d .

TH RL ere cut c a c e rangg
W i d a l H i z aciye, bth u eveg ar
Se beumd dlinb dieror one abave MCT

WCDLigacRT thot gendii4ine2 o 2 4

Charocg cech
A e ine that gfue2-the name af
uure page
n i nerpe etes
L siz Liibel in2, eachouwhich aames tho. doa
dapaued bdrnwit Con a doz Keld loe)
Siz däk (eld líes AuF diqplau-conpund dai.
0.doka Inseted utin-kad
Scanned by CamScanner
e scindehpad Vina, DiEpla
Speciie moC£ogs o
adim -erec 4nugh nd
Oscle 1cs Wich can be UJrd move
PaaneRS ¢nterrd. i a bho 2nchprsd t e
oiiHcm CollCollup monu
(Amber) MCOD Frided D
i PMG(whita ) EMGC kas impesant nMaaia
C)MCDU MENU(WIte) » NcpU Periperaf reau
itude s-lect nob Functio,Petcms krob)
tvedng TO dhange the altuea fnuremens

nerag-To 2et the allitudo in the usindoo._

F Intertat
AFS and Engfne.
Ftu amd Ecw Ez

manuaLmada, Dual FLACs {a i2 Fhc Commar

Duteh Boll Aamping only: (t5 luMITE))_
8 Costind
osFoe fTinaEcduding- Auel Ces

P LEMA hcalumn)
B To_CoamaumicazaCERS1DE_SR \intad i t
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Page No
SIT_acuar .1|
ehrie hudsue

ard e t b esis

leLd edeeun Heoptimum

Thyut l a r TOGA

sEaoirg tuidpilor
Sardard way

sladard way bisengaqia Au pilor

R a t e a r P9inthe 'sde Shiee

Sic ive disconec Péin u s t leuurs


Bat o thrus leueK az-se ajdle Atot

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