GT Listening T1

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4 A c a d e m ic M odule

Academic Module
Practice Test 1
Candidate Name and Number:



Instructions to Candidates
Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.
Write your name and candidate number in the space at the top of this page.
You should answer all questions.
All the recordings will be played ONCE only.
Write all your answers on the test pages.
At the end of the test, you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to
an Answer Sheet. (The answer sheet can be found on page 25.)
Do not remove the booklet from the examination room.

Information for Candidates

There are 40 questions on this question paper.
The test is divided as follows:

Section 1 Questions 1-10

Section 2 Questions 11-20
Section 3 Questions 21-30
Section 4 Questions 31-40
A c a d e m ic M od u le — P ractice Test 1 5


N o te
Questions 1—4
I f you d o n o t have
Complete the schedule below. access to an a u d io
Write N O M O RE TH AN THREE W ORDS for each answer. C D player, please
re fe r to th e a u d io ­
sc rip ts s ta rtin g on
page 401 when
Example: Cioloetrotters Language School p ro m p te d to listen
Class Schedule to an au d io

Level: Advanced
Days: 1 ________________evenings

Level: 2 ________________
Days: Tuesday and Thursday mornings

Level: 3 ________________
Days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings

Level: Intermediate
Days: Friday 4 ________________

Complete the information below.

Write N O M O RE TH AN ONE NUM BER for each answer.

Tuition Information
One week 5 $_
.Four weeks 6$_
Six weeks 7 $_
Twelve weeks 8 $ _
6 A c a d e m ic M odule
Academic Module-Practice Test 1

Questions 9 a n d 10
Complete the sentences below.
Write N O M O RE TH AN THREE W ORDS for each answer.

9 Students can register for a class by visiting_______________

10 ________ is in charge of student registration.


Questions 11—15
Label the map below.
Write the correct A-J> next to questions 11—15.

City Shopping District

Cherry Street

| C

11 Harbor1View Bookstore
12 Pear Cafe
13 Souvenir Store
14 Art Gallery
15 Harbor Park

1British: harbour
A c a d e m ic M o d u le — P ra ctice Test 1

Questions 16-20
Complete the sentences below.
Write ONE W ORD O N L Yfor each answer.

Harbor Park

16 The park was built i n ________________.

17 A ________________ stands in the center2 of the park.
18 Take the path through th e ________________.
19 In the middle of the garden is a ________________.
20 A ________________ takes you down to the harbor and a view of the boats.


Complete the information about the archives.

Write N O M O R E TH A N TH REE W O RD S A N D /O R A NU M BER for

Welcome to City Archives

The following people may use the archives:

• University students with a valid 2 1 ________________

• City residents with payment of 2 2 ________________
• All others: Special permission from the director is required.

Days: 2 3 _____________ through
Hours: 24 9:30 A .M . until P .M .

2British: centre
A c a d e m ic M odule

Questions 25—3 0
What can befound on each floor1 o f the archives building?
Write the correct letter, A—G next to questions 25—30.

A nineteenth-century documents
B maps
C personal papers
D photographs
E books about the cifyf
F newspapers
G information about the woolen2 mill

Floor of the building

25 basement ________________
26 ground floor ________________
27 second floor ________________
28 third floor ________________
29 fourth floor ________________
30 fifth floor ________________


Questions 31-33
Complete the notes below.
Write N O M O RE TH AN TW O W ORDS for each answer.

Historical Uses of Wind Power

Ancient China Windmills were used to 31

Ancient Persia Farmers used wind power to 32
The Netherlands People used windmills to 33

1In the U nited States, the groundfloor is considered the first floor; the nextfloor up is the secondfloor, and so on.
2British: woollen
A c a d e m ic M o d u le — P ractice Test 1 9

Complete the chart1 below.

Write N O M O RE TH AN TW O W ORDS for each answer.

f Wind Power
Unlike oil and coal, wind power does not The cost of the initial inve:stment is high.
cause 34
There are limited supplies of oil and coal, but The 37 ......... __of the wind is not
wind is a 35 constant.
It 3 6 tn g e n e r a te e le c tric ity Wind turbines are usually located far
with the wind. from 38
Wind turbines do not take up much land. Wind turbines may spoil
Wind turbines are as 40 _
as a high-speed car.

Take ten minutes to transfer your answers onto the Answer Sheet on
page 25.

B ritish: table

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