2 Olp and HPE
2 Olp and HPE
2 Olp and HPE
Aims: Evaluation of clinical and histopathological correlation between oral lichen planus using
Discrepancy Index with emphasis on importance of communication between clinician and pathologist
for proper diagnosis of oral lichen planus.
Methods and Material: 60 patients diagnosed as cases of oral lichen Planus using Modified WHO
diagnostic criteria were selected from the department of oral Medicine and Radiology and were
divided in two groups of 30 patients each. Incisional biopsy was done in all cases and specimen was
sent for HPE. In group A provisional diagnosis and clinical findings were mentioned on specimen
form where as in group B no such information was provided.
Results: In Group A out of 30 clinically diagnosed cases of OLP using Modified WHO diagnostic
criteria 28 cases (93.33%) were Histopathologically consistent with OLP with a discrepancy index of
6.66% . In Group B out of 30 clinically diagnosed cases of OLP using Modified WHO diagnosed
criteria only 18 cases (60%) were histopathologically consistent with OLP and discrepancy index was
Conclusions: The findings of the present study suggest that not only clinical and pathologic findings
are important for formulation diagnosis of Oral Lichen Planus but also clarity in clinician-pathologist
communication is equally important in order to reach the correct diagnosis
Key Messages: Diagnosis of OLP cannot be made merely clinically or histopathologically but
correlation of both is very important for proper diagnosis. Moreover there should be clarity of
communication between clinician and pathologist for correct diagnosis.
Statistical software SPSS [Version
20.0] and Microsoft Excel were used to
carry out the statistical analysis of data.
Figure 1 showing site of biopsy Data was analyzed by means of descriptive
Biopsy specimens were preserved statistics viz, percentages and means.
in 10% buffered formalin solution. Graphically the data was presented by bar
Hemostasis was achieved by placing and chart diagrams. Discrepancy index
sutures [Figure 2] and the specimen was was employed for comparison of findings
sent for HPE on the same day. in both groups.
Discrepancy index [DI]: (the number of
incompatible diagnosis/the number of total
sample) x100
In our study Out of total 60 patients
36 were females and 24 were males
Figure 2: Biopsy site sutured for achieving heamostasis.
In Group A patients provisional
Females Males
diagnosis along with all the clinical
findings were written on the HPE form
which was sent along with the specimen to Graph 1: Gender distribution in patients of study sample
the pathology department which is under
clinical and
7000.00% Agreement
clinical and
93.33% histopathalogical
5000.00% disagreement
Graph 4: Discrepancy Index in Group A
Buccal Buccal Buccal Buccal In Group B out of 30 clinically diagnosed
mucosa mucosa mucosa mucosa
and and lips tongue cases of OLP using Modified WHO
tongue and
diagnostic criteria only 18 cases (60%)
were histopathologically consistent with
Graph 2: Sites of distribution in patients of study sample
OLP and Discrepancy Index was 40%
50% of cases were affected by [Graph 5].
Reticular Oral lichen Planus followed by
erosive OLP in 36.66% of cases. Annular
and plaque type was seen in 6.66% of case
clinical and
Graph 5: Discrepancy Index in Group B
Reticular Erosive Annular Plaque
To establish and confirm OLP and
Graph 3: Clinical Types of oral Lichen Planus in study OLL diagnosis by using methods such as
sample clinical examination and histopathological
In Group A out of 30 clinically analysis, which are available in everyday
diagnosed cases of OLP using Modified clinical practice and among wider
WHO diagnostic criteria 28 cases population of patients, sometimes
[93.33%] were histopathologically represents a diagnostic challenge. Earlier
consistent with OLP and Discrepancy reports have shown that while clinical
index was 6.66%. diagnosis depends on a clinician
interpretation, [12,13] histopathological
How to cite this article: Chalkoo AH, Nazir N. Clinicopathological correlation in diagnosis of oral
lichen planus with emphasis on importance of communication between clinician and pathologist
for correct diagnosis: an original research. Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(3):173-179.