Ep 3
Ep 3
Ep 3
6 December 2015
Objective. Erythema multiforme (EM) continues to be an underestimated disease with a lack of strict classification and
diagnostic criteria. We present the analysis of a case series of 60 oral EM patients from 2 centers and illustrate the range of oral
clinical presentations.
Study Design. Clinical data from 60 EM patients with oral involvement, diagnosed and treated between 1982 and 2014, were
retrospectively collected from the archives of 2 independent hospitals. Statistical analyses of the data were performed using the
Pearson c-squared test and the Mann-Whitney U test.
Result. Thirty-one patients (51.7%) were male and 29 (48.3%) were female, with a mean (SD) age of 37.9 years (18.1). The
frequency of previous occurrences ranged from 0 to 10 (mean SD: 1.4 2.0). Twenty-nine patients (48%) had no previous
occurrence. Medications (particularly antipyretics, food additives, and antibiotics) were the suspected precipitants in 28
patients (46.7%), whereas herpes simplex virus infection was suspected in 18 (30.0%). All but 1 patient had involvement of
multiple oral sites, with the buccal mucosa being the most commonly involved oral site (75%), followed by the vermillion
border (71.7%).
Conclusions. Patients with EM may present initially to oral health care workers. Medications and herpes simplex virus
continue to be the most typically involved precipitating factors. Our data highlight the additional role of food-derived antigens.
Although laboratory tests can provide support diagnostically, EM diagnosis continues to be based on clinical features. A
medication and food diary should be encouraged particularly in patients with recurrent forms. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol Oral Radiol 2015;120:707-716)
Erythema multiforme (EM) is a group of acute immune- cases of SJS and TEN, which are commonly medication
mediated disorders that can affect the skin and mucous induced. Additionally, cutaneous ndings may be
membranes. It has previously been classied into 4 distinct, although clinical overlap does exist.3-9
major variants: erythema multiforme minor (EMm), The development of EM has been linked to a type 4
erythema multiforme major (EMM), Stevens-Johnson cytotoxic reaction, mediated by T lymphocytes and
syndrome (SJS), and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN, triggered by numerous factors. These include infections
also known as Lyell disease).1-3 (particularly HSV-1 and HSV-2), medication use, ma-
Many authors still consider EMm, EMM, SJS, and lignancy, autoimmune diseases, radiation therapy, and
TEN to be a single disease continuum, varying on a immunizations.10
spectrum of clinical severity. Others consider EM a Many pathogens have been associated with EM,
separate entity to SJS and TEN, particularly due to its including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila
strong association with infections, such as herpes sim- pneumoniae, hepatitis viruses, Epstein-Barr virus, Orf
plex virus (HSV).3 This is in contrast to the majority of virus, human immunodeciency virus, cytomegalovirus,
Mycobaterium leprae, and varicella zoster virus, as well as
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University several vaccination agents (small pox, rabies, and human
Federico II of Naples in June 2014.
a papillomavirus).11-31 Additionally, endocrine triggers have
PhD student at the Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive, and
Odontostomatological Sciences, University Federico II of Naples, been implicated in the occurrence of EM.32,33
Naples, Italy. The differential diagnosis of EM encompasses a
Melbourne Dental School and Oral Health CRC, University of wide range of diseases, including urticaria, xed drug
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Department of Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Univer-
sity of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania.
PhD student at Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia.
Statement of Clinical Relevance
Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive, and Odontostomato-
logical Sciences, University Federico II of Naples, Naples, Italy. Prompt recognition of erythema multiforme by all
Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Naples Fed-
oral health clinicians is important to prevent diag-
erico II, Monte Sant Angelo, Naples, Italy.
Received for publication Apr 2, 2015; returned for revision Aug 8, nostic delay as oral mucosal involvement may pre-
2015; accepted for publication Aug 13, 2015. cede extension of the disease. Identication of
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. trigger factors and diagnostic features is pertinent as
2212-4403/$ - see front matter illustrated by this case series.
708 Celentano et al. December 2015
eruption, bullous pemphigoid, paraneoplastic pem- oral sites involved, histopathologic ndings, and details of
phigus, Sweet syndrome, Rowell syndrome, poly- hospitalization.
morphous light eruption, and cutaneous small vessel Inclusion criteria of the rst phase of the study
vasculitis. To improve the diagnostic accuracy, histo- required a denitive diagnosis of EM and/or SJS in the
pathologic analyses and others laboratory tests can be clinical discharge summary. Acknowledging the
used.14 Cutaneous involvement is variable, ranging absence of unique validated diagnostic methods for
from isolated symmetric targetoid lesions, which are EM,3,7 this study included only those cases in which
commonly distributed on the extensor surfaces of the other diseases were clearly excluded from the differ-
extremities; on the hands; around the elbows and ential diagnosis. Cases were only included in the study
knees with extensive involvement of the arms, legs, if the following data were clearly recorded: patient
and trunk; and with or without oral or other mucous medical history, medication history, outbreaks details,
membrane involvement.1,14 Both SJS and TEN can be course of the illness (self-limiting and well-responder to
fatal, with a reported mortality rate of 1% to 5% and symptomatic therapy), evidence of mucocutaneous le-
25% to 35%, respectively.34 sions (xed targetoid lesions, raised atypical papules,
EM is usually a self-limiting disease, resolving within mucosal involvement, or a combination of these) with
weeks without signicant sequelae. However, in a minority clinical and/or photographic morphology descriptions
of cases, the disease may recur frequently, establishing a and/or information on the extent of mucocutaneous
well-dened variant known as recurrent EM.35,36 involvement, signs, and symptoms. The clinical-based
Most patients with EM can be managed with symp- approach described by Al-Johani et al (2007) was
tomatic therapy along with identication and modi- used to classify the clinical forms of our cases.3 The
cation of all the suspected initiating factors. However, analysis of site distribution was performed with the
patients with severe EM may require hospitalization for Pearson c-squared test. The dependence analysis
hydration, analgesia, antiviral therapy, and systemic between lesion site and age and signicant difference
therapy with corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and/ between medians was determined using a Mann-
or antiviral suppressive therapy.14,35 Daily antiviral Whitney U test.
therapy has been used successfully to control the dis-
ease in patients with recurrent EM.37
Knowledge about EM is full of conict. Diagnostic RESULTS
criteria are not universally accepted, and the diagnosis Initially, 67 EM medical records were included; how-
continues to be one of exclusion, based on clinical his- ever, 7 cases were inadequate in description or did not
tory. Epidemiologic data and case series in the literature satisfy the diagnostic criteria and were excluded from
are dated. Additionally, there is a lack of extensive EM the study, thus leaving 60 patients. Fifteen EM patients
case series demonstrating the range of oral presentations. were obtained from Center 1 and 45 patients from
Here, we present the analysis of a series of 60 patients Center 2.
affected by EM with oral involvement. The range of Thirty-one patients (51.7%) were male, and 29 (48.3%)
clinical presentation is illustrated. were female, with a mean (SD) age of 37.9 years
(18.1) at the time of diagnosis. Seventeen patients were
smokers, and 1 case of alcohol abuse was reported.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Fifty-one (85.0%) patients were classied as EMm,
Data were collected from clinical records of 60 EM and 9 (15%) were classied as EMM.
patients, diagnosed and treated between 1982 and 2014 The mean duration of the EM outbreaks was
in 2 centers: the Oral Medicine Unit, Federico II Uni- 7 6 days (ranging from 2 to 42 days). The number of
versity of Naples in Naples, Italy (Center 1), and the previous outbreaks ranged from 0 to 10 (mean-
Oral Medicine-Oral Pathology Department, University SD 1.4 2.0). Twenty-nine patients (48%) had
of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania not experienced a previous outbreak, 9 patients (15%)
(Center 2). had a single previous outbreak, and 22 patients (37%)
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of had 2 or more outbreaks. Sixteen cases had accompa-
the University Federico II of Naples in June 2014. Data nying histopathology with predominant ndings of
were collected by 2 blinded researchers and conrmed by necrosis, intraepithelial exocytosis, necrotic keratino-
1 supervisor, the heads of the respective Oral Medicine cytes, Civatte bodies, edematous corium hyperemic
departments. A digital template, developed at Center 1, vessels, lymphohistiocytic inammatory inltrate with
was utilized at both centers. Data collected included age, rare eosinophils, and subepidermal clefts. No deeper
gender, habits, number and duration of outbreaks, previ- extension of the inltrate or prominent melanin incon-
ous or concomitant infections, antecedent drugs or other tinence was observed, which allowed us to exclude
precipitants, presence of mucosal and cutaneous lesions, cases of xed drug eruptions. Drugs were suspected as
Volume 120, Number 6
Table I. Data of 60 patients: epidemiology, predisposing factors and clinical features
Drug antecedents/other Involved oral sites
No. HSV infection Other infections precipitants Other affected mucosae Skin lesions B L V T A F P TP Classication
1 No No Sulfonamide No Yes: Arms symmetrically X X X X X EMm
2 No No Sulfonamide (Sumetrolim) No No X X EMm
3 No No No No Yes: Lips symmetrically X X EMm
4 No No Sulfonamide (Sumetrolim) No No X X EMm
5 Yes No No No No X X EMm
6 No No Food allergen No Yes: Lips X X X X EMm
7 No Respiratory virosis No No No X X X EMm
8 No Tonsilar infection No No Yes: Perioral X X X EMm
9 No No Phenazone No Yes: Perioral X X X X X EMm
10 Yes No Phenazone No Yes: Perioral X X X EMm
11 Yes Flu Phenazone No Yes: Perioral X X X EMm
12 No No Food allergen No No X X X X EMm
13 Yes No No No Yes: Perioral X X X X X X X EMm
14 No No Paracetamol No No X X X EMm
15 No No Phenazone Yes: ocular No X X X X EMM
16 No No Fluanxol, haloperidol No No X X X EMm
17 No No Phenazone No Yes: Arms, palms X X EMm
18 No No No No Yes: Knees, elbows, feet, X X X EMm
19 No No No No No X EMm
20 No No Amoxicillin, paracetamol Yes: ocular No X X X X X EMM
21 No HCV No No No X EMm
22 No No Food conservants No No X X X X X EMm
23 No Pericoronarytis of 48 No No Yes: Perioral X X X EMm
24 Yes No No No No X X EMm
25 No Urinary Infection (2005) Augumentin, ciprooxacin, No No X EMm
26 No No Food antigens No No X EMm
27 No Urinary infection Nystatin, bioparox, local No Yes: Palms X X X X EMm
antiseptics, local propolis
28 No Pneumonia No No No X X EMm
29 No No Doxicyclin No Yes: Fingers symmetrically X X X X EMm
30 No Tubes infection (genital) Triregol, ciprooxacin, No No X X X X EMm
sumetrolin, ampicillin,
birth control pills
32 Yes No No No No X X EMm
33 No No Diclofenac, diucan No No X X X X X X X EMm
34 No No Amoxicillin, metronidazol, No No X X X X EMm
food allergens
35 Yes No Acyclovir No Yes: Arms, perioral X X X EMm
36 No No Paracetamol No Yes: Arms X X X X EMm
(continued on next page)
Celentano et al.
Table I. Continued
Drug antecedents/other Involved oral sites
No. HSV infection Other infections precipitants Other affected mucosae Skin lesions B L V T A F P TP Classication
37 Yes No Acyclovir No Yes: Arms, palpebral X X X X EMm
38 Yes No No Yes: genital No X X X X X X X EMM
39 No HBV (2009) No No No X X X X EMm
40 No No Food antigens No No X X EMm
41 Yes No No No Yes X X EMm
42 Yes No No No No X EMm
43 No No Phenazone No No X X X EMm
44 No Pneumonia Phenazone No No X X X X EMm
45 No HCV No No No X X X X X EMm
46 No No Food antigens No No X X EMm
47 Yes No No Yes: Genital Yes: Elbows, palms X X X EMM
48 No No Phenazone Yes: Ocular, Genital Yes: Acral X X X EMM
49 No Mycoplasma No No Yes: Widespread X X EMM/mild SJS
50 Yes No No No Yes: Acral X X X X X X X EMm
51 No No Salycilate No Yes:Acral X X X X EMm
52 No No K sigma 1 year before Yes: Genital No X X X X X X EMM/mild SJS
53 Yes No No No Yes: Perioral X X X X X X EMm
54 Yes No No No No X X X X X EMm
55 No No Ketoprofen No Yes: Acral X X X X EMm
56 No No Ampicillin No No X X X X EMm
57 No Adenovirus (pharynx) No No No X X X X X EMm
58 Yes No Paracetamol No No X X X X X EMm
59 Yes No No Yes: Nasal No X X X X X X X X EMM/mild SJS
60 No No Meoquine Yes: Genital Yes: Acral X X X X X X EMM
Involved oral sites: B, buccal mucosa; L, labial mucosa; V vermilion border; T, tongue; A, alveolar mucosa; F, oor of the mouth; P, palate; TP, tonsillar pillar.
EMm, erythema multiforme minor; EMM, erythema multiforme major; SJS, Stevens-Johnson syndrome; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus.
December 2015
Volume 120, Number 6 Celentano et al. 711
Table III. Dependence analysis between drug ante- Table IV. Dependence analysis between demographic
cedents and precipitators characteristics and precipitators
Precipitators MedianeIQR P value* Gender
No. of drug Herpes .002y Precipitators Female Male P value*
antecedents Yes 0.0e1.0 Herpes simplex Yes 34.52% Yes 25.8% 0.464
No 1.0e1.0 virus No 65.5% No 74.2%
Infection .418 Other Infections Yes 17.2% Yes 29.0% 0.281
Yes 0.0e2.0 No 82.8% No 71.0%
No 1.0e1.0 Classication EM major 24.1% EM major 6.5% .045y
Classication .929 EM minor 75.9% EM minor 93.5%
EM minor 1.0e2.0 Age MedianeIQR
EM major 1.0e1.0 HSV Yes 29e17 .628
IQR is the interquartile range. The signicance difference between No 30e33
medians was measured by Mann-Whitney U test. Other Infections Yes 29e34 .993
*Signicant .01 < P .05. No 29e27
Signicant P .01. Classication EM major 39e40 .045y
EM minor 29e27
IQR is the inter-quartile range. The signicance difference between
precipitants in 28 patients (46.7%), the most implicated conditional distributions was measured by the Pearson c-squared test.
The signicance difference between medians was measured by the
being antipyretics, food allergens, and antibiotics. Mann-Whitney U test.
HSV infection was suggested to be a triggering factor in *Signicant P < .01 to .05.
18 patients (30.0%), 10 of whom had supportive serologic Signicant P .01.
HSV testing (8 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test
and 2 polymerase chain reaction [PCR]). In 13 patients
(21.6%), a medical history of previous infections was re- of clinical data from case series. All infections reported in
ported, 11 of which were concomitant to the EM outbreak. the clinical record within 30 days from the diagnosis of
These infections included pneumonia (3 cases), urinary EM were recorded under consideration as concomitant
infection (2 cases), and M. pneumoniae (1 case). Two infections. The infections described in Table I thus
patients were found to be positive for hepatitis C. A occurred within 30 days before the EM presentations,
concomitant history of candidiasis was reported in 3 cases unless otherwise specied.
(2 oral and 1 genital). Hospitalization of the patient was Exclusive oral involvement was observed in 29 pa-
required in 7 cases (11.6%). Table I presents the summary tients (46.66%). All but 1 patient had involvement of
712 Celentano et al. December 2015
multiple oral sites. The buccal mucosa was the most and 100%.14 The percentage of patients affected solely
commonly involved oral site (75%) followed by the by HSV without a history of medication use in our
vermillion border (71.7%) and labial mucosa (61.7%). series was 21.6% (13 cases), which is similar to the
Twenty-four of 60 patients (40.0%) had concomitant 23% reported by Wetter and Davis in 2010, but
involvement of all of these sites, and 44 (73.3%) pa- dissimilar from the 70% to 100% values reported by
tients had involvement of at least 2 of 3 sites. Details of Schoeld in 1993 and Huff in 1983.2,35,46
sites involved for each case are described in Table I. Five more cases were also potentially associated with
The oor of mouth was signicantly more commonly HSV, but the patients were using medications simul-
involved in females (37.9%) than in males (6.5%) taneously. It is not uncommon for patients affected by
(P .003) (Table II). Involvement of the tongue was EM, in association with a concomitant or previous
signicantly related to age (median interquartile range: infection, to have started drug therapies (e.g., antibi-
Yes 32-33 years; no 25-21 years; P .013). otics, antivirals, or anti-inammatory drugs). Of the
Clinical forms were signicantly associated with total of 18 patients (30.0%), 10 patients (16.7%) were
gender (female: EMM 24.1%; EMm 75.9%; screened for HSV exposure by using serologic tests.
male: EMM 6.5%; EMm 93.5%; P .045). Some authors have suggested the use of a Tzanck smear
Other signicant results of the dependence analysis are test, which is an easy and inexpensive test to identify
shown in Tables III and IV. viral balloon cells.47 However, PCR assays are much
more sensitive and target a wide range of infectious
DISCUSSION agents. Thus, PCR should form part of the mandatory
Current literature regarding the epidemiology of EM criteria to clearly identify the trigger and to support
remains scarce and controversial. This is reective of the use of antivirals in particular patients.
the lack of universally accepted classication criteria. Currently, the literature consistently supports medi-
Additionally, there may be a component of under- cations as precipitants in more than 50% of EM epi-
reporting, particularly of cases of short duration when sodes.1-3,48 Some authors have reported gures as low
hospitalization is not required. This study presents the as 10% of cases, although this has not been our expe-
largest oral EM case series in last 2 decades,38,39 rience.49,50 Moreover, the list of the medications asso-
describing the multiple clinical features that charac- ciated with the induction of EM continues to expand
terize this group of diseases, and the dependence and include new categories of drugs, such as tyrosine-
analysis of associated variables. kinase inhibitors; biologic agents, such as tumor ne-
The consensus is that EM and related disorders occur crosis factor-a inhibitors, phosphoinositide 3-kinase
predominantly in young adults, with majority of cases inhibitor, retinoids.51-59 In our experience, medication
occurring between the second and fth decades of use has a marked role as a triggering factor in 28 pa-
life.3,39 There is no a clear predilection for gender or tients (46.7%). The most commonly implicated medi-
race. However, variation in age at presentation should cations were nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs,
not be underestimated, as several cases of pediatric antibiotics, antifungals, and antivirals. In 1 case, the
patients have been reported, including neonates.20,40-45 oral contraceptive pill was also considered to be asso-
In our case series, the mean age was 37.9 years (range ciated. Alcohol consumption has been reported as a risk
7-78 years), with no signicant difference between factor in drug-induced EM, particularly if it is associ-
males and females. Interestingly, there was a signicant ated with antiepileptic therapies.60,61 Our case series
gender predilection for the clinical forms with EMM included 1 case of alcohol abuse with unknown
being more frequent in the females and EMm being signicance.
more frequent in males. Clinical forms were addition- Food-borne antigens, triggers rst suggested by
ally signicantly related to age (see Table IV). Lozada in 1978, were supported by evidence as
The most commonly reported triggers are infections playing an important role in 7 cases of our series.62
agents and medications, with HSV-1 and HSV-2 being Another suggested trigger is radiotherapy, although
the most commonly reported precipitators of EMm and concomitant medication use is an expectant common
EMM. Medications and HSV, taken together, were confounder.63-65 There was no history of radio-
implicated in approximately 67% of cases in our series. therapy present in our case series.
Typically, the onset of EMm and EMM lesions begins In a previous case series, M. pneumoniae infection
10 to 14 days after the clinical manifestation of an HSV was reported to be responsible for almost two-thirds of
infection.3 Unfortunately, the number of studies using SJS cases, particularly in childhood cases, although it
conrmatory PCR to assess for the presence of HSV- was never associated with a typical EM eruption.66 In
DNA is low, with conclusion of infection based pre- contrast, the role of this infection in EM has recently
dominantly on clinical history. The reported association been challenged and re-evaluated, suggesting that
of HSV with the recurrent variant of EM is between 61% the M. pneumoniae-induced rash and mucositis may
Volume 120, Number 6 Celentano et al. 713
Fig. 1. The presenting labial clinical features were dominated by an erosive/bullous pattern and crusting. The number found in the
lower right corner corresponds to the patient number as reported in Table I.
represent a distinct syndrome from EM and SJS.67 An The character of presenting clinical features of EM
established association with M. pneumoniae was potentially can change during the course of the disease,
clearly reported in only 1 of our 3 pneumonia case, a leading to an overlap of the variants. Oral involvement
73-year-old female. Positive culture tests for Candida in EM is reported in 60% to 70% of cases.1,2 In our
were only found in only 3 (5%) of our cases (2 oral and series, exclusive oral involvement was observed in 29
1 genital), a lower rate than the 20% reported by patients (46.6%). Lesions were predominantly erosive
Lozada-Nur in 1989.38 Cases of persistent EM, a rare or bullous with the buccal mucosa, vermilion border,
variant of the disease characterized by uninterrupted and labial mucosa being the most commonly affected
lesion eruptions often linked with Epstein-Barr virus sites. Figure 1 presents typical crusting of the vermilion
infection, were not present in our series.14,15 border seen in exclusively oral EM. This site may
714 Celentano et al. December 2015
predisposed to by its particular epithelial and connective recognition, particularly of bilateral bullous and ulcer-
tissue structures and the immunologic composition. In ative involvement of the buccal mucosa, the labial
these cases of exclusive oral involvement, clinicians mucosa, or the vermilion border, is important to avoid
should consider the differential diagnosis with focus on any delay in diagnosis. Although approximately half of
the timing of the outbreak, history of drug those presenting with EM report no previous episodes,
consumption, the course of the illness, atypical sites it remains unclear which of these patients will progress
involved, and symmetric distribution of the lesions. to recurrence, so all patients should be informed and
Eight cases (13.3%) of our series presented with at encouraged to have an awareness of their exposures to
least 1 additional site of mucosal involvement, genital drug and food antigens. With the lack of universally
in 4 cases (6.7%), ocular in 2 cases (3.3%), nasal in 1 accepted classication criteria and the absence of spe-
case (1.7%) and genital and ocular in 1 case (1.7%). cic diagnostic tests, EM, especially in its mild forms,
Cutaneous involvement was found in 25 cases (41.7%), continues to be an underestimated disease.
particularly perioral lesions in 10 cases (16.7%),
followed by acral in 5 cases (8.4%) and arm lesions. REFERENCES
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