JRF Advt
JRF Advt
JRF Advt
Candidates who fulfill the below mentioned criteria may submit the application form before the last date. Engagement
will be purely on temporary / contractual basis and co-terminus with the completion of the project. Candidates are
advised to go through the advertisement details carefully before applying.
Deciphering the interplay between biofilm matrix component and small RNA in biofilm regulation
. Title of the Project: and catabolic gene expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 for phenanthrene degradation.
Year 3 :
To carry out experiments related to the project
NA bacterial on biofilm, analyze data, write research
Offline Interview details: 05/06/2024 09:00 AM Department of Life Science
Any other terms & conditions governed as per guidelines issued by the funding agency for the engagement of above
position as amended from time to time shall be in force towards this temporary recruitment.
Surajit Das LS
advertisement be brought to
the notice of the staff(s) / student(s) working in your Deptt. / Centre / Unit.
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