DNGNGEN - The Festering Docks of Kagel The Chaos-Touched
DNGNGEN - The Festering Docks of Kagel The Chaos-Touched
DNGNGEN - The Festering Docks of Kagel The Chaos-Touched
Inactive, because the place Nightly earthquakes will Some kind of mutant insect-
was invaded. disrupt the dungeon and thing.
crush the unlucky.
Children are stolen and brought to the dungeon. Among them, your
master's son.
Entrance Guarded by Distinctive feature
Drink the potion. The next Inquisitors. Possibly Restless maniacs mentally
door you enter with your corrupt. tied to the site.
eyes closed will lead you
Inscriptions, the motifs Shelves with rotting food. Shattered glass. Monkey Small aquarium with big
cause teleportation. Chest marked with feces. fishes. Obvious pit trap
Ruined strawmen. explosive runes. (with spikes).
MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.
v1.0.0 - "Enter the dungeon, and weep"