DNGNGEN - The Fort of Terror

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A dungeon generator for

The Fort of Terror

Status Imminent danger Who or what dwells here now?

Inactive, because it was A lethal mechanism is about An enormous, hovering skull

invaded. to activate. with a piercing gaze.

What brings you here?

You must destroy a plague-spreading artifact.

Entrance Guarded by Distinctive feature

A pale white lighthouse not An old and crazy hermit. Bony remains of the
far from Grift. Basilisk’s spawn.

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4

Shelves with obscure Crawling with bugs. A Black fingernails strewn on Cracked sarcophagi.
literature. Two talking goat violin. floor. The Unknown One Strange powers change
skulls. with seven arms dwells scrolls into other, random
here. scrolls.

MÖRK BORG is ©2020 Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. Web app by Karl Druid.
v1.0.0 - "Enter the dungeon, and weep"

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