k1 Pa039 Sound Quest

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Phonological Awareness

Phoneme Isolating PA. 039

Sound Quest
The student will isolate initial, final, and medial phonemes in words.

► Double-picture cards
► Student sheet
Note: The head of the shark denotes the beginning sound, the body of the shark denotes the medial
sound, and the tail denotes the final sound.
► Scissors
► Glue

Students sort pictures according to initial, medial, and final sounds.
1. Provide the student with a set of double-picture cards and a student sheet. Place scissors and
glue at the center.
2. The student cuts out a double-picture card, names both pictures, and determines if the two pic-
tures share the same initial, medial, or final sound (e.g., “soap, boat; both words have the same
middle sound /ō/”).
3. Glues the card under the correct heading (i.e., the middle of the shark).
4. Continues until all double-picture cards are glued on student sheet.
5. Teacher evaluation

Name PA.039
Sound Quest

Phonological Awareness
K-1 Student Center Activities:

Center for Reading Research

©2005-2008 The Florida

Extensions and Adaptations

► Illustrate other double-picture cards with matching initial, final, or medial phonemes sort.

©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021) K-1 Student Center Activities: Phonological Awareness
Phonological Awareness
PA. 039 Sound Quest

duck/dog mouse/map table/tractor

rooster/rainbow skeleton/smoke soap/boat
grape/whale feet/cheese bike/five
mule/cube ax/box bus/glass
mop/ship stick/rock elf/leaf
K-1 Student Center Activities: Phonological Awareness ©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021)
Sound Quest PA. 039

©2005 The Florida Center for Reading Research and Florida Department of Education (Revised, 2021) K-1 Student Center Activities: Phonological Awareness

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