Hacker Draughts (Years 5-6) Full Colour - CO2WAT314
Hacker Draughts (Years 5-6) Full Colour - CO2WAT314
Hacker Draughts (Years 5-6) Full Colour - CO2WAT314
Pupils should play this game with a partner. It is a simpler variation on classic draughts,
but with an emphasis on computer hacking.
Each player needs 12 counters (or similar) that they place on the board and
12 cards that they keep hidden (found at the end of the resource).
Some cards have details which are ‘harmless’* to share online, but the
cards with key icons have personal information such as credit card details.
The aim of the game is to remove the opponent’s counters by jumping over them.
When an opponent’s counter is removed, a player can randomly select one of their
opponent’s cards, with the aim of collecting five cards with the key icons.
Hacker Draughts
You will need: One set of cards (12) per player, one set of counters (12) per player,
one chequered board.
How to play: One player should be blue and the other player should be yellow.
Set your counters out on the correct side of the board — you should have three rows of counters
only on the grey squares. You should keep your cards hidden from your opponent.
Players should take turns to move one counter at a time on the board.
You can only move diagonally onto another grey square (forwards or backwards).
The aim of the game is to take your opponent’s counters to ‘hack’ them. When you jump over an
opponent’s counter, remove it from the board and take a random card from their hand.
Not all of the information you collect will help you hack them.
In order to hack them, you need to collect the cards with the key icons on them, which have your
opponent’s bank account number, sort code, CVV code, full name and full address.
The winner is the first person to take the cards with these five pieces of data.
In order to jump over the other player’s counter, there needs to be a clear grey space
behind the counter. For example:
This blue counter can jump over the yellow counter into a blank grey
space. After doing so, the blue player can remove the yellow counter
from the board and randomly select one of their opponent’s cards.
Yellow player
Blue player
Full name Mobile phone number
Full name Mobile phone number