TrainND EV Program Material
TrainND EV Program Material
TrainND EV Program Material
Self-paced, skills based, online training in EV technology when you want, where you want and at your own pace.
Areas of study:
• Introduction to electricity and electronics
• Troubleshooting EV power electronic devices,
sensors and actuators
• EV powertrains including inverters, traction motors
and batteries
• AC variable frequency motor control systems
• EV Communication and control systems
• High Voltage EV safety systems
• Battery packs, fuel cells and battery management
systems Module 10 Basic block diagram
• Commercial and residential battery charging stations
• Principles and applications of autonomous vehicles Learning with Laboratory Simulations
• EV maintenance, repair and troubleshooting techniques One of the main learning features of the EV program is the
complete integration of laboratory experiments and projects
within the presentation of the EV theory. This is accomplished
through simulation software that simulates the behavior
of electronic circuits used in batteries, motors and other
components of electric vehicles. Students who enroll in the
program receive a licensed copy of CircuitLogix, a leading
commercially available simulator that includes both 2D- and
3D-circuit simulation tools. The simulation allows EV technicians
to safely learn how to service, repair and maintain high-voltage
devices and circuits that are part of every electric vehicle.
Flexible wiring:
• Automatic point-to-point wiring
• Wire connectivity maintained during moves
• Click-and-drag wire repositioning
CircuitLogix is used to create examples: A PWM using digital oscillator to vary duty cycle • User-sizable connection area for wires
• Multiple wires to the same device pin
CircuitLogix Simulator • Cut and extend wires
CircuitLogix is a powerful, yet easy to use circuit simulation
tool which includes thousands of electronic devices, as well as
test equipment and troubleshooting tools. There are hundreds
of pre-built laboratory projects that are part of the course
The Student Support Center
curriculum, plus students can build and design their own circuits To fully support your distance education learning experience
to further their knowledge and understanding of electricity in our program, we provide a comprehensive student support
and electronics. The focus of the lab projects is to reinforce the system to give our students every opportunity to get technical,
EV theory that is covered by enabling the students to test and tutorial or administrative help, when and how you need it.
troubleshoot actual circuit schematics that are used in EVs. The Student Support Center is
By using CircuitLogix, students will enhance their knowledge open Monday through Friday
and skills in the study of communication and power electronics from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm
by observing and interacting with devices and circuits that are (EST) and Saturday & Sunday
common in EVs and hybrid EVs. from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Calling into the Support
Center is free using our 1-800
toll-free number.
Learning Outcomes:
• Differentiate between active safety and
passive safety
• List seven safety features found in EVs
• Describe the two main safety risks associated
with ADAS
• Distinguish between an arc flash and an arc blast
• Explain the operation of a pyrotechnic safety
switch (PSS)
• Differentiate between an active and passive
discharge system
• Compare a battery protection unit and battery
management system
• Distinguish the maintenance procedures for high
voltage vehicles
• Name five types of sensors in an EV charging
• Describe a typical EV maintenance schedule
• Differentiate between PIDs and DTCs
• List five types of essential PPE for troubleshooting
HV systems
• Apply safe troubleshooting practices to HV systems
This fact sheet presents some of the more commonly asked questions about the Automation, Electronics,
Electromechanical, Electric Vehicle (EV), Robotics PLC and PLC Technician II Programs at TrainND
Q4: What do the programs cost and what payment options are available?
A. There are two payment options for the Automation Technician Certificate program.
There are two payment options for the Electronics Technician Certificate program.
There are two payment options for the Electromechanical Technician Certificate Program.
There are two payment options for the PLC or PLC Technician II Certificate Program
There are two payment options for the Robotics Technician Certificate Program.
• Web-based curriculum
• Lab simulation software
• Tutorial and Technical Support
• Access to additional online program resources
• Online Testing
• An optional textbook is available at an additional cost.
Q12: How do I access the program material?
A: Our program curriculum products are now available by direct download. Once a registration is confirmed, we
will provide new students with a download link from which to download and install the curriculum software.
Q13: What is the difference between the PLC Technician program and the PLC Technician II program?
A: The PLC Technician program provides a basic introduction and is a foundation to PLCs in manufacturing and
includes a lab simulator, PLCLogix 500, for the Rockwell (Allen-Bradley) Logix 500 series PLC control software.
The PLC Technician II program provides a more advanced study of PLCs in manufacturing including DCS &
SCADA systems. The PLCLogix 5000 simulator integrated within in the program emulates the Rockwell 5000
series PLC control software and features 3D simulation and advanced programming.
Q14. Can I enrol in the PLC II program without taking the first PLC program?
A: Yes, we recommend taking the first PLC program if you have little or no background in PLCs, but the first
program is not a prerequisite for PLC II. So, PLC II can be completed without taking the first PLC program
however it is more challenging to learn since it uses tag-based addressing versus traditional IO addressing
found in most other PLCs.
Q 15: If each certificate program teaches a different type of PLC, which PLC is the most popular in industry?
A: The first PLC program covers PLCs such as Allen-Bradley SLC 500 and Rockwell RSLogix 500, and these PLCs
have a larger number of customers than the RSLogix 5000 PLC. The RSLogix 5000 PLC uses tag-based
addressing and is replacing older systems due to its flexibility, power, and unique capabilities. To really
understand PLCs you should know both methods of I/O addressing, traditional and tag-based, since both are
very popular in industry.
Q 18: What computer hardware and software is needed to complete these programs?
• Intel Core i3, i5, i7, AMD Ryzen 3, 5, 7 or equivalent processor for AT/PLC/PLCII/RT
• Intel Pentium or equivalent processor for ET/EM
• 2GB RAM for ET/EM/EV
• 500 MB of available disk space
• Windows 7/ Windows 8/Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows 11
• 32 and 63 bit compatible
• Internet Access
• Email account
Note: Our program software is strictly made for Windows Operating Systems and will therefore only run-
on Windows-based computers. It will NOT work on Apple computers running Mac Operating Systems such
as Macbook, Chromebook computers running Chrome Operating Systems such as Google Pixelbook or any
device running Linux Operating Systems.
Q 19: What kind of partnership does TrainND Northwest have with George Brown College?
A: While enrolled in the any of these TrainND Northwest programs, students receive technical and tutorial
support from the program’s Distance Education Support Services Center, which is managed by George Brown
College. The Support Services Center is open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm (EST) and
can be contacted through a toll-free number (1-844-223-6351) or by email at info@trainnd-
Q 20: What is the withdraw, drop and refund policy for these programs?
A: To receive a tuition refund, a student must provide the Distance Education Support Services Center with a
written Request to Withdraw letter no later than ten business days after receiving the course materials. There
will be a $20 administration fee charged, per program, to process the refund.
Please note that there is no refund on the web-based program material. Please note that the textbooks
cannot be returned for a refund.
Allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and mail delivery of tuition refund checks. If you do not receive your tuition
refund check within 6 weeks of submitting your Request to Withdraw letter, please contact the Distance
Education Support Services Center at toll-free (1-855-335-0099).
1. Name
2. Student Number
3. Course Registration Number
4. Reason for withdrawal
5. Signature
A Request to Withdraw refund request letter should be emailed to the Distance Education Support Services
at info@trainnd-gbc.