Mud Mud
Mud Mud
Mud Mud
The potential of
earth-based materials for
Third World housing
by Anil Agarwal
I Other
booklets in this
and the Third
World by Anil
are as follows:
Agarwal (out of print)
A Village in a Million by Sumi Chauhan ISBN No 0-905347-08-O
22PP f2*00/$5*00
Climate and Mankind by John Gribbin ISBN No o-905347-12-9
56PP f2*00/$5*00
International Trade in Wildlife by Tim Inskipp and Sue Wells
ISBN No o-905347 - 11 - 0 104PP ~2.00/$5.00
Antarctica and its Resources by Barbara Mitchell and Jon
T-7 98PP f2.5d/$6.25
Forthcoming titles include:
I James
Water and Sanitation for
country surveys on India,
Kimondo and Gloria
All? by Anil Agarwal, including three
Kenya and Colombia by Anil Agarwal,
Carbon Dioxide, the Climate and Man by John Gribbin
New and Renewable Energy Sources: two booklets to appear shortly
Third World housing may be the world’s most unsolvable problem.
- This briefing document:
* introduces the problemsof Third World housing
* examines the relative inability of accepted policies
to solve them
* reviews mud and other earth-based building materials
in comparison with cement, bricks and other “modern”
* examines the utility of mud-based materials in a score
of countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.
- Over half a billion houses have to be built between now and the
year to of the developing countries.
- It was estimated in the early 1970s that the Third World needed
to build over 8 houses per 1000 people per year. In 1970 figures
from 24 countries showed that they were building only 1.8. There
is little reason to believe that the rate has improved substan-
tially since then.
- The housing deficit - the number of new houses needed - has
been growing in most countries.
* In mid-1977, Morocco had a deficit of over 800,000 houses
* The Philippines had a housing backlog in urban areas of
about a million in 1977
* E t’s urban deficit in 1975 was more than 1.5 million
li-ousing units. Cairo alone had a shortage of 750,000 houses
* Nigerian official estimates place the deficit in 14 cities
at about 400,000 houses
- In most cities of the Third World, at least a quarter of the
population (in some cities, over half) lives in ramshackle make-
shift shelters in slums and shanty-towns.
- All Third World cities are divided into two parts. Maputo,
capital of Mozambique, has a cement city with modern tall buildings,
which the Portuguese colonisers buil-t for themselves. There is
a second Maputo, a cane city, where mud and cane houses are built
for the African workers.
- In Ankara, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Lima, Caracas, Guate-
mala City and in many other cities, the proportion of the slum
and shanty dwellers in the total population has been steadily
- Third World governments have made many efforts to provide low-
cost houses to the poor. These projects have almost invariably
ended up becoming housing schemes for the middle-class.
In dry areas, mud buildings can last a thousand years or more. This fort
(a 'ksar') is in the Ouarzazate region of Morocco.
Photo: Dominique Roger/UNESCO
Only about 3% of the world’s population lived in towns and cities
at the beginning of the 19th century. A hundred years later,
this had increased to 15%.
- By 1975, the figure was 40%. The last two centuries have been
the era of urbanisation.
population 1132 1361 1.0% 2835 4892 2.2%
population 783 1107 1.4% 77s 1996 3.8%
population 262 447 2.1% 244 916 5.4%
Housing needs
A global review of human settlements was presented to the UN
Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat) in Vancouver in 1976
(Reference 1). It stated plainly: "Housing conditions have
become significantly worse in most of the developing countries
during the past 10 years. This is in direct contrast with the
trends in the developed countries."
- A more recent study, 'Three Years After Habitat', by the
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
(Reference 10) concluded that, if anything, the housing situation
in most Third World countries has become even worse since 1976.
- A UN study in the mid-l '970s estimated that in the decade 1970
to 1980, some 223 million houses would have to be built. The
Third World alone would need 170 million new houses.
- These figures assume each house lasts 100 years - a very optic
mistic figure. And they also assume the Third World will cont::,ue
to squeeze five people into each house.
- To meet the 1980 target, developing countries should have been
building 8.1 houses per 1000 yeople per year. In fact, figures
from 24 developing countries show that in 1970 they built only
1.8 houses per 1000 inhabitants.
- Five countries in Africa had an average rate of 1.3, eight
countries in Latin America had a rate of 1.8 and seven countries
in Asia had a rate of 2.7 new houses per 1000 inhabitants per year.
- Urban planners often talk of a 'housing deficit'. This can be
a tricky concept. Even the poorest people find some kind of
shelter, however precarious. A housing deficit really me= a
aeficit in the number of houses built to a middle-class standard.
- Those who cannot find proper dwellings in the cities either
move into existing slums, or build unauthorised homes and start
new slums.
- Surveys show that 20-28% of the population of major Third World
cities is living in slums and shanty-towns.
- In most cities, this proportion is increasing (see Figure 2).
- The names for these slums and squatter settlements vary:
* callampas (mushroom cities) in Chile
* bustees and jhuggis in India
* favelas in Brazil
* gounberilles in Tunisia
* gecekindu (meaning they were built after dusk, before
dawn) in Turkey.
- Lusaka's squatter settlements shelter about 40% of the population.
Between 1969 and 1972, 22,000 Zouses appeared there. But only
Figure 2: In Third World cities, up to 80% of the population
-. in slums, shanty towns and other uncontrolled
settlements.(Source: References 1 and 43
Population Population in
of city uncontrolled
Year (millions) settlements
Brazil Rio de Janeiro 1947 2.05 0.40 20%
1957 2.94 0.65 22%
1961 3.33 0.90 27%
1970 4.25 1.28 30% ;
Recife 1970 1.05 0.52 SO% ;
Chile Santiago 1964 2.18 0.55 25% i
Colombia Cali 1964 0.81 0.24 30% j
Bogota 1969 2.46 1.48 60% ;
Buenaventura 1964 0.11 0.09 80% j
Mexico Mexico City 1952 2.37 0.33 14% 1
1966 3.29 1.50 46% !
Peru Lima 1957 1.26 0.11 9%
1961 1.72 0.36 21%
1969 2.80 1.00 36%
1970 2.88 1.15 40%
Ecuador Guayaquil 1969 0.74 0.36 49%
Venezuela Caracas 1961 1.33 0.28 21%
1964 1.59 0156 35%
1970 2.18 0.87 40%
S. Korea Seoul 1970 5.54 1.66 30%
Taiwan Taipei 1966 1.30 0.33 25%
India Calcutta 1961 6.70 2.22 33%
Delhi 1970 3.52 1.06 30%
Indonesia Djakarta 1961 2.91 0.73 25%
Iraq Baghdad 1965 1.75 0.50 29% t
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 1971 0.74 0.27 37%
Singapore Singapore 1966 1.87
Pakistan Karachi 1964 2.28 0.98
0.75 z:
1968 2.70 0.60 22%
1971 3.50 0.80 23%
Turkey Ankara 1965 0.98 0.46 47%
1970 1.25 0.75 60%
Nigeria Ibadan 1970 0.74 0.55 75%
Ethiopia Addis Ababa 1968 0.74 0.66 90%
Senegal Dakar 1969 0.65 0.39 60%
Somalia Mogadishu 1967 0.21 0.16 77%
Tanzania Dar es Salaam 1967 0.27 0.10 36%
Morocco Casablanca 1971 1.45 1.01 70%
Zambia Lusaka 1969 0.28 0.13 48%
Ivory Coast Abidjan 1964 0.44 0.26 60%
Cameroon Douala 1970 0.25 0.20 80%
y:< _:.,_/,
% of
Monthly households
cost of Monthly income unable to
dwelling repayment required afford
Slum clearance
Urban planners sometimes declare that houses built by the poor
are below some arbitrary technical standards. So the planners
bulldoze the slums, often without providing any real alternative.
- Bulldozing slums is still common practice in the Third World.
Some Indian commentators have argued that instead of trying to
remove property, this type of urban planning aims at removing
the poor themselves.
- In India in 1976, slums were physically destroyed in many cities.
The slum-dwellers were moved to areas far away from the city
centres where they worked.
- Even where adequate alternative housing is provided, slum clear-
ance programmes have rarely managed to rehouse more than a fraction
of a city’s slum population.
- Such schemes are also extremely costly. One of the more success-
ful schemes has been carried out by the Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance
Board, which was set up in Madras in 1971. The board issues each
slum family with an identity card bearing their photographs, and
provides new tenements in the original area within a period of
nine months.
- The economic rent of each new 20-square metre (215-square foot)
unit is US$5 per month, of which the -occupant pays only a third.
The rest is paid by the Tamil Nadu state government.
- During the first 7 years of its existence, the board has com-
pleted over 36,000 dwellings. But this effort is clearly inade-
Housing standards
Housing standards have evolved in different ways in the developing
countries and in the West.
- In the West, from the 19th century onwards, housing standards
were intended to protect the weaker members of the community,
notably the workers. They were instituted to prevent landlords
and building speculators from ignoring minimum requirements for
hygiene, safety and privacy.
- In the Third World, housing standards were generally instituted
by the colonial authorities, to protect the European officials
and settlers. The standards usually led to a replication of the
type of dwelling enjoyed in the home colonial countries.
- After independence, national governments often adopted the
former colonial standards, which usually bore no relation to the
needs of the majority of the people, or to what they could afford.
- Third World housing standards have come to protect the needs
of the wealthy, educated minority, not the interests of the poor.
- “Perhaps the most critical area where the operation of standards
has affected the provision of shelter has been in the type of
building material permitted”, says a report prepared for ICSU
nnternational Council of Scientific Unions) by three eminent
urban planners from India, Nigeria and Argentina (Reference 4).
- For example, the Argentine government, in its 3-year develop-
ment plan (1974-77)) decided to build houses “for residents
of shanty-towns, huts, boarding houses or precarious dwellings
as well as for the inhabitants of frontier areas and for low-
income tenants, provided that they have a steady job and are in a
position to put asidp 20% of their monthly income over a period
of 30 years to pay for these dwellings”.
- Argentina’s material specifications included corrugated metal
or asbestos sheets for roofs, paving tiles for floors, aluminium
window frames, etc. “Unrealistic material specifications under-
line why such schemes invariably fail to meet the needs of the
low-income classes”, says the ICSU report.
- The ICSU report criticises existing official housing standards
in the Third World on six grounds:
* They are rarely based on current local experience.
They have either been inherited from the colonial
past or imported from developed countries in recent
years, often at the insistence of international
funding agencies
* They pay little attention to local materials and
encourage imports of cement and steel
, 19
High-rise or low-rise
One housing concept introduced to the Third World from indus-
trialised countries is high-rise development - now increasingly
discredited even in rich nations.
- Indian architect Charles Correa summarises the dilemma:
“Multi-storey tenements cost more to construct yet save on trans-
port and other infrastructure costs.. . Low-rise housing costs less
to construct but occupies more space.” (Reference 16). Which
should be built?
- The choice between low-rise and high-rise buildings involves
markedly different lifestyles. Low-rise housing has many advan-
tages for the Third World:
* An individual can build his own house
* A low-rise building has a shorter construction period,
and involves less capital
* Low-rise housing can be extended as the occupant’s
income increases
* Low-rise housing has far greater variet
householder builds according to his --+’ c once as each
* Multi-storied buildings have to be built with scarce
and expensive construction materials such as cement
and steel. Low-rise houses can be built without
government involvement out of mud, brick and thatch,
- In monsoon countries, houses built of mud, country tile and
thatch will probably only last lo-15 years, while a reinforced
concrete structure may last up to 70 years. For Correa, this
opportunity for renewability is another advantage. As the nation’s
economy develops, housing patterns can change. Concrete, multi-
storey tenements cannot be upgraded.
- “The five-storey concrete tenement slums built by housing
boards all over this country are really the work of uessimists.
What they are saying is: we aren’t gbing to have any future”,
says Correa.
- The critical issue in most Third World cities is not to increase
densities, but to decrease them, argues Correa. High densities
have not been achieved by high-rise buildings, but by the omission
of play spaces, hospitals, schools and other social infrastructure.
In Bombay, there is only 0.1 hectares (0.25 acres) of open space
per thousand people - and this includes traffic islands.
- Correa suggests reducing the residential density to 80 or 100
people per acre, which may allow cities to dispense with central
sewerage systems and to recycle human and animal wastes locally
to provide cooking gas and fertiliser. “Under Indian conditions”,
he says, “this would have the additional advantage of continuing
the pattern of life which people are accustomed to: as though
Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a rural India had an almost exact
urban analogue”.
- If this is to succeed in practice, employment must also be
decentralised or efficient public transport must be provided.
Funds for these steps are rarely available.
P new
A ers ective:
The governments of the Third World have failed to satisfy the
housing needs of either urban or rural poor.
- More and more planners are beginning to realise that "10~-CQS~
mass housing units” are never going to wipe out the “housing
- This disenchantment is now helping to focus attention on an
altogether new approach to the housing problem. John Turner,
William Mangin, Elizabeth and Anthony Leeds, and other Western
academics who have been studying or working in shanty-towns, argue
that these settlements should not be viewed as a ‘problem’, but
as a ‘solution’.
- Squatter settlements, they say, are not “rings of misery” or
In Third World shanty-towns, people must build their homes with what they
Call. Here, in Teheran, the materials are tin cans and mud.
Photo: Sean Sprague
Building materials are one of the most neglected aspects of the
human settlements debate.
- Few Third World governments have tried to develop a local buil-
ding materials industry. Instead, they launch massive construction
programmes without any thought for where the building materials
are to come from.
- This has led to the wholesale adoption of often inappropriate
Western materials and techniques - even including the large-scale
import,,of prefabricated or modular housing units.
- The oil-rich Arab countries in particular have tended to use
imported industrialised building systems to mass produce houses.
The director of a Saudi development corporation, Ibrahim al-Monif,
has strongly criticised this trend. Speaking in Dhahran in 1978,
al-Monif said these units were not suited to the Middle Eastern
climate or culture and could not be maintained locally. Such
imports, he argued, held back any local housing industry based on
indigenous labour.
- One reason for this neglect of traditional architecture, building
materials and techniques is that few countries have any locally-
trained architects.
- The Aga Khan recently announced his support for a joint research
programme into contemporary problems and history of Islamic archi-
tecture. Ironically, this programme is to be conducted by two
US institutions: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard
- The Aga Khan warned (Reference 27) that in the last 20 years
many parts of the Islamic world had seen increasingly rapid and
ill-considered destruction of its architectural heritage, combined
often with indifference to, or ignorance of, Islamic curtural
- In most of the Third World, there has been increasing reliance
on the Western wonder substance: cement. Cement has become a status
material, representing all that isrn tind desirable in housing.
- Algerian architect Kamel Noui-Mehedi spent some months in the
rural areas as part of the government’s plan to build a thousand
new socialist villages. He reported in African Environment
(Reference 28) that the peasants knew precisely what they wanted:
“A permanent nouse, in concrete, with concrete floors”.
- “Compared to the stone and ‘diss’ (straw) buildings with which
they have had unfortunate experiences all their lives, -dEsd.;l.~;~
of concrete gives them the feeling of security”, wrote
- The Algerian peasant focuses on concrete because that is what
the rich and comfortable use for their houses. But Noui-Mehedi
describes the experience of a peasant who was given a badly-built
A builder adds a cement coating to protect the mud brick walls of a new
house in a Bamba village in Senegal. In Europe, even a poor man can buy
ten bags of cement with a day's wages. A rural African has to work ten
days t3 buy one bag. Photo: Sean Sprague
the depot price of cement after 100-200 miles (160-320 km) over
poor roads.
- The third problem in cement production for the Third World is
limited availability of raw materials. Portland cement requires
‘Ilmestone (or oyster shells, or marl, or chalk) ; clay or shale,
sand, blast furnace slag or fly ash from coal-fired power stations;
and gypsum.
- “Ideal raw materials are becoming steadily more scarce’*, warns
the Cement Research Institute of India (Reference 32). This has
“forced cement producers to consider limestones of inferior
qua1 ity”.
- Dr G.M. Idorn, a Danish cement expert, is particularly worried
about the future supply of raw materials for the manufacture and
use of cement. He estimates that by the year 2000, some 1800
million tonnes of cement will be produced- annually. To turn that
into concrete, 700 million tonnes of water and 17,000 million
tonnes of aggregates (pebbles or gravel) will be required.
- Idorn argues (Reference 29) that the limestone, clay and gypsum
for 1.8 billion tonnes of cement annually can probably be found.
But he doubts that 0.7 billion tonnes of fresh, clean water can
be reserved for making concrete, or that 17 billion tonnes of
aggregates can be quarried and used, “however inexhaustible the
visible deposits of sand, gravel, and rocks may seem today”.
- “Europe and the United States are already feeling shortages of
traditional quality concrete aggregates*‘, says Idorn. “Further-
more, in several developed countries, fresh water is now becominp
a priority material c . ..competing demands on water for irrigation
and civil consumption will soon appear.”
- The answer, according to Idorn, is intensive research and develop-
ment, which is today missing in the cement industry. In 1974,
R&D expenditure by the US cement industry was less than 0.5% of
cement sales. Idorn believes that materials, energy and capital
consumption could be reduced to a half or even to a third by 2000,
given adequate research.
- The fourth problem that inhibits the rapid expansion of cement
production in developing countries is the inappropriate scale of
the technology.
- The worldwide trend is to put up very large cement plants. But
many erperts feel that such large plants are not suitable for
developing countries.
- Most of the cement plants set up in India in the 1950s and
1960s had a capacity of 300-500 tonnes per day (tpd). More recent
plants are of 600 tpd capacity, and India’s National Committee
on Science and Technology has been investigating plants of 2000
tpd capacity.
- Such very large cement plants require massive reserves of raw
materials ; they need a considerable transport infrastructure;
and their machinery has to be imported.
Egyptian architect Hasan Fathy was given a special Aga Khan architectural
award in 1960 for his :fftS~iXij WGik tG I;iOiX&&5 tLciu'iiic?L?ai AraPlC C&Sign
and building techniques in mud. Mud-brick arches, vaults and domes have
been used in the Nile Valley for six thousand years. Below, a general view
of mud roofs in Iran. Photos: Hasan Fathy
Mud must be protected from water, otherwise it cracks and crumbles. This
company-owned house on a tea estate in Bangladesh uses jute sticks with a
:nud coating, but stands on a more solid plinth to protect it against
rising damp. Photo: Tom Learmuth
Mud is one of the most widely used building materials in India:
probably more than half of all Indian houses are made from mud.
Even in the urban areas. mud is often used by slum-dwellers to
build their shelter. -
- India's population, now over 600 million, may be about 900-1000
million by the year 2000. About 80% of the existing population
lives in rural villages.
- "It is not easy to visualise how these people can be housed",
admits Dr Surya Kant Misra, assistant director of India's Central
Building Research Institute (CBRI).
- The CBRI estimates that just to meet the 1977 housing shortage,
12.1 million new houses would have to be built in the rural areas,
and 4.7 million in the urban areas. "Assuming an average modest
cost of 3000 rupees (Rs) ($375) for a rural house and Rs1200 ($150)
for an urban house, the financial requirement works out Rs92,700
million ($1,160)..; an extraordinary sum for any government to
provide", says the CBRI (Reference 43).
- A study for the UN Econt:;inic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacific (ESCAP) estimates that India will need a minimum
investment of $1.3 billion in housing in urban areas alone every
yearbetween 1975 an-93 to meet the existing backlog and
future demand.
- Like some other developing countries, India has launched several
low-cost housing schemes, but they have all turned out in practice
to be middle-class housing programmes.
- Devendra Kumar, director of the Centre of Science for Villages,
complains: “Architects talk of building low-cost houses, but
the majority of the people can only afford no-cost houses”. The
CBRI states that 60-‘/O% of the urban population cannot afford to
buy even a basic house with about 20 square metres (215 square
feet) of floor area.
- There is a great scarcity of building materials, particularly
cement and steel. Little effort has been made to find materials
suitable for low-cost housing.
- In India, labour is cheap, so building materials ‘can form -as
much as 60-65% of construction costs.
- Mud houses provide shelter to the majority of India’s popula-
tion today, and will continue to do so in the immediate future.
Unfortunately, government housing programmes think only in terms
of brick and cement.
- Except for some extremely scanty reports prepared by the Census
of India, very little information is available on mud housing.
Mud is looked upon with contempt by planners, architects and
civil engineers.
- “Mud is considered permanent”, says
Dr. B.S. Bhooshan of ent Studies, Mysore
(Reference 46). “The result is that official programmes do not
take .mud seriously. But experiences and some reports show that
mud houses can stay even up to 50 years if properly constructed”.
- Bhooshan argues that bricks and cement cannot satisfy India’s
housing needs. “First of all there is no money for this and,
secondly, there is a scarcity of such materials. Therefore, the
main criteria for housing in rural areas should be economy in
construction, and the use of local material. A third criterion
is that housing programmes should be non-paternalistic in nature . ‘.’
In other words, they should promote self-help.
- “Mud construction techniques satisfy all these criteria”, argues
Bhooshan. “Mud is cheap and available everywhere, and mud houses
are highly labour-intensive. Normally the material cost of a
mud house will be less than 25% of the total cost.. .the cost of
many mud and thatch hutments in rural India seldom exceeds Rs150
($19) l
*** Techniques
Unlike in arid West Asia, houses built completely of mud are
uncommon in India. Mud is used mainly for constructing walls
and floors, and as a plastering material. It is used as a
roofing material only in areas with low rainfall, normally below
25 inches (640 millimetres) a year. The most common rural house
in India is a house with mud walls and a thatched roof.
- According to the National Buildings Organisation in New Delhi,
431% of India’s rural population lives in kutcha houses (tem-
porary houses with mud walls and thatch roofs), 371% in semi-
pucca (semi-permanent) houses, and 19% live in pucca houses.
- The techniques of mud wall construction vary enormously. Walls
made of mud lumps are the most common. To make such walls, mud
is kneaded by foot to make a paste. Ash (as in Karnataka), straw
(as in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh) or cowdung is sometimes added
to improve the consistency. The mud paste is then placed in
horizontal layers to form a wall.
- In southern parts of West Bengal, where fine clay is available,
the paste is cut up into chunks with a spade, which are then laid
one on top of another almost like crude unfired bricks.
- Normally, such walls are about 18 inches (48 centimetres) thick
and are constructed in layers varying from 1 to 3 feet (30 to
90 centimetres) high. Each of these is laid only after the
lower iayer has dried. In some places, as in Rayalasema in Andhra
Pradesh, twigs and palm leaves cover the mud wall to protect it
from rain.
- Many locally-available materials are used by Indian villagers
to reinforce mud walls. In areas where reeds or bamboos are used
as reinforcements, the load of the roof is usually borne by wooden
poles instead of by the walls. The normal practice in Karnataka
and Andhra Pradesh is to press moist mud on either side of a
frame of woven split bamboo, which is nailed or tied to vertical
- In parts of north Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Punjab,
Andhra Pradesh and the Brahmaputra valley, a layer of mud (mixed
with ash or straw) is plastered over a wall of bamboo or reed
- In some areas of Maharastra, walls of intricate basketwork are
daubed with a mixture of mud, stone and clay.
- On the banks of the Godavari river in Andhra Pradesh, date palm
or palmyra leaves are used to make a wall and then mud is plas-
tered over them.
- Rammedearth walls are found in hilly Himachal Pradesh. Moist
earth is mixed with small stones and clay. Two wooden planks
form a shuttering, and the moist mud and stone mixture is rammed
between them. This is left to dry for a day or so, the wooden
planks are removed and placed above the dried portion, and the
process is repeated until walls of a desired height are obtained.
Doors, windows and other openings are fixed as construction pro-
gresses. Sometimes split bamboo sticks are inserted in the walls
during construction to protect against possible burglaries. Such
wails are usually 18 inches (45 centimetres) thick.
- Sun-dried mud bricks, usually hand-made, are now becoming common
in rural India. They are normally larger than kiln-fired bricks,
but do not conform to any standard size. Sun-dried bricks usually
make stronger walls than mud.
- Mud roofs are not as common as mud walls. But they are still
widely found in a belt from Kashmir in the north to the Deccan
plateau in the south, covering SouthernKashmir, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, some areas in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, Rajas-
than and central parts of Maharastra. In the south, mud roofs
are found only in some parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
- Indian mud roofs are normally flat, with the mud used to cover
a supporting platform of wooden planks, reeds, bamboo matting
or stone slabs. Mud is beaten down and occasionally plastered
with an emulsion of cowdung. Layers of leaves may sometlmesl6e
added to prevent the mud from dropping through.
- A unique double-skinned sloping roof is reported from Orissa.
In this case, the mud roof acts as a ceiling to protect the house
from fire. A second, outer roof is constructed of grass and
leaves over the sloping mud roof, to protect it from being washed
away by rain.
- In the Kurnul area of Andhra Pradesh, flat roofs are formed by
spreading sheets of stones over wooden beams and covering them
with saline clay.
- In northern districts of Karnataka, a layer of mud 1 inch (2;
centimetres] thick called ‘melmudde V is rammed over a matting of
bamboo or reeds placed on wooden joists. Such a roof requires
repairs once in three years.
- In the wet climatic conditions of Kinnaur district in Himachal
Pradesh, a flat mud roof known as lkhayap’ is common. Layers of
large leaves and local bushes are spread over thick wooden planks.
On this frame, a 6-8 inch (15-20 centimetre) thick layer of mud
is carefully spread, and beaten by small wooden clubs. The masons
and others press the mud by walking about on the roof; children
are sometimes asked to play on the roofs under construction. Once
the mud layer has been smoothed and pressed, water is sprinkled
on it. These roofs tend to leak in heavy rains, and snow has to
be shovelled off quickly,= to avoid leakage or collapse.
- In some parts of Karnataka, mud is skilfully used to make the
roof even without the lower support of bamboo matting or reeds.
Wooden joists are placed at intervals of about 9-12 inches (23-
30 centimetres) and small lumps of mud are placed horizontally
India has a vast variety of traditional designs for village houses,
reflecting the different materials locally available. Below: flat mud
roofs Jver stone walls in North Kamataka. Above : square mud huts with
tall grass roofs in Andhra Pradesh.
Photos: Anthropological Survey if India
*** Sarvatogriha
The government-sponsored Central Building Research Institute
(CBRI) has conducted extensive research on housing for the poor
(Reference 48). Based on the traditional West Asian building
technique that has in recent years been promoted by Professor
Hasan Fathy of Egypt, the CBRI has built a new type of house
called a ‘sarvatogriha’ (house for all), one at Roorkee and another
at Hyderabad.
- The end walls of a sarvatogriha are built first, to the full
height of the room, and then the side walls up to a height of
1.20 netres (4 feet). Two identical parabolas are then drawn
on the end walls and guiding threads stretched between the:-
- Roofing bricks are laid in mud mortar in alignment with the
parabola. Care is taken to see that continuous joints do not
occur between successive courses. This forms a strong vaulted roof.
- Once the main shell is complete, a layer of mud and straw 5
centimetres (2 inches) thick is applied over the shell for heat
insulation, followed by a layer of brick tiles 3: centimetres
(11 inches) thick for rain protection. The external surfaces
are painted with lime and surkhi (powdered bricks), and mud mixed
with wheat straw is used for internal plaster.
- The CBRI has used burnt bricks instead of the sun-dried bricks
used by Professor Fathy in Egypt; this gives the structure greater
strength, which is necessary for a rainy climate.
- The burnt bricks do not necessarily have to be produced in a
mechanised brick-making plant. Bricks are often produced in
Indian villages; they are hand-moulded and then fired using easily
available fuels like cowdung, grass, leaves, firewood or coal.
The materials used in a sarvatogrihaarethus, despite the use
of burnt bricks, within the reach of some villagers. There is
no use of cement or steel.
- “Sarvatogriha holds promise of a technology which suits the
cultural temperament of India’s villages”, says Dr. S.K. Misra,
assistant director of CBRI. “The speed of construction is slow
and human. The building can be left unfinished at any stage to
be taken up later for completion, and all members of a household
can work on it.”
- The cost of a sarvatogriha is lower than that of a conventional
house even when it is built using hired labour. The roof was
estimated in mid-1976 to be 46% cheaper than a conventional re-
inforced brick roof. A sarvatogriha house with 2 rooms of total
area 21.6 square metres (232 square feet) costs Rs5210 ($650).
- The CBRI found that a sarvatogriha is significantly more com-
fortable in the summer than a cement and brick house with a flat
roof; temperatures inside the sarvatogriha are on average 2OC
lower than inside a conventional house.
- Another type of low-cost house developed by CBRI in which mud
can be used directly is based on the skeleton system of construc-
tion. A skeletal structure consisting of a pre-cast roof suppor-
ted by pre-cast beams and columns is built first. The walls can
then be filled in by the owner with whatever material he can
afford: mud, sun-dried bricks, substandard burnt bricks, bamboo
matting, or more modern materials. Since the load is taken by
the beams and columns the strength of the wall is not important.
Yet the structure is durable.
- The prefabricated elements need not necessarily be produced in
a modern factory, but can be made on a relatively decentralised
basis in small towns, and then transported to the construction
- Using this technique, the CBRI built 2500 village primary
schools in Uttar Pradesh in a record time of three years: two to
threeschools a day. All the components required to build a
school could be loaded on to a single truck.
- But like all new types of low-cost houses, sarvatogriha and
skeleton housing hkve still to penetrate the villages and become
5accessible to the poor. In India, the average yearly per capita
income 1s RslOOO ($125). If 15% of this were invested in housing,
i: would still take more than 30 years for the average citizen
to meet the cost of a sarvatogriha house.
is then slowly added to another drum containing kerosene and
vigorously stirred. The mixture is sprayed on while it is still
fluid. The cost of this technique is about Rs1.30 (16 US cents)
per square metre, and the wall’s life is increased by 3-4 years.
- TO protect the walls of the average house using this bitumen-
kerosene technique, the Centre of Science for Villages at Wardha
(Reference 48) estimates the cost at Rs30-45 ($4-6). The average
village house owner spends RsSO-150 ($6-19) per year on mainte-
nance, so this technique should be economically viable.
- The CBRI claims that bitumen-stabilised mud plasters can be
used to protect certain types of roof as well. But there are
possible drawbacks. Damp rising from the ground can do as much
damage as rain, and it is feared that the normal evaporation of
this rising damp will be hampered by a waterproof layer of bitumen
paints outside the wall.
- Another problem, says the CSV, is that the lower part of a,mud
wall can be eroded by flowing surface water in the rainy season.
The solution proposed by the CBRI is that villagers should build
a brick and cement mortar wall up to plinth level, and then build
the rest of the wall with mud.
- The CBRI has recently brought out an even cheaper method of
protecting mud walls. A mixture of soil, paddy straw cuttings
and used motor oil is mixed thoroughly and applied thinly to the
wall by hand, and allowed to dry. Then a paste of cowdung, clayey
soil, old oil and water is pl.astered over the first layer.
- The CBRI claims that this technique has been effective on a
large number of rural houses, and only has to be repeated every
five tc six years.
- Since 1958, the National Buildings Organisation- (NBO) in New
Delhi has established 8 rural housing centres. Based on social
and economic surveys in over 100 villages, the NBO has_devefoped
over 200 house designs to suit different regions, and supplied
them to state governments. Among the techniques promoted are
soil stabilisation, waterproof mud plaster and fire-retarding
chemical treatment for thatch roofs (Reference 49).
- Under another scheme, the NBO joins with a state government to
build a village cluster of low-cost houses for landless agricul-
tural workers. Local building materials are used, and the landless
workers contribute their labour. The clusters , over a dozen of
which have already been erected, help to demonstrate improved
techniques to the surrounding villages.
- The government of India, under its minimum needs programme, has
a scheme to supply house sites to landless agricultural labourers.
The scheme aims to help 17 million rural households; so far, 7
million landless families have been allotted free house sites.
- The NBO has developed two types of one-room house for these
landless workers. One has sun-dried brick walls with waterproof
mud plaster and a thatch roof treated with fire-retarding chemicals.
The other has burnt brick walls and a tiled roof.
- The first type of house was estimated in 1974 to cost less than
Rs1500 ($190) when built with self-help, and %he second about
Rs2000 ($250). The plinth area of each house was 20 square metres
(201 square feet). These designs have been used to build 4000
houses in Punjab recently, says the NBO.
mental wall, half the baked bricks were replaced with sun-dried
mud bricks. The bricks were placed in an interlocking arrange-
ment and the wall thickness kept at 131 inches (34 centimetres).
This improved the stability of the house and kept it cooler, but
the cost of the 13;-inch (34-centimetre) wall turned out to be
the same. The wall was kept standing for two rainy seasons
without any roof but no deterioration could be noticed.
- In another experiment, the sun-dried bricks were replaced with
simple mud mortar, which was filled in between the baked bricks.
This wall was also found to be stable, and was 20% cheaper than
the mixed brick and baked brick walls.
- In southern India, Mr Popposwamy of the Aurobino Ashram at
Pondicherry has been trying to promote the rammed earth technique
of building houses. This traditional technique, which originated
in Morocco, is used in India only in a few northern hill regions
like Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh.
- Popposwamy believes that the best way to provide low-cost housing
is to suggest improvements to the materials and techniques that
villagers already use. He advocates load-bearing rammed earth
walls to eliminate the use of wooden posts placed in the ground,
which are very susceptible to attack by termites. Rammedearth
walls are four times stronger than traditional walls of the same
thickness, he says (Reference 51).
- He also suggests that windows, including lintels, which are
usually made from expensive wooden frames (susceptible to termites)
be made instead with fired bricks. This approach helps to get
over the problems caused by mud’s inability to grip wood. In
many village houses, there are gaps around wooden window and
door frames.
- At Mahaveerpuram, a new village in Tamil Nadu, more than 25
houses have been built using the Popposwamy rammed earth tech-
nique m Each house costs about RslOOO ($125) including labour.
- To reach the vast millions who live in India’s villages, these
techniques will have to be demonstrated and taught. Will the
various Indian housing agencies take up this task?
- In 1972, the Kerala government launched a pioneering scheme to
provide adequate dwellings for 96,000 landless agricultural
families. Each family was to get a semi-permanent three-room
house (kitchen, bedroom and living room) with an area of 250
square feet (23 square metres).
- Construction materials were random rubble in mud mortar for
the basement and foundation, cement topping on a consolidated
gravel base for the floor, sun-dried mud brick interspaced between
columns of burnt brick for walls, and tile set on forest timber
for the roof.
- What the experience with this scheme has shown, says the CDS
report, is that a large-scale programme should try to build
“houses which make smaller demand on the relatively scarce mate-
rials in the economy, such as cement and timber”.
- Kerala has no Portland cement works, .I?though there are a
number in neighbouring Tamil Nadu. But ,nstead of cement, mortars
made of lime and local pozzolanas might have been used. But was
that an easy option? The CDS report discussed the point: “Lime
is produced in very small labour-intensive units all over Kerala,
and considerable social benefit would derive from a greater sub-
stitution of lime for cement. But there are two serious obstacles
to such a change. The first is that the quality of the lime
produced in these small units is very variable...the second...
is that supply is inelastic. Increased demand tends to result
in price increases rather than in increased supply.”
- The scarcity of construction timber turned out to be even worse
than that of cement or steel, and the Kerala Forest Department
concludes that timber will become even more scarce in the future.
If instead of tiles-on-timber the roof had been made of thatch
supported by the more readily available coconut wood, it would
have reduced the house price by about 10%.
- The question of building materials is complex. “A straightfor-
ward reversion from the ‘modern’ (reinforced concrete) to the
‘traditional’ (tile-on-timber) contemplated”, says
the CDS report. “A ration& longer-term approach would be the
development of new sources of constructional timber by the treat-
ment of country timbers, today used only for firewood, and the
development of ‘intermediate’ roofing types which replace some
cement and steel by tiles or other clay products.”
- The report recognises that the technology chosen by the Kerala
government was very cheap compared with other means of providing
a permanent structure. But how many people can afford to pay
even 100 rupees per square metre? Are there not still cheaper
technologies to provide satisfactory housing?
- There is, of course, palm and grass thatch, but this only
Even in oil-rich Iran, modern construction techniques are failing
to keep up with the housing demand. Official policy under the
Shah (this section does not deal with events since the Islamic
Revolution of 1979) was to provide one housing unit for every
family. This means 7.8 million houses by 1992 - an increase of
6.7 million units.
- The Shah's government believed that building industrialisation
and mass production of building materials was the only way for
Iran to achieve its housing objectives. Investment in prefabri-
cation grew rapidly, especially by foreign companies.
- In an articie entitied "Bottlenecks in the adoption of appro-
priate technologies - the case of Iran", Ron Alward and Robert
McCutcheon claimed that the fascination with steel and concrete
buildings in Iran had reached a position where the peasant "regards
his home with distaste despite its manifest appropriateness to
climatic, social and economic conditions“ (Reference 57).
- This was one of the important forms of "cultural pollution",
said the Group for Studies on Iranian Problems in 1977.
- The Teheran newspaper Kayhan International wrote in 1978: "The
most acute problem in Teheran is its increasing division into
two cities: the neglected and decaying south and the opulent and
developing north". The north had beautiful, wide, tree-lined
boulevards, fine houses with gardens, and beautifully sculptured
buildings; the south had narrow and twisting lanes, pools of
dirty water and dilapidated and crumbling mud brick houses.
find work, and new apprentices are not being trained in indigenous
techniques. The skills are in danger of being lost altogether.
The Development Workshop in Iran, a small non-governmental group,
has for several years now been seriously studying the possibilities
of using the indigenouT building technology of mud brick vaults
and domes as a possible solution to low-cost housing in the
Third World.
- The Development Workshop researchers have found that concrete
and steel are imported at exhorbitant prices into many rural
areas of Iran. Reinforced concrete roofing puts the price of
housing out of reach of the majority. A corrugated iron roof is
less expensive, but without expensive air-conditioning it turns
the interior of the house into an inferno.
- "Sun-dried brick is probably the most widely available and
commonly used building material in the Third World" argues the
Development Workshop. "In regions such as Iran and'Egypt, where
timber and other organic materials are scarce, (vault and dome)
technology has been developed to a high degree and is capable
of spanning ail kinds of spaces."
- Vault-and-dome is the unique response of the ancient West Asian
architects to the fact that sun-dried mud brick has strength in
compression but not in bending or tension.
The traditional Middle East vault has the shape of an inverted
catenar . The catenary is the pure tension curve that a chain
4+ eavy rope takes when it is allowed to hang free, suspended
:; both ends.
- In Europe, vaulting always involved laying masonry over a wooden
framework, which was later removed when the vault became dry.
But in West Asian construction, no supporting formwork was re-
guired for fired or sun-dried brick.
- If sun-dried brick is used with mud mortar, the bricks fuse
together on drying, since they are of the same material. This
gives the vault additional strength.
- Mud brick's greatest advantage is its cheapness and availability.
A team of three men can make 2000-3000 hand-moulded bricks a day.
- A research and training workshop for upgrading the skills of
rural builders was organised by thYfi Development Workshop in 1977.
Builders from villages throughout Luristan province came together
to experiment with improvements to their 1OCni materials and
building technologies. Workshop participants included village
builders, architects and master builders from other regions of
Iran. Village housing problems were discussed, and the solutions
then tested in practice. Experiments were carried out on local
materials like timber, stone and mud brick; soils were tested
using simple sedimentation techniques that could be mastered by
any local builder. Stabilisers for mud brick and rendering for
improved earth walls against rain and wind weathering were deve-
loped for local soil types.
- Village builders were looked upon both as a valuable source of
w--r-- ------ on indigenous building methods, and also an appro-
uriate cha.nnel for the introduction of improved indigenous
building techniques. Evening literacy classes were held so the
I village builders could keep their own records.
- A major criticism of mud brick vaults and domes by professional
architects in Iran is their susceptibility to earthquake damage.
- In most of the earthquakes that have struck Iran over the past
15 years, officials and architects have reported that mud-brick
houses were least resistant to earthquakes. Buildings with mud-
brick vaults were a major cause of the 25,000 deaths in and
around Tabas in 1978.
- In the Tabas region, most houses are single-storey structures
with beautifully vaulted roofs, supported only by mud-brick walls.
The inhabitants usually apply a new layer of mud to all the out-
sides of the village houses every autumn, so the vaulted roofs
can become a metre (3 feet) thick, weigh many tonnes, and easily
collapse under even small tremors.
- The Iran Development Workshop, however, counters this criticism
of indigenous buildings. Surveys in the Bandar Abbas and Zarand
areas, where earthquakes have occurred recently, have shown that
all types of building - whether built of stone, mud brick or
modern concrete - had collapsed during the earthquakes.
- In some cases people had used rounded stones to build their
houses. The stones were split into halves and laid onto a flat
mud surf ace, with mud packed between them. The stones were thus
simply piled one on top of the other. During an earthquake the
-walls disintegrated and collapsed in a heap.
- Mud-brick houses, on the other hand, t-ended to collapse much
more intact. This, the researchers explained, was because the
domes and vaults become a “kind of homogeneous mass”, which tends
to hold together as a single unit during earthquakes. Interviews
with people in Zarand.revealed that “the process of +.
colla se
mud-brick houses was much slower”, the Development Works op claimed.
- Poor foundations, openings in walls near the corners which cause
zones of weakness, short timber lintels for doors, and walls which
fell outwards during an earthquake, are all contributing factors
to earthquake-proneness, the researchers said.
- “We are not saying that by just improving the construction we
can make earthquake-proof buildings”, the Development Workshop
team said. “We’re just suggesting that by upgrading the local
buildings or improving the local building techniques, we can save
more lives .”
In Afghanistan, settled villagers construct walls 30 feet (9 metres)
high without the use of scaffolding or shuttering, by hand-packing
a moist mud-straw-pebble mixture in horizontal layers 21 inches
(6 centimetres) deep. Three men can construct a 10 feet (3 metres)
high, 30 feet (9 metres) long wall in 16 hours.
- For floor and foundation designs, too, rural Afghans use stone
or adobe blocks covered with thin coatings of linseed oil,
instead of concrete slabs.
- Urban and rural Afghan houses use underground heating systems,
with floor ducts heated by hot charcoal. Construction is simple
and labour-intensive,
- Rafi Samizay, an Afghan architect, says that his country is
"blessed with a wide variety of vernacular architecture and folk
housing, which iscterised by a subtle balance between the
man-made form and the surrounding natural environment" (Reference
- The common town house in the Herat region, for example, is made
of sun-dried mud bricks faced with a layer of fired bricks. An
additional layer of gypsum is plastered on the interior walls.
Climate control is achieved by elements like the central court-
yard, and by wind-scoops on the roof which funnel the cool north
wind down into the main rooms.
- "Afghanistan is still 9OP,rural and the country has hardly been
touched by 20th century technology, with the result that tradi-
tional buiidl,,, -n= methods arc not a part of history but a continuing
craft", says Rafi Samizay.
Pakistan, too, has evolved its own traditional building solutions
over centuries. Wind-scoops, for instance, are a prominent
feature of the lower Sind district in West Pakistan, where tem-
peratures range from 950F to over 120°F (35-49OC) between April
and June.
- Wind-scoops are installed on the roofs, one to each room to
channel the afternoon breeze, explains Bernard Rudofsky in his
book 'Architecture without Architects'. In multi-storied houses
the vertical ducts double as intramural telephones, a mechanism
which has been in use for at least 500 years.
- Thatta, 60 miles north of Karachi, is an old town with narrow
winding streets and several three-to-four storey mud and bamboo
houses. The walls of these 30-foot (lo-metre) h' h b 'ldings
consiSt of nothing
nothinn more than small 2-inch (5-ceni!metyi)
(5-cen~!met~~l :nh!zk
strips of wood and
an; bamboo covered with reed mats and caulked with
- Pakistan, unlike Afghanistan, is a relatively advanced country
in terms of modernisation and industrialisation. Ghulam Kibria,
former director of the Appropriate Technology Development Organi-
sation (ATDO), points out how difficult it is to get people to
accept even modern-looking low-cost housing solutions (Reference
- ATDO's low-cost strategy was based on two basic concepts:
Hasan Fathy’s book ‘Architecture for the Poor’, published in 1969
(Reference 66), was the first serious attempt to focus on mud
- Fathy’s fascination with mud began when he was a young man,seeing
the peasants 1 homes on his father’s farms. “The peasant built his
house out of mud, or mud bricks, which he dug out of the ground
and dried in the sun... We, with our modern school-learned ideas,
10th century Coptic church in As-wan, Egypt. Modern architect Hasan F&thy
uses the ancient technique of mud vaults to help solve the housing needs
of today.
Photo: Hasan Fathy
- "The solution to Egypt's housing problem lay in Egypt's history",
wrote Fathy. At Luxor, he found granaries built of mud b ricks
3400 years ago. At Touna el Gebel, he found more vaults, 2000
years old, one supporting an excellent staircase.
- "In one short tour", writes Fathy, "I had seen standing proof
of the prevalence of vaulting throughout Egyptian history, yet,
from what we had been taught in the School of Architecture I
might never had suspected that anyone before the Romans kngw how
to build an arch".
- The first use of mud brick for vaulted roof construction in Egypt
is believed to be in some early graves thought to date back more
than 6000 years. While the span of these vaults is less than 30
inches (76 centimetres) they use perfectly the method of all later
vault construction.
- Fathy finally found two craftsmen to build him a traditional
mud-brick vault. They used a special kind of brick, made with more
straw than usual, for lightness, and measuring 25 x 15 x 5 centi-
metres (10 x 6 x 2 inches). They were marked with two parallel
diagonal grooves, drawn with the fingers from corner to corner of
the largest face. These grooves were very important, for they
enabled the bricks to stick to a muddy surface by suction.
- The masons used no measure, but by eye alone traced a perfect
parabola, with its ends upon the side walls. "The whole vault
was built straight out in the air", wrote Fathy, "with no support
or centering, with no instrument, with no drawn plan. There were
Just two masons standing on a plank and a boy underneath tossing
up the bricks, which the masons caught dexterously in the air,
then casually placed on the mud and tapped home with their adzes.
It was so unbelievably simple."
- All that now remained was for Fathy to go out and apply the
methods of the Nubian craftsmen throughout Egypt. This proved
a difficult task.
- Eventually in 1945, he was given the job of building a whole
villa= for iOO0 peasants living near Luxor in a village called
Gourna. The Department of Antiquities wanted the villagers moved
as they had become entirely dependent on tomb-robbing for their
livelihood. The peasants were getting 50,000 Egyptian pounds in
compensation. About 1000 houses were to be built, which gave
Fathy Ef50 per house, a reasonable estimate if his method of
building mud houses was employed. But the department had allocated
nothing for roads, schools, mosques, and other necessary public
buildings and services.
- Fathy decided to use self-help. "We would make our own mud
bricks, we would build kilns, quarry stones, burn lime, bake bricks
for sanitary units . ..The village would, I hoped, show the way
to rebuilding the whole Egyptian countryside. Once it was seen
how cheap good housing can be, I hoped that there \iould be a great
movement of do-it-yourself building among the peasants."
- Fathy was to be greatly disappointed, The Gournis were not
keen to move. Proximity to the tombs gave them an easy liveli-
hood, and they were loath to give it up. Far from playing an
active part in planning and building their own village, they tried
to sabotage Fathy’s scheme.
- From IZ.iS to 1948 it was a constant battle. Funds would flow
in too slowly and work would often grind to a halt. There would
be procedural objections to the purchase of raw materials such as
straw. Finally, Fathy gave up. He built several public buildings
and peasant houses, but the Gourna experiment failed and the
village was never completed.
- Fathy’s experiment left him bitter and disappointed. ‘What
interest can we expect a senior official to have in revolutionary
proposals, to commit his department to major schemes involving
untried techniques and unsound-seeming methods of finance? He
has achieved his position after a lifetime’s cautious progress up
the hierarchy, and now sits heavily at his desk, concerned only
to avoid mistakes .”
- Fathy still believes strongly in traditional materials, self-
help and cooperative construction. “One man cannot build a house,
but 10 men can easily build 10 houses”, he says.
- Fathy cites an example of what people can do by themselves -
and what government planners and architects cannot do for them.
When some villages in Nubia were to be flooded by the Aswan Dam
in 1934, the villagers had to build 35,@00 houses in the year
before their houses were submerged. Using mud bricks and vaulted
roofs, all the villages were completed “without the assistance of
a single architect or engineer. Self-help and local building
materials did everything .”
- “The villages turned out to be remarkably beautiful. Each viliage
had its own character and each house was different from the other.
The houses were spacious, beautiful, clean and roofed neatly with
Egyptian architect Hasan Fathy uses mud walls, domes, vaulting and other
traciitional Nubian techniques to design a mosque. Photo: Hasan Fathy
brick vaults. Each house had a large courtyard in front and a
guest room. The facades and doorways reflected peasant archi-
tecture at its best, exquisitely decorated with clolsterwork
tracery and mouldings ..!n mud.”
- The same region was reflooded in 1965, because of the Aswan
Yigh Dam. Professional architects were called upon to build the ,
new villages. They produced “one monotonous, flat roof house- ~
‘type built in stone and concrete”, says Fathy, “which was then
runeated identically all over the region. Because of the shortage
of”materials and labour provoked by this project, building acti-
vities were held up in the rest of the country. And when funds
were short, the architects simply responded by reducing the height
of the walls. The low roofs in the blazing desert sun turned
these stone and cement houses into ovens, and reports poured in
of increased infant mortality.”
- Even by standardising housing, says Fathy, architects and
planners are unable to reach the poor. A survey of 14 typical
villages in Egypt revealed that 27% of the rooms had no roof,
because the peasants could not even afford to buy reed stalks,
the most common form of roofing.
- Fathy’s work has attracted worldwide attention but he is sti.11
unrecognised in his own country. “We are all bent upon reducing
ourselves from super-Arabs to sub-westerners”, he laments.
- In 1980 the Aga Khan presented 80-year old Hasan Fathy with a
special $100,000 awar for his lifelong contribution to Islamic
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has become a paradise for construction companies
from Holland, Britain, West Germany, USA, South Korea and Taiwan.
Construction expenditure was estimated at $11,845 million in 1978.
- This building b,,nnrn has produced a kind of architectural cola=
nialism. Designers based in Western countries make quick visits
T-ah, Riyadh, Dhahran or Dammanand then produce expensive
and unsuitable schemes in materials which have to be imported
almost to the last door handle and glazed tile.
- AMost of the local architecture is vanishing. The tall houses
in the centre of Jeddah which T.E. Lawrence saw in the 1920s have
been demolished. Their architecture was strongly influenced by
the harsh climate. Houses were set at odd angles in narrow streets
to catch the wind. Pots of water were kept on window sills to cool
the air that passed through.
- Saudi Arabia is mainly a Bedouin society, with few tangible
symbols of his torx. But few Saudis today seem to care about their
architectural heritage.
- Saudi vernacular architecture **is one of the most arresting in
the world”, wrote Dr Ronald Lewcock in the Financial Times in 1978
[Reference 70) .
A construction boom is under way in Jordan. Land prices have
risen 2O-fold in the late 1970s. A great number of building
materials have to be imported, and the construction industry
suffers from scarcity of specialised labour and materials.
- All new housing in Jordan is of modern design along western
lines. Cement and cement-based products dominate the market.
- In the countryside, houses which were once built entirely of
mud are now being replaced by concrete, The government intends
to construct 36 new western-style settlements for farming commu-
nities, largely to discourage migration to cities. Jordan needs
at least 20,000 new houses per year for the next decade.
- In the next two years, the national cement company, which enjoys
a government-protected monopoly, will import 500,000 tons of
cement every year from Europe. Cement demand is rising at the
rate of 15% every year. Plans to build a second cement plant
have been approved, but its one million ton annual output will
all be exported to Africa.
- At present, there is a surplus of de luxe housing in Amman, and
a shortage of lower-cost accommodation. Even the cheapest concrete
houses cannot be afforded by unskilled urban workers.
- Dr R.L. Sharif, director of the Royal Scientific Society in
Amman, says that studies in Jordan have shown that bitumen-
stabilised soil blocks would be technically suitable. But the
bitumen is sold by the local refinery at prices that makes its
use uneconomic.
In 1957, ;9% of Iraq’s population lived in towns; by 1975 the
figure was 59%. Baghdad alone contains 40% of the country’s
urban population.
- Shanty-towns, lacking basic urban services, have grown up around
the cities. And overcrowded old dwellings in the heart of the
cities have become slums because of inadequate repair and main-
tenance. Two-thirds of Iraq’s urban population lives with more
than two people per room.
- The cost of a conventional low-cost house in Iraq is about
$12,000. A family incomes survey in 1977 showed that (assuming
a family shoull3 not purchase a dwelling costing more than three
times its annual income) a conventional low-cost house was beyond
the reach of 75% of all households.
- The 1965 ceh~~~s revealed that the main dwellings were brick
houses, mud houses and tents. Mud houses and tents accounted for
over 27% of the total dwellings. But, according to the Ministry
of Planning, these “are considered as substandard”.
- There is little effort to develop indigenous building materials.
For speed of production and public image reasons, Iraq is deve-
loping a prefabricated housing industry. Four industrialised
housing factories are being established using the French CAMUS
Mud houses are common in Sudan. In northern Sudan, David R. Lee
wrote in 1974 in the journal ‘Ekistics’ (Reference 74) : “Rooms
are covered by a flat roof of sticks and beaten earth. The walls
are built of mud - not mud bricks (as in Egypt) or rammed earth
(as in ancient Europe) but wet, sticky mud laid in successive
tiers. ” .
- “In Sudan this technique is called ‘alous, and is roughly com-
parable to cob construction of western*and. Wet mud, 18 inches
(46 centimetres) high and equally wide, is placed on the ground
and allowed to dry. When this tier has hardened a second is added
then a third and so on until a solid wall of mud has been built.”
- In the dry areas of northernsudan, jalous walls last for years
when they are protected with traditional plaster: a mixture of
mud, straw, and animal dung.
- And, says Lee, “the massive mud walls effectively reduce interior
temperatures during the stifling summer months, when daily maximums
above lOOoF (38OC) are not uncommon”.
- Most of the jalous houses in northern Sudan are single-storey
structures. But (writes Lee) there were some remarkable two-
storey houses as well, particularly in the Berber district.
These were said by local people to have been built about 70
years ago.
- “The uniqueness of these structures is that they all have walls
of some 18 feet (5: metres) high of solid jalous with no rein-
forcing elements: no bricks, no frames, no concrete to strengthen
the wall. For jalous to support itself above about 8 or 10 feet
(2;-3 metres) extreme craftsmanship is required lest the wall of
mud should topple. ” To provide strength, the walls are tapered:
thick near the ground and thinner towards the top. Impressive
buttresses of solid mud sometimes reach from ground to roof.
- Building costs are very high in the Sudan. Timber, stone, sand,
clay and asbestos are plentiful, but concentrated in a few areas.
Limited transport causes repeated shortages.
- Sudan imports 40% of its cement and all its ceramic tiles,
aluminium, zinc sheets, steel section, and kitchen and bathroom
fittings. These materials have to be ordered 6-12amonths in
advance and bought at exhorbitant prices on the black market.
A house built by contractors may take up to 5 years to construct.
Yet there is no serious effort to develop the local construction
- Sudan’s National Building Research Station has been trying to
improve local materials: burnt bricks, sun-dried bricks and
vaulted houses. But little has yet been done to apply these
experiments on a large scale.
- More recently, the UN Centre for Human Settiements (UNCHS) and
the UN Environment Programme have helped the Sudanese government
to start a $1 million project to produce asphalt-stabilised mud
blocks (‘asfadobe’).
- The project will involve a mobile asfadobe plant, producing 20
million bricks a year, as well as the construction of a settle-
ment of 200 houses for low-income families in Khartoum. Large
quantities of asphalt can be obtained within Sudan relatively
cheaply from the oil refinery at Port Sudan.
- According to UNEP! asphalt-stabilised earth is an ancient tech-
nique, first used in Babylon in 3500BC.
- In more recent times, asfadobe has been developed and promoted
by Hans Sump of Fresno, California, and used in some of the most
beautiful and prized homes in California.
- In Sudan, burnt bricks cost $20-32 per thousand. This means
heavy pressure on the country’s meagre resources of firewood; de-
forestation has already reached environmentally disastrous pro-
- Cement blocks are three times as expensive as burnt bricks.
Kuwait, which has the highest per capita income in the worl;l‘;
gives high priority to building and housing. A recent develop-
ment plan allocated 68% of total investment to housing.
- Kuwaiti housing policy, however, gives priority to Kuwaiti
citizens. The majority of foreign workers in Kuwait, who are
not allowed to own land, are poorly housed.
- Income distribution figures are not easily available in Kuwait.
But a study by UNEP and the UN Economic Commission for West Asia
estimates ‘that nearly 80% of wage earners in Kuwait cannot afford
to purchase the lower income housing type provided by the
Kuwaiti National Housing Authority.
- Before the oil boom, houses in Kuwait were made from sun-dried
mud pallets or lumps of coral rock taken from the shore. With
the disappearance of mud construction, the old art of making
thermally-efficient buildings has deteriorated, says the UN study.
- Poor insulation building materials have become a matter of
major concern to the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR).
In the heat of summer up to 66% of Kuwait’s installed electricity
capacity, says the UNEP/ECWAstudy, is utilised for cooling.
- Iron and steel required for residential construction is largely
imported cram Japan. Since the rise in oil prices, the cost of
cement has increased by 4; times. The sand-cement block, which
is the most common walling material, “has now become too expensive
for most builders of homes”, says the UNEP/ECWAreport.
Algeria plans to build a thousand new villages. The UN University
and the Algerian National Organ+sation for Scientific Research
are developing the world’s firs,t, integrated solar village, which
by the end of 1982 should be home to 1500 people. The houses,
near Bou Saada in M’sila province, conform to traditional commu-
nity lifestyles and will be built by local masons (Reference 76).
- The relationship of the village ~;~:~;~~ture to solar energy
use will be of special interest. solar energy systems
like solar hot water heaters will be used, but so also will -any
features of traditional Algerian architecture which constitute
a ‘passive ’ use of solar energy.
- For example, traditional houses are built with thick mud walls
to keep out the heat, with many small windows to let in breezes
but shut out the sun, and with indoor fountains for cooling.
The work of Professor Hasan Fathy of Egypt i> expected to influence
the architecture of Bou Saada.
In Tanzania, about 60% of all houses have walls partly or wholly
constructed from earth. This proportion is increasing, as many
of the traditional grass and pole walls in most of the remaining
40% of the houses are being replaced by earth walls.
- Brick and cement walls, or walls made with soil-cement blocks,
form only about 5% of house walls in Tanzania, and are found
mainly in towns.
- There are several reasons for this growing shift from grass to
earth walls:
* mud walls are more durable - there is no decay and
insect attacks are reduced
* sun-dried earth walls are load-bearing structures and
so no wooden poles are required to support the roof
* mud walls reduce temperature variations inside the house
* mud walls are cheap.
- -In 1977, President Julius K. Nyerere wrote (Reference 39):
We are still thinking in terms of international standards instead
of what we can afford and what we can do ourselves...It is no use
expecting the National Housing Corporation to supply all the houses
we need... Instead we should concentrate on b.'te-and-services projects,
so that people can build for themselves houses which are appropriate
to their income, and which can be gradually improved over time."
Soil-cement may not seem anything to sing about. But the people
of George, one of Lusaka’s largest shanty-towns, have a song:
Those of George
Have made bricks
They call 'em soil cement
Nice ones
So thick and heavy
So cheap
So strong
Gob for building a house
Ooh for building a house.
- George is today one of the best upgrading projects in Africa:
an attempt to make the slum habitable for the people who live in
it. The philosophy is to help people to help themselves.
- It has not always been like that in Lusaka. The Zambia News
wrote in May 1970:
"The demolition of squatter compounds... is a necessary exercise which
has got to be undertaken. Our cities, and more particularly our
capital, must rid themselves of the scars of such squalid settlements,
thus x-moving the liability from the municipal authorities who are
doing their best to plan the most effective future building schemes...
"If these people living in these terrible areas which are, of course#
perfect havens for the criminal element,use more initiative instead
of sponging from the community to which they are contributing nothing,
they need not suffer in any way by being moved away from their hovels.
According to Erica Mann of the Kenya Architectural Association:
“The planning authorities here - like in other developing coun-
tries of Africa - look upon mud and any other traditional buil-
ding materials, as a left-over from their past, and are not very
sympathetic to its re-introduction”.
- The Housing Research and Development Unit at Nairobi University
tried several years ago to test various processes of soil stabili-
sation, says Mrs e Mann. This was abandoned, mainly because of
lack of facilities and trained per=sonnel, but also because of
“the reluctance of local students to being drawn into this sort
.of ‘backward’ exercise”.
- Professor R.B.L. Smith of the Civil Engineering Department of
the University of Nairobi is currently working on sisal-cement
rendering of mud brick walls. He considers it will provide cheap
construction which will weather well and look good, as well as
being more hygienic than mud.
- UNICEF’s Village Technology Unit in Nairobi runs regular courses
in the production of compressed soil-cement blocks using Cinva
rams ; the rams are manufactured locally in Nairobi. The unit
trains instructors for Kenya’s rural polytechnics, who then are
expected to disseminate their information to the rural people.
- Mobil and other oil companies in Kenya have recently become
alerted to the potential of asphalt in the building industry, and
a conference was held in Nairobi in December 1979. A stable,
rapid-curing asphalt emulsion for the production of asfadobe is
now being made in Kenya and transported by tankers to a develop-
ment project in Juba, southern Sudan. A demonstration house may
be built soon in asfadobe, in Dandora, a 6000-unit World Bank-
supported site-and-services scheme in Nairobi.
After Independence, the Mozambique government declared urban
housing a national priority. But it found that even low-cost
housing was too expensive for most of its urban population. Such
houses usually go to the middle classes, especially civil servants.
- The Mozambique government is therefore encouraging self-help
traditional building materials. Efforts are being made to improve’
the design of traditional ‘pau a pique’ or cane houses. These
houses are built with a frame of wooden poles or canes, spaced
about 50 centimetres (20 inches) apart, with the gap filled by
stones and mud,
- Pau a pique houses last only five years, but improvements are
being introduced which are expected to extend this to 30 years:
* a slightly raised base to improve drainage
* a ceiling to improve temperature control
* larger windows to improve ventilation
* walls coated with cement to preserve the mud and wood
* orienting the house north-south and painting it white,
to reduce heating.
- A three-bedroomed house of the improved type costs about $1,600.
But there are still two serious problems that have to be overcome:
protecting the wood from termites, and replacing the thatch with
a more permanent roof. Metal sheets are increasingly being used
as roofs, but they become very hot in summer.
- The Portuguese left behind a prefabrication industry in Mozam-
bique. The government is now trying to make best use of its
products’ as it does not want to dismiss the industrial workers,
no matter how inappropriate the products they are producing.
refabricated components are encouraged even in tradi-
;izzam pre-stressed roof beams , concrete slabs for kitchen
and bathroom sinks , prefabricated sinks and shower bases. .
Ghana has one of the most rapid rates of urbanisation south of
the Sahara. Its urban population is growing nearly twice as fast
as the national population increase.
- In 1970, 30% of Ghana’s people lived in towns with populations
over 5000’ The capital, Accra, grew by 40 % betwee 1970 and 1976.
- Most of the urban population is poor. Half the households in
Accra had an annual income less than 1900 cedi ($650) in 1977,
Few can afford to pay more than lo-1599 of their income on housing,
so their houses are largely built of traditional materials,
- Since Independence in 1957, Ghana has had many housing schemes -
but none has made any major impact.
- The two government housing corporations and the official Low-
Cost Housing Programme generated about 4000 new houses every year
between 1972 and 1976. These houses received high government
subsidies, but were still acqliired by relatively rich households.
- The 1975-80 Five Year Plan recognised that there had been “no
consistent direction in housing programmes for many years”.
- A large proportion of Ghana’s urban houses (54% in 1960 and 43%
in 1970) and most rural houses (94% in 1960) are made from a clay
material called ‘swish’ or ‘atekepame’.
- Compacted laterite (a well-weathered, iron-rich soil) is formed
into balls and laid in smoothed layers of about 13 feet (46 centi-
metres) . A swish house can last for 25 years or more.
- Swish was introduced to Ghana in the mid-1880s, but has never
been truly Ghanaian. It is built by itinerant builders, usually :
from neighbouring countries. Since the Aliens Compliance Act of
1969, the number of swish builders has decreased substantially.
- Swish, unless it uses stabilising materials, is now much less
used for new urban building. Many houses are now built of soil-
cement or sandcrete - laterite-stabilised cement at a ratio of
12:l to 24:l. Sandcrete blocks, manufactured by simple machines
in small factories, vary widely in quality.
- The UK Building Research Establishment took soil containing 6%
lime to make blocks in a Cinva ram at Kumasi. Walls constructed
with these lime-stabilised soil blocks show negligible erosion
after standing out in the rains for a year, while similar walls
of unstabilised soil blocks had eroded appreciably.
- Cement production severely limits the construction industry in
Ghana: cement products account for 30-60% of total building expen-
- The cost of a simple one-room house using sandcrete blocks and
asbestos-cement roofing sheets has increased by 170% since 1967.
This has made it more and more difficult for low-income earners
to buy a house. The same one-room house built with fired clay
bricks or sandcrete (stabilised soil) costs 15% less.
- The Ghanaian roof loan scheme provides loans for building mate-
rials to members of approved village housing societies.
- Low-income households are generally able to build their houses
using traditional techniques and materials, but cannot afford
the roof.
- Loans in 1970 averaged about $130 for a dwelling of about 260
square feet (24 square metres). But the roof loan scheme ran into
a high default rate, with one in three loans reported in arrears.
If the loan agency tried to sell the house, neighbours were not
willing to purchase it and contribute to the eviction of a fellow
villager. The security of the loan was thereby diminished and
the scheme has had little impact on rural housing.
- Ghana has probably done more research on traditiona~u~u~i.~ing
materials than other sub-Saharan African countries.
government has never planned seriously for their use.
- A.A. Hammond, chief technical officer of the Building and Road
Research Institute at Kumasi, wrote in 1973: “People will continue
to live in mud houses for some time...This being the case, govern-
ments of developing countries must undertake to help reduce the
deterioration of these houses and to improve their durability”
(Reference 84).
- Austin Tetteh, dean of architecture at the Kumasi Institute of
Nigeria is one of the wealthiest and most rapidly urbanising coun-
tries in Africa.
- “Solving Nigeria’s housing problems by just ‘building more houses’
is not only an over-simplification of the central issue, but it
is also easier said than done”, says Adenrele A. Awotona, lecturer
in architecture at the University of Lagos (Reference 87).
- Should the government try to build all the necessary houses
itself? “Until the petrodollar economy”, says Dr David Aradeon
bf School of Environmental Design, Lagos, “no Nigerian govern-
ment could have thought it possible to do so” (Reference 88).
- In 1975, the Nigerian government unveiled its massive 30 billion
naira (pi)($6 billion) Third National Development Plan. This
included a projected investment of W1.5 billion ($300 million) for
60,000 low-income houses.
- “To have invested that huge amount of money within such a short
period is proving to be an unworkable experiment.l.almost beyond
the meaningful financial capacity of the nation”, comments David
- Nearly 80% of any construction project in Nigeria depends on
imported building materials. The Association of Housing Corpora-
tions calculated that the government would need to spend W3.8
billion ($750 million) to provide low-cost housing for all the
country’s urban poor. -
- Aradeon suggests that the role of the Nigeriangovernment should
not be to build houses but to stimulate people to invest their
own resources in building.
- The Nigerian government is now becoming interested in site-and-
services programmes, and upgrading squatter settlements, The
Federal Housing Authority, which is particularly interested in
the use of stabilised soil,has to import most of its cement.
- Kaizer Talib, an architect at the University of Lagos, distin-
guishes between two forms of traditional building in the tropics:
thick-walled mud buildings of the hot-dry regions and the bamboo,
palm fronds and mud-plastered buildings of the hot-humid regions.
Both these forms exist in Nigeria and exhibit distinctive cultures,
building forms, techniques and traditional use of materials
(Reference 90).
- Architect Stevens Ehrlich has (except for the concrete base)
used mud in the construction of the Ahmadu Bello University studio
theatre, together with domes and grass roofs.
- “Aesthetically, one need only recall the attractive mud buil-
dings of.. . Northern Nigeria to refute the notion that mud is ugly”
said an expert group on human settlements technology organised
by the UN Environment Programme in 1976. Skilled Hausa crafts-
men have used mud for palaces and houses.
- Talib has built a modern two-storey house to suit the warm
humid climate of Lagos. It has an upper floor with light concrete
walls. The lower floor,whose undulating walls are made of mud
reinforced with bamboo and reeds, is shaded by the upper floor,
so inner temperatures remain constant and the mud walls are pro-
tected from rain. Light bamboo screens give good ventilation
throughout the building.
- This is a rich man’s house. But construction through self-help
and family labour, and the use of mud and thatch courtyards could
help to make traditional buildings cheaper and climatically more
Upper Volta
Ouagadougou was described as the ‘city built with mud’ by the
French colonial explorer Louis Gustave Binger in 1886. It still
deserves this nickname, for even today 40% of the people of Upper
Volta’s capital live in houses of ‘banco’ (wet mud) and timber.
- A 1973 UN project for low-income housing concluded that the use
of timber for building was clearly irrational in Upper Volta.
Wood, the main source’of energy in the country, is extremely scarce
and is also attacked by termites.
- O.D. Ouedraogo of the Voltan Centre for Scientific Research
(CVRS) supports the use of local building materials and popular
participation in construction. “This is in no way a fantasy of
returning to building idealised precolonial dwellings”, he argues
(Reference 92). Banco, he says, is the only solution.
- The Ministry for National Education used stabilised and compacted
earth for 200 dwellings for schoolteachers. Thus, believe.;;
Ouedraogo, “every schoolchild is impregnated with the idea that
Mud can be extraordinarily versatile. Mud walls and woven grass roofs
form a series of huts and family yards in Upper Volta.
Photo: Sean Sprague
Adobe building reached a peak of variety and magnificence in Peru where the
cathedral in Lima is said to be the largest mud building in the world,
Above: a typical adobe courtyard and, below, Torre Tagle Palace, Lima.
Latin America
The World Bank estiriiated in 1970 that 55% of the people in Mexico
City and 47% in Bogota could not afford to buy the simplest
modern house - even if no deposit were required,mortgage repayment
was spread over 25 years, and interest rates were only 10%.
- The slums and shanty-towns use little or no manufactured
materials to build their homes. Self-constructed houses are main1
made of cardboard, wood, sheetmetal and occasionally clay roo + ing
tiles. Any materials thathaveto be paid for are purchased slowly
over a period of time.
- What is the future for housing in Latin America? The potential.
to meet everyone’s needs is there, as a study on human settlements
in Latin America conducted by the International Institute for
Environment and Development (IIED) in London points out (Reference
- “The land exists; the resources exist to fabricate the construc-
tion materials... professionals abound...The ‘Problem’ of human
settlements is, after all, the problem of poverty.”
- Mud houses are very common in the Venezuelan and Colombian Andes.
The peoule there have uked the rammed earth method for construc-
ting walls for centuries. Wooden frames are used to hold successive
3-inch (8-centimetre) layers of a slightly moist mixture of small
stones and mud, which are rammed down with a 4 x 4 inch (10 x 10
centimetre) wooden post, Non-organic soil with a high clay con-
tent must be used.
- The richest tradition of using adobe (sun-dried mud) as a buil-
ding material comes from Peru, a country with an extremely dry
- A. Hyatt Verrill wrote in 1930 (Reference 94): “In no part of
the world . ..has adobe construction reached such a state of
development and attained such heights as in Peru. Long ages
before the Soaniards first set foot on Peruvian soil. the Incas
and the pre-&an tribes had learned the use of mud as a building
material. Enormous walls, great mounds, countless dwellings,
vast temples, and massive forts were built of sun-dried mud bricks
and blocks and many of these still remain, little altered by
time and elements .”
- “The Dons followed their example and used the cheap and easily
obtainable adobe in erecting their buildings”, he continued.
“Their palaces, forts, homes and churches were made entirely of
mud, and through the centuries these have endured and remain today
as imposing and as beautiful as in the days of Pizarro.”
- “The world’s largest mud building, the old Lima cathedral, is
built of adobe blocks without reinforcement of any kind. But it
now has a concrete coating at the base of its walls.”
- “Wherever there is available mud, one will see the r!atives
industriously engaged in making adobe bricks”, wrote Merrill in
1930. “The mud, dug from any convenient spot, is mixed with sand
and usually with some chopped straw or dried manure. The resul-
tant pasty mass is then pressed into wooden forms or frames. The
shaped blocks are then removed and placed in the sun to dry and
in a day or two are ready for use.”
- “The penniless brick-ma.ker needs little more than his bare hands.
With his wife and children, and his worldly goods...he camps upon
the selected site . ..In a few days the brick-maker and his family
are surrounded by brick walls . ..Here they remain as long as bricks
can be made and sold on the land.”
- Few rich people in Lima today build adobe houses, but the poor
still use mud as the most important building material, especially
in the squatter settlements.
- The Cinva ram, which has now been used in several places in
Africa to make compressed soil-cement blocks, was first developed
in Latin America at the Inter-American Housing and Planning Center
(CINVA) in Bogota, Colombia, in 1952.
- The University of Kassel in West Germany has developed a special
type of shuttering that allows a rammed earth wall to be rein-
forced by vertical bamboo sticks, a type of wall which in Guate-
mala has proved to be earthquake-resistant.
- Impravements have also been made to a traditional construction
method from Latin America known as ‘bajaraque’, in which clay is
filled into a skeleton bamboo structure.
- The West German aid agency- GTZ has been working in El Salvador
“to build solid and cheap houses made of soil for the poorest
inhabitants in self-help work”. Here, extensive deforestation has
caused an acute shortage of timber and thatch. Several demonstra-
tion houses have been built using lime-stabilised soil bricks
which are said not to show any appearances of dissolving even
after a month in a water bath.
United States
Individuals in the USA have for a long time talked about using
adobe as a building material on an extensive scale, but have
never had much success. The reasons have been similar to those
advanced today in developing countries (Reference 95).
- In April 1924, an article in’scientific American’described how
an experimental house was being built in Kansas City using the
rammed earth or pise technique imported from Europe. Juanita
Porter listed the manifest a.dvantages of pise as a building
material: extreme cheapness, untrained labour, saving in trans-
port costs since soil is always near at hand, comfort, cooler in
summer than brick, warmer and easier to heat in winter, practi-
cally indestructible, low upkeep, practically fireproof.
- In December 1942,‘Business Week’described a Detroit cooperative
formed to make houses using rammed earth. Its members were
mostly factory workers and followed Egyptian Hasan Fathy’s argu-
ment that while one person cannot build a house, ten persons can
Europe, despite its cold and wet climate, has had a long tradition
of earth houses. Earth buildings can still be found in England,
Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, Scandinavia and Greenland.
- There is an old saying in Devon, England: “All cob wants is a
good hat and a good pair of shoes”. Cob is an English term for
mud mixed with chopped straw, lime and sometimes a little aggre-
gate (small stones),
- Walls of cob buildings were kept dry by a generous roof overhang
usually made of thatch (the hat); a waterproof plinth would
be made to protect the walls from ground damp (the pair of shoes).
- The composition of these plinths varied from region to region:
stone and pebbles in Devon, flint and bricks in Norfolk.
- Building incob was a living craft until recently in many parts
of Britain, p articularly in Devon and South Wales. Sometimes
lime-stabilised mud blocks were also used and they were extremely
- But despite its qualities of strength and thermal comfort, mud
could not withstand the onslaught of modern building materials.
In Victorian England, mud block was gradually relegated to being
a poor man’s material. Householders anxious to display their
affluence would build all their walls of mud except those facing
the road, which would be of brick. An observer at the turn of
the century noted that half the “brick” cottages in Norfolk were
in fact built of mud underneath their ‘skin’.
- The decline in popularity of mud was temporarily reversed after
World War I. British architect Clough Williams Ellis wrote a
book in 1919 called ‘Building in Cob, Pise and Stabilised Earth’,
which still remains one of the best technical works in this
field (Reference 104).
- In 1920, the UK Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries built a
number of cottages using various types of building materials
available on site, inclilding mud, on the outskirts of the village
of Amesbury in Wiltshire.
- The technique used was mainly the rammed earth construction
technique; the local soil used had a varying proportion of chalk
in it. Most houses had overhanging roofs, and the foundation
walls made of brick and concrete rose in some cottages to about
one foot (30 centimetres) above the ground,
- A review of these houses by the Department of Architecture at
the University of Cambridge in the 1970s noted: “The houses,,,
have remained in very good condition except in some minor details
. ..The chalk pise (rammed earth) walls appear very sound even
though the rendering is missing in places”.
- “The maintenance”, the report pointed out, “that had been
necessary for the houses visited was no more than would be
expected in any SO-year old house”.
- The people living in these houses said that because of the
thick chalk walls, they had installed smaller heating systems
and had lower running costs “than in a conventional 275mm cavity
brick house”. One owner pointed out that “the damp was nothing
compared to the damp patches (from condensation) seen in the
brick council houses opposite”.
- The study concluded: I’.. . The success and teachings of the Ames-
bury experiment provide good grounds for further thought on
building houses of earth”.
- The Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) operates
a workshop in Warley, West Midlands, which has helped the Bicton
Agricultural College in Devon develop a method of waterproofing
mud brick walls by coating them with a glass-reinforced cement.
A store for the Westbrick Company in Exeter has been built with
this technique which has stood well despite two winters of heavy
snow and severe frost. Stud,ies are now being made to see to what
extent it saves energy.
Mali mud granaries are protected from rain by an overhanging grass roof,
and stand off the ground to avoid floods and rising damp. (Note the
simple ladder for repairing the roof.)
Photo: Sean Sprague
33.wergy conservation for Fossil Fuel for mess developed Countries, Jose Goldemberg &
Robert Williams, 1978 (in press)
34,Joint UNEP/ECWA mission report on human settlements technoiogy in the
ECWA region, 1977
33.Appropriate Technoloyie6 for Small-Scale Production of Cement and Cementitious Materials,
R.J.S. Spence, UNIDO, IDIWG.281/92. 1978
36,cliwte and House Design, Vol 1, United Nations, E.6Y.IV.11, 1971
37.Physfcal Improvement of slums and Squatter Settlements, UN Centre for Human Settle-
ments (UNCHS), Nairobi, 1979
58.~eyional Paper for Western Asia, Prep. Corn. for the UN Conference on Science
and Technology for Development, A/CONF.8l/PC.l8/Add.l, UN, 1979
39.The Arush Declaration: Ten Years After, Julius K. Nyerere, Tanzania Publishing
House, Dar es Salaam, 1977
40:z~king an all-roi;sd attitude to science, An interview with Indira Gandhi, Nature,
Vol 285, No 5761, London, 1980
41 .Prolonyfny the life of earth buildings in the tropics, A.A. Hammond, Building and
Road Research Institute, Kumasi, Ghana, CP/4/73, May/June 1973
42.Indigenous Building and the Third world, F. Afhshar, A. Cain, M.R. Daraie & J.
Norton, Development Workshop on Indigenous Building Methods in the Third
World, Teheran, Iran, 1976
43..ww-~ost Sousing in the Indian Context, Surya Kant Misra, Overseas Building Notes,
No 172, Building Research E*+ahri=hmPnt.
a*- ---- ________,Watford UK, 1977; Sarvatogriha,S.K. Misra,
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