HOME Documentary

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(An English language learning exercise based on the Earth from Above by Yann Arthus-Bertrand)

Watch the movie HOME (1:08 – 1:33) and fill in the blanks below. Ten have been done for you.
Ecological Phenomena Facts and Figures
1. How many per cent of world’s population live on coastal 70%
2. Of the 15 largest cities in the world, how many stand on a
coastline or river estuary? ____
3. As the sea level rises, what will happen to these people and to They will have to migrate inland.
their drinking water sources? S___ will invade their water table.
4. How much of the snow of Mt. Kilimanjaro has disappeared? 80%
5. The Himalayan glaciers are the sources of all the great rivers They are the Indus, Ganges,
of Asia. They are hit by global warming and are receding. There Mekong, Yangtze River and
will be a water crisis for the Asian peoples. Yellow River.
6. How many people depend on these rivers for water and
irrigating crops? ___ billion
7. In what ways will Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most Dramatic flooding and h________
populous countries in the world, be affected by global warming? Disappearance of one-third of the
land mass
8. Why is the permafrost in Siberia regarded as a climatic time Release of the methane gas
9. How powerful is methane compared with carbon dioxide as a
greenhouse gas? ___ times more powerful
10. How many years does humanity have to reverse the trend of
ecological crisis? ___ years
11. How many per cent of the world’s population consume 80% 20%
of the world’s resources?
12. How much more money is spent on military expenditures
than on aid to developing countries? ___ times
13. How many people die every day because of dirty drinking 5,000
14. How many people of the world have no access to safe Nearly __ billion
drinking water?
15. How much of the grain traded around the world is for animal
feed or biofuels? ___%
16. Every year, how many hectares of forest disappear? ___ million
17. Three quarters of the fishing grounds are exhausted, depleted 1 mammal in 4; 1 bird in 8;
or in dangerous decline. 1 amphibian in 3 are threatened
with e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
18. How many times faster are the animals dying today than the 1,000 times
natural rate?
19. How many climate refugees will there be by 2050? At least ____ million
20. The average temperature of the last 15 years have been
highest ever recorded. How much thinner is the ice cap than 40 ____%
years ago?
Questions and Short Answers:
1. What kinds of renewable energy are mentioned in the movie? S____, w____, g_______, tidal energy
2. What have these countries done for their people and their environment? In Bangladash, one man,
Mohammad Yunus, thought the unthinkable and founded a bank, the Grameen Bank that lends only to
the poor. In 30 years, it has changed the lives of ___ million people. He won the Nobel Prize in 2006.
o South Korea’s national reforestation program covering __% of the country, recycles __% of paper
o Costa Rica chose land conservation over military spending. It no longer has an _ _ _ _.
o Germany set up the first ever eco-friendly district for _______ people in Freiburg.
o Denmark produced a proto-type of a coal-fired plant that releases _____ into the soil rather than
the air.
o US, China, Germany, and Spain are the biggest investors in r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ .
3. Which example of efforts they made on environmental issues impress you the most? Why?
4. What can Hong Kong people do to fight the ecological crisis?
Follow-up Task: Read the “Ecological Crisis, A Common Responsibility” by Pope John Paul II (1990)
at http://conservation.catholic.org/ecologicalcrisis.htm and write a 2-page personal response to it.

Source: HOME (93 minutes in English with subtitles) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU

Home Trailer on YouTube: (Two and a half minutes only) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8IozVfph7I
ELT and Green Education Worksheet Prepared by George Jor (E-mail: [email protected])
H O M E (Earth from Above: A movie by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, 2009) ANSWER KEY
ELT and Green Education Worksheet Prepared by George Jor (E-mail: [email protected])

Watch the movie HOME (1:08 – 1:33) and fill in the 20 blanks below. Ten have been done for you.
Ecological Phenomena Facts and Figures
1. How many per cent of world’s population live on coastal 70%
2. Of the 15 largest cities in the world, how many stand on a 11
coastline or river estuary?
3. As the sea level rises, what will happen to these people and to They will have to migrate inland.
their drinking water sources? Salt will invade their water table.
4. How much of the snow of Mt. Kilimanjaro has disappeared? 80%
5. The Himalayan glaciers are the sources of all the great rivers They are the Indus, Ganges,
of Asia. They are hit by global warming and are receding. There Mekong, Yangtze River and
will be a water crisis for the Asian peoples. Yellow River.
6. How many people depend on these rivers for water and
irrigating crops? 2 billion
7. In what ways will Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most Dramatic flooding and hurricanes,
populous countries in the world, be affected by global warming? Disappearance of one-third of the
land mass
8. Why is the permafrost in Siberia regarded as a climatic time Release of the methane gas
9. How powerful is methane compared with carbon dioxide as a
greenhouse gas? 20 times more powerful
10. How many years does humanity have to reverse the trend of
ecological crisis? 10 years
11. How many per cent of the world’s population consume 80% 20%
of the world’s resources?
12. How much more money is spent on military expenditures
than on aid to developing countries? 12 times
13. How many people die every day because of dirty drinking 5,000
14. How many people of the world have no access to safe Nearly 1 billion
drinking water?
15. How much of the grain traded around the world is for animal
feed or biofuels? 50%
16. Every year, how many hectares of forest disappear? 13 million
17. Three quarters of the fishing grounds are exhausted, depleted 1 mammal in 4; 1 bird in 8;
or in dangerous decline. 1 amphibian in 3 are threatened
with extinction.
18. How many times faster are the animals dying today than the 1,000 times
natural rate?
19. How many climate refugees will there be by 2050? At least 200 million
20. The average temperature of the last 15 years have been
highest ever recorded. How much thinner is the ice cap than 40 40%
years ago?
Questions and Short Answers:
1. What kinds of renewable energy are mentioned in the movie? Solar, wind, geothermal, tidal
2. What have these countries done for their people and their environment? In Bangladash, one man,
Mohammad Yunus, thought the unthinkable and founded a bank, the Grameen Bank that lends only to
the poor. In 30 years, it has changed the lives of 150 million people.
o South Korea’s national reforestation program covering 65% of the country, recycles 75% of paper
o Costa Rica chose land conservation over military spending. It no longer has an army.
o Germany set up the first ever eco-friendly district for 5,000 people in Freiburg.
o Denmark produced a proto-type of a coal-fired plant that releases carbon into the soil rather than
the air.
o US, China, Germany, and Spain are the biggest investors in renewable energy.
3. Which example of efforts they made on environmental issues impress you the most? Why?
4. What can Hong Kong people do to save the earth? Be responsible consumers and fair traders
Follow-up Task: Read the “Ecological Crisis, A Common Responsibility” by Pope John Paul II (1990)
at http://conservation.catholic.org/ecologicalcrisis.htm and write a 2-page personal response to it.

Source: HOME (93 minutes in English with subtitles) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU

Home Trailer on YouTube: (Two and a half minutes only with Spanish or German subtitles)

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