Adams Hotjupiter
Adams Hotjupiter
Adams Hotjupiter
© 2022. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
Spatially Resolved Modeling of Optical Albedos for a Sample of Six Hot Jupiters
Danica J. Adams1 , Tiffany Kataria2 , Natasha E. Batalha3 , Peter Gao4,5 , and Heather A. Knutson1
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA; [email protected]
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
NASA Ames Research Center, MS 245-3, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science, 5241 Broad Branch Road, NW, Washington, DC 20015, USA
Received 2021 May 12; revised 2021 November 12; accepted 2021 November 23; published 2022 February 21
Optical secondary eclipse measurements made by Kepler reveal a diverse set of geometric albedos for hot Jupiters
with equilibrium temperatures between 1550 and 1700 K. The presence or absence of high-altitude condensates,
such as Mg2SiO4, Fe, Al2O3, and TiO2, can significantly alter optical albedos, but these clouds are expected to be
confined to localized regions in the atmospheres of these tidally locked planets. Here, we present 3D general
circulation models and corresponding cloud and albedo maps for six hot Jupiters with measured optical albedos in
this temperature range. We find that the observed optical albedos of K2-31b and K2-107b are best matched by
either cloud-free models or models with relatively compact cloud layers, while Kepler-8b’s and Kepler-17b’s
optical albedos can be matched by moderately extended ( fsed = 0.1) parametric cloud models. HATS-11b has a
high optical albedo, corresponding to models with bright Mg2SiO4 clouds extending to very low pressures
( fsed = 0.03). We are unable to reproduce Kepler-7b’s high albedo, as our models predict that the dayside will be
dominated by dark Al2O3 clouds at most longitudes. We compare our parametric cloud model with a microphysical
cloud model. We find that even after accounting for the 3D thermal structure, no single cloud model can explain
the full range of observed albedos within the sample. We conclude that a better knowledge of the vertical mixing
profiles, cloud radiative feedback, cloud condensate properties, and atmospheric metallicities is needed in order to
explain the unexpected diversity of albedos in this temperature range.
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Hot Jupiters (753); Atmospheric clouds (2180); Radiative transfer (1335);
Exoplanet atmospheres (487); Extrasolar gaseous planets (2172)
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Table 1
Properties of our Planet Sample
Planet MP (MJ) RP (RJ) Teq(K )a g (m s−2) a (au) Period (days) Measured Ag Referenceb
K2-31b 1.77 1.06 1550 39.07 0.022 1.26 0.023 ± 0.002 1,9
Kepler-17b 2.45 1.31 1570 35.41 0.026 1.49 0.099 ± 0.017 2,3
HATS-11b 0.85 1.51 1560 7.97 0.051 3.62 0.270 ± 0.052 4,5,9
Kepler-7b 0.45 1.65 1630 4.16 0.062 4.89 0.25 ± 0.01 6,8
K2-107b 0.84 1.44 1650 10.26 0.048 3.31 0.062 ± 0.010 5,7,9
Kepler-8b 0.60 1.41 1680 7.32 0.047 3.85 0.124 ± 0.013 6,10
Notes. (1) Grziwa et al. (2016), (2) Desert et al. (2011), (3) Bonomo et al. (2017), (4) Bayliss et al. (2018), (5) Livingston et al. (2018), (6) Esteves et al. (2015),
(7) Eigmuller et al. (2017), (8) Heng et al. (2021), (9) Niraula et al. (2018), (10) Esteves et al. (2013).
Calculated assuming a Bond albedo of zero and efficient day–night recirculation.
Reference to geometric albedo measurement is bolded for each row.
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Figure 2. Map of the dayside temperatures (in Kelvin) of each planet at 1 mbar, roughly the pressure of unit optical depth in a clear atmosphere in the Kepler
bandpass. Each planet is given a unique scale for the color bar to best match the relevant temperature range.
level from the GCMs by assuming Kzz = w(z)L(z), where w(z) tunable parameter and explore a range of possible values. Models
is the horizontally averaged global rms vertical velocity from with larger values of fsed will have high rates of sedimentation,
the GCM simulations, L(z) is approximated as the atmospheric concentrating the condensing species in the lower atmosphere.
pressure scale height H(z) (but could be a fraction of H(z); see Conversely, models with smaller values of fsed will have much
Smith 1998), and z is altitude. Moses et al. (2011) note that this slower sedimentation rates, allowing cloud particles to remain
is only an estimate; a better approach would involve calculating lofted higher in the atmosphere. For each planet, we run a suite of
Kzz from the eddy vertical velocity times the eddy displace- Virga models with fsed values of 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, and 6.0.
ment, but this information is not readily obtainable from the This range is motivated by comparisons to observational data,
GCMs; this could be resolved by adding passive tracers to which suggest that fsed can be as small as 0.01 for super-Earths
future GCM models. Our treatment may overestimate Kzz in the (Morley et al. 2015) or as large as 2–5 for some gas giants and
∼10–200 bar radiative region, where the vertical motion often brown dwarfs (Saumon & Marley 2008; Skemer et al. 2016;
consists of small-scale wave oscillations. MacDonald et al. 2018). For Jupiter’s ammonia clouds, an fsed of
We reduce the spatial resolution of our longitude and latitude ∼2 appears to provide the best match to observations (Ackerman
grid from 128 × 65 to 10 × 10 by binning the pressure-temp- & Marley 2001). We therefore conclude that our chosen list of
erature profiles and corresponding Kzz profiles prior to running values spans a representative range for this parameter.
Virga. We retain the original 53 pressure levels in the rebinned
grid. This binning has a negligible effect on our calculation of 2.4. Computing Microphysical Clouds with CARMA
the phase-integrated albedo and significantly reduces computa-
In addition to the parametric model described above, we also
tion time. We bin using the area mean with angles from the
utilize CARMA, a more computationally demanding microphysical
Chebyshev–Gauss integration method that vary as a function of
cloud formation model. CARMA calculates the equilibrium cloud
planetary latitude and longitude.
particle-size distribution by solving the 1D discretized continuity
In Virga the molar mixing ratio of the condensed phase, qc,
equation for aerosol particles that experience vertical transport due
is calculated by solving the equation
to sedimentation and eddy diffusion and production and loss due
¶qt to particle nucleation (homogeneous and heterogeneous), con-
- Kzz - fsed w*qc = 0, (1 ) densation, evaporation, and coagulation. CARMA has been prev-
¶z iously used to investigate condensate cloud formation on Earth
where qt is the total mixing ratio (condensed and vapor phases), (e.g., Ackerman et al. 1993; Jensen & Toon 1994; Ackerman et al.
1995), Venus (e.g., James et al. 1997; McGouldrick & Toon 2007;
ω* is the convective velocity scale, and fsed is defined as the
Gao et al. 2014), Mars (e.g., Colaprete et al. 1999), and exoplanets
ratio of the mass-weighted droplet sedimentation velocity to the
(e.g., Gao et al. 2018; Powell et al. 2019; Gao et al. 2020). CARMA
convective velocity, ω*. The product fsedω* describes an has also been used to model photochemical hazes on Titan (Toon
average sedimentation velocity for the condensate, which et al. 1992), Pluto (Gao et al. 2017), ancient Earth (Wolf &
offsets turbulent mixing. We refer the reader to Ackerman & Toon 2010), and warm Jupiters (Adams et al. 2019). In order to
Marley (2001) for more details regarding the equations that make our use of CARMA computationally tractable, we divide each
govern Virga. planet into two zones and calculate averaged temperature and Kzz
In Equation (1), fsed is the only parameter that cannot be profiles for each zone as described in Section 3.2 (see also
calculated directly from the models. We therefore treat it as a Figure 3). We do not consider photochemical hazes here, as the
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Figure 4. Nadir optical depths (integrated over the Kepler bandpass) for three condensate species in our Virga model of K2-107b. From left to right: Mg2SiO4, TiO2,
Al2O3. Each panel shows two representative grid points: blue corresponds to a western grid point centered at − 60° W, 8° N and red corresponds to a dayside grid
point centered at 42° E, 8° N. The value of fsed, which ranges from 0.03 to 6.0, is indicated by the shading of each line, where the lightest shades correspond to the
smallest values and darkest shades represent the largest values of fsed.
and optical depths for each pressure layer at each location in the PICASO considers the extinction from three opacity sources
atmosphere assuming Mie scattering. We then convert these in order to calculate the geometric albedo as a function of
quantities into wavelength-dependent albedos using The Planetary wavelength: molecular absorption, Rayleigh scattering, and
Intensity Code for Atmospheric Scattering Observations scattering by clouds. We show a representative calculation of
(PICASO; Batalha et al. 2019). This code is governed by the these three opacity sources as a function of wavelength in
radiative transfer equation Figure 5. To describe the phase-dependence, PICASO
computes the emergent intensity from the disk at multiple
I (ti , m) = I (ti + 1, m) exp ⎛⎜ i ⎟⎞ plane-parallel facets, where each has its own incident and
⎝m⎠ outgoing angles. PICASO uses the Chebyshev–Gauss integra-
dti t tion method to integrate over all emergent intensities. We
- ò0 S (t ¢m) exp ( - ) dt ¢ / m ,
(2 ) integrate the wavelength-dependent geometric albedo over the
Kepler response function for each point in our 10 × 10 grid and
where I(τi, μ) is the azimuthally averaged intensity emerging then integrate again over the dayside hemisphere in order to
from the top of a layer, i, with opacity, τi, and outgoing angle, obtain a geometric albedo that we can compare with the Kepler
dt measurements. We have run sensitivity tests that demonstrate
μ. I (ti + 1) exp ( mi ) is the incident intensity at the lower boundary
that a higher resolution grid (20 × 20 grid) yields comparable
of the layer attenuated by the optical depth within the layer, δτ, results.
and S (t ¢ , m ) is the source function integrated over all layers.
The source function has two components: single-scattered and
multiple-scattered radiation integrated over all diffuse angles: 2.7. Effect of Simplifying Model Assumptions
w t¢ In this study we do not consider radiative feedback from
S (t ¢ , m ) = Fo Psingle (m , - mo) exp ( - ) clouds, which might affect our albedo predictions. Clouds can
4p ms
alter the planet’s global thermal structure in several ways. First,
w 1
2 -1ò I (t ¢ , m¢) Pmulti (m , m¢) dm¢ , (3 ) they can reduce the amount of heating on the dayside by
increasing the planet’s Bond albedo. Second, they can suppress
where ω is the single-scattering albedo and Fo is the incident cooling on the nightside by preventing the reradiation of
flux. Pmulti and Psingle describe the phase function of the infrared light to space. Parmentier et al. (2021) and Roman
et al. (2021) ran grids of 3D GCM models incorporating
multiple and single scattering, respectively. Psingle is an
radiative feedback from clouds spanning a range of incident
opacity-weighted combination of the Rayleigh phase function
fluxes. They found that the presence of reflective clouds on the
and a two-term Henyey–Greenstein phase function. Pmulti dayside resulted in lower global temperatures, while the
requires integration over all diffuse angles, for which PICASO presence of nightside clouds inhibited cooling, causing a
uses a N = 2 Legendre expansion. This approximation alone is 100–200 K global increase in temperature. With the possible
inadequate to represent cases with high rates of forward exception of Kepler-7b (see Section 4.2.1), we expect that such
scattering, so PICASO implements the delta-Eddington shifts in temperature would not substantially alter the pressures
approximation to scale g, ω, and τ to more accurately capture of the cloud decks or reduce their horizontal extent for the
the forward scattering peak. planets examined here.
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Figure 5. Pressure level (bar) of unit optical depth for Rayleigh scattering (pink), cloud opacity (green), and molecular opacity (blue) as a function of wavelength for a
single grid point (−60°W, 8° N) in the Virga model of hot Jupiter K2-107b. fsed of 0.1 is shown on the left and 3.0 on the right. The shaded regions indicate the
dominant opacity source as a function of wavelength. This is the same grid point shown in Figure 4.
We also note that, in this study, our 3D atmospheric of temperature with respect to pressure is related to the inverse
circulation models are decoupled from our cloud models. of the surface gravity (e.g., Gao et al. 2018).
While this does enable more flexibility in exploring different
cloud species and sedimentation parameters in both Virga and
CARMA, cloud formation and transport is ultimately a coupled 3.1. Virga Model Results
process between advection, radiation, and chemistry. Previous In order to determine the effect of the clouds on the albedo,
studies that couple cloud microphysical models and atmo- we must first calculate their vertical extent at each location in
spheric circulation models (e.g., Lee et al. 2015; Lines et al. our model grid. In our Virga equilibrium cloud models, the
2018) suggest that zonal (east/west) and/or meridional (north– vertical extent of the clouds is controlled by our choice of fsed.
south) transport of cloud particles from colder regions of the Taking K2-107b as a representative example, Figure 4
atmosphere could lead to high cloud-particle number densities, indicates that Mg2SiO4 clouds reach a unit optical depth near
even on the hotter dayside, which could in turn enable more 1 mbar for the lowest fsed value, 0.03, and near 50 mbar for
cloud nucleation and growth. These processes will only affect fsed = 0.1. These clouds will only contribute to the albedo at
our dayside albedo predictions if the planet in question has wavelengths where they reach optical depth unity at lower
large dayside temperature (and hence albedo) gradients with pressures than Rayleigh scattering or molecular opacity
longitude or latitude. We revisit both of these assumptions (Figure 5). This means that clouds will have a greater effect
(radiative feedback and cloud microphysics coupled to at wavelengths where the combined molecular and Rayleigh
circulation) in Section 4.2, where we discuss their implications scattering opacity is lower. We show the effect of varying fsed
for individual planets in light of our model results. on the wavelength-dependent albedo of K2-107b in Figure 6.
As fsed decreases and the clouds extend to lower pressures, the
cloud opacity contributes most to the overall albedo for an
3. Results increasingly large fraction of the Kepler bandpass.
We next examine how the contribution of clouds to the band-
The SPARC/MITgcm models indicate that the day–night integrated albedo varies across the dayside atmosphere. In
temperature contrasts for the six planets in our sample vary in Figure 7, we show the 10 × 10 grid of albedos in the Kepler
magnitude (Figure 2). As expected, the hottest region on the bandpass for each planet as a function of fsed. We find that the
dayside in all six models is located to the east of the substellar three planets with the greatest temperature variation as a
point. This shift is caused by eastward equatorial winds, which function of longitude (Kepler-7b, K2-31b, and Kepler-17b)
transport heat to the planet’s nightside (e.g., Showman et al. also have relatively large albedo variations across their dayside
2020, and references therein). atmospheres for low-to-intermediate fsed values. Once fsed
Kepler-7b has the largest thermal gradient of all the planets increases above 0.3, the clouds remain confined below the
in our sample, followed by K2-31b and Kepler-17b; this is optical depth unity level of molecular absorbers, such that the
because the former has a relatively low surface gravity presence or absence of clouds does not affect the observed
(approximately 4 m s−2) and the latter two have the shortest albedo. These three planets appear brighter on their western
orbital periods in the sample. limbs than in the east, in good agreement with the albedo maps
Kepler-7b has the largest thermal gradient of all the planets derived from the Kepler phase curve for Kepler-7b (Demory
in our sample, followed by K2-31b and Kepler-17b; this is et al. 2013) and other planets with comparable equilibrium
because the former has a relatively low surface gravity temperatures (Shporer & Hu 2015). In contrast to these three
(approximately 4 m s−2) and the latter two have the shortest planets, HATS-11b, K2-107b, and Kepler-8b all appear to have
orbital periods in the sample. Our models indicate that Kepler- fairly homogeneous albedos, as expected based on their more
7b is also warmer at depth than the other planets in this sample. homogeneous thermal structures.
This is expected, as Kepler-7b has the lowest surface gravity of Lastly, we compare the hemisphere-averaged dayside albedo
the six planets and under hydrostatic equilibrium the gradient in the Kepler bandpass as a function of fsed to the measured
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Figure 7. Relative dayside albedo contribution at each grid point including appropriate geometric weights. Planets are sorted by increasing equilibrium temperature
from top to bottom, and sorted by increasing fsed (0.03, 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0) from left to right. We omit fsed values of 3.0 and 6.0 from the figure, as the clouds in these
models reside below the level of unit molecular albedo, and thus the albedo remains roughly unchanged compared to the fsed = 1.0 case. The relative albedo
contributions are all smaller than the face-integrated albedo by roughly a factor of π; summing over the points yields the integrated albedo. The models include three
cloud species: Mg2SiO4, Al2O3, and TiO2.
The models presented in Roman et al. (2021) assume a fixed feedback from these clouds when solving for the temperature
pressure-dependent particle size for the clouds, with a size of structure of the atmosphere. These models indicate that compact
0.1 μm at the top of the atmosphere that increases exponentially cloud layers will result in relatively low and uniform dayside
with increasing pressure for pressures greater than 10 mbar. Since albedos, in good agreement with our results (Figure 7). Their
their equilibrium cloud models do not solve for the vertical extent vertically extended cloud models exhibit a range of optical
of the cloud layers, they present two cases corresponding to spherical albedos between 0.2 and 0.3, with lower values for the
compact (cloud tops limited to 1.4 scale heights above the cloud higher temperature model as the reflective silicate clouds become
base) and vertically extended (cloud-top pressure of 0.1 mbar) increasingly confined to the cooler western region of the
cloud layers. Unlike our models, they account for radiative atmosphere. This also agrees with the qualitative picture from
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Figure 8. Geometric albedo predictions in the Kepler optical bandpass compared with published albedo measurements as a function of equilibrium temperature.
Albedo predictions from the full-resolution Virga models are shown as circles, where the shading indicates the fsed value, going from 0.03 (light) to 6.0 (dark).
Kepler albedo measurements are shown as stars while the predicted albedos from the two-zone CARMA models are shown as triangles. The left panel excludes Fe in
Virga calculations, while the right panel includes Fe condensates.
Table 2
Hemisphere-averaged Albedos from Virga Models as a Function of fseda
Planet Measured Clear 0.03 0.1 0.3 1.0 3.0 6.0 0.1, with Fe
K2-31b 0.023 ± 0.002 0.015 0.404 0.123 0.023 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.115
Kepler-17b 0.099 ± 0.017 0.017 0.416 0.131 0.023 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.125
HATS-11b 0.270 ± 0.052 0.066 0.301 0.127 0.060 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.127
Kepler-7b 0.194 ± 0.013 0.009 0.064 0.034 0.015 0.010 0.009 0.009 0.030
K2-107b 0.062 ± 0.010 0.065 0.333 0.154 0.063 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.134
Kepler-8b 0.124 ± 0.013 0.069 0.319 0.151 0.063 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.151
Bolded values indicate the simulated Virga albedo that best matches the Kepler eclipse observations.
Table 3
Hemisphere-averaged Dayside Albedos from CARMA Models
Eastern/day zone boundaries are listed in the table. The western/limb zone is defined as the region excluded by the dayside definition.
our models, which span an equivalent range of albedos. They dominate the dayside optical albedo for planets with equilibrium
conclude that their optical albedos for the nucleation-limited case temperatures between 1500 and 1700 K. In Parmentier et al.
are dominated by silicate cloud particles, consistent with our (2021) they incorporate cloud radiative feedback for the
conclusions here. condensation of a single cloud species, MnS, but the treatment
Parmentier et al. (2016) and Parmentier et al. (2021) considered of silicate clouds is similar to Parmentier et al. (2016). For that
GCMs spanning a wide range of equilibrium temperatures. In reason, we focus on Parmentier et al. (2016) for our comparison.
Parmentier et al. (2016), the clouds are post-processed (i.e., they In this study they assume a small fixed-particle-size distribution
do not include cloud radiative feedback in the GCM models), and centered at 0.1 μm and a cloud-top pressure of 1 microbar, which
they model the condensation of a wide range of cloud species. yields geometric albedos greater than 0.5 in the Kepler bandpass
These models predict that MgSiO3 and CaTiO3 clouds should for planets of approximately 1500 K equilibrium temperature.
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Figure 9. Optical depth (left), single-scattering albedo (center), and asymmetry parameter (right) as a function of pressure for the two-zone Virga (dashed; fsed fixed
to 0.1) and CARMA (solid) models, calculated by dividing the dayside hemisphere into a dayside (red) and western (blue) zone (see Section 3.2). Each row corresponds
to a different planet, sorted left to right by increasing equilibrium temperature.
Figure 10. Dayside and western zone albedos from the CARMA models integrated over the Kepler bandpass. Virga model albedos with fsed equal to 0.1 are listed
below for comparison. Both sets of models are calculated in two zonally averaged regions, defined in Table 3. Planets are sorted from left to right and top to bottom by
increasing equilibrium temperature.
This value is much higher than both our albedos and those 4.2. Comparison to Published Kepler Albedos
reported by Roman et al. (2021), and is most likely due to the very
Our results show that, with the exception of Kepler-7b, it is
low cloud-top pressure assumed in these models. They invoke a
cold trap for silicates to reduce the albedo, while we predict that possible to match the observed optical geometric albedos for all
changing the cloud vertical extent can achieve a similar difference of the planets in our sample using either Virga or CARMA
in observable albedo. models. However, no single model (Virga at a fixed fsed or
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
CARMA) can explain the observed albedos of all six planets. brighter cloud particles. We discuss how porous particles may
Although the albedo predictions from the CARMA models are increase HATS-11bs dayside albedo in Section 4.2.3; this same
broadly consistent with those of the Virga models, neither explanation might also apply to Kepler-7b.
model is able to reproduce or explain the observed planet-to-
planet variations in dayside albedo. This suggests that
4.2.2. K2-31b and K2-107b Do Not Host High-altitude Reflective
accounting for differences in equilibrium temperature, host-
Cloud Layers
star spectral type, surface gravity, and rotation rate alone are
not sufficient to capture the observed diversity of hot Jupiter The observed albedos of K2-31b and K2-107b are relatively
albedos in this temperature range. We discuss our results in low, and are well matched by Virga models with clear skies
more detail on a planet-by-planet basis below. and/or deep clouds (i.e., those with opacities dominated by
molecular absorption). For K2-31b, the contribution of clouds to
the albedo is negligible for fsed of 0.3 and larger. For K2-107b, we
4.2.1. Kepler-7b: Spatially Resolved Clouds
obtain a comparable result for fsed of 1.0 and larger. This suggests
Our CARMA and Virga models both indicate that Kepler-7b’s that both of these planets may have relatively efficient
relatively bright dayside albedo is dominated by reflection from sedimentation (deep clouds), or alternatively that they have
the region near the western limb, in good agreement with spatially relatively little condensable material in their atmospheres (perhaps
resolved albedo constraints from phase-curve observations corresponding to a relatively low atmospheric metallicity). If the
(Demory et al. 2013; Heng et al. 2021). This underscores the lack of clouds is due to efficient sedimentation, this would appear
importance of using spatially resolved cloud models for tidally to contradict predictions from our microphysical CARMA models,
locked hot Jupiters. We note that there is some tension between which track the sedimentation of cloud particles explicitly and
our model predictions and the observational data, as fits to Kepler- predict albedos that are a factor of two or more higher than the
7b’s optical phase curve indicate that the bright reflective western observed values for these two planets.
zone extends as far as 10° ± 6° west of the substellar point Our CARMA models utilize vertical mixing rates calculated from
(Muñoz & Isaak 2015; Heng et al. 2021). Our Virga models our GCMs. If these mixing rates are overestimates of the true
predict that the atmosphere will only be cool enough for Mg2SiO4 values, we might expect any clouds near the day–night terminator
clouds to condense in the two westernmost longitude bins on these planets to also be relatively compact. If this is the case,
(extending from the terminator to approximately 38° west of the the transmission spectra of these two planets should show
substellar point; see Figure 7 and Table 3). This is likely why our relatively strong absorption features. Although K2-31b has a high
models underpredict Kepler-7b’s optical geometric albedo. surface gravity and is therefore a more challenging target for
We consider two possible explanations for this discrepancy. transmission spectroscopy, K2-107b might be accessible to future
Zonal transport of cloud particles from the western-limb region space telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope. More
could increase the albedo in adjacent longitudes where the broadly, the sedimentation rates calculated from GCMs and
atmosphere is otherwise too warm for them to condense (see CARMA could be tested with comparisons to transmission spectra
Section 2.7). However, our models for Kepler-7b prefer small from ongoing surveys (Sing et al. 2016; Crossfield & Kreidberg
cloud particles with a large vertical extent; these small particles 2017; Fu et al. 2017). If CARMA models underestimate the
might have a relatively short lifetime in the hotter substellar sedimentation efficiency for other planets, the disagreement
region of the dayside atmosphere. Instead, perhaps small should be detectable in these data, which are very sensitive to
particles transported meridionally could nucleate and grow in the vertical distribution of cloud particles near the limb. To date,
bands at high latitudes (Lines et al. 2018). Ultimately, this most planets appear to be well matched by CARMA-model
planet would be an interesting test case for microphysical predictions (e.g., Chachan et al. 2020; Gao et al. 2020), indicating
transport models (e.g., Lee et al. 2015; Lines et al. 2018), that such model–data disagreements may be relatively rare.
which can explicitly quantify the timescales of these processes
and predict the resulting horizontal distribution of cloud
4.2.3. HATS-11b, K2-31b, and K2-107b Have Reflective Dayside
Alternatively, if Kepler-7b’s dayside is cooler than predicted
by our GCM, Mg2SiO4 would be able to condense over a wider The measured Kepler albedo for HATS-11b (0.27 ± 0.05) is
range of longitudes. Our GCMs do not account for reflectivity brighter than that of Kepler-7b, in good agreement with our
from clouds when calculating the effect of incident starlight on model predictions. This planet is cooler than Kepler-7b, with a
the dayside atmosphere; this effect might reduce the magnitude smaller day–night temperature gradient. As a result, our models
of dayside heating and result in globally lower temperatures predict a global reflective dayside cloud layer for small fsed
(Lines et al. 2018; Roman & Rauscher 2019; Roman et al. values, and our hemisphere-integrated Virga albedo for the
2021). However, if the clouds extend over a significant fraction fsed of 0.03 model is within 1σ of the measured value. This is an
of the planet’s nightside it could result in net global warming, unusually small value of fsed, compared to the other planets’
as they would act to reduce the amount of energy that can be best-fit value, while more typical values of 0.1 and larger
radiated to space in this region (Roman & Rauscher 2019; underestimate the observation. The CARMA-model albedo is
Parmentier et al. 2021; Roman et al. 2021). For Kepler-7b, somewhat lower, but is still within 2σ of the observed value. If we
whose clouds extend over much of the western hemisphere, it is wish to adapt our models to better match this planet’s high dayside
unclear which of these two competing effects would dominate. albedo, it likely would require increasing the predicted cloud
These explanations assume that the dayside-coverage area is opacity, such as by increasing the porosity of the cloud particles
the most significant limiting factor on the brightness of the (Samra et al. 2020). Although increasing the atmospheric
dayside-integrated albedo. However, it is also important to metallicity might also increase the cloud opacity, published
consider factors that might increase the brightness of the cloudy models for other planets indicate that there is not a simple
region, including a larger vertical extent for the clouds or scaling between these two quantities (e.g., Morley et al. 2013;
The Astrophysical Journal, 926:157 (14pp), 2022 February 20 Adams et al.
Gao et al. 2018), and increasing the metallicity will also affect the indicate that it extends farther east than predicted by our models,
global thermal structure (e.g., Kataria et al. 2015). hinting that a more detailed study of the planet that couples
Our model predictions for Kepler-17b and Kepler-8b are also cloud microphysics and dynamics is required.
in reasonable agreement with the observed albedos. In both We conclude that the sample of optical albedos measured by
cases, an fsed = 0.1 Virga model slightly overestimates the Kepler represents a rich source of information for 3D cloud
albedo while our CARMA model slightly underestimates the models, and that there is no single explanation for the observed
albedo. This may indicate that moderately bright/cloudy diversity of albedos for the planets considered in this study. Future
worlds have moderate sedimentation efficiencies. For Kepler- studies leveraging the large sample of transmission spectra of hot
8b, both CARMA and Virga models predict that the planet will Jupiters could provide complementary constraints on the typical
have relatively uniform cloud coverage in both latitude and sedimentation efficiencies of their atmospheres, while additional
longitude; we therefore do not need to consider further spatial complementary modeling studies exploring the coupled effects of
variations in cloud number density and particle size. For atmospheric dynamics and cloud microphysics, as well as an
Kepler-17b, the fsed = 0.1 Virga model predicts an albedo exploration of the microporosity of cloud particles, would help to
gradient across the dayside atmosphere, but this gradient further illuminate the relative importance of these processes in
appears to be localized near the equatorial (low-latitude) region explaining the high albedos of the brightest planets in our sample.
of the atmosphere. Our CARMA model predicts a relatively
uniform albedo across the two zones, but this may be biased by We thank the anonymous reviewer for an interesting report
our inability to resolve latitudinal gradients in the simplified that greatly helped improve the paper. P. Gao acknowledges
two-zone model. support from NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship
grant No. HST-HF2-51456.001-A, awarded by the Space
Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Associa-
5. Conclusions
tion of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for
Optical secondary eclipse measurements made by Kepler NASA, under contract NAS5-26555.
reveal a wide range of geometric albedos for hot Jupiters with Software: numba (Lam et al. 2015), pandas (McKinney
equilibrium temperatures between 1550 and 1700 K. We 2010), bokeh (Bokeh Development Team 2014), NumPy
combine 3D GCMs with both equilibrium (Virga) and (Walt 2011), IPython (Pérez & Granger 2007), Jupyter,
microphysical (CARMA) cloud models to explore whether 3D (Kluyver et al. 2016), Virga (Batalha 2020), PICASO (Batalha
effects can explain these observations. We find that the et al. 2019), SQLite (sqlite3 Development Team 2019).
predicted albedos from our Virga models are very sensitive
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