He Liola 2001
He Liola 2001
He Liola 2001
Abstract: We studied the occurrence of carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in boreal forest fragments,
their edges, and adjacent clearcuts in central Finland. Beetles were collected with pitfall traps along transects
extending 60 m from the edge into clearcuts and 60 m into forest interior. Our main findings were that (1)
species richness was significantly higher in the clearcut than in the forest fragments, (2) clearcuts hosted
many open-habitat species, which increased overall species richness in these sites, (3) carabid assemblages in
the edges were more similar to forest assemblages than to those found in the clearcuts, (4) no edge specialists
were found, and (5) open-habitat species did not penetrate into the forest fragments from the clearcut. Be-
cause forest specialists occurred all the way to the edge on the forest side, it seems that edge effects per se do
not adversely affect these species, at least in the short term. In the long term, however, habitat conditions in
the edges may deteriorate for interior species because of trees falling over in strong winds, thereby reducing
the size of the fragments and widening the edge zone.
Distribución de Escarabajos Carábidos (Coleoptera, Carabidae) a lo Largo de un Ecotono de Bosque Boreal - Zona
Resumen: Estudiamos la presencia de escarabajos carábidos (Coleoptera, Carabidae) en fragmentos de un
bosque boreal, de sus bordes y de zonas taladas adyacentes en Finlandia central. Los escarabajos fueron
colectados usando trampas cubiertas a lo largo de transectos que se extendían desde 60 m del borde hacia el
área de tala y 60 m hacia el interior del bosque. Nuestros resultados principales fueron: (1) la riqueza de es-
pecies fue significativamente mayor en la zona talada que en los fragmentos de bosque, (2) las zonas taladas
hospedaron muchas especies de hábitat abierto, lo cual incrementó la riqueza general de especies en estos si-
tios, (3) los ensamblajes de carábidos en los bordes fueron más similares a los ensamblajes del bosque, que
aquellos en las zonas taladas, (4) no se encontraron especialistas de borde, y (5) las especies de hábitat abi-
erto no penetraron de las zonas taladas hacia los fragmentos de bosque. Debido a que los especialistas de
bosque aparecieron a todo lo largo del borde en el lado del bosque, aparentemente los efectos de borde en sí
no afectan adversamente a estas especies, al menos a corto plazo. Sin embargo, a largo plazo las condiciones
del hábitat en los bordes podrían deteriorar para las especies del interior, debido a la caída de árboles oca-
sionada por vientos fuertes, lo cual reduce el tamaño de los fragmentos, ampliando la zona de borde.
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372 Carabid Beetles in Boreal Forest Edges Heliölä et al.
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gether with forest interiors, indicating that carabid as- tus terminatus), none of the species was restricted to
semblages in the edges were more similar to forest as- the edge zone or was clearly more abundant there than
semblages than to those in the clearcuts (Fig. 2). elsewhere (Table 1). Nevertheless, many species that
Similarity within these clusters was high (⬎73%). were abundant in the clearcut occurred in low numbers
in the edge zone (e.g., Bembidion lampros, Harpalus
quadripunctatus, Pterostichus adstrictus, P. nigrita)
Species Occurrence across the Edge
( Table 1). Most of these species require open habitat
A total of 5609 carabid beetles representing 34 species (Lindroth 1985, 1986). Because only single individuals
was captured. Calathus micropterus was the most of these species were found in the forest interior (30–60
abundant species, with 3373 individuals (60% of the to- m into the forest), it is evident that open-habitat species
tal sample), and Pterostichus oblongopunctatus was the entered the forest only sporadically from the clearcut.
second most abundant species, with 1363 individuals For instance, the most abundant colonizer, P. adstrictus,
(24% of the total sample) (Table 1). decreased drastically from the center of the clearcut
Except for two scarce species (Amara famelica, Leis- toward the edge and did not penetrate the forest at all
(Fig. 3).
Table 1. Pooled numbers of carabid individuals collected in the Environmental Variables and Carabid Occurrence
six sites divided into forest trap lines, edge trap lines, and clearcut
trap lines. There were dramatic differences in the field and ground-
layer vegetation between the forest and the clearcut (Fig.
Number of individuals* 4). Most changes occurred right in the edge, although
Scientific name (abbreviation) forest edge clearcut there was some logging residue and bare soil in the for-
Agonum fuliginosum (Agonfuli) 45 37 132 est close to the edge. In the field layer, dwarf shrubs, es-
A. mannerheimii (Agonmann) 16 5 7 pecially blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and lingon-
A. sexpunctatum (Agonsexp) 0 1 11 berry (V. vitis-idaea), decreased from a cover of 30–40%
Amara brunnea (Amarbrun) 3 4 8 in the forest to approximately 10% in the clearcut.
A. famelica 0 1 0
Grasses (Deschampsia flexuosa, Calamagrostis sp.) and
A. lunicollis 0 0 5
Bembidion bruxellense 0 0 1 fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium), on the other hand,
B. lampros (Bemblamp) 0 4 18 were more common in the clearcut than in the forest. In
Calathus micropterus (Calamicr) 1253 1051 1069 the ground layer, mosses (Pleurozium spp., Dicranum
C. cancellatus (Caracanc) 1 2 9 spp.) were common in the uncut forest, whereas in the
C. glabratus (Caraglab) 15 34 36
exposed clearcuts they did not thrive. Also the mois-
C. hortensis (Carahort) 12 3 3
Cicindela campestris 0 0 1 ture-dependent Sphagnum mosses were scarce in the
Cychrus caraboides (Cychcara) 18 5 6 clearcuts. Exposed soil, logging residue, and needle lit-
Dyschirius globosus 1 0 0
Harpalus quadripunctatus
(Harpquad) 0 9 12
Leistus ferrugineus 0 0 2
L. terminatus 0 1 0
Miscodera arctica 0 0 1
Notiophilus biguttatus (Notibigu) 13 13 37
N. palustris 0 0 5
Patrobus assimilis (Patrassi) 17 7 20
Pterostichus adstrictus (Pteradst) 0 7 110
P. cupreus (Ptercupr) 0 1 4
P. diligens (Pterdili) 6 6 3
P. niger (Pternige) 0 4 8
P. nigrita (Pternigr) 0 1 26
P. oblongopunctatus (Pteroblo) 171 370 822
P. strenuus (Pterstre) 1 3 17
P. vernalis 0 0 3
P. versicolor (Ptervers) 0 3 2
Trechus rubens (Trecrube) 1 0 1
T. secalis (Trecseca) 9 26 49
Trichocellus placidus 0 0 1
Number of individuals 1582 1598 2429
Number of species 16 24 31
Figure 3. Number of Pterostichus adstrictus in the trap
* Forest, traps 30–60 m into the forest interior; edge, traps 15 m into
the forest, lines on the edge, and traps 15 m into the clearcut; lines at different distances from the edge. Average
clearcut traps 30–60 m into the clearcut. catch from the six sites with 95% confidence interval.
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of Kotze and Samways (1999) show that the edge was were collected from clearcuts than from forests. Most of
abrupt for carabids. In our study, forest species occurred the species found in the clearcuts were specialists of
right to the edge on the forest side, and it appears that open habitats (Lindroth 1985, 1986), but some forest
the physical conditions in the edges did not negatively generalists, notably P. oblongopunctatus and T. secalis,
affect forest-dwelling carabids. As our analyses showed, were more common in the clearcuts than in the forests.
field and ground-layer vegetation remained virtually in- The open, dry, and warm clearcuts are favored by many
tact close to the forest edge, which may have contrib- carabid species occurring in grasslands and other similar
uted to the maintenance of populations of forest cara- habitats; only a few species have adapted to the dark
bids near the edge. This result, however, may not be and cool spruce forest (Niemelä 1993). In addition to
applicable to other taxa. For instance, some forest-dwell- carabids (Niemelä et al. 1988, 1993, 1994; Halme & Nie-
ing salamanders and anurans in the United States (De- melä 1993; Haila et al. 1994; Spence et al. 1996), the
maynadier & Hunter 1998) and small mammals in Brazil phenomenon of high abundance in clearcuts appears to
(Stevens & Husband 1998) avoid forest edges. be the rule for spiders (Pajunen et al. 1995), ants (Punt-
As in boreal Canada (Spence et al. 1996), no carabid tila et al. 1991, 1994), and butterflies (Väisänen 1995).
species were restricted to the edge in our study. Thus, it But Kotze and Samways (1999) reported from Afromon-
seems that there are no edge species among boreal for- tane forest-grassland ecotones in South Africa that,
est carabids. In temperate oak-hornbeam forest in Hun- whereas ants were more abundant in the grassland, cara-
gary, however, several carabid species occurred exclu- bids were more abundant in adjacent forests, perhaps
sively at the forest edge, indicating that these habitats because of competitively superior ants. In our study,
are important for the maintenance of carabid diversity there was a negative correlation between the number of
(Magura & Tothmeresz 1997). The different responses red wood ants and carabids in the traps (r ⫽ ⫺0.31, p ⫽
of carabids to edges may be attributed to differences in 0.02). This correlation does not necessarily indicate
vegetation. Our edges and those studied by Spence et al. competition; it may be related to different microhabitat
(1996) were hard, abrupt, and created by clearcutting, preferences among ants and carabids.
whereas those studied by Magura and Tothmeresz (1997) Although many open-habitat carabid species were
were gradual, with abundant bushes. common in our clearcuts, they rarely penetrated into
In our study, more carabid species and individuals the forest. Similarly, in Switzerland only 1 of 15 carabid
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376 Carabid Beetles in Boreal Forest Edges Heliölä et al.
species occurred commonly in both a grassland patch edge zone, thereby increasing the permeability of the
and the surrounding forest edge (Hänggi & Baur 1998). edge for open-habitat species. This process has already
Contrary to these studies, some carabid species classi- started in our forest fragments.
fied in literature as open-habitat specialists (e.g., Bem-
bidion grapei and P. adstrictus) occurred 20–40 m into
the forest in a Canadian study (Spence et al. 1996). Acknowledgments
Conservation Implications This study was funded by the Academy of Finland and
the Finnish Biodiversity Research Programme. We thank
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Volume 15, No. 2, April 2001