Article 4
Article 4
Article 4
Research Article
ABSTRACT Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on the behavior of individual organisms may have
direct consequences on population viability in altered forest ecosystems. The American marten (Martes
americana) is a forest specialist considered as one of the most sensitive species to human-induced dis-
turbances. As some studies have shown that martens cannot tolerate >30–40% clear-cuts within their home
range, we investigated marten space use (home range size and overlap) and habitat selection in landscapes
fragmented by 2 different patterns of timber harvesting in the black spruce boreal forest: dispersed-cut
landscapes (10–80 ha cut-blocks) and clustered-cut landscapes (50–200 ha cut-blocks). We installed radio-
collars on female martens and determined 20 winter home ranges (100% minimum convex polygons and 60–
90% kernels) in dispersed-cut (n ¼ 8) and clustered-cut (n ¼ 12) landscapes. Home range size was not
related to the proportion of clear-cuts (i.e., habitat loss), but rather to the proportion of mixedwood stands
70–120 years old. However, female body condition was correlated to habitat condition inside their home
ranges (i.e., amount of residual forest and recent clear-cuts). At the home range scale, we determined that
mixedwood forests were also among the most used forest stands and the least used were recent clear-cuts and
forested bogs, using resource selection functions. At the landscape scale, home ranges included more
mixedwood forests than random polygons and marten high activity zones were composed of more residual
forest and less human-induced disturbances (clear-cuts, edges, and roads). These results suggest that
mixedwood forests, which occupy approximately 10% of the study area, play a critical role for martens
in this conifer-dominated boreal landscape. We recommend permanent retention or special management
considerations for these isolated stands, as harvesting mixedwood often leads to forest composition conver-
sion that would reduce the availability of this highly used habitat. ß 2013 The Wildlife Society.
KEY WORDS American marten, body condition, boreal forest, Canada, forest management, fragmentation, Martes
americana, mixedwood forests, resource selection, space use.
Habitat loss and fragmentation are widely seen as major space; Ims et al. 1993) may have consequences at broader
threats to wildlife populations (Wiens et al. 1993, Fahrig scales. Previous studies conducted on birds and mammals
and Merriam 1994). Nevertheless, to understand effects of have shown that habitat loss and fragmentation could in-
fragmentation at the population level (Wiens 1995, Fahrig crease individual movement costs (Bélisle et al. 2001, Gobeil
2003), the proximate mechanisms underlying population and Villard 2002) because of constrained movements (Bélisle
responses need to be understood first at the level of individ- and Desrochers 2002, Bowman and Fahrig 2002), increased
uals (Ims 1995, Andreassen et al. 1998). Indeed, fine-scale predation risk (Johnson et al. 2009), and decreased foraging
effects like changes in individual behavior (e.g., in use of efficiency (Turcotte and Desrochers 2003). Hence, these
impacts may reduce breeding success of individuals and, in
Received: 19 July 2011; Accepted: 29 October 2012 turn, influence population viability (Hinsley et al. 1999,
Hinsley 2000).
E-mail: [email protected] Ims et al. (1993) predicted 3 potential types of effects on
Present address: Direction de la Faune Terrestre et de l’Avifaune,
Direction Ge´ne´rale de l’Expertise sur la Faune et ses Habitats,
individual space use in response to habitat loss and fragmen-
Ministe`re des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune, 880 Chemin Ste- tation based on modifications of home range size and overlap
Foy, 2e e´tage, Que´bec, QC, Canada G1S 4X4. between individuals. The first type of response may be
Figure 1. Location of the 2 study areas within the Waswanipi Cree Model Forest (WCMF, 498450 N, 768000 W), Quebec, Canada. Study areas were defined as
the minimum concave polygon around capture stations and marten telemetry locations (dots) in (a) the clustered-cut and (b) dispersed-cut landscapes. Marten
home ranges (MCP 100% (dotted), kernels 90% (black), and 60% (gray)) were shown for early winter 2006.
(10–80 ha cut-blocks), the residual forest was composed of age (cementum analyses; Matson’s Laboratory LLC,
uncut forest blocks equivalent in size to adjacent cut-blocks Milltown, MT, USA; adult 1 yr old, juvenile <1 yr old)
(Fig. 2). Except for regenerating stands from a forest fire and body index (mass/body length, as an index of general
(1986) and timber harvesting (<20 yr old), the landscape was health) for each individual. We installed radio-collars
mainly composed of stands >70 years old. Indeed, the region (Holohil MI-2, Carp, Ontario, Canada; 24 g with mortality
was characterized by a gap in successional stages, as 30- and signal) on female martens (>500 g) during this capture
50-year-old age classes were nearly absent. session. Although we attached 27 radio-collars, we were
For the present study, we focused on 2 landscapes (delin- only able to follow 22 martens for more than 10 locations.
eation defined below): 1 with clustered clear-cuts (518 km2, We performed the telemetry survey using a Cessna-337
498220 N, 76806W) and 1 with dispersed clear-cuts (Cessna, Wichita, KS, USA) airplane and concentrated
(341 km2, 498540 N, 75855W; see Fig. 1). Forest composition our survey during the early winter (20 Nov–19 Dec 2006;
varied slightly between the 2 studied landscapes (Table 1). only 1 location per day). Telemetry surveys were uniformly
The major difference between the 2 was related to the distributed between the morning (0930–1130), midday
proportion of mixedwood and coniferous stands. The (1130–1330), and the afternoon (1330–1600), as martens
clustered-cut landscape included more mixedwood stands are mostly diurnal during winter (Thompson and Colgan
(i.e., 25% of all residual mature forests compared to 8% in 1994). Moreover, we alternately started by each study area.
the dispersed-cut landscape). In contrast, the dispersed-cut We plotted locations on 1:20,000 maps, and then transferred
landscape included more coniferous stands, 92% of all rem- coordinates to ArcGIS 9.3 (Environmental Systems
nant mature forests compared to 75% in the clustered-cut Research Institute, Inc., Redlands, CA, USA). We found
landscape. The overall proportion of clear-cuts was 29% and this method (hand plotting) more precise than using a Global
20% in the clustered- and the dispersed-cut landscapes, Positioning System (GPS), because our landscapes were
respectively. composed of an abundance of easily distinguishable elements
(roads, lakes and rivers, clear-cuts, bogs) making the locali-
METHODS zation in a map reliable. Moreover, we estimated our preci-
sion in locating each marten from the airplane to be <50 m
Marten Telemetry Data (mean ¼ 33 m, median ¼ 12 m), using known locations
We captured martens during the fall season (26 Sep–6 Nov (n ¼ 14), which is much better than previous reported pre-
2006; see Cheveau 2010 for methodology). We estimated cision from aircraft (100 m; Potvin 1998, Payer 1999). One
Table 1. Composition of the 2 studied landscapes (% of the total area of each landscape) in the Waswanipi Cree Model Forest, Quebec, Canada in 2006; C is the
clustered-cut landscape and D is the dispersed-cut landscape.
Residual mature forest Regenerating stands from
Overall Coniferous Coniferous Mixedwood Forested bogs Clear-cuts Clear-cuts Water Non-forested
(%) >120 yr (%) 70–90 yr (%) 70–120 yr (%) (%) <11 yr (%) 11 yr (%) Fire (%) (%) (%)
C 47 9 26 12 10 23 6 10 5
D 52 23 25 4 15 12 8 4 7 3
MIX70120: mixedwood stands 70–120 yr, CONIF120: coniferous stands >120 yr, CONIF7090: coniferous stands 70–90 yr.
Confidence interval excludes 0, meaning that the variable had a substantial effect in explaining home range size.
by the proportion of mixedwood forests within the home increase body index from 14.4 to 17. On the contrary, an
range or core area (Appendix). Indeed, this variable had a increase from 0% to 50% of recent cuts in the home range is
substantial negative effect in explaining home range and core predicted to reduce body index from 16.5 to 13.7.
area size (see Table 2). An increase from 0% to 35% of
mixedwood in the home range is predicted to reduce
home range size from 5 km2 to 1 km2 in clustered-cut Habitat Selection
landscape and from nearly 4 km2 to 2 km2 in dispersed- Within home ranges, all habitat types (except forested bogs
cut landscape (Fig. 3). in the dispersed-cut landscape) were more frequently selected
We found no overlap in female home ranges (see Fig. 1). Of by marten than were recent clear-cuts (Table 3). The most
the 20 home ranges, only 3 were composed of >40% clear- utilized habitat in the dispersed-cut landscape was late-seral
cuts (2–53%), including 1 with 40% or more recent clear-cuts conifer forests followed by mixedwood forest and conifer
(0–53%). Female body index was positively related to the forests 70–90 years old (Table 4). In the clustered-cut land-
overall proportion of remnant forest within the home range scape, old clear-cuts were highly used (Table 4), but this
(best model, Akaike weight [wi] ¼ 0.33; b ¼ 0.05 0.02, effect was almost entirely driven by 1 individual (#462),
95% CI ¼ 0.01, 0.09). Moreover, female body index was which had established its home range in a 30-year-old
negatively related to the proportion of recent cuts within the area regenerating after clear-cutting. When we excluded
home range (second best model, wi ¼ 0.23; b ¼ 0.06 this individual, old clear-cuts were clearly less frequently
0.02, 95% CI ¼ 0.10, 0.02). An increase from 30% to used by other martens (relative probability of use
90% of remnant forest in the home range is predicted to [RPU] ¼ 0.284) and the most utilized habitat was mixed-
wood forest (RPU ¼ 1), closely followed by late-seral coni-
fer forests (RPU ¼ 0.825) and conifer forests 70–90 years
8 clustered clearcuts
dispersed clearcuts
Table 3. Mixed-effects logistic regression model of habitat selection by
Home range size (km²)
6 martens with their selection coefficients and standard errors, in the 2 land-
scapes of the Waswanipi Cree Model Forest, Quebec, Canada in 2006.
4 Dispersed-cut Clustered-cut
Habitat typea landscape landscape
Old clear-cuts 0.473 0.084 1.956 0.053b
2 Forested bogs 0.698 0.090 0.464 0.060
MIX70120 1.413 0.069 1.937 0.037
CONIF120 1.541 0.064 1.880 0.045
0 CONIF7090 1.336 0.063 1.823 0.035
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Regenerating stands from fire 1.103 0.080
% Mixedwood Water 0.661 0.074
Figure 3. Relationship between home range size of female martens (90% Reference category was recent clear-cuts. MIX70120: mixedwood stands
kernels) and percentage of mixedwood forests in the clustered-cut (solid line) 70–120 yr, CONIF120: coniferous stands >120 yr, CONIF7090: co-
and dispersed-cut (dashed line) landscapes, in the Waswanipi Cree Model niferous stands 70–90 yr.
Forest, Quebec, Canada in 2006. 1.048 0.086 when marten #462 is ignored.
Table 5. Mean standard error of the proportion of the different habitat variables for random polygons (n ¼ 1,000 simulations of 8 or 12 polygons) compared
to the mean proportion of habitat variables within marten home ranges (90% and 60% kernels) in the 2 landscapes of the Waswanipi Cree Model Forest, Quebec,
Canada in 2006. Values with an asterisk showed significant (or nearly significant) differences between random polygon and home range composition (P ¼ 0.05).
Dispersed-cut landscape Clustered-cut landscape
Mean % for all habitat variables except edge and road densities (m/ha).
Probabilities associated with rejection of the hypothesis. We hypothesized that forested areas (mixedwood stands 70–120 yr, coniferous stands 70–90 yr and
>120 yr, remnant forests and residual forest core area) were more abundant in marten home ranges than in random polygons and the opposite for all other
MIX70120: mixedwood stands 70–120 yr, CONIF120: coniferous stands >120 yr, CONIF7090: coniferous stands 70–90 yr.
Appendix: Model selection for female marten home range size in the Waswanipi Cree Model Forest, Quebec, Canada in 2006. We modeled landscape
(dispersed-cut vs. clustered-cut) and intrinsic effects separately from habitat effects. We report the number of parameters in the model (K), Akaike’s Information
Criterion adjusted for small sample size (AICc), relative difference in AICc values compared to the top-ranked model (DAICc), and AICc model weight (wi).
60% kernels 90% kernels
Models K AICc DAICc wi Models K AICc DAICc wi
Landscape and intrinsic effects
Landscape 3 66.38 0.00 0.29 Landscape 3 95.79 0.00 0.26
Body mass 3 67.63 1.25 0.16 Body index 3 96.68 0.89 0.17
Age 3 67.65 1.27 0.16 Body mass 3 96.72 0.93 0.16
Body index 3 67.72 1.34 0.15 Age 3 96.73 0.93 0.16
Landscape þ body index 4 69.33 2.96 0.07 Landscape þ age 4 98.28 2.48 0.07
Landscape þ age 4 69.46 3.09 0.06 Landscape þ body index 4 98.61 2.81 0.06
Landscape þ body mass 4 69.54 3.16 0.06 Landscape þ body mass 4 98.96 3.17 0.05
Age þ body index 4 70.78 4.40 0.03 Age þ body index 4 99.81 4.02 0.03
Landscape þ age þ body index 5 72.89 6.51 0.01 Landscape þ age þ body index 5 101.61 5.82 0.01
Landscape þ body mass þ age 5 73.07 6.69 0.01 Landscape þ body mass þ age 5 101.89 6.09 0.01
Habitat effectsa
MIX70120 3 60.63 0.00 0.55 MIX70120 3 89.34 0.00 0.49
MIX70120 þ CONIF120 4 63.67 3.05 0.12 MIX70120 þ CONIF120 4 91.10 1.76 0.20
Forested bogs 3 63.96 3.33 0.10 CONIF120 3 93.09 3.75 0.08
CONIF120 3 66.50 5.87 0.03 Forested bogs 3 93.15 3.81 0.08
CONIF7090 3 66.61 5.98 0.03 CONIF120 þ CONIF7090 4 95.24 5.89 0.03
Residual forest 3 67.18 6.55 0.02 Open areas 3 95.69 6.35 0.02
Open areas 3 67.22 6.60 0.02 Regenerating stands from fire 3 96.11 6.77 0.02
Regenerating stands from fire 3 67.40 6.77 0.02 Residual forest 3 96.15 6.81 0.02
CONIF120 þ CONIF7090 4 67.55 6.93 0.02 CONIF7090 3 96.52 7.18 0.02
Recent clear-cuts 3 67.66 7.04 0.02 Old clear-cuts 3 96.57 7.23 0.01
Old clear-cuts 3 67.71 7.08 0.02 Clear-cuts 3 96.64 7.30 0.01
Water 3 67.72 7.09 0.02 Non-forested 3 96.76 7.42 0.01
Non forested 3 67.74 7.11 0.02 Water 3 96.78 7.44 0.01
Clear-cuts 3 67.74 7.11 0.02 Recent clear-cuts 3 96.78 7.44 0.01
MIX70120: mixedwood stands 70–120 yr, CONIF120: coniferous stands >120 yr, CONIF7090: coniferous stands 70–90 yr.