Basic Tax Rate
Basic Tax Rate
Basic Tax Rate
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.1
Constitutional Validity Annual Amendments
Article 265 No Tax can be levied or collected except by authority of Every year along with Budget a Financial Bill is presented. The provisions
Law of such Finance Act are thereafter incorporated in the Income-tax Act
Article 270 All the taxes & duties except specified shall be levied by CG Direct Tax Effective from 1st day of Next Year, Unless Specified
& distributed between Union & state Government in the Amendments Otherwise
manner specified by President or through recommendation Indirect Tax Effective from Midnight, Unless Specified Otherwise
of finance commission Amendments [Now after GST, amendment are expected after every
Article 245 Parliament may make law for the whole or part of the GST Council Meet
Article 123 President may Promulgate Ordinances during recess of
Important Definitions
Article 271 Parliament may at any time increase any duties & taxes as Sec 2(9) Assessment Means period of 12 M commencing on 1st day of
referred in article 270, by surcharge for purpose of Union Year April every year. (AY = FY in which tax is paid)
& whole proceeds of any such surcharge shall form part of Sec 3 Previous Means FY immediately preceding AY. (PY = FY
CFI Year in which income is earned). In case of Business
commencement PY, starts from Date of
Basics of Income Tax commencement”
> Income tax is covered under entry no 82 of the union list. Exceptions Sec 172 Income of NR shipping companies
> Agriculture Income is covered under Entry no 46 to State List to PY Sec 174 Income of persons leaving India with
> It is applicable to whole of India (Sec 1) Income of no intention of returning to India
> PY shall be 23-24 and AY shall be 24-25 PY taxable Sec 174A Assessment of AOP/BOI/AJP formed
in PY itself for a particular purpose likely to be
Notifications Circulars Judicial Updates instead of dissolved in same year of formation
AY Sec 175 Assessee likely to transfer his assets with
> Notification is > Clarification > Supreme Court : Approached
view to avoid payment of tax
communication of any issued by Dept when :
change in Act/Rules > Issued by CBDT a) HC frames a question of law; Sec 176 Income of a discontinued business or
> Issued by CBDT u/s 119 b) A SLP is filed; Judgments profession
u/s 119 > All Circulars 6M of SC become law of land Sec 2(31) Person Includes Individual; HUF; Company; Firm
> Notification over-rides before exam are > High Court : Only handles (Include LLP except for Sec 44AD/44ADA); AOP;
Act applicable question of law. File Writ Local Authority; AJP
>All Notification 6M > These are binding petition
Sec 2(7) Assessee Person liable to pay tax, a deemed assessee; a
before exam are on dept not on > ITAT : Last authority for
applicable Assessee question of fact person who is in default
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.2
d) Rounding Off :
Tax Rates
Sec 288A Round off of Total Income R/o to nearest multiple of ₹10
Normal Rates : Specified by relevant Finance Act
Special Rates : Specified by Income Tax Act Sec 288B Round off of Total Tax R/o to nearest multiple of ₹10
Rule of 5 is applicable
I/HUF/AOP/BOI/AJP (OLD SCHEME) Eg:- If tax calculated is 81,501 then tax be rounded off to 81,500.
Individual: In case of every Individual viz Male, female, & below the age Circular 28/2016 -
of 60 years on the last day of PY, any AOP, BOI, HUF, AJP, Non Resident Any resident Individual whose 60th/80th birthday falls on 1st April 2024 shall
(Irrespective of Age). be treated as having completed the age of 60/80 years on 31st March 2024 i.e
PY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) and hence would be eligible for the higher basic
Total Income Amount of tax
Upto ₹2,50,000 Nil
exemption limit of ₹ 3,00,000 & 5,00,000.
Exceeding ₹2,50,000 but upto ₹5,00,000 5% of (total income less ₹2,50,000) [Case: Prabhu Dayal Sesma vs. State of Rajasthan]
Exceeding ₹5,00,000 but upto ₹10,00,000 ₹12500 + 20% of (TI less ₹5,00,000)
e) Special Adjustment - If Assessee (Resident) has special Income i.e. LTCG
In excess of ₹10,00,000 ₹112500 + 30% of TI
(112/112A) /STCG (111/111A) (Not casual Income) & BEL is not exhausted
Senior citizens: Individual [Resident] 60 years or more but not more then such special income shall be first used to cover up BEL & balance ,if any
than 80 years shall be chargeable to special rate of Tax.
Total Income Amount of tax
Upto ₹3,00,000 Nil f) Surcharge : Applicable to Individual, HUF, AOP, BOI, AJP - As per Taxation
Exceeding ₹3,00,000 but upto ₹5,00,000 5% of (total income less ₹3,00,000) law amendment ordinance 2019 & FA’22
Exceeding ₹5,00,000 but upto ₹10,00,000 ₹10,000 + 20% of (TI less ₹5,00,000)
In excess of ₹10,00,000 ₹1,10,000 + 30% of TI Surcharge on Income
No Income
Super Senior citizens: Individual [R] who is of age of 80 years or more 111A,112,112A & dividend Other
Total Income Amount of tax TI [Including Income u/s 111A,112,
1) Nil Nil
Upto ₹ 5,00,000 Nil 112A & div. does not exceed 50L
Exceeding ₹5,00,000 but upto ₹10,00,000 20% of (TI less ₹5,00,000) 2) TI [Incl Income u/s 111A,112,112A &
10% 10%
In excess of ₹10,00,000 ₹1,00,000 + 30% of TI dividend exceed 50L but not 1cr]
TI [Incl Income u/s 111A,112,112A &
3) 15% 15%
Notes : dividend exceed 1cr but not 2cr]
1) HEC is applicable @ 4%. [after surcharge or Rebate] TI [Excl. Income u/s 111A,112,112A
4) 15% 25%
2) Rebate u/s 87A :- & dividend exceed 2cr but not 5cr.]
a) Assessee is Individual TI [Excluding Income u/s 111A,112,
5) 15% 37%
b) He is Resident in India 112A & dividend exceed 5cr]
c) Whose TI(From All Heads after Deduction) does not exceed ₹5 lakh TI [Incl Income u/s 111A,112, 112A
6) 15% 15%
& dividend exceed 2cr but not covered
Rebate= ₹12500 or 100% of tax payable, whichever is lower
by situation 4 & 5]
> Rebate not available for tax computed u/s 112A
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.3
Example Example
Particulars Rate Components of Applicable rate of Particulars Rate
Components of Applicable rate of
total income surcharge total income surcharge
Where the total • Dividend ₹10 lakhs; Surcharge would be Where total income • Dividend income Surcharge@15% would be
income (including • STCG u/s 111A levied @10% on (excluding dividend ₹ 60 lakhs; levied on income-tax on:
dividend income 10% ₹20 lakhs; income-tax computed • Dividend income of
income and Capital Gain 37% • STCG u/s 111A
and capital gains • LTCG u/s 112 on total income of
chargeable to tax u/s ₹ 50 lakhs; ₹ 60 lakhs;
chargeable to tax ₹15 lakhs; ₹ 90 lakhs.
111A, 112 and 112A) • LTCG u/s 112 • STCG of ₹ 50 lakhs
u/s 111A, 112 and • LTCG u/s 112A
>₹ 5 crore ₹ 42 lakhs; chargeable to tax u/s 111A;
112A) > ₹50 lakhs ₹20 lakhs; and
Rate of surcharge on the Not • LTCG u/s 112A • LTCG of ₹ 42 lakhs
but ≤ ₹1 crore • Other income ₹25 lakhs
Where total income • Dividend income income-tax payable on excee- ₹ 65 lakhs; and chargeable to tax u/s 112;
Surcharge would be
the portion of dividend ding • Other income and
(including dividend ₹10 lakhs; levied @15% on
income and capital gains 15% ₹ 6 crore • LTCG of ₹ 65 lakhs
income and capital • STCG u/s 111A income-tax computed
gains chargeable to 15% ₹40 lakhs; chargeable to tax chargeable to tax u/s 112A
on total income of
tax u/s 111A,112 •LTCG u/s 112 ₹55 lakhs; ₹ 1.90 crores. u/s 111A, 112 and 112A Surcharge @37% would be
and 112A) > ₹1 cr • LTCG u/s 112A leviable on the income-tax
but ≤ ₹2 crore ₹35 lakhs; and computed on other income
• Other income ₹50 lakhs of ₹ 6 crores included in
Where total income • Dividend income Surcharge@15% would be total income
(excluding dividend ₹51 lakhs; levied on income-tax on: Where total income • Dividend income Surcharge would be levied
income and capital 25% • STCG u/s 111A • Dividend income of (including dividend ₹ 55 lakhs; @15% on income-tax
gains chargeable ₹44 lakh; ₹ 51 lakhs; income and capital gains • STCG u/s 111A computed on total income
to tax u/s 111A, • LTCG u/s ₹42 lakhs; • STCG of ₹44 lakhs chargeable to tax 15% ₹ 60 lakhs; of ₹ 3.22 crore.
112 and 112A) • LTCG u/s 112A chargeable to tax u/s 111A, 112 and 112A) • LTCG u/s 112
>₹2 crore but ₹ 55 lakh; and u/s 111A; > ₹ 2 crore in cases not ₹ 42 lakhs;
≤₹5 crore • Other income ₹3 crores • LTCG of ₹42 lakhs covered under (iii) and • LTCG u/s 112A
chargeable to tax (iv) above ₹ 55 lakhs; and
The rate of Not
u/s 112; and • Other income
surcharge on the exceed-
• LTCG of ₹55 lakhs ₹ 1.10 crore
income-tax payable ing
chargeable to tax u/s
on the portion of 15%
112A. Surcharge @25%
dividend income and
would be leviable on
CG chargeable to
income-tax computed
tax u/s 111A, 112
on other income of
and 112A
₹ 3 crores included in
total income
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.4
An AOP consisting of only companies as members :
Tax rate for Companies (a) In case of an AOP consisting of only companies as members, whose total
General Rates for Companies income > ₹ 50 lakhs but is ≤ ₹ 1 crore Where the total income exceeds ₹ 50
lakhs but does not exceed ₹ 1 crore, surcharge is payable at the rate of 10%
(b) In case of an AOP consisting of only companies as members, whose total
Domestic Foreign Co income > ₹ 1 crore Where the total income exceeds ₹ 1 crore, surcharge is
payable at the rate of 15%
# In case of AOP (consisting of only companies as its member), the maximum
Income Tax rate
of rate of surcharge is 15% for AY 2023 & 24
T/O in P.Y. 21-22 Upto 1cr TI x 40% + 4% HEC
Above 10cr
Surcharge + 4% HEC
TI x 40% + 5%
Marginal Relief
Income Tax rate Income Tax rate
Surcharge + 4% HEC
Upto 1cr TI x 25% + 4% HEC Upto 1cr TI x 30% + 4% HEC A) In case of an Local Authority & Firm, where TI <₹ 1cr, aggregate of
1cr -10cr TI x 30% + 7% income tax & surcharge shall be restricted to:
1cr - 10cr TI x 25% + 7% Surcharge
Surcharge + 4% HEC
+ 4% HEC
Above TI x 30% + 12% (Tax on ₹1cr) + (Total Income - ₹1cr)
TI x 25% + 12% 10cr
10cr Surcharge + 4% HEC
Surcharge + 4% HEC
B) In case of an Individual & HUF :
Total Income Income tax & Surcharge restricted to
For Other Assessee or Persons - Surcharge ₹ 50L </= ₹1cr (Tax on ₹50 lakhs) + (Total Income - ₹50 lakhs)
Applicable Surcharge
₹1cr </= ₹2cr (Tax on ₹1 crore with surch @ 10%) + (Total Income - ₹1 crore)
Rate Rate of ₹2cr </= ₹5cr (Tax on ₹2 crore with surch @ 15%) + (Total Income - ₹2 crore)
Assessee of Tax 1 Cr < TI
TI < 1 Cr
< 10Cr TI > 10 Cr HEC Exceeds ₹5cr (Tax on ₹5 crore with surch @ 25%) + (Total Income - ₹5 crore)
Domestic Co turnover not exceed 25% - 7% 12% 4%
not exceed 400 crore in PY 21-22 C) In case of a Domestic / Foreign Company, where TI ₹1cr </= ₹10cr,
Other Companies 30% - 7% 12% 4% aggregate of income tax & surcharge shall be restricted to:
Foreign Company 40% - 2% 5% 4%
(Tax on ₹1cr) + (Total Income - ₹1cr)
Firm & LLP 30% - 12% 12% 4%
D) In case of a Domestic Company, where TI > ₹10cr, aggregate of income
Local Authority 30% - 12% 12%
tax & surcharge shall be restricted to:
Co Operative Society (Tax on ₹10cr with surch of 7%) + (Total Income - ₹10cr)
For 1st ₹10,000 10% - - - 4%
For next ₹10,000 20% - - - 4%
- 7% 12% E) In case of a Foreign Company, where TI > ₹10cr, aggregate of
For the balance 30% 4%
income tax & surcharge shall be restricted to:
(Tax on ₹10cr with surch of 2%) + (Total Income - ₹10cr)
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.5
f) SPECIAL RATES : Sec 115BAC Tax Incentive for Individual & HUF
For Individual /HUF / AOP/ BOI/ AJP have an option to opt for taxation in
Income Rates
sec 115BAC of the Act.
STCG referred to in sec 111A (Securities) 15%
Condition : 1 Restriction on claiming deduction or exemption
LTCG referred to in sec 112 20%
Following Deduction can’t be Taken Without
LTCG u/s 112A Beyond ₹1Lakh 10% Following Deduction can be Taken
exemption/ deduction under the foll provisions:
Casual incomes (e.g. Lottery, horse winnings, etc.) (Sec 115BB) 30% Salary:
1. Transport Allowance granted to a
1. Leave travel concession sec10(5)
Sec 115 BBJ Net winnings from online games [FA 2023] 30% divyang employee
2. House rent allowance sec10(13A)
2. Conveyance Allowance
Sec 115BBG Income from transfer of carbon credit 10% 3. Entertainment allowance &
3. Any Allowance granted to meet the
employment/professional tax u/s 16;
Unexplained Cash/Expenses/Investment-115BBE 60% cost of travel on tour or on transfer
4. Free food & beverage through vouchers
4. Daily Allowance to meet ordinary daily
Maximum Marginal rate 42.744% provided to EE
[30% + charges incurred by an employee on
5. Some of the allowance mentioned in sec10(14)
37% + 4%] absence from his normal place of duty
5. Standard deduction u/s 16(ia)
1. Interest u/s 24 in respect of self-occupied or
vacant property referred to in Sec 23(2). (Loss
Alternative Tax Scheme - Default Scheme from house property for rented house not be
1. Deductions Sec 80CCD (employer
(w.e.f A.Y. 2024-25) [FA 2023] New Scheme allowed to be set off under any other head &
contribution on account of employee
would be allowed to be c/f as per extant law)
in notified pension scheme) &
Unless otherwise Specified w.e.f A.Y. 2024-25 tax shall be calculated as per PGBP: Sec 80JJAA (new employment),
below sections unless it is specifically mentioned that calcualte as per old 1. Additional deprecation u/s 32(1)(iia); 80CCH (CG contribution towards
scheme 2. Deductions u/s 32AD, 33AB, 33ABA
Agnipath scheme
3. Various deduction for donation for or
New Scheme :- expenditure on scientific research contained
Sec 115 BAC I/HUF AOP/BOI/AJP (Other than Co.op) - R/NR in sub-clause (ii) /(iia)/(iii) of sub-sec (1) /
1. Depreciation is allowed.
Sec 115 BAA Any Domestic Company sub-sec (2AA) of sec 35;
4. Deduction u/s 35AD or sec 35CCC;
Sec 115 BAB Any Domestic Manufacturing Company
Sec 115 BAD Any Co.op Society - R
1. Deduction from family pension u/s 57(iia);
Sec 115 BAE A.Y. 24-25 Co.op Society engaged in MNF.
1. Any deduction under chapter VIA
# Firm/LLP/ Local Autority / Foreign Co - No Alternative Tax Exemptions:
Scheme available as of now 1. Allowances to MPs/MLAs sec 10(17)
2. Allowance for income of minor sec10(32)
3. Exemption for SEZ unit contained in section 10AA
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.6
Condition 2: Without Set off of any loss c/f or depreciation from an earlier # Marginal relief incase of income slightly exceed 7L :
AY, if the same is attributable to any of the deductions referred in point A. Rebate u/s 87A is subject to marginal relief from A.Y. 24-25, if net
Also, without setting off any loss under the head House Property with any income exceed 7 Lakh but does not exceed 7,27,770 income tax on such
other head of income. Both the losses mentioned cannot be c/f income cannot exceed the amount by which net income exceed 7 lakh
Condition 3 Exercise the option: Eg 1 : Total Income 6,92,000
1. I/ HUF/ AOP/ BOI/ AJP has no Business Income: Along with the Solution : Upto First 3,00,000 - NIL
return of income be furnished u/s 139(1); Next 3,00,000 - 5% - 15,000
2. Has Business Income : On or before the due date specified u/s 139(1) for 92000 - 10% - 9,200
furnishing ROI & such option once exercised shall apply to subsequent AYs Total tax 24,200
> The Option can be withdrawn only once where it was exercised by the (-) Rebate u/s 87A (24,200)
Assessee having business income for a PY other than the year in which Tax NIL
it exercised & thereafter, the Assessee shall never be elgible to exercise
the option under this section, except where such individual or HUF Eg 2 : Total Income 7,20,000 with marginal relief
ceases to have any business income. Solution : Upto First 3,00,000 - NIL
Next 300000 - 5% - 15,000
Slab Rates 1,20,000 - 10% - 12,000
Total tax 27,000
Marginal Relief
Old (A.Y. 23-24) New(Default) = (Tax on 7 lakh ) + (TI - 7 lakh)
Sec 115 BAC(1) Sec 115BAC (1A) [FA 2023] = Nil + 20000
= 20,000 (+ HEC @4% )
Total Income Rate (%) Total Income Rate (%) Shortcut = 20,800
Upto ₹ 2,50,000 Nil Upto ₹ 3,00,000 Nil i.e Tax cannot exceed 20,800
₹ 2.5L to 5L 5% ₹ 3L to 6L 5% 15000
₹ 5L to 7.5L 10% ₹ 6L to 9L 10% Eg 3 : Total Income 7,25,000 with marginal relief
₹ 7.5L to 10L 15% ₹ 9L to 12L 15% Solution : Upto First 3,00,000 - NIL
₹ 10L to 12.5L 20% ₹ 12L to 15L 20% Next 300000 - 5% - 15000
₹ 12.5L to 15L 25% Above ₹ 15L 30% 1,25,000 - 10% - 12500
Above ₹ 15L 30% Total tax 27500
Rebate u/s 87A : Marginal Relief
1) Assessee is Individual = (Tax on 7 lakh ) + (TI - 7 lakh)
2) He is Resident in India = Nil + 25000
3) Whose total income (From All Heads after Deduction) (Normal + Special = 25000 (+ HEC @4% )
excluding Agriculture Income and Exempt Income) does not exceed ₹7 lakh = 26000
Rebate= ₹25000 or 100% of tax payable, whichever is lower i.e Tax cannot exceed 26000
Rebate not available for tax computed u/s 112A [FA'23]
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.7
# Further Points Note : If surcharge is applicable on taxable Income of assessee as per
1. Income Chargeable at Special rate specified limits, maximum surcharge applicable on Tax on Dividend Income
Income Rates is up to 15% of Tax Amount. (i.e. if your income is in slab limit of surcharge
STCG referred to in Sec 111A (Securities) 15% of 25%, tax on dividend income will be having capping on surcharge on tax
LTCG referred to in Sec 112 20% @ 15% on tax amount proportionate to total tax with income.
LTCG u/s 112 A Beyond ₹1 Lakh 10%
Casual income (e.g. Lottery, Horse winnings, etc.) (Sec 115 BB)[FA 23] 30% Sec 115BAD Tax Incentive for Resident Co-operative Society
Online Winning 115BBJ [FA 2023] 30% The condition for concessional rate shall be that the total income of
Income from transfer of carbon credit Sec 115G [FA 2023] 10% co-operative society is computed -
A. Without claiming the following deductions :
2. Surcharge : I / HUF / AOP / BOI / AJP as: > Exemption for SEZ unit contained in section 10AA
> Additional Depreciation u/s 32(1)(iia)
u/s 111A, 112
Sr > Deductions u/s 32AD, 33AB, 33ABA sub-clause (ii) or sub-clause (iia)/
Income 112A, Dividend Other
sub-clause (iii) of sub-sec (1) or sub-sec (2AA) of sec 35/35AD/35CCC
> Provisions under Chaper VI A except 80JJAA
1) TI[including Income u/s 111A, 112 , 112A & Nil Nil
B. Without Set off of any loss c/f or depreciation from an earlier AY, if the
dividend income does not Exceed 50L]
same is attributable to any of the deductions referred in point A. Also, the
2) TI [including Income u/s 111A,112,112A&
10% 10% same cannot be carried forward.
dividend income exceed 50L but does not
exceed 1cr.]
C. By claiming Depreciation u/s 32 except Additional depreciation :
> The concessional rate shall not apply unless option is exercised by the
3) TI [including Income u/s 111A,112,112A &
dividend income exceed 1cr but does not 15% 15% co-operative society in the prescribed manner on or before the due date
exceed 2cr.] specified u/s 139(1) of the Act for furnishing the returns of income for
any PY relevant to the A.Y. commencing on or after 1st April, 2021 and
4) TI [excluding Income u/s 111A,112,112A & 15% 25% such option once exercised shall apply to subsequent AY.
dividend income exceed 2cr but does not
exceed 5cr.] > Provisions of Sec 115JC, AMT, shall not apply to such Resident
5) TI [excluding Income u/s 111A,112,112A & Co- operative Society. Similarly, provisions in Sec 115JD relating to carry
15% 25%
dividend income exceed 5cr] forward and set off of AMT credit, if any, shall not apply.
[FA 23]
> Option once exercised cannot be withdrawn;
6) TI [including Income u/s 111A,112,112A &
dividend income exceed 2cr but not covered 15% 15% > On fulfillment of above conditions, a co-operative society resident in India
by situation 4 & 5] shall have the option to pay tax at 22% for AY 2021-22 onwards in respect
of its total income so however that if it fails to satisfy conditions in any
PY, the option shall become invalid and other provisions of the Act shall
apply. The surcharge applicable to such co-op society shall be levied at 10%
(Effective rate 25.168%)
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.8
Sec 115BAE Tax on income of certain new 8. Additional conditions -
a. It must be registered on or after 1/4/2023 and should commence
manufacturing co-op societies manufacturing or production of an article or thing on or before 31.3.2024
1. Assessee - Engaged in Manufacturing, Co.op Society in India (Resident) b. It should not be formed by splitting up or the reconstruction of a business
already in existence (except in case of a company, business of which is
2. Following are not considered as manufacturing formed as a result of the re-establishment, reconstruction or revival by the
(i) Development of computer software in any form or in any media; person of the business of any undertaking referred to in sec 33B in the
(ii) Mining; circumstances and within the period specified therein)
(iii) Conversion of marble blocks or similar items into slabs; c. It does not use any machinery or plant previously used for any purpose
(iv) Bottling of gas into cylinder; i) Any P&M which was used outside India & is imported into India from
(v) Printing of books or production of cinematography film; or any country outside India;
(vi) Any other business as may be notified by the Central Government in ii) No deduction on account of depreciation is allowed in Income-tax Act,
this behalf; 1961 in India earlier
iii) Value of Second hand P& M does not exceed 20% of the total value of
3. Tax Rates : Income P&M.
d. It should not be engaged in any business other than the business of
manufacture or production of any article or thing and research in relation
Out of Manufacturing Other Activity to, or distribution of, such article or thing manufactured or produced by it.
Activity (Eg Dividend Rent) e. When AO comes across a transaction between Assessee and other persons
where Profit Generated to another persons generate more than ordinary
profit then AO can club the additional income and such income shall be
17.16% 25.168%
taxed @30%
(15% tax + 10% of surcharge (22% tax + 10% of surcharge +
+ 4% HEC) 4% HEC)
6. This option needs to be taken before filing ITR for A.Y. 24-25
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.9
Rate of tax on The applicable tax rate is The applicable tax rate is
Sec 115BAB & 115BAA Optional tax rate For Companies 25.168% (i.e., tax @22%
other income 25.168% (i.e., tax @22%, plus
Particulars Section 115BAB Section 115BAA [HP/IFOS] surcharge @10% plus plus surcharge @10%
Domestic manufacturing HEC @4%) plus HEC@4%).
1. Applicability Any domestic company
company AO club The rate of 34.32% (i.e., Tax
income because @30% +surcharge @10% +
2. Rate of tax 15% 22% -
of close HEC@4%) would be applicable
3. Rate of 10%
10% connection in specified circumstance
7. Other Points a. It must be registered on or a. If losses and
4. Effective rate 17.16% 25.168% after 1/4/2019 and should unabsorbed
(including [Tax@15% (+) Surcharge [Tax@22% (+) commence manufacturing depreciation arise
surcharge & @10% (+) HEC@4%] Surcharge @10%(+) or production of an article because of above
HEC) HEC @4%] or thing on or before deduction it cannot be
5. Applicability Not applicable Not applicable 31.3.2024 taken.
of MAT b. It should not be formed by b. Option once taken
6. Manner of computation of tax liability splitting up or the cannot be withdrawn
Income on The rate of tax
The rate of tax (i.e., 17.16%) reconstruction of a business
which is applicable in respect of (i.e.,25.168%) is already in existence (except in
concessional income derived from or notwithstanding anything case of a company, business of
rate of tax is incidental to manufacturing contained in the Income- which is formed as a result of
applicable or production of an article tax Act, 1961, but subject the re-establishment,
or thing. to the provisions of reconstruction or revival by
Chapter XII, other than the person of the business of
sec 115BA and 115BAB. any undertaking referred to in
Rate of tax on Special Income is Taxable at Special Income is Taxable sec 33B in the circumstances
Special Income Special rate + 10% at Special rate + 10% and within the period
[for example, Surcharge + 4% HEC Surcharge + 4% HEC specified therein)
LTCG c. It does not use any
chargeable to machinery or plant
tax u/s 112 and previously used for any
112A, STCG purpose
chargeable to i) Any P&M which was used
tax u/s 111A] outside India & is
imported into India from
any country outside India;
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ii) No deduction on account of 8. Following a. PGBP
depreciation is allowed in deductions i) Additional dep u/s 32(1)
Income-tax Act, 1961 in not allowed ii) Scientific research u/s 35
India earlier iii) Specified business u/s 35AD
iii) Value of Second hand P& M iv) Agriculture extension project u/s 35CCC
does not exceed 20% of the v) Skill development project u/s 35CCD
total value of P&M. vi) Deduction u/s 32AD, 33AB, 33ABA
d. It does not use any building b. Exemptions u/s 10AA
previously used as a hotel or c. Deduction - All deductions except u/s 80JJAA, 80LA, 80M
a convention centre
e. If losses and unabsorbed Undisclosed Sources of Income
depreciation arise because of
above deduction it cannot be Sec 68: Cash Credits : Where any sum is found credited in the books of an
taken assessee maintained for any previous year and the assessee offers no
f. Option once taken cannot be explanation about the nature and source or the explanation offered is not
withdrawn satisfactory in the opinion of the AO, the sum so credited may be charged
g. Business of manufacture or as income of the assessee of that previous year.
production of any article or
thing does not include Unexplained loan or borrowing : Where the sum so credited consists of
business of – loan or borrowing or any such amount, by whatever name called, any
i) Development of computer explanation offered by the assessee in whose books such sum is credited
software in any form or in shall not be deemed to be satisfactory, unless -
any media - The person in whose name such credit is recorded in the books of such
ii) Mining assessee also offers an explanation about the nature and source of such
iii) Conversion of marble sum so credited; and
blocks or similar items - Such explanation in the opinion of the Assessing Officer has been found to
into slabs be satisfactory.
iv) Bottling of gas into
cylinder Unexplained Share Capital/ Premium : Any explanation offered by a
v) Printing of books or closely held company in respect of any sum credited as share application
production of money, share capital, share premium or any such amount, by whatever
Cinematography films name called, in the accounts of such company shall be deemed to be not
vi) Any other business as may satisfactory, unless
be notified by the Central
Govt. in this behalf.
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.11
- The person, being a resident, in whose name such credit is recorded Sec 69C Unexplained expenditure : Where in any FY an assessee has incurred
in the books of such company also explains about the nature and any expenditure and he offers no explanation about the source of such expenditure
the source of such sum so credited and or the explanation is unsatisfactory in the opinion of the AO, AO can treat such
- Such explanation in opinion of AO has been found to be satisfactory. unexplained expenditure as the income of the assessee for such FY. Such
unexplained expenditure which is deemed to be the income of the assessee shall
Non-applicability to Venture Capital Fund or Venture Capital not be allowed as deduction under any head of income
These additional conditions would not apply if the person, in whose Sec 69D Amount borrowed or repaid on hundi : Where any amount is borrowed
name the sum is recorded, is a Venture Capital Fund or Venture on a hundi or any amount due thereon is repaid other than through an account-
Capital Company registered with SEBI payee cheque drawn on a bank, the amount so borrowed or repaid shall be deemed
to be the income of the person borrowing or repaying for the PY in which the
Sec 69 Unexplained Investments : Where in the FY immediately amount was borrowed or repaid, as the case may be. However, where any amount
preceding the AY, the assessee has made investments which are not borrowed on a hundi has been deemed to be the income of any person, he will not
recorded in the books of account and the assessee offers no explanation be again liable to be assessed in respect of such amount on repayment of such
about the nature and the source of investments or the explanation amount. The amount repaid shall include interest paid on the amount borrowed.
offered is not satisfactory in the opinion of the AO, the value of the
investments are taxed as deemed income of the assessee of such FY. Sec 115BBE Unexplained money, investments etc.
to attract tax @60%
Sec 69A Unexplained money etc : Where in any FY the assessee
is found to be the owner of any money, bullion, jewellery or other (i) In order to control laundering of unaccounted money by availing the benefit
valuable article and the same is not recorded in the books of account of basic exemption limit, the unexplained money, investment, expenditure, etc.
and the assessee offers no explanation about the nature and source of deemed as income u/s 68 or section 69 or section 69A or section 69B or
acquisition of such money, bullion etc. or the explanation offered is section 69C or section 69D would be taxed at the rate of 60% plus surcharge
not satisfactory in the opinion of the AO, the money and the value of @25% of tax. Thus, the effective rate of tax (including surcharge@25% of tax
bullion etc. may be deemed to be the income of the assessee for such FY. and cess@4% of tax and surcharge) is 78%.
Sec 69B Amount of investments etc., not fully disclosed in the (ii) No basic exemption or allowance or expenditure shall be allowed to the
books of account : Where in any FY the assessee has made investments assessee under any provision of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in computing
or is found to be the owner of any bullion, jewellery or other valuable such deemed income.
article and the AO finds that the amount spent on making such investments
or in acquiring such articles exceeds the amount recorded in the books of (iii) Further, no set off of any loss shall be allowable against income brought
account maintained by the assessee and he offers no explanation for the to tax u/s 68 or section 69 or section 69A or section 69B or section 69C or
difference or the explanation offered is unsatisfactory in the opinion of section 69D.
the AO, such excess may be deemed to be the income of the assessee
for such financial year.
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.12
Unsolved Questions P.5 Computation of tax liability
Find out the tax liability in the cases given below for the AY 2024-25
P.1 Based on Marginal Relief [these tax payers do not want to opt for the alternative tax regime
Compute the tax liability of Mr. Akash (aged 55 years), having total u/s 115BAC] Assume that, applicable tax rate u/s 112 is 20 per cent
income of ₹ 1,01,00,000 for the AY 2024-25. Assume that his total
income comprises of salary income, income from house property and Different Dividend Capital gain under section Other
interest from fixed deposit account. ₹ Total ₹
taxpayers ₹ 111A 112 112A Income ₹
A (52 years) 49,00,000 1,00,000 2,00,000 8,00,00, 6,59,00,000 15,11,00,000
P.2 Based on Computation of marginal relief 000
Compute the tax liability of Mr. Deepak (aged 57 years), having total
income of ₹2,02,00,000 for the AY 2024-25. Assume that his total
P.6 Computation of tax liability
income comprises of salary income, income from house property and
Find out the tax liability in the cases given below for the AY 2024-25
interest from fixed deposit account. Also, assume that Mr. Deepak has
[these tax payers do not want to opt for the alternative tax regime
not opted for the provisions of section 115BAC.
u/s 115BAC] Assume that, applicable tax rate u/s 112 is 20 per cent
P.3 Computation of tax liability
Different Dividend Capital gain under section Other
Find out the tax liability in the cases given below for the AY 2024-25 taxpayers ₹ ₹ Total ₹
111A 112 112A Income ₹
[these tax payers do not want to opt for the alternative tax regime 1,00,00, 68,00,000 2,00,000 70,00,000 2,40,00,000
B (41 years) -
u/s 115BAC] Assume that, applicable tax rate u/s 112 is 20 per cent resident 000
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.13
P. 8 Based on Special Income
Calculate Tax Liability of Ms. Vaishnavi age 52 years having Following
a) Calculate the tax liability as per the Old regime
b) Calculate the tax liability as per the New regime
Particulars ₹
Business Income 7,00,000
Other Sources 1,50,000
LTCG u/s 112 40,000
STCG u/s 111A 30,000
P. 9 Based on Surcharge
Calculate Tax Liability of Mr. Stark age 55 years having Following
a) Calculate the tax liability as per the Old regime
b) Calculate the tax liability as per the New regime
Particulars ₹
Business Income 62,00,000
Other Sources 8,00,000
LTCG u/s 112 8,00,000
STCG u/s 111A 2,00,000
P. 10 Based on Surcharge
Calculate Tax Liability of Mr. Rocket age 41 years having Following
a) Calculate the tax liability as per the Old regime
b) Calculate the tax liability as per the New regime
Particulars ₹
Business Income 2,70,00,000
LTCG u/s 112 51,00,000
STCG u/s 111A 48,00,000
CA CS VIJAY SARDA +91 8956651954 1.14