Determine The Economic Feasibility of The Polycult
Determine The Economic Feasibility of The Polycult
Determine The Economic Feasibility of The Polycult
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Asst Research Scientist, Fisheries Research Station, J.A.U. Okha
Faculty of Marine Science, Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology,
Annamalai University, Parangiettai-608 502 TamilNadu, India
Research officer, Fisheries Research Station, J.A.U. Okha
S.R.F. Fisheries Research Station, J.A.U. Okha
Abstract: Aquatic plants and commercial species such as rabbit fish, mullet, grass carp and clam are good
candidates for polyculture. Mullet is a filter feeder, which usually swims near the top of the water in school and
eats the scum of the water surface. Mullet can thrive in both fresh and saltwater. The present experiment was
carried in the month of 24th May 2009 to 18th Oct 2009 in shrimp grow out ponds. The stocking density of
P. monodon was 5 no/ m2 in mono as well as polyculture ponds but additionally mullet were stocked in
polyculture @0.33 no /m2. There were no significant differences in pH, dissolved oxygen and nutrient
concentrations among the mono and polyculture ponds throughout the experiment. The aim of present
investigation is stocking with P. monodon with Mugil tade is a viable approach in terms of profit. Tiger shrimp
and mullet is quite suitable for polyculture. Growth rate of shrimp in polyculture pond is higher compared to
the growth rate of shrimp in monoculture pond.
Key words:
INTRODUCTION other species and thus increases the total fish yield per
unit area [1-3]. Since polyculture ponds are complex and
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries not fully understood, we investigated the economic
around the world. Capture fisheries and aquaculture feasibility for the combinations of P. monodon with
supplied the world with about 106 million tones of food M. tade.
fish in 2004. Of this total, aquaculture accounted for
43 percent. There is an increasing demand for seafood in MATERIALS AND METHODS
international market and will continue to grow in future.
In India, commercial shrimp farming started gaining roots Experiments were carried out in shrimp grow out
only during the mid-eighties. It was a relatively late start ponds situated at North latitudes 22° 44’ and 22° 41’ and
in India; by this time, shrimp farming had reached peak in East longitudes 71° 00’ and 70° 52’ Patelwadi village of
most of the neighboring Asian countries, especially China Diu region, Saurashtra. Experiment was conducted in
and Taiwan. Shrimp culture in ponds has been one of the the month of 24th May 2009 to 18th Oct 2009 in ponds
major sources of livelihoods for the fish farmers whereas No. 1 & 2 of 0.8 hector WSA (water spread area) and one
shrimp disease is the most serious problem that the pond used as a reservoir. Water was pumped by 10 HP
farmers have been facing. The idea of polyculture is based motor. Pond preparation, addition of fertilizer and
on the principle that each species stocked has its own supplementary feeds were applied as per the standard.
feeding niche that of other species. Therefore, a more Seeds of P. monodon were purchased from commercial
complete use is made of the food resources and space hatchery whereas M. tade were collected from sea shore
available in polyculture than in monoculture. In some weighing 3.78 ± 12.58 g. M. tade were collected and
cases, one species enhances the food availability for acclimatized for a period of 10 days in a cement tank and
Corresponding Author: B. Gunalan, Faculty of Marine Science, Center of Advanced Study in Marine Biology,
Annamalai University, Parangipettai-608 502, Tamil Nadu, India, Tel: +04144-243223.
African J. of Basic & Appl. Sci., 2 (3-4): 124-127, 2010
were fed by rice bran, groundnut oil cake and fish meal biomass was calculated as per Chanratchakool et al. [6]
mixed powder (1:0.2:0.5). M. tade were stocked @ whereas M. tade growth assessment was once in a month.
2653 numbers in 0.8 ha grow out pond on 07 May Water quality parameters such as temperature (°C), pH
2009 without feeding had avg. wt 6.16 ± 0.49 g whereas and dissolved oxygen (mg/l) were measured as per
P. monodon seeds were stocked @ 40000 no per ha of Trivedy and Goel [6] whereas salinity (‰) as per
initial wt 0.05 ± 0.0 g in mono as well as polyculture Katznelson [7]. Estimation of nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N)
ponds. P. monodon was fed by pelleted feed as per the ((mg/l) and total phosphate (PO4) ((mg/l) were as per
standardized technique. Trivedy and Goel [6] and Gupta [8] respectively. Ammonia
was determined as described by Allan, et al. [9].
Fig. 1: Average water quality parameters in mono (P1) and polyculture (P2) ponds
African J. of Basic & Appl. Sci., 2 (3-4): 124-127, 2010
Table 1: Average water quality parameters in mono (P1) and polyculture (P2) ponds
Parameters Mono (P 1) Poly (P 2) Mono ( P 1) Poly (P 2)
Temp (°C) 29.2 29.2 29.2 ± 1.55 29.2 ± 1.55
pH 8.32 8.33 8.32 ± 0.33 8.33 ± 0.31
Salinity (‰) 24.27 23.54 24.27 ± 7.9 23.54 ± 7.82
DO (ppm) 5.01 4.7 5.01 ± 0.61 4.7 ± 0.54
Ammonia (mg/l) 0.18 0.01 0.18 ± 0.14 0.019 ± 0.01
Nitrate (mg/l) 4.70 4.25 4.7 ± 2.8 4.25 ± 2.11
Phosphate (mg/l) 1.29 1.25 1.29 ± 0.27 1.25 ± 0.19
recommended 18-25% salinity was ideal for shrimp Feed is one of the essential inputs in shrimp
growth. The optimal range of pH 6.8 to 8.7 should be production and increase profits. Feed management is
maintained for maximum growth and production of shrimp highly subjective, as feed consumption cannot be directly
[16]. In the present study pH was ranging between 8.3 to observed. In present study CP feeds was used for both
8.4 for all culture ponds. Ramakrishna Reddy [17] was poly and monoculture ponds. The maximum feed
recommended pH of 7.5 to 8.5 for P. monodon culture. conversion ratio was observed1.6 in polyculture pond
Dissolved oxygen plays a major role and its affect the feed (P2) and minimum (1.2) was recorded in monoculture (P1)
consumption and maturation. Lack of dissolved oxygen pond. Soundarapandian and Gunalan [18] observed FCR
can be directly harmful to shrimp and cause a substantial of 1.36 for their study (Table 2). Periodic sampling is very
increase in the level of toxic metabolites. The dissolved important for successful shrimp culture. Its help to know
oxygen in all the culture ponds in the present study was the average weight and this would help to estimate the
ranging between 4.7 to 5.01 mg/l. Ammonia, nitrate and total biomass in the pond for better – feed management.
phosphates were recorded in optimum level during the In the present study the sampling was done from 40th DOC
present study (Table 1). onwards (every fortnight). Higher survival (82.6%) was
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