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Approaches to measure quality of human resource development index in the

village context: case of Central Java, Indonesia

Article · April 2014


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2 authors:

Habibullah Magsi Mulyanto Mulyanto

Sindh Agriculture University Universitas Sebelas Maret


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Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

The Macrotheme Review

A multidisciplinary journal of global macro trends

Approaches to measure quality of human resource development index

in the village context: case of Central Java, Indonesia 1

Mulyanto *, and Habibullah Magsi **

Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and Center for Information and Regional Development (PIPW), Sebelas Maret University (UNS)
Surakarta, Indonesia *
Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam, Pakistan & UMR SAD-APT, INRA, AgroParisTech, France ** ([email protected])


This study was attempted to develop the model for measuring human development
progress at village level by using an index system, namely Index of Human Resources
Development for Villages (IHRDV). For this study four Regencies in Central Java
Province were chosen as a pilot project, i.e. Wonogiri, Klaten, Sragen and Sukoharjo.
IHRDV is composed over health, education and economic indicators. Each indicator
consists of some variables derived from secondary data, where simple average method is
applied to construct the model. Meanwhile, correlation of product moment and analyses
of variance were used to analyze the differences of IHRDV. As results education indicator
gives biggest contribution, while economic indicator provides smallest contribution to the
IHRDV, while in Suhoharjo, health indicator gives smallest contribution to the IHRDV.
There are some differences result if the IHRDV is correlated. The economic indicator has
biggest correlation with the IHRDV in Klaten and Sragen, where education indicator has
biggest correlation with the IHRDV in Wonogiri, and health indicator in Sukoharjo. With
the 10 percent level of significance, only Klaten found having no significance while
testing one-way analysis of variance in related with the differences of villages typologies.
It implies that there are not differences among the IHRDV viewed by the differences of
villages typologies. Through this study we would like to provide the value of IHRDV in
average for the villages with rice cultivated area have the highest score compared with
the others in Wonogiri, while villages with crops planted area have the highest score
compared with the others in Klaten. While, the villages with manufacturing industry have
highest score in Sukoharjo. Thus it is concluded that the effort to constructing the model
for measuring progress of human development in the villages context has a big role in
Indonesia for achieving a good condition in the future time. It is important to understand
because in the villages, the public services are begun and never ending up to now.

Keywords: Development; Index; IHRDV; Central Java; Indonesia

JEL Classification: R12, R58

1 First version of this article has been presented in 23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science
Association International (RSAI) and the 4th Indonesian Regional Science (IRSA) Institute, Bandung –
Indonesia during 2-4 July 2013. Authors can be contacted: [email protected] & [email protected]

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

1. Introduction

It is commonly believed that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is not a perfect measure
of development progress in many countries in the world, irrespective of whether it is adjusted for
purchasing power differences among countries or not (see Ogwang, 1997; Wang, 2007;
Zgurovsky, 2007). As a consequence, researchers have devoted much effort to develop composite
indices of development progress. For examples, Morris (1979) had developed the composite
indices called by the Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI). This effort was continued by
Mahbub ul Haq (UNDP, 2006) by using the composed indices called by the Human Development
Index (HDI) in 1990s.
As an ilustratiton, the results of macro-level indicators of development in Indonesia, especially
when compared with other countries shows that of the 14 kinds of development indicators, the
most prominent ranking in Indonesia is an indicator of the population, ranks 4th out of 237
countries, with a number of population in the year 2010 about 237.6 million (Statistics Indonesia,
2012). On the other hand, a large number of population are not proportional to the level of
prosperity of the population and the quality of human resources. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
per capita as reflection of the level of prosperity of nation, can be classified into the low category,
amounting to US $4,300, and ranks 154 out of 237 countries. Condition of the human quality of
development indicated by the Human Development Index (HDI) is also classified into low
category, and ranks 108 out of 169 countries. Description of the data and indicators can be seen in
Table 1.
On the other hand, national development policy in related with the field of regional development
among others, is aimed to reduce the gap of development among the villages in Indonesia. As we
know the numbers of villages in Indonesia in 2009 are about 77.012 villages which are
distributed into 6.652 subdistricts, 98 cities, and 399 regencies (Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) /
Statistic Indonesia, 2012). With a growing number of villages, it should be followed by the
increasing of quality in managing the development in the villages. It is important to understand
because in the villages, the public services are begun and never ending up to now.

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Table 1: Ranks and Position of Several Indicators of Development in Indonesia Compared

with the Others Countries in the World
No. Indicators of Development in Indonesia Rank of No. of Countries
Indonesia Observed
01. Global Competitive Index (Year 2010-2011) 44 139
02. Infrastructure (Year 2010-2011) 82 139
03. Health and Primary Education (Year 2010-2011) 62 139
04. Infant Mortality Rate (Year 2010-2011) 97 139
05. Life Expectancy Rate (Year 2010-2011) 91 139
06. Quality of Basic Education(Year 2010-2011) 55 139
07. Human Development Index (Year 2010) 108 169
08. Corruption Perception Index/ CPI (Year 2010) 110 178
09. State Failure Risk(Year 2010) 61 178
10. Education Development Index (Year 2010) 65 128
11. Population 237,6 milliun (Year 2010) 4 237
12. GDP US$ 1.033 billiun (Year 2010) 16 237
13. GDP Per Capita US$ 4,300 (Year 2010) 154 237
14. unemployment 7,1% (Year 2010) 75 237
Source: Adobted from Roberto Akyuwen, 2011.

In related with the above condition, the objectives of this study were: (i) to construct the Index of
Human Resources Development for Villages (IHRDV) as an instrument for measuring the
progress of human resources development for the villages, (ii) to test the degree of correlation
between the IHRDV and its indicators constructing the IHRDV, and finally (iii) to know the
difference of IHRDV in average if the villages are distinguished by type of the villages
typologies. This paper is classified into six sections. Section II explains about the previous
studies, where section III devoted to IHRDV model explanation and selection strategies of
indicators. In Section IV we describe about methodological consideration and data collection
procedure. Section V comprised over result of the study, and finally we provide conclusion and
policy prospects.

2. Literature reviewed

In 1970s, Morris (1979) used two main indicators, namely health indicator and education
indicator to measuring the achievement of human resources development. Both of these
indicators were measured by infant mortality rates, life expectancy at age one, and literacy

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

percentage rates. Meanwhile, Mahbub ul Haq in 1990s (UNDP, 2006) had also developed the
Morris’s model by adding other indicator, namely the income indicator indicated by the GDP
corrected by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). In recent years, there are also a lot of composite
indices for measuring the progress of development in the specific area. For examples: Indicators
of Good Governance (IGG) developed by Philippine Institute for Development Studies (1999);
Regional Attractiveness Index (RAI) constructed by the Price-Water-houseCooper (2001); Urban
Governance Index (UGI) arranged by UN-HABITAT (2002) for the Global Campaign on Urban
Governance; Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) developed by Yale University (2005);
Indicators of Sustainability Development (ISD) construced by United Nations (2007); and also
the Vulnerability and Resilience Index (VRI) developed by Malta University (2008).
For measuring and evaluating the progress of development in provinces level in People’s
Republic of China (PRC), Wang (2007) had developed the index system called by a Regional
Development Index (RDI). In this study, Wang used ten field indices (and one reference index) to
measure the regional development in different fields. They were: (i) Level of economic
development; (ii) Productivity and Research & Development; (iii) Human development; (iv)
Education; (v) Social equity; (vi) Public services; (vii) Social security; (viii) Infrastructure; (ix)
Environment protection; (x) Institutional development; and (xi) Natural resources and geographic
location (reference index). Wang (2007) would like to get proof that regional disparities in the
PRC were the result of a combination of geographic location, economic policy, and others factors
such as infrastructural conditions as be found by economists in the previous studies.
On the other hand, BAPPENAS (Indonesian Planning Agency) in 1991 had also constructed a
Regional Development Index (RDI). This RDI was developed to measuring the regional
development in 26 provinces in Indonesia by using secondary data in years 1994, 1996 and 1998.
This study was done before the program of regional autonomy has been implemented in
Indonesia since 2001. BAPPENAS used three indicators to construc the RDI, namely: (i)
Indicator of government’s capacity and capability; (ii) Indicator of regional development; and
(iii) Indicator of public empowerment. Each of indicators was derived into three Sub Indicators.
By using the RDI, progress and evaluation on regional development can be measured and
evaluated together, so the RDI can provides to us some useful information about the progress of
regional development at the provincial level or the others level. This study wants to develop the
RDI model that had been developed by Wang (2007) and Bappenas (2001) for the contect of
village government by doing adjustment to some indicators and variables used in this study.
Khalifa and Connelly (2009) had also constructed Local Indicators of Sustainable Development
and Local Human Development Index in the case of rural in Egypt. They used five indicators and
12 sub-indicators to get guideline for evaluating the criteria for the success of rural development.
Similarily, Emilija and Meyers (2010) also had implemented the the assessment for measuring
the regional indicators for the development of the villages in Lithuania. They used four aspects,
then derived into nine indicators. besides that there are also suggestions regarding inconcistnece
for Human Development Index (Herrero et al. 2012).
There are still some inconsistencies in the new construction that have to be addressed (in
particular, the use of a composite variable to approach educational achievements, the use of logs
for the income variable and the type of normalization adopted). We discuss in this paper those
inconsistencies and suggest some relatively minor changes that would suffice to avoid them.

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

In general, we have been inspired through the available literature by doing the adaptation and
adjustment in accordance with the availability of data in the villages where the study was

3. IHRDV and Indicator Selection Strategy

The IHRDV is constructed by using a simple average method from three indicators, namely: (i)
Health Indicators, (ii) Education Indicators, and (iii) Economic Indicators. Each of three
indicators directly presents a certain field of development in the village government, and they
together constitute the overall index (IHRDV). Each indicator consists of several variables, which
are based on one or more basic secondary data available in the document of sub district in the
figures published by BPS (Statistics Indonesia) in Year 2011. Technical explanation of the
indicators and several variables used in this study can be described as follow:

3.1. Health Indicators

 Ratio of the number of health facilities to the number of population times by 1,000
 Ratio of the number of medical staff to the number of population times by 1,000
 Percentage of the number of toilet ownership by family to the number of households
 Infant bird rate per 1.000
 Infant mortality rate per 1,000

3.2. Education Indicators

 Ratio of the number of primary school building to the number of pupils times by 100
 Ratio of the number of pupils to the number of teachers in primary school level
 Ratio of the number of pupils in primary school to the number of school age population 7-
12 years times by 100
 Percentage of population with educational attainment in senior high school and over to
number of population age 5 year over

3.3. Economic Indicators

 Ratio of the number of trading and finance facilities to the number of population times by

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

 Ratio of the number of micro, small and medium enterprises to the number of population
times by 1,000
 Percentage of the number of employment in agriculture sector to the total number of
 Percentage of the number of employment in industry sector to the total number of
 The number of cars and motorcycles to the number of households times by 100
 Ratio of length of roads asphalted to the total number of length of roads times by 100
 Ratio the total number of length of roads to the land area of village
 Ratio the number of telecomunication facilities to the number of house-holds times by 100

4. Data and Methodology

For constructing the IHRDV as an instrument for measuring the progress of villages development
in Indonesia, about 985 villages were selected from four regencies. The specific areas used in this
study is detailed as follows: (i) Wonogiri Regency (248 Villages, 25 Subdistricts), (ii) Klaten
Regency (391 Villages, 26 Subdistricts), (iii) Sragen Regency (196 Villages, 20 Subdistricts), and
(iv) Sukoharjo Regency (150 Villages, 12 Subdistricts) (see Figure 1). The method for choosing
these areas using the concept of Klassen Typology. The data used in this study was scondary data
publised by BPS (Statistics Indonesia) in the year of 2011.
According to BPS (2008) in the survey of villages potential data, villages in Soloraya areas could
be classified into 10 (ten) villages classification, namely: (i) Paddy/rice planted area villages; (ii)
Crops planted area villages; (iii) Horticulture villages; (iv) Plantation villages; (v) Animal /
husbandry villages; (vi) Forestry villages; (vii) Mining and quarrying villages; (viii)
Manufacturing industry villages; (ix) Trade, retail and restaurant villages; and finally (x) Services

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Figure 1: Map of Subosuka Wonosraten or Soloraya Areas, Central Java Province – Indonesia

Subosuka_Wonosraten / Soloraya Areas

Study Objects

In this study, the index system for constructing the IHRDV have been developed similar (some
extent) to Wang's (2007) Regional Development Index (RDI) in China. In order to derive the
aggregation of field indices and the overall index, data need to be normalized, so all basic
indicators are transformed into a 0-10 score. The scores between 0 and 10 indicates the positions
of the relevant villages at lowest and highest levels of village development. For positive
indicators (greater numbers reflect higher level of development), the scores are calculated using
the following formula (Agarwal and Samanta, 2006; and Wang, 2007):
Vi  Vmin
I thVillage  10
Vmax  Vmin ….......................................................(1)
For negative indicators (smaller numbers reflect a higher level of village development), the
following formula is used:
Vmax  Vi
I thVillage  10
Vmax  Vmin …........................................................(2)

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Formulae (4.1) and (4.2) will be applied into basic variables before the IHRDV will be resulted.
An important issue related with constructing to the total index (the IHRDV) is how to determine
the weight of each field index (3 indicators) in order to construct and get the overall index.
In this study, authors used the simple average method for weighting the each indicator to result
the IHRDV. According to Wang (2007), when the number of indicator included is relatively
large, this method usually lead to very similar results with the method using the weighting based
on the judgment of analysts or experts, and the method using a principle component analysis.
This method has also benefit, especially to give consistent measures from year to year, so that
changes in the level of development in each village can be correctly traced. For this reason, a
simple average method is adopted in this study.
Finally, to get the value of the IHRDV in term of total index, the formula can be written as
IHRDVi   a.indicators .(ij )
j 1 ...............................................(3)
IHRDV: The Index of Human Resources Development for Villages
i : Village for i (the number of villages depend on the regency)
Σ : Sum of overall indicators
j : Indicator for j (health, education and economic)
a : weight by using the simple average method

To achieve the goals of this study, two instruments of statistical analyses will be applied, namely:
(i) the correlation of product moment analysis, and (ii) one way ANOVA (analysis of variance).
The correlation of product moment will be used to know the degree of correlation between the
value IHRDV and the value of each indicator constructing IHRDV. One way ANOVA is used to
analysis the differences of IHRDV in average viewed by the differences of villages typologies /

5. Study Finding

This section of results is further divided in to two subsections statistics regarding IHRDV and the
differences of IHRDV viewing by different villages typologies

5.1. IHRDV statistics

The values in term of the descriptive statistical of the quality of human resource development for
villages reflected by the IHRDV; which includes: (i) Maximum value, (ii) Minimum value, (iii)
The mean value, and (iv) Standard Deviation; can be seen from figure 2.
Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Figure 2: Descriptive Statistics Values of IHRDV Based on Regions in Subosuka_Wonosraten

Areas, Central Java – Indonesia, Year 2011

Wonogiri Sukoharjo
Klaten (N=391) Sragen (N=196)
(N=248) (N=150)
Maximum 4,6726 5,4035 4,8157 5,0531
Minimum 1,7041 2,8547 2,2053 2,5298
Mean 3,3029 3,8795 3,4130 3,7100
Standart of Deviation 0,5502 0,4679 0,4644 0,4498

Source: Authors calculation

From the Figure 2, we can see that the average value of IHRDV in Klaten Regency is the greatest
compared with the others (score 3.8795), meanwhile in Wonogiri Regency the average of IHRDV
is in the smallest score (score 3.3029). However, If we see the value of Deviation Standard, the
smallest score is in Sukoharjo Regency (score 0.4498), and the greatest score is in Wonogiri
Regency (score 0.5502). This parameter indicates that in Wonogiri Regency (also has the lowest
in average of IHRDV) the level of inequality in villages development is in bad condition
compared with other regencies.
Meanwhile, if each indicator is viewed by the contribution into IHRDV, from the Figure 3, we
can see that the education indicator provides the greatest role in all areas in
Subosuka_Wonosraten areas. The greatest contribution of this indicator occurred in Klaten
Regency (score 5.7019). Except in Sukoharjo Regency, the pattern is almost the same, namely:
the education indicator is in first ranks, followed by the health indicator, and then the economic
indicator. Explanation of this condition, can be seen in the following figure.

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Figure 3: Contribution of Each Indicator to IHRDV Based on Regions in

Subosuka_Wonosraten Areas, Central Java – Indonesia, Year 2011

Wonogiri Sragen Sukoharjo
Klaten (N=391)
(N=248) (N=196) (N=150)
Health Indicator 3,3712 3,5672 3,5529 3,2391
Education Indicator 3,8501 5,7019 4,0194 4,3454
Economic Indicator 2,6874 2,3695 2,6666 3,5456
Human Villages Index 3,3029 3,8795 3,4130 3,7100

Source: Authors calculation

On the other hand, when each of indicator constructing / forming IHRDV is correlated with
IHRDV, from Figure 4 we can see that the education indicators has the highest correlation with
the IHRDV in Wonogiri Regency. For Klaten and Klaten Regencies, Economic Indicators has the
highest correlation, as well as to the health indicators in Sukoharo Regency. Explanation in the
form of graphics, can be seen in the following figure.
Figure 4: The Level of Correlation Degree of Each Indicator to IHRDV Based on Regions in
Subosuka_Wonosraten Areas, Central Java – Indonesia, Year 2011

Wonogiri Sukoharjo
Klaten (N=391) Sragen (N=196)
(N=248) (N=150)
Health Indicator 0,571 0,573 0,618 0,544
Education Indicator 0,711 0,536 0,575 0,461
Economic Indicator 0,683 0,608 0,649 0,478

Source: Authors calculation (Notes: All of indicators are significantlyat 1%)

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Figure 4, indicates that the relationship between IHRDV and its constituent indicators, which tend
to be strong in Wonogiri, followed by Sragen, Klaten and Sukoharjo. Education Indicators in
Wonogiri even have a relationship with IHRDV degrees until reaching 0711 (or by 71.1%).

5.2. IHRDV viewing by different villages typologies

In the previous sections we have discussed about the average value of IHRDV, as an object of
study, in the following section we will be assessed the differences of IHRDV viewing by the
differences villages typologies. From the four regencies, as an object in this study, only Klaten
Regency that it has no significantlt in F statistical test (test of variants of IHRDV mean). It means
that differences in existing mean of IHRDV in Klaten Regency, is not caused by the differences
of the villages typology, but it is caused by others factors. F test results, can be seen in Table 2.

Table2: ANOVA results based on villages Typologies

One Way ANOVA Based on Villages Typologies in Wonogiri Regency, Year 2011
(Significantly at 1%)
Rosurces of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 9.836 5 1.967 7.332 .000
Within Groups 64.928 242 .268
Total 74.765 247
One Way ANOVA Based on Villages Typologies in Klaten Regency, Year 2011 (Not
Rosurces of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.075 7 .154 .698 .674
Within Groups 84.298 383 .220
Total 85.373 390
One Way ANOVA Based on Villages Typologies in Sragen Regency, Year 2011 ( Significantly
at 5%)
Rosurces of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.315 2 .658 3.116 .047
Within Groups 40.740 193 .211
Total 42.055 195
One Way ANOVA Based on Villages Typologies in Sukoharjo Regency, Year 2011
(Significantly at 10%)
Rosurces of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 1.714 4 .429 2.185 .074
Within Groups 28.435 145 .196
Total 30.149 149

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Through Figure 5 it can generally be concluded that: (i) In Winogiri Regency, the villages with
the highest IHRDV exist on Rice Farming Village, while the lowest is in the village of
horticulture (vegetable and fruit crops villages); (ii) in Klaten regency, the villages with the
highest IHRDV exist at the villages of farm crops, while the lowest is in the Animal / husbandry
villages; (iii) in Sragen, the villages with the highest IHRDV exist in the Villages Other Sector,
while the lowest is in the village of crops, and (iv) in Sukoharjo Regtency, the villages with the
highest of IHRDV is in the manufacturing industry villages, while the lowest is in the village of
crops. These results indicate that the policy for improving the quality of human resources can not
be made the same for all the villages in the district. Results based on the calculation of the
villages difference typologies of IHRDV in graphical form, can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 5:Magnitude of IHRDV Based on the Differences of Villages Typologies in

Subosuka_Wonosraten Areas, Central Java Province in 2011

3.5000 4.0000

3.4000 3.9000
Mean of IPMDesa

Mean of IPMDesa

































Desa Padi Desa Hortikultura Desa Kehutanan




Desa Palawija Desa Perkebunan Desa Lainnya



Tipologi Desa

Tipologi Desa

Klaten (8 Villages Typologies)

Wonogiri (6 Villages Typologies)

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

3.6000 4.0000


Mean of IPMDesa
Mean of IPMDesa




















Desa Padi Desa Palawija Desa Lainnya


Tipologi Desa

Tipologi Desa

Sukoharjo (5 Villages Typologies)

Sragen (3 Villages Typologies)

Source: Authors calculation

6. Summary, Findings and Implication

The IHRDV is very important to measure and evaluate the result of human villages development
in Indonesia. This IHRDV is necessary in recent years because the government of Indonesia has
increased the expenditures from central to local government (provinces, regencies, and cities). So,
the IHRDV can be instruments for knowing the level of human development in the villages
context. In particular to know the level of equity and equality of the village human development.
The result of the research provided new ideas in the application and implementation in related
with the model for measuring the succeed of the human village development. Several focuses
from this study need attention, namely: (i) Modelling for the human village development can be
alternative in formulating the policy of village development, specifically in detemining of the
target of indicators, proviing the key variables, and collecting the data for supporting and creating
the good administrative in the village government, (ii) The village contest is very important but
the most important is to make the people and the community in order to improve their capabilities
to understand about the village development, and then involve to make the progress of village
development better and more better, and (iii) The villages are at now in the poor and bad
condition, they can be optimized by exploring the potential of the human and natural village
resources toward the best village in the next future.

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Finally, this study is very important to be developed in the future time, because the laws about
villages government in Indonesia now is being criticized by the Indonesian Legislative Assembly.
So, IHRDV is very necessary to give some information to some one who interested to the studies
about the villages development.
This work is part of our research funded by Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in year 2012. The views
expressed in this paper are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNS Surakarta-


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Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Appendix 1 Correlation Values between Each of Indicator to the Villages Human Development
Index in Wonogiri Regency, Year 2009
Indicators Formed Notes Indicator of Indicator of Indicator of Vilages Human
IHRDV Health Education Economy Develop. Index

Indicator of Health Pearson Correlation 1 .164(**) .110 .571(**)

Sig. (2-tailed) . .009 .085 .000
N 248 248 248 248
Indicator of Education Pearson Correlation .164(**) 1 .174(**) .711(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .009 . .006 .000
N 248 248 248 248
Indicator of Economy Pearson Correlation .110 .174(**) 1 .683(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .085 .006 . .000
N 248 248 248 248
Villages Human Pearson Correlation .571(**) .711(**) .683(**) 1
Development Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .
(IHRDV) N 248 248 248 248
Notes: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Authors calculation

Appendix 2. Correlation Values between Each of Indicator to the Villages Human Development
Index in Klaten Regency, Year 2011
Indicators Formed Notes Indicator of Indicator of Indicator of Vilages Human
IHRDV Health Education Economy Develop. Index

Indicator of Health Pearson Correlation 1 -.068 .104(*) .573(**)

Sig. (2-tailed) . .179 .040 .000
N 391 391 391 391
Indicator of Education Pearson Correlation -.068 1 -.060 .536(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .179 . .236 .000
N 391 391 391 391
Indicator of Economy Pearson Correlation .104(*) -.060 1 .608(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .040 .236 . .000
N 391 391 391 391
Villages Human Pearson Correlation .573(**) .536(**) .608(**) 1
Development Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .
(IHRDV) N 391 391 391 391
Notes: * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Authors calculation

Mulyanto, and Habibullah Magsi, The Macrotheme Review 3(6), Summer 2014

Appendix 3. Correlation Values between Each of Indicator to the Villages Human Development
Index in Sragen Regfency, Year 2011
Indicators Formed Notes Indicator of Indicator of Indicator of Vilages Human
IHRDV Health Education Economy Develop. Index

Indicator of Health Pearson Correlation 1 -.018 -.042 .618(**)

Sig. (2-tailed) . .802 .555 .000
N 196 196 196 196
Indicator of Education Pearson Correlation -.018 1 .302(**) .575(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .802 . .000 .000
N 196 196 196 196
Indicator of Economy Pearson Correlation -.042 .302(**) 1 .649(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .555 .000 . .000
N 196 196 196 196
Villages Human Pearson Correlation .618(**) .575(**) .649(**) 1
Development Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .
(IHRDV) N 196 196 196 196
Notes: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Authors calculation

Appendix 4. Correlation Values between Each of Indicator to the Villages Human Development
Index in Sukoharjo Regency, Year 2011
Indicators Formed Notes Indicator of Indicator of Indicator of Vilages Human
IHRDV Health Education Economy Develop. Index

Indicator of Health Pearson Correlation 1 -.327(**) .154 .544(**)

Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .060 .000
N 150 150 150 150
Indicator of Education Pearson Correlation -.327(**) 1 -.180(*) .461(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .028 .000
N 150 150 150 150
Indicator of Economy Pearson Correlation .154 -.180(*) 1 .478(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .060 .028 . .000
N 150 150 150 150
Villages Human Pearson Correlation .544(**) .461(**) .478(**) 1
Development Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .
(IHRDV) N 150 150 150 150
Notes: * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Authors calculation


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