The Story of The Great Race
The Story of The Great Race
The Story of The Great Race
Many years ago there was a Chinese ruler known as the Jade Emperor who decided that, for
his birthday, he wanted to make it easier for himself and the people of China to keep track of
time. But he wasn’t sure how. So, he decided to hold a swimming race for all of the animals
in the Kingdom. However, only twelve animals decided to take part in the race. The Jade
Emperor was so grateful to the twelve animals that he decided to reward them all by naming
a year after each of them. The race determined the order each animal would be placed. This
was a great honour and each animal wanted to be the first to cross the river and win the race.
Surprisingly, it was the rat- the smallest creature to take part in the race- that won the
dangerous swim across the huge river! The rat was meant to attend the swimming race with
his friend, the cat. But the cat was a sleepy animal who loved to nap. Instead of waking his
friend up, the cunning rat left the cat behind and made his way to the race alone. This is why
there is no year named after the cat and also why cats have hated rats ever since!
When the rat reached the river and the race was just about to start, he cleverly asked the ox
if he could ride on his back to cross the river safely. The ox was a strong giant who kindly said
yes to the rat. Instead of letting the ox win and say thank-you at the other side, the rat leaped
from the ox’s back and over his head so that he crossed the finish line first and won the race!
This is why the first year of the Chinese calendar is the ‘Year of the Rat’ and the second year
is the ‘Year of the Ox’.
One by one, the remaining animals crossed the river to the finish line and received their prize
from the Jade Emperor. After the rat and the ox, the first animal to cross the finish line was
the tiger followed by the rabbit, dragon, horse, snake, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and finally
the pig. The pig was a slow and lazy animal who got hungry during the race and stopped to
eat some grass at the side of the river. After eating, the pig got sleepy and dozed off, making
him the last animal to safely cross the river and over the finish line. This is why the final year
of the Chinese calendar is known as ‘The Year of the pig’.
Many people think the dragon should have won the race instead of coming in fifth place. The
dragon, after all, could fly and was probably the strongest creature in the race. The dragon
was a noble creature though and instead of focusing on crossing the river, he was distracted
by the screams of villagers nearby who were fighting a huge fire in their village. The brave
dragon quickly rushed to the village to stop the fire by using his icy breath. Once the village
was safe, the dragon returned to the race to see the rabbit struggling to swim against the
strong current in the river. Once again the dragon used his powerful breath to blow the rabbit
safely across the river and over the finish line and this is how the meek and gentle rabbit beat
the strong and courageous dragon.
Follow-Up Questions
• Which animal did the rat leave behind before the race and why?