Dielectric BFO
Dielectric BFO
Dielectric BFO
Pt/Si substrates
Amar Srivastava, Ashish Garg, and Finlay D. Morrison
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Downloaded 26 Sep 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
054103-2 Srivastava, Garg, and Morrison J. Appl. Phys. 105, 054103 共2009兲
FIG. 1. XRD pattern of the BFO thin films showing all major peaks of BFO
共ICCD Card No. 73-0598兲. FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Cole-Cole 共Nyquist兲 plot of impedance of BFO films
measured at different temperatures.
However, such phases affect the magnetic measurements
severely11 and may not affect the dielectric measurements to istic frequency maxima 共f max兲. No such peaks were observed
the same extent. at temperatures below 150 ° C in the measured range of fre-
Figures 2共a兲 and 2共b兲 show the variation of real and quency due to the high total sample resistance 共⬎10 M⍀兲.
imaginary parts of impedance 共Z⬘ and Z⬙, respectively兲 with The peak in Z⬙ is seen to shift to higher frequency with
frequency between 150 and 250 ° C. Figure 2共a兲 shows that increasing temperature, indicating decreasing relaxation
the Z⬘ values decrease with increasing frequency as well as time.
temperature. While frequency dependence of Z⬘ indicates di- Nyquist 共or Cole-Cole兲 plots of impedance data at dif-
electric relaxation, its temperature dependence indicates an ferent temperatures are shown in Fig. 3. At room temperature
increase in the dc conductivity of the samples with increas- two poorly resolved semicircular arcs are observed: a small
ing temperature. Figure 2共b兲 shows that at and above arc at high frequency 共inset兲 which is largely obscured by a
150 ° C, the Z⬙ data exhibit Debye-like peaks with character- larger semicircular arc at lower frequency. A series resistance
共Rs = 175 ⍀兲 is added to account for the high frequency in-
tersection of the semicircles with the Z⬘ axis. It is observed
from the plots that while below 150 ° C two semicircular
arcs are prominent; above 150 ° C a single broad semicircle
was observed in the low frequency region with no additional
contribution detected in the high frequency region. Under
such circumstances, at and above 150 ° C, the high fre-
quency semicircle is no longer within the frequency mea-
surement limits due to its decreasing time constant and that
is why more than one semicircle could not be clearly re-
solved in the impedance plot. As semicircle sizes in Zⴱ plots
scale according to magnitude of resistance, in instances
where two responses have greatly differing magnitudes of R
共often by orders of magnitude兲 the more resistive response
dominates entirely making resolution of the less resistive re-
sponse difficult. In such cases electric modulus data, where
semicircles scale inversely to capacitance, are often useful
for resolving the different relaxations.12 The electric modulus
共M ⴱ兲 was calculated from the following equation:
M ⴱ = M ⬘ + jM ⬙ = jC0Zⴱ = jC0共Z⬘ − jZ⬙兲, 共1兲
where is the angular frequency 共2 f兲 and the geometrical
capacitance is Co = oA / d 共d is the sample thickness, A is
electrode area, and o is the permittivity of vacuum =8.854
⫻ 10−14 F cm−1兲.
From the values of M ⴱ, we calculated the values of M ⬘
and M ⬙ using the relation M ⬘ = C0Z⬙ and M ⬙ = C0Z⬘. Fur-
ther, the values of M ⬘ and M ⬙ were plotted as shown in Fig.
4共a兲 where direction of increasing frequency is also indi-
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Variation in the 共a兲 real part of impedance 共Z⬘兲 and
共b兲 imaginary part of impedance 共Z⬙兲 with frequency for BFO films mea- cated. The figure shows two arcs below 150 ° C; this obser-
sured at different temperatures. vation, combined with the Zⴱ data is consistent with an
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054103-3 Srivastava, Garg, and Morrison J. Appl. Phys. 105, 054103 共2009兲
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Complex modulus plots of BFO films measured 共a兲 at
different temperatures and 共b兲 at 27 ° C clearly showing two semicircles. FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Z⬙ and M ⬙ plots vs frequency at temperatures 共a兲
Arrow in 共a兲 shows the direction of increasing frequency and the inset in 共a兲 below 150 ° C and 共b兲 at and above 150 ° C 共Z⬙ is plotted on logarithmic
shows the equivalent circuit. scale兲.
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054103-4 Srivastava, Garg, and Morrison J. Appl. Phys. 105, 054103 共2009兲
TABLE I. Various calculated parameters for BFO thin films at various temperatures.
− Z⬙ Z⬘
⬘ = , ⬙ = . 共3兲
Co共Z⬘2 + Z⬙2兲 Co共Z⬘2 + Z⬙2兲
Real and imaginary dielectric constants 共⬘ and ⬙兲 were
plotted against the frequency for all temperatures and are
shown in Fig. 6. The data in Fig. 6共a兲 show a strong disper-
sion in the real dielectric constant at low frequencies. The
plots of imaginary part of dielectric constant ⬙ versus fre-
quency are shown in Fig. 6共b兲 for temperatures from 27 to
125 ° C and Fig. 6共c兲 for temperatures from 150 to 250 ° C.
While a peak was observed in ⬙ versus frequency plots at
and below 125 ° C, 关Fig. 6共b兲兴, above 150 ° C, no peak in ⬙
is observed in the measurable frequency range. In Fig. 6共c兲,
the slope of the straight line of log-log plot at lower fre-
quency side equals ⫺1 which is the natural result of the
frequency independent conduction.14
This is also reflected in Fig. 7共a兲 which shows the ac
conductivity plots as a function of frequency at different
FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Plots of the 共a兲 real dielectric constant 共⬘兲 vs fre-
temperatures. The curves tend to flatten with increasing tem- quency at all temperature; 共b兲 and 共c兲 complex dielectric constant 共⬙兲 with
perature, especially in the low frequency regions, suggesting frequency at different temperatures.
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054103-5 Srivastava, Garg, and Morrison J. Appl. Phys. 105, 054103 共2009兲
cies from the slopes of lines in Fig. 7共b兲 共ln ac versus
1000/ T兲. The Arrhenius plots of the bulk 共b ⬵ 1 / Rb兲 and
grain boundary 共gb ⬵ 1 / Rgb兲 contributions are shown in the
inset in Fig. 7共b兲. The apparent values of activation energies
for bulk conduction 共Eb兲 and grain boundary conduction
共Egb兲 are 0.28 and 0.81 eV, respectively. The nature of these
plots simply suggests that frequency independent regions are
indicative of the grain boundary and bulk relaxation pro-
cesses, rather than a change in the conduction mechanism.
Previous studies made by Jonscher15 and Iguchi et al.16
suggested that the spectral intensity of the dielectric relax-
ation was activated thermally by virtue of hopping process of
charge carriers and small polarons in multigrain thin films.
However, in the present case it is likely that the high fre-
quency dispersion could well be due to the relaxation of
resistance 共Rs兲 than a separate conduction mechanism.
The calculated activation energy 共Ea兲 of 0.81 eV which
was obtained from the data on the higher temperature side is
comparable to activation energy of 0.84 eV for diffusion of
oxygen ions in titanate based bulk materials BaTiO3 and
Pb共Zr, Ti兲O3.17,18 Similar to many other perovskite-type ox-
ide polycrystalline thin films, oxygen vacancies in the
present BFO films are believed to create charge carriers via a
defect compensation mechanism and thus play an important
role in resistance and dielectric degradation.17
As seen in Fig. 6, there was a strong low frequency
dielectric dispersion in the high temperature region 共at and
above 150 ° C兲 where the frequency dependence of ac con-
ductivity reduced gradually. Hence the dc conduction mecha-
nism is not that of a simple metal-semiconductor-metal struc-
ture because this should not contribute to any polarization
FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 共a兲 ac conductivity plots for BFO films as a function and thus to the dielectric constant. There are a number of
of frequency at different temperatures. 共b兲 Plots of ac conductivity of vs possibilities for the origin of this polarization process at the
1000/ T共K兲 for BFO films at different frequencies. Dotted line in 共b兲 repre- electrode: the first can be accumulation of carriers either due
sents total conductivity which is roughly equal to dc conductivity above
to acceptor states trapping electrons at a depletion layer or a
150 ° C.
diffusion limited transfer process through the metal electrode
for ionic species such as oxide ions; the second may be re-
dc conduction behavior. The figure shows that, below lated to the catalytic activity of Pt for reaction with oxygen;
150 ° C, the data exhibit steplike behavior characteristic of a such an electrochemical reaction would again result in a po-
multiple relaxation process. The frequency independent pla- larization process. In the low temperature region 共below
teau in the 10–100 kHz range indicates relaxation of the bulk 125 ° C兲, the conduction behavior of Pt/BFO/Pt junction may
conduction b = 1 / R1, while at lower frequency there is a be ascribed to the trap controlled space charge. In the present
strong frequency dependence associated with the dispersion samples, space charge could have been created by migration
toward relaxation of the grain boundary and total dc conduc- of oxygen vacancies toward various trap sites such as
tion total = dc = 1 / 共R1 + R2兲 ⬵ 1 / R2 as R2 Ⰷ R1. On the other interfaces/electrodes. The conduction mechanism appears
hand, at and above 150 ° C, the frequency independent be- more complicated than well known ionic hopping model,
havior of dc conduction becomes dominant. The dispersion because the data at temperatures above 125 ° C did not col-
seen at the highest frequency is related to the dispersion be- lapse on the single master curve as observed previously, e.g.,
tween relaxation of R1 and Rs. The full expression for the in BaFe0.5Nb0.5O3.19
total conductivity is actually total = dc = 1 / 共Rs + R1 + R2兲 and
the “bulk” relaxation is b = 1 / 共Rs + R1兲, but the contribution
of Rs has been ignored for simplicity as Rs ≪ R1 , R2. IV. CONCLUSIONS
Figure 7共b兲 shows the Arrhenius plots of ac conductivity Detailed temperature dependent impedance studies were
at different frequencies. The dependence of the ac conduc- conducted on the chemical solution deposition derived BFO
tivity on temperature is explained by the Arrhenius equation thin films grown on Pt/Si substrates. Combination of imped-
ac = o exp共− Ea/kT兲, 共4兲 ance and electric modulus showed the presence of grain
boundary relaxation in the lower frequency regime and tem-
where o is a constant and Ea is the electrical activation peratures ⱖ150 ° C and bulk relaxation at higher frequencies
energy of conduction. Ea was calculated at different frequen- and temperature below 150 ° C. The real part of the dielectric
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054103-6 Srivastava, Garg, and Morrison J. Appl. Phys. 105, 054103 共2009兲
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