Week 02

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EEN-1020 Heat transfer

Week 2: Fins, 2d Conduction,

Thermal Resistance, and Numerical
Solution in 2d
Prof. Ville Vuorinen
November 1st- 2nd 2022
Aalto University, School of Engineering
On the heat transfer course, we have “5 friends”
i.e. 5 main principles that are used to explain
heat transfer phenomena

1) Energy conservation: “J/s thinking”

2) Fourier’s law
3) Newton’s cooling law
4) Energy transport equation – convection/diffusion equation
5) Momentum transport equation – Navier-Stokes equation
Lecture 2.1 Theory: Fins and thermal resistance

ILO 2: Student can apply Fourier’s law and Newton’s law in fin
theory and thermal resistance context. Further, the student can
analyse 2d heat transfer data in Matlab and formulate an energy
balance for 2d system.
Thermal resistance
Two examples of heat diffusion in 1d

Left: initially Gaussian temperature profile diffuses. Amplitude decreases and the
distribution spreads with time. The domain ends are insulated → heat does not escape
from the domain. qleft = qright = 0. Note: for fixed q bc T results.

Right: initially constant temperature object is heated from right end.
Temperature diffuses to the left end. Both ends are at fixed temperatures.
Tleft = 293K and Tright = 373K. Note: for fixed T bc q results.

Left and right end insulated i.e. dT/dx = 0 Left and right end fixed temperatures

Early time

Late time Late time

Two examples of heat diffusion in 1d

Left: initially Gaussian temperature profile diffuses. Amplitude decreases and the
distribution spreads with time. The domain ends are insulated → heat does not escape
from the domain. qleft = qright = 0. Note: for fixed q bc T results.

Right: initially constant temperature object is heated from right end.
Temperature diffuses to the left end. Both ends are at fixed temperatures.
Tleft = 293K and Tright = 373K. Note: for fixed T bc q results.

Left and right end insulated i.e. dT/dx = 0 Left and right end fixed temperatures

Early time Linear temperature profile

T(x) = (Tright - Tleft)x/L + Tleft

q =k (Tright - Tleft)/L

Late time Late time

Derivation of steady state heat rate ([Q]=W=J/s) through a wall.
Convective heat transfer coeff. h (wind&indoor ventilation)

Qwall In steady state:

Qin =Q wall =Q out =Q
T A , Qin , h A T B , Q out , h B
Newton’s law:

Q/(h A A)=(T A −T 1) (1)

A=wall area Fourier’s law:

Q/( kA / L)=(T 1 −T 2) (2)

Newton’s law:

T1 T2 T ( x) Q/(h B A)=(T 2−T B ) (3)

Sum: (1) + (3) and note that T2-T1 appears i.e. - (2)
T A−T B +T 2−T 1=Q /(h A A)+Q /(h B A )

Wall heat rate (W):

T A −T B Note: If you know Q
Q= you also know T1 and T2
1/(kA / L)+1/(h A A)+1/(h B A )
and T(x).
Thermal resistance – composite wall
with multiple (i=1,2,…,N) material layers
L1 L2 L3

Heat rate in analogy with Newton’s cooling law:

Q=UA Δ T , with Δ T =T A −T B
Σi 1/(k i / Li )+ 1/(h A )+1/(h B)

Overall heat transfer coefficient ([U]=W/m 2K): Thermal resistance ([R]=K/W):

1 1
U= Rtot =
Σi 1/(k i / Li )+1/(h A )+1/(h B ) UA

Some benefits of thermal resistance concept:

→ design of thermal insulation (buildings, clothes, combustion)
→ allows to maximize or minimize heat flux
→ allows designs to avoid hot pools of temperature from forming
→ allows to design temperature profiles (e.g. avoid condensation)
Fin theory
Fins and fin theory
• To enhance heat transfer between solid and fluid phases
• Conduction along the fin, conduction and convection outside the fin
• Temperature distribution inside the fin in crucial role.
• In many circumstances T=T(x) i.e. 1d temperature distribution
• It enables formulation of 1d energy balance i.e. heat equation for a fin
• Such 1d conduction assumption in fin context is called fin theory.

Basic fin types Typical finned-tube heat

Fins – surface extrusions that increase area
of surface to increase heat transfer
3d printed heat exchangers intended for air cooling (V.Vuorinen, K.Kukko, K.Saari)

Plate fins Pin fins

Energy balance (J/s thinking)
for a heated object (mass m, specific heat cp)

Energy balance:
Δ T ave (t )
Q IN −Q OUT =c p m

Steady state:
Temperature distribution inside the fin in crucial role:

→ If we knew T=T(x) along a fin we could calculate the

power which enters each fin. Also, we could try to
optimize the fins & material costs to have good efficiency
For heat transfer.

→ We would then also know the entering heat flux to the

Local energy balance (J/s thinking) Single fin
for a single fin

Energy balance in q in −q out −q exit=0

steady state (J/s):



qin T=T(x)
Local energy balance (J/s thinking)
for a single fin
Fourier’s law:
Energy conducts (J/s) into a small volume
dT ( x−dx / 2)
q in =−kA c
A c=wt

Fourier’s law:
Energy conducts (J/s) out of a small volume
dT ( x +dx / 2)
q out =−kA c

Newton’s law:
Energy exits (J/s) from fin to fluid
(strip of area dAs height dx, perimeter P=2(L+d))
q exit =hdA s (T −T ∞ )
dA s=2(w+t )dx
Local energy balance (J/s thinking)
for a single fin

q in −q out −q exit=0

dT ( x−dx / 2) dT ( x +dx /2)

kA c (- + )−hdA s (T −T ∞)=0
dx dx
A c =wt
dA s=2(w+t )dx =Pdx

When dx→ 0 we get the heat equation for T=T(x) in the fin but now
the equation has also a heat loss term as heat escapes to the fluid:
d T hP
2 = (T −T ∞ )
dx k Ac

2 hP
m = Definition of derivative
k Ac Δx

1 dT (x +dx / 2) dT ( x−dx /2) d T ( x )
, when Δ x →0
Incropera: 1d Temperature Distribution and
Heat Loss Along a Fin

d T hP
2 = (T −T ∞ )
dx k Ac
Figure 3.18 (Incropera): Conduction and convection in a fin of uniform cross section.
Example: Find temperature distribution and heat rate in a very
long copper rod (diameter D=5mm) with Tb=373K and T∞= 298K
and convection coefficient due to airflow h=100W/m2K
Temperature distribution

Table 3.4: For long fins → T ( x)≈T ∞ +(T b−T ∞ ) e−mx

Estimate thermal conductivity

at average temperature = 335K k =398 W / mK
from the Appendix (Incropera)

hP 4h
Estimate m: m=
√ k Ac
kD√≈14.2 m

Heat rate

Table 3.4: Heat rate → q f =√ hPkA c θ b =8.3 W

Example temperature profiles for another
infinitely long fin assuming
Tb=328K, T∞=293K
Origin of table 3.4? Write the fin heat conduction equation in
more compact form and note the general solution with BC’s.

d2T hP → General solution

= (T −T ∞ ) (hyperbolic functions are linear comb.
dx k A c d2θ 2 of exp. functions)
−m θ=0
dx θ=C 1 e mx +C 2 e−mx
k Ac
θ=(T −T ∞ )
→ For different boundary conditions,
we can always solve the
temperature distribution T(x).

→ When we know T(x), we can

calculate the heat transfer rate
in two different ways.

1) Fourier’s law

2) Newton’s cooling law

Fin effectiveness
Fin effectiveness: (heat transfer rate with fin) / (heat transfer rate without fin)

ϵf = Usage of fins typically justified if > 2
hA c ,b θ b
Common assumption (not reality but useful)
→ assume that h is unaffected by 1) spatial position, and 2) presence of fins

Fin effectiveness (for infinitely long fin) reads (Table 3.4):

1 /2
ϵf =
( )
hA c
Heat transfer enhancement if:
→ perimeter to the area increased → prefer thin, closely spaced fins but not too
close to not impede flow (e.g. laminarization/stagnation) between fins
→if k/h is “small” then more need for fins (e.g. natural convection)
→if fluid is gas then more need for fins

Example: automobile radiator (fins on the air flow side, hot water in the inside)
A few examples from our own research
Example: liquid cooling an electric circuit by placing
a cooling plate with 3d printed finned microchannels on
top of the circuit


K.Saari, A.Laitinen, K.Kukko, P.Peltonen, V.Vuorinen, J.Partanen (Int.J.Heat and

Fluid Flow 2020)
Example: heat exchanger and air cooling for
two fin types.
CFD simulation of air temperature from a cross-section of heat exchanger under forced convection: P.Peltonen (2017)

c p ṁ Δ T =Power

Plate fins Pin fins

Lecture 2.2 Numerical approach: a Matlab
solver for the 2d heat equation

ILO 2: Student can apply Fourier’s law and Newton’s law in fin
theory and thermal resistance context. Further, the student can
analyse 2d heat transfer data in Matlab and formulate an energy
balance for 2d system.
Consider heat conduction in 2d or 3d object (e.g. metal plate).
Divide the object into small elements and carry out energy balance analysis
for 1 of those elements. Assume: no heat losses.

Power exiting

Power entering Power exiting

[W/m²] [W/m²]


Power entering
Derivation of heat equation:
Next we apply energy conservation law (“J/s thinking”)
for a small infinitesimal volume assuming conduction only
(e.g.1d metal rod)
x-∆x/2 x x+∆x/2
∆z Power exiting
Power entering
[W/m²] [W/m²]

Energy increase of element due to heat fluxes in x-direction during ∆t (J):
∂ T ( x +Δ x / 2 , y , t) ∂ T ( x−Δ x / 2 , y , t)
Δ Q x =[k −k ]Δ y Δ z Δ t
∂x ∂x
Energy increase of element due to heat fluxes in y-direction during ∆t (J):
∂ T ( x , y+Δ y/ 2 , t ) ∂T ( x , y−Δ y / 2 , t )
Δ Q y =[ k −k ]Δ x Δ z Δ t
∂y ∂y
Energy increase of element during ∆t (J):
ρ c p Δ T ( x ,t ) Δ x Δ y Δ z=Δ Q x +Δ Q y +Δ Q z

Then: Divide both sides by ΔxΔyΔzΔt and take the limit when all
Δ-variables → 0 → We get the heat equation.
Heat equation in 2d. Well, it is just thermal
energy conservation law.
General form Terms opened in 2d (assume α = constant)
=∇⋅α ∇ T ∂T ∂2 T ∂2 T
=α +α
∂t ∂t ∂x
What do the partial derivatives represent?
Mathematical interpretation?
General form Terms opened in 2d (assume α = constant)
=∇⋅α ∇ T ∂T ∂2 T ∂2 T
=α +α
∂t ∂t ∂x

At a local maximum of a function:

∂2 T ∂2 T
< 0 and 2
In conduction
∂x ∂y
problems heat At a local minimum of a function:
conducts (diffuses)
from hot to cold. ∂2 T ∂2 T
> 0 and 2
∂x ∂y

On computers, we can solve heat equation by finite
difference methods. We discretize a 2d domain into small

x=0 x=Lx

Ghost cell layer Ghost cell layer

where where
boundary boundary
conditions n conditions
given. T i , j +1 given

T nghost T ni−1, j T ni , j T ni+1, j

T ni , j −1

Cell center
Finite difference discretizations

General form of heat equation Terms opened in 2d

∂T ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂ T
=∇⋅α ∇ T = α + α
∂t ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂ y ∂ y
Time derivative in cell (i, j) at timestep n Second space derivatives at cell (i,j)
n+1 n
T −T 2
∂ T
T ni +1, j−2 T ni , j +T ni−1, j
( )
∂ t i, j
≈ i, j
i, j
( )
∂ x2 i, j

Δ x2
∂ T
T ni , j +1−2 T ni , j +T ni , j−1
( )
∂ y2 i, j

Δ y2
Update Formula by Explicit Euler Method
αΔ t
CFL= 2
Explicit Euler timestepping for 2d heat equation: Δx
n n n n n n
n+1 n T i +1, j −2 T i , j +T i −1, j T i , j+1 −2 T i , j +T i , j−1
T i,j =T + Δ t α
i, j 2
+Δ t α 2
Δx Δy
Which is equal to the “delta” form:
n n n n n n
n T i +1, j −2 T +T
i, j i−1, j T i , j+ 1 −2 T + T
i, j i , j −1
Δ T =Δ t α
i, j 2
+Δ t α 2
Δx Δy

Δ T ni , j=T ni ,+1j −T ni , j
Numerical solution of temperature distribution
in a heated 2d metal plate
BC 1: BC 2:
- Cool sides and top - Insulated sides
- Hot base - Cool top and hot base
→ T=T(x,y,t) (2d) → T=T(y,t) (1d)
Numerical solution of temperature distribution
with two hot, one cold, and one insulated
Early time temperature Late time temperature
Zoom to plate
upper left corner
>> T(1:20,1:5)

ans =
269.8795 276.1205 280.3794 283.3261 285.3968
316.1205 309.8795 305.6206 302.6739 300.6032
314.0774 311.9226 309.8685 308.0042 306.3579
313.6455 312.3545 311.0793 309.8467 308.6758
313.4649 312.5351 311.6104 310.7006 309.8141
313.3662 312.6338 311.9038 311.1806 310.4685
313.3043 312.6957 312.0882 311.4845 310.8868
313.2623 312.7377 312.2138 311.6922 311.1742
313.2321 312.7679 312.3041 311.8418 311.3820
313.2095 312.7905 312.3717 311.9540 311.5380
313.1921 312.8079 312.4239 312.0406 311.6586
313.1784 312.8216 312.4651 312.1091 311.7541
313.1673 312.8327 312.4984 312.1645 311.8312
313.1581 312.8419 312.5257 312.2100 311.8948
313.1505 312.8495 312.5486 312.2481 311.9479
313.1440 312.8560 312.5681 312.2805 311.9932
313.1384 312.8616 312.5850 312.3086 312.0325
313.1334 312.8666 312.5999 312.3334 312.0672
313.1289 312.8711 312.6133 312.3557 312.0984
313.1248 312.8752 312.6256 312.3762 312.1270
>> T(1:20,1:5)
Ghost cell row of the top side BC
ans = Note:
The corner 269.8795 276.1205 280.3794 283.3261 285.3968
cell is 316.1205 309.8795 305.6206 302.6739 300.6032 1) the two
redundant 314.0774 311.9226 309.8685 308.0042 306.3579 values are
different →
313.6455 312.3545 311.0793 309.8467 308.6758 not insulated
313.4649 312.5351 311.6104 310.7006 309.8141 Boundary
313.3662 312.6338 311.9038 311.1806 310.4685
313.3043 312.6957 312.0882 311.4845 310.8868 2) the
Ghost cell average
313.2623 312.7377 312.2138 311.6922 311.1742
column of of the two
313.2321 312.7679 312.3041 311.8418 311.3820 values is
the left
313.2095 312.7905 312.3717 311.9540 311.5380 const.
side BC
313.1921 312.8079 312.4239 312.0406 311.6586 → fixed
313.1784 312.8216 312.4651 312.1091 311.7541 Ttop = 293K
313.1673 312.8327 312.4984 312.1645 311.8312
313.1581 312.8419 312.5257 312.2100 311.8948
313.1505 312.8495 312.5486 312.2481 311.9479
313.1440 312.8560 312.5681 312.2805 311.9932
313.1384 312.8616 312.5850 312.3086 312.0325
313.1334 312.8666 312.5999 312.3334 312.0672
313.1289 312.8711 312.6133 312.3557 312.0984
313.1248 312.8752 312.6256 312.3762 312.1270

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