Therminol ALD
Therminol ALD
Therminol ALD
Optimum Cost
Highly Stable
Heat Transfer Fluid
7°C to
310°C +50°C
Its high purity and low water content result in corrosion-free Fluid decomposition, both for mineral oil and synthetic hydrocar-
operations and smooth start-up. bon based heat transfer fluids, generally results in the formation of
volatile products (low boilers) and polymeric high viscosity frac-
Liquid phase systems using Therminol ALD are finding use in tions (high boilers). The relative proportion of low and high boiler
applications which traditionally used steam as heating medium. formation, and the solubility of the high boiling fraction, may vary
Savings in capital, running and maintenance costs are often widely and are critical factors when evaluating fluid performance,
achieved. predicting top-up costs, and the overall risk of deposits or coking.
Therminol ALD applications in process heating include thermal The chemical composition of Therminol ALD has been careful-
control units for extruders, barge heating, heating of calender rolls, ly selected to minimise the formation of low boilers and elimi-
tracing of lines at storage terminals, waste heat recovery systems, nate the risk of insoluble high boiler formation and fouling, pro-
solar energy systems and power plants. vided proper attention is given to system design and operation
within the maximum bulk and film temperatures specified below.
Note: Values quoted are typical values obtained in the laboratory from production samples. Other samples might exhibit slightly different data. Specifications are subject to change. Write
to Solutia for current sales specifications.
Note: Values quoted are typical values obtained in the laboratory from production samples. Other samples might exhibit slightly different data.
Specifications are subject to change. Write to Solutia for current sales specifications.
Solutia Singapore Pte. Ltd.
101 Thomson Road - #19-00 United Square Singapore
Tel.: (+65) 355 7231 - Fax: (+65) 254 3138
Latin America
Solutia Brasil Ltda.
Rua Gomes de Carvalho 1306 - 60 andar - conj. 61 e 62
CEP : 04547-005 • Vila Olímpia - Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil
Phone: (+55) 11-5087 3000 - Fax: (+55) 11-5087 3030
North America
Solutia Inc.
10300 Olive Boulevard - PO Box 66760
St Louis, MO 63166-6760 - USA
Tel.: (+1) 314 674 10 00
Solutia Europe S.A./N.V.
People’s Republic of China Rue Laid Burniat 3 - Parc Scientifique - Fleming
Solutia Chemical Co. Ltd., Suzhou B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Sud) - Belgium
9th floor, Kings Tower Tel.: (+32) 10 48 15 47 - Fax: (+32) 10 48 14 86
16 Shi Shan Road - Suzhou New District - Suzhou, PRC 215011
Phone: (+86) 512 8258167 - Fax: (+86) 512 8250417
Therminol is a trademark of Solutia. Therminol has now been adopted as a world-wide brand for the Solutia Heat Transfer Fluid range.
Fluids known previously under the Santotherm and Gilotherm brands are identical in composition and performance to the corresponding
Therminol brand fluids.
The information in this bulletin is to the best of our knowledge true and accurate but all instructions, recommendations or suggestions are made without guarantee. Since the conditions of use are beyond
their control, Solutia Inc. and its subsidiaries disclaim any liability for loss or damage suffered from use of these data or suggestions. Furthermore no liability is accepted if use of any product in accor-
dance with these data or suggestions infringes any patent.
GROUP PROVOC T.B.S 10-21 (12/98) E