Lesson W7 W11 Crim 5
Lesson W7 W11 Crim 5
Lesson W7 W11 Crim 5
3. Upon judicial declaration of abandonment of the child in a In no case shall the school administrator, teacher of
case filed for the purpose. individuals engaged in child care, exercising special
parental authority inflict corporal punishment upon the
4.Upon final judgment of a competent court divesting the child (Desiderio, 2006).
party concerned of parental authority.
When does majority age commence? The age of majority
5. Upon judicial declaration of absence or incapacity o the commences at the age of 18 years (Art. 234, FC.) as
person exercising parental authority (Art. 229, FC.). amended by R.A. No. 6809.
Parental authority is suspended upon conviction of the 1. Obey and honor his parents or guardian.
parent or the person exercising the same of a crime which
carries with it the penalty of Civil Interdiction. The authority 2. Respect his grandparents, old relatives, and persons
is automatically reinstated upon service of the penalty or holding substitutes parental authority.
upon pardon or amnesty of the offender (Art. 230, FC). 3. Exert his utmost for his education and training.
The court in an action filed for the purpose in a related case 4. Cooperate with the family in all matters that make for the
may also suspend parental authority if the parent or the good.
person exercising the same:
Every parent and every person holding substitute parental
1. Treats the child with excessive harshness or authority shall see to it that the rights of the child are
cruelty. respected and his duties complied with, and shall
2. Gives the child corrupting orders, counsel, or particularly, by precept and example, imbue the child with
example. high-mindedness, love of country, veneration for the
national heroes, fidelity democracy as a way of life, and
3. Compels the child to beg. attachment to the ideal of permanent world peace.
4. Subjects the child or allows him to be subjected to The Council for the Protection of Children shall look after
acts of lasciviousness (Art. 231, FC). the welfare of children in the municipality. It shall, among
other functions:
The grounds enumerated above are deemed to include
cases which have resulted from culpable negligence of the 1. Foster the education of every child in the municipality.
parent or the person exercising parental authority. If the
person exercising parental authority has subjected the child 2. Encourage the cultivation of the duties of parents.
3. Protect and assist abandoned or mistreated children, and 6. A Maternity Home. It is an institution of residence whose
orphans. primary function is to give shelter and care to pregnant
women and their infants before, during and after delivery.
4. Take steps to prevent juvenile delinquency.
7. A Rehabilitation Center. An institution that receives and
5. Adopt measures for the health of children. rehabilitates youthful offenders or other disturbed children.
6. Promote the opening and maintenance of playgrounds. 8. A Reception and Study Center. An institution that
7. Coordinate the activities of organizations devoted to the receives for the study, diagnosis, and temporary treatment,
welfare of children, and secure their cooperation. children who have behavioral problems for the purpose of
determining the appropriate care for them or recommending
Juvenile courts will be established, as far as practicable, in their permanent treatment or rehabilitation in other child
every chartered city or large municipality. Whenever a child welfare agencies.
is found delinquent any court, the father, mother, or
guardian may in a proper case be judicially admonished. In 9. A Child-Placing Agency. It is an institution or person
all questions on the care, custody, education and property assuming the care, custody, protection and maintenance of
of children, the latter's welfare shall be paramount. No children for placement in any child caring institution or
mother shall be separated from her child under seven years home or under the care and custody of any person or
of age, unless the court finds compelling reasons for such persons for purposes of adoption, guardianship or foster
measure (Jurado, 2006). care. The relatives of such child or children within the sixth
degree of consanguinity or affinity are excluded from this
Children and Youth Welfare Services definition.
Public and Private Child and Youth Welfare Agencies Special Categories of Children
providing encouragement, care, and protection to any
category of children and youth, whether mentally gifted 1. A Dependent Child. A child without a parent, guardian
dependent, abandoned, neglected, abused, handicapped, or custodian; or whose parents, guardian or other custodian
disturbed, or youthful offenders, classified and defined a for good cause desires to be relieved of his/her care and
follows, shall be coordinated by the Department of Social custody
Welfare and 2. An Abandoned Child. A child who has no proper
Development (Art. 117, PD 603) to any of the following: parental care or guardianship, or whose parents or
guardians have deserted him for a period of at least six
1. A Child-caring Institution. It provides 24 hour resident continuous months.
group care service for the physical, mental, social and
spiritual well-being of nine or more mentally gifted, 3. A Neglected Child. A child is neglected if his/her basic
dependent, abandoned, neglected, handicapped or needs have been deliberately unattended or inadequately
disturbed children, or youthful offenders. Its primary attended. Two kinds of neglect are:
purpose is education, it is deemed to be a child-caring a. Physical Neglect. There is physical neglect when the
institution when nine or more of its pupils or wards in the child is malnourished, ill clad and without proper shelter. A
ordinary course of events do not return annually to the child is unattended when left by himself without provisions
homes of their parents or guardians for at least two months for his needs and/or without proper supervision
of summer vacation.
b. Emotional Neglect. It exists when children are
2. A Detention Home. It is a twenty-four hour child-caring maltreated, raped or seduced; when children are exploited,
institution providing short term resident care for youthful overworked or made to work conditions not conducive to
offenders who are awaiting court disposition of their cases good health; or are made to beg in the under streets or
or transfer to other agencies or jurisdiction. public places, or when children are in moral danger, or
3. A Shelter-care Institution. It provides temporary expose to gambling, prostitution and other vices.
protection and care to children requiring emergency Mentally Retarded, Physically Handicapped,
reception as a result of fortuitous events, abandonment by Emotionally Disturbed and Mentally l Children
parents, dangerous conditions of neglect or cruelty in the
home, being without adult care because of crisis in the 1. Mentally Retarded Children. Mentally retarded children
family, or a court order holding them as material witnesses. refer to those socially incompetent, that is, socially
inadequate and occupationally incompetent and unable to
4. Receiving Home. It is a family-type home, which manage their own affairs; mentally subnormal; retarded
provides temporary shelter from ten to twenty days for intellectually from birth or early age; retarded at maturity;
children who shall, during this period, be under observation mentally deficient as a result of constitutional origin,
and study for eventual placement by the Department Of heredity or disease essentially incurable (Art. 168, PD 603).
Social Welfare. The number of children in a receiving home
shall not at any time exceed nine: Provided, that no more Classification of Mental Retardation
than two of them shall be under three years of age.
a. Custodial Group. Members of this classification are
5. A Nursery. It is a child-caring institution that provides severely or profoundly retarded; the least capable group.
care for six or more children below six years of age for all or This includes those with I.Qs ranging from 0 to 25.
part of a 24 hour day, except those duly licensed to offer
primarily medical and educational services. b. Trainable Group. The members of this group consist of
those with I.Qs from about 25 to about 50; one who belongs
to this group shows a mental level and rate of development children to any public or private institution providing the
which is 1/4 to 1/2 that of the average child, is unable to proper care, training and rehabilitation (Art. 173, PD 603).
acquire higher academic skills, but can usually acquire the
basic skills for living to a reasonable degree. He can
likewise attain a primary grade level of education if he Disabled Children as used in this Chapter shall include
receives effective instruction. mentally retarded, physically handicapped, emotionally
c. Educable Group. This group's I.Q. ranges from about 50 disturbed, and severely mentally ill children
to about 75, and the intellectual development is Training and Opportunities for Disabled Children
approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of that expected of a normal child
of the same chronological age. The degree of success or Specialized educational services shall be expanded and
accomplishment that they will reach in life depends very improved to provide appropriate opportunities for disabled
much on the quality and type of education they receive, as children. Vocational rehabilitation and manpower
well as on the treatment at home and in the community. conservation agencies shall train disabled children for
Many of the educable retardates may reach 5th or 6th specialized types of jobs, services and business which
grade educational level and can develop occupational skills could be learned only by them and shall help provide
which may result in partial or complete economic opportunities for their future occupational placement: That
independence in adulthood. the agencies and organizations engaged in programs and
services for the disabled need not be limited to minors.
d. Borderline or Low Normal Group. This is the highest
group of mentally retarded, with I.Q.s from about 75 to Persons of legal age may be admitted whenever facilities
about 89. The members of this classification are only are available for them (Art. 174, PD 603).
slightly retarded and they can usually get by in regular
classes if they receive some extra help, guidance and
consideration. They have to spend much more time with
their studies
than do most children in order to pass. Those who cannot
make it are usually handicapped by one or more other
conditions aside from that of intelligence (Art. 169, PD 603).
2. Physically Handicapped Children. These children are
those who are crippled, deaf-mute, blind, or otherwise
defective which restricts their means of action on
communication with others (Art. 17O, PD 603).
3. Emotionally Disturbed Children. Emotionally disturbed
children are those who, although not afflicted with insanity
or mental defect, are unable to maintain normal social
relations with others and the community in general due to
emotional problems or complexes (Art. 171, PD 603).
4. Mentally Ill Children. Mentally ill children are those with
any behavioral disorder, whether functional or organic,
which is of such a degree of severity as to require
professional help or hospitalization (Art. 172, PD 603).
What is Commitment? It is the legal act of entrusting a
child to the care of the Department of Social Welfare or any
duly licensed child placement agency or individual. It could
be done in the following manner:
1. Involuntary Commitment. In case of a dependent child,
or through the termination of parental or guardianship rights
by reason of abandonment, substantial and continuous or
repeated neglect and/or parental incompetence
to discharge parental responsibilities.
2. Voluntary Commitment. It is the voluntary or freely
done (without force) relinquishment of parental or
guardianship rights (Jurado, 2006).
Admission of Disabled Children
The DSWD, upon the application of the parents or
guardians and the recommendation of any reputable
diagnostic center or clinic, shall refer and/or admit disabled
of society. Sexual abuse is any misuse of a child for
Lesson Proper for Week 10 sexual pleasure or gratification. It has the potential to
LET’S BEGIN! interfere with a child's normal healthy development, both
What is Child Abuse? It refers to the maltreatment, emotionally and physically. Often, sexually victimized
whether habitual or not, of the child which includes any children experience severe emotional disturbances from
of the following: society imposes on them.
1. Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, At the extreme end of the spectrum, sexual abuse
sexual abuse and emotional maltreatment. includes sexual intercourse and/or its deviations. These
2. Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades behaviors may be final acts in a worsening pattern of
or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a sexual abuse. For this reason and because of their
human being. devastating effects, exhibitionism, fondling and any other
3. Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for sexual contact with children are also considered sexually
survival, such as food and shelter. abuse.
Categories of Sexual Abuse
Fig. 2 Effect of Punching 2.1. Non-touching sexual abuse offenses
Source: Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice a. Indecent exposure/exhibitionism.
System, Mindshaper Publishing House, 2020 b. Exposing children to pornographic material.
c. Deliberately exposing a child to the act of sexual
4. Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an d Masturbation in front of a child.
injured child resulting in serious impairment of his growth 2.2. Sexual exploitation offenses
and development or in his permanent incapacity or death a. Engaging a child for the purposes of prostitution.
(Sec. 3, Republic Act No. 7610) b. Using a child to film, photograph or model
Child abuse also refers to any act or failure to act that pornography.
violates the rights of the child that endangers his or her 2.3. Touching sexual offenses
optimum health, survival and develop a. Fondling.
pment. Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms b. Making a child touch an adult's sexual organs.
of physical c. Any penetration of a child's vagina or anus by an
And/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or object that doesn't have a medical purpose.
negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, 3. Emotional Abuse. Emotional abuse, which is 8% of
resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, all substantiated cases of child abuse, is commonly
survival, development or dignity in the context of a defined as the systematic tearing down of another
relationship of responsibility, trust or power (WHO, human being. It is considered a pattern of behavior that
1999). can seriously interfere with a child's positive
development. It is probably the least understood of all
child abuse, yet it is the most prevalent, and can be the
cruelest and most destructive of all types of abuse
Fig. 3 Mouth Inflicted Injury because it attacks the child’s psyche and self-concept.
The victim comes to see himself or herself as unworthy
Source: Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice of love and affection. Children who are constantly
System, Mindshaper Publishing House, 2020 shamed, humiliated, terrorized or rejected suffer at least
as much, if not more, than if they had been physically
Kinds of Child Abuse assaulted.
1, Physical Abuse. Physical Abuse, which is 19% of all Psychological Abuse or Emotional Abuse is a form of
substantiated cases of child abuse, is the most visible abuse characterized by a person subjecting or exposing
form of abuse and may be defined as any act which another to behavior that is psychologically harmful,
results in a non-accidental trauma or physical injury. Psychological abuse is the willful infliction of mental or
Inflicted physical injury most often represents emotional anguish by threat, humiliation, or other verbal
unreasonable, severe corporal punishment or or nonverbal conduct.
unjustifiable punishment. This usually happens when a
frustrated or angry parent strike, shakes or throws a
child. Physical Abuse injuries result from punching,
beating, kicking, biting, burning or otherwise harming a An infant who is being severely deprived of basic
child. emotional nurturing, even though physically well cared
for, can fail to thrive and can produced babies who grow
into anxious and insecure children who are slow to
develop or who might have low self-esteem
2. Sexual Abuse. Sexual Abuse which is 10% pf all Types of Emotional Abuse
substantiated cases of child abuse, is defined as the a. Rejecting. Parents who lack the ability to bond will
involvement of dependent, developmentally immature often play display rejecting behavior toward a child. They
children in sexual activities that they do not fully tell a child in a variety of ways that he or she is
comprehend and , therefore, to which they are unable to unwanted. They may also tell the child to leave, call him
give informed consent and/or which violates the taboos or her names and call the child he or she is worthless.
They may not talk to or hold the young child as he or she Types of Child Neglect
grows. The child may become the family scapegoat,
being blamed all the family’s problems.
b. Ignoring. Adults who have had few of their emotional a. Physical Neglect. Physical Neglect accounts for the
needs met are often unable to respond to the needs of majority of cases or maltreatment. The definition
their children. They may not show attachment to the includes the refusal of, or extreme delay seeking
child or provide nurturance. They may show no interest necessary health care, child abandonment, inadequate
in the child, express affection or even recognize the supervision, rejection of a child leading to expulsion from
child's presence. Many times, the parent is physically the home, and failing to adequately provide for the
there but emotionally unavailable. child's safety and physical and emotional needs.
C. Terrorizing. Parents may single out one child to Physical neglect can severely impact a child's
criticize and punish. They may ridicule him or her for development by causing failure to thrive, malnutrition;
displaying normal emotions and have expectations far serious illnesses; physical harm in the form of cuts,
beyond his or her normal abilities. The child may be bruises and burns due to lack of supervision and a
threatened with death, mutilation or abandonment. lifetime of self-esteem.
d. Isolating. A parent who abuses a child through b. Educational Neglect. This occurs when a child who
isolation may not allow the child to engage in appropriate is of mandatory age is allowed to engage in chronic
activities with his or her peers; may keep a baby in his or truancy but not enrolled in school or receiving needed
her room, not exposed to stimulation; or may prevent special educational training. Educational neglect can
teenagers from participating in extracurricular activities. lead to underachievement in acquiring necessary basic
Parents may require the child to stay in his or her room skills, dropping out of school and/or continually
from the time school lets out until the next morning, or disruptive behavior.
restrict eating to isolation or seclusion. c. Emotional Neglect. It includes such actions as
e. Corrupting. Parents permit children to use drugs or chronic or extreme spousal abuse in the child’s
alcohol; to watch cruel behavior toward animals; to presence, allowing a child to use drugs or alcohol,
watch pornographic materials and adult sex acts; or to refusal or failure to provide needed psychological care,
witness or participate in criminal activities such as constant belittling and withholding of affection. This
stealing assault, prostitution, gambling, etc. (Jackson, pattern of behavior and even suicide. Severe neglect of
2012). infants can result in the infants failing to grow and thrive
Effects of Emotional Abuse and may even lead to infant death.
Other types of abuse are usually identifiable because d, Medical Neglect. Is the failure to provide appropriate
marks or other physical evidence is left. However, health care for a child although financially able to do so.
emotional abuse can be very hard to diagnose or even In some cases, a parent or caretaker will withhold
to define. In some instances, an emotionally abused traditional medical care during the practice of religious
child will show no signs of abuse. For this reason, beliefs.
emotional abuse is the most difficult form of child These cases generally do not fall under the definition of
maltreatment to identify and stop. medical neglect; however, some states will obtain a
Emotional abuse leaves hidden scars that manifest court order forcing medical treatment of a child in order
themselves in numerous ways. Insecurity, poor self- to save a child's life or prevent life-threatening injury
esteem, destructive behavior, angry acts (such as fire resulting from the lack of treatment. Medical neglect can
setting or cruelty to animals), withdrawal, poor result in poor overall health and compounded medical
development of basic skills, alcohol or drug abuse, problems (Jackson, 2012).
suicide and difficulty forming relationship can all be
possible results of emotional abuse(Jackson,2012)
4. Child Neglect. Child Neglect, which is 63% of all What is Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)?
substantiated cases of child abuse, is the most common
form of child maltreatment reported to child protective Fig 5. Effects if babies are shaken
services. It is defined as a "type of maltreatment that Source: https://slideplayer.com/slide/11004166/
refers to the failure to provide needed age-appropriate When a baby is vigorously shaken, the head moves
care," such as shelter, food, clothing, education, back and forth. This sudden whiplash motion can cause
supervision, medical care and other basic necessities bleeding inside the head and increased pressure on the
needed for development of physical, intellectual and brain, causing the brain to pull apart and resulting in
emotional capacities. injury to the baby. This is known as SBS, and is one of
Unlike physical and sexual abuse, neglect is usually the leading forms of fatal child abuse. A baby's head and
typified by an ongoing pattern of inadequate care and is neck are susceptible to head trauma because his or her
readily observed by individuals in close contact with the muscles are not yet fully developed and the brain tissue
child. Physicians, nurses, day care personnel, relatives is exceptionally fragıle. Head trauma is the leading
and neighbors are frequently the ones to suspect and cause of disability among abused infants and children.
report neglected infants, toddlers and preschool children SBS occurs most frequently in infants younger than six
(figure 8) (Jackson, 2012). months old, yet can occur up to the age of three. Often,
there are no obvious outward reality, signs of inside
injury, particularly in the head or behind the eyes. In
reality shaking a baby, even if only for a few seconds, 5. Mental retardation, developmental delays
can injure the baby for life. 6. Behavioral problems
These injuries can include: 7. Growth deficiencies
8. Vision problems
a) brain swelling and damage, 9. Dental abnormalities
b) cerebral palsy, 10. Hearing problems
c) mental retardation, 11. Epilepsy
d) developmental delays,
e) blindness, Laws for Philippine Children's Protection
f) hearing loss, and 1. The 1987 Philippine Constitution. The Constitution
g) paralysis and death. contains a number, of rights provisions, and a small
number of provisions that directly address the rights of
When a child is shaken in anger and frustration, the children:
force is multiplied five or 10 times than it would be if the a. Article XIII, section 11 requires the State to adopt an
child had simply tripped and fallen (Wyszynski, 1999). integrated and comprehensive approach to "health
development" available to all people at affordable cost,
What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs)? giving special priority to children;
b. Article XIV, section 2 (2) provides for free and
compulsory elementary and high school education,
Fig 6. FAS Baby c. Article XIV, section 3 (3) provides for the teaching of
Source: https://chicago.medicine.uic.edu religion to children in schools, so long as the parent or
FASDs are a group of conditions that can occur in a guardian of the child has given his or her written
person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. consent; and
The most severe form of the condition is known as FAS d. Article XV, section 3 (2) requires the State to defend
(Facts about FASDs, 16 April 2015). Problems may the right of children to assistance, including proper care
include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body and nutrition, and provides for special protection from all
weight, small head size, poor coordination, low forms of neglect, abuse cruelty, exploitation and other
intelligence, behavior problems, and problems with conditions prejudicial to their development.
hearing or seeing (Chudley, et al., 2005). Those affected 2. The Philippine Legislations. Philippine law does not
are more likely to have trouble in school, legal problem have a comprehensive Code or Act that addresses the
participates in high-risk behaviors, and have troubled rights of children, but it does have a number of broad,
with alcohol or other drugs (Coriale, et al. 2013). thematic Codes and a range of legislation that address
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? FAS is a leading those rights.
cause of mental retardation. It is a cluster of birth defects Relevant legislation includes, but is by no means limited
that develop in infants of women who consume alcoholic to:
beverages while pregnant. Defects include: a. Civil Code
a) Prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency, b. Family Code
b) Facial malformations, c. Labor Code
c) Central nervous system dysfunction, and1 1. d Child and Youth Welfare Code (Presidential
d) Varying degrees of major organ malfunctions Decree 603) as amended by Child Protection Act
When mothers drink alcohol while pregnant, their babies (Republic Act No 7610) and Juvenile Justice and welfare
could have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Act (Republic Act 9344)
Effects (FAE). FAS and FAE are a group of birth defects d. Act Providing for the Elimination of the Worst
that have no cure. People with FAS and FAE have a Forms of Child Labor and Affording Stronger Protection
range of problems as severe as being mentally retarded for the Working Child, Amending for This Purpose
to less visible problems like difficulty paying attention in Republic Act No. 7610 (Republic Act No. 9231)
school. e. Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children
When a woman drinks, her baby also drinks because the Act (Republic Act 9262)
alcohol passes directly through the placenta to the baby. f. Act strengthening the Juvenile Justice System in
Symptoms of FAS the Philippines (Republic. Act No. 10630) amending
Juvenile Justice and welfare Act (Republic Act 9344)
1. Infancy: low birth weight, irritability, feeding g. Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act 9710)
difficulties, sleep disturbances, alcohol withdrawal, h. Act on the Prohibition of the Death Penalty
strong startle reflex (Republic Act 9346)
2. Facial malformations: small eye slits, thin upper i. Act to Strengthen and Propagate Foster Care and
lip, low nasal ridge, small jaw to Provide Funds Therefor (Republic Act No. 10165)
3. Neurological dysfunction: attention deficit, j. Anti-Mail-Order-Bride Law (Republic Act 6955)
memory deficit, hyperactivity, difficulty with abstract k. Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (Republic
concepts and problem solving Act No. 9208) as amended by Expanded Anti-Trafficking
4. Organ/body dysfunction: muscle problems, in Persons Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. 10364)
bone and joint problems, genital defects, heart defects,
kidney defects.
What is Child Prostitution? Under-age prostitution d. Threatening or using violence towards a child to
refers to children engaging in prostitution. The definition engage him as a prostitute.
of a "child prostitute" can vary depending on who is e. Giving monetary consideration, goods or other
using the term. Many countries outlaw prostitution of a pecuniary benefit to a child with intent to engage such
child under the age of 18, even though many countries child in prostitution.
have set the age of consent for minors who engage in 2. Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or
sexual activity who are below 18. The age consent laws lascivious conduct with a child exploited in prostitution or
usually do not apply to sexual activity which is part of subject to other sexual abuse, Provided, that when the
prostitution (Wailes, 2005). victim is under twelve (12) years of age, the perpetrators
shall be prosecuted under Article 335, paragraph 3, for
Who are Prostitutes? For the purpose of this article, rape and Article 336 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the
women who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in Revised Penal Code, for rape or lascivious conduct, as
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct are deemed as the case may be: Provided, that penalty for lascivious
prostitutes. The Revised Penal Code Article conduct when the victim is under twelve years of age
341 imposes a penalty to any person who "shall engage shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period; and
in the business or shall profit by prostitution or shall 3. Those who derive profit or advantage therefrom,
enlist the services of any other person for the purpose of whether as manager of owner of the establishment
prostitution (White Slave Trade) as amended by Batas where the prostitution takes place, or of the sauna,
Pambansa Blg. 186. disco, bar, resort, place of entertainment or
establishment serving as a cover or which engages in
Prostitution under the Revised Penal Code (Act No. prostitution in addition to the activity which the license
3815) has been issued to said establishment.
Article 202 of the Code provides the classifications Punishable Acts under Republic Act 9208
of vagrants and prostitutes, to wit: Section 4 of Republic Act of 9208’, otherwise known as
1. Any person having no apparent means of the "Anti-trafficking in Persons of 2003’, deems it
subsistence, who has the physical ability to work and unlawful for any person, natural or juridical, to commit
who neglects to apply himself or herself to some lawful any of the following acts.
calling. 1. To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, provided or
2. Any person found loitering about public or semi- receive a person by any means, including those done
public buildings or places or trampling or wandering under the pretext of domestic or overseas employment
about the country or the streets without visible means of or training or apprenticeship, for the purpose of
support. prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced
3. Any idle or dissolute person who lodges in houses labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage.
of ill fame; ruffians or pimps and those who habitually 2. To introduce or match for money, profit, or
associate with prostitutes. material, economic or other consideration, any person
4. Any person who, not being included in the or, as provided for under Republic Act No.6955, any
provisions of other articles of this Code, shall be fund Filipino women to a foreign national, for marriage for the
loitering in any inhabited or uninhabited place belonging purpose acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading
to another without any lawful or justifiable purpose: him/her to engage in prostitution, pornography, sexual
5. Note: Republic Act No. 158 Decriminalized exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude
Vagrancy in March 27, 2012, Amending for this Purpose or debt bondage:
Article 202 of Act No. 381 3. To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, for
Punishable Acts under Republic Act 7610 the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling, or
Child Prostitution and other Sexual Abuse trading them to engage in prostitution, pornography,
Children, whether male or female, who for money, profit, sexual exploitation, forced labor or slavery, involuntary
or any other consideration or due to the coercion or servitude or debt bondage,
influence of any adult, syndicate or group, indulge in 4. To undertake or organize tours and travel plans
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct, are deemed to consisting of tourism packages or activities for the
be children exploited in prostitution and other sexual purpose of utilizing and offering persons for prostitution,
abuse (Sec. 5). The penalty of reclusion temporal in its pornography or sexual exploitation;
medium period to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed 5. To maintain or hire a person to engage in
upon the following: prostitution or pornography;
1. Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or 6. To adopt or facilitate the adoption of persons for
induce child prostitution which include, but are not the purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual
limited to, the following: exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude
a. Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute. or debt bondage; slavery,
b. Inducing a person to be a client of a child 7. To recruit, hire, adopt, transport or abduct a
prostitute by means of written or oral advertisements or person, by means of threat or use of force, fraud deceit,
other similar means. violence, coercion, or intimidation for the purpose of
c. Taking advantage of influence or relationship to removal or sale of organs of said person; and
procure a child as prostitute 8. To recruit, transport or adopt a child to engage in
armed activities in the Philippines or abroad.
conventional values and norms. Positive parenting
requires a consistent approach to the child, as well
Lesson Proper for Week 11 positive feedback when the child behaves as
desired (Regoli & Hewitt1991).
LET’S BEGIN! What is Parenting Style? It is a psychological construct
When they grow up to be, they are still our children, and representing standard strategies that parents use in their
the one most important of all the things we can give to child rearing. The quality of parenting can be more
them is unconditional love. Not a lobe that depends on essential than the quantity of time spent with the child.
anything at all except that they are our children. For instance, a parent can spend an entire afternoon
with his her child, yet the parent may be engaging in a
different activity and not demonstrating enough interest
towards the child. Parenting styles are the
representation of how parents respond to, and make
demands on the children. Parenting practices are
specific behaviors, while parenting represent broader
patterns of parenting practices (Spera, 2005)). Style of
parenting influences the behavior of children based on
the preceding discussion. The following are the two
critical aspects of parent behavior toward children:
1. Parental Responsiveness. Responsiveness is the
degree to which parents are, supportive to the needs of
their children.
2. Parental Demandingness. Demandingness is the
extent to which parents demand age-appropriate
What is Parenting Skills? It refers to the quality of behavior form children.
parenting (as well as interactions within the family) Parents will vary on each dimension. They can be
changes a child’s misbehavior or delinquency increases supportive and demand such (authoritative) or rejective
over time. Often parents become angry and short and demand much (authoritarian). Similarly, parents can
tempered with a child who consistently gets into trouble be supportive and demand very little (indulgent) or
or disillusioned when they find they cannot believe what rejective and demand little (indifferent)
the child tells them. Over time, parent-child conflicts may 1. Authoritative Parents. The parent is demanding and
escalate, or the relationship between parent and child responsive. When this style is systematically developed,
may become more distant and alienated. Problem it grows to fit the descriptions propagative parenting and
solving and negotiating disagreements or conflict are concerted cultivation. Authoritative Parenting is
ways to forestall violence. characterized by a child-centered approach that holds
Snyder and Patterson believe that personal violence high expectations of maturity. Authoritative Parents
often erupt at the end of a chain of events that began understand how their children are feeling and teach
with a trivial incident like the child "sneaking" candy or them how to regulate that holds high expectations of
food. To avoid such violence parents must learn to break maturity. Authoritative parents can their feelings.
the chain and learn techniques of negotiating a 2. Authoritarian Parents. The parent is demanding but
settlement before minor matters get out of hand. Also, not responsive. Parents place a high value on obedience
Hirschi reminded us that families with more children face and conformity, tending to favor more punitive, absolute,
greater strain on parental resources such as time and and forceful disciplinary measures.
energy and single-parent families (usually headed by Authoritarian parenting is a restrictive, punishment-
female) are strained even more (Regoli & Hewitt, 1991). heavy parenting Style in which parents make their
What is Parental Supervision? The need for effective children follow their directions with little to no explanation
parental supervision such as establishing a set of "house or feedback and focus on the child's and families
rules and clearly communication is very important. perception and status (Santrock, 2007).
House rules should cover whom the child associates Distinctive Effects of Authoritarian Parenting
places considered off limits, curfews, and when the child a. Children raised using this type of parenting may have
should be home from school. Parents must be aware of less social competence because the parent generally
the child's performance in school as well as school tells the child what to do instead of allowing the child to
attendance, the possibility of drug or alcohol use, and choose by himself or herself, making the child appear to
the activities the child is involved in with friends. Good excel in the short term but limiting development in ways
supervision indirect minimizes the adolescents' contact that are increasingly revealed as supervision and
with delinquency-promoting circumstances, activities, opportunities for direct parental control decline (Eric
and peers. Furthermore, unsupervised children are more Digests).
likely to participate in delinquency, and substantial b. Children raised by authoritarian parents tend to be
research confirms the relationship. Hence, positive conformist, highly obedient quiet, and not very happy.
parenting which involves interactions between parent These children often suffer from depression and self-
and child has positive effects on interpersonal, blame. For some children raised by authoritarian
academic, and work skills for the child and it reinforces
parents, these behavior continue to have minimal supervision of their activities, are closer to
adulthood (Kathleen, 2011). their mothers, and come from broken homes.
c. Children who are resentful of or angry about being Strongly attached children are more open
raised in an authoritarian environment but have communication with their parents, and youths who have
managed to develop high behavior self- confidence often problems communicating with either parent or who
rebel in adolescence and /or young adulthood (Kathleen communicate less frequently are more likely to engage
2011). in serous forms of delinquency. Likewise, parental love
d. Children who experience anger and resentment may reduce delinquency because it is something
coupled with the downsides of both inhibited self-efficacy children do not want to lose. Attachment to a positive
and high self-blame often retreat into escapist behaviors, role model is important because it functions as a
including but not limited to substance abuse and are at “psychological anchor’ to conformity (Regoli & Hewitt,
heightened risk for suicide. 1991).
3. Indulgent Parents. The parent is responsive but not Thus, parental love must be valued and observed by any
demanding. Indulgent parenting, also called Permissive, Filipino since it provides greater comfort for the children.
Non-directive, Lenient or Libertarian, is characterized as However, its family since it importance does include the
having few behavioral expectations for the child. upbringing of child within the context of morality and
Indulgent Parenting is a style of parenting in which righteousness which veers away from the involvement of
parents are very involved with their children but place any criminal acts.
few demands or controls on them (Santrock, 2007). The Relationship between Parenting and
Permissive parents try to be "friends" with their child, Delinquency
and do not play a parental role. The expectations of the The child's difficult behavior affects parents' disciplinary
child are very low, and there is little discipline. strategies, resulting in harsher and inconsistent
Permissive parents also allow children to make their own punishments and less involvement by parents in the
decisions, giving them advice as a friend would. This socialization process (Patterson, 1982). These negative
type of parenting is very lax, with few punishments or child-parent transactions increase the risk of setting a
rules: Permissive parents also tend to give their children child off on a delinquent path that starts in the early
whatever they want and hope that they are appreciated teens, entails many delinquent acts and persists far into
for their accommodating style. Other permissive parents adulthood (Mofitt, 1993; Patterson & Yoerger, 2002).
compensate for what the missed as children, and as a Authoritative control has positive effects on child
result give their children both the freedom an materials behavior, while authoritarian control has been found to
that they (parents) lacked in their childhood (Rosenthal, have negative effects on the child (Baumrind, 1966). Too
December 2014). strict authoritarian control (Farrington, 1989) and harsh
4. Indifferent Parents. Parents with Indifferent Parenting punishment (Farrington, et al., 2003) appear to be linked
or An Uninvolved Parenting style, often called Neglectful, to high levels of delinquent and antisocial behavior,
Dismissive Parenting, are both unresponsive and although effect sizes vary substantially across
undemanding toward the child (Distinct Parenting Styles studies (Loeber, & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1986).
wordpress.com). Prior research revealed that an authoritative style had
Indifferent parents are fairly unresponsive to their child positive effects on child adaptation; whereas, the
and try to minimize the time and energy they must remaining styles place the child at risk for negative child
devote to interacting with the child or responding to the outcomes. Neglectful parenting in particular has been
child's demands. In extreme cases, indifferent parents linked to delinquent behavior (Maccoby & Martin, 1983;
may be neglectful. They know little about their child's Steinberg et al., 2006).
activities and whereabouts, show little interest in their Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
child's experiences at the school or in his or her friends, Juvenile Delinquency prevention is a broad term for all
and rarely consider the child's opinion when making efforts aimed at preventing youth from becoming
decisions. The child is typically ignored except when involved in criminal, or other antisocial, activity.
making demands on parents, which often results in Increasingly, governments are recognizing the
hostile or explosive responses toward the child (Regoli importance of allocating resources for the prevention of
& Hewit, 1991). delinquency. Because it is often difficult for states to
Attachment Parenting (AP) or Parental Attachment provide the fiscal resources necessary for good
AP is a parenting philosophy that proposes methods prevention, organizations, communities, and
which aim to promote the attachment of parent and governments are working more in collaboration with one
infant not only by maximal parental empathy and another to prevent juvenile delinquency. With the
responsiveness but also by continuous bodily closeness development of delinquency in youth influence by
and touch (Sears & Sears, 2001). numerous factors, prevention efforts are comprehensive
Another way parents influence the behavior of children is in scope (Curry, Maxson, & Howell 2001).
through emotional closeness. Research supports the Current programs target at-risk youths in the community
conclusion that children least likely to turn to delinquency who have not yet joined gangs, they are intended to help
who feel loved, identify with their parents and respect youths develop positive social relationships and find
their parents' wishes. On the other hand, delinquents alternatives to gang participation. These program use
tend to lack supportive relationship with their fathers, combinations of community, school, and family based
strategies including:
1. Youth outreach programs, A youth entering the Juvenile Justice System has the
2. Recreational activities, opportunity to receive intervention assistance from the
3. Employment and training assistance, State. In the care of the State, a youth may receive drug
4. School dropout services, rehabilitation assistance, counseling, and educational
5. Multicultural training for teachers, opportunities. The success of the Juvenile Justice
6. Substance abuse counseling System is measured by how well it prepares youth to re-
7. Family intervention and training, enter the community without committing further crimes.
8. Conflict mediation programs, and Optimally, all juvenile detention facilities would catch
9. Establishment of community centers. youth up on their education, provide them with job
Kinds of Juvenile Delinquency Prevention training, give them the experience of living in a safe,
1. Education. Education have assisted families and stable environment, and provide them with help to break
children by providing them with information. It inform harmful habits.
parents on how to raise healthy children some teach 7. Active Religious Participation. The dynamic
children about the effects of drugs, gangs, sex, and involvement in religious activities is one of the strongest
weapons, and others aim to express to the youth the tools concerning delinquency prevention. In furtherance,
innate worth they and all others have All of these the word of the Father Almighty could greatly influence
programs provide youths with the awareness that their the youth to stay within the path of righteousness.
actions have consequences. Educational programs have 8. Substance Abuse. Substance abuse is also an
the intent of encouraging hope and opening up influential factor that drown the minds of productive
opportunities for young people. youth. Illegal drug use, alcohol abuse and cigarettes
2. Recreation. Recreation programs allow youths to exploitation are just some of the reasons leading the
connect with other adults and children in the community. youth to become futile in the society they live in (Curry,
Such positive friendships may assist children in later Maxson, & Howell, 2001).
years. One of the immediate benefits of recreational 9. Family Counseling or Family Therapy. It is a form
activities is that they fill unsupervised after-school hours. of treatment that is designed to address specific issues
The Department of Education has reported that youths affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can be
are most likely to commit crimes between 2 p.m. and 8 used to help a family through a difficult period, a major
p.m., with crime rates peaking at 3 p.m. Recreation transition, or mental or behavioral health problems in
programs fit to the personalities and skills of children family members.
may include sports, dancing, music, rock climbing, 10. Youth Mentoring. Mentoring is one of the most
drama, karate, bowling, art, and other activities. widely used approaches for engaging youth who
3. Community Involvement. Girl scouts, boy scouts, experience additional vulnerability or adversity and that a
church youth groups, and volunteer groups all involve youth has at least one supportive person in their life that
youth within a community. Involvement in community can encourage growth and development, and serve as a
groups provide youth with an opportunity to interact in a connection to needed resources.
safe social environment. Mentoring of youths could result to the following:
4. Prenatal and Infancy Home Visitation by Nurses. a. Youth involved in the same mentoring relationship
Nurses involved in the "Prenatal and Infancy Home for a year or more reported improvements in school
Visitation by Nurses" program pay visits to income, work, social relationships, and behavioral
single mothers between their third trimester and the outcomes (Meyer & Bouchey, 2010).
second year a child's life. During these visits, nurses b. Mentors can be instrumental in helping youth
focus on the health of the mother and child, the support develop emotionally and behaviorally. They can be both
relationships in the mother's life, and the enrollment of a challenging and comforting agent on a youth's journey
the mother and child in Health and Human Services toward independence (Dejong, 2004).
programs. A 15-year follow-up study found that mothers c. Youth participating in mentoring relationship show
and children involved in the program had a 79 percent improvement on important educational measures
lower child abuse rate, a 56 percent lower child arrest compared to youth with similar circumstances that are
rate. Maternal behavior problems also dropped not participating in mentoring programs ( Jekieke,Moore
significantly in the studied group. & Hair, 2002)
5. Parent-Child Interaction Training Program". d. Youth participating in mentoring programs have
There should be a "Parent-Child Interaction Training better attitudes and behavior at school and have better
Program. It is designed to teach parenting skills to chances attending college (Jekiekek,Moore & Hair,
parents of children age’s two to seven who exhibits 2002).
major behavioral problems. The program places parents e. Compared with non-participants, youth who
and children in interactive situations. A therapist guides participate in programs that include mentoring have less
the parents, educating them on how best to respond to drug and alcohol use (especially among minority youth)
their child’s behavior, whether positive or negative. The and in some cases, fewer delinquent behaviors (Jekielek
program has been shown to reduce hyperactivity, 1. Moore & Hair, 2002).
attention deficit, aggression and anxious behavior in 11. Parenting Education. It refers to any deliberate
children. effort to help parents be more effective in caring for
6. Prevention Programs within the Juvenile Justice children because parents play a vital role in the
System. development of children and that it is possible to help
parents be more effective through training and
education. It may involve different processes including
group meetings, resource centers, newsletters, radio
programs, home visits, mentoring, internet resources,
support groups, and books. The content of these
different efforts varies substantially, ranging from
behavior management approaches to relationship
enhancement approaches (Parenting Education,
12. Youth Sheltering. It refers to providing homeless
youths and families with shelter, food, and support with
accessing community resources in order to break the
cycle of homelessness. Usually, it is the function of the
Department of Social Welfare and Development as well
as the National Housing Authority to provide shelter for
the homeless. Likewise; non-government organizations
contribute to youth sheltering