R2020 - 20CD1103 - Data Mining (CS (DS) )

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Course Code:20CD1103/2020 R-2020 Reg.



Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam
Affiliated to JNT University – K, Kakinada
B.Tech IV Semester Supplementary Examinations, Dec. 2022/January 2023
Data Mining
(CSE -Data Science)

Date: 07-01-2023 Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

1. Answer ONE Question from each UNIT
2. All parts of a Question must be answered at one place to get valued.
3. All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Classify the different types of data on which Mining can be performed 7 Marks
b) Explain about different similarity and dissimilarity measures 7 Marks

2. a) List the Issues in multidimensional data analysis. 7 Marks

b) Discuss about data mining tasks. 7 Marks
3. a) Explain about Model over fitting with example 7 Marks
b) Write Decision tree classification algorithm and its attribute measures. 7 Marks
4. a) Write short notes on Bayesian classfier? 7 Marks
b) Discuss about k-nearest neighbour classification algorithm with an example? 7 Marks
5. Explain about Candidate generation, Candidate Pruning, Support Counting in detail. 14 Marks
6. a) Describe alternative methods for generating frequent item sets 7 Marks
b) Consider the following transaction dataset. Describe the construction of FP-Tree in FP-Growth 7 Marks
Tid items
1 {a,b}
2 {b,c,d}
3 {a,c,d,e}
7. a) Write Short notes on following Clustering Methods 7 Marks
1.Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
2.K-Means Clustering
b) Write a note on DBSCAN. 7 Marks
8. a) Estimate the metrics for the cluster Evaluation 7 Marks
b) List and Explain the Types of Clustering 7 Marks
9. a) Explain the causes of Anomalies 7 Marks
b) Describe the approaches for Anomaly Detection 7 Marks

10. What is Outlier? What are applications of Outlier Analysis? Discuss Outlier Detection 14 Marks

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