Gce Na Level 2022 Ans Key (Fail)

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Paper 1 Section A

1. a ————— the (article)

2. global ————— globally (word form)
3. but ————— and (conjunction)
4. launch ————— launching (verb form)
5. holding ————— held (tense)
6. to ————— and (correlative conjunction)
7. creation ————— creative (word form)
8. made ————— making (verb form)
9. That ————— This (demonstrative)
10. in ————— of (preposition)

Paper 2
Section A: Text 1

1 It is to encourage Singaporeans to cut down on food waste.

2 The use of percentages and statistics

The title worded as a question and bolded

3 It suggests that even though Singaporeans are concerned, they still do not care
enough not to waste food.

4 He is committed.

Section B: Text 2

5 She was excited. [1m]

6 “completely swamped” [1m]

“heaving ocean swell of humans” [1m]

7 They were picked up by Haich (Director of UNifeed). [1m]

8 (a) vigorously [1m]

(b) grasping [1m]

9 (a) like a surfboard [1m]

(b) forcing his way through [1m]

10 (Dave) He was not bothered / relaxed / nonchalant [1m]

(writer and kids) They were scared / afraid / fearful / terrified [1m]

11 (The) bewildering experience

overflowing with garbage and filth
opened my eyes
popping the comfortable western world bubble
[1m each]

12 She had led a sheltered a life and had likely never witnessed such scenes. [1m]

Mendaki BH ERC 2022 4NA Answer Key

13 The phrase is “still held on to this hope”. [1m]

14. [any 4 for either A or B - 1m each]

Evidence for supporting Student A:

- I had always been fascinated with Africa
- I loved watching a television programme called “Safari Tales” about a couple
based in Cape Town and who had travelled around East Africa filming the wildlife
and the different tribal groups
- I longed to see the wildlife and the people who live here
- I still held on to this hope.

Evidence for supporting Student B:

- That night I lay completely awake, fully into panic mode, wordlessly screaming
through my head
- I wanted out of here
- I wanted to go back home and lock myself in the bathroom
- How did I ever expect to be able to survive in this place?
- Maybe we had made a mistake
- eventually fell into a restless sleep

Section C: Text 3

15 Para 1 G (given)
Para 2 B
Para 3 E
Para 4 C
Para 5 F
Para 6-7 D
[1m each]

16 “unless specifically requested” [1m]

17 Marine animals may eat the plastic / mistake it for food / become ensnared by the
plastic [choose one - 1m]

18 Plastics are durable and strong. [1m]

Plastics do not sink to the bottom / biodegrade quickly [1m]

19 The floating trash actually travels constantly in spirals, and not dispersed by the
ocean as mistakenly thought. (Accept other reasonable alternative answers) [1m]

Mendaki BH ERC 2022 4NA Answer Key


From the passage Suggested own words

A law was finally passed in 1987 to restrict legislation to minimise plastic littering in the
the dumping of plastics into the ocean ocean was introduced
making it illegal for any vessel or shore- ships and land-based operations are
based operation to dispose of plastics into banned from dumping plastics into the
the waters of the seas or oceans waters
part of an international treaty which bans a multi-nation agreement has made marine
the dumping of plastics anywhere in the plastic disposal illegal
and the dumping of other materials, such and other recyclables nearer to land
as paper, glass, and metal, closer to shore
The plastics industry has also stepped in, the plastics companies are making efforts
taking measures to reclaim plastic resin to retrieve lost plastic pellets
pellets that often get lost during production
or transportation
Plastics manufacturers are also and researching easy-to-break-down
investigating ways to create degradable plastics
Individuals are also strongly encouraged to public urged to minimise plastic usage
reduce their use of plastic
and trash habits by choosing reusable by rejecting plastic-based disposables and
grocery bags, containers and straws heavily plastic-packaged goods
and buying products with minimal or little
the most effective method right now for at present, the best way is beach cleaning
solving the persistent plastic problem
affecting our waters is beach cleaning
the countless volunteers who clean up the many volunteers pick up litter on the
coasts and shores to collect beaches to prevent it flowing into the
and remove trash from the marine cycle waters

Mendaki BH ERC 2022 4NA Answer Key

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