Gce Na Level 2022 Ans Key (Fail)
Gce Na Level 2022 Ans Key (Fail)
Gce Na Level 2022 Ans Key (Fail)
Paper 1 Section A
Paper 2
Section A: Text 1
3 It suggests that even though Singaporeans are concerned, they still do not care
enough not to waste food.
4 He is committed.
Section B: Text 2
12 She had led a sheltered a life and had likely never witnessed such scenes. [1m]
Section C: Text 3
15 Para 1 G (given)
Para 2 B
Para 3 E
Para 4 C
Para 5 F
Para 6-7 D
[1m each]
17 Marine animals may eat the plastic / mistake it for food / become ensnared by the
plastic [choose one - 1m]
19 The floating trash actually travels constantly in spirals, and not dispersed by the
ocean as mistakenly thought. (Accept other reasonable alternative answers) [1m]