Aquilion LB 16 Slices
Aquilion LB 16 Slices
Aquilion LB 16 Slices
Product Data
The AquilionTM large-bore system is a whole-body multislice
helical CT scanner with a gantry aperture of 900 mm and a
maximum scanning field of 700 mm that provides extreme
exam flexibility for CT simulation, trauma, bariatric, and
interventional procedures. Utilizing new dose-reduction
technologies such as AIDR 3D (Adaptive Iterative Dose
Reduction 3D) and SUREExposureTM 3D, the system sub-
stantially reduces the patient exposure dose and improves
image quality. In addition, the new-generation console unit
and SURETechnologiesTM application software further improve
throughput, reducing the time required for diagnosis.
• New PUREViSION detector Exposure 3D continuously adjusts the exposure in
Advances in manufacturing processes have led to the X, Y, and Z direction based on the patient's body
improvements in the detector, comprising 16 individual shape, reducing the patient dose to the lowest possible
0.5-mm detector elements. Light output has been level. Depending on the individual patient and the anat-
increased by 40%. omy to be scanned, SUREExposure 3D can realize a
This is achieved by eliminating imperfections in traditional dose reduction of up to 40%. Used with AIDR 3D,
cutting processes, producing the scintillator from a solid Exposure enables the user to automatically achieve
ingot using precision cutting techniques. With these the desired image quality at the lowest possible dose.
improvements, the PUREViSION detector offers dose sav- Double Slice Technology generates 32 slices in a single
ings. rotation without dose penalty.
• Largest gantry aperture in the industry Taking full advantage of coneXactTM technology,
A gantry aperture of 900 mm allows extraordinary patient acquired volume data can be reconstructed at double
access and positioning, improving exam positioning for density, resulting in a more true-to-original reconstruc-
CT simulation, trauma and interventional procedures tion in MPR and 3D rendered images.
without compromise. – Dose-management system
– Large scanning field of view Radiation Exposure Monitoring Profile, for dose report-
Aquilion introduces a 700 mm scan field of view which ing specified by IHE, is available in the software. This
covers more of the anatomy with greater accuracy than function automatically records all scan data so that the
ever before. This large field of view provides improved total dose for a particular patient or study can be accu-
image quality across the entire image during bariatric rately tracked.
and CT simulation exams. • Fast, flexible workflow
• Low-dose technology The new console enables significant improvements in
Aquilion incorporates the latest dose-reduction technolo- workflow with faster reconstruction speeds, automated
gies to reduce exposure dose while maintaining high processing functions, and flexibility with remote access.
image quality. – Fast reconstruction
– State-of-the-art dose-reduction technology A newly developed reconstruction system enables
AIDR 3D uses an iterative algorithm to reduce image reconstruction speeds of up to 22 images per second,
noise while maintaining details and structural edges. ensuring rapid diagnosis and high patient throughput.
AIDR 3D can be applied to all acquisition modes for – Automated processing
routine clinical use and is able to remove up to 50% of Generation of MPR images and data transfer can be
image noise, resulting in dose reduction of up to 75%. performed automatically in accordance with the exam
It delivers an integrated solution to facilitate diagnostic protocol setting. In addition, an enhanced DICOM pro-
decision-making at the lowest possible radiation dose tocol allows fast data transfer speeds of up to 60 imag-
without compromising image quality. es per second.*1
*1: Option
– Workflow flexibility COMPOSITION
The console configuration can be highly flexible to
match the needs of any user. With SUREXtensionTM*1,
the images can be displayed anywhere in the hospital. Standard composition (Model: TSX-201A/3)
This provides remote access to the advanced 3D/MPR • Gantry............................................................................ 1
and clinical applications of Aquilion, which is ideal for • Patient couch................................................................. 1
cost-effective postprocessing solutions. • Console.................................................................... 1 set
• Power distributor............................................................ 1
• Clinical capabilities • Accessories
– SUREFluoroTM*1 – Manuals
Fluoro real-time CT fluoroscopy permits image – Inter-unit cables
reconstruction and display of 3 images simultaneously. – Set of phantoms
Fluoro with the large gantry bore significantly – Acquisition support
improves biopsy and interventional procedures, making Note: The console desk is not included in the standard con-
them easier and more accurate. figuration.
– Lung volume analysis*1
Lung volume analysis automatically identifies tissues in Optional items
the lung fields with a CT number lower than the speci- • Display console kit (CGS-53A)
fied value (regions of pulmonary emphysema) by using • Cerebral blood-flow analysis system
volume data. Volume, axial, sagittal and coronal imag- (CBP-study) (CSCP-002A)
es can be analyzed, and low attenuation areas can be • Lung volume analysis (CSLV-001A)
displayed in each. • Display system for dental application (CDP-07A)
– Colon View*1 • FlyThrough software (CFT-03A)
Employing automated visualization software and report- • SURECardioTM scoring (CSCS-001A)
ing tools, Colon View software ensures accurate diag- • Colon view (CSCV-001A)
nosis in colon examinations. Innovative MPR and • Fat index view (CSFM-001A)
FlyThrough Fusion permit the extracolonic extent of • Vessel view (CVV-001A)
tumors to be accurately assessed. • SUREFluoro (TSXF-003K)
– Fat Index View*1 • LCD monitor for SUREFluoro (CMM-004B)
Fat Index View allows body fat areas to be calculated, • DICOM storage SCP (COT-30D)
including the total fat, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat • DICOM MWM (COT-32D)
areas. Calculated parameters as well as the subcuta- • DICOM MPPS (COT-33D)
neous and visceral fat regions are automatically dis- • DICOM Q/R SCP (COT-34D)
played in the image. The results are compiled in a • DICOM Q/R SCU (COT-35D)
report template for printing or export to PACS. • DICOM storage commitment SCU (COT-41D)
• DICOM PGP profile system (COT-44A)
• DICOM fast transfer system (COT-45A)
• SUREXtension (COT-49D)
• Color printer interface (CCP-03A)
• ECG-gated scan system (CHEG-004C)
• Injector synchronization system (CKIS-003A)
• Injector synchronization system (CKIS-004A)
• Respiratory-gated scan system (CKRS-004A)
• Respiratory-gating system (CKRS-004B)
• Extended field of view (CSTC-002A)
• Rear footswitches (CAFS-007A)*2
• Flat couch-top kit (CAFT-021A)*3
• Flat couch-top kit (CAFT-022A)*4
Note: Certain options may not be available in some countries or
regions. Check with your Toshiba sales representative.
*1: Option
*2: Rear footswitches are available with the 300 kg (661 lb)
patient couch version.
*3: For the 300 kg (661 lb) long patient couch version
*4: For the 205 kg (450 lb) long patient couch version
*1: Option
FUNCTIONS Patient handling and positioning
Gantry • The couch top can be lowered to 312 mm*1, 2 from the
The scanner is composed of the gantry and the patient floor, making it easier to transfer the patient to and from
couch. The scanner uses a fan-shaped continuous X-ray a bed or stretcher.
beam to scan the region to be examined. Transmitted • Alignment lights are provided in the gantry aperture for
X-rays are detected and converted into electrical signals by fast and accurate patient positioning.
the PUREViSION detector. • High-precision couch-top positioning is possible from the
The gantry includes the main body and its support mecha- integrated console or by manual operation from the con-
nism. The X-ray tube and the PUREViSION detector are trol panel and clear digital readouts are provided on the
mounted facing each other on either side of the gantry gantry.
aperture, and the X-ray tube and detectors rotate continu- • The couch top can be pulled out manually in an emer-
ously around the aperture of the gantry. A slipring is gency.
employed to transmit power between the gantry and the
rotating X-ray high-voltage generator assembly. Scanning
Three-dimensional alignment lights are provided for setting • Toshiba's Scanoscope function provides a projection
slice positions. Gantry and patient couch operating con- image of the patient for high-precision advance planning
trols are provided on both sides of the front of the gantry of the slice positions.
housing. The patient guide display indicates the scan sta- • The longitudinal length of the scanning field for the
tus to the operator and the patient. The X-ray high-voltage scanogram can be adjusted up to 1,750 mm*1,
generator is built into the gantry, and the system employs 1,950 mm*3, 1,450 mm*2, 4. Because the image is recon-
a high-frequency inverter for generating and stabilizing the structed in real time, the scan can be aborted at any
high voltage supplied to the X-ray tube. The generator time. This minimizes the patient exposure dose.
includes electronic circuits for controlling the speed of the • The auto index function allows automatic incremental
rotating anode in the X-ray tube. Use of a high-frequency couch-top movement based on the slice positions deter-
inverter system results in high power output combined with mined through the scanogram.
excellent stability. In addition, the system is compact and • The eXam Plan function allows simple selection of pre-
light weight. programmed scanning parameters for routine examina-
tions, maximizing patient throughput.
Patient couch • The Vari-area function allows the user to pre-select a
The patient couch is positioned in front of the gantry and region of interest for zooming using raw data, permitting
supports the patient. The entire unit moves vertically and immediate post-scan analysis. Zooming using raw data
the top moves longitudinally. In an emergency, the couch yields higher resolution than enlarging an image that has
top can be pulled out manually with very little effort. The already been reconstructed.
couch top can also be lowered to a minimum height of • Dynamic and rapid sequence scan modes are provided.
312 mm*1, 2 from the floor, facilitating transfer of the patient • Multislice Helical Scan acquires raw data by rotating the
from a low bed or stretcher. X-ray tube continuously while moving the patient continu-
ously through the scanner. The volume data acquired
Console can be used to reconstruct slices at any desired axial
The console is provided with a hybrid keyboard, a monitor, positions. This scan mode is best used for rapid patient
and a mouse. scanning during a single breath-hold and for high-defini-
• Functions for scanning tion three-dimensional and MPR imaging.
– Selection of scan parameters • Real-time helical reconstruction mode makes it possible
– Scanoscope control to observe the images being scanned in real time at a
– Scan control maximum at 12 frames per second. This mode shows
– Remote control of couch-top movement any shift in the slice position in real time and helps the
• Functions for image processing operator to check the scan field on the image, the con-
– Window level and window width adjustment trast study timing, the presence of patient body motion,
– Other mouse-operated image processing functions etc. The patient can therefore be released immediately
after scanning.
*1: For the 205 kg (450 lb) long patient couch version
*2: For the 205 kg (450 lb) short patient couch version
*3: For the 300 kg (661 lb) long patient couch version
*4: For the 300 kg (661 lb) short patient couch version
SITING REQUIREMENTS Minimum area for installation
• For the long patient couch version: 27 m2 (29 m2)*1
Power requirements – CT room area: 21 m2 (23 m2)*1
• Phase: Three-phase
– Control room area: 6 m2
• Line voltage: 380, 400, 420, 440, 460, or
• For the short patient couch version: 25 m2
480 VAC*
– CT room area: 19 m2
• Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz ±1 Hz
– Control room area: 6 m2
• Line capacity: 100 kVA
• Voltage fluctuation
Room layout example
due to load variation: Less than 5%
(For the 205 kg (450 lb) patient couch version)
• Power voltage
fluctuation: Less than 10%*
*: The total voltage fluctuation due to load and power variation.
Grounding 1
Grounding must be provided in accordance with local
5,600 (5,000*)
regulations for medically used electrical equipment.
7,200 (6,600*)
Power distribution board 2
As per applicable
legal requirements.
NFB* 3
100 to 150 A
Unit: mm
Ground bar 3,830
distributor 1 Gantry 3 Console
2 Patient couch 4 Power distributor
Ambient conditions
Temperature Humidity Heat generation 1
Scan room
6,070 (5,070*)
7,670 (6,670*)
6,400 kJ/h *3
distributor 2,800 kJ/h *1 3
Control room
Unit: mm
40% to 80% Approx. 3,830
Console 16°C to 28°C No 10,800 kJ/h *1
1 Gantry 3 Console
2 Patient couch 4 Power distributor
*1: When scanning is not performed. *: For the short patient couch version
*1: For the 300 kg (661 lb) long patient couch version
Breaker box
Patient couch
distributor Gantry
23 23
(REC cabinet)
(Operator's room)
(Scan room)
Speakers Console
(CPU cabinet)
Unit: m
2,300 1,010
(90.6) (39.8)
φ9 5.4)
Unit: mm (in)
2,190 2,360
(86.2) (92.9)
644 (25.4)
Patient Couch (for the 205 kg (450 lb) long patient couch version)
1,890 2,060
(74.4) (81.1)
Patient Couch (for the 205 kg (450 lb) short patient couch version)
Unit: mm (in)
2,390 2,460
(94.1) (96.9)
658 (25.9)
Patient Couch (for the 300 kg (661 lb) long patient couch version)
1,890 1,960
(74.4) (77.2)
Patient Couch (for the 300 kg (661 lb) short patient couch version)
Unit: mm (in)
Unit: mm (in)
Anchor plate
1,030 770
(40.6) (30.3)
Power Distributor
Unit: mm (in)
Produced in Japan