MCQ 033

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of Printed Pages : 6 MCQ 033 -


Term-End Examination
December, 2011

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70

1. Fill in the blanks/ indicate True or False : 25

(a) Statistics is an art and science of collection,
and presentation of data.
(b) A is a portion of the population
selected for analysis
(c) An is the value of a variable
for an element.
(d) A variable can assume any
numerical value over a certain interval.
(e) A set of data is said to be if the
values/ observations belonging to it can be
ranked (put in order) or have a rating scale
(f) Frequency Polygon can be drawn with or
without a histogram. (True/ False)

MCQ-033 1 P.T.O.
A diagrammatic representation called
represents the frequency of data
as pictures or symbols.
A is prepared and mailed to
respondents to respond in specified time.
(questionnaire/ Schedule)
Band Graph is used to represent
. (Time series/ frequency
Geometric mean of rate of growth : 34, 27,
45, 55, 22, 34, comes to
Formula to calculate Harmonic mean of
'grouped data'
'Skewness' indicate the in data
(shape/ Variation)
Events which consist of more than one
outcome are called events.
Whatever, we are expecting from the
sample data is taken as the (Null/
Descriptive/ Alternative Hypotheses).
The term "regression" was introduced by

Village Resource Map is a tool to learn

perception about natural
resources and their use.
PRA Team should also attempt Transact
Walk in a secret manner to better
understand and verify the resource
information given by the
villagers (True/False)

(r) A Watershed has a definite line
(s) PRA Team goes to a village for
rural process rather than
villagers about different ways of rural
(t) PRA is an evolved version of PRA
(u) Participatory Rural Appraisal
the community to understand, analyse and
takes its own decision.
(v) The Millennium Declaration commits the
international community and members
states of the UN to the achievement of
major goals to be achieved by
the year . A list of 18 targets and
indicators have been agreed
upon to ensure comparability across

(w) Dispersion is "The measure of the extent to

which the individual items vary" has' been
defined by
(x) "Coefficient of variation is the percentage
variation in mean, Standard Deviation
being considered as the total variation in the
mean" has been defined by

(y) For asymmetrical bell shaped distribution,

95% of the observations lie in the range of
'mean _±

MCQ-033 3
2. Differentiate between : 4
(a) Parameter and Statistics
(b) Null and Alternative Hypotheses
(c) Nominal and ordinal data
(d) Descriptive and Inferential statistics

3. Prepare suitable frequency distribution, less than

Ogive and More than Ogive : 2+1+1
42, 74, 40, 60, 82, 115, 41, 61, 75, 83, 63, 53, 110,
76, 84, 50, 67, 65, 78, 77, 56, 95, 68, 69, 104, 80,
79, 79, 54, 73, 59, 81, 100.

4. Differentiate between : 5
(a) Multi-stage sampling and Multi-phase
(b) Cluster sampling and Stratified Sampling.

5. "Outsiders working with Insiders" is a basic

principle followed in PRA and RRA. Compare
RRA and PRA.

6. Describe various PRA tools you would prefer to 5

apply as a Rural Development Facilitator in a
Watershed Development Project. Would you
apply them at random or in a particular
sequence ? If yes, Why ?

MCQ-033 4 P.T.O.
7. Draw representative ouputs (diagrams only) for 6
following PRA tools in a typical Indian rural
perspective (any two from the following) :

(a) Resource and Social Map of a village

(b) Transect walk

(c) Seasonal Health Calendar (monthly


8. Kalinga and Co. Ltd., Bhubaneshwar is engaged 5

in production of Mango Juice. It has been found
that the production of mango juice is influenced
by the price of mango in the market :

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mango Juice
Production 25 30 25 22 18 35 32 30 40 30
Price of Mango
(Rs./kg) 10 8 11 12 10 7 7 10 8 12

Establish regression equation as Production of

mango =f (Price of mango). Estimate the constant
and regression coefficient using OLS.

MCQ 033
- 5 P.T.O.
9. Calculate the range and co-efficient of range of 3
the following series.

Month consumption
1 35
2 39
3 42
4 48
5 53
6 58
7 64
8 70
9 75
10 85
11 96
12 110

10. Calculate the mean Deviation about mean and 5

about median.
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
Frequency 8 16 •12 10 5 3 6

11. Write the criteria of a good research problem. 3

MCQ-033 6

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