171-Article Text-331-1-10-20230628
171-Article Text-331-1-10-20230628
171-Article Text-331-1-10-20230628
Surabaya, Indonesia
Corresponding authors: Tika Rahardjo, e-mail: [email protected]
Prosthetic rehabilitation of a partially edentulous patient can be established by using wide range of treatment opti-
ons. Magnetic attachment retained denture has always been considered beneficial for the patient, because it is gi-
ving a more esthetic and functional outlook to the denture. The following case report discusses removable partial
denture with no clasps showing by using magnetic attachment retained, thus increase esthetics. A 60-year-old male
patient came to Department of Prosthodontics, Airlangga University, for his esthetic problems and chewing inability.
Intraoral examination revealed teeth 14, 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, and 46 remained at lower jaw. He never had
a denture and needed to make a new one. Clinical and radiographic examination along with the preliminary impress-
ion were taken. Teeth preparation and impression for magnet keeper, then cementation of magnet keeper on teeth
12 and 24. Functional impression for upper and lower jaw with individual tray. Denture delivery and one week after
followed by insertion of magnet EX 600 in the denture. It was concluded that magnetic attachment retained partial
denture could enhance the natural looking for the patient because it has no clasps showing.
Keyword: Magnetic retained, removable partial denture, overdenture
DOI: 10.46934/ijp.v4i1.171
Indonesian Journal of Prosthodontics June 2023; 4(1): 36-39 37
Figure 2A Preparaton for single crown 11, 21, B impression
of crown preparation.
DOI: 10.46934/ijp.v4i1.171
38 Tika Rahardjo & Harry Laksono: Esthetic removable partial denture
and retention. Patient was instructed how to wear lar results reported that the presence of anterior
and remove the denture, denture maintenance and teeth in an RPD could influence patient’s satisfac-
oral hygiene as well. tion.20
Magnet used in this study is MAGFIT magnetic
DISCUSSION attachments developed by Aichi Steel Corporation
Tooth loss leads to difficulty in masticatory func- for the Toyota Group, which claimed to have the
tion and oral capacity for neuromuscular functions strongest retention with an ultra-compact size, no
to manipulate food also influences facial appear- corrosion due to Aichi Steel's precision micro-la-
ance and psychological condition.1 Treatment of ser welding technology enables a perfect hermetic
choice in this particular case was magnet-retained seal of the stainless steel outer casing which pro-
partial overdenture for maxillary arch and bare-root tects the magnet from corrosion in the oral environ-
complete overdenture for mandibular arch. Re- ment, and new magnetic materials technology.21
maining teeth had fine periodontal and gingival There are few types of magfit; Magfit DX and
attachment so it worth to be maintained.9 Endo- MAGFIT EX, these are cast coping type magnet.
dontically treated retained root can support a den- MAGFIT DX series is suitable especially for molars
ture and transmit masticatory pressures to the pe- where vertical space is limited. It has a thin disk-
riodontal ligament receptors. This improves the pa- type design with improved wear resistance.The el-
tient’s oral perception, also to prevent bone resorp- lipsoidal outer lip of the magnetic assembly pre-
tion.1,10 vents rotation to ensure firm fixation to the denture
Magnets had many advantages, such as ease base. It is 30% shorter than the EX series but wider
of placement, automatic reseating, constant reten- in diameter. Durability has been enhanced by in-
tion with many cycles, easy replacement, small size creasing the hardness of the magnetcasing. MAG-
with strong attractive forces, can be placed within FIT EX has a "sandwich type" structure with attrac-
prosthesis, dissipate lateral functional forces, less tive forces ranging 400-600 gf, which is compara-
need for parallel abutments, can be used for im- ble to the spring method. MAGFIT EX600W is re-
plant-supported prosthesis, ease of cleaning.11 commended for cases with regular space require-
In order to be an abutment for cast keeper, abut- ments. MAGFIT EX400W is suitable for cases with
ments must be prepped almost at the same height minimal space conditions as well as cases requi-
as surrounding ridge. Magnetic attachments pre- ring lower retention. MAGFIT EX is in rectangular
vent any lateral forces also it had easy applicati- shape, so it is prone to use in long or oval shaped
on.12 It has to be noticed that magnets increase retained root surface.12 MAGFIT EX600W is cho-
retention of partial or complete dentures and sen for this case because the dimensions (3,8 x
overdentures.13 it offers adequate retention and 2,8 mm) suitable for root surface of teeth 12, 24.
decreases the transmission of excessive forces After magnet insersion, patient was recalled to
to the remaining teeth.14,15 observe and evaluate denture. Patient was satis-
Conventional removable partial denture have fied with appearance of his new dentures and was
led to harm the periodontal tissue, and may able to masticate properly. There were no mucosal
contribute to carious lesion formation, also the inflammation. Denture is better in retention and sta-
appearance of clasps may interfere patient smile bility.The patient was instructed to control intra oral
and resulting in presence of wearing denture.16 hygiene by regularly brush abutment teeth with fluo-
Additionally, the magnetic overdentures are more ride toothpaste because clean and healthy perio-
stable and retentive than conventional partial den- dontal is what makes any treatment especially
tures, and they are easily removed and seated with- overdenture successful.12 Denture also had to clean
out the patient having to grapple with clasps and regularly with baby toothbrush that has really soft
complex paths of insertion, thereby improving es- bristles and liquid soap twice a day. Denture-wea-
thetics, function, and comfort.17 ring habit patient must follow is to remove denture
Based on denture design of RPD, Shala et al18 at bedtime and put into liquid denture cleanser.22,23
confirmed statistically significant difference (P= Almost 40% of patients no longer use their RPD
0,008) patient’s success of RPDs with attach- within 5 years because of factors such as socio-
ment compared with RPDs with claps which agree demographics, pain, and esthetics. Timely recall
with Owall,19 that considering patient’s satisfaction and maintenance are required for success.24 Pa-
were better when used combination with fixed par- tients are advised to control every 6 months so
tial dentures retained with attachment (93,8%) com- prosthodontic treatment can be optimal.25
pared with RPDs retained with claps (58,7%). Simi- It is concluded that regarding quality of dentu-
DOI: 10.46934/ijp.v4i1.171
Indonesian Journal of Prosthodontics June 2023; 4(1): 36-39 39
res, patients are generally satisfied more with RPD of their advantages such as better aesthetic, reten-
with attachment based on level of aesthetics, re- tion, stability, stable occlusion, and chewing func-
tention, and chewing ability, because they prefer tion due to the conservation of proprioception feed-
not to show the anterior labial clasps of RPD. Mag- back. Also, the rate of the residual ridge resorption
net-retained partial overdenture may be preferred was decreased because of the transfer of com-
in the rehabilitation of partial edentulous patients pressive forces into the tensile forces by the pe-
to the conventional removable dentures, because riodontal ligament and better stress distribution.
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DOI: 10.46934/ijp.v4i1.171