Line List

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* Student name: xxxxx
* Completion date: xxxx
* LineList.txt: the template file of
* Student tasks: implement tasks as specified in this file
* LineList class is a linked-base list that represents the contents of a document

public class LineList{

private Node head;

public LineList(){ //constructor

//Don't modify anything before this line.
//Do not add any other instance variables.

// *** Student tasks: implement the following methods ***

public void empty(){

// delete all lines in the editor

public void load(String fileName, boolean append){

// append is true, read lines and add to existing list,
// otherwise, create new list.
// Each line is stored in a Node.
// You may need to handle exception within this method
// or throw runtime exception only.

public void save(String fileName){

// Save all lines represented with Nodes to a file.
// Each line (Node) occupies a line in the saved file.
// You may need to handle exception within this method
// or throw runtime exception only.

public void addLine(String line){

//append the line to the end of the list

public void addLine(String line, int n){

//insert new line to nth line, if n > total number of line,
//append to the end of the list.

public int words(){

// count number of words, word may be separated with
// \t,;.?!-@spaces ' * and "

public int lines(){

// count number of lines, which is the same as the number of
// nodes in the list.

public void delete(int n){

//delete nth line if exists. Otherwise do nothing.

public String toString(){

// Return all lines represented by Nodes in the list. All lines
// are in the same order as their corresponding nodes in the list.
// All lines are separated with \n. No newline character should be
// added after the last line.

public void print(){

// Print each line. Each line is proceeded with its corresponding line
// numbers. Please refer to sample output.

public void replace(String s1, String s2){

// Replace all occurrences of s1 with s2.

public void line(int n){

// Print nth line in the document. (The nth node in the list)
// If nth line does not exists, print �Line n does not exist.�


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