8-VLSI Design Flow-24-04-2023
8-VLSI Design Flow-24-04-2023
8-VLSI Design Flow-24-04-2023
CO4: Analyse the various logic families and efficient techniques at circuit level for
improving power and speed of combinational
CMOS VLSIand sequential
Design 4th Ed. logic.
Pass-Transistor Logic
The advantages of pass-transistor logic are the simple design, the
reuse of already available signals, and the low contribution to static
Unfortunately, a NMOS device is effective at passing a 0 but is poor
at pulling a node to VDD. (Vice Vera for PMOS)
In pass transistor logic, the pass transistors are used to pass the input
to output based on gate control.
Therefore, when the NMOS based pass transistor pulls a node high,
the output only charges up to VDD -VTn.
In fact, the situation is worsened in big circuits where with increase
in number of pass transistors logic high will reduce.
It will limit the number of additional stages and will also reduce the
logic swing and noise margins
VG – VS = Vt
VSmax = VG-Vt
VD = min (VSmax , VG-Vt )
P = 4V
Q= 3V
R= 2V
VG – VS = Vt
VSmax = VG-Vt
VD = min (VSmax , VG-Vt )
Vtn = 1V
AND Gate
CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed.
Pass-Transistor - Logic Gates
0 A
1 B
4:1 MUX
AND gate
S1 S0 O/P
0 B 0 0 D
0 1 B
1 A 1 0 C
Then, Wp=α β
Pseudo-NMOS – Sizing of unit inverter
Since, I is
considered as
the current in = αβ
unit NMOS
current is half If
of it, that is I/2 Ip=β
due to its poor Unit psudo
CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed.
NMOS inverter
Pseudo-NMOS – Sizing of unit inverter
gpd= 4/9
The pulldown
network f implements
the logic function as Q XNOR XOR Q
in a static CMOS
gate, while f’ uses
inverted inputs
feeding transistors
arranged in the
Drawbacks of ratioed logic (In which, pull-up is made with one PMOS
which is always ON):
Timing Analysis
Module 6: Timing Analysis
Introduction to Static timing analysis, Setup Time, Hold Time, calculation of critical
path, slack, setup and hold time violations
Text Books:
•Neil H.Weste, Harris, A. Banerjee, CMOS VLSI Design, A circuits and System Perspective,
2015, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, Noida, India.
•Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Liblebici, Chulwoo Kim, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis
and Design, 2019, Revised 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, India.
Reference Books:
Design and Analysis of VLSI Subsystems, Prof. Madhav Rao, NPTEL, IIIT BANGALORE
Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chadrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A
Design Perspective Paperback, 2016, 2rd Edition, Pearson Education, India.
Course Objective:
Verify that a design meets its functionality, timing constraints, both manually and
through the use of computer-aided design tools.
Course Outcome: 2
CO5: Implement the CMOS digital circuits with the specified timing constraints.
Set-up time & Hold time Definitions
Setup time is the minimum amount of time for which the input data must be
held stable or steady before the occurrence of the clock cycle event.
Hold time is the minimum amount of time required for the data from
previous stage (which is processed in previous clock cycle) should be held
steady at next stage (for capturing) after the occurrence of the present clock
Clock skew & Clock Jitter Definitions
Clock skew (sometimes called timing skew) is a phenomenon in
synchronous digital circuit systems in which the same sourced clock signal
arrives at different components at different times.
Clock Jitter: Sometimes some external sources like noise, voltage variations
may cause to disrupt the natural periodicity or frequency of the clock. This
deviation from the natural location of the clock is termed to be clock jitter.
Conclusion: To avoid hold time violation, Clock should not come too late
(should not exceed maximum/acceptable clock path delay) and data should
meet minimum/sufficient data path delay required (data from first
stage/new data should not come too early at next stage)
Static Timing Analysis (STA)
Setup slack = Min. Clock Path Delay - Max. Data Arrival Time
Margin=0 (not considered here)
= (15 ns + 2ns + 5 ns + 2 ns) - ( 2 ns + 11 ns +2 ns + 9 ns + 2 ns + 4 ns)
= 24 ns – 30 ns = -6 ns : Setup Time Violation exist.
Hold time slack = Min. Data Arrival Time - Max. Clock Path Delay
Margin=0 (not considered here)
= (1 ns + 9 ns + 1 ns + 6 ns + 1 ns) - (2 ns + 3 ns + 9ns + 3 ns)
= 18 ns – 17 ns = + 1ns : No Hold Time Violation.
Static Timing Analysis (STA) : Problem 2
Given: tSU = 6ns, thold = 2ns, tCQ = 10ns
Draw the logic diagram for frequency divider.
Find out maximum operable frequency (minimum time of clock required).
Check for hold time violation if any.
Static Timing Analysis (STA) : Problem 2
tCQ + tlogic
Static Timing Analysis (STA) : Problem 3
Consider the below flip flop pair logic diagram and the table with three
different flip flops FF1, FF2, and FF3 with their timing specifications.
Which combination of flip flops from the table should be replaced in the
flip-flop pair of circuit to get the maximum clock frequency of operation.
Solution: Tmin can be obtained from the equation of set-up time (given
below). Here, clock path delay (skew) is zero by ignoring wire delay. tlogic is
zero since there is no combinational circuit in between. Wire delay is ignored.
Hint: Replace the first flop place with the flip flop which has the minimum
clock to Q (tCQ) delay and replace the second flop place with the flip flop
having the minimum setup time (tSU) among all of them.
So FF1 and FF3 flip flop pair can be used in the logic circuit to have the
maximum frequency of operation.
Static Timing Analysis (STA) : Problem 4
Consider the below logic circuit with delays dly1=2ns, dly2=0.5ns, and
dly3=3ns at different places shown and determine the constraints to avoid
setup time and hold violation. Also for the given timing specifications
calculate the maximum clock frequency of operation or minimum required
clock time period. tclock_Q1 = tclock_Q2 = 2.5ns; tsetup_time1 = tsetup_time2 = 2ns;
thold_time1 = thold_time2 = 1ns.
This clock path delay 1
needs to be accounted
in data path delay since
the data is getting dly
delayed due to this. 2
Tmin or fmax can be obtained from the equation of set-up time
Margin=0 (not considered here)
(Tmin+ 3ns) ≥ ( 0.5 ns + 2.5 ns + 2 ns +2 ns+0)
Tmin ≥ 4 ns. (fmax = 1/Tmin)
If Tmin is satisfied in setup time equation, there wont be any set-up time violation.
Static Timing Analysis (STA) : Problem 4
Consider the below logic circuit with delays dly1=2ns, dly2=0.5ns, and
dly3=3ns at different places shown and determine the constraints to avoid
setup time and hold violation. Also for the given timing specifications
calculate the maximum clock frequency of operation or minimum required
clock time period. tclock_Q1 = tclock_Q2 = 2.5ns; tsetup_time1 = tsetup_time2 = 2ns;
thold_time1 = thold_time2 = 1ns.
This clock path delay 1
needs to be accounted
in data path delay since
the data is getting dly
delayed due to this. 2
Hold time slack:
Margin=0 (not considered here)
Memory Design
Module 7: Semiconductor Memory Design
Introduction, Types - Read-Only Memory (ROM) Circuits, Static Read-Write
Memory (SRAM) and Dynamic Read-Write Memory (DRAM) Circuits.
Text Books:
•Neil H.Weste, Harris, A. Banerjee, CMOS VLSI Design, A circuits and System Perspective,
2015, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, Noida, India.
•Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Liblebici, Chulwoo Kim, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis
and Design, 2019, Revised 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, India.
Reference Books:
Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chadrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A
Design Perspective Paperback, 2016, 2rd Edition, Pearson Education, India.
Course Objective:
Verify that a design meets its functionality, timing constraints, both manually
and through the use of computer-aided design tools.
Course Outcome:
CO6: Design memories with efficient architectures to improve access times,
power consumption. 2
Categories of memory arrays
Static RAM (SRAM)
• A SRAM cell needs to be able to read and write data and to hold the data as
long as the power is applied.
• An ordinary flip-flop could accomplish this requirement, but the size is
quite large.
• Figure shows a standard 6-transistor (6T) SRAM cell that can be an order
of magnitude smaller than a flip-flop.
• The 6T cell achieves its compactness at the expense of more complex
peripheral circuitry for
reading and writing
the cells.
• The 6T SRAM cell
contains a pair of weak
cross-coupled inverters
holding the state and a
pair of access transistors
to read or write the state.
6T SRAM cell
Static RAM (SRAM) : Read operation
• It is read by pre-charging the two bitlines high, then allowing them to float.
When wordline (Word) is raised, bit or bit_b pulls down, indicating the data value.
6T SRAM cell
Static RAM (SRAM) : Advantages-Disadvantages
1T DRAM cell
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) : Read & Write
• Like SRAM, the DRAM cell is accessed by asserting the wordline to
connect the capacitor to the bitline.
• On a read, the bitline is first precharged to VDD/2.
• When the wordline rises, the capacitor shares its charge with the bitline,
causing a voltage change ∆V that can be sensed, as shown in Figure. The
read disturbs the cell contents at x, so the cell must be rewritten after each
• On a write, the bitline is driven high or low and the voltage is forced onto
the capacitor.
• Some DRAMs drive the wordline to
VDD + Vt to avoid a degraded level
when writing a ‘1’.