Prince of Persia Official Game Guide

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PRIMA Official Game Guide
Written by:

Catherine Browne

Prima Games
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RETURN OF THE PRINCE .............. 2 THE VALE........................................70 information regarding whether a product has been rated by the ESRB, please
MOVES IN ROYAL PALACE ...........................107 visit For permission to use the Ratings icons, please contact
MYSTERIOUS WAYS ..................... 8 the ESA at
CITY OF LIGHT ............................144
DYNAMIC WORLD .......................19 Important:
DESERT ...........................................30 TREE OF LIFE ...............................180 Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information
contained in this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no
RUINED CITADEL .........................38 SECRETS .......................................189
warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or
completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher assume
liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may result
About the Author: from using the information in this book. The publisher cannot provide any
Catherine grew up in a small town, loving the proverbial “great outdoors.” While additional information or support regarding gameplay, hints and strategies,
she still enjoys hiking, camping, and just getting out under the big sky, Catherine or problems with hardware or software. Such questions should be directed
also appreciates the fine art of blasting the Covenant in Halo as well as arranging to the support numbers provided by the game and/or device manufacturers
a perfect little village in Animal Crossing. (Seriously, you cannot just plant apple as set forth in their documentation. Some game tricks require precise timing
trees all willy-nilly. Neat rows, people!) and may require repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved.
We want to hear from you! E-mail comments and feedback ISBN: 9780761560432
to [email protected] Printed in the United States of America
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Unl Return of the Prince
Stranger in a Strange Land
A storm whips across the land, catching in its fury a young man and his donkey. When the howling winds subside and
the skies clear, the young man, a Prince in a faraway land, does not know where he is—and his donkey is nowhere to
be seen. Eager to find the pack animal, her burden a king’s ransom in gold, the Prince starts calling her name. His voice
echoes through a narrow canyon. He thinks he is alone, but his shouts are not fading into the distance unheard. They
are picked up by the ears of men on a hunt—men determined to capture their quarry.

These men are closing in on a young woman named Elika. She runs from these guards frantically, avoiding their eyes
by darting between the shadows of sharp rocks in the canyon. Escape is almost within her grasp. But just when she is
about to slip beyond the fingers of her hunters, she hears the call of a young man looking for his donkey. He’s going to
get himself killed. And worse, get her captured.
Elika runs into the Prince, clasping her hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. But she doesn’t reach him soon
enough and his voice reveals her position to the hunters. Now, the Prince and Elika must run together, keeping one step
ahead of these dangerous men. While the Prince runs for his life, she runs for the life of all humankind. She runs to
keep a dark power hidden, buried so deep in history that it’s been turned into a story to scare children into behaving.
What the Prince doesn’t know is that Elika is the
daughter of a once-great king, now known sadly as
the Mourning King. The Mourning King is about
to make the third in a series of tragic mistakes that
threatens to undo all of the universe, perverting
the pure into the corrupt and casting the light into
the shadows. He is going to resurrect Ahriman, the
horrible God of Darkness. And only Elika can stop
him. But she has to get to a sacred temple first.
The temple is the site of the fabled Tree of Life.
In the children’s story, the tree is the prison of
Ahriman, bound there by his brother and God of
Light, Ormazd. 2

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PRIMA Official Game Guide

In the beginning, there was only Ahriman and Ormazd. The light and the dark. And as dominion spread,
Ahriman learned to covet the half of the universe controlled by his brother. Ahriman derived power from
darkness, and so he sought to corrupt the hearts of humans. Lured with false promises of riches or fooled
into distrusting their fellow men, these souls turned grotesque. As each heart fell into blackness, Ahriman WAYS
grew in strength. Thanks to the ease with which the human heart can be made impure, it was not long DYNAMIC WORLD
before Ahriman controlled almost the entirety of the universe. DESERT
Before the last light of good was eclipsed, Ormazd launched his attack on his brother. Ahriman had
corrupted so many souls that his power was no longer concentrated in his own being—it had been spread ROYAL PALACE
throughout his slavering followers. And so Ormazd charged into these twisted souls, striking them down CITY OF LIGHT
before Ahriman could withdraw his power from their vessels. Unable to collect himself, Ahriman was cut TREE OF LIFE
to the quick. By the time Ormazd tired, only four of Ahriman’s grim soldiers remained—the Hunter, the SECRETS
Concubine, the Alchemist, and the Warrior.

Ormazd used the last of his strength to trap these four blighted spirits
inside the Tree of Life, one of the last pure objects in the universe. With
his servants under chains, Ahriman himself was now tethered to the Tree
of Life. With his last pulses of power, Ormazd drove Ahriman into the
Tree of Life and sealed him inside. Before disappearing into the cosmos,
Ormazd placed his chosen people, the Ahuras, in charge of maintaining
the Tree of Life. As long as the tree lived, Ahriman and his wicked
soldiers could not spread their shadows.
But time weakens all bonds, and Ahriman’s whispers are escaping the
Tree of Life. The Mourning King has fallen victim to Ahriman’s lies. The
duty of the Ahuras is about to falter. The Tree of Life must survive.
And so Elika runs.
And now the Prince runs beside her.

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e The Cast
The Prince
He is the hero without a name, but his
deeds do not need a name to be legendary.
However, the Prince was not always a hero.
He wasn’t even always a Prince. In the
beginning, this young man only dreamt of
riches as he wandered the world in search of
adventure. The young man never considered
the lessons of yesterday—only the promises
of the road ahead of him. So concentrated
on himself was he, that he had no true
friends and no true home—just a life on the
road, learning only what he needed to get
by and see another day in the hopes that it
would be the day that made him rich beyond
his wildest dreams.
What makes a man a hero? Is it bravery?
Is it courage? Is it a firm grasp on the
difference between right and wrong?
Or is it sacrifice? Is it finally getting
everything you wanted, only to give it up for something greater than yourself? The man who would one day become a
Prince is about to learn this hard lesson and have his heart tested in ways that reveal the true material of a man. He will
hurt. He will suffer. But he will stand taller for it and become the hero the world needs, lest it crumble.

As the Ahuras slide into the folds of
history, this last descendant of the once-
legendary people must do all she can to
prevent the cosmic disaster of Ahriman’s
return. Whereas the Prince is still a
stranger to the transformative power
of sacrifice, Elika knows it all too well.
Her life has been beset by tragedy too
many times, but instead of retreating into
bitterness, she has turned her pain into
something great. She has turned it into
As one of the last Ahuras, only Elika
knows what is at stake if Ahriman finds
a way to loosen the bonds of the Tree of
Life. She is, at first, hesitant to open her
trust to the Prince, but to save the world,
she must learn to rely on this brash young
man who is good with a sword. Between
his sword and her magic, the pair might be able to force back the darkness. If there is a hero inside this young man, let
her be the one to bring it out so that humankind can survive. 4

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Mourning King
Elika’s father is the last of the Ahura kings. WAYS
With the dwindling of Ahuras, the royal DYNAMIC WORLD
lineage enters its sunset. The Mourning King DESERT
earned his sad name from the tragic death RUINED CITADEL

of his wife, Elika’s mother, a devastating THE VALE

loss from which he never quite recovered.
As a result of the tragedy, the king’s fate has TREE OF LIFE
taken a dark turn. His own daughter flees SECRETS
from him, determined to reach the Tree of
Life before the Mourning King. The king is
supposed to be the true vanguard of the Tree
of Life, so why is Elika’s father so intent on stopping his
beloved daughter from even stepping foot in the temple
that houses the mystical tree?

The Corrupted
Ahriman’s power is spread across his minions. To turn back Ahriman, the Prince and Elika must strike down the God
of Darkness’ four soldiers, known as the Corrupted. These grotesques were once humans. But their hearts were weak
at just the wrong moment, allowing Ahriman to slither inside and ruin them. Can they be redeemed? Or must each be
dealt one final blow to bring Ahriman to his knees?

The Hunter
Pride has its price. The Hunter was once a prince consumed
with the sport of the hunt. But after bringing down one of each
beast in all of creation, the prince believed himself to be a hunter
unrivaled. This was the opening that Ahriman needed. The God
of Darkness offered the prince a quarry unparalleled in this world.
The prince greedily traded his soul for such game, but instead of
finding himself chasing down a fantastical animal, the prince was
transformed into a monster. Now he himself is the hunted, a lure
for the world’s greatest sportsmen. With his grim traps and three-
bladed sword, the prince will forever fight men on behalf of his
new dark master.

The Hunter stalks his prey, patiently waiting for

the right moment to lunge.

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Un The Concubine
There is no cruelty greater than love that is not returned. There
was once a woman who so loved a man, but he did not share such
affection. Though she desperately sought to be what he wanted, the
man’s heart never softened. And so the woman allowed herself to be
fooled by Ahriman’s promise to turn her into what the man would
love. She was given the gift of shape-shifting and was able to discover
the form that best pleased her beloved. But she soon discovered this
talent had its limits.
Each night, she was forced to retreat from the man and become an
entirely new woman. And so each night she had to try to woo the man
all over again. Each new form pushed her further from her true self
until all that was left was the Concubine, a writhing mass of jealousy
and rejection.

From behind her wicked veil, the Concubine still

has the power the exert a siren song.

The Alchemist
There is great honor in the pursuit of knowledge, but to do so at
the cost of compassion or ethics is an equally great sin. Long ago,
there was a scientist so consumed by his quest that he was ultimately
rejected from society. As he grew old, the scientist realized that his
vast knowledge would cease with his death. And so the scientist set
about discovering a way to trump the finality of death. But no man
can stop death, and so when Ahriman offered the scientist the formula
for eternal youth in exchange for his soul, the man accepted.
But Ahriman is the ultimate trickster. The formula was so
complicated that the scientist expired while trying to make sense of it.
But he was not angered by this trick, because through eternal service
to Ahriman now, he would truly live forever, able to continue his

As wicked as he is intelligent, the Alchemist has

outsmarted centuries of opponents. 6

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PRIMA Official Game Guide

The Warrior
The desire for peace can lead men
to unspeakable acts of war. And so WAYS
the king of a pacifist tribe turned to DYNAMIC WORLD
violence when his peaceful people DESERT
were attacked without mercy. But his RUINED CITADEL
enemies were better at the art of death
than the king and his small cadre of
soldiers. When all hope was lost and TREE OF LIFE
his beloved people were about to be SECRETS
destroyed, the king accepted an offer
from Ahriman. In exchange for his soul,
the king would inherit the power to
visit death upon his enemies. After ripping apart his
enemies, the king became a symbol of violence and
was cast out by his peace-loving people.
Now the king is Ahriman’s instrument of war.
Capable of incredible acts of violence thanks to his
twisted form and superhuman strength, the Warrior
is the most feared of the God of Darkness’ horrors.

The Warrior’s massive frame makes him a force

to be reckoned with. But beneath that corrupted
armor lies a heart in eternal turmoil.

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Unl Moves in Mysterious Ways
During his travels, the Prince has achieved great mastery over his body. He is capable of some astounding acrobatics—
at times, it looks like he is able to shake free of gravity. During his adventures with Elika, the Prince is able to call upon
not only some impressive solo moves, but also some incredible duo maneuvers. And just when the Prince is ready to be
impressed with his own skills, Elika has a few moves of her own that put the Prince in his place.

Princely Moves
From the desert
outside the
The Basics
temple of the You have primary
Tree of Life, you control over the
can see incredible Prince. Use the
skylines of left control stick
the regions to move the
corrupted by Prince. Lightly
Ahriman. Huge windmills scrape the skies. Crumbling pressing the stick
towers make defiant last stands against the horizon. Hot makes the Prince
air balloons gloomily sway in a sinister wind. Those are gingerly move, but pressing it farther in any direction
just the tip of the landscapes the Prince must successfully breaks the Prince into a brisk run. The face buttons of the
negotiate in order to strike at the heart of Ahriman’s controller are assigned to the Prince’s elemental moves,
power: the Corrupted. which can be turned into some pretty spectacular moves
when linked together properly.
There are very few direct lines from one location in
this world to the next. Since the regions controlled by the *Please refer to the PC manual for PC controls.
Ahuras have fallen into disrepair and the presence of the Move Xbox 360 PLAYSTATION3
corruption has only served to accelerate that decay, the Sword 3 p
Prince and Elika must be clever in sniffing out new routes
through the wreckage and ruins. With floors fallen away, Jump/Dodge 1 u
columns that still hold up a dangerously unstable rooftop Elika/Magic 4 i
must substitute as a means of crossing corridors. Poles Gauntlet 2 o
that once held proud royal banners are now there to be
Guard 8/+ R/r
swung around. Scaffolding exposed by severe weathering
is now the only way to ascend a tower with collapsed Talk to Elika 7/P L/l
stairs. Action/Jump: While exploring, this button makes the
But even Prince jump. In battle, this button pulls off one of the
though the Prince’s acrobatic moves, such as sliding between the
mission is dire, enemy’s legs.
the Prince cannot Attack: This button is only used in combat. It slashes an
entirely write enemy with the Prince’s sword.
this off as a sour
Magic: This is Elika’s cue. Depending on how you
experience. He
use this, Elika will perform a number of different
knows how well
moves, such as assisting in battle or utilizing one of
he moves. And these exposed fixtures and vine growths
the mysterious power plates you’ll encounter while
are a means for showing off a little. Sure, there is a
exploring the regions.
centuries-old monster waiting for him at the end of the
line, but why not at least have some fun leaping from Gauntlet: The gauntlet is used in both exploration and
pole to post like a child turned loose on a brand-new combat. While exploring, the gauntlet is used to “link”
playground? moves, such as transitioning from a wall run to grabbing
a brass ring and then back to a wall run. In combat, this
button grabs an enemy and throws it into the air. 8

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Descend/Guard: To slide down a vertical surface while PRIMA Official Game Guide
exploring, hold the right trigger. In combat, though,
this button doubles as your guard command. Horizontal cracks can be gripped with
relative ease, and exposed woodwork is as
Acrobatics good as a ladder. In fact, it’s so easy for the RETURN OF THE PRINCE
Prince to climb up surfaces like these, he can WAYS
Watching the Prince in motion is like having a front-row
often afford a free hand to help Elika get up DYNAMIC WORLD
seat to the circus, except the clowns have been replaced
a wall, too. DESERT
by thousand-year-old monsters. The Prince has a series of RUINED CITADEL
basic acrobatic moves for negotiating tricky landscapes. THE VALE
You must master these moves if you want to close in ROYAL PALACE
on Ahriman’s vicious henchmen and restore order to a CITY OF LIGHT
universe that is about to fall into ruin. TREE OF LIFE


The Prince can even run directly up a flat wall.

Eventually, gravity does kick in while running up a wall,
so look for features you can grab on to. Brass rings or
scaffolding are perfect grips. Just climb up the wall,
grab the ring or scaffolding, and then either kick away
to scamper up another wall opposite from your current
surface, or grab onto another textured surface with the
The Prince is outrageously nimble, able to make fantastic gauntlet and continue your ascent.
jumps through open space like a cat. To make one of these
astounding leaps, just run toward anything the Prince
can grab on to—a column, vines, scaffolding—and press
the jump button right when his feet reach the edge. The
Prince throws himself through the air and instinctively
grabs on to the target surface.

If the target is too far away, the Prince falters
without Elika’s help. Check out Elika’s special
Beams are perfect springboards for launching the
moves to see how she can assist him.
Prince across open spaces.

With his special glove and incredible upper body

strength, the Prince can climb up columns and posts.
The Prince is an accomplished climber, able to find a To rotate around the post, press left or right on the
foothold in even the shallowest crack on a sheer surface. left control stick. Ascend or slide down the post by
When approaching a wall, inspect it for any imper- pressing either up or down on the left control stick.
fection—that’s a potential grip. Jump onto the wall and
then scrabble up it by moving the Prince over any hold.

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e button. When the Prince finds temporary purchase on the
Unl opposite wall, kick off again. Repeat your jumps until the
Prince is at the top of the shaft and able to pull himself up
to the ledge.

If the walls are too far apart for the Prince to
jump alone, use Elika’s assistance to cover the
extra distance.

Grab vines for support when climbing walls. Elika Wall Run
hops on the Prince’s back and hitches a ride.

The Prince not only can run up a wall, but he can even
The Prince can even use vertical cracks to climb run along a wall for a short distance. Thanks to his ability
up walls. Just make sure you have your grip before
to shift his weight combined with a gauntlet that can
trying to ascend.
“bite” into walls, you can cross chasms with little worry.
To wall run, just run toward a wall and jump into it. Keep
pressing forward with the left control stick. Watch for the
Prince’s loosening grip, though.

Use the jump button to kick away from columns and

walls and land on the opposite landing, provided you
checked first and there is one.

Wall Bounce When you see the Prince’s feet and gauntlet start to
slide, he’s about to peel away from the wall. If you’re still
over a hole, press the jump button to kick away from the
wall. The Prince uses the last of his momentum to push
off and either hop down to a platform or grip the opposite
wall. Just keep pressing forward to continue wall running.

Look for horizontal scratches on a wall—
they’re a hint that the Prince can perform a
safe wall run.
The Prince can bound between two vertical walls to
reach high ledges, as long as the walls are close enough
together. To pull off this move, run up one of the walls.
At the height of the Prince’s climb, kick off with the jump 10

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Roofing PRIMA Official Game Guide

battles gravity. There is no limit to how long

the Prince can use a grip fall, but you had
better make sure there’s something at the
bottom to land on. WAYS
The Prince can kick away from a
grip fall to reach a ledge on the
opposite side of a room or canyon. CITY OF LIGHT

Just press jump near the bottom to TREE OF LIFE

In some circumstances, the Prince can almost wholly defy SECRETS
put your feet on the wall and push
gravity. With brief bursts of speed, the Prince can clamber away.
across a ceiling. However, there must be something for
the Prince to quickly grab on to, such as a brass ring, or
he will completely lose his grip. To grab the ring and keep
roofing, press the gauntlet button just as the Prince grabs
the ring.

The soles of the Prince’s sandals let him slide effortlessly

down sloped surfaces, such as carved stone and rooftops.
The only catch is that once the Prince starts to slide, it’s
Roofing is one of the Prince’s “linking” moves. You
impossible to stop. The only way out of a slide is to jump
can cross a room without touching the floor with this
away from the surface, so before committing yourself to a
maneuver. For example, try scrambling up a column.
slide, make sure there’s something on the other side that
At the top, kick free of the column and scramble across
you can catch—or that will catch you.
the ceiling using rings before jumping down to another
column. This is perfect for situations where the floor is
either dangerous—or simply not there. TIP
Grip Fall While sliding, you can move from side to side
with the left control stick, directing the Prince
so he can safely jump to the next surface at the
end of the slope.

Linking Moves
Because each area
is constructed of
so many poles,
pillars, slides,
walls, and rails,
Sometimes the Prince needs to drop down to a lower level you will need
but there is nothing to grab onto and safely descend. In to often “link”
situations like this, the Prince can use his special glove together moves to keep from falling. This requires
to find purchase and slow a fall. Just lower the Prince using the gauntlet at the right time to link together
over the edge of a wall and then squeeze the right trigger different activities. In an extended run through a
to hook the wall with the glove. Sparks fly as the Prince number of environmental features, like wall runs


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Unl Linking Moves
and rings, using the gauntlet almost feels a bit like a rhythm challenge. Hitting the button at just the right moment
transitions the Prince out of wall run and across a ring. In time with the Prince, you press the gauntlet button again
to release the ring and grab on to a ledge. There is no jamming buttons here—success comes only to the smooth.
Here’s an example of linking some moves:

The Prince and Elika use a power plate Pressing and holding the gauntlet Now you can use the magic button to
to fly to a new area, but their arc drops button makes the Prince scramble activate the power plate and blast
them off just below the next power plate. up to the power plate. off for the next plate.

There is one time where it’s especially tricky to know when to use the gauntlet button to transition
between moves. A few rings are on runners. When the Prince grabs this type of ring, it slides along the wall.
You must tap the gauntlet button right as the ring reaches the end of the runner to wall run away from it
successfully. If you hesitate, the Prince loses his grip on the ring runner.

Elika’s Moves
Elika is hardly helpless—she too has a range of acrobatic gifts. Many of her moves are similar to the Prince’s, so don’t
worry about her falling behind when you scramble across a tricky landscape or dart around a puzzling room. But Elika also
has her own skill set, plus a few moves she can use in conjunction with the Prince when he dares gravity a little too much.

Save Compass

The greatest magic at Elika’s disposal is her ability to When you’re unable to see the best way out of a trouble
pull you back from the brink whenever it looks like you spot—maybe the solution to a particular room is eluding
are about to fall to your doom. As you lose your grip and you—Elika’s magic gives you a hint at how to escape.
start to tumble into the void, Elika’s hand reaches out Elika raises her hand, releasing a blue trail that highlights
to grab yours. She yanks you back up to stable ground, potential routes. She shows you things like places you
giving you a second (or third, or fourth) chance to get can wall run, cracks to climb, and where you can safely
it right. Elika also rescues you if you stumble into a pit grip fall. To use the compass, just come to a standstill and
of corruption. This gift is automatic. You do not need to press the magic button.
activate it with the magic button and there is no limit on
the number of times Elika can save you. 12

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To use compass effectively, you must first set a

Power Plates
destination on your map screen. Please see the RETURN OF THE PRINCE
next chapter for a complete explanation of us- MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
ing the in-game map and setting destinations.

Cooperative Jump DESERT

The magic of Ormazd, the benevolent god
that lost out against the wickedness of
Ahriman, is still alive in the world of the
Ahuras. This magic can be unlocked by collecting Light
Seeds after purifying different areas of the world. (For
a complete description of Light Seeds and the different
Sometimes the distance is just too great to cross alone, so magics, please see the next chapter.) Once Elika unlocks
Elika and the Prince team up to perform this high-wire one of Ormazd’s four magics, the corresponding power
move. Jumping through the air, the Prince and Elika join plates in the world light up. Each magic is associated with
hands to gain momentum and propel each other across a a specific color, and there are four different colored power
wide divide. To use this move, jump across a particularly plates: red, yellow, green, and blue. For example, if you
wide chasm. As the Prince starts to descend from the apex unlock the Breath of Ormazd first, that will activate the
of the jump, press the magic button to call on Elika. She green power plates. You cannot use the other three until
propels you to your next landing point. you gather up enough Light Seeds to unlock the corre-
sponding magics.
To use a power
plate, grab it
by either wall
running across
it or climbing
up to it. When
you pass over
the plate, you
automatically hesitate as Elika reaches to the sky, ready to
Want a good indication of when you need Elika’s unleash the power plate’s magical move, should you press
help? The screen will start to turn gray, indicating the magic button in time. If you press the magic button
that the Prince is about to take a nasty fall. Quickly while the Prince and Elika are on top of a power plate, the
press the magic button to salvage the jump. pair pirouettes into the sky. There are often networks of
power plates you must use to reach the end of each area
and challenge the Corrupted.
Elika’s magic is strong. Even if the next landing CAUTION
surface is too high above you and you don’t
press the magic button soon enough, Elika will If you fail fall while jumping around a series of
still safely hurl you up to the landing zone. Use power plates, Elika carries to back to the last
this whenever you’re not sure about a gap that solid platform you were standing on before you
may be too wide. Give it a try and see if Elika used Ormazd’s magic.
can help you cover the distance. If not, well,
then Elika can use her magic to save you instead Since you unlock the different magics throughout
of helping you complete a jump. the adventure, you must sometimes return to previously
visited areas and try out power plates that were dormant
on your first pass.


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e d
a sh
e Combat
During his travels, the Prince has become quite handy with a sword. His skill with a blade will be put to the test as
Ahriman’s forces rally against him and Elika. The combat system, however, is more involved than that just slashing
with a sword. In addition to his regular slice and parry attacks, the Prince can now link together a series of attacks and
acrobatic moves. A simple sword attack can dovetail into an aerial maneuver, with the Prince flinging an enemy into the
air before calling upon Elika to use her magic to strike a monster down to the ground with a thunderous thud.

If, while
attacking, you
push a smaller
enemy up against
a wall, you can
throw them over
your shoulder
by pressing the
attack button. The Prince automatically grabs the enemy
with his gauntlet and tosses them back into the arena.
Mastering this new combo system—the art of chaining This move not only causes damage to the enemy, but also
moves—is both the key to success in the fight against leaves the enemy open for a second. Use the dodge button
the forces of darkness as well as a feast for the eyes. to close the gap and launch an new string of attacks.
Especially when the acrobatics result in a phenomenal
death blow that sends one more of Ahriman’s minions NOTE
back to the underworld.
If you back a Corrupted up to a wall (or it
Individual Moves backs you into one), you begin a small struggle
Before getting into combos, you must understand the
essentials of the Prince’s individual attacks and moves.
Once you have these down, then you can start experi- Holding the guard
menting with combos to pull off insane attack chains. button raises the
Prince’s arm so
Attack he can block an
The Prince’s incoming attack.
default attack is Using the sword
a sword slash. as a shield, the
Approach an Prince can block
enemy and press most attacks, but cannot launch an attack from this position.
the attack button If the Prince is wounded, he auto-generates health over time,
to strike. Steel but holding this defensive position slows his recovery.
flashes across the If you are
screen, connecting with the target and dishing out a little severely hurt,
damage. Pressing the attack button four times is a basic the corners of
sword combo that is effective at pushing back against an the screen turn
enemy and cleaving away a solid amount of the enemy’s red. Seek cover
stamina. to revive the
Prince’s flagging
spirits. While
hurt, you are vulnerable to lethal strikes from enemies.
Make sure you are within range of the enemy If you do not block an incoming blow, the enemy may
before attacking. If you attack out of range force you to the ground and try to deliver a lethal strike.
(about three steps back), you leave yourself open You can recover from this by pressing the button flashed
to a harsh counterattack. on-screen. If you hit the button in time, the Prince jumps
to his feet and is back in the fight. 14

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However, if PRIMA Official Game Guide
you miss the
button timing,
the enemy will
indeed slice and MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
stab you. Elika WAYS
must use her DYNAMIC WORLD
magic to rescue
you from certain death. While Elika is using her magic to
assist you, the enemy retreats and recovers a significant ROYAL PALACE
amount of lost health. CITY OF LIGHT

Deflect If you press the control stick toward the

A properly timed enemy and tap the dodge button, you slide
block can effec- between your enemy’s legs and pop up on
tively counter the other side. This little bit of acrobatics is
an enemy a good launching pad for an attack combo, but it can also
attack, opening be used to quickly get an enemy to make it back toward a
a window ledge or breakable object.
to launch a
that can evolve into a mighty combo. When you spot The same
your enemy launching an attack, such as raising a sword gauntlet that lets
or rearing back a massive fist, get ready to block. If you you slide down
block just as the enemy’s blow is coming down, you brush sheer walls also
it aside. Now, you are not guaranteed a free hit on your digs into the
enemy just because you successfully deflected an attack. corrupted hides
Your enemy can do the same to you. It is not uncommon, of enemies.
when fighting the Corrupted, to see a series of blows When close to an
and deflections before one of you misses the timing and enemy, tap the gauntlet button. The Prince lunges at the
breaks the cycle. enemy and slams that glove into its torso. Now, the Prince
launches the enemy into the air. From here, you can either
Dodge jump back and dodge (useful for healing) or start an
If you need attack combo.
to put some
distance between
you and an Elika can attack,
enemy (perhaps too, but she
you’ve been does so with her
injured), use the magic instead
dodge button of a physical
to quickly hop in the direction you are pressing the left weapon. Elika
control stick. Repeatedly tapping the dodge button while cannot zoom
pulling away from your enemy will draw some distance, across the arena
but that won’t necessarily stop your foe from trying to and attack from any distance. She uses your shoulders as
close the gap you’re busily creating. You can also slide to a springboard for her magic attack, so you must be close
the left or right, which is particularly useful when you are enough for Elika to vault over you and deliver her magic
fighting an enemy that can be pushed over a ledge. Keep blow. Now, the magic move by itself has very limited use
sliding until you have the enemy with its back against the (more on that in the Ahriman’s Influence section), but it
ledge and then launch your series of attacks. is a very important part of successful attack combos.


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e d
l ea
Special Attacks Perimeters
Un Sometimes, Ahriman’s minions will get the drop on you. The perimeter of each arena is a significant factor in the
Or they will fly into a rage and attack with a ferocity pacing of a battle. There are three kinds of perimeters:
than can only be answered with lightning reflexes. These open edge, wall, and corruption. If you push a soldier or
special attacks from your enemies are handled not with Corrupted into a wall (or they push you into one), you
traditional moves, but by pressing buttons as they appear and your opponent immediately go into a struggle.
on-screen. You have a short window of opportunity to
press the on-screen button before you are injured by the
if you back a
special attack.
soldier up to an
Just like open edge and
trying to avoid land a strike, you
a lethal attack enjoy a quick
when you’ve kill. The Prince
been knocked on runs the soldier
your back, you through with his blade, no matter the strength of the
must respond soldier.
to these rage-
fueled attacks right away or suffer the consequences. For
example, the Hunter will sometimes go berserk and start
wildly flashing his blades. You must tap the sword button You can even use this move on some of the Cor-
to parry each incoming blow. rupted, such as the Hunter and the Alchemist—
The Warrior will also try to swipe you off him after but expect them to work overtime to keep away
you launch an acrobatic attack, so as you climb around from the edges of an arena.
his massive frame, tap the on-screen button as it’s shown Some arenas
to keep moving around the body and attack where the are lined with
Warrior cannot reach. These sequences typically last just corruption, and
four or five moves, but if you mess up the timing, the that benefits
monster will punish you. Expect some real hurt—the kind your enemy. If
that can get you in trouble with an incoming lethal attack you are shoved
if you do not back off and recover right away. back into the
corruption, Elika
Struggles must save you. While Elika pulls you out of the poison,
Now, when you your enemy can regain any lost health. Pushing an enemy
or an enemy get into corruption is actually something of a favor for the evil
backed into a one. For example, if you back the Alchemist into a field of
wall or a corner, corruption in an arena, he just melts into the muck and
you enter into then appears directly behind you. Now your back is to the
a struggle. corruption, leaving you extremely vulnerable.
Depending on
the enemy, you Ahriman’s Influence
may have to try to pull away from the confrontation or
at least keep a clash of weapons out of your face. In the Occasionally, your enemies will be overcome by an
case of the Concubine, as an example, the harpy uses her extra boost of power directly from Ahriman. This
corruption powers to grab your sword and try to pull you power manifests itself in three different ways. Each
close to her so she can attack you directly. When these condition, called Ahriman’s Influence, is linked
struggle erupt, you must repeatedly tap the attack button to a specific Corrupted. When you first encounter
as fast as you can to break free of the struggle. If you lose that Corrupted, who then uses the influence, it is
the struggle, you suffer injury. If you win, though, you put thereafter unlocked for all other Corrupted and
your enemy on its heels and can launch into a new attack soldiers to use. Influences must be battled with a
on your terms. specific attack. Using the wrong attack results is a
terrific backfire. 16

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Ahriman’s Influence
Ahriman’s Fury: The enemy suddenly Ahriman’s Patience: The enemy goes Ahriman’s Anger: A bright flash of
erupts in black corruption, covered into a defensive position that can only blue envelops the enemy. Only a
with writhing tendrils or sharp spikes. be disrupted with a gauntlet attack. sword attack removes this powerful
Only Elika’s magic dispels this state. Watch for yellow sparks to indicate influence.
Trying to attack with the sword or the enemy in this state. Let the enemy
gauntlet injures the Prince. attack, deflect the blow, and then tap the
gauntlet button to dispel the influence.

If you try to use Elika’s magic on either Ahriman’s Anger or Ahriman’s Patience, she will be hurt.
Elika is cast aside and must regain her strength before she can rejoin the fight. While Elika is out of
commission, you cannot use any of her magic attacks in your combos. Because this severely limits
your options, be sure that the influence is only Ahriman’s Fury before tapping the magic button.

Now that the basic are out of the way, it’s time to start
linking attacks into devastating combo chains that leave
your enemies reeling. Just like linking acrobatic moves
while exploring seems to have a rhythm to it, so does
chaining attacks. Depending on which move you start
your combo with—sword, lift, dodge/acrobatic, or
magic—you can try dozens of different chains.

Now, you have an entirely new set of options. If you

were to tap the magic button two more times, Elika would
strike the enemy with a total of three magic attacks. That
would end the combo.

The basic combo is to tap the sword button four times,

unleashing a torrent of blows that knocks your enemy
back. However, instead of tapping the sword button that
fourth time (which ends the combo), tapping the magic
button instead links your sword attacks with a magic
attack from Elika. However, tapping the gauntlet button after invoking
Elika’s magic the first time sends the Prince in to grab the
enemy and send it flying into air. Now that the enemy is
in the air, you have another series of options. Hitting the
sword button would slash the enemy as it falls and end the


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e d
a if you instead tapped the dodge button, you could
l eBut Chaining into the aerial combo or throw combo
Un now chain this already fierce combo that started with some branches of the Combo Tree are dead ends. All chains
sword slashes, then added a magic attack before going for a stop at the conclusion of one of the moves from this
lift move, with any number of combo endings. For example, combo group. They are indeed powerful finishers, but
hitting the magic button twice after the acrobatic move they do end a chain.
would close out this extended chain with two hard hits Here is the entire Combo Tree, complete with the
from Elika. A lesser soldier wouldn’t survive and one of the button presses that make up each move inside the
Corrupted would certainly be rattled to the core. individual branches of the tree. Branches that feed into
each other are linked by arrows. Because the aerial combo
Combo Tree and throw combo branches are chain-enders, they do not
It may be easier to think of these combos not as just a link to any other branch except by the arrow that feeds
bunch of attacks, but as branches of a tree. (In fact, if you into them from other branches.
look at the Options tab from the Pause screen, you can
access a list of the combo moves in-game that’s called NOTE
the Combo Tree.) Every chain starts out with the normal
combo. This set includes all of the starting moves for a If an arrow does not branch away from a group
chain, from a sword attack to a lift attack with the gauntlet. of button commands, then that move ends the
From the normal combo, you have three choices: lift chain.
combo, Elika combo, and acrobatic combo. These moves
are determined by how you link away from the normal TIP
combo. If you link away from your normal combo with the
magic button, you then move into the Elika combo branch It takes real practice to master the Combo Tree,
but when you do link together a series of seven
of the tree. You could end your chain with the Elika combo, attacks for the first time, mixing up swords,
or branch out into the two combos accessible from the magic, and throws, it feels like quite an accom-
Elika combo: lift combo and aerial combo. plishment.

PlayStation 3 Xbox 360

Normal Normal
pppp 3333
i 4
pppi 3334
o 2
pppo 3332
Lift Acrobatic Lift Acrobatic
u 1
p pppu ppp 3 3331 333
iip iip 443 443
ipp ipp 433 433
ipip Elika ipip 4343 Elika 4343
iii pp iii 444 33 444
ipii ip ipii 4344 43 4344
pip 2 343
o o 2
io ii io 42 44 42
iio pii iio 442 344 442
ipo o ipo 432 2 432
ipio io ipio 4342 42 4342
po 32
u 1
iu pio 41 342
Throw Throw
iiu u 441 1
ipu iu up 431 41 13
ipiu pu uip 4341 31 143
piu uii 341 144
uo 12
Aerial uio Aerial 142
p 3
ip 43
ii 44
o 2
io 42 18

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After Ahriman explodes from his bindings, the Prince and Elika must discover a way to put the dark god DESERT
back in his eternal shackles. Since Ahriman thrives on corruption, the only weapon to use against the god RUINED CITADEL
is the power of purification. Throughout the land are patches of sacred ground, buried under the rot and THE VALE

stench of Ahriman’s darkness. Elika possesses the power to turn the land before Ahriman’s influence sinks ROYAL PALACE
in too deep. Should Ahriman be allowed to salt the earth with his wicked corruption for too long, it may
be impossible to repel the god. And so the Prince and his companion must waste no time driving straight
for the fertile grounds spread around the world. If the Prince and Elika can push back the Corrupted that
guard each piece of fertile ground, Ahriman will have no choice but to retreat to his prison beneath the
temple of the Tree of Life.
But how the Prince and Elika tackle their task is entirely up to you. After leaving the temple of the Tree of Life at the
beginning of the game, you choose where the pair goes first. And second. And so on. Will you start your adventure by
pushing through the Vale, home of the Alchemist? Or visit the Royal Palace and challenge the Concubine? Or will you
actually explore different corners of the map instead of focusing on one particular region at a time? It’s entirely up to
you. But the decisions you make are not without consequence. The order in which you visit areas and defeat Corrupted
has a ripple effect across the rest of the world. Stepping foot in certain areas releases traps that infect other parts of the
world. Meeting one of the Corrupted affects the way the others fight. You could feasibly see this world through sixteen
different lenses, depending on your decisions.
This chapter will explain exactly how to travel around the world of the Ahura and what changes occur when you reach
specific destinations or battle each Corrupted. Use this as a travel guide and plot out your path. You can try to avoid
trouble by triggering traps as late in the adventure as possible, or really increase your challenge by getting the Corrupted
to share their powers early in the game.

In the world of the Ahuras, you step
to your own fate. Defeating Ahriman
requires saving all 24 patches of 13 19
fertile ground, but you choose
the order in which you purify the 12 18
corrupted soil. Routes through the 11 16
world are unlocked by collecting 10 17
the powerful Light Seeds, a magical 9 15
source that allows Elika to unlock 7 25
the four powers of Ormazd. Each 6 5 8 14 22 24
of Ormazd’s powers allows passage
to four different fertile grounds
4 3 21 23
throughout the world—two in each 2 20
of the four regions of the world:
Royal Palace, City of Light, the Vale,
and the Ruined Citadel. Each of 1
Ormazd’s powers unlocks like-
colored power plates, though, so you
must return to purified areas after Legend
1 Temple 8 The Cauldron 15 Royal Gardens 22 Tower of Ormazd
earning a new Ormazd power so 2 King’s Gate 9 Construction Yard 16 Royal Spire 23 Queen’s Tower
you can grab all the Light Seeds and 3
Sun Temple
Marhsalling Ground
Machinery Ground
Spire of Dreams
Coronation Hall
City of Light
Warrior’s Fortress
invest in another new power, until 5 Martyr’s Tower 12 Heaven’s Stair 19 Concubine’s Chambers
6 The Windmills 13 The Observatory 20 City Gate
you have all four at your disposal. 7 Hunter’s Lair 14 The Cavern 21 Tower of Ahriman


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h ed
e as
Un World Tour
The world is divided into four main regions, each branching off from the central temple of the Tree of Life. The first
time you visit each region, it is under the dark influence of Ahriman’s corruption. Purifying each region, though, reveals
the bittersweet beauty of the declining Ahura civilization.

Ruined Citadel
Crumbling in the west side of the world is the Ruined Citadel.
Once an incredible site of industrious innovation, the citadel is
now silent. A brutal sandstorm rips through the air, stripping the
citadel of its last remnants of glory. Here, the Hunter stalks his
prey. The Prince and Elika must navigate the decrepit windmills
and staging grounds, pushing back against the Hunter’s lunges
and feints. If the Hunter can be turned into prey, Elika can
purify this region. It may not ever return to its zenith, but the
citadel can at least stand as a reminder of days when the Ahuras
were unrivaled in diligence and hard work.

The gateway leading into the Ruined Citadel is the King’s Gate. The four areas of the Ruined Citadel are:

The Sun Temple Marshalling Ground Martyr’s Tower The Windmills

The once-peaceful Vale was the site of all the Ahuras’ scientific
discovery. Under beautiful blue skies, the best and brightest—
which at one time included the Alchemist—set about unlocking
the creative genius of the Ahuras. Incredible discoveries were
made in the fields of flight and irrigation. But that was before
the Ahuras fell into ruin. And now that Ahriman’s corruption
has rotted the region, the incredible observatory has fallen into
absolute disrepair. The Prince and Elika must purge this region
of the Alchemist to give the surviving Ahuras any hope of one
day seeing their innovation rekindled.

The gateway leading into the Vale is the Cauldron. The four areas of the Vale are:

Construction Yard Machinery Ground Reservoir Heaven’s Stair 20

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Once the celebrated home of the Ahura royal MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
line, the palace has fallen under the shadow of a WAYS
dwindling lineage. The once-vibrant royal gardens
were left to grow untended. The coronation hall
has not heard the joy of the peaceful transfer of THE VALE
power from one generation to the next in many, ROYAL PALACE
many years. The palace is now in the grip of the CITY OF LIGHT
Concubine, who is consumed with jealousy and TREE OF LIFE
self-loathing. Can the Prince and Elika cure the SECRETS

Concubine’s twisted heart and let her pass to the

other side in peace in time to save the kingdom?
The gateway leading into the Royal Palace is the Cavern. The four areas of the Royal Palace are:

Royal Gardens Spire of Dreams Royal Spire Coronation Hall

City of Light
The City of Light was once a place to celebrate and honor
the twin gods that birthed light and darkness. Even Ahriman
earned a tower bearing his name, as there cannot be good in
this world without the existence of evil. The City of Light is
slowly being consumed by the fires of the earth, though. Lava
swallows the once-grand city one inch at a time and nobody
is left to keep the site from sliding into the molten earth. The
City of Light is dominated by the Warrior. The tragic figure
must be mercifully eliminated if the City of Light is to ever
regain its illustriousness.

The gateway leading into the City of Light is the City Gate. The four areas of the City of Light are:

Tower of Ahriman Queen’s Tower Tower of Ormazd City of Light

World Map
Once you have escaped the temple of the Tree of Life, you can access the world map and see the different regions of the
world. Each region is depicted as a ring with four nodes. Each node represents an area. Each region has four main areas
as well as a gateway that’s linked to the desert outside the temple and the final lair of the Corrupted that haunts each
specific region.


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e d
a sh
e With the left events play out, you have limited access to the world.
Unl control stick, you There are three paths from the desert outside the temple
move a cursor that spider across the world. The paths are accessed via
around the map openings in the imposing cliff sides.
screen. Moving
After one
the cursor over
a node shows
jump across a
you the name of
wide chasm, the
the area and all relevant statistics about it. When the area
duo is on their
is still corrupt, the map screen shows whether you have
way. The route
visited the location and which power is associated with
soon forks. Each
the area. Once it has been healed, though, you can see
direction leads
how many Light Seeds are there and how many you have
to the gateway area of each region. However, the regions
collected thus far.
cannot be accessed right away. You must first unlock the
You can also first of Ormazd’s powers to move into the different regions.
set a destination But earning Ormazd’s powers is not going to be easy.
on each area
Ahriman has
by pressing the
placed one of
jump button
his Corrupted
after placing the
at each of these
cursor on top of
first nodes to
where you want
block you from
to go. Setting a destination is extremely useful. Once this
reaching the
is set, Elika can use her compass skill to show you the
fertile ground.
way to your desired location. Press the magic button to
You must defeat the Corrupted in combat. Once the
see Elika release a burst of light that slithers along the
Corrupted has been dispelled from the area, Elika can
route to your chosen destination.
purify the fertile ground and redeem the soil. After an area
has been purified, not only does the color and splendor
TIP return, but the skies twinkle with the appearance of Light
After you have purified an area, you can Seeds.
instantly teleport to it from the map screen. Se- This process is
lect a healed area with the cursor and press the repeated in each
magic button. The Prince and Elika are instantly
area of the four
warped to the fertile ground of the selected
area. This is a great way to cover great distance different regions.
when hunting down errant Light Seeds after After negotiating
earning a new power. the treacherous
paths toward
NOTE each area—all
areas inside a specific region are interconnected—you
The four crests at the bottom of the map are the must jump, climb, and balance your way to the next
different Ormazd powers. To learn more about Corrupted battle. The Corrupted influences each area of a
those powers and how to unlock them, please region, so you must face down the Corrupted four times
see the Ormazd Power section of this chapter.
before you can finally take him or her on in a battle for the

Breaking Through fate of the entire region.

At the start of
the adventure, As you can see from the map, all of the areas in a specific
you chase Elika region are linked. The circle in the center is the location
through a canyon of the fertile ground that must be purified. That central
and into the location is without fail the scene of some incredible
temple of the acrobatics and puzzle-solving, as you find a way to scale
Tree of Life. great heights or work ancient machinery that unlocks the
After disastrous path to the patch of fertile soil in need of purification.
There, the Corrupted that poisons the areas waits. 22

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But you can approach each area from at least two PRIMA Official Game Guide
different directions. Each path leads directly to the
starting point of the quest for the fertile ground, but offers
different puzzles and obstacles. For example, here are two
ways into the Spire of Dreams within the Royal Palace.
The path from DESERT
the west requires RUINED CITADEL
balancing along THE VALE
a narrow beam ROYAL PALACE
over a bottomless CITY OF LIGHT
When you first enter an area that is corrupt, SECRETS
you face off against a living embodiment
The path from of that corruption, called a soldier. As you
the east is a long approach the crossroads that link two areas,
corridor, ravaged you see the soldier not in corporeal form, but as a cloud of
by both time and
black. As you sidle up to the cloud, the soldier forms. These
corruption. You
must jump from soldiers are found at the nexus between areas, where the
one orphaned routes leading toward and away from an area meet. To start
column to the pushing toward the fertile ground, you must first defeat the
next to negotiate soldier. These battles are much shorter than your epic fights
the corridor. with the Corrupted, but that does not mean you can let your
guard down. Deflect incoming blows with well-timed guard
NOTE moves. Use Elika to blast away corrupt armor. And press
these beasts up to the edge of platforms so you can drive
It does not matter which way you approach an your sword right through their dark hearts and dispel them
area—the goal is its fertile ground and the ulti- forever. Not until the areas on each side of the crossroads
mate goal is not affected. have been purified do these soldiers stop spawning.
Light and Dark When you
first spot the
Because of the unleashing of Ahriman, the entire world
growing cloud of
has been splashed with corruption. To seal Ahriman, you corruption, rush
must deprive him of his power by purifying the fertile in and slice it
grounds he has buried beneath layers of corruption with your sword.
and locked away behind the protection of his wicked This instantly
Corrupted. But just fighting to the fertile ground and dispels the
purifying an area does not end the challenge. evil before the
monster can form. If you hesitate for even half of a step, the
Corrupted Land monster will coalesce from the murk and muck.

Your first visit Purification

to any area is
After you defeat
dreary. Paradise
the Corrupted
has been lost
that guards the
beneath the
fertile ground at
deadly film
the heart of these
of Ahriman’s
initial gateways,
Elika can purify
Plants have withered. Sunlight has been snuffed out.
the area. Move
While navigating to the fertile ground, you must avoid
into the blue beacon that marks the fertile ground and
pulsing patches of corruption on walls and floors. Just
activate Elika’s magic to start the purification process.
touching the stuff threatens your life. Only the miracle
Elika steps into the light and rises into the air, becoming
of Elika’s magic saves you before you are completely
one with the beacon. To complete the purification, you
consumed by its evil force.
must repeatedly tap the magic button until Elika forces
back all of the corruption from the area.


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e d
l eAsaElika drops With few
Un to the ground, exceptions, you
exhausted from cannot gather
her work, you all 45 Light
watch the purifi- Seeds during
cation unfold your first visit
before your eyes. to an area after
From the heart Elika purifies it.
of the beacon, a wave of healing ripples outward. Shadow is A handful of Light Seeds are out of normal reach unless
washed away from the earth. Flowers return to bloom. Color you have unlocked the Ormazd power back at the temple
soaks the landscape. The choked sky is cleared of darkness. that activates the different power plates in each area. For
It’s quite a transformation. example:
But even though Elika is fatigued, there is no time for There are Light
rest. Now the second half of the mission begins. It’s time to Seeds up on the
collect Light Seeds. ledge high above
the cliff. However,
because you have
NOTE not unlocked the
Breath of Ormazd
To open the path to the final battle with the power, the power
Corrupted in a specific region, you must purify plate is dormant.
all four areas in that region first. Come back after earning enough Light Seeds to unlock
the power.
Light Seeds
After unlocking
Purifying a patch the Breath of
of fertile ground Ormazd power,
releases the Light the power plate is
Seeds, a concen- now active. Rush
trated magic toward it and use
that Elika uses Elika’s magic to
utilize the power
to unlock new
plate and ascend
Ormazd powers. the cliff side to grab the Light Seeds and complete the
The Light Seeds are scattered around each area. Some of them collection for this area.
are easy to pick up, but others are deftly hidden in corners or
beneath platforms. You must search high and low to find all the
Light Seeds in each area; there are 45 Light Seeds to find in NOTE
each area. The final Corrupted battles give you 25 Light Seeds When you find all of the Light Seeds in an area
without your having to hunt them down individually. the blue orb that denotes the purified area
turns white.
The Light
Seeds require
you re-explore Ormazd Powers
the area. Since You cannot
the corruption is unlock Ormazd’s
gone, new paths powers without
through the area Light Seeds.
are now open. You begin your
Walls that were previously impossible to touch due to pulsing adventure with
masses of corruption are now safe for wall running. The Light none. To start
Seeds are not only spread across the area, but also stretch banking Light
along the two paths that join the area to its neighboring areas Seeds, you must purify the gateways between the desert
in the region. You must explore that path until you reach the and the regions, such as the King’s Gate. There are
corruption of the neighboring area. If you are in an area that is 45 Light Seeds in these areas. These go a long way to
connected to the next region as well, such as the Royal Spire boosting your nascent Light Seed collection so you can
in the Royal Palace region, you must also check the corridor start unlocking those much-needed powers.
that links the two regions for additional hidden Light Seeds.
The four powers are: 24

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PRIMA Official Game Guide
Step of Ormazd Hand of Ormazd


Wings of Ormazd Breath of Ormazd The Sun Temple MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
You can unlock these powers in any order you desire. The The Windmills DESERT
cost of unlocking the next power goes up each time you RUINED CITADEL
unlock a new power—it does not matter which one you THE VALE
Machinery Ground
pick and when. The needed number of Light Seeds for ROYAL PALACE
each power is 70, 140, 340, and 540. There are 1,000 CITY OF LIGHT
Light Seeds in the entire world, so you have ample oppor- Reservoir TREE OF LIFE
tunities for hunting down these precious orbs. When SECRETS

you reach a Light Seed threshold, definitely return to the

temple so you can open new areas and seek out addition Hand of Ormazd
fertile ground for purification. The
Once a power has been unlocked, you can start using Hand of Ormazd
the power plates associated with the particular power. Each activates the blue
power plate is colored so it matches up with the associated power plates.
power anyway, but once you have unlocked the associated These plates send
power, the physical plates light up out in the regions. the Prince and
Elika swirling
To unlock a
into the sky
power, step on
the matching along arcs. These plates often bounce the pair up to hard-
seal outside the to-reach Light Seeds or across treacherous bends.
temple and press This power unlocks:
the magic button,
just as if you were
Tower of Ahriman City of Light
trying to purify
fertile ground.
Elika will take care of the rest.
Royal Spire Spire of Dreams
As soon as you
unlock a new
power, you are Wings of Ormazd
directed to a This Ormazd
short tutorial of power blasts the
how to use the
Prince and Elika
into the heavens
from the yellow
Step of Ormazd power plates.
The Step of While zooming
Ormazd activates along a prede-
the red power termined path, you must steer the pair around obstacles
plates. These such as pillars with the left control stick.
plates launch the This power unlocks:
Prince and Elika
through the air,
Marshalling Ground Martyr’s Tower
rocketing them
toward previously unreachable platforms and landings. In
some places, a system of three or four red power plates
Royal Gardens Coronation Hall
must be negotiated to reach the fertile ground.
This power unlocks:


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e d
l ea th of Ormazd
Brea create a course or track through an area so the Prince
Un can negotiate a tall building or a twisted piece of
The Breath of machinery.
Ormazd allows
This power unlocks:
the Prince and
Elika to use the
green power Queen’s Tower Tower of Ormazd
plates. This
power lets the
Prince climb Construction Yard Heaven’s Stair
along vertical and horizontal surfaces free of gravity’s
grip. Often, several green power plates are linked to

The Changing World

As mentioned earlier in the chapter, the Ahura world Tremor
changes depending on the order in which you explore the
different areas and battle the Corrupted. The Corrupted The tremors
are also affected by the order in which you visit areas and are unlocked
fight the other Corrupted, so be sure to know beforehand by visiting the
what you are about to unlock by entering a specific area Sun Temple
or by challenging one of the Corrupted. in the Ruined
Citadel. Tremors
Traps are concen-
trated balls of
There are four traps that are unlocked as you explore the corruption that roll up and down surfaces such as walls.
world—one per region. When a trap is unlocked by your If the Prince collides with one while wall running or
visiting a specific area, the affects of the trap spread across climbing, he’s sucked into the darkness. Elika must then
the world. Different areas are infested by the trap, which save him, forcing him back to the start of the interrupted
can alter your approach to the area. Once a trap has been acrobatic sequence. Tremors essentially affect your timing.
unlocked, you cannot contain it. It’s out there permanently. You must watch the rolling balls and then start your move
You can manage the trap’s rollout by avoiding the areas when the route is clear. Unlocking the tremors affects
that unlock them. By visiting them as late as possible, you the following areas: the Windmills, Martyr’s Tower, Sun
can keep routes through the world fairly clear. Here are Temple, King’s Gate, Machinery Ground, the Cauldron,
the four different traps plus the areas they affect, so you Spire of Dreams, Royal Gardens, Coronation Hall, Royal
can plan your approach on the different Corrupted. To Spire, the Cavern, City of Light—plus the routes between
avoid the traps for as long as possible, collect all of the King’s Gate, the Cauldron, and the Temple, the routes
Light Seeds you can from a healed area before moving on between the Cauldron, the Cavern, and the Temple, the
to the next. If you minimize the number of areas you visit routes between the Cavern, City Gate, and the Temple,
to collect the required Light Seeds for unlocking the four and the routes between Martyr’s Tower and Machinery
magics of Ormazd, you can delay releasing the traps. Ground.

When you chase
The screens in this guide were taken from differ- the Alchemist up
ent plays through the game, which affects the Heaven’s Stair
traps you see in them. Depending on how you in the Vale, you
play, you will undoubtedly see different traps unlock the gas
in different places. This does not change how trap. The gas is
you get through an area. The necessary acro-
an aerated form
batics or puzzle solutions do not change. You
just have to adjust your timing to deal with the of corruption. It
traps as they come. gets on the skin and seeps into the lungs when breathed.
If the Prince remains for too long in an area poisoned
by the gas, he fails. Elika must then save him. So, when
the air looks thick with corruption particles, pick up the 26

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pace and keep an eye out for pockets of fresh air. As PRIMA Official Game Guide
long as you keep moving through the gas, you should be
fine. But if you stand still to gawk at your surroundings, Tower of Ormazd, Tower of Ahriman, Queen’s
you’re going to be in serious trouble. Unlocking the gas Tower, City of Light, City Gate—plus the routes
in Heaven’s Stair affects these areas: the Windmills, between King’s Gate, the Cauldron, and the
Martyr’s Tower, King’s Gate, Machinery Ground, Temple, the routes between the Cauldron, the WAYS
Heaven’s Stair, the Cauldron, Spire of Dreams, Royal Cavern, and the Temple, the routes between DYNAMIC WORLD
Gardens, Queen’s Tower—plus the routes between King’s the Cavern, City Gate, and the Temple, and the DESERT

Gate, the Cauldron, and the Temple, the routes between routes between Royal Spire and the Tower of RUINED CITADEL
the Cauldron, the Cavern, and the Temple, and the routes Ormazd.
between the Cavern, City Gate, and the Temple. CITY OF LIGHT
To delay the traps effectively, visit
The Concubine the four gateway areas—King’s
releases the Gate, the Cauldron, City Gate, and
swarm trap in the Cavern—and clear them of
the Coronation Light Seeds. Then, avoid the Sun Temple since
Hall of the it’s the closest area to the desert that unlocks
Royal Palace. a trap. Keep away from the other three trap-
unlocking areas as you purify the other three
The swarm is a
regions of the Vale, Royal Palace, and City of
swirling mass of Light. If you keep on top of Light Seed collect-
corruption particles that chases the Prince like mad hornets. ing, you can reach about 350 Light Seeds before
The swarm is persistent and will not let up until the Prince having to unlock more than one trap.
leaves the affected area. If the swarm closes in and manages
to engulf the Prince, he falls and Elika must save him. So, The Corrupted
if the swarm is on your tail, you can never stop. You must
The Corrupted are also affected by the order in which you
keep moving until the swarm dissipates. Once the swarm has
fight them. Each Corrupted possesses one of Ahriman’s
been released in the Coronation Hall, the following areas are
Influences, which were detailed in chapter 2. As soon as
affected: Martyr’s Tower, Marshalling Ground, Sun Temple,
one of the Corrupted uses its influence for the first time,
King’s Gate, Machinery Ground, Heaven’s Stair, Obser-
all other Corrupted can then call upon that influence.
vatory, Construction Yard, Reservoir, Spire of Dreams,
The only exception to this rule in the Warrior, who can
Coronation Hall, Royal Spire, the Cavern, Tower of Ormazd,
call upon Ahriman’s Rage. No other Corrupted can use
Tower of Ahriman, City Gate—plus the routes between
Ahriman’s Rage and the Warrior cannot use Ahriman’s
the Cauldron, the Cavern, and the Temple, and the routes
Patience. (He’s simply too big for your gauntlet.) As you
between the Cavern, City Gate, and the Temple.
fight the Corrupted, consider each of these influences and
Tendrils which ones you want to deal with.

The tendrils trap

is releases by the TIP
Warrior in the City Ahriman’s Rage, for example, is unleashed by
of Light. This trap the Hunter and is dispelled with the sword. This
is similar to the is the easiest to deal with, so perhaps you want
tremor. Tendrils to tackle the Hunter first.
lurk on walls. The Corrupted are always aware of each other. This
Every few seconds, manifests itself through the changing difficulty of each
the tendrils explode from the wall and flail about. If the Prince is Corrupted battle. Every time you defeat a Corrupted in
captured by the tendrils, he’s violently yanked into the wall and their lair and completely purify a region of the world,
then flung away. Like the tremors, this trap affects your timing. a signal goes out to the surviving Corrupted. Those
When wall running, for example, you must watch the tendrils Corrupted become more aggressive, and more likely to
ahead then start your acrobatic sequence so that you pass use their special attacks sooner. Each Corrupted you drive
over tendrils as they pull back into the wall. When the Warrior out of the world keeps raising the aggression levels of the
releases the tendril trap, the following areas are affected: the other Corrupted until the fourth and final Corrupted is a
Windmills, Martyr’s Tower, Marshalling Ground, Sun Temple, real force to be reckoned with.
King’s Gate, Machinery Ground, Heaven’s Stair, Construction
Yard, Reservoir, Cauldron, Royal Gardens, Royal Spire,


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e d
a order in which you fight the Corrupted also
l eThe The Mourning King not only unleashes the different
Un affects the different attacks they employ. Each Corrupted Ahriman’s Influences you unlock by meeting other
has complex attacks that require lightning reflexes to Corrupted, but he can also call upon the special
either repel or counter them. There are four types of techniques of each encountered boss. For example,
complex attacks: weapon, corruption, grab, and jumping. after the Concubine unleashes her seduction attack that
However, the same kind of attack manifests differently for reverses your controls, the Mourning King can use it, too,
each of the Corrupted. even though the other Corrupted cannot. The Mourning
For example, the weapon attack of the Hunter is the King is unique in this ability to harvest other Corrupted’s
repeated slashing of his triple blade, while the Concubine special attacks.
twirls her staff into you. To fight back against these
attacks, you have to hit the on-screen buttons as they
First Mourning King Battle
flash. The required buttons are random. After returning
Depending on which areas you visit and which the temple to
Corrupted you fight, you can unlock these complex attacks unlock your
in different orders. If you play the game a second time and second power,
visit the areas in a different order, you can avoid seeing the the Mourning
complex attacks sooner than if you took an alternate route. King appears.
Here are the areas that unlock the complex attacks: He cruelly
casts aside his
Area Attack(s) Released daughter and zeroes in on you. He recognizes you as a
Martyr’s Tower Weapon attack threat to Ahriman’s power and decides to take care of
Tower of Ahriman Jump attack you himself, despite Elika’s pleading. You must fight back
Queen’s Tower Jump attack against the mad king to escape the temple with Elika and
Machinery Ground Corruption attack return to the corrupted regions.
Spire of Dreams Grab attack
Hunter’s Lair All complex attacks CAUTION
Observatory All complex attacks
Concubine’s Chambers All complex attacks Elika cannot help you in this battle, so don’t
Warrior’s Fortress All complex attacks try to string together combos with her magic
attacks. Stick to acrobatics, swordplay, and the
The Mourning
Defeating any of the Corrupted in the final area King uses a
of a region, such as the Alchemist at the Obser- twirling strike
vatory, releases all of the complex attacks for all to deal extensive
of the remaining Corrupted. To avoid unlocking damage against
the complex attacks so soon, avoid finishing off
a Corrupted for as long as you can. you. Fortunately,
this attack has
a warning sign.
TIP When the king’s
The Breath of Ormazd unlocks access to the sword hand
Tower of Ormazd and the Queen’s Tower. Both glows yellow,
of those areas release the jumping complex at- he is about to
tack, so consider waiting as long as possible be- unleash a series
fore converting your Light Seeds for that magic. of blows that

Mourning King concludes with

him jumping into
Unlocking Ormazd’s Powers draws the attention of Elika’s the air and swinging his sword at your torso. If you do
father. The Mourning King is descending into madness, not successfully deflect the first attack in this chain, hold
which forces him to lash out against the Prince and Elika the guard button to enter a defensive crouch and weather
when they revisit the temple at the 140 and 540 Light Seed his blows.
thresholds. After unlocking the next power and completing
the short tutorial, the Mourning King launches his attack.
You must repel the Mourning King each time to leave the
temple and venture back to the corrupted regions. 28

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Regular sword PRIMA Official Game Guide
strikes are good
for hammering
away at the
king’s health, MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
but look for WAYS
openings to DYNAMIC WORLD
launch truncated
combos. After deflecting the twirling attack, grab the king
with your gauntlet and fling him into the air. Then slash ROYAL PALACE
with your sword as he comes down. Do not stop until he CITY OF LIGHT
starts to recover. TREE OF LIFE
Back the Mourning King up to the SECRETS
If the king gets
wall with gauntlet attacks. Throwing the
the drop on you,
be ready to hit Mourning King to the wall puts you in an
the on-screen advantageous position, as long as you do
command to not attack from too far away. That will sacrifice the upper
negate his severe hand, giving the Mourning King space to counterattack
blow. If you miss, and throw you off your rhythm.
the king recovers
health while you Once you have the
stagger. Mourning King
cornered, slash
away. Eventually,
TIP you will grab him
and hurl him over
Throw the king into walls and corner him. At- your shoulder,
tack with four sword blows so you can close in chiseling away
and physically grab the king. The combo ends a chunk of his
with your throwing the king to the ground, health.
which does solid damage. The Mourning
Elika stops King will
the battle before explode in a fit
you can kill her of corruption.
father. She hits Spikes of
the Mourning blackness erupt
King with a from his body. In
magic attack that this temporary
knocks the fury form, the
out of him. For a moment, she sees the man that took Mourning King is
care of her as a little girl and promised to split the heavens invincible against
for her. sword or gauntlet
attacks. You must
Second Mourning King Battle get close enough
for Elika to attack
The Mourning
with her magic
King is much
and dispel the darkness. As soon as the Mourning King is
more aggressive
revealed, rush in and resume your attacks.
in this encounter.
He attacks right
At the end of
away, coming at the battle, the
you with a brutal corruption
sword attack. completely
You must quickly deflect the blow to avoid injury. This consumes the
can actually lead to deflection exchanges where you parry Mourning King,
each other’s attacks several times before you can effec- pulling him into
the ground.
tively land a slashing blow against Elika’s father.


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e d
a sh
Unl The Beginning
A sandstorm consumes the desert, enveloping a lone traveler. It is the Prince, in search of his beloved donkey, Farrah.
The storm has divided the two companions, and the Prince is eager to find Farrah before she wanders too far. But,
unable to see his way across the dunes, the Prince also finds himself just as lost. The Prince soon stumbles into a

from the rest of
the world by the The woman is
gritty maelstrom, fleeing a trio of
the canyon acts guards armed
with deadly pikes.
as the gateway
to the world
of the Ahuras.
The Prince knows nothing of the Ahuras on this day, but
before his adventure is complete, the traveler will play a After the
central part in the very fate of not only the Ahura people, guards retreat
but also the survival of their world and all those beyond it. from the wall to
look elsewhere
The Canyon for the escaping
woman, she pulls
The walls of the
away from the
canyon keep the
Prince and flees
sandstorm at
deeper into the canyon. The Prince has no choice but
bay, allowing the
to follow this enchanting person before she gets too far
Prince to regain
ahead. Who is she? Why is she on the run? And, by any
his bearings.
chance, has she seen a lonely donkey anywhere?
This is a strange
place—as unrec-
ognizable to him as the glyphs carved into the canyon NOTE
walls. Hoping his donkey was smart enough to seek
refuge in this canyon, the Prince begins calling out for Chasing Elika through the canyon acts as a tu-
torial of sorts, giving you a chance to test out
his faithful animal. But there is no answer. The canyon is
the basics of running, jumping, wall running,
quiet. All is still. But not for long. and even a little taste of combat.
Suddenly cast
in shadow, the Follow Elika
Prince looks up through the
to see what has first part of the
passed in front canyon, hopping
of the sun. It’s over the small
the unmistakable gaps in the
shape of a ground. Don’t
woman. She crashes down on top of the Prince, knocking worry if you
him to the ground. The Prince instinctively starts accidentally take a tumble. These gaps are shallow and
unloading his small talk, but this woman has no time nor you can easily scramble back to higher ground by pressing
interest in a silver tongue. She clasps her hand over the against the wall and hitting the jump button. When the
Prince’s mouth and slams him against the wall of the cliff Prince grabs the ledge above, just press up on the left
she has just hurled herself over. control stick to continue your pursuit. 30

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Wall run along PRIMA Official Game Guide
the sides of
the canyon,
mimicking Elika’s

Use her steps as MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS

a guide while
chasing her.
The guards have
Try out some easy combos here, too. After TREE OF LIFE
spotted Elika.
slashing the guard, use the dodge button SECRETS
And now they’ve
perform an acrobatic move and actually run
spotted you, too.
up the front of the guard. After starting this
move, segue back into attacks by tapping the
sword button again.

As you keep
after Elika, you
must combine Don’t be too eager to beat the guard. Use this
wall running encounter to test out moves and get down the
with jumping. timing of attacks.
Wall run along
the scratches in
the walls of the
canyon. At the end of the wall run (typically near the end
of the scratch marks), press the jump button to kick away
from the wall and drop down on a ledge on the opposite
side of the canyon. Follow Elika around the next bend in
the canyon.

The guards have Wait for the guard to attack. When you see the pike
Elika surrounded. moving, press the guard button to deflect the attack.
You don’t like Notice how the screen flashes gray. That means you
those odds. successfully deflected and can now counter. Press the
sword button to assail the guard.

When you
drop down to
assist, one of the
guards engages
you. This is your
first fight, so use
it to get the feel
for the combat
system. The guard is a little timid, so you definitely can Back the guard up into one of the walls and
be aggressive without too much worry. Get close to the hammer him with a sword combo. If you get him
guard and tap the sword button to see a basic attack. Your completely against the wall before the fourth tap
of the sword button, you throw the guard over your
sword cuts across the guard. Sparks fly. The guard loses
shoulder and back into the center of the little
some health, as noted by the health bar at the bottom of clearing.
the screen.


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e d
a sh
e While you As the
Unl watch the guard Prince crosses
flee, Elika the bridge to
handles his pursue Elika,
companion in one of the
her own special guards rolls
way. The guard a giant stone
tries to slam down on top
Elika with his pike, but a blue field repels the attack. She of him. The
cannot be killed? Scared by this display of sorcery, the Prince dodges
guard runs. You mistake his flight as fear of your blade, the stone, but
unaware of Elika’s powers just yet. Elika doesn’t let on. it shatters the
Instead, she orders you to leave the canyon before you get bridge he is
too deep-as if you would actually do that... on. The bridge
taking the
Prince down
with it. Elika has no choice but to reveal her secret to
the Prince now. Summoning an ancient Ahura magic,
Elika jumps into the abyss after the Prince. She reaches
out and takes his hand before he falls too far. Her magic
pulls both of them back from the abyss, depositing the
pair on the opposite side of the bridge. There is no going
back now. The Prince is now stuck on this side of the
Instead, follow Elika up the vertical shaft in the
rear of the clearing. Jump from wall to wall. Holding
the jump button when you land on the opposite
wall makes you run up it a few steps. Before losing
traction, tap the jump button again to kick away to
the opposite wall. Repeat this until you reach the top
of the shaft.

Using this magic in such a selfless way—throwing

herself toward certain death and counting on a mystical
power to prevent such a grisly fate—saps Elika of her
strength. She wilts in the Prince’s arms. The Prince
carries her through the canyon, promising to stay with
her in gratitude for saving his life. And besides, it really
Follow Elika through the canyon, slowing only when doesn’t look like he can go back the way he came.
you catch your first glimpse of a magnificent ancient tree At the end of the trail, another guard challenges the
rising out of the otherwise arid desert. It’s breathtaking Prince.
in its size and majesty. But you should also take a peek at
the nearby rock outcropping. More men are on the ledge.
They are pursuing Elika, so you had better quit sight-
seeing and continue following her, just in case those guys
reach her first. 32

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PRIMA Official Game Guide


Try out the gauntlet in this battle. Get in close CITY OF LIGHT
and tap the gauntlet button. You grab the guard TREE OF LIFE
At the very end of the canyon, you must SECRETS
and fling him high into the air. This is the start of
a potential combo, so give some extra moves a try
perform two wall runs in succession. This
while the guard is airborne. can be tricky at first. Jump to the right wall
and wall run until the scratches end. Then
kick off to the other wall. Keep holding the jump button
Tapping the so you run as soon as you touch the wall. At the end of
gauntlet button the wall run on the left side, tap the jump button to leap
again grabs the away from that wall.
guard again and
throws him to the Two guards
ground. attack at the
far end of
the canyon,
although, they do
so one at a time.
Use the dodge
button to start
acrobatic attacks. Jumping over the guards leaves a nice
opening for launching furious sword attacks.

If you’re struck by a guard, fall back. If you
hold down the guard button, you recover from
Corner the guard and lay into him with a sword
your injuries slower than you will if you just
combo that ends with you throwing him over your
keep your distance and move normally.
shoulder and back into the center of the arena.

After you
defeat the guard, Lay into these
Elika agrees to guards with
sword combos
follow you to the
to keep them on
canyon’s end. their heels.
Jump from ledge
to ledge through
the remainder of
the canyon. Use the scratches on the wall as indicators of After you
where to wall run and kick away to bound to the opposite defeat the two
side of the canyon. guards, a third
figure appears on
the ridge above
you. This is the
Mourning King.


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e d
l eHea calls to Elika by name. The king warns Elika about The Temple
Un going to the giant temple at the base of the desert tree,
but he is too far behind to stop her. What’s more, she The temple is
seems determined. Why she needs to go there is unknown silent. It looks
to you, but since you still owe her your life, you should do as if it has been
everything you can to make sure she reaches the temple untouched for
safely. years. The great
corridor leading
into the heart
of the temple is
Use the grip fall
to slide down the
completely empty of life, save for its newest visitors. The
cliff and reach Prince and Elika must run down the corridor and force
the desert floor. open the next door in order to reach the heart of the
temple before the Mourning King can catch up.
As the pair runs down the corridor, Elika tells the
Prince about the temple’s purpose. It’s to contain the
Elika takes wicked power of Ahriman. The Prince had always
off in a sprint dismissed tales of Ahriman as a sort of fable used to
as soon as you scare misbehaving children. But Elika dispels the myth.
touch down on Ahriman is real. And if they do not reach the temple’s
the desert floor. center before the Mourning King, the Prince will find out
Follow her across just how real Ahriman is.
the dunes to
the base of the
temple. Run up the winding stairs on the left side of the
Jump on the ring
temple to keep following Elika to the door of the temple. The next to the door.
door is firmly locked. You must find a mechanism to open it. Your weight pulls
it down, forcing
open the door.

Rush down the

steps in the next
room to reach
the center of the
Climb the wall next to the door by using the exposed
scaffolding. Scramble from one horizontal beam to
the next by pressing up on the left control stick and
The Prince
tapping the jump button.
and Elika slowly
approach the
Tree of Life. The
tree grows out of
a patch of sacred
soil that holds
back the stink and rot of Ahriman’s corrosive power. As
long as the Tree of Life thrives, Ahriman cannot escape
his prison. But the tree is weakening due to the Ahuras’
decline. Elika must revive the tree to make sure Ahriman’s
There is a crank at the top of the wall. Press the influence does not do any more damage than it already
gauntlet button to grab the crank. Turn the crank has.
with Elika’s help to open the door. Now, descend the
wall with a grip fall to enter the temple. 34

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Before Elika PRIMA Official Game Guide
can tell the
Prince how she
will nurture the
the doors to the WAYS
central chamber DYNAMIC WORLD
are thrown
open by the Mourning King. Flanked by two guards, the
Mourning King endeavors to stop Elika from curing the ROYAL PALACE
tree. To do that, though, he must fight his way through CITY OF LIGHT
the Prince, who already has his sword at the ready to TREE OF LIFE
defend Elika from the king’s threats. The Mourning King has a special SECRETS
move—a twirling attack that knocks you to
The Mourning the ground if it connects. Fortunately, there
King drops to the is a “tell” for this attack: When you spy a
bottom floor of yellow light around the king’s sword hand, he is getting
the temple. You ready for the four-part attack. If you deflect the first
must fight him. attack, you stop the king’s combo.
The Mourning
King is a tougher If the first
opponent than attack connects,
the guards, but he is not without weaknesses that can be hold the guard
exploited. The king must cover a bit of distance to engage button and just
the Prince. While the king approaches, move so that the weather the
king is caught between the Prince and the Tree of Life. remainder of the
king’s volley. You
do not regain full
strength very quickly while in this defensive crouch, but
if the king connects the rest of the attack, he will go for a
lethal attack.

If the king goes for a lethal attack, a random
button flashes on screen that you’ll need to
press. If you miss, the king goes for the kill.
Deflect the Mourning King’s first attack and then hit Elika’s magic repels him from you, but during the
him with an immediate counter. This slams the king breather, the king recovers a lot of stamina.
up against the Tree of Life.

Toss the king

into the air with
your gauntlet and
start an acrobatic

Slice up the
king with sword
Hit the sword again to grab the king and draw him attacks until his
close. You instinctively butt heads with the king, health meter is
doing a solid amount of damage. The king is then empty.
tossed aside.


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e d
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e The Prince Waste no time
Unl has defeated the engaging the
monster. When
king in combat,
within range, start
but the man still a combo with a
draws breath. sword attack. From
And before he there, call in Elika
does expire from to pounce on it with
his wounds, he a magic attack.
makes one final stand. But instead of raising his sword to
the Prince, the Mourning King hacks at the Tree of Life. CAUTION
His great blade cleaves the fragile trunk of the Tree of Life
in two. Elika screams for her father to stop, but it’s too The monster is
skilled at coun-
late. The Tree of Life has been cut down. The shackles of
terattacks. It can
Ahriman have been loosened. deflect your blows,
Why on so be ready to ex-
earth would the change deflections
in this battle. There
Mourning King
is a rhythm to deflecting and counterattacking.
do such a thing? You’ll soon start to feel this deflecting groove
Why would he when you see the incoming attack, and then
doom the world counter when you enemy recoils.
to the horror of If the monster
Ahriman? injures you and
then gets the drop
The death again, you must
of the Tree of hit the on-screen
Life releases command right
Ahriman’s away so Elika can
wretched repel the monster.
corruption from If you miss, the
monster regains strength and the fight is prolonged.
the heart of the
temple where it Back the
was kept prisoner for so long. The wave of escaping evil monster up to
rushes from the temple, spreading across the world within one of the ledges
seconds, plunging it into shadow, and choking life from and unleash a
the final remnants of the Ahura civilization. The Prince flurry of attacks.
sees the effects of Ahriman’s corruption right away. A If you overwhelm
monster made of pure corruption rises from the ground. the monster
when its back is
NOTE against the ledge, the Prince finishes the combo by driving
his sword into its heart. The monster instantly dies.
Elika unleashes her
magic attack against Escape
the first monster, Now that the
knocking it back. monster is dead,
You can now call
upon Elika’s magic you must flee
in battle. Use her the temple.
magic to chain together combos even stronger Jump across the
than those you used against the guards and the stones rising
Mourning King. from the pool
of corruption.
(If you fall into the inky mass, Elika will rescue you.)
Wall run at the end of the stones to reach a fissure in the
platform beneath the temple door. 36

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While you PRIMA Official Game Guide
climb along
the fissure, the
two guards
that joined the MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
Mourning King WAYS
inside the temple DYNAMIC WORLD
lose their lives
to another monster. Wall run to the left at the end of the
fissure to drop down to the base of the stairs that lead up ROYAL PALACE
to the monster—and the exit. CITY OF LIGHT
Fight the brute The temple doors slam shut behind the SECRETS
to the edge of
Prince and Elika. This is Ahriman’s territory
the platform and
then hammer it now. And the wrathful god is entirely too
so you finish it strong for even Elika’s powerful magic to
off with the same stop. As the Prince recovers from the jump, he cannot
death blow as the believe his eyes. The world outside the temple is barely
previous monster’s. recognizable. The once-blue sky is now an expanse of
shadow. The great regions of the Ahura civilization are
You must now blanketed in corruption.
now escape
the temple, Elika tells
as it is being the Prince that
consumed by they must now
Ahriman’s endeavor to
corruption. stop Ahriman.
The floor of the The world that
corridor that Ahriman has
leads out to the corrupted must
desert cracks now be purified. The four regions must be cleansed of the
and buckles poison by visiting the fertile ground in each.
as the pulsing Traveling to
corruption rises the outer regions
from an evil will not be easy.
core beneath Elika uses a map
the temple. at the base of the
Wall run along the wall to cross the pits and kick away to temple to show
jump to the opposite side of the corridor. the Prince how
they must fan
The end of the out to the different regions via a system of corridors and
corridor shatters bridges. Unfortunately, most of those paths have fallen
as the poison into ruin, and on top of that, they’ve been affected by
pushes its way to Ahriman’s corruption. In order to reach the four regions
the surface. The and purify them, they must first cross the desert and slip
gap is just too far between the giant columns that mark the start of three
for the Prince to different paths.
jump. However,
From these paths, they can branch out to the four regions.
Elika’s magic again proves more than just useful—it’s
But nothing is that simple. Even these gateway regions must
essential. Jump straight across the chasm. At the end
first be purified before the pair can move through them. And
of the jump, as the Prince starts to come down and the
once they have accomplished this, they must find a way to
screen turns gray, tap the magic button to call upon Elika.
unlock the dormant magic of Ormazd to access the four
Elika grabs the Prince in midair and tosses him to the safe
different areas of each region. Perhaps if Elika can harness
landing on the other side of the gap.
the power of the fertile ground, she can find a way to appeal
to Ormazd and learn his ancient magics….


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e d
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Unl Ruined Citadel
Across the swirling sands of desert and beyond a canyon crawling with corruption is the Ruined Citadel. In better days,
the military might of the Ahuras marshalled here. The Ahura warriors were known as the fiercest in the world, but they
only used their force for good—never to advance selfish interests. But now the citadel has fallen. And filling the void is
the Hunter. He lurks in the crumbling ruins, setting traps and waiting patiently for his prey. For thanks to Ahriman, the
Hunter has all of eternity to play this most dangerous game.

What’s Unleashed The Hunter also

unlocks one of
Upon visiting the Ruined Citadel, the Prince and Elika Ahriman’s Influences:
release a multitude of complications into the wild. Not Anger. When
only is there a trap to be triggered—the tremors—but Ahriman’s Anger is in
confronting the Hunter unlocks one of Ahriman’s Influences effect, the Hunter in
for the benefit for soldiers and any remaining Corrupted. engulfed in blue fire.
The Hunter Only a sword attack dispels the state change. If you try to
use the gauntlet, you fail and are injured. Calling upon Elika
Your eyes are not
is a serious mistake, too. When she lunges into Ahriman’s
playing tricks
Anger, the effects of the state change overwhelm her and she
on you—the
is tossed aside for a few moments. So, when you spy that
shadows of the
blue fire, put up your guard and wait for your opening. Hit
Ruined Citadel
the Hunter with a sword attack to remove the influence and
move. In the
then launch into a combo to drain his health.
corners. Along
the ceiling. They
are creeping ever closer. And when you convince yourself
that there’s nothing there, that’s the moment the Hunter From the first time the Hunter calls upon Ahri-
strikes. The spoiled prince, who was addicted to the thrill of man’s Anger, the influence is unlocked for all
the hunt, is now forever sentenced to playing this game. As other Corrupted and soldiers to use.
a powerful Corrupted, he is able to bring down prey of any
size. But now humans hunt him, too, stalking him to the
The Traps
ends of the earth in the hopes of claiming the glory that will When you arrive in
go to the one that snares the Hunter. Can you be that hero? the southern area of
the Ruined Citadel,
The Hunter
the Sun Temple, the
uses traps to
Hunter unlocks one of
get the drop on
the dynamic traps that
his quarry. His
infects the rest of the
favorite trick is
world: tremors. Tremors are rolling balls of corruption that
to spit black ink
slide up and down or left and right across your paths, making
in the eyes of his
the timing of moves a touch trickier. For example, you may
prey, disorienting
need to pause on some vines for a second to let the tremors
them just before he strikes. While dueling the Hunter,
in front of a power plate roll out of the way. Should you
watch for this attack. Suddenly, your vision is blotted out.
accidentally touch a tremor, you’re pulled into it and Elika is
You can see only the corners of the arena. You can maybe
forced to save you. When you recover, you return to the last
see the legs of the Hunter as he is closing in on you. You
instance of solid ground. When you unlock the tremors, the
have two choices at this point. You can guard until the ink
traps appear in the following areas:
wears off in several seconds. But, if you land an attack
against the Hunter, the ink immediately vanishes. The Windmills, Martyr’s Tower, Sun Temple, King’s Gate,
Machinery Ground, the Cauldron, Spire of Dreams, Royal
Gardens, Coronation Hall, Royal Spire, the Cavern, City of
Light -- plus the routes between King’s Gate, the Cauldron,
As soon as the Hunter uses the spit attack for the & Temple, the routes between the Cauldron, the Cavern, &
first time, the Mourning King inherits the move. Temple, the routes between the Cavern, City Gate, & Temple,
and the routes between Martyr’s Tower & Machinery Ground. 38

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Prince and Elika DYNAMIC WORLD
can enter the DESERT
Ruined Citadel, RUINED CITADEL
they must pass THE VALE
through the ROYAL PALACE

King’s Gate. CITY OF LIGHT

This outpost to
the south of the Ruined Citadel was once a stronghold
and excellent scouting spot for the Ahuras, but now it After climbing the fissure, hop across the
is sliding into the sand. Deliver the King’s Gate from series of posts to access some scaffolding.
Ahriman so the Prince and Elika can stalk the Hunter in
the Ruined Citadel.

Corrupt Use the

scaffolding to
shimmy across
Approach the void and close
When you reach in on the gate.
the fork in the
road leading
away from the After pulling
desert, take the yourself up to the
left route to wooden ledge,
start moving jump along
on the King’s the system of
Gate. Jump across the gap in the path and swing around posts and poles
the lone flagpole to reach a ledge below a series of brass sticking out of
rings. Use the rings to ascend the wall and scramble up to the stone wall.
the higher path through the canyon. The King’s Gate is to your right.
The walls of King’s Gate
the canyon pulse
with corruption, To enter the
so mind your King’s Gate,
step. Jump across step out on the
the next two post directly
flagpoles and in front of the
then settle on the stronghold.
ledge overlooking a post. Step out to the end of the post Jump out to
and jump to the next ledge. the column in
front of you and swing around so your back is toward the
structure. Jump away from the column to drop down on a
Rush to the next safe ledge.
post and use it
as a springboard
to reach the wall Use the vines on
with a vertical the wall to crawl
fissure. to your left. Grip
fall off the vines
when you reach
the corner.


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e d
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Use the next
two columns to
continue circling
the King’s Gate.

Leap across the posts and then use the column to

round the next corner of the gate.

You’re almost
to the top of the
King’s Gate.
Jump across
the columns
and then wall
Around the next corner, wall run to the vines. Crawl
across the vines to the left and then wall run to the run to the vines
next ledge. growing across
the curved wall.
Jump out to Use the vines to
the next column. crawl around the
Climb the wall. The vines
column up to the end in a patch of
next story of the corruption, so
gate. Swivel so wall run up.
your back is to
the left and then
kick away to land
on a walkway
that continues The Hunter waits
circling the gate. for you just inside
Corruption the iron gate.
gnaws at the
edges of the
ledge, so stick
close to the wall. The Hunter
As soon as you
approach the
Hunter, the iron
gate slams shut,
locking you
inside the arena.
The top of the
King’s Gate is
a large arena, giving you plenty of room to maneuver.
There is no corruption on the ground, so you do not need
Jump to the next column and then roof along the to worry about backing the Corrupted opponent into a
ring to keep climbing the stronghold exterior. potentially advantageous position. However, even though
you do have room to exchange blows, definitely work to
keep the Hunter near the middle of the arena. 40

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The Hunter PRIMA Official Game Guide
wastes little time
in attacking.
guard and let the WAYS
Hunter’s first DYNAMIC WORLD
volley play out.
After the hunter’s fourth attack with his giant blade, you
have an opening to launch a combo of your own. ROYAL PALACE

If the battle
nears the wall,
toss the Hunter
into the air with
your gauntlet and then reverse the course of the battle
If the Hunter backs you into a wall, he opens his with an acrobatic move. Push the Hunter back to the
triple blade and tries to run you through. This is the arena’s center with sword attacks.
struggle. Repeatedly tap the sword button to keep
from getting skewered. When you
empty the
Hunter’s health
If the Hunter gets
the drop on you meter, he retreats
while injured, be to plot his next
ready to hit the move. You let
on-screen button him go. The
to repel his priority is to
attack. purify the fertile ground and liberate King’s Gate. Now,
collect some Light Seeds so you can earn Ormazd’s
If you miss repelling the Hunter’s lethal attack,
the Corrupted can heal his wounds while Elika’ Two paths lead away from the King’s Gate: north and
saves your hide. south. After healing the fertile ground and dispelling the
corruption, search these routes in addition to the King’s
Your sword Gate to locate Light Seeds.
is powerful,
but linking a King’s Gate
sword attack Healing the
with Elika’s sacred ground
magic—and then returns color
furthering it with to the King’s
the gauntlet—is Gate. Sparking
the best way to handle the Hunter. Keep him on his heels Light Seeds
with big combos. Since this is an early encounter, he does scatter across
not strike back as hard as he will later on. Enjoy this while the stronghold.
you can. Follow the trail of Light Seeds across the King’s Gate
rooftop arena and pull down the ring next to the gate to
unlock the exit.


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e d
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e When you step
Unl outside the arena Red Power Plate
and onto the post, (continued)
you can see a The Step of
collection of Light Ormazd powers
Seeds. Jump out you through the
to the column in air and slides
front of you and you into the
then jump to the outer wall of the
vines in the alcove stronghold, just
directly ahead. in front of a set of rings. Wall run to the rings and
Grip fall from the link with each of them to pick up another three
bottom of the vines Light Seeds.
to the floor to pick
up the Light Seeds
below. North Path
From the
entrance of
King’s Gate,
look to the left.
Retrace your That’s the north
steps around the path that leads to
exterior of King’s the Sun Temple.
Gate to collect Jump away from
the Light Seeds the entrance and scramble up the wall. Now, jump out to
hanging in the the flagpoles and swing around them as you travel north.
air and along the There is a Light Seed on the post between the flagpoles.
outer walls.
Use Elika’s
help to jump
from the last
flagpole to the
vines on the cliff.
Grab the Light
Red Power Plate Seed as you
climb the vines.
After you unlock At the top of the wall, look north to see the loop you must
the Step of make to grab the rest of the Light Seeds along this path.
Ormazd, you
can access the
red power plates
at King’s Gate
and collect the
remaining Light Seeds. Wall run out to this power
plate and use Elika’s magic to bound away from
the wall.
You are
launched to the
next red power
plate, just above Wall run up the rocks next to the ledge to pick up a
the large door. Light Seed.
There is a Light
Seed right on top
of the plate that you automatically pick up as you
zoom past it. 42

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South Path
After jumping across the flagpole, slide down the CITY OF LIGHT
tilted platform. Jump out at the end to wall run TREE OF LIFE
through the next Light Seed. SECRETS
More Light Seeds await collection on the
Jump between path back to the desert. Jump back across
the cliffs as the posts and poles to gather up the prizes.
you run north When you reach the entrance of the canyon, wall run
to reach the out to the ring and then to the ledge. Follow the vertical
crossroads fissure down to locate another Light Seed.
between King’s
Gate and the Sun
Temple. There is
a soldier here that can be pushed to the edge of the arena
and eliminated with a quick kill. On the way back to the
King’s Gate, wall run up the cliff to grab the hanging
Light Seed.
Continue along
the canyon
back to the fork
in the road to
collect three
Light Seeds.

Look to the right as you return to the entrance. Two

Light Seeds are in an alcove. Jump out to them with
Elika’s help. Return to the
King’s Gate via
the fissures as
before. When
you reach the
ledge at the
entrance to the
area, jump on
the vines on the
stone wall. Climb
up them and wall
run out to the
Follow the slides back to King’s Gate. Swing column. Jump
across the flagpoles from the turret to collect to the column
more Light Seeds.
to pick up one
Light Seed. Now,
leap the vines to pick up two more.


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e d
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e Sun Temple
The Sun Temple
dominates the
south of the
Ruined Citadel
region. This
proud temple
is now in utter
decay and
crawling with the Ahriman’s poison. The Hunter could
be anywhere in this maze of walls, posts, and poles, so
the Prince and Elika must be ready at any moment for a The red power plate blasts you through the air
surprise attack from the Corrupted. toward another red power plate. Hit the magic
button when you reach that power plate to continue
Corrupt Approach deeper into the Sun Temple.

As you fly through

If you are
the sky above the
approaching Sun temple, the
the Sun Temple Hunter strikes.
from the King’s He intercepts
Gate, use the your trajectory
network of and slams you to
tilted platforms the arena below.
to slide to the
entrance of the The Hunter
area. If coming As soon as
from the east or you land, the
west, negotiate Hunter begins
the system his assault. Hold
of columns guard to put
and flagpoles up your blade
to eventually and parry any
reach the incoming attacks.
launching pad of the Sun Temple—a red power plate Let the Hunter’s salvo play itself out. When the Hunter
activated by the Step of Ormazd. finishes his first set of attacks, launch into your counterof-

Watch for
the Hunter to
put distance
between you.
When the
Hunter backs
away, he may
be getting
ready to spit
Rush along the post and cooperatively jump through his ink attack.
the air to reach the red power plate on the rock If you see
his head rear
back and then
quickly jut
forward, he’s
about to spit. 44

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The screen is blanketed with an ink splotch, limiting your PRIMA Official Game Guide
visibility. Hold guard—especially if this is the first time
you encounter this special attack.
Watch the Hunter’s DYNAMIC WORLD
feet and blade. DESERT
When you see the RUINED CITADEL
blade flash just out- THE VALE
side the splotches, ROYAL PALACE
he’s about to at- CITY OF LIGHT
tack. Hit guard as Wait for the tremors to roll out of the TREE OF LIFE
the blade disappears under the ink to deflect way as you use the scaffolding to close SECRETS
the blow and dispel the ink. in on the Hunter.
Keep the
Hunter juggled
with aerial At the end of the
combos. Use fissure network,
the gauntlet wall run out to
to launch the the red power
Hunter and then plate.
keep him aloft.
When you drain half of the Hunter’s health, he retreats
again. The Hunter holds court at the fertile ground high
The power
above the arena. You must use the power plates to reach
plate bounces
him and finish your fight.
you up to a
Power Plates ledge in the
middle of some
A red power plate
faces the arena.
Wall run up to
Run over to it
the scaffolding
and use Elika’s
and then climb
magic to activate
to the top of
the plate. You
the vertical
are bounced to
fissure. Kick
another plate. Hit
away from the
the magic button to use that plate and drop back down to
wall to land
solid ground, near the entrance of the Sun Temple.
on a column.
The Hunter Shimmy up
releases the the column
tremor trap and then jump back to the wall. Scramble up to the next
now. Balls of fissure. Jump from the fissure back to the column. At the
corruption roll very top of the column, turn back to the wall and leap.
along the walls, Scramble up to the horizontal fissures along the top of the
complicating cliffs.
your approach
to the fertile ground. Not only is the Sun Temple now
affected by the tremor trap, but the Hunter’s gift spreads
around the world. Watch for the
tremors to pass as
you wall run to
CAUTION the left.
There is no way to close Pandora’s Box on a re-
leased trap. Be sure you want to release this trap
before challenging the Hunter.


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e d
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Grip fall down to
the ledge below,
avoiding the
tremors as you

The Hunter will try to slam you into the walls and
initiate a struggle. Be ready to tap the sword button
and repel this attack.

Basic sword
attacks are
certainly better
than nothing, but
always go for a
Next, wall run out to the red power plate and combo when you
activate it with Elika’s magic. The power have an opening
plate launches you across the Sun Temple to against the
another red power plate. Use it to bounce closer Hunter. After eliminating the Hunter with your combo
to the fertile ground.
attacks, heal the fertile ground to banish the corruption
and release the Light Seeds.
When you land
against the cliffs,
wall run to the Healed
right and jump (see map on next page)
out to grab a There are three paths leading away from the Sun Temple:
column. Swivel east, west, and south. There are Light Seeds along each
around the routes, as well as all over the Sun Temple.
column and then
jump across the two flagpoles to reach the fertile ground Sun Temple
… and the waiting Hunter. Three Light
Seeds on top
Your battle
of the fertile
with the Hunter
ground. After
resumes. The
collecting the
Hunter is at
trio, use the red
half health, still
power plate on
smarting from
the wall to the
your earlier
left. The power plate bounces you over to another plate,
encounter. Hold
which gently drops you back down to the entrance of the
guard as the Hunter closes in. This time, try to deflect
the Hunter’s first attack and then counter with a combo.
After swatting the Hunter’s blade away, send in Elika to Use the red
pummel him with magic attacks. power plate in
front of the first
arena to leap
CAUTION through the air
and reach the
Did the Hunter use the ink spit attack in your
first encounter? Expect to see it again and in high ground
every fight with the Hunter from here on out. above the
entrance of the Sun Temple. You are bounced across three
plates before you land on a ledge. 46

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Cooperatively WAYS
jump with Elika DYNAMIC WORLD
back and forth DESERT
between the RUINED CITADEL
walls in this THE VALE
alcove to grab ROYAL PALACE
three Light CITY OF LIGHT
Follow fissures to the right of the SECRETS
ledge to pass through two more
Light Seeds.

To Marshalling

To King’s Gate

Light Seed
To Martyr’s
Step of Ormazd Power Plate
Breath of Ormazd Power Plate


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e d
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e The red power East Path
Unl plate at the end
From the starting
of the fissures
point of the Sun
sends you flying
Temple, look to
across the Sun
the east. There
Temple. You land
are several Light
on the ledge with
Seeds in plain
the tall column.
sight, stretching
Wall run up the
off into the
wall from the
horizon. Jump along the network of columns to pick up
fissures above the
the first three Light Seeds along the route.
ledge and then
bounce back and
forth between TIP
the column and To pick up the Light Seed against the wall, jump
the cliffs to reach to the cliff and then immediately hop back to
the scaffolding at the very top of the rocks. A single Light the column.
Seed is at the top of the column.
Walk to the
end of the post
and then leap to
the flagpole. You
pick up a Light
Seed on the pole,
as well as another
on the column
just beyond.
However, instead
of roofing along
to rings ahead,
Grip fall down the wall to collect two Light Seeds. rotate around
Hang off the ledge at the bottom to grab a dangling the column so
Light Seed. that your back is
facing away from
the cliff. Jump out to the post and then wall run up to a
pair of Light Seeds. Now, jump back to the column and
Wall run out to then roof over to the crossroads.
this red power
plate. Activate
South Path
it to lurch The route to the
across the Sun King’s Gate is
Temple. When lined with Light
you drop to the
Seeds. Coopera-
cliffs above,
wall run to tively jump out to
the right and the slide on the
jump out to the left, picking up
column to pick the Light Seed
up a Light Seed. along the wall.
At the bottom of
the slide, jump
out and scramble
up to the ledge.
Two Light Seeds
are on a post to
the right, so hang
down over the post and grip fall down to pick them up. 48

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PRIMA Official Game Guide


A lone Light Seed is on the rocks here. Jump out to CITY OF LIGHT
the rock and wall run up it to claim the treasure, TREE OF LIFE
then jump back to the ledge. Bounce between the wall and the rocks to pick
up the pair of Light Seeds up here.

Green Power Plate

Wall run up to
the green power
plate fixed on the
cliff. This sends
you stomping
up the side of
Continue wall running back to the crossroads the sheer rocks.
between King’s Gate and the Sun Temple to grab Steer around the
another Light Seed. wooden planks
to reach a secret
stash of five Light
Seeds at the very
top of you run.
Grip fall down
the cliffs to safely reach the platforms below.

Two Light Seeds

wait for you
inside this arch.
On your way back to the entrance of the Sun Temple, Wall jump back
slide down the left side of this tilted platform to and forth to reach
gather a Light Seed. the top of the
arch and collect
West Path them.

Snare the Light

Jump across
Seed at the
the flagpoles to
end of the post
grab another
that points to
Light Seed. At
the west. Jump
the end of the
out across the
network of poles,
two flagpole to
you reach a
reach a series of
wall with three
posts. There is a Light Seed on the posts. There is a green
Light Seeds and some scaffolding. Cooperatively jump to
power plate on the wall next to the last post. If you have
the scaffolding and then shimmy beneath the high Light
unlocked the Breath of Ormazd, you can collect the Light
Seeds. Wall run up to each and the safely grip fall back to
Seeds above you.
the scaffolding.


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e d
a sh
e Marshalling Ground
Imagine the pride Wings of Ormazd
of the Ahura
To reach the
guards staging at
fertile soil at
the Marshalling
the heart of
Ground, ready
the Marshaling
to defend the
Ground, start
honor of the
your journey
Ahura nation
from the yellow
from encroachers. Now, the only warrior defending the
power plate at
Marshalling Ground is the Hunter. Perhaps generations
the broken wall overlooking the area. Use Elika’s magic
from now, after the Prince and Elika liberate the world
on the power plate to begin soaring over the Marshalling
from Ahriman’s corruption, the banners of proud warriors
Ground. This is not going to be an easy pass, though. You
will flap in the breezes above this region once again.
must dodge rocks, walls, and columns as you fly through
Corrupt the air.

from the Sun
Temple, follow
the fissures along
the cliffs, avoiding
any unleashed
traps. Grip fall to
gently reach the Veer around the stone arches and walls as you glide
scaffolding below through the skies around the Marshalling Ground.
you as you inch
along the cliffs to
the right. When
you reach the
platform at the
right of the cliffs,
wall run across the rocks to reach some vines. Use these
vines to close in on the entrance to the Marshalling Ground.

If you come at
the Marshaling
Ground from You land directly in front of another yellow power
the north, use plate. Wall run up to the plate and use Elika’s magic
the rings along to resume your skyward travels.
the ceiling of
the ruins to roof
through the dark Duck under and
passages. Wall steer over the
run through broken walls as
the narrow you circle the
passages as they
zigzag toward
the entrance of
the Marshalling
Ground. 50

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The next PRIMA Official Game Guide
yellow power
plate sends
you rocketing
fertile ground. WAYS
there are many
during this ROYAL PALACE
flight, so be CITY OF LIGHT
ready to duck TREE OF LIFE
and dodge. After dispelling Ahriman’s Anger with a sword
attack, immediate segue into a combo with
Veer around
the stones
and columns.
The passages
tighten, so make sure you don’t oversteer and just slam
into another wall while avoiding a hazard.

The Hunter
As soon as you
touch down from
your flight, the
Hunter attacks.
Throw up your Keep the Hunter in the arena’s center so that
you can effectively juggle him in the air with your
guard as the
Hunter closes
in for his first
strike. Deflect his incoming blade and start a counter- TIP
attack. This is a small arena with open edges, so try to If you back the
keep the Hunter close to the middle. If the Hunter backs Hunter up to the
you up to an edge, you enter a struggle. edge of the arena,
you enter into a
struggle. This is a
CAUTION perfect way to end
this battle early.
Be mindful of the columns on this arena. If you Beat the Hunter in the struggle by rapidly tap-
push the Hunter into a column while in the ping the attack button. If you win this hard
middle of a combo, the combo ends. struggle, you knock the Hunter clean off the
There is an
excellent chance After defeating
the Hunter will the Hunter,
reveal Ahriman’s climb the wall of
Anger in this the arena using
encounter. When the ring. The
you see the fertile ground
Hunter throw his is at the top of
head back in rage as his body becomes wrapped in blue the wall on a
fire, keep Elika back. Only a sword attack can disrupt this very small stone block. Heal the fertile ground to push
state change. the corruption out of the Marshalling Ground and spread
some much-needed color around the region.


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h ed
Un Healed
l e
At the second
There are just two routes leading away from the yellow power
Marshalling Ground: north and south. Follow each of plate, jump out
those routes to collect Light Seeds and add to your to the wall to the
steadily increasing supply. left to pick up
three Light Seeds.
Marshalling Ground
Once you heal
the land, the
Light Seeds Hang off the
come out. There ledge in front of
the power plate
are no Light
to gather three
Seeds on the slightly hidden
arena, but three Light Seeds.
are right on top
of the fertile ground. Two of them are on the block. The
third is in front of a newly revealed yellow power plate.
(It was smothered in sludge before you healed the fertile
South Path
ground.) From the
entrance to the
Ground, turn
south and strike
out for the Sun
Temple. Wall
run out to the
huge patch of
vines along the
cliff. There are
Light Seeds on
The yellow power plate delivers you back to the the vines, so
entrance of the Marshalling Ground. crawl over them
to pocket them.
The flight Wall run to the
paths between left of the vines and jump across the waterfall to pick up a
the yellow Light Seed and continue scrambling for another patch of
power plates vines.
you used to
reach the fertile
ground are full
of Light Seeds.
Follow the loop
of power plates
again, but steer
into the Light
Seeds as you
race through
the skies over
the Marshalling From the ledge at the end of the vines, turn back
and jump out to the short wall to claim a Light Seed.
Ground and
beneath its cliffs. 52

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PRIMA Official Game Guide


Next, wall run out to the scaffolding along the cliffs. CITY OF LIGHT
Follow the fissures back to the crossroads between TREE OF LIFE
the Marshalling Ground and Sun Temple. Jump to the flagpole and swing out to the next
wall. Wall run through the narrow passage,
bouncing between the walls to keep aloft.

Climb the cliffs Wall run along

carefully to reach the diagonal
the crossroads walls to collect
and collect even another three
more Light Seeds. Light Seeds. Use
the column to
stabilize yourself
between the wall
When you
return to the
entrance of the TIP
Ground, climb When you reach the column, stop. Look to the
all the way left. There are two Light Seeds in the alcove.
Cooperatively jump to the Light Seeds and then
to the top of
immediately cooperatively jump back to the
the large vine column.
patch. Jump
away from the
vines to reach Blue Power Plate
an orphaned
platform. There If you have the
are three Light Hand of Ormazd,
Seeds on this you can pick up
platform. the five Light
Seeds that taunt
you from the
North Path wall right above
the first yellow
Wall run to the
power plate in
north of the
the Marshalling
Ground. The
Ground, along
blue power plate
the cliff beneath
bounces you up
the blue power
to the top of the
plate. A Light
wall. Walk along the wall to pick up five Light
Seed is next
to the ring in the rocks. Jump out to the next wall after
swinging through the ring. There is another ring at the
corner (and a Light Seed). Swing around it to wall run
out to a flagpole.


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e d
a sh
e Martyr’s Tower
By definition,
a martyr is
who willingly
themselves for
the betterment of
others. And the
Ahuras have a long tradition of respecting that the needs
of the many far outweigh the needs of the few. Indeed,
Elika herself knows about this first-hand. To further You land just shy of the next power plate, so hold
liberate the Ruined Citadel, the Prince and Elika must down the magic button and press up to scramble
again strike at the Hunter and drive him back, ridding the over the plate.
Martyr’s Tower of his infernal presence.

The entrance to
Martyr’s Tower
is a single yellow
disc at the nexus
of the north and
south approaches As you fly though the air, dodge stones and walls
to the area. If to avoid being sent back to the beginning of your
you’re coming flight path.
from the south
via the Sun You drop just shy
Temple, use the of another yellow
rings to roof power plate.
through the first Rush up to it to
half of the path. continue your
approach on the
When you reach
the flagpoles,
you’re getting close. Swing to the posts and ledges and
follow the path all the way to the yellow power plate.
There are plenty of fissures to negotiate as you near the
power plate. Duck under the
If you approach the Martyr’s Tower from the north, arches as you
fly to the top of
wall run along the stone walls and swing between the
Martyr’s Tower.
flagpoles to close in on the yellow power plate.

When you’re The Hunter

ready, use the
is waiting for
yellow power
plate to fly above
you on top of
Martyr’s Tower. Martyr’s Tower.
He throws out
his arms and
roars, taunting
you to attack 54

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him. Unfortunately, the Prince falls for the trick. As he PRIMA Official Game Guide
rushes the Hunter, the floor falls out from under his feet
and the pair crashes to the bottom of Martyr’s Tower.

Into the Darkness RETURN OF THE PRINCE

Your visibility WAYS
is limited inside DYNAMIC WORLD
Martyr’s Tower
since there are so
few light sources. ROYAL PALACE
The corruption CITY OF LIGHT
that seethes on TREE OF LIFE
the walls seems SECRETS
to absorb whatever light does manage to sneak through
the cracks in the walls. Grip fall from the ledge to the
bottom floor of the tower.
Jump up to the
The basement post above the
of the tower is crates. Turn to
flooded with the center of the
corruption. You room. Jump across to the network of posts in the center
must stay out of the room, and follow the posts as they close in one the
of the muck by center of the basement.
keeping to the
poles that jut out
of the walls. Wall run over the corruption and then jump Cooperative jump
out to the flagpoles. to the wall and
scramble up to
this fissure to
climb out of the

Wall run to
the right of the
fissure at the
top and then
swing around the
flagpole to reach
Use the fissures to get your grip and shimmy along some scaffolding.
the basement walls.

scaffolding leads
to a series of
poles. Swing
from pole to pole
until you cross
the basement
ceiling. Use the
fissure to hold onto the wall. Follow the scratches up to
Circle the basement until you reach the wooden
the next floor.


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e d
l ea Hunter
The The Hunter
Un is determined to
The Hunter
eliminate you in
appears out of
this fight, so look
the darkness.
for an aggressive
He has a bit
attack. You
of distance to
view this attack
close, so put
from above. The
up your guard
Hunter repeatedly slashes with his blade and you must
as the he slinks
counter every incoming blow by tapping the on-screen
toward you. The Hunter circles you as he approaches,
button. If you survive the attack, the Hunter reels for a
stalking you as he looks for an opening. Keep your guard
second. This is a prime opportunity to launch a counter-
up as the Corrupted finishes his first set of attacks. Try
to deflect an incoming blow to turn the tables and launch
into your own combo. When the
The Hunter Hunter really
relies on loses his cool,
Ahriman’s Anger he jumps into
to keep you from the air. Guard
using acrobatic the second you
or magic moves see the Hunter
at the start of a leave the ground
combo. When because he’s about to turn into a makeshift saw blade.
the Hunter bursts into blue flames, keep Elika out of the The Hunter tucks into a ball and rolls through the air with
fray and rush in to dispel that state change with a sword his sword outstretched. This is a tough attack to counter,
attack. If you try any other maneuver, either you or Elika so rely on your guard.
will be injured.
As if the room
wasn’t dark
enough already,
the Hunter spits
black ink at you
to further obscure
your vision.
Guard until the
ink vanishes.

When you have the Hunter on the ropes, he starts

to rely on his spitting attack. Guard until the ink
disappears. Or try to hit the advancing Hunter with
your sword, if you think you know his footwork well
enough by this point.

Always attack
with combos.
Use Elika to
pummel the
Hunter from
above. Then,
When the Hunter rears back and spreads his three
toss the Hunter
blades, put up your guard. This comes as a lightning
fast attack that is tough to deflect. into the air and
keep him up there with more magic attacks. Use acrobatic
moves to keep him away from the wall (an instant combo
killer) and finish him off in the center of the arena. 56

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Escape PRIMA Official Game Guide

After defeating
the Hunter, you
must still make
your way back WAYS
to the top of the DYNAMIC WORLD
tower to heal the DESERT

fertile ground. RUINED CITADEL

Use the fissures
in the wall to
ascend to the TREE OF LIFE
next story of Slide along the fissure to the adjacent SECRETS
the tower. Wall wall. Wall run to the flagpole and then leap
run across the to the post. Turn back to the center of the
flagpoles as you room. You are now perfectly lined up to hop
circle the room. across a set of posts and reach a yellow power plate on
the opposite wall.

The Wings of
Make your way
Ormazd only take
to the vertical
you far enough to
fissure to climb to
reach a series of
the next floor.
flagpoles along
the ceiling.

The ground is
soaked with
Carefully step
around the

Jump across
the two posts
that the span
Jump to the fissure in the corner of the room.
the hole in the Then wall run straight up to escape the interior of
floor. Use the Martyr’s Tower. You can now heal the fertile ground
scaffolding on on the roof.
the other side
of the room to Healed
launch a wall As soon as you purify the fertile ground in Martyr’s
run to the left. Tower, you can collect Light Seeds not only in the
Slide along the immediate area, but also along three paths: north, south,
slotted ring and east.
to swing over
the corruption
on the floor.
Wall run from
the ring to the
fissure in the corner.


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e d
l ea r’s Tower
Marty Green Power Plate
Four Light Seeds
are on the roof Once you have
of Martyr’s the Breath of
Tower. Three of Ormazd, ascend
them are right the tower’s
around the fertile exterior via the
ground. The fissures. Wall run
fourth is on a up to the green
yellow power plate that, when activated, sends you flying power plate above the top fissure.
through the skies and back to the area’s entrance. From
This power
the entrance, you can easily break out to any of the three
plate lets you run
paths leading away from the tower.
along the side of
the tower. Follow
the scratches in
the wall so you
don’t stumble.
There is another
green power
plate on the cliff.
Activate it to
climb vertically
to another power
plate. There is a
When you land on the platform in front of the very Light Seed on that plate.
first yellow power plate, you can see a number of
Light Seeds that are easy grabs to north. Activate the
green power plate
to climb back
across the tower.
Turn to the south
This leads you to
to see another
collection of Light one more power
Seeds within easy plate. Use Elika’s
range. magic on the
plate to reach a
hidden balcony
on Martyr’s
Tower, which is
festooned with
three Light Seeds.

After collecting
the Light Seeds
on the tower
exterior, follow
the yellow power
plate network
Ascend the outside of the tower via the fissures to
grab a pair of Light Seeds on a narrow ledge. to return to the
top of Martyr’s
Tower. Dive back into the tower via the tall vertical shaft.
It’s dark inside, making it easy to see the Light Seeds
below. Grip fall through them as you drop. 58

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The basement PRIMA Official Game Guide
of the tower
is clear of East Path
can walk on WAYS
the ground. DYNAMIC WORLD
jump between
the central ROYAL PALACE
pillars to pick up CITY OF LIGHT
the Light Seeds TREE OF LIFE
in the middle SECRETS
of the room. Duck into the side passage near the yellow
Follow the posts power plate to start trekking east to the Vale.
and fissures up There is a Light Seed in the narrow passage
to the next floor. (it’s in the dip in the floor). The path then opens up into
a canyon. One more prize is on a rock platform off to the
left. Jump over to the ledge to pick up the Light Seed.
Then, cooperatively jump off to the right to push deep to
Follow the the east.
flagpoles around
the walls to grab Follow the
a dangling Light rock ledges to
Seed. the east to pick
up Light Seeds.
There are two on
the left side of
the canyon that
Use the fissures are accessible
on the next by cooperatively jumping out to the rocks and then wall
floor to reach a
balcony outside
running to keep from falling.
the tower.
North Path
Wall run along
the rocks to the
south to pick up
Follow the length a Light Seed.
of the balcony The cavern
to pick up three ahead is loaded
Light Seeds. with sparkling
treasures, too.
Wall run along
the right wall and
Another Light then jump out
Seed in front of to the flagpole.
the yellow power Once you reach
plate on the top the flagpole,
floor of the tower jump to the next
interior. Jump wall and then
across the posts link across the rings to pick up three Light Seeds in rapid
in front of the succession.
power plate to grab it.


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e d
a sh
Unl If you have
not liberated
the Windmills,
there’s a solider
waiting for you at
the crossroads.

Wall run up
the stone pillar at
the crossroads to Roof over to the columns. Visit all three of these
collect two Light columns to pick up Light Seeds.
Seeds. Since you
Jump out
come up a bit
to the column
short, jump away
farther from
from the pillar.
the cliffs.
Cooperatively jump to the opposite wall and then bounce
Swing around
back (also with Elika’s help) to get the needed height to
so your back
pick up the Light Seeds.
is away from
South Path the cliffs. Jump
Grip fall down with Elika out
the cliff to the to a fissure
south of the in the rocks
tower to start opposite of the
along the path to column. Now,
the Sun Temple. shimmy around
Wall run up the to the back side
cliff at the ledge of those rocks
below to pick up a Light Seed and then swing around the to discover two
flagpoles to the south. more Light Seeds.

You can close in
on the Windmills
from either
the east or the
west. The paths
are similar,
with column-
lined corridors
opening out into
The Windmills push up over the rocks to collect the
flagpoles. Swing
wind that rips through the Ruined Citadel. But the
around the poles
blades of the Windmills are now tattered and torn,
to approach the
and the structure is soaked in corruption. The Prince
entrance of the
and Elika must rush to the top of the Windmills and
Windmills. Use
challenge the Hunter to liberate the area and close in on
the rings or wall
the door to the Hunter’s Lair.
jumps to bounce
up to the platform directly in front of the Windmills. 60

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To enter PRIMA Official Game Guide
the Windmill,
rush down the Climb the Windmill
wooden ramp
and leap to the MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
red power plate. WAYS
to it and then
use Elika’s magic to bounce across a series of power
One of the power plates is exposed, the
other is tucked behind a gate. You must
open both power plates to reach the second
floor of the Windmill. The crank on the left side of the
floor does not adjust the grates—it flips the two signs on
the wall between the power plates. The arrows on these
signs show how the grates will spin when rotated. To then
actually rotate the grates in front of the power plates as
When you land on the side of the Windmill, wall directed on the signs, turn the crank on the right side of
run to the left and use the rings to swing around the the floor.
corner of the building.
An arcing
arrow just rotates
the grates a
quarter-turn. A
U-shaped arrow
rotates the grates
180 degrees. A
blank sign does
not affect the grate. The sign on the left side affects the
right grate. The right sign affects the grate on the left.

Use the power plate on the side of the Windmill to

fly across the void and slam into the wall south of
another red power plate. Scurry up to the power
plate via the ring. Rotate the grates
into this position.
The power
plate launches
you back across
the abyss,
depositing you
on a ledge just
outside the
Windmill. From
here, you can peek inside a see a pair of red power plates.
You must unlock the secret of these power plates to
further ascend the Windmill. Jump across the gap in the
floor to solve the puzzle of the plates.

Turn the signs so the power plate on the left

remains exposed while the grate on the right is
rotated 180 degrees.


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e d
a sh
e Once you
Unl reach the post
Turn the crank sticking out of
to unlock both the disc, turn
plates, solving the around and face
the wall. When
the plank rotates
so that it’s
vertical, wall run up to the top of the disc and then kick
The two power away to grab a post.
plates bounce
you off the walls
and launch you
up to the next From the post,
floor of the jump out to the
Windmill. Wall next power plate
run to the right,
grabbing the ring to swing to the next power plate. This
launches you to the adjacent wall. When you land, wall
run to the right and drop down on a stone platform. Three power
plates are in
this puzzle. The
crank on the
left switches
the signs in the
center of the
plates, which
shows how the three grates rotate when you twist the
crank over on the right.

Swing across the two flagpoles and then wall bounce

up the vertical shaft.

You must
time this next
wall run. There
is a wooden
plank on the
rotating disc
in the corner.
You must swing Rotate the plates into this position. You want the
middle plate exposed.
from the ring at
the end of your
wall run onto
the disc just as
the plank turns
horizontal. If
you swing to
the disc when
the plank is
vertical, you fall and Elika must save you.

Change the signs so the middle plate remains still,

but you lock the left and right power plates into
position. 62

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PRIMA Official Game Guide

Rotate the grates

to unlock all
three power
plates. WAYS
Rush up to THE VALE

the power plate ROYAL PALACE

on the right.
Activate the The Hunter launches into his furious attack if SECRETS
plate with Elika’s he gets the drop on you. Counter each blow by
magic to bounce tapping the on-screen button as it appears.
across the three
power plates
When you see the
in the room. The third plate bounces you up to the next Hunter’s blade
story of the Windmill. split open, get
Wall run across ready to deflect
the exterior of the the incoming
Windmill. Use attack.
the ring to link
over to the ledge
that is covered in
corruption. Stick When the Hunter
close to the wall to spits ink on the
avoid the poison. screen, throw up
your guard and
Jump out to keep it up until
the walkway to the ink dissipates.
the right. Follow
it up to the rings.
Scramble up the Keep on the
rings and pull lookout for the
yourself up the Hunter to call
wall. At the very upon Ahriman’s
top of the wall, hoist yourself up to the post that overlooks Anger. When
the central axle of the Windmill. Jump down to the axle to the blue flame
meet the Hunter face-to-face. erupts around
the Hunter, back
The Hunter off. Keep Elika safe and only use the sword attack. Once
The Hunter Ahriman’s Anger goes away, then call on Elika to keep the
wastes no time combo going. Just make sure you keep the Hunter off the
in attacking you wall by using acrobatics to switch places.
as soon as you
touch down After you
next to the axle. defeat the
The arena is Hunter, he leaps
moderately sized, over the wall
giving you plenty of room to launch extended combos. Just and escapes,
make sure you keep the Hunter juggled in one area because determined to
if you accidentally slam the Hunter into the axle in the fight another day.
middle of the arena, your combo ends. Guard against the Now that the
Hunter right away and then wait for your opening. fertile ground has been abandoned by the Corrupted, have
Elika heal the area.


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h ed
Un Healed
l e across from the fertile ground, though, travel back down
around the Windmill to collect Light Seeds.
There are two routes that lead away from the Windmills:
east and west. Search each path for Light Seeds, as well
as the entire Windmills area.

Once Elika
recovers from
healing the
fertile ground,
the Light Seeds
appear around
the Windmill. A Jump across the flagpoles to pick up some Light
stretch of Light Seeds on your way back to the broken wall.
Seeds leads away from the fertile ground and back to the
area’s entrance. Before jumping out to the poles directly

To Martyr’s

Light Seed
Hand of Ormazd Power Plate
To Marshalling Ground
Step of Ormazd Power Plate 64

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Follow the
poles around
down the
tilted wooden
platform. Wall
run out to the
ring at the THE VALE

corner of the ROYAL PALACE

building and CITY OF LIGHT

then rush to the TREE OF LIFE

Slide down the building with a grip fall. Two SECRETS
wooden ledge Light Seeds are just below it.
with three Light

2nd Floor

1st Floor


Light Seed
Hand of Ormazd Power Plate


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e d
a sh

Slip down the wooden planks to grab a Light Seed At the crossroads, turn back to the Windmill. Use
tucked behind a wall at the end of a balcony. Now, the fissures on the wall to climb up to the Light
return to the entrance of the Windmill. Seeds hanging from the scaffolding.

East Path
Enter the From the
Windmill and entrance of the
use the red Windmill, turn
power plates to the east and
to spiral back jump down
around the to the slides.
inside of the Follow the
building. slides through
Follow the the Light
course of wall Seeds and
runs and poles then leap out
to cross back to the flagpole.
across the Swing around
power plate the flagpole
puzzles. Once and then run
you reach through the
the top of the ring to swing
Windmill, jump out to the poles and grip fall down to the around toward the crossroads.
base of the huge black gate.
On your
West Path way back to
From the the crossroads,
entrance, turn scramble up
west and jump the wall with
out to the the ring. At the
slides. Follow top of the wall,
the slides, jump out to
sticking close the post behind
to the wall you to grab two
to pick up a Light Seeds.
Light Seed. Then, wall run
At the bottom back to the
of the slide, entrance, using
head out along the flagpole to
the corridor swing down to
leading away the black gate.
from the slides.
Jump out to the
column and then use the rings along the ceiling to roof
out to the crossroads. 66

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Blue Power Plate

Run out to the This launches MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
blue power you through the WAYS
plate along the air again to pick DYNAMIC WORLD

outer wall of the up a Light Seed DESERT

Windmill. The and then drops
power plate arcs you through
you through the another sequence CITY OF LIGHT
air, dropping of blue power TREE OF LIFE
you against a plates. Follow SECRETS
wall. Wall run these power
between a series plates to collect
of surfaces. At the remaining
the end of the Light Seeds in
walls, swing around the ring on the corner of this area.
the building. There is a blue power plate just
around the corner.

Hunter’s Lair
After cleansing the Ruined Citadel, the Prince and Elika
have finally cornered the Hunter in his lair. The Hunter
will not evacuate the Ruined Citadel without a fight,
though, so the heroes must steel themselves for any of the
Hunter’s devious tricks and traps.

The Approach
To reach the
Hunter’s Lair,
you must
negotiate Swing wide of the tower as you zoom through the air
a series of en route to another red power plate.
power plates, The red
starting with power plate
the red power bounces you
plate next to across the void
the seething to a platform
corruption with a yellow
just beyond power plate.
the black gate. When you
Activate the red reach the
plate to bounce platform, wall
over to a yellow run up to the
power plate power plate
just above the gate. and blast off in
a direct flight
to the Hunter.
The path is not
free and clear
of obstructions, though, so steer around the walls, cages,
and towers that slide into view.


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e d
l ea Showdown
Final The four-hit
Un sword combo
The Hunter’s
is certainly
arena is
nothing to be
sniffed at, but
for juggling
you should
without any
always aim for
Plus, there is
big combos—
no corruption
especially when
around the wall, so you only need to avoid pushing the
the Hunter is
Hunter into regular walls and launching into a struggle.
getting close
When the fight begins, the Hunter is on the far side of the
to the walls.
arena. Hold back and let the Hunter close the distance.
Lunge over the
While you watch him move, hold guard.
Hunter with an
acrobatic move
TIP so your next
attack (Elika’s magic?) pushes him back to the arena’
Feeling good about your deflecting skills? Meet center.
the Hunter halfway and swat away his three-
bladed sword to create an opening. When the
Hunter’s is close
The Hunter
to losing half of
never hesitates
his health, he
to slip into
leaps into the
state changes,
air and crashes
down to the
ground. The
Anger. When
shattered arena buckles under the impact and you fall
the Hunter goes
into a much smaller arena. It is much easier to get backed
full blue, keep Elika back and plan a sword attack to
into the wall down there, so concentrate on keeping the
dispel the influence. Hold guard while waiting for your
Hunter somewhere near the center of the scene.

Continue hammering the Hunter with repeated

One of the Hunter’s favorite moves to counter a attacks whenever you see an opening. The more you
successful deflection is to spit ink in your eyes. attack, the less chance the Hunter has to respond
with his blades. 68

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Use a cooperative jump to leap over MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
the corruption that lines the arena.
The Hunter is determined to back you into the walls CITY OF LIGHT
so you must enter a struggle. If you win the struggle, TREE OF LIFE
you elbow the Hunter into the center of the arena. SECRETS

Because the arena is so small and it is surrounded by

corruption, your priority is to keep the Hunter as close
to the center as possible. Bounce back and forth over his
shoulders with acrobatic moves, or launch him into the air
with a gauntlet attack and juggle him with Elika’s magic.
Expect to see
Ahriman’s Anger
The Hunter is small enough to launch into the air at least once in
with your gauntlet—a great way to lead into an this final battle
aerial combo. with the Hunter.
Keep Elika back
and dispel the
When the
influence with
Hunter’s health your sword.
drops to only
a quarter, he After you
flees again. He finally drain
breaks through the Hunter’s
the arena as he health, Elika can
scurries away free him of his
to his final curse. She gently
stronghold. To approaches the
catch up with Hunter, who is
the Hunter, crumpled on the ground, shamed in his defeat. She lays
you must jump a hand on his shoulder and mercifully strips him of the
over a river of corruption that has plagued his soul for centuries. The
corruption and Hunter’s spirit passes with peace and the Ruined Citadel
follow a series is completely purged of Ahriman’s threat.
of slides. At the Use the red
bottom of the power plates
slides, coopera- around the arena
tively jump to escape the
out to a pair Hunter’s Lair
of walls. Wall and return to the
run along the entrance. The
first and then sun breaks over
bounce to the the wounded sky as the Prince and Elika marvel at their
opposite wall. accomplishment. But this is only one small victory on the
At the end of the second wall, jump to another slide and path to forcing Ahriman back to the underworld.
drop down into the final arena.


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e d
a sh
Unl The Vale
From the temple of the Tree of Life, the sight of hot air balloons swaying in the wind reveals the location of the Vale.
Once the center of science and discovery for the Ahura people, the Vale is now desolate and crumbling. The region is
overseen by the Alchemist, a genius whose quest for knowledge lead him to a very dark place. Now that the corruption
of Ahriman has overtaken the Vale, the Alchemist returns to his old laboratories to rekindle his research. But no longer
does he hunger for scientific truth. The Alchemist now thirsts for discoveries in the fields of pain and suffering.

What’s Unleashed change, he is enveloped in black. No attack except Elika’s

magic can dispel the effects of the influence. If you try
When you visit the Vale, you have the potential to unlock to attack with the sword, you only injure yourself. You
a handful of changes to the dynamic world. One of the must start a combo with Elika’s magic to scrape the veil of
four traps is triggered by your presence, and fighting the darkness from the Alchemist and then lead into the rest of
Alchemist releases a new Ahriman’s Influence for the your combo.
other Corrupted to assume in their fights against you.
The Alchemist
The Alchemist As soon as the Alchemist uses Ahriman’s Fury
the first time, any other Corrupted or soldier
is a significant
can use the state change.
figure in the
history of the
Ahura. This CAUTION
wizened scientist
proves that vast If for any reason you do not have Elika with
you when Ahriman’s Fury is called upon, you
intelligence does must just keep your distance and either wait out
not protect the human spirit from corruption. In fact, it the state change or hope that Elika joins the
was the Alchemist’s unwavering search for knowledge that fight soon.
allowed him to be tricked by Ahriman into giving up his
very life. Fooled by Ahriman, the Alchemist now serves The Traps
the whims of the dark god. His skills at invention are
When you visit
redirected toward nefarious purposes.
the Heaven’s
What finally Stair area of
undid the the Vale and
Alchemist was try to use the
his search for elevator room,
the cure for the Alchemist
death. And that releases the
knowledge is gas trap. This trap fills a chamber with tiny particles of
what powers corruption that seep through your skin and clog your
his special move. The Alchemist draws energy from the airways if you remain in its presence for too long. Think
corruption, regenerating health unless you attack him of it as a time limit. If you remain in the affected chamber
and stop the process. No other Corrupted has this skill, too long, you fail and Elika must rescue you. If you
save for the Mourning King, who inherits it as soon as the happen to perish due to the gas while in the middle of
Alchemist uses it for the first time. an acrobatic sequence, Elika brings you back to life at
the last patch of solid ground. Unlocking the gas trap at
The Alchemist Heaven’s Stair releases the trap in the following areas:
also unlocks a
The Windmills, Martyr’s Tower, King’s Gate, Machinery
new Ahriman’s
Ground, Heaven’s Stair, the Cauldron, Spire of Dreams,
Royal Gardens, Queen’s Tower -- plus the routes between
King’s Gate, the Cauldron, & Temple, the routes between
Fury. When the
the Cauldron, the Cavern, & Temple, and the routes
Alchemist calls
between the Cavern, City Gate, & Temple.
upon this state 70

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The Cauldron WAYS
is the gateway DYNAMIC WORLD
into the Vale. DESERT
The area is not RUINED CITADEL
unlike a sinkhole, THE VALE

but one that ROYAL PALACE

is currently
filled almost
to the brim with corruption. To push into the Vale, the
Prince and Elika must defeat the Alchemist and drain the When you initially step into the Cauldron,
Cauldron. Once the fertile ground is rescued, the pair the corruption is low. But since the path in
must then continue their fight against the Alchemist until front of you is blocked by a thick puddle of corruption,
his reign of terror over the Vale has been extinguished. you must instead jump to the vines creeping over the
wooden wall to the left. Climb to the top of the wall via
Corrupt the vines.
Approach Within the Cauldron
When When you
approaching the reach the top
Vale from the of the wall,
desert, you can the corruption
either take the bubbles and
middle path or pops at the
the left path. If bottom of the
you approach Cauldron.
from the left path, break to the right when the route forks. Before your eyes, it rises until the majority of the
Coming from the middle path, veer to the left at the fork. Cauldron is submerged. Your travel options are now
The paths are carved through a canyon. Use the vines to severely limited, but at least there is a direct route to
reach the tall ledges that overlook a series of fissures in the fertile ground still available.
the canyon walls.

Wall run
out to the
scaffolding and
the fissures and
use then them
cross the deep
canyons. The
vine patches
are the key to
closing in on Jump from the top of the wall to a slide. You slip
the entrance to toward the corruption at an alarming rate. Jump
the Vale. When at the bottom of the slide to grab the next wall.
you reach Scramble up it.
the wooden
platforms, you
are near the


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e d
a sh
e From the
Unl ledge, jump out
to the post and
then skip over to
the next wooden
platform that
hovers just above
the corruption.
There are two broken columns just beyond the platform.
Jump to the first one and swing around it.
Jump from the post to the next ledge. Then jump
Roof along the
down to the slide. At the bottom of the slide, wall
ceiling quickly to run to the fertile ground.
reach the second
column. Position The Alchemist
yourself so your
When you
back is to the
reach the fertile
brass ring at the
ground, you
end of the ceiling
catch your first
and then roof over to it. Press the gauntlet button when
glimpse of the
you reach the ring and hoist yourself up to the ledge over
Alchemist. He’s
the two columns.
on a balcony
overlooking the
TIP fertile ground. He’s performing some sort of experiment,
and he pays little attention as you call out to him.
Having trouble with the timing of the rings?
Just think of the rings as the word “and.” Use Suddenly, the Alchemist vanishes from the balcony. But
it to link together two moves, like halves of a before you get too cocky and think healing the Cauldron
sentence. So, you cross the roof with the jump will be a cakewalk, the Alchemist reappears. And he’s
button and then scramble up the other side. right on top of you.


If you have not yet defeated any of the Corrupt-

ed in their lairs yet—or have defeated just one
of three—the Alchemist is not terribly aggres-
sive. It’s unlikely you will see Ahriman’s Fury in
this first encounter, or the Alchemist’s regen-
eration technique.

Keep up your
guard as you
Jump across the next series of wooden platforms. You
need to reach the post in the distance on the far side approach the
of the Cauldron. Alchemist. He
does not lunge
like the Hunter
Wall run under or Concubine,
the post to grab telegraphing his
it. Pull yourself punches. Instead, the Alchemist’s basic move is a magic
up so that you’re attack unleashed simply by raising and flicking his wrist.
standing on top of It’s a fast move and tough to deflect until you have a good
the post.
idea of what to look for. 72

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When the Alchemist raises one arm and starts to CITY OF LIGHT
flick his wrist, you have a chance to deflect. This TREE OF LIFE
attack can turn into a series of moves, so if you’re Unless you are repeatedly attacked while SECRETS
unsure of when to retaliate, hold guard until the injured and fail Elika’s save, your first
Alchemist finishes blasting. battle with the Alchemist is short-lived.
After the The scientist retreats into the Vale to fight
Alchemist another day. While the Alchemist regroups, purify the
finishes an area and collect the released Light Seeds.
attack, begin
a combo with
your sword. There are three routes leading away from the Cauldron.
If you see the The northern path leads to the Vale. The western path
Alchemist returns to the fork divided between the desert and the
backing up to Ruined Citadel while the eastern route leads to the Royal
the wall, use Palace.
an acrobatic
move to keep
The Cauldron
him from being As the
pressed into corruption
a corner. If drains from the
you push the Cauldron, many
Alchemist up to Light Seeds are
the wall, the combo ends and you switch into a struggle. revealed. Four
Light Seeds are
The Alche- right around
mist’s struggle: the fertile ground. They lead to the central tower in the
He grabs your
middle of the column, which can be safely descended via
sword arm with
a dark tendril. the long panel of vines.
Repeatedly tap
From the
the sword button
to break free of bottom of the
his grip. tower, you can
wall run around
and collect more
Light Seeds.
The door to the
northern route
is near the bottom of the vines. Three Light Seeds are
near the exit. Two are grabbed by wall running to and
away from the vines. The third is directly above the

Whenever you spot an opening, close the distance

and launch into a combo. Call on Elika’s magic to
push the Alchemist around like punching bag.


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e d
a sh

Return to the top of the vine-covered wall you scaled Use the ring at the edge of the columns to scramble
at the beginning of the Cauldron. farther up the Cauldron. Then cross the platforms to
grab the Light Seed on the post. Another Light Seed
Follow the is at the end of the slide to the left of the post; the
path back around slide drops you back on the fertile ground.
the Cauldron
as if you were Green Power Plate
zeroing in on the
fertile ground There are five Light
again. Run Seeds in the alcove
across the posts high above the
and rip down the slide to pick up a Light Seed on the next Cauldron. With the
vine-covered wall. Breath of Ormazd,
you can reach the
Follow the alcove and collect
path around the the Light Seeds. Once you have all five, grip fall down
outer edge of the the divot in the ledge to grab the vines below and return
Cauldron. Jump safely to the main route around the Cauldron.
across the two
posts and scale
the next wall. North Path
When you slip
The northern
down the slide just beyond the wall you pick up a Light
path out of the
Seed. There is another one directly in front of you on the
Cauldron leads to
vines, as well as one just around the corner to the right.
the Vale. Wall run
to the scaffolding
on the left side
of the tunnel.
Follow the red
planks along the tunnel and then jump to the opposite
side and wall run to the next bits of scaffolding.

Run along the

scratches and
then jump to the
Use the columns here to pick up three Light Seeds. adjacent wall. As
you sprint to the
vines, you grab a
Light Seed. 74

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Crawl up PRIMA Official Game Guide
the vines and
scramble to
the top of the
platform. This is MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
the crossroads WAYS
between the DYNAMIC WORLD
Cauldron and
the Construction Yard, so unless the Construction Yard is
already healed, expect a soldier here. After combating the ROYAL PALACE
soldier (drive it to the ledge for an instant kill), wall run to CITY OF LIGHT
the Light Seed to the right. Climb the vines just before the fork in the route TREE OF LIFE

West Path that breaks toward the Ruined Citadel. There’s

one more Light Seed at the top of the vines.

Turn to the right

as you exit the
East Path
Cauldron and Wall run away
peer down the from the entrance
west route. There to the Cauldron
is a Light Seed to pick up the first
on the wall above visible Light Seed.
the wooden Grab the vines on
platform. Hop up on the railing and then jump to the wall the opposite side
beneath the Light Seed. Wall run up the cave to grab the of the Light Seed
prize. to safely reach the nearby rocks. Jump out and wall run through
the next two Light Seeds and then bounce to the opposite side
of the cavern. Use Elika for a cooperative jump. Complete the
Follow the vines
along the cave
wall run on the left side of the cave with the rings.
to pick up an
additional two
Light Seeds.
There’s a Light
Seed just below
the ledge.

Rush the fissures

on the right side
of the cavern to
snag another
Light Seed. Wall run out to
the vines to grab
the next Light

along the eastern
path to pick up
the last two Light
Seeds on this
route. One Light
Seed is on the
Hang off the ledge after the fissures to pick up two vines that hang
additional Light Seeds. Grip fall through the Light down the left side of the route. The next Light Seed is on
Seeds and grab the scaffolding to keep from falling a ledge overlooking the fork in the road that either leads
into the abyss below. back to the Vale or continues on to the Royal Palace.


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e d
a sh
e Construction Yard
The great
air and sea—of
the Ahuras
were once
constructed at
these shipyards,
but now the
machinery is dormant. Corruption spreads across the
yards, sliming what’s left of the tools and implements. The
Alchemist is here, plotting and planning for your arrival. Use the third power plate to ascend up the side
Do not disappoint him. of the wooden panels and reach a series of four
Corrupt The Puzzle
Approach When you
There are three clamber to the
ways to reach surface, the
the Construction fertile ground
Yard. Each route rises into view,
is a brisk series buoyed by a hot
of jumps and air balloon. The
wall runs. The fertile ground is
goal is the same, too far away to jump to directly. Instead, you must climb
though: Reach on top of the four platforms above you and use the cranks
the southern tip to rotate them. Once you have adjusted the platforms
of the abandoned properly to create a bridge to the fertile ground, you can
shipyard, which heal the area and start seeking out Light Seeds.
marked with the
glowing green
power plate. This Wall run up this
power plate is surface. Use the
the launch to a tricky platform puzzle farther north, in the two rings for
heart of the Construction Yard. leverage.

Wall run out to

the green power
Jump out
plate. Tap Elika’s
magic as you
from the post
reach the power to reach the
plate. first of the four
platforms. Each
platform has a
When you stomp crank that rotates
to the second either all four
power plate, you platforms, or spins the entire mechanism so that all four
rotate to the left platforms move in unison. Each platform has at least one
to crawl along the post sticking out of it. The platforms are too far apart to
wall horizontally.
jump to without using posts to close the gap. You must
Steer along the
curved path.
eventually rotate the platform to the right of the first
platform so its extended post reaches all the way out to
the fertile ground. 76

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Rotate the first
platform so you
can jump to the
platform to the
north with just WAYS
the two posts. DYNAMIC WORLD
Rotate this crank so you can now jump to the
platform with the extended post, which is still
closest to the fertile ground.

Rotate the
platform so the
extended post is
Rotate the platform to spin its posts so you within jumping
can jump to the platform currently closest to the distance. Leap to
fertile ground. Make sure the extended post is that platform.
facing to the east.

This platform
spins the entire Finally, spin the
mechanism. Spin crank so the
all of the platforms extended post is
so the one with the pointed back to the
extended post is fertile ground. Now
now closest to the you can jump to
fertile ground, the sacred ground
like this. and heal the
Construction Yard.

Now, jump to
this platform
and rotate the
platforms so the
Not so fast, says
extended post is
the Alchemist.
pointed to the

The Alchemist
The Alchemist
is again hesitant
to land the first
attack, but keep
your guard up.
Your strategy
is the same this
Return to this platform and rotate the crank so the savaging the Alchemist with extended combos. Watch for
extended post is facing east again. (What’s you done
his arm to rise, signaling the start of his attacks. Just as
is create a network to actually reach the platform
with the extended post.)
his hand flicks out, deflect the attack and then launch into
a combo that calls upon Elika’s magic.


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e d
a sh
e Construction Yard
The easiest batch
There are several columns in this arena that end of Light Seeds
combos if you slam the Alchemist into them. to collect in the
There is a trick Construction
for defeating the Yard leads you
Alchemist within away from the
a minute of the fertile ground
battle opener. and beneath the
Weaken the rotating platforms. After passing beneath the platforms,
Alchemist with climb back up the wall with the rings. There is a Light
a long combo. Seed between the rings and one immediately behind you
As you conclude the combo, the Alchemist gives off blue on the roof of the building.
sparks. When you see those sparks, back the Alchemist up
to the edge of the arena and launch into an attack.
Hang over the
back side of the
wall to grab
another Light
As expected, you Seed.
enter a struggle.

Now, jump out to the rotating platforms to continue

If you win the struggle, though, you knock the
Alchemist off the fertile ground and into the
corruption below.
With the Alchemist in full retreat, Elika can heal
the Construction Yard. Stand in the blue beacon and
repeatedly tap the magic button to complete the purge
and return light to this corner of the Vale.

(see map on next page)

There are three paths leading into the Construction Yard: Jump from post to post to pick up the three Light
The short route to the south, and then the two jumping Seeds on the rotating platforms. The cranks work,
routes to the east and west of the area. so use them if you need to spin the platforms and
adjust the posts. 78

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Two Light PRIMA Official Game Guide
Seeds are on
an orphaned and spin the crank to move the extended post
ledge to the east toward the Light Seeds. Jump from the post
of the rotating with Elika’s help to capture the Light Seeds.
platforms. You WAYS
can only reach DYNAMIC WORLD
these Light
Seeds via the
extended post, ROYAL PALACE
so spin the CITY OF LIGHT
platforms so that TREE OF LIFE
the extended SECRETS
post is next to
the Light Seeds.
Then, cross to Use the green power plates to climb the
that platform building without fear of falling and pick up a
Light Seed.

To Machinery

To Reservoir

South Path
x6 Legend
Light Seed
Breath of Ormazd Power Plate
Wings of Ormazd Power Plate


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e d
a sh
Unl Yellow Power Plate
A yellow power
plate is next
to the fertile
ground. If you
have the Wings of
Ormazd, you can
use this power
plate to pick up the hidden Light Seeds in the
Lower yourself down to grab these two Light Seeds.
Construction Yard.
As you zoom East Path
under the
Construction Run to the edge
Yard, steer into of the post
the Light Seeds. overlooking
Watch out for the east route.
the pillars as you Jump out to the
swing beneath the rotating platforms. flagpoles to grab
a Light Seed and
The Wings of the flip over to
Ormazd carry you the solid post. Turn to the vertical post and wall run up it
through a hole to collect another Light Seed.
in the wall with
the green power
plates. Just as you
pass through the
hole, veer to the left to pick up another Light Seed
before the flight ends back at the fertile ground.

South Path
Wall run to the
red scaffolding
Wall run across the wooden planks to pick up a
and follow it
Light Seed. Jump at the end of the wall to swing
down the south around a flagpole and land on a platform.
route back
toward the Jump to the
Cauldron. At cliffs and wall
the end of the run out to the
scaffolding, wall next Light Seed.
run out and jump Just as you end
to the adjacent the wall run,
wall to pick up jump over to the
another Light wooden planks to
Seed. Be sure to the left. Wall run along those and then bounce back over
wall run to the to the cliffs so you can wall run to the vines.
next red board
before you fall. Continue following the scaffolding until
you reach the edge of the Cauldron. There is a Light Seed
right on the edge of the passage. 80

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Look up from the vines. Two Light Seeds are directly CITY OF LIGHT
above you. Clamber up to the ring and wall run to TREE OF LIFE
the Light Seeds. Grip fall back down to the vines. Grip fall down from the vines and grab the SECRETS
Wall run to Light Seed near the ring.
the next set of
vines. From the Jump out
vines, wall run to to the poles.
the pair of rings. You need Elika
There is a Light to reach the
Seed between the second pole.
two rings. This From there,
run ends at the crossroads between the Construction Yard jump to the
and the Machinery Ground. If the Machinery Ground is cliff. Wall run
still corrupt, a soldier waits for you there. to the right and
Climb up the snag a Light
vines so you Seed. Slide
can grab the along the ring
Light Seed on slot and then
the high wall wall run farther
leading back to right to grab
the Construction another Light
Yard. Wall run Seed. Sliding
to the right of the top patch of vines and then jump out that ring releases a series of platforms.
to the planks. Pick up the Light Seed as you wall run and
then jump out to the next set of vines.
West Path
Jump to the
wooden planks
on the left
and start wall
running. Jump
away from the
wall and use the
flagpole (with its Jump across the two platforms (lower yourself over
own Light Seed) as a springboard to the wood panels to edge of the second one to grab a Light Seed) and
then wall run to pick up the last Light Seed along
the right. Wall run to the vines.
this path.
Climb to the
top of the vines.
Scramble up to
the top of the
ledge to pick up
two Light Seeds.
Then grip fall
back to the vines.


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e d
a sh
e Machinery Ground
The Alchemist
lurks in the
a former
playground of
cranes and gears.
Boats that were
once built here have been dismantled and left for scrap.
The Prince and Elika must find the Alchemist’s hiding
spot in the Machinery Ground and push him farther back Wall run across the wooden planks. Jump down
into the Vale. But the Alchemist has learned from previous to the broken ship so that you can close in on the
encounters with the pair. This time, he is not going down Machinery Ground.
without a fight.
Either path
Corrupt leads to the
broken ship.
Approach Jump from the
There are three bow to the pair
ways to enter of flagpoles.
the Machinery Walk the railing
Ground. If you’re that lines
coming from the the patch of
Construction corruption and
Yard, use then wall run
the series of along the cliff.
flagpoles jutting out of the cliffs to literally swing from Link to the
pillar to post. ring and then
wall run to the
Rush along vines. Follow
the wall and use these to the
the slotted ring right. This is where you enter the area if you came from
to release a set the Ruined Citadel. And this is where you will dive deep
of posts closer to into the Machinery Ground.
the entrance of
the Machinery
Ground. Use
those posts to link to another series of flagpoles and reach
solid ground.

If you are
the Machinery
Ground from
Heaven’s Stair,
use the series of Wall run out to the red power plate. Use Elika’s
slides leading magic to soar to the next power plate.
away from
the crossroads (and the soldier battle). Jump out to the
flagpoles and swing to the walkway leading toward the
cliff side. 82

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Wall run along PRIMA Official Game Guide
the base of
the platform,
using the ring
to keep up your
momentum en WAYS
route to the red DYNAMIC WORLD
power plate. DESERT
There it is—the Alchemist’s regeneration SECRETS
move. When you spot blue magic curling
away from the Alchemist’s gaunt form, he
is healing himself. You must strike soon to
interrupt this technique, otherwise the Alchemist will
undo any progress you might make against him.

The Step of Ormazd launches you to another red

power plate. Scramble up to it and activate it with TIP
Elika to bounce across the Machinery Ground. While regenerating, the Alchemist will back
Alchemist away. You must charge him to interrupt the
When you land
after launching
away from CAUTION
the third red The Alchemist will regenerate with his back to
power plate, the corruption. That way, if you strike him into
the Alchemist the poison, he will just reappear behind you,
appears. He’s ready to push you into the muck.
confident in
this fight, due in no small part to the pulsing corruption
that lines the arena. If backed into this corruption, he
simply sinks into it and then magically reappears behind
you. Because this gives him a tactical advantage, try to
position as much of the fight as possible in the center of
the arena.

When the Alchemist backs up to the corruption, start

with an acrobatic move to launch over the Corrupted
and push him back to the middle of the arena.
Continue your combo to chisel away his health.

Just as the pair is about to defeat the Alchemist, he

unleashes a special corruption attack against the Prince.
The Alchemist covers the Prince in corruption, the same
Deflect the Alchemist’s regular attacks to keep him
kind of black poison that claimed the Corrupted and is
on his heels.
twisting Elika’s father into an unrecognizable form. Elika
thinks she can reverse the corruption, but she must reach
the fertile ground to do so.


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e d
l ea Corrupted Prince
Now that Jump across the
the Prince is posts and then
corrupted, the swing around
corners of his another flagpole.
vision blur and
darken. You
must ascend
the Machinery
Ground to reach the fertile soil atop a giant broken ship.
Start by running to the ring on the wall next to the Alche-
mist’s arena. Scurry up the wall via the ring and climb on
top of the post.

Jump to the wall

and use the rings
to reach a patch
of vines. Slide along the slotted ring and wall run just as the
gear sticking out of the wall shifts. You grab a patch
of vines.

Climb the rings above the vines and then wall run to
the right. Pass through the hole in the gear to reach
Wall run to the left of the vines, using the ring to a stable ledge.
connect to another wall run. When you drop down
to the ledge, wait for the gear to open and then leap Jump across to
through the hole. the column and
then roof along
the rings. When
you reach the
ring at the end
of the roofing
scramble up the wall directly above it. There are vines
above you to grab onto right away.
Wall run to the
right, following
the wall as it
After jumping through the hole in the gear, wall run
curves. After
across the two rings and then leap to the flagpole.
linking another
wall run with the
ring, jump away
from the wall to
grab another column and start roofing along a series of
rings. 84

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PRIMA Official Game Guide


Jump from the roof to the flagpole. Double-jump CITY OF LIGHT
from the flagpole to the wall and then grip fall down TREE OF LIFE
to the ring. Wall run through the hole in the frozen gear SECRETS
and then bounce across a series of posts.

Roof over to the

column and then
drop down to the Jump from the
solid ledge. You’re posts to a crack
almost there. in the wall. Grip
fall down to the
ring below.

Wall run out

to the ring. As
the ring slides
along its slot,
the spinning
gear stops and
you can wall run
right through the
holes. Use the ring on the other side of the gear to link up
to a vertical fissure. Slide down the fissure to reach a post.

Jump to the Roof along the rings to come up on the other side.
wooden ledge Now, climb to the top of the structure to reach the
and then wall fertile ground.
run along the
scratches. There it
There’s a ring is—the fertile
at the corner ground and
of the broken your salvation.
ship. Swing Hurry to the
around to the blue beacon and
other side of purify the fertile
the ship and ground with
then wall run Elika’s magic. Not only is the corruption blasted out of
to the vines. the Machinery Ground, but it’s forced out of your body,
Climb the vines too. Now that you’ve been healed along with the land,
to the right and it’s time to seek out Light Seeds so you can soon unlock
then slide along another of Ormazd’s magics.
another slotted ring to shut down the nearby gear.


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h ed
Un Healed
l e
There are three routes leading away from the Machinery
Ground: north, south, and west. The west route directs Follow the three
Light Seeds to the
you to the Ruined Citadel, home of the Hunter.
red power plate.
Machinery Ground
Once the area is
healed, pick up
your first Light The red power
Seed on the plate bounces
bow of the ship you to another
near the fertile plate. Wall run
ground. The to the plate to
view is pretty return to the
spectacular from up here, so soak up the splendor before entrance of
setting about the task of pocketing Light Seeds. the Machinery

To West

To Heaven’s

Light Seed
To Construction Yard Hand of Ormazd Power Plate
Step of Ormazd Power Plate 86

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Ground. From down here, you have several choices. You PRIMA Official Game Guide
can either explore the Machinery Ground to collect its
prizes, or venture out along the three paths to gather up
their Light Seeds.
to push into
the Machinery DESERT
access the west THE VALE
path, cross the ROYAL PALACE
flagpoles to the CITY OF LIGHT
north, collecting Hang off the side of the platform overlooking
a Light Seed. Swing down to the railing and then wall run the blue power plate. Slide down the line of
to the vines. There is a Light Seed above the vines. scratch marks to a ring.

Use the
red power
plate to vault
through the
air and down
to the next red
power plate.
Slide along the
ring and into
the plate to
bound up to
Roof beneath the platform to reach two Light
another power Seeds. Use the red power plate to return to the
plate. Finally, fork in the road between the Construction Yard
scramble up to and Heaven’s Stair.
the power plate
and drop down Follow the
to the platform same path up
where you battled with the Alchemist. to the fertile
ground as before
Blue Power Plate to pick up a
series of Light
If you have the Seeds. The lack
Hand of Ormazd, of corruption
you can capture actually makes movement easier. When you reach the
the five Light frozen gears, slow down and look out to the right.
Seeds hanging in
the air above the
platform. Wall
run out to the blue power plate on the cliff.
Two Light Seeds
This plate arcs are on those
you through the cranes.
air and through
a line of Light
Seeds and up
to another blue
power plate. Use
this plate to pick up another two Light Seeds before
dropping back down to the fight platform.


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e d
a sh
e To reach reaches the other
Unl those cranes, end of the slot,
stop on the wall run through
post directly the next Light
across from Seed. Jump away
them. Face from the wall to
the wall and reach a pair of
climb up the posts. Scurry up
two rings. At to the Light Seed above the posts.
the top of the
second ring,
North Path
kick away from Jump out to the
the wall and flagpole to start
use Elika’s moving toward
cooperative Heaven’s Stair
jump to hurl and collect
you out to the another set of
closest crane. Double-jump to the next crane to collect Light Seeds.
both Light Seeds. Jump from pole
to post and then wall run along the wooden planks. Use the
Continue moving ring to link two wall runs and then leap out to a sturdy post.
up the broken
ship to reach You are now
the fertile ground, positioned to
picking up the make a fast loop
Light Seeds around a series
along the way. of slides to pick
up a handful
of Light Seeds.
South Path Jump out to the
The route next pole and then swing around it to grab a Light Seed.
back to the Bolt across the platform on the other side of the pole to
Construction reach the slides.
Yard is lined with
Light Seeds.
Jump across
Steer toward the
the series of
Light Seeds as
flagpoles to reach you race down the
the series of posts unlocked by sliding the ring. Look to slides.
the cliff and then glance up. A Light Seed is directly above
you, just north of the ring. Scramble up the wall and vault
beyond the ring to grab the Light Seed.

Jump from the

posts to the cliff
with Elika’s help.
Wall run through
the Light Seed
and then slide
along the ring.
When the ring

If Heaven’s Stair has not been healed, you must

contend with a soldier at the crossroads. Watch for
it to use any of Ahriman’s Influences that have been
triggered by previous Corrupted battles. 88

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Jump to the PRIMA Official Game Guide
slides heading
back toward
the Machinery
the left to pick up WAYS
a Light Seed and DYNAMIC WORLD
then jump out to
the vines. Grip fall through the vines to a lower patch of
tendrils that’s not easily visible. Climb around to the back ROYAL PALACE
side of the wall via the vines to pick up more Light Seeds. CITY OF LIGHT
Now, complete the slides to grab the last light Seed on TREE OF LIFE
this route and return to the Machinery Grounds. Call on Elika for another double jump to SECRETS
the next rock ledge. Pick up the Light Seed
West Path on the ledge and then look to the left. There
are three visible Light Seeds. Jump ahead to
the next platform to pick up the easy grab. The two off
jump across
to the right are nabbed by double-jumping away from the
the massive
platform and wall running up the side of the tunnel.
gap between
the Machinery
Ground and
the west path Wall run out
that leads to the to grab the last
Light Seed on this
Ruined Citadel. Scurry up the wall to grab the first Light
Seed along this short route and then walk to the edge of
the platform to peer down the tunnel.

The Ahura water vines to the large wooden panels and wall run (link via
supply was those rings!) before bounding back to the cliffs.
stored at this site.
A massive basin Complete the
set into the cliffs approach on
was fed water the Reservoir by
by a long tube, running along
the walls, darting
then stored for
from one fissure
days when the rains did not come. Ahriman has poisoned to the next.
the Reservoir with corruption, giving the Alchemist yet
another stronghold in the Vale. The Prince and Elika must
cleanse the Reservoir so that one day, when the Ahuras If you are
rise again, this resource can be safely used. coming from the
north, Use the
Corrupt rings under the
Approach planks to roof
over to the cliffs.
If you approach Jump from the
the Reservoir column at the
from the south, end of the planks to the rocks and then wall run to the
you must climb vines for support. From the vines, continue to the right
along patches of until you reach a vertical fissure in the rocks you can grab.
vines that grow
on the cliffs.
Bounce from the


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e d
a sh
Unl The next power
plate launches
you over the
Reservoir and to
a wooden plank.
Wall run to the
power plate.

Follow the fissures in the wall to a slide. The slide Climb up the wall
leads to some vines. Climb the vines to reach the to reach another
entrance of the Reservoir. solid ledge. Now,
wall run to the
Power Plates next power plate
to the left.
To reach the
Reservoir, you
must use a series
of red power
plates that are
placed around
the site. As you
bound from plate to plate, you are often dropped just next
to a plate, so you must scramble along the walls to reach
the plate before gravity pushes you down. To start the
trip, wall run out to the red power plate at the end of the
wooden planks overlooking the Reservoir. This sends you
You’re launched under an arc of free-flowing
flying across the site to another wooden plank with a red corruption. The ride ends at a slide. Jump to the
power plate. wall at the bottom of the slide and run to the
power plate.

This plate blasts

you across the
Reservoir to a
solid ledge. Wall
run up to the red
power plate.

Blast over to a series of slides. Race down the slides,

cooperatively jumping across them. At the bottom of
the second slide, jump out and scramble up to the
red power plate.

Bounce away
from the red
power plate on
the wall and drop
You’re launched into a crumbling water tube. Slide into a tube that
down the canvas and wall run out to the next red feeds directly into
power plate. This shoots you directly to the next the basin.
power plate, so be ready with Elika’s magic. 90

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Alchemist PRIMA Official Game Guide

The tube deposits

the Prince and

basin. The fertile MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS

ground is down DYNAMIC WORLD
here, but so is DESERT
the Alchemist. RUINED CITADEL
The basin is full THE VALE
of corruption. It lines the arena, making it a small one ROYAL PALACE
with dangerous edges. The Alchemist wants to be backed
into the corruption so he can shrink down into it and then The Alchemist can attack from distances now TREE OF LIFE
with a corruption blast. When the Alchemist’s SECRETS
reappear behind you. You must use acrobatic combos
arms flick up together, he’s releasing the
that keep pushing the Alchemist back to the center of the attack. Deflect the attack to launch into your
arena and then juggle him into the air with magic. own counter.
The Alchemist
relies strongly TIP
on Ahriman’s
Influences, Keep your guard up during the battle when not
directly engaging the Alchemist.
Ahriman’s Fury.
Watch for those
state changes
Toss the
and use the appropriate counter. Alchemist
sky-high with the
gauntlet attack.
Be careful with Elika here. Because Ahriman’s
Fury requires Elika, if you accidentally injure
her by using her against an inappropriate influ-
ence, you just have to dodge and wait out the
Rage. Dispel the regen-
eration technique
with a sword

When the
Alchemist is
almost finished,
get aggressive.
Empty that
Keep the Alchemist in the center of the arena by health meter
switching back and forth around him via acrobatic before the
moves. Alchemist has
a chance to employ his regeneration move. Hammer the
Alchemist with a fast series of sword attacks to banish him
from the Reservoir. Now, cleanse the fertile ground so he
may never return here.


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h ed
Un Healed
l e you collect the
treasures. The
There are three routes leading away from the Reservoir: red power plate
north, south, and east. The east route connects the Vale to network finally
the Royal Palace. You must explore all of these routes as launches you
well as retrace your flight paths around the Reservoir to out of the basin,
collect all the Light Seeds. depositing you
Reservoir right back at the
You must use entrance of the Reservoir.
the red power Start back
plates on the across the system
walls to escape of power plates
the basin. There to collect Light
are four Light Seeds. When
Seeds next to the you reach the
power plates that first solid ledge,
surround the basin, so as you bounce around the scene, a yellow power


To Heaven’s

Light Seed
Step of Ormazd Power Plate
Wings of Ormazd Power Plate 92

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plate that was hidden behind corruption is now visible. PRIMA Official Game Guide
If you have the Wings of Ormazd, you can activate this
power plate and blast off to collect some hard-to-reach
Light Seeds.
you drop into the basin, use the power plates TREE OF LIFE
to return to the Reservoir entrance and
explore the paths leading away from the area
to gather more Light Seeds.
Follow the sequence of red power plates all the
way back to the basin to collect Light Seeds. Once

To Heaven’s

To Construction Yard

To East

Light Seed


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e d
a sh
e As you round
Unl Yellow Power Plate the corner, you
see two more
The yellow
Light Seeds.
power plate
One is directly
launches you on
on your path to
a soaring flight
the north. The
path around the
other, however,
Reservoir. As you
is under the wooden platform. Grip fall from the vines
zoom through the
to the fissure below and then wall run to the vines under
air, steer into the Light Seeds. Dart left to right to
the platform. After capturing the Light Seed retrace your
pick up the first trio of Light Seeds.
steps back up to the main path.
Your flight
path then leads When you
between posts round the vines
and pillars, so at the next
veer around corner, you see
them. The flight Light Seeds both
ends by shooting high and low
you straight up to on the wooden
collect two more planks. To get
Light Seeds. The the low Light Seed, grip fall to the vines below and then
Wings of Ormazd wall run to the right. Jump out to the wood panel and wall
then gently drop run along it. On the way back, take the high route.
you back down
right in front of
the yellow power plate.

North Path
Strike out for
Heaven’s Stair
by heading
to the left of
the Reservoir There are two Light Seeds in the alcove across from
entrance. Wall the vines on the wood planks. Wall run to the vines
run out to the and then stop and kick away from the vines and into
fissures. Once the alcove. Grip fall through the two Light Seeds and
settled on the first fissure, look up. Wall run up to the then jump back to the panel. You need Elika’s help
to complete both jumps.
Light Seed directly above you and then grip fall back to
the fissure.
South Path
Skate down the
canvas awnings
Wall run out to
to pick up three
the vines at the
edge of the cliff to Light Seeds.
pick up another Veer left and
Light Seed. right on the
slides to capture
the treasures. At
the bottom of the third slide, jump down to the wooden
ledge. 94

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Wall run PRIMA Official Game Guide
to the vines
to collect two East Path
Light Seeds.
vines, wall run WAYS
to the edge DYNAMIC WORLD
of the rocks
and then jump
to reach a ROYAL PALACE
column. Roof CITY OF LIGHT
along the rings TREE OF LIFE
between the SECRETS
columns to The path to the Royal Palace is lined with
pick up two Light Seeds, but you must scale some tricky
more Light rocks to reach them. Double-jump out to the
Seeds. Once first rock in the narrow canyon. From here, you can see
you reach the second column, kick away to land on the the edges of Light Seeds in the distance. Cooperatively
crossroads. jump out to the lower rock.
There is a
Light Seed
on the next
rock—it’s only
a hop away. But
to gather the
two Light Seeds
on the wall, you
must jump out over the abyss. Grip fall into the Light
Seeds and then immediately kick back to the rock.

Hang down the north side of the crossroads and grip

fall down to two Light Seeds.

Scramble back to the start of the path and then cooper-

atively jump with Elika to the high rock. Jump across
the network of rocks to pick up another Light Seed.

Return to the other side of the columns and then

follow the fissures and slides back to the entrance of
the Reservoir to collect more Light Seeds.

Wall run out to the next rock and grab the Light
Seed. Then, grip fall to the rock below. The last
Light Seed on the path is down there.


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e d
a sh
e Heaven’s Stair
Heaven’s Stair is Ascension
a huge tower that
The green power
looms high above
plates on the
the Vale. It is the
face of Heaven’s
direct gateway
Stair are your
to the Obser-
key inside. Wall
vatory, which
run up to the
is the highest
first power plate
point in the entire kingdom. From here, the Alchemist was
and use Elika’s
once able to look out across the stars and imagine new
magic. This sends you stomping up to the next power
worlds. But the stars cannot be seen through the mist of
plate in the sequence. Use magic at this plate to change
corruption that hangs over the Vale.
course. Now you run horizontally around the exterior of
Corrupt Heaven’s Stair.

Approach The circum-

ference of
If you are Heaven’s Stair
coming at the is quite a trip.
Heaven’s Stair While climbing
from the east, against gravity,
use the columns steer left and
and rings to right to dodge
reach a vine- gears, holes, and broken planks. If you bump into
covered cliff. any obstacle, you’re sent back down to the bottom of
Scurry across Heaven’s Stair and must start over.
the vines and
then leap out to
another series of
columns. There
is a wooden
panel that runs
alongside the
columns that you can use to cross the gap between the
columns and reach the base of Heaven’s Stair.
From the
crossroads to
Tap the magic button when you reach the next green
the west, use the
power plate. Now you climb back up the side of the
slides to reach a tower and inside a small chamber.
series of columns.
Connect the two
slides to the right
with the vines on
the wooden wall.
When crossing
between the
columns, use the
rings on the ceiling
to roof. Once
you reach the last
column, hop down
As soon as you enter the chamber, a soldier appears
to the entrance to Heaven’s Stair. out of the corruption and challenges you. 96

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The soldier PRIMA Official Game Guide
is a quick kill if
you push it up
to the wall and NOTE
strike with fast
Pick any of the four power plates— MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
sword attack. it doesn’t matter which one you try
Getting it into first. DYNAMIC WORLD
that position
is the tricky
soldier calls CITY OF LIGHT
upon any of TREE OF LIFE
the Ahriman’s SECRETS
encountered up
to this point,
which certainly include Ahriman’s Fury. When you see the Climb along the rings and columns to reach the
soldier encased in black tendrils, call on Elika to dispel the ledges above the elevator.
effects of the influence and then continue into a combo.
Uh-oh. When
you reach the
After the soldier ledge above
is down, jump the elevator,
outside the corruption gas
chamber and leap hisses through
to the next green the vent in the
power plate.
center of the
room. This is the trap for the Vale, and now that you’ve
triggered it here, it will appear elsewhere in corrupted
The power areas. The gas hovers in the bottom half of this room. Any
plate sends you time you must cross to a different green power plate on the
romping along bottom floor, you must run or else be overcome by the gas.
a trail of boards
To remove the gas and open the elevator, you must slide
and planks all
the four slotted rings in this room. There is one ring per
lashed together.
green power plate. Sliding along the ring unlocks a gear.
The path is
When all four gears are unlocked, the door to the elevator
narrow and
swings open.
zigzags. Steer with the curves as the path winds around
Heaven’s Stair and leads you up to the next floor of the
tower. Follow the
scratches on the
The Gas walls. When you
slide across the
As soon as you ring, the nearby
set foot in this gear flips up and
chamber, the is unlocked.
elevator on the
far side of the
room locks. You Grip fall from
must unlock the vertical slit
it if you want between the
gears to reach
to reach the top of the tower. Elika suggests you try the
the floor and run
green power plates to ascend the room and figure out a to another green
way to open the door on the elevator. Follow her advice power plate.
and stomp up one of the green power plates.


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e d
a sh
e Heaven’s Stair. It’s a large, round arena with a few pillars
Unl TIP but no open edges and only a small path of corruption
against the large black door. You can keep the Alchemist
Keep track of which power plates you have
already used. Each power plate leads to one away from it.
slotted ring switch. In fact, it’s
a great arena
for combos
Waste no time
when running
since you can
to a new green really juggle the
power plate when Alchemist with
the gas is still alternating magic
active. and lift moves in
the center of the sizeable room.

When the door

opens, use the
crank to raise the

At the top
of the elevator The Alchemist cycles through any revealed influences,
shaft, jump out especially Ahriman’s Fury during this battle. Be ready
to the nearby to counter with the appropriate attack.
column and then
leap to the short
wall. Scramble If the Alchemist
up to reach a backs you into
balcony that overlooks the Vale. A green power plate is a wall, be ready
there to your right. for the resulting
Romp and
stomp along the
winding path as
you ascend the If you are ever
tower’s exterior. injured, keep your
guard up. Should
Steer with the
the Alchemist
path. If you land a second
bump into a dead successful attack
end or any obstacle, you return to the balcony next to the while you are hurt,
elevator. The path leads directly to the Alchemist. he goes in for a
lethal attack.
The Alchemist
As long as you prevent the Alchemist from regenerating
The Alchemist his health via his special technique and guard against
is determined incoming attacks, handling him in this arena is totally
to keep you manageable. Just keep the Corrupted close to the center
from reaching of the room and launch him into the air so you can pound
the top of his him every time he starts to come back down.
Observatory. He
challenges you
on the roof of 98

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Healed PRIMA Official Game Guide

There are two paths that lead away from Heaven’s Stair: Pull the ring next to the gate. The gate falls,
west and east. The Observatory, the Alchemist’s lair, is revealing a way down from the tower.
directly north of Heaven’s Stair. RETURN OF THE PRINCE
Heaven’s Stair WAYS
There are four DESERT
around the fertile THE VALE

ground at the ROYAL PALACE

top of Heaven’s
Stair. Two of
them lead to the
large black gate Jump out to the Light Seed in the shaft and
that opens only when you’ve purified all four areas of then grip fall down.
the Vale. The other two Light Seeds lead to a large gate.

To Reservoir

x6 Light Seed
To Machinery Ground Breath of Ormazd Power Plate


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e d
a sh
e Jump to the
Unl column with the
sharp tip poking
out above the
platform outside
Heaven’s Gate.
Slide down the
column to pick
up a Light Seed.
At the bottom,
Dodge the wooden panels in the shaft as you grip swivel around
fall, steering toward the Light Seed at the very the column to
bottom. This deposits you right outside the base of put your back to
the tower. two more Light
Seeds. Kick away
from the column
to grab the Light Seeds and land on another small pillar.
Now, return to the platform.

To Observatory

Light Seed
Hand of Ormazd Power Plate
Breath of Ormazd Power Plate 100

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Grab the two Light Seeds just to the right of the CITY OF LIGHT
green power plate on the side of the tower. TREE OF LIFE
Use the elevator to rise to the next floor. Jump
out to the column to pick up the Light Seed.

Blue Power Plate

Wall run to the
blue power plate
on the left side
of the room (if
you’re outside
looking in) and
then activate
it with Elika’s
magic. This arcs
you to the power
plate above the
elevator and into
a Light Seed.
Wall run to the
power plate to curve around the opposite side of
the room.
Climb the side of the tower via the power plates.
Steer into the Light Seeds. When the
Hand of Ormazd
A handful of
drops you against
Light Seeds is
the wall, wall
inside the gas
run to the rings
room. Pick up
to pick up two
the two Light
more Light
Seeds tucked
Seeds. When you
under the
drop down to
stairs. Then,
the ledge, pick
use the green
up three Light
power plates
Seeds. The first is
to reach the
out in the open.
slotted rings.
The other two are
Return to the
tucked in the corner, off to the right.
slits between
the gears and
then grip fall
into two more
Light Seeds.


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e d
a the
l eExit
Un chamber above
the elevator.
Pick up the
Light Seed on
the landing and
then jump out to
the green power
plate that rockets you to the top of Heaven’s Stair.

When you reach the crossroads, hang up the

northwest side of the platform and grip fall to some
vines to grab a pair of Light Seeds.

East Path
Start from
the entrance
to Heaven’s
Stair. Jump
to the closest
Pick up two more Light Seeds on the winding path column and
up to the roof. then run along
the wooden
West Path plank. This sets you on a path for the crossroads between
Heaven’s Stair and the Reservoir. Wall run along the
From the
plank to gather two Light Seeds and then leap out to
entrance to
another series of columns.
Heaven’s Stair,
jump out to Jump to the
the columns cliff and then
leading back to wall run to the
the Machinery vines. Three
Ground. Roof Light Seeds are
along the rings between the columns to pick up a Light on the side of
Seed. Cooperatively jump with Elika between the last two the cliff, each
columns right before the crossroads to pick up another accessible via
Light Seed. wall runs. Use the vine patches to avoid slipping off the
Jump out to
the loop of slides.
Steer into the
Light Seeds on
the canvas slides
as you slip down
them. There are
four Light Seeds
on the slides, one per slide.

Roof out to the crossroads to gather the last Light

Seed along this path. 102

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four areas of
the Vale have DESERT
been liberated RUINED CITADEL
from Ahriman’s THE VALE
corruption, it’s ROYAL PALACE
time for the CITY OF LIGHT
Prince and Elika TREE OF LIFE
to challenge the Alchemist to one final fight. Outsmarting
the Alchemist will not be easy. But if the Prince and Elika Follow the plates on the balloons to reach the
put their heads together, they may have just enough wits bottom floor of the Observatory.
about them to stay one step ahead of Ahriman’s mad
scientist. Wall run to
the left and use
The Approach the ring on the
corner to swing
After passing around to a
through the green power
black gate, you plate. The
spy a green green power
power plate plate sends
on a wooden you stomping
structure. This along the walls
is the launching of the Obser-
pad for a wild ride up a series of hot air balloons that float vatory. Dodge
above the Vale. The green power plate sends you running the creeping
for a red power plate on the side of the structure. corruption and
wall fixtures on
Two red
your way to a
power plates
red power plate.
bounce you up
the Alchemist’s Keep alter-
balloons. When nating between
you reach the red and green
red power plate plates to climb
on the bottom the inside of
balloon, tap the magic button to vault through the air the Obser-
again and land near a green power plate. vatory. When
a red plate
bounces you
across the
room, keep
the button
held down and
press in the
direction of
the plate (or a
ring to connect
two wall runs) to wall run to the next available power
Use rings to link wall scrambles up to the power plate.
plates on the balloons.


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e d
a sh
Soon, you are
launched out of
the Observatory
and back to a

Activate the green Half of the arena wall is lined with corruption. The
power plate to Alchemist tries to stick to that side of the room. You
run around the must push him away from it.
circumference of
the balloon.

Watch for the blue curls that indicate the regen-

eration technique. When you see them, close in
immediately and attack so the Alchemist cannot
recover too much strength.
The red power plate on top of the balloon launches
Watch for
you to the top room of the Observatory where the
Alchemist awaits you. throwing the
Alchemist into
Final Showdown the wall. It does
little damage to
The Alchemist
the Corrupted
rises from the
and he recovers
floor of the
from it right
chamber, cloaked
away. In fact,
in corruption.
he returns the
This Corrupted
favor with a
is a being of vast
struggle. If
you fail the
knows he has been cornered and you have the advantage
struggle, Elika
here with Elika. But the Alchemist has nothing to lose at
must save
this point, not even his life, which was forfeit centuries ago.
you, giving the
And so this man of science will now fight like a man of war.
Alchemist a few
Immediately seconds to recover his health.
start the battle
with an acrobatic TIP
move to keep
the Alchemist Use the gauntlet
centered in the when you have the
small arena. Alchemist in the
dead center of the
With a successful
room. It launches
start like this, you can then launch the Alchemist into the him straight up,
air with the gauntlet and keep him bobbing around with making him easy
Elika’s magic attacks. prey to a long combo. 104

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Keep the Alchemist reeling with your combos. CITY OF LIGHT
The third red power plate blasts you out of
TIP the Observatory and to a platform held aloft
by balloons. Another soldier is waiting for you
ABG. Always Be Guarding. When not attacking, out there.
have your defenses up because the Alchemist is
both fast and aggressive in this final fight.

Observe This
After zeroing
out the Alche-
mist’s health
bar, he vanishes
back into the
floor. Elika
didn’t purify
him, so he’s still Hammer the soldier with your sword attacks. When
alive somewhere in the Observatory. After the Alchemist the brute is done for, wall run up to the next red
power plate.
disappears, the room shifts, revealing a red power plate.
After soaring
The red power
through the air,
plate launches
you drop down
you to a small
on a very small
platform. When
platform on top
you land, a
of the Obser-
solider leaps
vatory. It is lined
into action. Slice
with corruption
up the soldier,
on all sides. This is the perfect spot for the Alchemist to
pushing it toward one of the edges for a quick kill. Watch
make his last stand—so he does, with fire and fury in
for state changes, though, as these soldiers can assume
all of his attacks. Stay on guard and try not to push the
unlocked Ahriman’s Influences.
Alchemist into the corruption!

After eliminating the soldier, use the next red power

plates to bounce you around the planetary models The Alchemist has only a quarter of his strength for
hanging from the ceiling. this last stand.


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e d
a sh
e Use acrobatics
Unl to maneuver
between the
Alchemist and
the corruption.
With his back
to the arena’s
center, launch
into a combo. Keep the Alchemist in the middle of the
platform to neutralize any of his advantages.
Grab the Wall run across the colorful balloons the reach the
necessary power plates.
Alchemist with
your gauntlet
and shove him
skyward. As he
rises, send Elika
up to finish the
job with a flurry
of magic attacks. The Alchemist flops to the ground in
failure. As he dissolves back into the corruption, Elika
leans down and places her hand on the Alchemist,
releasing him from his torment. Eternal life is not worth
such a cost. Follow the paths around the balloons without
crashing into moorings.
Short Trip Down
Finally, the
As the Prince and Prince and Elika
Elika try to catch reach the bottom
their breath, the of the Obser-
platform atop vatory. A brilliant
the Observatory sun shines over
slips from its the Vale, casting
foundations. the skies in a
The platform blue the Prince has never seen before in his life. His spirits
slides off the tower and sends the pair flying toward the are up—defeating the Alchemist was quite a feat. But
balloons. The Prince and Elika land on a small platform Elika does not share in all of his exuberance. What burden
amongst the magnificent hot air balloons. Now they must is she carrying that she chooses to shoulder alone?
use the power plates on the balloons to safely descend
from the Observatory. 106

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The Royal Palace was once home to the Ahura royal lineage. Unfortunately, time and fate have not
favored the royal family. Once-lively halls are now deathly still. Lush gardens are choked by weeds. But it
is not too late to restore the Royal Palace to its former glory. If the Prince and Elika can purify the fertile ROYAL PALACE
ground in the regions and push the corrosive power of the Concubine out of the palace, perhaps one day CITY OF LIGHT
joy can return the Ahura capitol. Maybe the royal line will return to claim the throne and lead the Ahuras TREE OF LIFE
out of decline and into a renaissance period of peace and prosperity. SECRETS

What’s Unleashed King, and even some of the soldiers that guard the
crossroads between the areas. So, if you think you can handle
As with the other regions in the world, visiting the Royal Garden Ahriman’s Patience, then strike hard against the Concubine. Just
unlocks both a special trap and one of Ahriman’s Influences. be ready to use that gauntlet again on other foes.
So, before striking out into the Royal Gardens and purifying
the Royal Palace, make sure you’re ready to handles these new NOTE
The only Corrupted that will not assume Ahri-
The Concubine man’s Patience is the Warrior. This Corrupted
is just too large to be affected by the gauntlet.
The Concubine is But lest you think the Warrior is some sort of
the Corrupted that pushover, he has his own special state change
haunts the Royal that poses its own special set of problems.
Palace, poisoning
the region with the
The Traps
sad sin of jealousy. Upon exploring
The Prince and the Coronation
Elika must engage Hall, the
the Concubine five times before they can finally confront her in Concubine
her lair. The Concubine does her best to twist the budding trust releases the
between the Prince and Elika. If the Concubine will never again swarm trap.
know love, then she will prevent these two from developing it This trap is a
also. To do this, she will sow the seeds of doubt between the pair. small storm of
The Concubine’s tactic is to separate the Prince and Elika corruption particles that coalesce into a frenzied grouping.
physically. During many encounters, she will use her powers This swarm then chases the Prince for a few seconds. If the
to hold Elika, preventing her from participating in battle. Prince stops moving, the swarm catches up and attacks.
The Prince must then rely on fighting techniques that do Elika must then step in and save the Prince. If the Prince
not involve Elika’s magic. Acrobatic and lift combos can be was in the middle of an acrobatic sequence, such as running
harnessed, but anything using magic cannot until the Concu- along walls between column jumps, the Prince is then
bine’s hold over Elika is severed. returned to the last piece of solid ground he stood upon. The
sequence must then be tried again, and performed faster, to
Standing against
keep the swarm from targeting the Prince.
the Concubine
also unlocks one Unlocking the swarm in the Coronation Hall releases
of Ahriman’s the trap in the following areas:
Influences: Martyr’s Tower, Marshalling Ground, Sun Temple, King’s
Patience. This Gate, Machinery Ground, Heaven’s Stair, the Observatory,
state change can Construction Yard, Reservoir, Spire of Dreams, Coronation
only be dispelled Hall, Royal Spire, the Cavern, Tower of Ormazd, Tower of
by a gauntlet attack. Once the Concubine unleashes Ahriman’s Ahriman, City Gate -- plus the routes between the Cauldron,
Influence, it can be used by all other Corrupted, the Mourning the Cavern, & Temple and the routes between the Cavern, City
Gate, & Temple.


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e d
a sh
e The Cavern
Before the Prince
and Elika can Leap from one
enter the Royal column to the
Palace region next by facing
and seek out the away from your
fertile ground target and
pressing jump.
needed to heal
the region, they
must pass through the Cavern. This gateway area was
The next
once a magnificent temple that is now in ruin. Lonely
column is too
columns hang from the ceiling. Poles long since stripped
far away to
of their banners jut from the walls. And in the center of
jump to without
it all is a beautiful staging ground that must have once
hosted some impressive ceremonies. But now, it only
You must use
echoes with the cackle of the Concubine.
a cooperative
Corrupt jump with Elika
to bridge the chasm. Leap into the air and then call upon
Approach Elika to use her magic to defy gravity and complete the
There are two ways to reach the Cavern. If you take the jump.
eastern path from the desert, make a left when the route There is no
forks. The way into the Cavern is short, but not without column to help
peril. you across this
A series of abyss. Wall run
broken columns to the two rings
leads deeper on the right side
into the Cavern. of the corridor.
The columns jut Use the gauntlet
out of deep pits, button to grab the rings and link the wall runs. Just before
surrounded by you lose your momentum, kick away to propel yourself to
the throbbing the ledge on the chasm’s opposite side.
corruption unleashed by the return of Ahriman. Keep
to the columns and avoid the walls poisoned by this
The corruption is
spreading. Jump
Leap out to out to the
the first column. next column and
Now, scramble to beware of the
the opposite side writhing hatred
on the walls.
of the column.
Press the jump
button to kick
away from the
column. (Remember, the direction your back is toward is
the direction you jump.) Climb the exposed
wooden fixtures to
reach the interior
Elika follows of the temple.
closely behind
as you climb the
columns and
jump away from
the encroaching
corruption. 108

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The fertile PRIMA Official Game Guide
ground is at the
center of the
temple. You can
see it from your MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
ledge—you’re WAYS
just a few jumps DYNAMIC WORLD
away. But the
ruins are less forgiving now. Little of the floor remains, so
you jump at your own peril. To close in on the center of the ROYAL PALACE
temple, leap out to the column hanging from the ceiling. CITY OF LIGHT
There is a
brass ring in
the ceiling just
beyond the
column. It’s
almost within
reach, but you
have to jump to
it to grab it. Scramble around so your back faces the ring,
climb high on the column, and then kick away. When you The columns stretch pretty far down the cave. Since
grab the ring, you can now perform the roofing maneuver. the walls are throbbing with corruption, you must stick to
You kick free of the ring and roll in the air, pushing off the columns until you can finally see clean patches on the
the ceiling with your feet and propelling yourself into the cave walls. Be on the lookout for scratches in the walls as
next column. indicators of where to wall run—they are always a perfect
Jump from the guide. When the scratches vanish and you’re nowhere
column to the pair near solid ground, kick away and jump to a column.
of poles sticking out
of the temple wall. Soon, you
Jump when your arrive at a tall
body is starting to wall. There
extend to wheel are two lines
through the air and of scaffolding
grab the next pole.
crossing the wall.
Scramble up the
wall, grabbing
almost there.
the wooden planks before gravity kicks in and pulls you
Jump out to
back down. Pull yourself up at the top of the wall.
the next set of
columns, which You can see the
extend over the fertile ground
center of the from this vantage
temple. On the point, too. But
second column, you must find a
jump down. way down to it,
and it’s a long
Now, if you way down.
approach the
Cavern from
the middle path
leading away Swing around the
from the desert, poles to the left.
make a right They lead to a set
turn at the fork. From here, follow the series of columns of columns.
along the route since there is no floor.


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e d
a sh
Unl Jump between TIP
the two columns Since there are multiple posts jutting out of the
to reach a platform, make sure you start with the one that
solid ledge that points directly to a column and a tall wall with
overlooks the no rings.
fertile ground.

At the top of the

Well, there’s
column, jump
no easy way on the tall ledge
down to the threatened by
fertile ground, corruption.
but that trio
of columns in
front of you can
The Concubine
at least get you
doesn’t move as
closer to it. Jump out to the first column. Rotate around
you clamber to
the column and then kick over to the next one. Just as you
the top of the
close in on the column, it disappears. You crash down to
ledge. She stands
the fertile ground. That’s when you realize you are not
defiantly even as
you jump to the
The Concubine top of the wall to
the right and then launch yourself onto the next platform.
Elika is seized by
a dark tendril. Neither does
The Concubine the Concubine
looks down move when you
on you from leap to the pair of
above, taunting poles and launch
your dilemma. through the air,
How will you easily jumping
ever manage to make it up to the Concubine without from one to the
Elika’s help? This is the trickery of the Concubine—to next. Does she not understand that’s she’s just thirty
prevent you from working with Elika and improving your seconds away from tasting cold steel?
symbiotic relationship. Without Elika’s magic to complete
those cooperative jumps, how can you hope to ever reach
the Concubine?
Wall run from the
second pole and
then jump down
to the Concubine.

Close in on
the Concubine
when you land.
She turns to face
you, but as soon
Start your push toward the Concubine by running to as you unsheathe
the end of the post on the opposite side of the fertile your blade and
ground from Elika. run her through,
she vanishes. It was just an illusion. 110

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The Concubine PRIMA Official Game Guide
reappears on the
opposite side
of the chamber,
You must now WAYS
jump down from DYNAMIC WORLD
this ledge onto
the fertile ground and find another route to reach her new
location. Or is she also a mirage? Only one way to find ROYAL PALACE
Return to the From the top of the wall, jump down to
post you first the nearby slide and ride it to the pair of
used to reach flagpoles. Jump to the flagpoles and swing
the Concubine’s around them to reach another slide. The
illusion and slide speeds you down to the bottom of the ledge with the
scramble to the Concubine. Jump out and wall run up to the Concubine.
ledge atop it.
However, instead
of heading to the posts to the right, jump down to the
slides on your left.

As expected, the harridan blinks out of sight as soon

as you slice her with your sword.
The Concubine
reappears, but
Ride the two slides down to the bottom of the Concu-
this time she
bine’s ledge. Leap from the second tilted platform to
the ledge and wall run up it. does so next
to Elika. The
taunts you, and
Again, the
even though
disappears when her mouth is covered with a veil, you just know her lips
you flash your are curled into a disdainful smile. Her words drip with
steel. treachery. Jump down to the Concubine to begin your
first battle. As soon as you land, the Concubine releases
Elika from her grip to concentrate solely on you.
Return to the Your clash
fertile ground with the
(and the writhing Concubine begins
Elika) and then immediately.
run to the post Approach
to the right. This her with your
post leads to a guard up. The
short column. Concubine is
It’s not high enough to scale the wall next to it, so instead, fast, so deflecting her attacks requires lightning reflexes.
you must jump out and use the ring to link a wall run to Test her out while guarding to get a feel for her speed. While
the top of the wall. guarding, you can push toward the center of the fertile
ground and keep the battle away from the edges of the arena.


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e d
a sh
e When the
Unl Concubine is
almost finished,
she turns mean.
She attacks
aggressively, so
keep your guard
up. Guarding
against her massive staff lets you survive a string of
attacks until you see the perfect opening.
If the Concubine manages to push you against the
edge of the arena, you enter a struggle. Tap the TIP
sword button repeatedly to win the struggle and
nudge the fight back toward the center. Watch for the Concubine to sweep the staff
across the ground before attacking. That
signals her last attack in the string. Once she
returns to a standing position, strike back.
If you lose a struggle, the Concubine knocks you
off the edge. While Elika saves you, the Concu- Once the
bine earns back health. Concubine is
defeated (she is
Use extended down but hardly
combos to out—you’ll see
bring down the her five more
Concubine’s times), it’s time
health. If you to heal the fertile
are nearing an ground. As soon as Elika works her magic on the sacred
edge, start with soil, color returns to the Cavern and Light Seeds are
an acrobatic spread across the area.
move to guide
the battle back Healed
to the middle. After purifying the area, you must explore three paths as
Mix up sword well as the main body of the Cavern to pick up the Light
attacks with Seeds.
Elika’s magic
to draw out The Cavern
the combo As Elika
and keep the composes
Concubine from getting in an attack of her own. herself, the
Cavern fills with
the sparkle of
Light Seeds.
Two of them
are immediately
available from the platform with the fertile ground. The
rest stretch out along the paths leading into the Cavern
and the ruins that surround the fertile ground.
Begin the hunt
at the post to the
If the Concubine attacks you successfully while right. There is
you are injured, she goes for a lethal attack. Press a Light Seed on
the button as it flashes on-screen to save yourself. the post, as well
Otherwise, Elika must rescue you and the Concubine as in the space
between the
nearby column 112

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and wall. Jump out to the wall and grab the Light Seed PRIMA Official Game Guide
before jumping back to the column. Climb the column
and jump to the ledge.
See that yellow power plate on the wall? If
you have the Hand of Ormazd, you can collect
some extra Light Seeds.
Use the rings atop the ledge to grab another Light
Seed. Climb to the top of the wall.
Yellow Power Plate
From this
point, you are at Once you have
a crossroads. You unlocked the
can either keep Hand of Ormazd,
collecting Light you can launch
Seeds inside the from the yellow
Cavern or start power plate
down the eastern on the Cavern
path. The east path heads away from the Cavern and wall and fetch a
is marked with a long column that is hanging from the quartet of Light
ceiling. Seeds inside
the Cavern.
Roof along Steer around
the rings in the the stalagmites
eastern corner to grab a Light
of the Cavern Seed. As you zoom around the rest of the room,
to grab another veer into the other three Light Seeds to grab them.
Light Seed. At If you miss any of the Light Seeds, just scramble
the end of the up to the yellow power plate again and give the
rings, use the Cavern another whirl.
column to jump
over to solid
ground. From
there, you can
either strike out
to the north
or continue
weaving around
the Cavern to
pick up more Light Seeds.

Jump out to the center of the Cavern via to columns

to pick up another set of Light Seeds.


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e d
a sh
e From the From the
Unl yellow power fertile ground,
plate, follow the head out to the
columns to the post pointing
west. There is toward the wall
a Light Seed at without a ring.
the top of the From the top of
column. Then, the wall, you can
double-jump away to the next column to reach a set of jump to a set of poles and then wall run out to another
poles. Swing around the pole to reach the exit to the west Light Seed. (You closed in on first of the Concubine’s
path leading away from the Cavern. From here, you can illusions out here.) Return to the wall via the post again
venture away from the Cavern and slide down the wall to and then head in the opposite direction.
grab a Light Seed.

Follow the slides

to pick up two
The Light Seed
more Light Seeds.
is just below you.
A third is on a
Use the rings to
nearby post.
safely descend.

Grip fall down If you see a bunch of Light Seeds hanging out
the wall to the in the middle of the air, don’t worry—you can
right to grab fetch those when you have the Hand of Ormazd
another pair of power.
Light Seeds.
East Path
When you leave
To get back on the main room of
track from here, the Cavern, you
double-jump to see two Light
the slide that Seeds on the
drops you back second column
to the fertile pointing straight
ground. Use the down into the
post to the right abyss. Jump out to the first column, swing around to its
of the slide to jump back to a column and ascend the wall backside, and then jump again. Use Elika’s magic for
via the rings. a co-op jump to the second column. Then, jump to the
Light Seeds and grip fall through the pair. Jump back to
Jump to the the column.
tilted platform to
the left. Stay to Slide to the
the center of the bottom of the
slide to breeze column and jump
right through a to the series of
Light Seed. At rock ledges that
the bottom of the extends away
slide, jump to a pair of poles with a Light Seed. Swing from the Cavern.
around them to land on another slide. Again, stay to the There are Light
center of the slide to pick up a Light Seed. Seeds visible from the ground. Link your wall runs
with the rings on the left side of the corridor to pick up
another prize. 114

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Keep tracking PRIMA Official Game Guide
away from the
Cavern. As you North Path
enter the long
little floor, use WAYS
wall runs and DYNAMIC WORLD
columns to cross
the gaps. Grab the Light Seed along the wall as well as
the one at the end of the corridor. Now, backtrack to the ROYAL PALACE
Cavern to continue collecting Light Seeds. CITY OF LIGHT


Slide down the Use the series of columns to cross the abyss
wall just beyond to the north of the Cavern. At the second
the Cavern to column, jump out and wall run along the
pick up one slanted wall to pick up a Light Seed.
Light Seed. Jump across
After grabbing the next two
it, jump with columns and
Elika out to the scramble up the
column fragment tall wall (which
hanging from is helpfully
the ceiling. Jump lined with brass
from the column rings) to pick up
and wall run into another Light Seed and reach a good vantage point. From
the next Light up there, you can see the crossroads between the Cavern
Seed and grab and the Royal Gardens.
onto a fissure.
From the ledge
Follow the above the rings,
look down the
scaffolding in
narrow alcove.
the fissure down There are two
the tunnel wall. Light Seeds all
At the end of the the way at the
fissure, wall run bottom of the
to the right. Two alcove.
Light Seeds are
If the Royal
visible farther down the corridor. Use the column between
Gardens have not
the two Light Seeds to reach the treasures.
been healed, there
Continue is a soldier at the
down the path. crossroads. Now,
As you round depending on
the corner, two whether you’ve
more Light Seeds fought any of
appear in the the Corrupted,
distance. One this soldier may
is at the edge of know a few more
a solid platform. The next is farther down the corridor. techniques than
Use the columns to reach the far Light Seed. Now, return basic sword
to the Cavern to keep grabbing Light Seeds or move to strikes. Use
another area. Elika’s magic in
combos that back
the soldier up to the edge of the platform and then run him
through with your sword for a quick kill.


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e d
a sh
e slide. At the
Unl TIP bottom, wall run
The earlier in your adventure that you cleanse through the next
the gateway areas, like the Cavern or Cauldron, Light Seed. Jump
the fewer special powers you must contend with over to the slide
while fighting the soldiers. Remember, the more and then wall run
battles you win, the harder future soldiers will through the rest
fight back. of the path to
grab another Light Seed.
You must loop
back toward the
Cavern to collect TIP
the rest of the Have enough Light Seeds to unlock one of
Light Seeds on Elika’s new magic powers? Don’t delay—rush
the north path. back to the temple of the Tree of Life and earn a
Cooperatively new technique!
jump out to the

Royal Gardens
Once the pride Waterworks
of the kingdom,
The yellow power
the Royal
plate directly
Gardens are
ahead of you is
now little more
your way into
than a weed
the heart of the
patch. Beautiful
Royal Gardens.
fountains that
Ease down to the
once entertained the populous with stunning sprays
wall that leads
of water are now gummed up with corruption. Elika
out to the power plate. Wall run out to the power plate
remembers when this was a place of great happiness—her
and use Elika’s magic to launch the two of you through
mother loved these gardens more than any other place
the air. Ormazd’s magic blasts you over the gardens and
in the kingdom. But those days are long gone. Perhaps if
to a pair of narrow walls.
Elika can redeem the gardens, she can at least feel closer
to her mother. Wall run
between the two
Corrupt walls, jumping
from one side to
Approach the other to keep
There are three your momentum
ways into the going. There is
Royal gardens. another yellow
If you’re coming power plate at the end of the left wall. Activate it to zoom
from the south, over the gardens, straight to another yellow power plate.
the Cavern,
follow the
bleached column Hold the magic
fragments along the tunnel walls. If you’re coming from button as you fly
the east or west, follow the beams. You must use the so you can wall
columns along the edges of the gardens to close in on run to the left as
the yellow power plate that launches you into the Royal soon as you land.
Gardens. If you have released any traps, watch out for
them on the walls. 116

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PRIMA Official Game Guide
Did you visit the City of Light? If so, then you’re
seeing the results of unlocking the tendrils. RETURN OF THE PRINCE
Remember, triggering traps makes traveling the MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
world much trickier. WAYS
Turn this crank until these three channels are SECRETS
full of corruption.

Drop down to
The yellow power plate drops you down to the lower this crank and
level of the Royal Gardens. turn it until the
corruption flows
At the bottom farther up the
of the gardens, gardens.
Elika points out
a yellow power
plate on the
back wall. That
Turn this
power plate is crank until the
your ticket to corruption flows
the large, ornate platform directly above you. However, into the next
there is no way to reach the plate unless you somehow channel.
raise the ground beneath it. Turning on the water that fed
the garden would raise the platform, but there’s no water
here anymore. However, there is plenty of corruption. You
must fill the reservoirs on each side of the plate to raise
Turn this crank
the platform. But to fill those reservoirs, you must adjust so you adjust
the channels on each side of the gardens. the channel you
just filled. You
Turn the want to shut the
cranks (four channel off.
on each side)
to adjust the
channels. Each
channel has
at least two
grates that allow Return to this
corruption to flow through it. You must create a path crank and turn it.
for the corruption from the pool at the top of the garden
all the way down to the reservoir. Each crank controls a
different set of channels. Some cranks control the same
Let’s start with the left side of the chamber:


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e d
a sh
Unl The channels Now, turn this
click into crank to complete
place and the the route for the
corruption flows corruption to pass
all the way down through to the
into the reservoir. reservoir.


Be careful around those channels. If you step Having problems with the channels? Teleport
into one that’s full of corruption, Elika must to a healed patch of fertile ground to totally
save you. reset the channels. Come back and try again
with a fresh look at the puzzle.
Now, let’s move to the right side of the room and fill
that reservoir. It’s a bit tougher than the previous side.

Filling the second reservoir raises the platform

beneath the yellow power plate Elika pointed out.
Turn this crank to spin the channel that leads to the Now it’s time to face down the Concubine.
reservoir. Spin it so the grates are in place to feed
the corruption into the reservoir.
Jump with
Elika across the
reservoir. You
Turn this crank cannot make it
to fill these two alone. On the
pools. other side, wall
run up to the
yellow power plate and activate it with Elika’s magic.
You curl through the air over the channels and land on a
platform high above the gardens.

Turn this crank The Concubine

so the channels
The Concubine
around it look
like this. again strikes
Elika so you
cannot use her
at the beginning
of the battle. Slip
into the guard
position and
Turn this crank
wait out the Concubine’s first set of attacks while Elika
up here to fill
these channels.
recovers. Once she pulls herself off the ground and comes
to your side, it’s time to meet the Concubine’s aggression
with your own. 118

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PRIMA Official Game Guide
The arena is partially lined with corruption. Do NOTE
not back the Concubine up into it. Corruption is RETURN OF THE PRINCE
beneficial to your enemies, allowing them to be MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
absorbed and then warp into an advantageous WAYS
position behind you. DYNAMIC WORLD
corruption THE VALE
around the arena, ROYAL PALACE
it’s in your best CITY OF LIGHT
interests to keep TREE OF LIFE
the Concubine The Concubine will use any Ahri-
close to the man Influence unlocked by other
center of the Corrupted, so watch out for those
platform. Use acrobatic attacks to prevent the Concubine special attacks.
from edging you toward the corruption. If she nudges you
Unless you
into it, Elika must save you and the Concubine regains
eliminate the
her health.
Concubine right
The Concubine away with a
can effectively series of sweet
counterattack, combos that
so if you’re keep her from
injured, don’t reaching the
try anything corruption, the witch will likely reveal Ahriman’s Patience
too bold. If in this battle. When you see the witch turn dark and
the Concubine yellow sparks pop from her torso, you know it’s time for a
counterattacks effectively, you push press the on-screen gauntlet attack.
buttons to deflect each of her twirling moves. If you fail
any of these inputs, the Concubine gets the drop on you
and goes for a lethal attack.

Let the Concubine attack. Deflect and then

immediately reply with your gauntlet. Throwing her
into the air dissipates the influence. Now you can
Missing the lethal attack lets the Concubine recover hammer away with any kind of combo.
lost strength, so be ready to press the flashing
button! CAUTION
Watch out for the pillars in this arena. If the
Concubine slams you into one and then lands
Keep the another attack, you’re immediately injured.
Concubine out of As soon as the Concubine is defeated, have Elika heal
the corruption.
the land. The garden returns to life—not quite to full
bloom, but another season of care should turn this place
into a small paradise. Now it’s time to collect Light Seeds.


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h ed
Un Healed
l e
There are three paths leading in and out of the Royal
Gardens: east, west, and south. There are Light Seeds
along these three routes in addition to those inside the
restored Royal Gardens.
Royal Gardens
After healing the area, pick up the four Light Seeds
available right on the platform with the fertile ground.

Use the from the balconies out to the columns on each side
columns flanking of the area to collect Light Seeds and boost your
the gardens to total.
pick up the Light
Seeds above
the restored
fountains. Jump

To Spire
of Dreams

To The

To Royal
Light Seed
Step of Ormazd Power Plate
Wings of Ormazd Power Plate 120

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Red Power Plate
If you have
unlocked the Step
of Ormazd, you WAYS
can collect the DYNAMIC WORLD
hard-to-reach DESERT
Light Seeds in the RUINED CITADEL

Royal Garden. THE VALE

Climb the vines on the west side of the garden (if
you are looking toward the fertile ground) to reach TREE OF LIFE
the power plate. Hang from the edge of the former corruption SECRETS
pools to grab Light Seeds that hang just over
This power the edge.
plate launches
you to another
red power plate
below the fertile Pick up the Light
ground. Seeds in the
You are then
blasted up to a
small platform
above the gardens
that holds two
Light Seeds. Getting these Light
Now, repeat this Seeds is pretty
on the east side of the garden. tricky. Use the col-
umn to the right of
Access the the ledge. Wall run
red power plate up the column and
against the wall then kick away to
by using the grab the lattice on the ledge. Scramble to the
fissures next to top of the lattice. When you pull yourself up,
the columns. you can nab the two Light Seeds.
Bounce across
the garden to a
West Path
high ledge with The balcony to
three Light Seeds. the left of the
To get down from fertile ground
either ledge, just leads out to the
use grip fall to western path
land softly. away from the
Royal Gardens.
Jump from the
balcony to the two flagpoles. Swing from the second
flagpole to the nearby wall. (This requires a double jump
Use the yellow
with Elika.) Wall run along the wall and then jump out to
power plate to
rocket to the a post.
Light Seed in the


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e d
a sh
Unl Jump to the
nearby wall. Wall
Follow the beam run and hop to
to collect two the adjacent wall
Light Seeds. to pick up the last
Light Seed on the
west path.

East Path
Wall run along
the base of the From the balcony
tower to grab that overlooks
another Light the eastern path
Seed. Jump to the out of the Royal
flagpole before Gardens, wall
you fall.
run through
the visible Light
Seed. Leap the
column just beyond the wall, using a little help from Elika
to close the gap.
There is a
Light Seed
between the
two columns.
From the second
column, jump to
the rock wall and
Turn around on the flagpole. The change in view wall run to the
reveals two Light Seeds on the ledge behind the
vines, passing through the Light Seed.
tower. Edge to the left on the flagpole and then jump
out to the tower. Wall run to the ledge.
Unless you
healed the Royal
Spire to the west,
a soldier waits at
the crossroads
between the two
areas. Because
you have now
encountered the Concubine and seen Ahriman’s Patience,
it is entirely possible this soldier—and any you encounter Climb straight up the vines. Look up. There are two
after it—will call upon that special power. The crossroads Light Seeds directly above you. Wall run up to the
are small, though, so with a good acrobatic combo, you top patch of vines to grab the Light Seeds.
can push the soldier to the edge of the arena and finish it Drop back down
with a sword drive. the vines and
wall run to the
column to the
jump out to the east. Jump out
tattered banner to the column
to the west and and swivel to
climb up to the pick up the last
post. Light Seed along this path. You do not need to jump out
to the crossroads. But it’s always fun to test out some new
combos on the waiting soldier. 122

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South Path PRIMA Official Game Guide

Step away
from the Royal


the Cavern to DYNAMIC WORLD
locate another DESERT
batch of Light RUINED CITADEL
Seeds. There is THE VALE
a loop to be made here via slides and wall runs. Start by ROYAL PALACE
wall running to the slides on the left and steering into the
of the platform points to a tall wall. Jump TREE OF LIFE
Light Seeds as your sandals find no purchase.
to the wall (with Elika) and use the rings SECRETS
From the to reach the ledge above it. A Light Seed is
column at the found at the top of the rings.
bottom of the Jump from the
slides, swing post at the top
around to look of the wall and
into the dark use the columns
corner off to the as links between
left. Jump to the a series of wall
ledge with the two Light Seeds and then bounce back to runs. The last
the column. Then leap to another tilted platform. This Light Seed along
races you down to the crossroads between the two areas. this path is to your right as you wall run back to the
From the crossroads, tack to the right. A post sticking out entrance to the Royal Gardens.

Royal Spire
The majestic are coming from the Royal Gardens, use the system of
Royal Spire rises vines and columns to navigate along the cliffs. (If you
high above the have triggered the tremors, you must time your jumps
Ahura palace. when the rolling corruption moves out of the way.)
But its powerful
presence against
the skyline
disguises a
rotting interior. A victim of neglect as the royal line
declined, the Royal Spire is now more of a playground for
corruption than a sign of regality. The Prince and Elika
must ascend the spire and confront the Concubine at the
top. Banishing the Concubine is the only way to reach the
fertile ground and push the shadows out of the Royal Spire.

Corrupt If you are coming from the Coronation Hall, use the
network of columns hanging from the ceiling of the
Approach decorated hall. There is no floor, so you have to stick to
Entering the the ceiling via the rings. Roof across the gaps between the
Royal Spire columns, and then jump down to enter the bottom floor
from any of of the Royal Spire.
the possible
paths requires
deftly jumping
from column to
column. If you


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e d
l ea
Ascend the Tower
To begin
climbing the
interior of the
tower, you must
jump to the blue
power plate in
the center of the
chamber. It’s on
an axle, rhythmically rotating. When the blue power plate
Jump away from the column with Elika’s help and
slides into view, wall run up to it and use Elika’s magic to
then wall run to another blue power plate. This
start your flight. blasts you up to a ledge.
You land on The ledge
the wall just overlooks the
below another axle in the middle
blue power plate. of the tower.
Hold the button There is a blue
and press up power plate on
to scramble to a flap attached
the plate before to the axle. The
you slide off the wall. This power plate launches you to a flap swings toward you every few seconds. When the flap
column farther up the spire. starts to move, jump out to it. Use Elika to complete your
jump and then run up to the power plate. Activate it with
Elika’s magic.
Jump to the wall The Hand
and skitter along of Ormazd
it to the next magic lifts you
power plate. to another blue
power plate, but
the trajectory
is too short.
Scramble up the
wall to access the plate and use Elika’s magic to blast up
to another solid ledge. The magic isn’t enough to quite
get you there, so when the screen starts to turn gray, call
on Elika to fling you all the way to the ledge.

Wall run across

the clockwork
gears to reach the
This power plate zips you up to a column. Jump next blue power
away from the column and wall run along the tower. plate.
At the end of the run, jump out to the next column.

Time these moves right! If you miss a jump and At the top of the
fall, Elika saves you—but it sends you all the bounce, use Elika
way back to the central axle with the first blue to complete the
power plate. arc and land on a
column. 124

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PRIMA Official Game Guide
Jump from the
column with
Elika’s help
and wall run
to another blue WAYS
power plate. DYNAMIC WORLD
Another lift THE VALE
from Ormazd ROYAL PALACE
that isn’t strong CITY OF LIGHT
enough. Use The Concubine will always try to push you TREE OF LIFE

Elika to reach the out from the center of the arena. She wants SECRETS
to struggle with you at the edge of the arena
wall and run to
because if she wins and you fail the save, she
the next power earns back her health.
plate. Continue
using Elika to complete your magical leaps as you wind When Elika
your way up the tower. is in play again,
use acrobatics to
When you get the Concu-
reach the balcony bine’s back to
after the series the center of
of blue power the arena. Then
plates, look to launch into an
the center of extended combo that keeps the Concubine reeling. Start
the tower. That with an acrobatic and then segue into Elika’s magic. Keep
elevator is your the combo moving with sword and gauntlet moves so that
way to the top of the Royal Spire. Jump to it and use the the Concubine cannot ever react to stop the combo.
crank with Elika. The elevator rises, delivering you into
the waiting fingers of the Concubine.

The Concubine
When the
elevator reaches
the top of the
Royal Spire,
the Concubine
immediate puts
the screws to
Watch for Ahriman’s Patience. When you see the
Elika. Elika
Concubine emit the yellow sparks, keep Elika back.
doubles over in pain. You must complete the first part of If Elika attacks when the Concubine uses Ahriman’s
this battle without Elika’s magic to extend your combos, Patience, you lose your companion while she
so you must stick to sword, gauntlet, and acrobatic recovers from the crushing blow.
attacks. After a few moments, Elika regains her strength
and enters the battle.
As before, the
Concubine is no The longer the
shrinking violet. fight rages, the
She launches more often the
Concubine relies
attacks right
on state changes.
away, so unless If you’ve defeated
you are confident other Corrupted,
about being able the Concubine calls on their influences to keep
to deflect an incoming strike from her magical staff, just you on your toes.
use the guard button.


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e d
a sh
Don’t push the Concubine to the edge of the
arena. She simply teleports behind you, which is
definitely not advantageous for you. Inside the
spire, wall
Defeating the Concubine and healing the fertile ground
run around
is good news, to be sure. But the Concubine’s attempts
the bottom
at sowing doubt are taking hold. Just what game is this
floor and use
succubus playing at here?
columns to
Healed pick up a trail
of Light Seeds.
There are three paths that feed into the Royal Spire:
south, north, and east. You must explore all of these
routes to gather the Light Seeds in this area.

Royal Spire
The elevator was
a one-way trip. Green Power Plate
The only way
off the spire is
There is a green
down its outside.
power plate on
Follow the trail
the face of the
of Light Seeds to
spire, just above
the edge of the
the doorway
spire. Hang over the edge and look down.
that leads back
A trail of inside. Use the
scratches leads green power plate
down the spire. to stomp up the
Apparently, side of the spire.
You’re not the Steer away from
first person to be the second green
stuck up here. power plate (for
Use grip fall to now) and toward
take the express route down. Slide into the Light Seeds as the Light Seed above. After gaining the Light Seed,
you descend. purposefully bump into a wall to return to the
bottom of the tower.
Now, head
The longer you grip fall, the faster you go. And back up the tower
there are no brakes when gravity is concerned. via the green
power plate. This
time, veer to the
left to use the
next green power
plate. This sends you on a horizontal path around
the tower. Keep to the left to dodge an outcropping
and then follow the next power plate back up the

As you slide down the spire, take note of the green

power plates. If you have unlocked the Breath of
Ormazd, you can climb back up the tower later to
grab additional Light Seeds. 126

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Green Power Plate PRIMA Official Game Guide

The power
plates lead up to MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
the back side of WAYS
the spire. Steer DYNAMIC WORLD

to the right to DESERT

climb the smooth
path beneath a
balcony. There CITY OF LIGHT
are five Light TREE OF LIFE
Seeds on the Hang from the elevator at the top of the spire SECRETS
balcony. Once to spot a Light Seed below you.
you have them,
use the green
power plate above
the balcony to finish your climb up the spire. Grip Use grip fall to
fall back down. reach the Light

Grip fall
down the
interior of
the spire to
grab a Light
Seed tucked
beneath some
Hang down the ledge in front of the green power
gears. Slide
plate. Let yourself fall. There are two Light Seeds on
a small platform just below. Use the ring on the wall against the side
behind the Light Seeds to scramble back up. of the gears
so you grab a
Use the blue fissure before
power plate landing on
on the base solid ground at
of the central the bottom of
axle to launch the spire. Climb
yourself back along the fissure to pick up the Light Seed.
up the interior
of the spire. South Path
You need to
A handful of
wind your way
Light Seeds
back through
are on the path
the spire to
leading back
collect the
to the Royal
Light Seeds.
Garden. Jump
Without traps
from the post at
or corruption
the base of the
spire to the rock wall. Wall run to the vine patches to pick
traveling through the spire is a touch easier. Follow the
up two Light Seeds.
same path as before, using Elika to complete arcs that fall
a bit short.


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e d
a sh
e As you climb When you
Unl to right along reach the
the far patch midpoint of the
of vines, you path, look over
see four Light the edge of the
Seeds. Two are rocks to spot
tucked in a dark two more Light
alcove. The other Seeds. Hang
two are an easy grab along the next wall run. Just use over the ledge and drop down to the lower level. Then,
the nearby column as a springboard to grab those Light jump out to the wall and wall run straight up to collect the
Seeds. pair. Jump away from the wall to land on the rocks and
then either return to the Royal Spire or move on to your
next targeted fertile ground.

North Path
The corridor
that leads to the
Coronation Hall
hosts six Light
Seeds. Four are
To capture the Light Seeds in the alcove, rotate visible from the
around the column so that your back is toward them. spire door. Jump
Jump to the wall and wall run to the vines. Now you to the wall and wall run out so you can reach the closest
can pick up the Light Seeds. column. Then, use roofing to move from ring to ring and
East Path pick up the Light Seeds along the ceiling.

Step through the

exit of the spire
to the east—as if
you were about
to make a break
for the City of
Light. Jump
down to the rock
outcropping below you. Hang off the side of rocks and
then slide down to the Light Seed. Jump off the wall to
get back up to solid ground.
Tap the gauntlet button in time with the rings
to smoothly travel along the roof and collect the
Light Seeds.

The fifth
and sixth Light
Seeds are at
the crossroads,
guarded by a
soldier, if the
Coronation hall
has not been
Continue east. Jump from one rock to the next, cleansed. After defeating the monster, collect the two
picking up the visible Light Seeds. Light Seeds and then move on to your next destination. 128

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PRIMA Official Game Guide


The Spire of Climb the Spire MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
Dreams, sister DYNAMIC WORLD
tower to the DESERT
rises high over THE VALE
the kingdom. ROYAL PALACE
Somewhere at
the top of the
tower, the Concubine waits. She broods. She plots. Elika
and the Prince must ascend the Spire of Dreams and
banish the Concubine from its borders so the tower is not
shrouded in permanent nightmare. Unless you took the direct route into the Spire of Dreams
from the Vale, scramble around the tower interior via the
Corrupt flagpoles to reach the solid ledge next to the blue power
plate. Run out to the power plate and use Elika’s magic.
Approach The arc slams you into the wall too short of the next
If you approach power plate.
the Spire of
Dreams from the
Royal Garden, Wall run to the
use the length ring and use it to
of chain leading link another wall
away from the run to the blue
power plate.
crossroads to
reach a gloomy tower. Wall run along the face of the
tower and jump betwixt a pair of white columns to reach
an entrance of the Spire of Dreams.

you approach
the Spire of
Dreams from the
Coronation Hall
to the north, you
must pass down
a corridor with
no floor. Use the columns to survive the passage. Wall Continue your spiralling path around the interior of
run between each column until you reach the Spire of the spire. Use the two rings on the wall to reach the
Dreams. next power plate.

CAUTION The power plate

bounces you up to
Did you release the tremors? If so, those pesky an elevator. Use
traps are stirring in this corridor. Time your the crank with
jumps just as the balls roll out of range. Elika to raise the


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e d
a sh
e When the When you land, rush to the Concubine and dispatch the
Unl elevator locks illusion with your sword. Doing so frees Elika from the
into position, Concubine’s grip. With your companion back at your
Elika is seized side—really, what would you do without her?—it’s time
again by to move up the spire.
corruption. The
Concubine is
about. You spot a
glimpse of her pink robes in the shadows of the spire. To
free Elika, you must reach the Concubine, but without the
benefit of Elika’s strength. There will be no double jumps.

The Concubine
appears in front
you. You know it’s
an illusion, but
humor the witch. Return to the column after the short roofing
Carve the mirage. sequence. Jump away from the column but use
Elika’s magic to launch you to the wall. Wall run to
the two rings.

back on solid
ground. When
Elika catches
up, wall run to
the next blue
power plate.
Use the ring to
link your wall
runs. Keep
After the Concubine disappears, wall run along the wall running
right of the elevator. Link with the rings to keep wall around the
running and then jump out to the column.
tower interior
to access the
system of blue
power plates.

Roof between the two columns via the ring. Jump

from the second column to the ledge with the
Concubine. Slash her doppelgänger.

Continue wall
running around Use the flagpoles to keep moving up the spire. After
the spire to catch jumping from the second pole, call on Elika to help
you reach the next power plate.
up with the
Concubine. She’s
waiting at the
ledge next to the
elevator again. 130

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following the
poles as you circle RETURN OF THE PRINCE
the spire, inching MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
ever upward. WAYS
Finally, you reach CITY OF LIGHT
a fissure in the TREE OF LIFE
wall. Clamber The Concubine wastes no time before
along it to access employing Ahriman’s Patience. Use the
the next elevator. gauntlet to dispel the effect.

The elevator
shoots you
straight up to the
top floor of the
Spire of Dreams.
The Concubine
is waiting for
you. She has no
traps planned for your welcome. The moment you reach After using the gauntlet to strip away Ahriman’s
the top floor, the elevator drops away and the Concubine Influence, keep the Concubine in the air with Elika’s
launches into her first attack. Be ready for it by holding magic and more gauntlet or acrobatic attacks.
the guard button.
The Concubine Juggle the Concubine along the “lap” at the top
Without a center of the tower. Keep switching back and forth with
to this arena, you acrobatics and magic to prevent the Concubine
are forced push from landing and mounting a counterattack.
the Concubine The
around the Concubine
rooftop. Keep always attacks
away from either while utilizing
edge—the outer Ahriman’s
edge or the empty elevator shaft—so the Concubine Patience. Move
cannot engage you in a potential struggle. If you do end in and hold
up with your back to the open air, use an acrobatic attack guard when
to change places with the Concubine. you see the
state change.
NOTE As soon as
you see the
Elika joins you for this entire fight—the Concu- Concubine
bine has separated you enough for this area. start to move
her staff,
get ready to
deflect. As the
staff swings wide, hit the sword to knock it aside. The
Concubine is momentarily defenseless. Hit the gauntlet
to launch the Concubine into the air and rip away the
influence. Use this move as the springboard for a combo.


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e d
a sh
e Next, use the
Unl trio of Light
Seeds on the roof
as a guide. After
collecting them,
hang over the
side of the roof
and look down. A
series of scratch
marks points the
The Concubine spins when she attacks. Use that spin way. There are
as a marker. As the twirl begins, hit guard and be Light Seeds on
ready to deflect when the staff comes flying around. the side of the
tower you can
Sometimes, pick up as you
though, nothing grip fall to the
gets the job done bottom. While grip falling, though, you see green power
better than a plates and a few out-of-reach Light Seeds.
basic four-hit
sword combo.
Green Power Plates

Use the green

After the Concubine is down, let Elika purify the area. power plate at
Green spreads from the fertile ground, restoring color to the base of the
the Spire of Dreams. Now, it’s time to gather up some Spire of Dreams
Light Seeds. to start your

Healed vertical march.

The plate sends
There are three paths that leads into the Spire of Dreams: you straight to
north, south, and west. The west path leads to the Vale. a second green
You must trek through all three path to collect all the power plate that,
Light Seeds. when activated,
changes you
Spire of Dreams trajectory.
There are two Now you move
Light Seeds horizontally, around the circumference of the
on a small tower. Dodge the fixtures as you stomp until you
balcony that at reach the third green power plate.
first seems not
This green
easy to reach.
power plate
However, if
resumes your
you hang off
ascent. Shoot up
the side of the
the side of the
spire, you spot
spire, following
a post several
the path to the
feet down. Drop
bottom of a
to the post and
balcony. Use
then drop farther
the curved path
down to a series
to access the
of flagpoles.
balcony, which
Swing around the poles to reach the balcony with the
holds five Light
two Light Seeds.
Seeds. After
collecting your bounty, make use of the nearby
green power plate to reach the roof. 132

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Back at the bottom of the spire, hang off the ledge CITY OF LIGHT
below the green power plate. Two Light Seeds are TREE OF LIFE
below you. Drop down to the prizes. Then, use the Keep moving from one blue power plate to the
ring on the wall to clamber up back up. next, grabbing the Light Seeds that hang in
the air.
Enter the
Use the
tower and circle
fissure at the
the base to
top of the
collect several
spire interior
Light Seeds.
to access
Swing on the
the second
flagpoles and
hop across the
However, do
posts to bank
not use the
the treasures.
crank to move
After making
the elevator.
a lap around
Instead, pick
the base of the
up the Light
tower, use the
Seed on the
blue power
ledge leading
plates to begin
to the elevator
your ascent.
and then step
onto the platform. Jump out to the Light Seed between
Use the elevator
the four red banners with Elika’s help. After getting
to keep moving the Light Seed, bounce off the wall to return to the
up the tower, elevator.
following the
same path as your South Path
first visit through
the spire. Start at the green
power plate on
the base of the
spire. Launch
away from the
Pick up the Light
Spire of Dreams
Seeds on the
platforms that jut via the two
out of the spire columns and bag
walls. the Light Seed on the first solid platform. Jump from the
post pointing south to the small tower. Use Elika’s help
to complete the jump. Wall run along the tower to grab
another Light Seed.


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e d
a sh
e Jump away When you
Unl from the wall reach the
to a chain the mid-point of
leads back the path, double
toward the back and take the
Royal Gardens. high road by wall
Two Light running between
Seeds wait at a narrow series
the far end of of rocks. There
the chain. Once are two Light
you reach those Seeds to the left
Light Seeds, as you return
look to the to the Spire of
north. There is Dreams. Jump
a platform with out to the wall
two more Light and scramble up
Seeds. Lower it to grab the prizes. Then kick away from the wall to get
yourself down to the post pointing to the Light Seeds and back on the path to the Spire of Dreams.
use Elika to double-jump to the platform.
North Path
West Path The corridor
that leads to the
Leave the Spire
Coronation Hall
of Dreams and
is littered with
move toward
Light Seeds. Wall
the Vale via the
run along the
corridor to the
left wall to pick
west. Several
up a pair, and
Light Seeds
then bounce to
await collection
the columns in
along this path. The first is accessible to the right.
the middle of the
When you jump out to the Light Seed, you can see two
hall. Continue
more on rock platforms in the distance. Double jump
with Elika to reach the platforms and collect the Light
between wall
running and
jumping to the
columns to reach the crossroads and pick up the rest of
the Light Seeds along this path.

Coronation Hall
already in disrepair before the release of Ahriman. The
royal line of the Ahuras was in decay. There would be no
passing of the crown. But if the Prince and Elika can drive
Ahriman out of the Royal Palace, perhaps hope will return
to the world and the Ahuras will unite under a new leader.

Are you sure you want to release the swarm trap
now? Because as soon as the Concubine lets it
loose, it infects the entire world.
The opulent Coronation Hall, once the site of
grand celebrations when stewardship of the Ahura
passed from one generation to the next, was 134

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Corrupt PRIMA Official Game Guide

approaches to the MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
Coronation Hall DYNAMIC WORLD
are corridors— DESERT
neither of which RUINED CITADEL
has a floor. If THE VALE
coming at the ROYAL PALACE

Coronation Hall CITY OF LIGHT

from the west, you must use the rings on the walls to link Dodge the rocks as you fly through the air on
runs between the sparse columns. Jump from the walls to the Wings of Ormazd.
the columns to move down the corridor and zero in on
the Coronation Hall.
When you
land, though,
The eastern
the Concubine
approach on
does finally show
the Coronation
herself. The
Hall is another
Concubine lashes
exercise in
out with dark
roofing. Leap
tendrils, trapping
out to the first
Elika in an iron grip. You must chase down the Concubine
column and then
on your own, without the benefit of Elika’s magic.
clamber along the roof via the system of rings. Time those
gauntlet button presses as you see the Prince reach out so Jump over
that he never loses his hold. the rivulet of
corruption and
close in on the
At the end of the Concubine
corridor, wall run as she mocks
to a corner swing you from the
to swing around
fertile ground.
to the Coronation
Hall entrance. As expected, brandishing your sword makes the harpy
vanish. As she disappears, though, a locked gate rises. You
must follow the path to catch up to the real Concubine
and free Elika from her grip.
Escape the Swarm
The fertile
ground is just
inside the
entrance to the
Coronation Hall.
The Concubine is
nowhere in sight.
All you need to
do is use the yellow power plate on the wall to fly around
the Coronation Hall and drop down near the sacred
The Concubine’s illusion appears again in the new
ground. This is almost too easy.
corridor. Slash it to open the next gate.


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e d
a gate
l eThe The Concubine
Un opens into a appears
long corridor again—the real
with a slanted, Concubine. She
broken floor. You holds out her
must slide down skeletal fist and
the corridor, slowly opens
jumping over the it. Her gift is
gaps. Keep to the center of the platforms—the corruption deadly. It’s the swarm trap. The swarm buzzes like angry
on the walls is ravenous. It reaches for your innocent flesh hornets. You must now rush through the Coronation Hall
as you skate through the hall on your sandals. to keep one step ahead of this unflagging trap.


Use the columns From this point forward, the swarm trap is now
to cross the wider active.
gaps in the floor.

The Concubine
appears again at
the bottom of the
slides. Slice the
With the swarm nipping at your heels, jump to
the flagpoles and keep moving around the interior
of the tower.
Elika catches
up to you,
somehow free Wall run along
of the Concu- the tower interior.
bine’s trap. You Jump out to the
can now call columns before
you lose purchase
on her help to
on the wall.
keep moving up
the Coronation
Hall. Start at
the ring on the
wall and pull
yourself up to
the ledge. Use
the slotted ring
to travel across
the wall. The
ring lowers a cage from the ceiling just in time for you to
jump and grab onto it.

Jump across the columns and then back to the

wall. Rush through the series of rings as the swarm
continues its pursuit. 136

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Jump from the PRIMA Official Game Guide
slotted ring to
the tall column.
Shimmy up the
column to keep MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
ahead of the WAYS
you reach the top
of the column, you’re back at the fertile ground. As you
jump to the fertile ground, the swarm dissipates. But now ROYAL PALACE
you have an even bigger problem. CITY OF LIGHT
The Concubine is adept at counterattacks. If
The Concubine she nails you while you’re injured, you’ll be on
The Concubine your back. Be ready for the on-screen button
strikes as you so she cannot reclaim any lost health.
reach the fertile
ground. The CAUTION
arena is a small
Always steer the battle away from that patch of
square, which
corruption in the corner. If the Concubine is
really limits your backed into it, she benefits.
movement. Two
sides of the area are edges that the Concubine can warp Be ready for
away from, with just a small patch of corruption. The the Concubine’s
other two edges are lined with walls that immediately put special attack.
you into a struggle with the Concubine. The cleanest path The witch tries
to victory is to use acrobatics to keep the Concubine as to charm you
close to the center of the arena as possible for the main with a magic
duration of the fight. spell. When
you see that
strand of pink extend from her arm and slither toward
on when you
your face, roll away and put distance between you and
challenge the
the Concubine. If the Concubine’s spell connects, your
Concubine in
controls are temporarily reversed.
relation to your
engaging the
other Corrupted TIP
affects how
Keep your guard up at all times. The Concubine
aggressive she is. If you have already destroyed any of the moves fast and attacks even faster. With your
other three Corrupted, expect the Concubine to make a guard up, you are always ready to withstand her
major push at the start of this fight. Keep you guard up and assaults.
draw her to the center of the arena. Wait for your opening.
An unforced error is the worst way to start a fight.

The Concubine can also call on a special attack that

wraps you in tendrils. When you see it, get ready to
Watch for Ahriman’s Influences. The Concubine is tap an on-screen button to wriggle free. If you fail,
not shy about state changes. She will always call you’re pinched and the Concubine heals.
upon Ahriman’s Patience, as well as other influences
unleashed from any previous Corrupted encounters.


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e d
a sh
e Keep balcony you
Unl launching cannot quite
into lengthy see from the
combos when Coronation Hall
the Concubine entrance. There
unleashes are two Light
Ahriman’s Seeds down here.
Patience. It’s a Use the ring to
perfect opening to start a nice combo with the gauntlet clamber back up to the ledge above.
move. With the Concubine in the air, you can juggle her
between Elika’s attacks and more acrobatic moves. When
the Concubine is finally defeated, heal the fertile ground
to purge the corruption from the Coronation Hall.

There are only two paths into the Coronation Hall. After
banishing the corruption, retrace your steps to either the
Spire of Dreams or the Royal Spire after collecting Light
Seeds in the Coronation Hall to add to your still-growing
collection. Another Light Seed is on the ledge just outside the
western exit of the Coronation Hall. This ledge also
Coronation Hall leads out to a red power plate.
The four Light
Seeds sparkling Red Power Plate
in front of the
yellow power Wall run out to
plate are a pretty the red power
good sign to use plate and use
Elika’s magic and the Step of
fly back to the Ormazd to bound
entrance of the Coronation Hall. From the entrance, you away from the
can either delve back into the basement of the Coronation rocks. The plate
Hall to search for more Light Seeds or retrace your steps launches you just short of the red power plate in
down the east and west approaches. the distance, so use the ring to scramble up to the
plate and rocket over to a hidden ledge.
There is one Light There are
Seed directly in five Light Seeds
front of the black on this ledge.
gate that leads to After collecting
the Concubine’s
them, use the
next series of red
power plates to
return to the entrance of the Coronation Hall.
Drop down
to the ring just
below the ledge From the ledge
with the black where you can
gate. As you grip see the red power
fall to the ring, plate, grip fall
jump away to down a set of
reach a small rings to reach a
narrow platform.
There are two 138

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Light Seeds on a
balcony directly
across from
this platform, RETURN OF THE PRINCE
accessible via two WAYS
Return to the THE VALE
fertile ground via ROYAL PALACE
the yellow power
plate next to the Explore the roof along the top of the corridor SECRETS
Coronation Hall to pick up four Light Seeds.
entrance. Retrace
your steps back
When you
down to the
return to the
basement of the hall. Follow the slides all the way to the
Coronation Hall
bottom of the Coronation Hall, picking up Light Seeds as
after collecting
you slip.
the Light Seeds
Follow the in the corridor,
system of rings, look down. Two
wall runs, and Light Seeds are
columns you at the base of the columns used to access the corridor.
used to get back When you jump out to the columns, slide down and
up to the fertile collect the out-of-the-way Light Seeds.
ground and fight
the Concubine. West Path
There are several Light Seeds directly along this path.
You’ll pick them up as you climb back up.

East Path As you exit the

western gate of
Start from the the Coronation
eastern door of hall, pick up the
the Coronation Light Seed on
Hall (there’s a the platform.
Light Seed right Follow the
on the platform) columns down
and then wall run the corridor to
out to the ring at pick up more
the corner of the stone cliff. Swing around the corner via Light Seeds.
the ring and wall run to the next ledge.

Once you reach the
crossroads, turn
around and look
back to the Coro-
nation Hall. There
are two Light Seeds
Grab the Light Seed on the ledge and use the nearby tucked in the cor-
columns to reach the corridor with no floor. ners of the room.


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e d
a sh
e Concubine’s Chambers
After purifying
all four areas in
the Royal Palace,
the Prince and
Elika can throw
open the doors
north of the
Coronation Hall
and make their final approach on the Concubine. The
succubus is cornered—which makes her all the more
dangerous. With nothing to lose and a heart squeezed The first leg of the flight ends just below another
so tight by aching jealousy, the Concubine will fight with yellow power plate. Wall run up to it.
everything she has. The Prince must be ready to counter
every blow—especially those that come not from the
Concubine’s hands, but her poison lips.

The Approach
Start moving on
the Concubine
via the yellow
power plate
directly beyond
the black gate. As you fly through the air, steer around the hanging
chains and rock pillars.
Jump through
the air with You gingerly
Elika’s help. When you land on the wall just short of the drop to solid
plate, scramble up and quickly use Elika’s magic to take ground. There
flight. is a blue power
plate right in
front of you.
Scramble up
to it. This arcs
As you race you to another
through the air, plate. You land
veer around the just short, so
giant rocks. If quickly wall
you crash into run up to
one, you and the next blue
Elika are sent power plate
all the way back and blast off
to the area’s across the sky.
You land under
a yellow power
plate. Wall run
up to it and use
Elika’s magic to
launch back into
the heavens. 140

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Dodge the rock archway as you fly to another blue CITY OF LIGHT
power plate. TREE OF LIFE
They are all illusions? Where is the real SECRETS

The blue power

plate boosts you
to a yellow power

Right behind you.

First Sequence
Mercifully, this
circular area
has no edges
This final yellow power plate launches you to the overlooking the
Concubine’s chambers and the final battle with the void, nor any
Corrupted. corruption. The
arena is quite
Final Showdown large, too, giving
you a lot of room to stage extended combos and keep
The Concubine the Concubine juggled in the air by switching between
is waiting for gauntlet and acrobatic moves. Wait for the Concubine to
you. She’s not attack and then deflect her incoming blow to create an
alone. The opening.
chambers are full
of Concubines. When the
You know one Concubine
of these is not tries Ahriman’s
an illusion, but there’s just no telling which. Each looks Patience, you
like a perfect replica of the Concubine, so the only way to have a great
discover the real Concubine is to race to each mirage and opening to
cut it down with your sword. launch into a
combo. Yank
the Concubine off the ground with the gauntlet and then
hammer her with a series of alternating sword and magic


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e d
a sh
Unl TIP The Concubine
strikes Elika,
If the Concubine uses Ahriman’s Influence when knocking her out.
her back is against the wall, move away. If you You must fight
throw her into the wall, your combo ends the Concubine
prematurely and the Concubine gets a chance without your
to attack. companion’s help.

When the CAUTION

loses a third of Since you do not have Elika’s assistance during
her health, she this part of the fight, erase any attempts to use
disappears. magic moves in combos. Stick to the gauntlet,
acrobatics, and the sword.

Trade blows with

Second Sequence the Concubine,
Where did the deflecting her
Concubine go? attacks as you
launch your own.
The witch leaves
Keep her busy this
a little hint by way until Elika
opening a gate can recover.
that leads out to a
ledge. There is a
The Concubine
blue power plate
continues to call
at the end of the
upon Ahriman’s
ledge, so wall run
Influence. If
out to it. This
Elika is still hurt,
launches you to
back away and
a yellow power
make sure the
plate. Follow the
flight path to the
back is not against the wall. Fling her into the air and then
next yellow power
slam her to the ground with a hearty sword strike.
Third Sequence
You land just After you eliminate the next third of the Concubine’s
shy of a blue health, she vanishes again. The Concubine opens another
power plate. Wall path back out of the tower. Run out to the blue power
run out to it. The plate and use it to reach a yellow power plate.
blue plate directs
you to another
yellow power
plate. This magic
of this power
plate sends you
flying straight
into the Concu-
bine’s clutches.
It’s time to
resume the fight.
The flight is not enough to reach the next blue power
plate. Just as the screen turns gray, tap the magic
button to make Elika throw you all the way to the
wall with the power plate. 142

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Wall run to the

next blue power RETURN OF THE PRINCE
Infuriated by the purity of the connection SECRETS
between you and Elika, the Concubine
strikes. Her aggression is on overdrive, so
guard well against her incoming flurry of
attacks. She only has a third of her health left, so keep
your guard up. If you are injured and the Concubine
manages to land a lethal attack, she can regain a lot of
The blue power plate launches you to a yellow power that lost health, extending the battle.
plate. The Hand of Ormazd then carries you to all
the way to the top of the tower. Keep the
Concubine in
The Concubine the center of the
tries to further arena. She tries to
drive a wedge draw you to the
between you and edge where she
your partner can push you off.
by creating a Use acrobatics to
series of Elika roll around her and keep the action in the center.
illusions. Is the
real Elika among them? Or is this another trick? You
must cut down each Elika illusion to play out the Concu-
bine’s game. However, after slicing through every illusion,
you’re left on the roof all alone. Where is Elika?

It’s now time

for a test of faith
and trust. You
cannot see Elika.
You just have
to believe she is Ahriman’s Patience remains your best setup for an
there. By proving attack combo. When you can start with a gauntlet
attack, a successful juggle will eliminate the
your trust in
remainder of the Concubine’s health.
Elika, she will reappear. The only way to truly show your
faith in Elika is to leap off the edge of the tower. If Elika Beaten, the
is still with you, she will save you. Concubine
extends her hand
to Elika. She
welcomes her
touch, freeing
And indeed she her of Ahriman’s
does. spell and setting
her soul to rest. After Elika redeems the Concubine, the sun
returns to the skies above the Royal Palace. Elika’s strength is
sapped. And even though you just showed her how much you
trusted her, the Concubine’s taunts still linger in your ears.


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e d
a sh
Unl City of Light
The corruption of the once magnificent City of Light demands an answer from the Prince and Elika. The pair must rush to the
defense of the religious center of the Ahura world, pushing back against the creeping darkness. By purifying all of the fertile
grounds in the City of Light, the Prince and Elika gain the strength to challenge the Corrupted that dominates the region: The
Warrior. The Warrior’s past may be worthy of sympathy, but that is an unaffordable luxury in the face of so much destruction.
The Warrior must be slain so the City of Light can again burn brightly and resurrect the fading hopes of the Ahuras.

What’s Unleashed all of your encounters with the Warrior, you must use the
Corrupted’s heft against him. Lure the Warrior to the edge
When the Prince and Elika arrive in the City of Light, they of an arena, get him to enter into a struggle, and then push
risk unlocking two problematic features into the rest of the Warrior into the darkness. But you must weaken the
the corrupted world. Not only is a new trap unleashed— Warrior before you can heave him over an edge. And to do
the tendrils—but as soon as the Warrior exhibits his that, you must launch into an extended combo—starting
rage attack, that also spreads across to other your enemy with an acrobatic move—that uses Elika’s magic. Once
encounters, such as the Mourning King. Elika swings on top of the Warrior and tugs at his mask
The Warrior with her magic, finish with your sword to weaken him.
Now, you only have a few moments to lure the Warrior to
Of all the the edge of an arena and push him to his demise.
Corrupted, the
Due to his huge size, you can never use your gauntlet
Warrior is the
against the Warrior. That limits your combo possibilities,
most tragic.
so adjust your strategies accordingly. Concentrate instead
A war wages
on acrobatic and Elika combos.
within him,
as Ahriman’s The Traps
corruption tries When you reach
to snuff out the last flames of good inside the fallen king. the City of Light,
But even though the Warrior is conflicted, that does not the area closest
mean he will go easy on the Prince and Elika. to the Warrior’s
The Warrior’s Fortress, the
explosive Corrupted
special attack is unlocks a new
Ahriman’s Rage. trap: tendrils.
The Warrior Affected walls are now infested with swirling pools of
raises his hands corruption. Every few seconds, tendrils explode from the
to his head, trying pool and flail about. If you are trying to wall run across
to fight back a surface with this trap and get clipped by a tendril as it
against the power of the corruption. This internal struggles pops out of the wall, you’re grabbed and violently slammed
manifests itself physically, too. Cracks of corruption make into the wall. Elika rescues you, but you return to the last
the ground around the Warrior harmful to stand on. The solid surface you stood on and must restart the acrobatic
air around the Warrior also fills with corruption gas. There sequence. So, look at the tendrils like a timing game. When
is no way to counter this influence with a particular move, the tendrils disappear into the wall, start whatever acrobatic
unlike Ahriman’s Patience or Anger. Instead, you must fall feat is needed to cross the surface. Unlocking the tendril trap
back and let the attack run its course. in Coronation Hall releases the trap in the following areas:
Because of The Windmills, Martyr’s Tower, Marshalling Ground, Sun
the Warrior’s Temple, King’s Gate, Machinery Ground, Heaven’s Stair,
size and his Construction Yard, Reservoir, the Cauldron, Royal Gardens,
incredible armor Royal Spire, Tower of Ormazd, Tower of Ahriman, Queen’s
plating, you can Tower, City of Light, City Gate -- plus the routes between
never defeat the King’s Gate, the Cauldron, & Temple, the routes between
Warrior through the Cauldron, the Cavern, & Temple, the routes between the
direct attacks. In Cavern, City Gate, & Temple, and the routes between Royal
Spire & Tower of Ormazd. 144

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the entrance to
the City of Light. DESERT
Elika cannot THE VALE
venture into ROYAL PALACE
the city without CITY OF LIGHT
first passing TREE OF LIFE

through this gauntlet and banishing the encroaching SECRETS

corruption. Once the City Gate has been purified, the

After sliding down the next ledge, step
pair must collect the revealed Light Seeds so Elika can
through the gates to look across the City
learn Ormazd’s magic and unlock the paths to the fertile
Gate. There is a massive door in the distance, surrounded
grounds of the City of Light.
by ornate architecture that has fallen into ruins. Chains
Corrupt hold up bits and pieces of the crumbling kingdom. And
in the center of the fallen scene is the fertile ground,
Approach illuminated by a blue beacon. However, the fertile ground
is under the foot of the Warrior. The Corrupted is waiting
From the fork in patiently for your arrival. Do not disappoint him.
the path leading
away from the
desert, look to
the right. The
grim, dark cave
leads to the City
Gate. Jump out
to the tilted
platform on the
left side of the
cave and slide to
the solid ledge. Jump out to the titled platform in front of you. As
Run straight you slide toward the Warrior, a falling rock shatters
ahead and jump the far end of the platform. Jump to the right to
out to the next avoid sliding into the abyss.
series of sloped platforms. Slide down the slanted rocks
to reach a pair of rings hammered into the stone wall of
the cave.

Scramble up the vines on the wall with Elika. The

path to the Warrior continues at the top of the wall.

Scramble up the two rings and pull yourself

up to the ledge.


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e d
a sh
e More of The Warrior
Unl the City Gate
as you pull
yourself to the
top of the wall.
The archway
ahead of you
cracks and
falls, leaving
behind only
a few pieces
of exposed The Warrior is a hulking monster, covered in armor plating
stonework too thick to pierce with your blade. Instead, you must find
and a single a way to outsmart the behemoth and lure him to his own
column. That doom. The Warrior is by no means foolish, though. He will
column is your keep away from the edges, which he can sense you will use
ticket to the Warrior now. Wall run to the vines on the to defeat it. And to push back from the edges, the Warrior
right and then shunt over to the stable platform next to uses his superhuman strength in conjunction with fists the
the column. Jump out to the column and swing around it. size of camels. You must block these incoming blows or
With your back to the next landing, kick away. suffer the consequences. Elika may be able to save your life
just as the Warrior brings down one of his massive hands,
but while you recover from such a beating, the Warrior
regains any spent strength.
The Warrior
starts on the
attack. He brings
his fists down on
you right away,
so be ready to
deflect. If you
don’t trust your
Jump across the next pair of columns. Elika is right timing, just hold the guard button to withstand the torrent
behind you, following your movements. Slide down of blows. The Warrior has such momentum behind his
the second column in the pairing and then kick attacks that he can swing four or five blows in rapid
away to the next platform. succession without taking a breath.
You must
CAUTION weaken the
The walls are covered with corruption, so keep Warrior to heave
your distance when approaching the City Gate. it over the edge
Keep to the edges of the platforms. of the fertile
ground landing.
The only way
The Warrior is to do this is to
only one jump chain combos against the brute. Starting with a sword
away. Leap down
attack, though, will not get the job done. Instead, you
to the fertile
ground and must use the Warrior’s great size to your advantage. Start
challenge the an acrobatic combo by running toward the monster and
Warrior to battle. using the dodge button.

If the Warrior backs you up to the edge and you
are wounded, just use the dodge to slip between
his legs and then retreat to the far side of the
arena to recover. 146

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The Warrior is PRIMA Official Game Guide
too slow to keep
up with your
graceful moves.
slid between the WAYS
Corrupted’s legs DYNAMIC WORLD
and are behind
him, chain together a combo that uses Elika’s magic so
she pounces on his back and attacks. ROYAL PALACE
CAUTION While regular sword attacks do not damage TREE OF LIFE
the Warrior, they do push him back a few SECRETS
Never try a lift combo against the Warrior. He’s inches at a time. Use these to nudge the
too heavy for you to raise with your gauntlet. If Warrior to the edge of the platform.
you attempt it, the beast will just swat you away.
Once you back
the weakened
Warrior up to
the edge of the
platform, land
at least some
part of a combo
that does not
start with an acrobatic move. (If you try one, all you
do is slide between the Warrior’s legs and end up with
your back against the edge—not exactly advantageous.)
After completing the combo, blue sparks pop from This triggers a struggle. You and Elika push against
between the Warrior’s armor plates. His health meter the Warrior’s mammoth foot. Repeatedly tap the attack
shows no damage, but he’s temporarily weakened.
button to knock the Warrior off balance.
Now it’s time to push the monster up to the edge.
Though the
Warrior has been
weakened, he If you push the
does not stop Warrior to the edge
swinging. The when he is not weak,
Warrior still you still enter the
throws those struggle, but you
always lose—and
fists, requiring take damage and he
you to deflect each attack. If one of the blows connects, kicks you away.
you’re sent sprawling. He can then launch a lethal attack.
After the
The only thing
Prince and
bigger than the
Elika push the
Warrior’s fists
Warrior into the
are his feet.
pit of corruption
While you’re
below, a wall of
knocked to the
flame shoots into
ground, the
the air. It will
Warrior stands
take more than a tumble to defeat the Warrior—after all,
over you and raises a giant foot. You have a split-second
the corruption is where he gets his power—but it does
to tap the on-screen button to avoid the coming stomp. If
buy enough time to purify the fertile ground and heal the
you hit the button, you roll away and can fight back with a
City Gate. Once the fertile ground has been claimed by
new combo. If you miss, though, Elika is forced to rescue
Elika, the hunt for the Light Seeds begins.
you and the Warrior has a chance to recover his strength.
The sparks vanish and you must attempt a new acrobatic
combo to weaken him again.


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h ed
Un Healed
l e
There are two paths leading into the City Gate
area—north and south. The Light Seeds are spread
across the two paths, with the majority of the 45 concen-
trated in the immediate area around the fertile ground.
City Gate
A host of Light
Seeds are
practically right Jump to the column and then rotate so your back is
on top of the to the wall with the two Light Seeds. Kick away and
fertile ground. grip fall down the wall to pick up the pair.
As soon as Elika Then jump back to the column before you slide
recovers, collect off the wall entirely.
the Light Seed
above the City Gate by scrambling up the nearby wooden
door. Roof between
the next two
There six
columns to pick
Light Seeds on up another Light
the immediate Seed.
platform. Pick
up the three to
the left of the
wooden door. Slide down
All three are the ramp
on top of the beyond the
platform. There columns,
are three more picking up the
to the left (if you Light Seed
are facing away in the center.
from the door), There is a little
but only one is loop you do
visible from the here to grab a
platform. However, if you hang over the side, you can collection of
pick up the other two, which hover just below the ledge. Light Seeds
that then points
Return to
you toward
the left of the
the north path,
wooden door.
away from the
Several Light
City Gate.
Seeds lead away
from the fertile
ground. Slide Use the wooden
down the tilted slide pointing away
platform and from the north path
then scramble to keep collecting
Light Seeds in
up the wall to
the main area.
grab the Light There is a host of
Seed near the Light Seeds along
vine patch on the loop of slides
the adjacent
wall. Next, climb
up the vines. Wall run through the Light Seed along the
cavern wall and stop in the next vine patch. 148

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directly beyond PRIMA Official Game Guide
the wooden slide.
The middle of
the loop positions
you in front of the RETURN OF THE PRINCE
entrance to the MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
south path, which WAYS

leads back out to DYNAMIC WORLD

the desert. DESERT

Retrace the ROYAL PALACE
steps that lead CITY OF LIGHT
to the fertile TREE OF LIFE
Wall run away from the vines and jump out to
ground and SECRETS
the tilted platform. Immediately steer to the
your bout with right to pick up another Light Seed.
the Warrior to
pick up five To collect all of
more Light the Light Seeds,
Seeds. You you must double
must kick back to the fertile
away from the ground, so jump
columns and toward the wall
into the walls at the end of
to pick up all your slide and
of the Light then climb along the vines so you can kick into another
Seeds. Just tilted platform.
make sure you
use the grip fall to keep from slipping off the wall as you The slide leads
slide into the Light Seeds. to the crossroads
between the
City Gate and
North Path the Tower
From the fertile of Ahriman.
ground, head Exchange blows
north and look with the solider,
down to cavern. deflecting its attacks as you push it up to the edge of the
There is a Light landing. Rattle off a combo against the monster using
Seed on the wall Elika’s magic to significantly chisel away its health bar as
to your right and you push it to the edge. Attack the monster again at the
you can see even edge to finish it off by plunging your blade into its chest.
deeper down the
cavern. Wall run After defeating
to the patch of the monster,
vines to grab the turn back toward
first Light Seed. the City Gate.
Wall run to the There are two
next collection of slides. Jump out
vines. Two Light and rush down
Seeds are directly above you. Scramble up the wall and the first slide,
grab the Light Seeds, then grip fall back into the vines. positioning yourself in the center so you can grab the
Light Seed. Jump off the second slide and wall run to
the vines. Climb up the vines and then kick back to grab
another Light Seed and slide back toward the City Gate.


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e d
a sh
e are one-way
Unl Blue Power Plates streets, you must
You must have the Hand of Ormazd in order to use the ring and
collect all of the Light Seeds in this area. Once the fissure on the
blue power plates are active, return here and finish cavern’s left side
your collection. to return to the
fork in the path.
Climb the vine Wall run out
patch directly to the ring and scramble over to the exposed woodwork
across from the in the fissure. Climb it and then wall run over to the
fertile ground. platform high above the path. There is a Light Seed on
Wall run out to the platform.
the power plate
and tap the Cooperatively
magic button. jump across the
You and Elika fly gap between the
through the air platform and the
and land on top slide to the south.
of a second blue The slide whips
power plate. Tap you around
the magic button a corner and
to blast off from the power plate and access a ledge points you right
high above the City Gate that hosts a handful of out into a huge
Light Seeds. gap. Jump with
Elika to the next
The arc of the
wooden slide
plate flings you
and keep to the
into the wall
right so you pass
just below the
right through the
ledge. Scramble
next Light Seed. At the end of this ramp, jump with Elika
up to grab the
down to the rock landing.
first Light Seed.
Walk to the edge
to pick up the
second Light
Seed. Then, hang
off the edge and
grip fall into the
last three Light
Seeds in this area.

South Path Follow your steps back to the City Gate. At the
Retrace your rock near the bottom of the first slide, jump out
path toward the to the right to collect two Light Seeds against the
desert to collect wall. Grip fall through the Light Seeds and then
more Light use Elika to jump back to the rock safely.
Seeds. Since
you used slides
to reach the City
Gate and those 150

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Piercing the skies MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
above the City of
Light, the Tower
of Ahriman is RUINED CITADEL
a respectful THE VALE
monument to the ROYAL PALACE
god of darkness. CITY OF LIGHT

and Elika must scale the tower, slipping both inside and SECRETS

outside its crumbling structure, to challenge the Warrior

Jump to the next slide. Jump away from
at the very top. Only after the Warrior has been defeated
the slide at the bottom and wall run to the
can Elika purify the tower and begin liberating the City of next set of vines.
Light from Ahriman’s clutches.

Corrupt Wall run and

then jump over
Approach to the slide. This
rockets you to the
The crossroads
base of the Tower
between the of Ahriman.
City Gate and
the Tower of
Ahriman is
guarded by one
Climb the Tower
of Ahriman’s Begin your
soldiers. Unload ascent of
into the soldier the tower by
with a lengthy climbing the
combo. Drive ornate column in
the soldier to the center of the
the edge of the bottom chamber.
landing and then At the top of the
attack one last column, face away from the beam that ends in a brass
time to drive ring. Roof over to the ring and then climb up the wall just
your sword into its heart. above it. At the top of your possible wall scramble, kick
away to land on the blue power plate on the opposite wall.
The air is thick
with corruption
particles. You
must hurry to
the tower. Jump
on the tilted
platform to the
north and slide
toward the cavern wall. Jump out to the vines on the wall
and then cross to the left.

Your jump comes up a touch short, so you need

to scramble up the opposite wall to reach the
power plate.


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e d
a sh
e Wall run
Unl from the plate
to the small
vertical crack
in the center of
the tower wall.
There is nothing
to grab at the
top of this crack, so wall run to the right again. There is
a stable platform on the far side of the tower wall with a
You arc away from the power plate and land on a ring mechanism nearby. Jump up and grab the ring. Your
corner structure inside the tower. Grab the wooden weight pulls it down. This lowers a metal plate directly
scaffolding. Climb up the scaffolding to reach the top above you.
of the corner structure.

There is a large
door on this floor
of the tower.
Walk to the
left of the door
and jump out
to the exposed
Climb the wall by jumping to the next set of boards.
Climb the vertical crack next to the ring to reach
the plate above. Shimmy along the slot in the plate
Kick away from
and then wall run to the left to reach more exposed
the wall and
scaffolding. Wall run from the far side of the
scramble up the
scaffolding to reach another steady wooden platform.
opposite wall to
reach a balcony
Turn the crank
overlooking the
tower exterior. on this platform
to rotate a giant
metal plate on
the outside of
TIP the tower. There
Look for visual clues in the walls or beneath is a crease in
corruption for the Ormazd magic needed on the center of the
return visits. On the balcony, for example, you metal plate that, when vertically oriented, can be used to
can see a power plate pulsing beneath the muck. keep ascending the outside of the tower. Wall run to the
crease and then climb up it. Run up the wall above the
Outside the plate to grab a few boards. Shimmy to the right and then
tower, use the wall run to a wooden platform.
vertical crack in
the stonework to Pull down
climb the wall. the ring on the
There is a metal wooden platform
plate above the to lower two
crack with a more metal plates
horizontal slot in it. Run up the wall from the top of the down the side
crack to grab the plate. of the tower.
These plates have
horizontal slots useful for crossing back to the other side
of the tower. Climb up the vertical scaffolding next to the
ring and then wall run across the two metal plates. 152

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Turn the crank on the wooden platform until the two CITY OF LIGHT
metal discs on the tower are oriented like this. The TREE OF LIFE
slots in the bottom disc should read like an L. Jump The blue power plate launches you to SECRETS
across the face of the tower to the outer platform. another decorated column. Climb up this
Call on Elika to complete the giant jump. column with Elika and then turn so your
back is facing away from the top of the
tower. The Warrior is waiting for you. As soon as you
kick off the column, the Corrupted swings into action.

The Warrior
The Warrior atop
the Tower of
Ahriman is much
stronger in this
battle, capable
Turn this crank so the upper disc mirrors the of unleashing
position of the bottom disc. Then, grab the nearby Ahriman’s Rage
ring to drop two metal plates in between the discs so to make you keep
you can climb the tower. your distance. The goal is the same, though. Use a combo
to weaken the Warrior. When you see the blue sparks
emerge from between the armor plates, back the Warrior
up to the edge of the roof and then push him off.

Cross back to the other crank. Wall run to the

bottom disc and then crawl up it. Use the metal
plate to link over to the upper disc. Crawl up the slot
in that disc so you can wall run straight up to a long
horizontal fissure. The Warrior may called upon Ahriman’s Rage in
this battle. When he’s enveloped by the particles,
At the right side step back and let the attack play itself out.
of the fissure,
wall run and
then kick to the NOTE
overhang. Wall
run to the blue If you do not push the weakened Warrior off
power plate at the roof quickly, he often calls on the particle
the far end of the storm to repel your attacks as he heals himself.


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e d
a sh
e The Warrior After the
Unl has learned a Warrior falls
few new attacks from the tower,
that can only he sinks into
be deflected by the corruption
timed button below. It is not
inputs. When be the last time
you spot the you will see
Warrior raising both arms, he’s about to slam his fists him. He will be back. And he will be stronger. So you
to the floor and cause a minor quake. If you don’t react must ready yourself by purifying the fertile ground and
in time, you’re knocked backward. While you get back collecting the Light Seeds to unlock Ormazd’s magic and
to your feet, the Warrior closes in and readies a regular push deeper into Ahriman-controlled territory.
punch. If the Warrior was weak at the time, the pause in
the fight gives him a chance to heal himself. You must Healed
then find an opening for another acrobatic combo. There are three paths breaking away from the Tower of
Ahriman that you must explore in order to collect all 45
Another new
Light Seeds. Plus, you must be able to use red power
attack comes
plates to locate a handful of tough-to-find Light Seeds.
when the Warrior
goes for a slow
punch. If you
counter just as There are four
his fist comes Light Seeds on
down, you top of the Tower
deflect the blow as usual. However, you then grab the arm of Ahriman,
and climb on top of the Warrior. There are four button easily collected
presses in this combo, all sword strikes. If timed correctly, after Elika
you scramble around the Warrior’s body, stabbing him in rescues the fertile
weak spots as he struggles to shake you loose. Hitting all ground. After
four attacks in the sequence weakens the Warrior. collecting the four Light Seeds, investigate the wood
panel that magically rises near the broken wall of the
tower roof.
Grip fall
If you fail to repel any of the Warrior’s big at- down the wood
tacks and Elika has to save you, the Warrior re- panel. Near the
turns to the center of the arena. You must then bottom, jump
back him up to the edge all over again. away from
the panel. You
land on a slide
that rushes
you toward a
wooden wall.
As you grip
fall down that
wall, you pass
through your
next Light
Seed. At the
Just as in the first battle with the Warrior, inch bottom of the
him to the edge of the tower while he’s weak. panel, jump away to land on another slide.
Repeatedly tap the attack button to push the
Warrior off the tower. 154

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There’s a gap in the middle of the slide. Jump CITY OF LIGHT
over the gap and then leap to the next wood panel. TREE OF LIFE
Grip fall down the panel and then kick away to A lone Light Seed is just inside this floor SECRETS
reach another slide. There is a Light Seed in the of the tower. If you look up, though, you see
center of that slide. several Light Seeds on a series of red power
plates. If you have the Step of Ormazd, you
Use grip fall to
slide down the
can use these plates and collect the Light Seeds. Climb
panel on the the corner structure as if you were traveling back up to
opposite side of the top of the tower.
the slide. It’s a
long panel with Red Power Plates
a Light Seed as a
reward at the end
of your descent. Remember when
this power plate
Slide down the was covered
tilted platform by corruption?
and back to the Now that the
left side of the area is pure, you
tower face. Jump can jump to the
off the slide and power plate and
grip fall down the bounce around
wooden plank. the tower interior
You stop at a slot in the planks. Use the scaffolding on the to collect five
right to reach the actual face of the tower and then grip Light Seeds.
fall down the stonework. Slide around the doorway so Jump out to
you safely land on the balcony below. the first red
power plate and use Elika’s magic. The first plate
launches you across the tower, but you land to the
CAUTION right of the next plate. Hold down the magic button
and press the left control stick to the left so that
Time your jumps right because if you fall off one
of the slides, you must start all the way back at you wall run to the plate. (There are two Light
the top of the tower. Seeds on the plate.)

Keep holding
the magic button
The balcony
when you leave
circles the tower.
There are two a power plate
Light Seeds on because you
the balcony, so always land near
make a lap. the next power
plate—not directly on top of it. When you complete
a circle around the tower interior via the red power
plates, you are five Light Seeds richer.


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e d
a sh
e Step out on to Four Light
Unl the balcony next Seeds are on
to the red power the main floor
plate. There are of the tower,
Light Seeds on clustered
the tower face, around the
so you must ornate column.
ascend back to After collecting
the top. Climb up the metal plates and use the scaffolding all of these
to maintain your grip on the tower when not wall running Light Seeds,
from left to right and back again. walk to the
opposite side
Round the of the column
tower and use from the three
the vertical slot carvings of the
in the large Warrior on the
disc to ascend wall. Hang over
the side of the edge and look down. There’s a ring beneath you. Drop
the tower and down and use a system of rings under the floor to cross the
grab another center of the tower and pick up a hidden Light Seed.
pair of Light
Seeds. The two
Light Seeds are
on the metal
plates above
the disc, so you
must use the
scaffolding to
reach them.

Climb the central column in the tower and return to

the blue power plate. Jump over to the plate, but do
not use it just yet. Instead, have Elika throw you to
the opposite wall from the plate so you can scramble
up and grab a Light Seed. Slide back down to the
ring and return to column.
South Path
With the
corruption gone,
it’s much easier
Climb along the two L-slots in the pair of metal discs to see your
to reach the last Light Seed on the tower exterior. way through
Now that you are near the top, you must use the
the southern
wooden panels to slide back down to the lower
path. Start by
sliding down the
Once back down on that middle balcony, step inside the tilted platform
tower and grip fall to the bottom floor to finish collecting and then wall
all of the Light Seeds inside the tower. run across the
patches of vines
to pick up a
Light Seed as
you work your
way back to the
purified nexus between the City Gate and the Tower of
Ahriman. (This is where you fought a soldier.) There 156

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are two Light Seeds at the very top of the vine collection PRIMA Official Game Guide
between the rock walls at the bottom of the slide.
When you
landing, turn to MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
the right (if you
are facing south) DESERT
and jump off the RUINED CITADEL
platform onto a THE VALE
slide. At the end ROYAL PALACE
of the slide, jump onto the wall and then run to the vines. CITY OF LIGHT

Wall run to the right and hop off to another slide. This TREE OF LIFE
Jump away from the wall to land on another set
shoots you back to the base of the tower. of slides. There is a Light Seed at the bottom of
the slides, but unless you have already purified
East Path the Tower of Ormazd, a soldier is just waiting
for you at the opposite landing.
When you step
out of the east
side of the Tower
of Ahriman, you
can see all six
Light Seeds on
the east path.
Jump to the slide
on the left. Pick up the Light Seed in the center of the
slide and then use the column to link to the next slide,
which also hosts a Light Seed. Jump off that slide and
then climb to the top of the column. There are two Light Destroy the soldier with a lengthy combo that
Seeds high in the air that you can get by kicking away involves Elika’s magic so that it’s backed against the
from the column. After getting the Light Seeds, jump wall. Then keep attacking until you drive your sword
back to the column and then complete the loop of slides into the soldier.
to end up back at the Tower of Ahriman. After defeating it,
jump to the wall
West Path with the scratch
mark leading
Jump across the
straight up. There’s
gap to the west scaffolding you can
to start hunting hold as you shimmy
Light Seeds. your way around
There is one the bend.
visible directly
from the gap Follow the
between two scaffolding up
lines of exposed woodwork. You must use Elika to jump the wall and
the distance between the platform and the wall with the around the
woodwork, and then scramble up it to keep from falling. corner. Start
running and then
Wall run to the quickly jump
right of the Light away from the
Seed and jump wall to land on a slide that leads straight to two Light
down to a curved Seeds. The only catch is a gap in the middle of the slide
slide. Stick to the so wide it requires Elika’s help to cross. These slides lead
right of the slide right back to the base of the Tower of Ahriman.
to grab another
Light Seed and
then jump to a wall run to bank another Light Seed.


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e d
a sh
e Tower of Ormazd
The Tower of the power plate, so you must shift to the right to avoid the
Ormazd is the poison. Use the rounded corner to cross over to the wall
second of the two to the right and shoot into the second story of the tower.
towers the Ahura
people erected
in honor of
their gods. This You shoot right
giant structure into the Warrior.
reaches into the sky, like a hand extended in the hopes the
wandering god will one day take it. The Warrior returns
to keep the Prince from reaching the fertile ground on top
of the tower. As he waits, the Warrior steels himself for
yet another tough match against the Prince and Elika. There is no
edge in this
Corrupt chamber to push
the Warrior off,
Approach so you must
There are three instead find
ways to reach another way to
the Tower of trap him. Three
Ormazd—from of the corner structures in this chamber are cracked
the Royal Palace or broken. If you back the Warrior into one of these
to the west, or structures and somehow push him into it, his incredible
from the north weight will bring the entire structure crashing down. The
or south within falling stonework does far more damage to the Warrior
the City of Light. If you are coming from either the north than any of your puny sword attacks could.
or south, you must contend with a soldier at the nexus
between the two areas. Use the appropriate counterattack to TIP
any influences and then lay into the soldier with a flurry of
attack combos starting with either the sword or the gauntlet. The key to this battle is to line up the Warrior
with the cracked structures. Any engagement
If you with the Warrior when he’s not lined up with
approach from one of the structures is pointless. You must use
the Tower of the dodge button to quickly shift around the
Ahriman, use the arena and keep the Warrior always lined up
series of slides to with one of the three structures.
reach the Tower
of Ormazd. If
you approach The Warrior
from the City of Light to the north, cross the system of undergoes several
poles to close in on the tower. If you come from the Royal fits of Ahriman’s
Gardens, no soldier waits and you arrive directly in front Rage during this
of the tower.

The Warrior
Use the green
power plate
on the wall to While retreating from the particles, use the time
climb straight and space to move around the arena and line
up the wall. up the Warrior with one of the cracked struc-
However, there tures.
is corruption
directly above 158

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Any time either you or the Warrior are backed CITY OF LIGHT
up against a wall and an attack is initiated, you TREE OF LIFE
enter the struggle challenge. Tap the attack button Back away from the Warrior as he gets up SECRETS
repeatedly to at least escape it unscathed. and position yourself between the Warrior
and another of the structures. Goad the
Warrior to approach you. As he closes in,
slide between his legs with the start of acrobatic combo
and then launch into a chain that reduces him to his
weakened state again.
After you send him crashing into the third stack of
stone, the Warrior is wrapped in corruption and pulled
into the floor. Ahriman rescues the Corrupted so he may
fight another day. Now that the Corrupted has fled the
area, you can concentrate on reaching the fertile ground
at the tower’s top.
As before, you must weaken the Warrior to successfully
overturn the brute. Start your attack combo with an
acrobatic move and then continue to hammer him with
The Tower
Elika’s magic and more sword slashes. (Keep avoiding As soon as the
use of the gauntlet!) After a string of successful hits, the Warrior vacates
Warrior shows his weakened state through the appearance the tower (for
of the blue sparks. now), use the
two rings in the
corner to start
your ascent. At
You have only about the top of the
20 seconds to get the rings, kick back to the opposite wall and run up to the
Warrior backed into balcony. The balcony leads outside the tower, which is
the structure before smothered in corruption.
he shakes off the
injury with an explo- Wall run
sion of corruption. through the safe
patch on the wall
and use the ring
on the corner of
the tower to link
another wall run
over a dangerous
mass of corruption. There is a patch of vines in the
middle of the tower face you must grab at the end of the
wall run.

Shove the Warrior into the structure to bring it

down on his head. The Warrior tumbles, rattling
him to the core as you watch a third of his
health bar vanish.


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e d
a sh
e Crawl up the Use the two rings
Unl vines and look near the corner of
skyward. Use the the tower (to the
ring above the right) to round
vines to propel the building and
you and Elika reach a broken
into the hole in balcony that’s
the side of the barely hanging on
tower. to the structure.

As you enter
the tower, the
stairs leading
to the roof
collapse. You
must now wall
run around the
bouncing off
the walls to
reach the stair Wall run from the balcony to another ring and round
landings. A the next corner. You immediately reach a patch of
lone ring is vines. Crawl up the vines until you spot another ring
in the center in the tower exterior.
of a patch of
corruption Wall run from the
ring to a pair of
near a hole in
ornate wooden
the tower. Run and jump to the ring and then scramble panels. Bounce
straight up the wall. At the top of the wall run, jump from the tower
back to grab the ledge directly behind you. After pulling to the two panels
yourself up, step out onto a balcony. as you make a
turn around the
Now, you building.
must circle
the building Jump off
almost twice to the second
reach a green panel to land
power plate on some more
that pushes vines. From
you up to the the right side
roof. From the of those vines,
balcony, run wall run out to
to the right a pair of rings.
and wall run to Use these two
the ring at the to complete
corner. Whip another lap
around the side around the
of the tower, tower, lining
linking a wall you up with the
run to another ring, and finally run to a vine patch. Climb green power
the vines and look up to spot another set of vines. Wall plate. Use the
run to that patch. green power plate to rush up the remainder of the tower
to the rooftop and its fertile ground. 160

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The Warrior is
The Warrior THE VALE
shakes the
tower so much
that the roof Once back on the ground, purify the
collapses. The fertile ground inside the tower to release
fertile ground the Light Seeds.
now drops to
the middle floor Healed
of the tower. The Light Seeds in the Tower of Ormazd are spread
You must now across not only the tower itself, but also the three paths:
ride a series north, west, and south. All four areas must be explored to
of slides back capture all of the 45 Light Seeds.
down to the
middle floor Tower
to reach the
Three Light
sacred ground.
Seeds on the
Start by
floor near the
jumping to the first slide and then keep bounding from
fertile ground:
one slanted platform to the next. When you reach a piece
Two are in the
of surviving wall, jump out and wall run as far as you can
corners of the
before jumping back to another slide. When you spot the
room, and the
ring in the wall, use it. As you wall run away from the
third is dangling
ring, use Elika’s power to perform a super jump to the
in the hole in the floor. The hole leads down to the bottom
next slide.
floor of the tower where there are, indeed, more Light
The slide Seeds, but don’t slide down there just yet. There are
directs you several more Light Seeds to gather on this floor.
back outside
the tower.
Jump off the
slide and use
the scaffolding
to climb around
the side of the
building. When
you reach the
end of the
Step out onto the balcony. Four Light Seeds are on
look down.
the outer railing surrounding the tower. Jump on top
There are of the railing and then hang down on the other side
no obstacles to pick up the Light Seeds.
between you
and the balcony outside the middle floor of the tower, so
use a grip fall to safely descend.


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e d
a sh
e After you
Unl Yellow Power Plate collect the Light
Seeds outside
If you have the Tower of
activated the Ormazd, return
yellow power to the hole in
plates by earned floor and drop
the Wings of down the ledge.
Ormazd magic, From the hole you can see that the bottom floor is littered
you can collect with Light Seeds, so grip fall down by using the rounded
a series of Light corner to descend right over the green power plate you
Seeds otherwise used to climb the tower when it was corrupted. There’s a
unobtainable. Light Seed on top of the green power plate, too.
Climb up the
side of the tower
interior via the Once you’re on
the bottom floor
ring on the wall
of the tower,
and tap the magic button while on the plate. You collect the
and Elika zoom into the air, swirling around the obvious Light
Tower of Ormazd. Steer into the Light Seeds along Seeds on the
the path of Ormazd. When you cross through ground.
the tower windows, dodge the walls so you aren’t
knocked back to earth. The trip deposits you back
inside the tower, directly in front of the yellow West Path
power plate. After clearing the
tower of Light
After capturing Seeds, turn west
the Light Seeds and start down
on the balcony, the path to the
climb the interior Royal Palace. A
of the tower via Light Seed waits
the two rings on just outside the
the wall. Wall tower. After collecting the Light Seed, use Elika to jump
jump backward across the wide gap between the tower and the stone steps
to another balcony that spills outside. There is a Light leading west. There is one more Light Seed at the top of
Seed above the rings and another just outside the tower. the steps.

Before stepping To capture

outside, jump to the Light Seeds
the wall on the on the west
opposite side of
path, you must
the balcony and
scramble up jump across a
to the waiting series of rock
Light Seed. outcroppings,
Most can be
From the outside reached with a single hop, but if the gap looks too wide,
balcony, wall run use Elika’s help to cover the distance. You have to make a
to the left and loop around this canyon to collect all of the Light Seeds,
use the system of so don’t worry about missing any on the high ledges to
rings and vines the right as you jump across the rocks.
to circle the
building and pick
up a pair of Light
Seeds. 162

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When you PRIMA Official Game Guide
reach the
mid-point of the slanted toward you. Instead, jump to the
canyon, turn column on your right and then leap to the
back to look east. platform just beyond it.
From the highest WAYS
rock, you can see DYNAMIC WORLD
the remaining
Light Seeds along the path. Jump down the high rocks
you could not access on your first trip through the canyon ROYAL PALACE
to clean up the rest of the Light Seeds. CITY OF LIGHT

Complete the loop here. Jump from the

platform to the column now on your right. Shimmy to the
top of it and then turn so your back it toward the slides.
Jump onto the slides and ride them through two Light
Seeds. And the end of the bottom slide, do a double jump
with Elika’s help to get back to the tower.

To collect the two Light Seeds dangling off the right North Path
side of the canyon (when you are facing back toward
Collect the Light
the Tower of Ormazd), jump with Elika toward the
wall and the scramble up it. Seed directly
outside the
South Path northern tower
exit. The path
When you look
stretches over
out the southern
the water, so you
side of the tower,
must stick to the
you see not only
posts and poles jutting out of the architecture on the left.
a Light Seed on
While standing on the first post, wall run straight up to
the immediate
grab the hanging Light Seed.
ledge, but also
one in a small
From the post,
cave below the
hop on the slide
landing on the
and ride it to
opposite side
the wall. Jump
of the gap. To
to the wall and
collect that Light
run along it to
Seed, grip fall
the right, passing
down the ledge
through a Light
right in front of
Seed. Just as you collect the Light Seed, use a double
you and then kick away near the bottom. Use Elika’s help
jump to land on another slide. At the end of the tilted
with the jump. You land in the small cave and grab the
slide, jump to the trio of poles and vault around each one,
Light Seed. Return to the tower the way you came.
picking up a Light Seed.
Jump on the
landing above the
small cave. There
is a ledge on the
left side of the
path, but it’s not
possible to jump
to it because it’s


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e d
a sh
e Wall run
Unl away from the
crossroads to
pick up a Light
Seed. As you
grab the Light
Seed, jump with
Elika’s help to
another trio of poles. On the middle pole, though, stop
moving. Hang straight down and then release the pole
If you haven’t cleared the northern area, the City of with the grip fall button. You drop onto a post. Drop
Light, there is a soldier waiting for you on the far down one more post to pick up two Light Seeds. Jump
side of those poles. Smash it with an extended combo back up the posts (use vertical wall runs) and then loop
so you can get back to Light Seed collecting. back to the tower via a slide.

Queen’s Tower
The Queen’s with Elika. Use the column hanging from the wrecked
Tower is an ceiling to bridge the gap.
essential part
of the City of The Tower
Light, the great Once inside the
place of worship Queen’s Tower,
for the Ahuras. zero in on the
But now the late green power
queen’s favorite place in the kingdom has been ruined by plate. Jump to
Ahriman’s corruption. The Prince and Elika must find the wall beneath
a way to the top of the tower to battle the Warrior and the power plate
redeem the fertile ground before it’s too late. and scramble up
to it. Use Elika’s magic to fully activate the plate and start
Corrupt your ascent up the tower. The climb winds along a path of
Approach curved stone, but there are no obstacles in your way.

There are two The next green

ways into the power plate is
on the opposite
Queen’s Tower.
side of a river of
If you’re coming corruption. Have
from the Tower Elika toss you
of Ahriman, the over the poison
Queen’s Tower is to reach the plate
just a hop, jump, safely.
and another jump across a series of slides. The slide are
The plate sends
broken apart due to the ravages of time, though, so you
you stomping up
must use jump over the gaps or use wall runs. the wall. Steer
However, if around the lamp
in the middle
you approach
of the ceiling
the area from the en route to the
north, at the City next green power
of Light, you plate.
must come at it
from a series of
rings dangling
from a roof. The rings connect you to a pair of slides. The
slides are too far apart to cross, even by a double jump 164

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If you hit an obstacle while climbing, you’re
knocked free of the wall and sent back to the RETURN OF THE PRINCE
last patch of stable ground. MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
There are two green power plates out here. TREE OF LIFE
Activate the first one to stomp directly to the SECRETS
second. Use Elika’s magic on the second green
power plate to race straight to the top of the
tower—and into the waiting Warrior.
Keep moving along the network of green power
plates. Tap the magic button every time you touch
The Warrior
one so you continue climbing the walls and ceiling The Corrupted
without interruption. has learned from
his previous
encounters with
Watch out for
more lamps you. There are
hanging from no immediately
the ceiling and visible ledges
fixtures sticking in this chamber
out of the walls. at the top of the Queen’s Tower. Instead, four doors
randomly open and shut—one on each wall. You must
drive the Warrior up to one of the open doors and knock
Eventually, him off the top of the tower before the door closes. To
the power complicate your efforts, the Warrior makes an extra effort
plates direct to stay near the center of the room. You must repeatedly
you into a field attack him to push the Warrior up to one of the doors and
of corruption. then time your final attack perfectly to nudge him right
There is a clean through the door as it opens.
path through the
muck, but you
must not only steer away from the poison, but also dodge
a series of stone fixtures. Do not oversteer—-keep close As before, the only way to weaken the Warrior
to the middle and avoid making sudden moves. The path is a combo that begins with an acrobatic move.
ends at a balcony overlooking the City of Light.
yourself with
your back to
the open door
and get the
Warrior to look
at you. When the
Warrior starts to
advance, immediately slide between his legs and start your
weakening combo. The Warrior will not tread too far from
the center of the room unprompted, so use an extended
From the balcony, wall run to the left and use the combo with lots of magic and sword strikes to inch him
ring at the edge of the building to whip around to toward the door.
the other side.


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e d
a sh
e Healed
There are just two paths leading into the Queen’s Tower,
so you must only search the tower and both the north and
south routes to collect all the Light Seeds.

After you liberate
the Queen’s
Tower from the
The Warrior will not drop without a fight. As you Warrior and
push him toward an open door, he swings those huge save the fertile
fists. You must deflect them. If you only guard—or ground, the
get hit—the Warrior has a chance to recover. Light Seeds
spread across
the area. Four of them are easily visible around the fertile
The Warrior
often uses one ground—those are your first pick-ups. Once those have
of Ahriman’s been collected, step through the gate that opened after
Influences to you saved the tower. It’s a long way down, but a series of
make you retreat wooden panels are useful for slowing your descent to a
so it can recover. safe speed.

If you back toward the
the Warrior up first wooden
to an open door, panel and grip
but he’s not fall down its
weak enough face. There is a
to be pushed Light Seed on
outside, go ahead top of a slot in
and start your the plank. You
acrobatic combo—just make it is a short one. And as automatically
soon as you complete the combo, start another acrobatic stop on the
combo with your sliding between the Warrior’s legs so slot. From this
that you reverse positions again and turn the brute back hanging point,
around. As soon as he’s vulnerable, go for the kill. kick away from
the panel to
grab the slot in
the wood panel
to your right. Slide down that panel and use the ring at
the bottom to cross under a narrow beam.

Slam the weakened Warrior with a sword attack

when he’s right in the doorway. Tap the attack
button during the struggle to push the Warrior off
balance and make him topple off the Queen’s Tower.

As soon as the Warrior tumbles into the corruption

below, purify the fertile ground in the middle of the Link to the next ring and scramble up the panel
above. When you have a firm grip on the panel, jump
chamber. Not only does this make the Light Seeds
away from it to grab the slot in the opposite panel
appear, but it also opens more of the sealed doors, giving and pick up another Light Seed.
you a way back down the tower. 166

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Slide down the panel and then jump over to the CITY OF LIGHT
other wall just as you near the bottom. Use the three TREE OF LIFE
rings to cross under a ledge. There is another Light up the treasures, and then kick back to the
Seed down here. main floor. Repeat this on the opposite door,
which has only one Light Seed.
Keep sliding
down the series
of wooden panels.
When the gap
widens between
the panels, use
Elika’s help
to bridge the

When you
reach the balcony
at the bottom
Two Light Seeds beneath this floor. Look over the
of the wooden edge of the landing. There is a ring directly below
panels, run to you. Slide down and use this ring to pass beneath
the open door the floor.
that leads inside
the tower. Don’t Roof along the
go inside just three rings to
yet, though. grab the two
There are two Light Seeds and
then scramble up
Light Seeds on
the opposite side
the rock wall to return to the
opposite of the middle floor.
door. Jump up
on top of the
railing and then having Elika fling you to the Light Seeds.
After picking them up, kick back from the wall and call on
Elika to return you to the balcony.

Now enter
the tower. There
are several Light
Seeds within easy
reach. One is in
the center of the
room. Two more Use the green power plate to climb up the wall and
Light Seeds are onto the ceiling. There is a Light Seed on the ceiling,
on the door to the right of the green power plate. Jump just behind the hanging lamp you must avoid.
across the gap to grab the door, scramble up it to pick


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e d
a sh
e Ormazd, the blue power plate below you is active. When
Unl you slide down the wall, use magic on the power plate to
grab this area’s hard-to-find Light Seeds.

Blue Power Plate

Keep following
the trail of The magic of
green power the power plate
plates as it launches you
winds around
through the air.
the tower
While arcing
across the tower,
you pick up an
entire line of Light Seeds. The arc drops you down
on the bottom floor of the Queen’s Tower, ready
to collect the rest of the Light Seeds. Now, if you
do not have the Hand of Ormazd, you must come
back after unlocking that special power.
Steer into the Light Seeds as you climb, but make
sure to immediately veer back to the center of
the path so you don’t miss the next power plate. Jump to the
center of the
room collect four
Light Seeds.

South Path
Several Light
Seeds are
found along
the southern
The green power plates direct you back to the small path leading
balcony that leads outside the tower. There is a Light
away from the
Seed on the balcony, as well as one between the two
carved wooden panels that flank it. Queen’s Tower.
To reach them,
Wall run out to do a double jump
the ring to reach from the tower
the next side of to a high wall.
the tower. There
Scramble up to
is another Light
Seed on the the scaffolding
green power plate at the top of the
straight ahead. wall and then
carefully shimmy
The green to the right. Pass around the side of the wall so your
power plates back is toward a slide. The slide takes you to the nexus
return you to platform between the Queen’s Tower and Ahriman’s
the top of the Tower. If you have not purified the Tower of Ahriman just
Queen’s Tower. yet, there is a soldier waiting for you. Dispatch it so you
Use the wooden can continue collecting Light Seeds.
panels to climb
back down to the
middle floor. Hang over the ledge that looks down on the
bottom floor of the tower. If you have earned the Hand of 168

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Two Light PRIMA Official Game Guide
Seeds await
collection in an
alcove just below
the platform. To MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
reach the Light WAYS
Seeds, jump out DYNAMIC WORLD
to the wall to the
left of the alcove
and slide down ROYAL PALACE
to the narrow CITY OF LIGHT
bits of exposed Wall run away from the ring and jump to TREE OF LIFE
scaffolding the column. Slide to the bottom of the SECRETS
below you. Next, column to pick up a Light Seed. Climb
crawl along the back up the column and jump to the slide
pointing away from it.
woodwork so
you’re inside the alcove. Wall run to the left and then
jump to the wall with the Light Seeds. After grabbing
them, kick away from the wall. Jump to the adjacent wall
and then wall run back so you’re pointed to the platform.
Jump to it and crawl up to the ledge.

Jump back to the

same wall, but
instead of grip
falling to the
woodwork below,
scramble to the The slide leads to a ring in the wall directly ahead.
planks above you. Jump out and link from the ring to scramble up to
the platform above. If you have not healed the City
of Light, there’s a soldier to be fought here.
Wall run to
the left and jump
out to the series TIP
of slides. Follow If you run straight for the cloud of corrup-
the slides as they tion as soon as you reach the platform, you can
curve back to the dispel it with a sword strike before the soldier
tower. Jump over has a chance to form.
the gaps between
From the
the tilted platforms. When the slide directs you into a wall,
platform, look
jump out and wall run along the wall so you can leap to
south. There is a
the last platform and slide through a Light Seed on your
Light Seed right
way back to the base of the tower.
on top of a ring
North Path that’s a quick
Exit the tower to wall run away.
the north to start After linking
along the path another wall run from the ring, jump out to the column
that leads to the and then roof along the series of rings to pick up
City of Light. another Light Seed on your way back to the Queen’s
Jump out to the Tower.
column straight
ahead. After
twirling around the column, kick to the wall and then wall
run to the left. You run through a Light Seed just before
reaching a brass ring. Grab the ring with your gauntlet to
link around the building and close in on another column.


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e d
a sh
Unl The slide at the end of the rings drops you right next to a
column. Jump out and grab the column. Two more Light Seeds
are inside the corner, off to your right. Jump away from the
column and wall run into the corner. Jump to the adjacent
wall to pick up the Light Seeds and then hop back to the slide.
Follow the slides back to the Queen’s Tower.

City of Light
The City of
Light was once a
luminous corner
of the Ahuras’
world, a place
to celebrate
Ormazd and all
of his blessings,
despite his absence. But now the corruption has covered
this sacred site, including the fertile ground inside the
city. The Prince and Elika must weave through the Use Elika’s help to jump to the semicircle of columns
winding corridors to locate the fertile ground and fight that lines the corruption-covered boulevard.
back against the Warrior in order to save the city.

There are two
ways to approach
the City of
Light. If you
come from the
west—the Tower
Bound from one column to another to close in on the
of Ormazd—you entrance of the City of Light.
must cross a
series of posts and poles. Vault through the air, which is
Slide down the
thick with corruption, and spin around the flag poles as you
ramp at the end
close in on the City of Light’s entrance. The city streets are of the columns
sadly covered in corruption, leaving you with no choice but and jump across
to stick to high ground as you hop across posts and slide to the banner poles
the blue power plate that marks the entrance of the city. the reach the blue
power plate.
If you
approach the
City of Light
from the Queen’s City Sights
Tower, you must To enter the City
cross a obstacle of Light, slide
course of rings, down the edge
slides, and of the landing
columns. Use the column from the crossroads between in front of the
the two areas to roof your way over to a slide. Ride the huge black door
slide down to a river of corruption. Just before you slip that leads to
into the gloom, jump out to the first in a line of columns. the Warrior’s 170

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lair. Use the blue power plate to arc over the pool of PRIMA Official Game Guide
corruption that chokes the city streets and drop down on
a long platform orphaned in the murkiness. From here,
you can see the Warrior thrashing about the city square.
Reaching the city square suddenly turns a lot more
dangerous when swirling patches of corruption on the WAYS
walls explode into masses of black tendrils. They retreat DYNAMIC WORLD
temporarily, giving you a quick chance to safely skirt by DESERT
Once the tendril trap appears, there is no call- You automatically grab the fissure in SECRETS
ing it back—it infests the rest of the corrupted the wall. Creep to the right and watch the
world. rhythm of the tendrils popping out of the
wall. When the tendrils retreat, wall run to
the blue power plate. Use Elika’s magic to bounce into the
Wait for the street to the right.
tendrils to vanish The walls
and then wall run
narrow. There
across the stone.
are six tendrils
in this alley. The
blue power plate
slams you into the
left wall, so link
into a wall run
as you land and rush across the receded tendrils. When the
corruption on the right wall pulls back, jump across and wall
run straight for the blue power plate at the end of the wall.
Use it to jump over the corruption river and to a long slide.

Jump out to the scaffolding around the corner and

then look straight down. There are more tendrils
below. Wait for those to pull back and then grip fall
to the scaffolding closer to the bottom of the wall.

When the tendrils

next to the blue
power plate Ride the slide as it banks to the right. More tendrils
recede, wall run pop out of the walls. As you near the bottom, the
and use Elika’s tendrils to the left retreat. Jump out and wall run
magic to escape. along the vacated tendrils before they reappear.
Jump to the
adjacent wall
when the next
trio of tendrils
The power plate pulls back. Wall
arcs you across run to the right
the street to and jump down to
another wall. another slide just
as the tips of the
tendrils appear.


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e d
a sh
e At the end of the almost disappear—but the tendrils you’re running over
Unl slide, jump to start to reemerge. Jump off the wall and wall run along the
flat ground and alley as it twists and turns, keeping ahead of the tendrils
wait for the next as they pull back for a few seconds. Whenever you see the
set of tendrils to
curling tips of the tendrils reappear, you must jump away
flail and then
disappear before or they will grab you.
wall running to
the right.

You must
pass through the
narrow alleys
ahead, but there
is nothing to hold
onto and there
are tendrils on
every wall. Wait
for the tendrils Use the blue power plate at the end of the alley to
on the left to soar over the walls surrounding the city square.
vanish and then
start your wall
The Warrior
run. At the end of When you finally
the three tendrils, land inside the
jump to the right city square, the
wall and wall run. Warrior wastes
As you run, the tendrils on the adjacent wall pull back. no time closing
Jump to that wall and wall run to the left. Just as you run in on you. But as
out of steam, jump one last time away from the wall. You he stomps your
leap toward the side of a wall you cannot quite see—but way, look over
at least there is some scaffolding to grab. his shoulder. Directly behind him is an illuminated alcove
with a huge iron gate above it. Since there are no edges
in the square to push the Warrior over, you must instead
back the Warrior into that alcove and slam him against the
Follow the
scaffolding along wall so hard that the gate falls and traps him.
the wall until you The Warrior
reach another
tries to limit your
series of tendrils.
combo options by
using Ahriman’s
Influences. When
You are almost the Warrior
to the city square. turns blue, you
The tendrils flip must pull back
and flail on the and keep Elika
walls ahead. safe. If you try
But they retract a combo while
and reappear in the Warrior is
waves. So as soon bright blue, Elika
as the tendrils will be injured.
closest to you The Warrior also
pull back, start shakes off any
wall running. Just weakness after several seconds with a corruption storm.
as you reach the Back away when the black particles swirl around the Warrior
end of the wall, and reposition yourself so you can goad the Warrior into
the tendrils on following you toward the makeshift prison cell.
the opposite side 172

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Back toward the alcove so you are between it City of Light
and the Warrior. When the Warrior closes in, RETURN OF THE PRINCE
you can switch positions by sliding between his MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS
legs via an acrobatic combo. WAYS
After slipping
between the RUINED CITADEL
Warrior’s legs, THE VALE
perform a lengthy ROYAL PALACE
combo to weaken CITY OF LIGHT
the Corrupted. TREE OF LIFE
Work fast before SECRETS
After you defeat the Warrior, four Light
he can react.
Seeds appear inside the city square. Collect
Weave Elika’s magic into your sword strikes so the Warrior
the Light Seeds and then approach the
is significantly weakened by the time the combo is complete.
now-open gate opposite the Warrior’s cage. A trail of
The Warrior needs to pop those blue sparks before you can
Light Seeds leads out over the water and through the
shove him into the alcove and close the gate.

Jump down to the

As soon as you see Light Seed just
the blue sparks, over the water.
rush in for Let Elika save
another attack. you, drawing you
back up to the
city square.

From the exit of

Tap the attack the city square,
button repeatedly wall run along
when you enter the right wall and
into the struggle then jump over to
with the Warrior. the left. Wall run
to the blue power
The gate
slams to the
ground, trapping
the Warrior in
the cage like
a zoo animal.
Now, with the
Warrior disposed
of, quickly have Elika purify the fertile ground so the
Corrupted’s power over the area cannot find purchase
again. Once the purification is complete, the Warrior
disappears in a pool of corruption. Now it’s time to The power plate launches you up to a small platform
collect the Light Seeds and escape the city. in the middle of the water. From here, you can reach
the entrance of the City of Light and blast open the
Healed door that leads to the Warrior’s Fortress.

There are two paths into the City of Light. Search both
paths to the east and west, as well as the entirety of the
city, to collect the 45 Light Seeds.


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e d
a sh
e Follow the bounce across the water. You automatically grab some
Unl path to the scaffolding. Wall run to the next blue power plate.
door. Use the
posts and poles
in front of you
to cross the
water and then
slide down the
tilted platform to pick up a Light Seed. There is another
Light Seed directly in front of the black door, right above
the blue power plate. From the door, there are three
directions you can travel to collect Light Seeds—east,
west, and back into the city.
The power plate blasts you up a narrow alley. Run
wall through the Light Seed and bounce over to the
opposite wall. Wall run to the blue power plate.

As you rush down

the slide, steer to
the left. Jump out
to grab the Light
Seed above the
tilted platform.

The blue power plate launches you across the water and
to a platform. There is a small hole in the platform to
your right. Drop into it to grab a Light Seed. Wall run around
Retrace your the corner,
jumping to
steps toward
connect the two
the city square moves, to pick
to collect a up a Light Seed.
series of Light Jump to the next
Seeds. Without slide.
the corruption
tendrils, travel is At the bottom of
easier—but there are still risks you must take to collect all the slide, jump
the Light Seeds. Run to the wall in front of you and jump out and wall run
out. Wall run through the Light Seed. down the alley for
a Light Seed. Jump
Jump out to to the scaffolding
the scaffolding. and crawl along
Scramble it to reach a Light
straight up to Seed.
pick up a Light
Seed and then
grip fall down
to the lowest
fissure on the
wall. Another
Light Seed is
near the blue
power plate.
After picking it
up, wall run to
the blue power Keep wall running down the alley, bouncing from
wall to wall.
plate and 174

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Another blue power plate is at the end of the alley, CITY OF LIGHT
right in front of the city square. Wall run through TREE OF LIFE
the Light Seed before using the power plate. There is a loop of slides and poles that SECRETS
stretches to the crossroads between the City
Back at the of Light and the Queen’s Tower. Steer to the
city entrance, left of the slide as you jump down and then
look out to the loop around the poles to reach the platform where the two
west to spot paths meet.
more Light
Seeds. Run out Turn around
to the end of the from the platform
post and jump and jump out to
out to start wall running to the left. Jump away from the post. Turn
the wall run and slide down to a series of poles. Swing to the wall and
around the poles and drop to a post. Wall run up the wall scramble up it to
from the post to fetch a Light Seed. pick up the Light
Seed. Jump out
There is to the next post
another pair and then hang
of Light Seeds straight down.
above the water Drop down to
on a balcony. the lower post to
Jump to the pick up two more
post between Light Seeds.
the two narrow
walls south East Path
of the City of
Start at the post
Light entrance.
hanging over the
Scramble up the
water. Run to the
wall and jump
end of the post
back and forth to
and jump over to
reach the Light
the wall in front
Seeds on the
of you. Wall run
along that wall
West Path and then jump to
the right to keep
moving thought
Jump out to the the alley. There
wall next to are two posts
the platform. lashed together
Scramble up it to
just ahead, so
reach the Light
Seed. keep bounding
from one wall to the other to reach the posts. Once you
reach them, face the wooden panel and scramble up it. A
Light Seed is directly above you.


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e d
a sh
e Double-jump at
Unl the bottom of the
Jump between the slide to reach a
two walls to reach set of columns.
the Light Seed on Jump from one
the ledge above column to the
the posts. next collecting
the Light Seed
between them.

Wall run around the corner and then jump out to Jump to the slide at the far end of the line of columns.
the slide. Stick to the center of the slide to pick up There is a Light Seed on the slide. At the end of the slide,
the Light Seed and then jump out to scramble up to jump off to the wall and wall run to a series of poles.
the next platform.
From the
platform, look
west. There is a
loop of columns
and slides you
must cross to
collect the series
of dangling Light
Seeds. Jump down on the slide directly ahead of you and
ride it to the bottom, collecting the Light Seed. Double Jump to the stable post between the poles. Wall run
jump out to the broken column hanging from the ceiling. up to the yellow power plate to grab the Light Seed.
If you have activated the yellow power plates, use
Climb up the
Elika’s magic to blast off.
column and turn
so your back is Yellow Power Plate
against the Light
Seed on the roof. The yellow power
Roof over to the plate blasts you
ring to grab the through a quick
Light Seed and tour of the city.
then link to another roof scramble. You drop down on a The route swoops
slide with a Light Seed. At the bottom of the slide, jump low over the
to the crossroads platform between the City of Light and water. As you
Tower of Ormazd. fly, steer into the
Face the City of Light Seeds. But
Light and jump on watch out for
the left column.
obstacles like
Roof over to the
ring and then
posts and walls. If
keep scrambling you slam into any
to shuffle through of these, you are
two Light Seeds. returned to the yellow power plate and must start
You drop down on the trip all over again to collect the rest of the Light
a slide. Seeds. There are four Light Seeds on this flight. 176

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Warrior’s Fortress RETURN OF THE PRINCE

all of the fertile DYNAMIC WORLD
ground in the DESERT
the Prince and THE VALE
Elika must take ROYAL PALACE
the fight directly CITY OF LIGHT

to the Warrior. TREE OF LIFE

The Corrupted is defending his fortress to the north of
the City of Light, waiting for the Prince to arrive. To the The green power plate propels you along the
Warrior, it is a bittersweet challenge. The Prince is the fortress walls. Dodge the rocks as the wall
mortal enemy of his master, Ahriman. But the Prince also curves to the right.
represents a sliver of salvation. To die with honor would A blue power
finally put the Warrior’s corrupted soul to rest. plate at the
end of the wall
Approach blasts you up to a
wooden platform.
To reach the
If you fall after
Warrior, you this, Elika brings
must navigate you back to this
through a series platform.
of blue and green
power plates. Wall run out to
the green power
After passing
plate. The magic
through the black propels you along
doors, walk out the wall, defiant
to the end of the of gravity. Follow
post and jump to the trail as it
the green power spins to the left.
plate. Steer to
the right to line The next
up with the next green power
green power plates push you
plate and then activate with Elika’s magic. The ruins of along archways.
the fortress force you to dodge rocks and debris as you Steer along the
stomp along the surface. curves to keep
from falling into
CAUTION the corruption
below. There is a
If you bump into any rocks or fixtures, you blue power plate
must start the whole approach over from the at the end of
the green power
plate sequence
Use the blue
power plate at the that pushes you
top of the wall to over the sea of
launch to a green corruption and
power plate. Hold toward the outer wall of the Warrior’s Fortress.
the magic button
so you wall run as
soon as you land.


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e d
a sh
e Exchange
Unl Climb the wall blows with
below the green the Warrior,
power plate. deflecting
Follow the trail his attacks as
to the top as it you position
curves to the left.
yourself with
your back to
the exposed
edge. When
The blue power
the Warrior
plate at the end
of the trail sends closes in, start
you flying down your acrobatic
into the Warrior’s combo. Slide
sanctum. between the
Warrior’s legs
to change
Final Showdown places. Now that the Warrior has his back the edge, finish
the combo to weaken him. When you see the blue sparks,
The Warrior rush in and attack to start the struggle.
rises from the
ground, covered CAUTION
in corruption.
The corruption You have only a second or two after weakening
recedes from the Warrior to start the struggle. Otherwise, he
surrounds himself with a cloud of corruption
the Warrior and
particles to keep you at arm’s length while he
settles at the heals.
edges of the platform. There is little empty space to push
the Warrior off the platform, save for a single naked patch The Warrior can
of ground. To defeat the Warrior once and for all, the grab you in his
giant hands. As
Prince must back the Warrior up to that exposed edge and
he tries to crush
attack with all his might, using the power of Elika’s magic you, repeatedly
to shove the Corrupted to his doom. tap the on-screen
button to wrench
NOTE free of his
vice-like grip.
The Warrior moves quite a bit in this battle—
mostly away from the exposed ground you need
to push him against.

Work to lure
the Warrior to
the exposed
ground, but
never back down
from a fight.
In fact, if the
Warrior gets too After freeing yourself, you climb around the
far away from the edge, it’s useful to push him into the Warrior’s body, dishing out attacks. Tap the buttons
corruption that lines the arena. Weaken the Warrior with displayed on-screen to hit the Warrior. If you
an acrobatic combo and then shove him to the corruption. complete the sequence successfully, you weaken the
Repeatedly tap the attack button to tip the Warrior into Warrior.
the corruption. He regains his strength as a result, but he
also moves back toward the middle of the arena. 178

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The struggle PRIMA Official Game Guide
at the edge is
not easy. Really
hammer the
attack button RETURN OF THE PRINCE
Warrior off WAYS

balance and out DYNAMIC WORLD

of the arena. DESERT

The Warrior THE VALE
slips, but grabs ROYAL PALACE
the edge of the CITY OF LIGHT
arena. Elika While dodging the Warrior around the arena,
walks up to the watch the edges. The platform is crumbling,
Warrior as he reducing the size of the arena with every passing
hangs on. She second. The less room you have to move, the
reaches out to easier it is for the Warrior to strike you. If the Warrior hits
purify the Warrior and release his spirit. This was almost you, you will suffer great injury. But far worse is if the Warrior
too easy. Why is this Corrupted giving up without a real slams you again while you’re hurt. If you fail to tap the
fight? That’s when the Warrior pushes away from the button to make Elika save you at the last second, the Warrior
ledge and drops into the bubbling lava and corruption hammers you. While you recover from your near-death
below. He means to deny you your victory. experience, the Warrior actually gains back some health.
After you
watch the TIP
Warrior fall, the
ground begins to Use the dodge button to move quickly. Just
walking the arena will not keep you out of the
shake. The arena
Warrior’s reach.
cracks and tilts.
With nothing to
hold on to, the Keep dodging to
Prince and Elika slide off the edge of the platform. Fortu- the side, rolling
nately, they land on a small slab of stone in the middle of away from the
the corruption. Warrior as he
stomps after you.
Last Stand
They aren’t alone
for very long.
The Warrior
erupts from the
corruption. He’s
consumed by
both fire and his
own rage. There
is no way to attack the Warrior when he’s covered with
flames. The Prince and Elika must keep back and find a
way to eliminate the Warrior without touching him.
The Warrior is very When the Warrior’s health bar empties, he collapses
aggressive as he to the ground. Elika can now safely approach the
stalks you around fallen Corrupted and set him free. With a light touch
the small arena. on his head, Elika releases his spirit. The corruption is
But check out his
completely blasted out of the City of Light. The sun is
health meter. It’s
dropping. The fire restored to the heavens. It is now time to leave the City
is slowly killing of Light behind and seek out more fertile ground in the
him, so maintain kingdom.
your distance and
let him die.


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e d
a sh
Unl Tree of Life
Final Battle
All four of Ahriman’s Corrupted have been purified. Their tortured spirits are free to slip into the afterlife without the
burden of Ahriman’s treachery. With each saved soul, Ahriman’s hold over the world has weakened. And now that his
four grotesque anchors have been cut, it is time for the Prince and Elika to strike at the heart of Ahriman inside the
temple of the Tree of Life. This final battle against the root of evil will not only test the Prince’s skills, but also teach
him the ultimate lesson about love and sacrifice. What if the fate of the world relied on having the strength to live with a
broken heart?

Temple to rein in his evil brother’s power when they shared this
realm, his magic is still powerful enough to get you close
enough to Ahriman to fight him. Walk into the sealed
door. Ormazd’s magic allows you to pass through the
door and into a magical world. You must successfully
activate the series of power plates in this magic world to
push through the thick corruption that protects Ahriman.
If you survive the sequence, you emerge inside the temple
and at the foot of Ahriman.

You must complete this sequence without fall-
ing. Because there are no stable platforms to
After defeating the fourth of the Corrupted, Elika stand on except for the landing next to the first
announces to the Prince that they can now take the fight power plate, if you miss a plate, you are trans-
directly to Ahriman back at the temple of the Tree of Life. ported all the way back to the beginning of the
Whether you use the teleport skill to instantly warp to course.
the temple or clamber through the paths, grabbing any
remaining Light Seeds before you reach your destination, The course begins
you must be ready for the full terror of Ahriman. The dark on a ledge in
god will not go back into his prison without a fight, and front of a blue
in the history of wars between gods and men, the former power plate. Wall
have an imposing track record. run to the power


If you want to finish your Light Seed collection, As soon as you

do so before going to fight Ahriman because if touch the next
you manage to best the god, you can no longer wall, use the
visit the four regions of the world. rings to link
together four wall
When you runs so that you
return to the reach the next
temple, run up blue power plate.
the stairs and
approach the
giant doors.
The doors are
sealed and give
no indication of opening, but trust your instincts and
the powers of Ormazd. Although the God of Light failed 180

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Hold the magic button and press the left control CITY OF LIGHT
stick to the left so that you wall run to the red power The green power plate at the end of the trail TREE OF LIFE
plate as soon as you touch the wall. leads to a yellow plate. SECRETS

TIP While flying

Keep the magic button held after every flight through the air,
so that you are ready with a wall run whenever get ready to dodge
you land. If you accidentally tap the jump but- three walls in
ton when you land, you’ll kick off the wall and quick succession.
have to start the course over. In this order,
dodge to the left,
then up, and then
The power plate duck down.
launches you
through the air.
When you land, Another set of
wall run to the three obstacles
left to activate appears later in
a green power the flight. Dodge
plate. down first, then
right, and finally
to the left.

Dodge the blocks

sticking out of the
wall as you climb Steer to the right
to the next power as you approach
plate. the window in the
tower to avoid
crashing into the
Two red power
plates bounce you
over to another
green power
plate. Wall run
up to the green
power plate so
that you don’t

Avoid the blocks

as you climb to
the next green You land on a green power plate. This sends you
power plate. climbing straight for another green power plate.


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e d
a sh
Unl Use the ring to
link another wall
run so that you
can reach the red
power plate to the

Keep to the left as you climb around an arch after

activating the second green power plate. There is Bounce off
another green power plate on the far side of the arch. another red
power plate.

This power
plate marches
you directly to
a yellow power

Then you must wall run to a ring, and link to

another wall run. Then kick to the adjacent wall,
run along it, and use the next ring. If you link it up
correctly, you can then wall run to the last power
plate in this course.
The blue power
The yellow power plate blasts you into the air. You plate propels you to
fly harmlessly between a series of columns before a platform in front
shooting skyward. Dodge up to avoid an archway as of a glowing door.
you ascend. Walk into the light
to enter the temple
and confront
the scourge of
When you scream
back down, dodge
to the upper right The Mourning King
to avoid a tower. After stepping
through the
door, you can see
the fertile ground
at the heart of
You land on a
the temple. If
wall, so have the
button held down
Elika can reach
and run to the that sacred soil
right as soon as and save it, she can resurrect the Tree of Life and bury
you touch down. Ahriman back under the temple. Unfortunately, that plan
Jump to the is interrupted by a vaguely familiar face. The Mourning
adjacent wall. King has been completely consumed by Ahriman’s
corruption—nothing of Elika’s father remains. 182

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Elika is
devastated to
see her father
so transformed. WAYS
But sympathy for DYNAMIC WORLD
the man will not DESERT
defeat him. You
must engage the
Mourning King in one last battle. Maybe a shred of his CITY OF LIGHT
soul can be salvaged from his poisoned body? Well, maybe there’s nothing good left under TREE OF LIFE
that corruption after all. SECRETS
The Mourning
King is
aggressive. He CAUTION
starts the battle
by attacking, so The Mourning King
be ready to deflect spits corruption
his initial blows that blocks your
and try to slip in view. Guard while
a counterattack. the screen is ob-
scured. Unless, of
course, you’re feel-
ing lucky and can time a sword attack blind. If
you land a blow, the inky gloom disappears.

If you can land an attack, immediately start a

combo. Use Elika’s magic to keep the Mourning King
reeling. Keep the chain going as long as you can
before bringing it to a close with a sword strike.

Watch for the The Mourning King uses the same spell as the
Concubine to confuse you. If the king explodes in
Mourning King
pink, back away! If the spell reaches your eyes, you
to undergo all controls are temporarily reversed.
of Ahriman’s
When the
Mourning King
is enveloped by
blue light, keep
Elika back. If she
attacks while the
Mourning King
is blue, she will
be injured. While
she recovers, Back off when the Mourning King quakes and the
your combo air around him is full of corruption. There is no
options are attack that can break through this, so keep your
limited. If the king is cloaked in black but yellow sparks distance until it subsides.
jump from his torso, deflect and attack and then counter
with a lift.


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e d
a sh
e ground. How could Ahriman possibly be powered by a
Unl similar force? And what will it take to extinguish that light
To defeat Ahriman, you must reach three patches of
fertile ground like the one you spotted when you first
entered the temple. However, they are placed around the
temple walls and there is no floor. You must scramble
along the walls, using vines and rings to circle the room,
and close in on the fertile ground. Ahriman fights back
by raising the corruption in the hopes of swallowing you
The Mourning King sometimes lashes out with whole. However, if you can reach a power plate just as the
corruption tendrils. Repel these attacks by pressing poison rises, you cannot be hurt.
the buttons that appear on-screen. Frustrated by your ability to hide within the protection
Keep of Ormazd’s magic, Ahriman will also lash out with giant
hammering the fists. You must always be on the move to avoid those fists.
Mourning King If you pause, even for a second, Ahriman will strike and
with combos punch you off the wall.
possible. The NOTE
longer the chain
of successful You see this sequence through Ahriman’s eyes,
moves, the more damage you inflict. While you should which makes it difficult sometimes to spot the
never pass up quick hits against the king because every power plates. They are the bright spots on the
wall. Aim for those and you will be safe when
slash helps, victory comes to those who really nail the corruption comes.
powerful chains.
After you zero out the king’s health meter, he finally Fertile Ground 1
crumples in defeat. But a corrupted soul is hard to kill.
Wall run to the
Racked right and climb
with guilt and through the
torn to shreds vines to reach
by Ahriman’s the power plate.
corruption, Stay there until
the Mourning the corruption
King—or rises and subse-
what’s left of quently subsides.
him—turns away from his daughter and hurls himself Once the poison
into the poisonous filth that surrounds Ahriman’s pit. The drops back down,
king’s soul will never be at rest. But at least he can no continue climbing
longer hurt his little girl. along the vines to
the right and then
Ahriman wall run to the
There is no time fissure.
to rest after
defeating the Scramble along
Mourning King. the fissure to
Ahriman has lost the right, never
his last servant, slowing down lest
leaving the god Ahriman pummel
no choice but you with one of
his colossal fists.
to finally rise from the corruption and fight the Prince
and Elika himself. The macabre face of Ahriman bursts
from the pool of darkness. His mouth opens, revealing
a core made of the same energy that pulses from fertile 184

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Wall run from

the end of the
fissure to another WAYS
patch of vines. DYNAMIC WORLD
Keep crawling to DESERT

the right, closing RUINED CITADEL

in on another
power plate. As
you get close, TREE OF LIFE
the corruption SECRETS
bubbles and
pops. It’s about
to rise, so hurry
into position.

As the corruption subsides, wall run to the right again.

You must use the series of rings to negotiate around the
outcropping. Press the gauntlet button as you touch each
ring so you do not fall. After the third ring, wall run to a
fissure and grab on to it.

Climb up the
vines to reach the
When the corruption drops back down, wall run to
next power plate
the platform with the fertile ground. Run into the
and avoid the
center of the fertile ground and repeatedly tap the
magic button so Elika can purify the area.

Fertile Ground 2
Wall run away Now, use
from the purified the next four
fertile ground vine fields to
and into a patch crawl between
of vines. Ahriman two patches of
lashes out with corruption on
his fist as you the wall. Wall
leave the fertile run through the
ground, so make sure you do not pause. Crawl across the narrow bit of
first vine patch, wall run to the next, and then climb up to unaffected wall
the power plate. between the four
vines. After the
four-vine patch,
run out and
use the ring to
propel yourself
into another
collection of vines.


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e d
a sh
Unl Wall run to
the ring and then
run to the solid
ledge. The fertile
ground is directly
above you, but
the lip of the
platform keeps
you from being
able to scramble
Wait on the next power plate to avoid the rising up to it. Instead,
corruption and then wall run to the next patch of run along the
fertile ground. ledge and then
use the next ring
Fertile Ground 3 to reach a patch
After Elika of vines that
purifies the surrounds a power plate.
second patch of
fertile ground,
Ahriman recoils.
He puts up his
hands to guard
against the power
of the sacred soil and Elika’s magic. His distorted vision
even clears for a few seconds, giving you a clear view of
the path to the next power plate. Climb along the lengthy
collection of vines and then wall run to the power plate.

Wall run away After surviving the rising corruption again, use the
from the vines vines to close in on what looks like another solid
next to the plate ledge. Wall run to it.
and use the ring
to push toward
The ledge is
the next series of
vines. anything but
solid. As you run
along it, pieces of
it crumble under
Climb up the your feet. Jump
vine. Scramble up over the gaps in
the blank stretch the ledge as they
of wall between appear. At the
the two sets of end of the ledge,
vines. jump to the wall
and run along it
to reach another
patch of vines.
Bound between
There is another the two rings on
power plate to the
the wall to close in on another power plate.
right. Wall run
to it. 186

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From Elika’s death, the Tree of Life is TREE OF LIFE
After hanging on the power plate to survive the renewed and Ahriman is sealed in. Order is SECRETS
belching corruption, wall run out to the two rings
restored. With a heavy heart, you pick up
and then dash to the third patch of fertile ground.
Purify it. Elika’s body. You must carry her out of the
temple and to the altar just beyond the main
gate. Once there, you set down her body.


After purifying the third patch of fertile ground,

Ahriman is severely weakened. Elika must now
strike at his core. Use the red power plates above the
fertile ground to launch into the heart of Ahriman.

After placing Elika’s body on the altar, the Prince

looks out across the desert. Four new Trees of Life are
sprouting. These saplings represent a renewal of life
for the Ahuras. The royal line is dead, but through the
sacrifice of the princess, the world is given a second
chance. The Prince fulfilled his promise to Elika to help
her free her lands of Ahriman’s dreadful corruption and
lives to see the new day dawn.
But what good is a restored paradise without love?
What good is life without love?
And that’s when the Prince makes the most selfish
It’s difficult for the Prince to see what Elika is doing
decision of his entire life....
through the frenzied air inside the temple. She appears
to be using some sort of magic to seal the dark god. But
where is this magic coming from? Only when it’s too CAUTION
late does the Prince realize Elika’s gambit, her sacrifice.
If you’re a fan of happy endings, you may want
Because the Mourning King used the power of Ahriman to stop playing right about now.
to bring his daughter back from the dead, part of the
magic that bound Ahriman was inside her. Her life was
being unnaturally extended. And to seal Ahriman back in
the underworld and give birth to a new Tree of Life, Elika
must give back what isn’t really hers—life.


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e d
a sh
e The Prince
Unl decides he does
not want to live
his life without
Elika. There
is one way to
restore her life
force—and that’s
to follow in the path of the Mourning King and cut down
all four new Trees of Life.
Destroying the Tree of Life inside the temple gifts
Cross the you with the essence of life. Carry it out of the
desert and temple interior and approach the altar.
clamber up to
each of the four
saplings. Use the
columns around
the fertile ground
to ascend to the
platform with
the new Tree of
Life. Then cleave
each trunk with
your sword. With
each destroyed
sapling, the
When the Prince reaches the altar, he gives the
skies darken and
essence to Elika. The princess wakes, sitting straight
the ground turns rotten. After all four trees have been
up, gasping for air. She looks at the Prince, sad. Her
chopped down, return to the altar.
sacrifice was the price for the world, but now unnatural
life has returned to her.
Love has returned to the Prince. Love has returned
to Elika.

The door to the temple is open again. Enter the

temple and run to the Tree of Life atop Ahriman’s

And hell has returned to earth.

Hack the Tree of Life with your sword. 188

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There are many badges of honor to win for playing Prince of Persia. Whether you play the Xbox DESERT
360 or PLAYSTATION 3 edition of the game, you have a host of special goals to aim for, such as RUINED CITADEL
finding special views in the game or defeating enemies under specific conditions. Here are all the
Achievements and Trophies you can win in Prince of Persia, plus tips and tricks for banking some of
the trickier ones. TREE OF LIFE

Xbox 360 Achievements

Achievement Description Points Achievement Description Points
First Meet Encounter Elika 10 Warrior Dodge 20 Warrior attacks in one
Save Me Special fight
First time Elika saves you 10
Please Deflect the Hunter 5 times in one
Hunter Special 20
Complete the opening scene in the fight
All the Basics 10
canyon Alchemist Defeat the Alchemist without
Explorer Use compass for the first time 10 Special using the acrobatic button
Beginner Concubine Defeat the Concubine without
Heal your first fertile ground 30 20
Healer Special using the gauntlet
Master Healer Heal all fertile ground 50 Light Seeds
Collect 100 Light Seeds 10
Hunter’s End Kill the Hunter in his lair 20
Light Seeds
Warrior’s End Kill the Warrior in his lair 20 Collect 200 Light Seeds 10
Kill the Concubine in her lair 20 Light Seeds
End Collect 300 Light Seeds 10
Kill the Alchemist in his lair 20 Light Seeds
End Collect 400 Light Seeds 10
Ahriman’s End Kill Ahriman 30
Light Seeds
Explorer Explore every area of every region 20 Collect 500 Light Seeds 10
Block Master Block 50 attacks 20 Light Seeds
Collect 600 Light Seeds 10
Deflect Master Deflect 20 attacks 20 Chief
Biggest Combo Do 14 combo hits in a fight 20 Light Seeds
Collect 700 Light Seeds 10
Be Gentle with Finish the game with less than 10 Veteran
Her saves from Elika Light Seeds
Collect 800 Light Seeds 10
Breaker Use an enemy to break something 10 Expert
Against the Light Seeds
Win a struggle 10 Collect 900 Light Seeds 10
Wall Hardcore
Go from the fertile ground in Sun Light Seeds
Race Ruined Collect 1001 Light Seeds 50
Temple to the fertile ground in 10 Master
Windmills in 8 minutes Speed and
Kill 10 soldiers before they spawn 10
Go from the fertile ground in Peace
Race Obser-
Construction to the fertile ground 20 Thrower Push 10 soldiers to their deaths 10
in Heaven’s Stair in 7 minutes Assassin View Find the Assassin View 10
Go from the fertile ground in Royal Titanic View Find the Titanic View 10
Race Royal
Gardens to the fertile ground in 30
Palace Jumper 1,000 co-op jumps 10
Coronation Hall in 6 minutes
Take one minute to think (at the
Go from the fertile ground in Precious Time 10
right time)
Race City of Tower of Ahriman to the fertile
40 Beginner
Light ground in City of Light in 5 Trigger one dialogue with Elika 10
minutes Listener
Good Listener Trigger more dialogues with Elika 10


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e d
a sh
l eAchievement Description Points Achievement Description Points
Un Perfect Gone Baby
Trigger a lot of dialogue with Elika 10 Complete the game 80
Listener Gone
Climber Find the highest point in the world 10 Combo
Unleash every combo in the game 50
Diver Find the lowest point in the world 10 Specialist
Speed Demon Finish the game in less than 10 hours 10 Total Gamerscore Points 1000

Trophy Description Value Trophy Description Value
First Meet Encounter Elika Bronze Light Seeds
Collect 100 Light Seeds Bronze
Save Me Please First time Elika saves you Bronze Rookie
Complete the opening scene in Light Seeds
All the Basics Bronze Collect 200 Light Seeds Bronze
the canyon Beginner
Explorer Use compass for the first time Bronze Light Seeds
Collect 300 Light Seeds Bronze
Heal your first fertile ground Silver Light Seeds
Healer Collect 400 Light Seeds Bronze
Master Healer Heal all fertile ground Gold
Light Seeds
Hunter’s End Kill the Hunter in his lair Bronze Collect 500 Light Seeds Bronze
Warrior’s End Kill the Warrior in his lair Bronze Light Seeds
Collect 600 Light Seeds Bronze
Concubine’s End Kill the Concubine in her lair Bronze Chief
Alchemist’s End Kill the Alchemist in his lair Bronze Light Seeds
Collect 700 Light Seeds Bronze
Ahriman’s End Kill Ahriman Silver Veteran
Explore every area of every Light Seeds
Explorer Bronze Collect 800 Light Seeds Bronze
region Expert
Block Master Block 50 attacks Bronze Light Seeds
Collect 900 Light Seeds Bronze
Deflect Master Deflect 20 attacks Bronze
Light Seeds
Biggest Combo Do 14 combo hits in a fight Bronze Collect 1001 Light Seeds Silver
Be Gentle with Finish the game with less than
Gold Speed and Kill 10 soldiers before they
Her 10 saves from Elika Bronze
Peace spawn
Use an enemy to break
Breaker Bronze Thrower Push 10 soldiers to their deaths Bronze
Assassin View Find the Assassin View Bronze
Against the Wall Win a struggle Bronze
Titanic View Find the Titanic View Bronze
Go from the fertile ground in
Race Ruined Jumper 1,000 co-op jumps Bronze
Sun Temple to the fertile ground Bronze
in Windmills in 8 minutes Take one minute to think (at the
Precious Time Bronze
Go from the fertile ground in right time)
Race Obser-
Construction to the fertile ground Bronze Beginner
vatory Trigger one dialogue with Elika Bronze
in Heaven’s Stair in 7 minutes Listener
Go from the fertile ground in Royal Trigger more dialogues with
Race Royal Good Listener Bronze
Gardens to the fertile ground in Silver Elika
Coronation Hall in 6 minutes Trigger a lot of dialogue with
Perfect Listener Bronze
Go from the fertile ground in Tower Elika
Race City of
of Ahriman to the fertile ground in Silver Find the highest point in the
Light Climber Bronze
City of Light in 5 minutes world
Dodge 20 Warrior attacks in one Find the lowest point in the
Warrior Special Bronze Diver Bronze
fight world
Deflect the Hunter 5 times in Finish the game in less than 10
Hunter Special Bronze Speed Demon Bronze
one fight hours
Alchemist Defeat the Alchemist without Gone Baby
Bronze Complete the game Gold
Special using the acrobatic button Gone
Concubine Defeat the Concubine without Combo Unleash every combo in the
Bronze Bronze
Special using the gauntlet Specialist game 190

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Breaker Special Views

To earn Titanic View, head to the Machinery
Earn this accomplishment by smashing an enemy, Ground of the Vale. Walk out to the tip of
such as one of the Corrupted, into a pillar in any of the broken ship’s bow, right next to the
your showdowns. Many Corrupted fights have pillars fertile ground.
in the arena, such as the Hunter and Alchemist, and The Assassin’s
the Warrior atop the Tower of Ahriman and the Tower View is located at
of Ormazd. Back your enemy into the pillar while the Martyr’s Tower
performing a combo and smash the Corrupted into it. in the Ruined
Tossing the enemy with a gauntlet move is the easiest Citadel region. To
way to make this happen. earn this accom-
plishment, you
Biggest Combo must first heal the
area by defeating the Hunter inside the tower and then cure
the fertile ground on the rooftop. Once Martyr’s Tower is pure,
you can dip back down into the tower to collect Light Seeds.
The Assassin’s View is on the second-to-top floor of the tower.
Step out on to the balcony and then walk to the edge of the post
overlooking the lake. When you set your toes against the end of
the post, you earn the accomplishment.

Ascending to
the very top of
The biggest combo in the game is to string together
the Heaven’s
14 different attacks. Use the combo table to chart
Stair will earn
out your preferred combos, starting with a sword hit
the Climber.
before segueing into another attack, such as throwing
the enemy into the air and then bouncing him around
with Elika’s magic. Use acrobatics to keep the combo The Diver is
going and then rely on Elika to continue smashing the earned by finding
enemy before you end the combo with either a throw the lowest point
or aerial. in the world.
This is actually
TIP back at the Tree
of Life temple.
You need a large arena to pull this off, so try
it out at the top of the King’s Gate or the first Step into the
arena in the Hunter’s Lair. small alcove to the left of the temple.


To earn the Listener Achievements and Trophies, keep

chatting with Elika as you explore each new area of
the world. Whenever you see a new sight, initiate a
conversation and learn more about the history of
the Ahuras, Ahriman, and Elika herself.

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a sh

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