ISO 45001:2018 Practice Test
ISO 45001:2018 Practice Test
ISO 45001:2018 Practice Test
Section 1:
Section 1 contains 5 questions and each carries 2 marks, minimum passing
score on section 1 would be 4.5 marks out of 10 marks.
Sample Question: Write 2 examples of OHSMS Opportunities.
Sample Answer:
1. Enhancing the incident investigation process(es)
2. Improving the process(es) for worker participation
Note: CQI IRCA provides ATP a grading scheme. However, while grading the
paper, it is not necessary that your answer must match exactly as per the grading
scheme. Trainers will use their discretion while grading the paper according to
the answer you have provided. The questions that are related to identifying the
clause numbers are objective in nature and should match the grading scheme.
Section 2:
Section 2 contains 4 questions and each carries 5 marks, minimum passing
score on section 2 would be 9.5 marks out of 20 marks.
Sample Question: Write down at least #5 agenda to be covered in the
Management Review meeting
Sample Answer:
1. Any update in the context of the organization.
2. Legal compliance status.
3. Near Miss, Incident, Accident Data
4. Internal audit status.
5. Objective status.
Section 3:
Section 3 contains 3 questions and each carries 10 marks, minimum passing
score on section 3 would be 14.5 marks out of 30 marks.
Sample Question: You are auditing a large-sized chemical processing plant
whose by-products include Chlorine gas and Hydrogen gas. List down ten
checkpoints, along with the relevant ISO 45001:2018 and objective evidence, by
which you systematically verify the organization’s complete identification of
hazards to health and safety.
Sample Answer:
1. How did the organization take into account the way the work is organized,
social factors, and culture while identifying the hazards? ( a)
2. What were the routine and non-routine activities, specific to the infrastructure
and machinery, that were considered while identifying the hazards? ( b1)
3. What were the routine and non-routine activities, specific to the human factors,
that were considered while identifying the hazards? ( b3)
4. What were the past relevant incidents, including their causes, that were
considered while identifying the hazards? ( c)
5. What were the potential emergencies that were considered while identifying
the hazards? ( d)
6. What were the considerations that were given to workplace access while
determining hazards? ( e 1)
7. How did the organization consider those who were in the vicinity of the
workplace while determining hazards? ( e 2)
8. How did the organization consider those who were in those workplaces that
were not under the direct control of the organization, while determining hazards?
( e 3)
9. How did the organization consider the design of workplaces while determining
hazards? ( f 1)
10. How did the organization consider those incidents that happen in the vicinity
of the workplace while determining hazards? ( f 2)
11. What were the considerations that were given to the changes in the
knowledge while determining hazards? ( h)
Section 4:
Section 4 contains 3 questions each carries 10 marks, minimum passing score
on section 4 would be 14.5 marks out of 30 marks.
Questions in this section are designed to test your ability to analyze audit
situations, evaluate audit evidence and apply knowledge of the audit criteria
You are required to either:
A. Complete the non-conformity report template (or)
B. Complete the audit investigation template
Depending on the case, you have to determine whether to use a non-conformity
or audit investigation template.
Non-Conformity template grading rubric:
1. For correctly identifying the scenario as non-conformity (2 Marks)
2. Description of the nonconformity (3 Marks)
3. Relevant Evidence (3 Marks)
4. ISO 14001:2015 Clause and requirement (2 Marks)
Audit investigation template grading rubric:
1. Their reasons for why there is not yet sufficient evidence to report
nonconformity. (2 marks)
2. Write four audit trails they would follow and specific examples of audit
evidence. (8 marks)
Sample Question: A large home appliance manufacturing company (that
manufactures heavy-duty industrial vacuum cleaners) commissioned a customer
survey after receiving several customer complaints regarding ease-of-use in their
latest model of the vacuum cleaner. When the Auditor checked the customer
feedback forms, the users complained of backache while using the vacuum
cleaner. They asked the Product Manager regarding this, he said, “The Design
Manager is the right person to answer this query”. The Design Manager replied,
“We know the reason for the complaint even before we completed the product
design. We had the same feedback about the usage of the product during
product testing. However, we had to restrict the product’s budget to USD 1200
making us reduce the telescopic wand by 9 inches. A longer wand would have
been easier to use but it would have cost more”. When the auditor further asked,
“Did you not consider the user feedback from your testing team before you
released the product?”, he remarked, “We knew about it, but our budgetary
considerations were set by the company management. Our hands were tied”.
Sample Answer:
1. Non-conformity.
2. Description of Non-conformity: The organization did not consider the
internal testing department’s feedback about the OH&S hazards that arose while
using the product.
3. Relevant Evidence: The product testing department’s feedback regarding
backache while using the product was ignored.
4. Requirement: (b) (2) Hazard identification
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process(es) for
hazard identification that is ongoing and proactive. The process(es) shall take
into account, but not be limited to:
b) routine and non-routine activities and situations, including hazards arising from
product and service design, research, development, testing, production,
assembly, construction, service delivery, maintenance, and disposal.