MMPF-004 Block-3
MMPF-004 Block-3
MMPF-004 Block-3
Indira Gandhi
Security Analysis and
National Open University Portfolio Management
School of Management Studies
UNIT 10 179
Portfolio Analysis
UNIT 11 197
Portfolio Selection
UNIT 12 213
Capital Market Theory
UNIT 13 228
Portfolio Management
Unit 10: Portfolio Analysis explains and illustrates the concepts and measures
of ‘return’ and ‘risk’ as they apply to individual assets as well as portfolio of
assets. This unit also highlights the process of diversification of risk and introduces
the portfolio selection problem and process.
Unit 11: Portfolio Selection explains and illustrates Markowitz’s Approach and
Sharpe’s Single-index Model for selecting optimal portfolio of assets. This unit
also highlights the limitations of these models and discusses some alternative
models like, Multi-Index Model of Goal-Programming approach to portfolio
Unit12: Capital Market Theory is aimed to introduce general theory of pricing
of the capital assets. It discusses in detail the Capital Assets Pricing Model
(CAPM), pointing out its basic tenets, assumptions, and rationale. This unit also
explains Capital Market Line (CML) and the Security Market Line (SML). It
also discusses beta measure of risk and its implications for portfolio selection.
This unit highlights the limitations of CAPM and introduces the alternative
approach to pricing the capital assets, namely, Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT).
Unit 13: explains out the meaning and need for portfolio
revision. It contrasts ‘active’ and ‘passive’ portfolio revision strategies. It also
highlights constraints in portfolio revision and explains and illustrates formula
plans for Portfolio revision, namely-constant Dollar-Value Plan, Constant-Ratio
Plan and Variable-Ratio Plan.
Portfolio Analysis
After reading this unit you should be able to:
• explain and illustrate the concepts and measures of return and risk as
they apply to individual assets as well as portfolio of assets;
• highlight the concept of diversification of risk;
• discuss the portfolio selection problem and the process.
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Need for Portfolios
10.3 Risk and Return
10.4 Expected Risk and Return from a portfolio
10.5 Portfolio Analysis
10.6 Portfolio Selection
10.7 Summary
10.8 Key words
10.9 Self Assessment Questions
10.10 Further Readings
Portfolio analysis is a process of evaluating a group of financial assets or
investments, known as a portfolio, to determine their risk and return
characteristics. The goal of portfolio analysis is to construct an efficient
portfolio that balances the risks and rewards of different investments. Portfolio
analysis involves several steps, including identifying the assets in the portfolio,
analyzing their performance and risks, determining their correlation with one
another, and constructing a portfolio that maximizes returns while minimizing
risks. This process can be conducted using a variety of methods and tools,
such as statistical models, optimization algorithms, and risk management
One of the key concepts in portfolio analysis is diversification, which involves
spreading investments across different asset classes and securities to reduce
overall risk. By diversifying a portfolio, investors can potentially lower the
impact of any one asset’s poor performance on the overall portfolio’s returns.
Portfolio analysis is essential for any individual or institution that invests in
financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded
funds (ETFs). By analyzing their portfolio, investors can make informed
decisions about their investment strategy, such as which assets to buy, hold, 179
Portfolio Management or sell, and how much to allocate to each asset. In this unit we will study the
concepts of portfolio analysis.
Find the Holding Period Return (HPR), Arithmetic Average and Geometric
Average return of the stock.
HPR : [Dividend (` 8) + Capital Appreciation (` 41)] /
Investment (` 50) ]
: 49/50 = 98% for five years or 19.60% per year
AA Return : [R1 (-18%) + R2 (41.25%) + R3 (30%) + R4 (12.86%) +
R5(20.78%)]/5 :17.38%
Note: R1 is equal to [(41-50)/50], R2 is equal to [(56.5 - 40)/40], etc.
GA Return : [(1+ R1) x (1+ R2) x (1+ R3)x(1+R4) x (1+R5)]1/5 – 1
: [(.82) x (1.41) x (1.30) x l.13)x(1.21%)]1/5-1
: 15.47% 181
Portfolio Management As you may observe, for the same set of data, we get different values of return.
HPR is the highest and GAR is the lowest. The Geometric Return is lower
than other two returns because of compounding.
In addition to the above two types of return, a foreign investor or foreign
fund would compute dollar-weighted return to adjust differences in the foreign
exchanges between the point of investment and sale. For example, if a foreign
fund purchased a stock at ` 80 today when the US Dollar - Rupee rate is ` 80
per US Dollar and sold the stock at ` 85 at the end of one year, the holding
period return in Rupee term is 7.5 % [(85-80)/80]. However, if the Rupee
depreciates during this period and quotes ` 86 per US Dollar, the foreign fund
incurs a loss because it can get less than one Dollar with the sale value of the
stock. The loss is equal to 1.16% [$1- $(55/56)].
While historical return gives a fair idea about the future return, they are often
used to measure the risk. It is true that it is more relevant to use expected risk
by measuring the probability associated with various returns, often such
measure is, not used in practice. Historical data is generally used to measure
the risk. The risk associated with an investment in. stocks is measured using
variance or standard deviation of the historical return. A question with variance
as a measure of risk is: why count ‘happy’ surprises (those above the average
historical return or expected return) at all in a measure of risk? Why not just
consider the deviations below the average historical return or expected return
(i.e. the downside danger)? Measures to do so have much to recommend them.
But if a distribution is symmetric, such as the normal distribution, the result
will be the same. Because, left side of a symmetric distribution is a mirror
image of the right side. Although distributions of historical or forecasted
returns are often not normal, analysts generally assume normality to simplify
their analysis.
Activity 1
Scan the NSE-50 websites and select stocks of 10 companies. From the
data available try to find:
a) Holding period return
b) Arithmetic mean return
c) Geometric mean return
Tabulate the results and compare the risk and return status of the
A 8.89 19.55 33
B 5.12 7.99 33
C 3.42 6.18 34
Monthly returns here represent average appreciation of share prices estimated
on the basis of price movements over 26 monthly intervals during the period
2022 to February 2023. A weighted average of standard deviation of each
share returns works out to (.33 x 19.55 + .33 x 7.99 + .34 x 6.18) i.e.11.18 per
cent. However, a direct estimation of standard deviation of historical portfolio
returns yields a figure of 9.61 per cent. Thus, the portfolio risk, as measured
by standard deviation, is less than the sum of component risks. The lower
portfolio risk in this case is due to the fact that the returns of the select scrips
have not exhibited greater tendency to move together. In fact, the correlation
co-efficient of returns between A and C and that between A and B were found
to be low (.3 and 4 respectively) during the period under consideration.
The computation of the portfolio variance in the above example is based on
the following formula:
σ2 (p) = xi x j σ ij
Eq. (1)
where ‘σ ij ’ denotes the covariance of returns between asset i and asset j. An
explanation of the formula is now in order.
We start off with the most important element of this formula, namely,
Portfolio Management covariance. It is a statistical measure of how two random variables, such as
the returns on asset and ‘move together’. A positive value for covariance
indicates that the assets returns tend to go together. For example, a better-
than-expected return for one is likely to occur along with a better-than-
expected return for the other. A negative covariance indicates a tendency for
the returns to offset one anther. For example, a better-than-expected return
for one asset is likely to occur along with a worse-than - expected return for
the other. A relatively small or zero value for the covariance indicates that
there is little or no relationship between the returns for two assets.
Closely related to covariance is the statistical measure known as correlation.
The relationship is given by
σij = Uij σi σ j
Where ij denotes the correlation coefficient between the return on asset ‘i’
and that on ‘j’. The correlation coefficient simply rescales the covariance to
facilitate comparison with corresponding values for other pairs of random
variables. The coefficient ranges from - 1 (perfect negative correlation) to +
1 (perfect positive correlation). A co-efficient of 0 indicates that returns are
totally unrelated.
Given an understanding of covariance and correlation, next logical step is to
know how the double summation of equation (1) is performed. The easiest.
way to understand equation (1) is form a n x n table. Suppose there are three
stocks in the portfolio, then the equation 10.2 is equal to
Table 10.2: Variance-Covariance Matrix
The above table has to be expanded if the number of securities are more than
three. For example, if the number of stocks are 5, then we have to frame 5 x 5
table. The variance of the portfolio is equal to sum of the values in the above
cells. In the above table, Wx, Wy and Wz are proportions of investments
made in security X, Y and Z. The variance of the security X, Y and Z appears
in the diagonal cells as σ xx, σ yy, and σ zz . The covariance between the securities
appears in non-diagonal cells as σ xx,, σ yy, and σ zz. You may also note, the
covariance of σ xy is equal to covariance of σ yx. Thus, if the number of assets
in the portfolio is three, then the portfolio variance can be expressed as follows:
σ2 (p)= Wx2 σ xx + Wx2 σ xx + Wy2 σ yy + Wz2 σ zz + 2Wx Wy σ xy + 2Wx Wz σ xz + 2Wy Wz σ yz
Table 10.3:Weekly Return, Variance and Standard Deviation of H, I and T Portfolio Analysis
Covariance between H I T
Stocks Proportion H I T
of 50% 30% 20%
H 50% . 5 x . 5 x.0029
The sum of the cells is equal to 0.002538, which is equal to the variance or
risk of the portfolio. The risk of the portfolio can also be expressed in terms
of standard deviation. In such case, the portfolio risk is equal to:
σ2 (p)= .002538
σ (p)= = .002538 = 0.50375 or 5.03%
The return of the portfolio is 0.33% per week. It may be noted that the risk of
the portfolio that we computed is much lower than the weighted average
variance or risk of the individual securities in the portfolio. The reduction
portfolio risk is mainly on account of diversification and less than perfect
correlation between the three stocks.
Efforts to spread and minimize portfolio risk take the form of diversification.
Most investors prefer to hold several assets rather than putting all their eggs
into one basket, with the hope that if one goes bad, the others will provide
some protection from extreme loss. Surely enough, there is merit in this
approach; although some investors hold a contrary view point that recommends
putting all eggs into one basket and then keeping a sharp eye on the basket.
It is not difficult to understand that adding more assets in the portfolio can
reduce the overall portfolio risk. Consider the table drawn earlier to compute 187
Portfolio Management the portfolio risk and look into the diagonal cells. The diagonal cells contain the
variance of securities in the portfolio. In that example, we assumed that an equal
investment is made in three stocks. The sum of the diagonal cells is equal to sum
of the variance of three securities multiplied by (1/3)2. Suppose, we add one more
stock in the portfolio and revise our weights to 0.25 for each stock. The values of
diagonal cells is now equal to sum of the variance of four securities multiplied by
(1/4)2. We know (1/4)2 < (1 /3)2. Suppose, if the number of securities in the portfolio
is increased to 20, then the value of the diagonal cells is equal to sum of the
variance of individual securities multiplied by (1/20)2. The value of (1/20)2 is
equal to .0025 and close to zero. Since the multiplier is now close to zero, the
sum of the diagonal cells will reach close to zero. Thus, when a security is added
to the portfolio, the value of diagonal cells is close to zero and thus reduced the
variance of the portfolio. However, there is a limitation in adding securities to
reduce the risk because the diagonal cells value cannot be reduced below zero
(i.e. negative) to reduce the portfolio risk further. Thus, beyond a level,
diversification fails to yield further benefit by way of reducing the risk. This is
being illustrated in figure 10.2.
Number of Securities
Figure 10.2 : Diversification of Risk
It may be noted that beyond certain portfolio size, the reduction in risk is
marginal and insignificant.
Activity 2
a) Define the following terms.
i) Portfolio Risk.
ii) Variance-Covariance Matrix.
Portfolio Analysis
We have discussed that risk is reduced when the portfolio includes one stock
in the portfolio. The above observation is not universal in a sense that if the
new stock is perfectly correlated with other securities in the portfolio: In
other words, the job of investment analysts or any other persons responsible
in constructing the portfolio is to identify stocks or securities that are less
related with each other for portfolio construction. The risk of the portfolio
can be reduced to zero if the correlation between the assets included in the
portfolio is equal to minus 1. However, such securities are difficult to identify
in the market. If two securities are perfectly correlated, then there is no
diversification benefit and such combination will not reduce the risk of the
portfolio. There are only very few securities in the market whose correlation
is equal to minus one. What is more prevalent in the market is securities
whose return are correlated between minus 1 to plus 1. Depending on the
level of correlation, diversification reduces the risk of the portfolios. The
relationship between the assets and its impact on portfolio risk is explained
below in Figure 10.3 with the help of two securities.
Figure 10.3 (c) is more relevant for our discussion since the correlation
between the securities is often less than 1 and greater than zero. In such a
situation, when an investor combines such securities, the risk of the security
is initially reduced. Let us see an example in the table 10.6. Assume there are
two companies H and I.
Table 10.6: Portfolio Analysis
S.No. Proportion of Investment in Portfolio Return Portfolio Risk (Variance)
100% 0% 0.38% 0.00289
80% 20% 0.43% 0.00240
60% 40% 0.48% 0.00320
40% 60% 0.54% 0.00529
20% 80% 0.59% 0.00867
0% 100% 0.64% 0.01334
Note: Correlation between H and I is. 0087
Portfolio Management The risk and return of the portfolio is plotted below to show how the graph
looks similar to one shown in Figure 10.3 (C)
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015
If there are 10 securities in the market, it is possible to draw the graphs of the
above for a number of combinations of two-securities.
Figure 10.5: Risk and Return of Two-Stock Portfolios
The new curve A and B connects all left-extreme values of earlier portfolios
and become efficient set of portfolios. For instance, we don’t have any
portfolios above this curve to show better return for a given level of risk. All
portfolios below this curve of A and B are inefficient and hence no one prefer
such combination of stocks. All points in the curve are efficient because it is
not possible to evaluate two points in the curve and conclude one is better
Portfolio Management than the other. They are all efficient portfolios because for a higher risk, the
expected return is also high. Depending on the investors risk and return
expectation, they can pick up any combination. If an investor like to have
low risk, then she or he will select a combination of stocks close to point A.
On the other hand, if an investor likes to assumes more risk, she or he will
prefer a portfolio close to point B.
The unit describes the basic components of portfolio selection process.
Beginning with the estimation of a portfolio’s expected return and risk, which
in turn involves estimation of such input data as expected return, variance
and covariance for each of the assets contained in the portfolio, we have
explained why an investor should consider only the ‘efficient set’ out of the
feasible set of portfolios. Once the efficient portfolios are delineated, the
investor will next ‘select the ‘optimal’ portfolio depending upon his or her
‘trade-off’ between return and risk. In terms of graphical analysis such optimal
portfolio will be located at the point where indifference curve that summarises
the investors risk-return trade-off, is tangent to the efficient set. In this kind
of approach to portfolio selection, it is assumed that rational investors are
risk averse and prefer more return or loss. Finally, the portfolio selection
approach presented here epitomizes the Markowitz’s model developed in early
a) diversification of risk
c) selection of optimal portfolio
Portfolio Analysis
After reading this unit you will be able to:
x Understand the risk associated with the preference of investors;
x Explain the steps involved in generating frontier; and
x Discuss the basic tenets of Sharpe’s single-index model.
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Risk and investor preference
11.3 Generating efficient frontier
11.4 Efficient set
11.5 Sharpe’s signle index model
11.6 Other portfolio selection models
11.7 Summary
11.8 Key words
11.9 Self Assessment Questions
11.10 Further Readings
Portfolio selection is the process of constructing an investment portfolio that
maximizes returns while minimizing risk. It involves selecting a combination
of assets that have different levels of expected returns, risk, and correlation
with each other. The goal of portfolio selection is to find the optimal mix of
assets that provides the highest expected return for a given level of risk, or
the lowest risk for a given level of expected return.
The concept of portfolio selection was first introduced by Harry Markowitz
in 1952 in his seminal paper, “Portfolio Selection”. Markowitz showed that
investors can reduce risk by diversifying their investments across multiple
assets, rather than investing in a single asset. He developed the concept of the
efficient frontier, which is a set of optimal portfolios that offer the highest
expected return for a given level of risk, or the lowest risk for a given level of
expected return.
We have learnt that an investor’s opportunity set of investments or portfolios
will be defined by the ‘efficient set’. But we left the question of actually
finding the efficient set unanswered. This unit will first provide a logical
approach to delineating efficient set. We will then discuss some of the practical
problems of implementing this approach, and present another model,
Portfolio Management known as ‘single-index model’, that simplifies the portfolio selection process
to a great extent. Finally, we will indicate some other portfolio selection
Lagrange Multipliers Technique Portfolio Selection
(p ) p p
2 2
1 2 1 1 2 1
Portfolio Management 1 2
1 1 1
2 1 2
1 2
Thus, for a target expected rate of return of 5 per cent, the ‘minimum variance’
set or ‘efficient portfolio’ will correspond to an allocation by 44.5 per cent of
the fund to A, 21 per cent to B, and the remaining to C. If we plug the portfolio
weights into the objective function, we find
V 2(p) =.0117
V 2(p) =.1089
is nonlinear, its slope changes continuously and so should ë .
Tracing the Efficient Frontier
The process discussed above can be repeated to find as many points as desired
on the efficient frontier, each time starting with a specified target expected
rate-of return. In actual practice, standard computer packages are available
which can find solutions quickly and accurately. For our example case of
three equity shares. Table 11.1 shows ten efficient portfolios identified by the
application of such a package.
Table 11.1: Ten Efficient Portfolios
Portfolio 1* 2 3* * 4 5 10
Expected Return (%) 3.9 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.3 7.9 8.4 9.0
Standard Deviation (%) 9.9 10.2 10.8 11.7 12.8 14.1 15.4 16.9 18.4 20.0
Composition (%):
A 58.6 50.4 44.5 37.7 31.3
B 0.0 10.7 21.0 33.0 44.2
C 41.4 38.9 34.5 29.3 24.5
Ashok Leyland 24.9 18.5 12.2 5.8 0.0
ACC 55.3 66.4 77.6 88.7 100.0
Grasim 19.8 15.1 10.2 5.5 0.0
* This is the ‘global minimum variance’ efficient portfolio. No other Portfolio Selection
portfolio offers lower level of risk than this.
** We have already illustrated the determination of this portfolio through
the application of Lagrange Multipliers Technique.
Once sufficient number of efficient portfolios are determined, it is a simple matter
for the computer, using its capability for graphics, to draw the graph of the efficient
set. Figure 11.1 shows the graph drawn by the computer package.
2.00 7.00 12.00 17.00 22.00
Figure 11.1: Efficient Frontier
The line running through the scatter points is the ‘line of best fit’, or an estimate
of what is known as a share’s `characteristic line’. Algebraically, the
characteristic line can be defined as
Ri = Di + E i Rm Eq (1) 205
Portfolio Management where
Ri = the return of security i
Di = the components of share i’s return that is independent of the
market’s performance-a random variable;
Rm = the rate of return on market index-a random variable; and
E i (beta) = the slope. of the characteristic line that measures the expected
change in R, given a change in Rm
It is useful to break the term Ri , in two components:
1. Di (alpha), the expected value of ai ; and
2. ei, the random element with a Mean value of zero.
In terms of graphical presentation (see Figure 11.2) ei (or residuals, as they
are frequently referred to) measure vertical deviations from the characteristic
line. With this, equation (1) can now be written as
Ri =Di + E i Rm + ei Eq. (2)
where Rm and ei , (both random variables) are conveniently assumed to be not
correlated with each other.
It is further assumed that the residuals are not correlated across shares of
different companies; that is, ei, is independent of ei for all values of i and j.
This is an important assumption; it implies that the only reason shares vary
together, systematically, is because of a common co-movement with the
market. Thus, single-index model assumes away all other possible effects on
shares’ returns, such as industry effects.
Systematic Risk and Diversifiable (or Residual) Risk and Covariance of
With some manipulations of equation (2), we get the following important
(a) the expected return, Ri =Dai + E i Rm
(b) the variance of share’s return, V 2i = E 2i V 2m + V 2ei where V 2m and V 2ei
variances of the distribution of Rm and ei, respectively; and
(c) covariance of returns between shares i and j, V = EEV2m
It is apparent from (a) above that the expected return has two components: a
unique or non-market part, a, and market related part, âi Rm. Even though
shares have many common characteristics and, as a result, tend to move
together, their numerous individual and distinguishing properties cause shares
to co-move with the market at different rates. Accordingly, how sensitive a
share’s price is to changes in the overall market i.e. the value of its ‘beta’ is of
great significance in determining the expected return.
Like the expected return, we can always split the variance of share’s returns
206 into two parts, as shown in (b) above. The first component E 2i V2m, is called
the ‘systematic risk’ or ‘market risk’ of the investment. Since V2m is the same Portfolio Selection
for all shares, systematic risks will differ among different shares accordingly
to the magnitudes of their ‘betas’, E i. Simply stated, beta measures sensitivity
of a share’s price movements compared with those of the market index. Shares
having betas less than 1 can be said to be ‘defensive’. One per cent increase
(decrease) in the market return is likely to be accompanied by a less than one
per cent increase (decrease) in the shares’ rate of return. The investors are
thus defended to some extent against the occurrence of major down fall in the
market return. On the other hand, shares with individual beta values greater
than one are considered to be more ‘aggressive’ or more risky, as one per cent
increase (decrease) in the market return is likely to be accompanied by an
even greater increase (decrease) in the shares’ rates of return. A beta of one
implies ‘average’ riskiness; every one per cent return on the market is
associated with one per cent opportunity return on the share. Beta can be
negative as well, reflecting that share prices can rise when the market falls
and vice versa; but this is normally unusual.
The systematic risk is caused by macro events like oil crisis, an unexpected
change in rate of inflation, etc. The macro events are broad and affect nearly
all shares to one degree or another, and they may have an impact on the general
level of stock market. Thus, one cannot reduce systematic risk by diversifying
investment across different shares. That is why the systematic risk is often
called ‘non-diversifiable’ risk.
The second component of variance of share’s returns, V2ei , is known as
‘residual variance’ or ‘unsystematic risk’ or ‘diversifiable risk’. The source
of this kind of risk is‘micro’ events, which have impact on individual shares
but no sweeping impact on other shares. Examples include the introduction
of a new product(s) or the sudden obsolescence of an old one. They might
also include labour strike lockout or the resignation or death of a key person
in the firm, or splitting up of a business family. Since micro events affect
only the individual shares under consideration, their impact can be reduced
to a great extent by holding a diversifiable portfolio. We will explain how
diversification of risk takes place after a while.
At this point, we may recall that under Markowitz model we are required to
compute covariance of returns for every pair of assets comprising the portfolio.
We have also observed that without having estimates of covariance, one cannot
compute the variance of portfolio returns. However, if the single-index model
is a valid description of the process generating shares returns, there is no
need for direct estimates of the covariance. All that we need to know are the
values of share betas and variance of returns on market index; the covariance
between any two shares i and j can next be obtained easily by employing the
relationship as noted above. Needless to say that the relationship is much less
demanding in terms of estimation procedure and computation time.
What is more amazing to note here is that the single-index model does not
require even the indirect estimates of covariance of returns between shares.
The model provides a still simpler formula for computing variance of portfolio
returns. We will now explain this.
Portfolio Management Variance of Portfolio Returns
We begin by restating that the total risk or variance of returns on share `i' is given by
σ2i = βi 2
m + 2
ei (11.3)
Total variance = Systematic Risk + Residual variance
This equation holds-for a portfolio of shares as well. Rewriting the equation for a
portfolio, we get
σ2i = β2 p σ2 m + σ2 ep (11.4)
Total Portfolio variance = Portfolio Systematic Risk + Portfolio residual variance
Where the subscript `p' denotes a portfolio.
It can be further shown that
βp = ∑xβ
i i
This unit provides some insights into Markowitz’s approach to trace the
efficient set. The application of Markowitz’s model requires estimation of
large number of covariance. And without having estimates of covariance, one
cannot compute the variance of portfolio returns. This makes the task of
delineating efficient set extremely difficult. However, William Sharpe’s
‘single-index model’ simplifies the task to a great extent. Even with a large
population of assets from which to select portfolios, the number of required
estimates are amazingly less than what are required in Markowitz’s model.
But how accurate is the portfolio variance estimate as provided by the single-
index model’s simplified formula? While the Markowitz’s model makes no
assumption regarding the source of the covariance, the single-index model
does. Obviously, the accuracy of the latter model’s formula for portfolio
variance is as good as the accuracy of its underlying assumption.
We have also discussed in brief other portfolio selection models, such as ‘multi-
index model’ and ‘goal programming model’ which have high intuitive appeal
but would require much more work before they outperform the simple ones.
Portfolio Selection
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
• Understand the concept of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) define
risk free asset, risk free lending, risk free borrowing and leveraged
• Discuss and illustrate the implications of leveraged portfolio for efficient
set and Capital Market Line (CML);
• Explain the Security Market Line(SML) ;
• Highlight limitations of CAPM and describe alternative theory namely
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) Structure.
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Risk free assets
12.3 Efficient set with risk free lending and borrowing
12.4 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
12.5 Arbitrage pricing theory
12.6 Summary
12.7 Key words
12.8 Self Assessment Questions
12.9 Further Readings
Capital Market Theory sets the environment in which securities analysis is
preformed. Without a well-constructed view of modem capital markets,
securities analysis may be a futile activity. A great debate, and great divide,
separates the academics, with their efficient market hypothesis, and the
practitioners, with their views of market inefficiency. Although the debate
appears surreal and unimportant at times, its resolution is immensely critical
for conducting effective securities analysis and investing successfully. The
CAPM is commonly confused with portfolio theory. Portfolio theory is simply
the use of statistical and mathematical programming techniques to derive
optimal tradeoffs between risk and return. Under very restrictive assumptions
(rarely found in financial markets), the CAPM is a highly specialized subset
of portfolio theory. Even so, the CAPM has become very popular as it provides
a logical, common sense tradeoff between risk and return. In this unit, our
endeavor will be to extend the portfolio theory described in the previous two
units, to the capital market theory that is concerned with pricing risky assets.
Portfolio Management In particular, we would like to know if two assets differ with respect to their
risk, how will they differ in terms of the price investors are willing to pay or
the rate of return investors expect to get from them. The original SLM version
of the CAPM still remains the central theme in capital market theory as well
as in current practices of investment management.
Portfolio Management
The set of efficient portfolios marked in the curve A, B, M, C, and D are set
of portfolios consisting of risky assets. Suppose there is a risk-free asset
offering a return of Rf Now compare an investment in the portfolio of A
(consisting of risky assets) and investment in risk-free security. Investment
in risk-free security offers a return higher than A but without any risk. Thus,
investment in risk-free security is superior to investments in A and in that
process A become inefficient portfolio. A tangent line drawn from Rf through
the curve A-B-M-C-D is now become efficient portfolio. You may note that
only one portfolio marked ‘M’, which consists of risky assets falls under the
new efficient frontier. Such portfolio is called ‘market portfolio’ which consists
of all risky assets. Investors can now earn any return they like on the efficient
frontier by investing a part of money in M, and the rest in Rf For instance, an
investor, who is willing to take maximum risk, will invest entire wealth in M
whereas an investor, who dislike risk invest the entire wealth in Rf an investor
with moderate risk preference will invest 50% in Rf and the balance 50% in
M. An investor, who want to go beyond M has to borrow at risk-free rate of
interest and invest the amount in M and capture the difference between M
and Rf to increase the return.
Leveraged Portfolio
In the foregoing analysis it has been tacitly assumed that investors holding
portfolios by combining risk-free asset and risky portfolio M, do so with their
own funds. This is not a realistic assumption. In the real world, investors
often purchase assets with borrowed funds. We now explore the implications
of borrowing.
Assume that an investor is, of course, ready to accept higher level of risk,
i.e., the investor is willing to hold portfolio with expected standard deviation Capital Market Theory
of returns σp greater than σm . One alternative would be to choose a portfolio
of risky assets on Markowitz efficient frontier beyond M, such as the one at
point C. A second alternative is to borrow money (i.e., add financial leverage)
at risk-free rate and invest the same in the risky asset portfolio at M. By
doing so, the investor can move from point M to, say, point Q along the
extension of Rf to M line. And as is evident from figure 12.1, such portfolios
as at Q dominate all portfolios below the line, including the portfolio at C.
To illustrate the point, let us assume that investors can borrow, whatever
amount they wants, at a risk-free rate. In other words, we are assuming that
risk-free lending and risk-free borrowing rates are the same (we will see the
implication of relaxing this assumption later). We may further note that
investors would not desire to simultaneously invest in risk-free asset and
borrow money at risk-free rate. Now, suppose that an investor borrows an
amount equal to 50 per cent of his original wealth of, say, ` 10,000. So s/he
has total of ` 15,000 which he proposes to invest in portfolio M. What is the
proportion of fund being invested in M? It is given by
1 - x = 15,000/10,000= 1.5
However, the sum of proportions being invested in risk-free assets and M
must still equal one, which means that x = -5,000/10,000= -0.5
The negative sign indicates borrowing, on which there will be interest payment
at Rf. Thus, restating equation (12.1), we have
RP = -0.5Rf + 1.5Rm
Assuming that Rf. = 8% and Rm = 20%, the return on the leveraged portfolio
will be = - 0.5 (.08) + 1.5 (0.20) = 0.26 or 26 per cent which is significantly
higher than Rm , the expected return of 20 per cent on risky portfolio M.
Using equation (12.2b), the standard deviation of returns from leveraged
portfolio works out to
σp = (1- (-.5)) σm = 1.5 σm
Thus, our investor could increase return along the line Rf - M - Q. Herein lies
the advantage of owning a ‘leveraged’ portfolio. However, leveraging also
involves a trade-off; the risk of a leveraged portfolio is always higher than
that of tangency portfolio, M (in the instant case it is 1.5 times).
Capital Market Line (CML)
With the identification of M as market portfolio, we may define the straight
line from Rf through M, as ‘capital market line’ (CML). This line represents
the risk premium as a result of taking on extra risk. James Tobin added the
notion of leverage to Modern Portfolio Theory by incorporating into the
analysis an asset, which pays a risk-free rate of return. By combining a risk-
free asset with risky assets, it is possible to construct portfolios whose risk-
return profiles are superior to those of portfolios on the efficient frontier (figure
Portfolio Management 15%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
we may illustrate this point by taking a stock portfolio comprising seven stocks
with their betas and portfolio proportions given as follows:
(1) (2) (3) (4)
A 1.50 11.7 .175
B 1.36 22.2 .302
C 1.37 15.7 .215
D 1.07 5.3 .056
E 1.17 26.2 .306
F 1.73 13.9 .240
G 1.09 5.1 .055
100.0 1.349
Portfolio Management The beta of this stock portfolio is 1.35, which is obtained by summing up the
multiproduct of (2) and (3) above and shown under (4). It is easy to see the
central role played by the beta in the determination of expected return and
risk for stocks as well as portfolio and thus in stock selection and portfolio
creation and revision.
You may be now interested in knowing whether security returns is in fact
directly related to beta, as the CAPM asserts. Research results suggest that
the CAPM does not reflect the world well at least when tested using ex-post
data. Critics have pointed out that the inadequacy of the model is due to its
austerity. The market, in principle includes all stocks, a variety of other
financial instruments, and even non-marketable assets such as an individual’s
investment in education; to which no market index like the SP 500 Index in
US or Bombay Stock Exchange National Index (or any other index used to
represent the market) can be a perfect proxy. And when we measure market
risk using an imperfect proxy, we may obtain a quite imperfect estimate of
market sensitivity. Secondly, the CAPM asserts that only a single number-
market return - is required to measure risk. The actual returns depend upon a
variety of anticipated an unanticipated events. Thus, while systematic factors
are the major sources of risk in portfolio return, different portfolios have
different sensitivities to these factors. It is the recognition of this phenomenon
which lies at the core of an alternative-pricing model called Arbitrage Pricing
Theory (APT). Let us briefly discuss APT in the following section.
In this unit, we have discussed the basic levels and assumptions of Capital
Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). The Concepts of risk free asset, risk free
lending, risk free borrowing, leveraged portfolio, market Portfolio, Capital
Market Line (CML), Security Market Line (SML) and beta have been
explained and illustrated at length. This unit also pinpoints the limitations
CAPM and introduces arbitrage pricing theory (APT) and concludes that till
Portfolio Management concrete research results become available to the contrary, both CAPM and
APT could be regarded useful, at least intuitively, to guide investors and
portfolio managers for pricing the risky assets like equities.
Portfolio Management
After reading the unit you should be able to:
x understand need for Portfolio Revision;
x contrast ‘active’ and ‘passive’ portfolio revision strategies;
x highlight portfolio revision practices and the constraints in portfolio
x discuss and illustrate formula plans for portfolio revision.
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Need for portfolio revision strategies
13.3 Portfolio revision practices
13.4 Techniques of Portfolio Revision
13.5 Rupee cost and share averaging
13.6 Summary
13.7 Key words
13.8 Self assessment questions
13.9 Further Readings
Most investors are comfortable with buying securities but spend little effort
in revising portfolio or selling stocks. In that process they lose opportunities
to earn good return. In the entire process of portfolio management, portfolio
revision is as important as portfolio analysis and selection. Keeping in mind
the risk-return objective, an investor selects a mix of securities from the given
investment universe. In a dynamic world of investment, it is only natural that
the portfolio may not perform as desired or opportunities might arise turning
the desired into less than desired. Further, some of the risk and return
estimation might change over a period of time. In every such situation, a
portfolio revision is warranted. Portfolio revision involves changing the
existing mix of securities. The objective of portfolio revision is similar to the
objective of portfolio selection i.e., maximizing the return for a given level
of risk or minimizing the risk for a given level of return. The process of
portfolio revision is also similar to the process of portfolio selection. This is
particularly true where active portfolio revision strategy is followed. It calls
for reallocation of funds between bond and stock market through economic
analysis, reallocation of funds among different industries through industry
analysis and finally selling and buying of stocks within the industry through Portfolio Revision
company analysis. Where passive portfolio revision strategy is followed, use
of mechanical formula plans may be made. What are these formula plans? We
shall discuss these and other aspects of portfolio revision in this Unit. Let us
begin by highlighting the need for portfolio revision.
* To restore the ratio from. 90 to 1.00, total value of the fund,19,000, is simply
split in two equal segments of 9,500, and 9500/9,500=1.00. The 500
transferred from the conservative portfolio will buy 22.2 Shares at the
prevailing price of 22.50.
Likewise, the investor is forced to transfer funds from conservative portfolio
to aggressive portfolio as the price of stocks fall. We may clarify the operation
of this plan with the help of an example. For the sake of our example, the
starting point and other information are the same as in the previous example.
The desired ratio is 1:1. The initial fund of 20,000 is thus divided into equal
portfolios of 10,000 each. The action points are pre-determined at ± .10 from
the desired ratio of 1.00. Table 13.2 shows, in boxes, the actions taken by our
investor to readjust the value of the two portfolio store obtain the desired
You may notice that the constant-ratio plan calls for more transactions than
the constant -dollar-value plan did, but the actions triggered by this plan are
less aggressive. This plan yielded an increase in total value at the end of the
cycle compared with the total value yielded under constant-dollar-value plan.
It did, however,out perform the buy-and-hold strategy. Let us now explain
and illustrate variable-ratio plan.
Variable-ratio plan is a more flexible variation of constant ratio plan.Under
the variable ratio plan, it is provided that if the value of aggressive portfolio
changes by certain percentage or more,the initial ratio between the aggressive
portfolio and conservative portfolio will be allowed to change as per the pre-
determined schedule. Some variations of this plan provide for the ratios to
vary according to economic or market in dices rather than the value of the
aggressive portfolio. Still others use moving averages of indicators. In order
to illustrate the working of variable ratio plan let us continue with the previous
example with the following modifications:
Thevariable-ratio plan states that if the value of the aggressive portfolio rises
by 20 percent or more from the present price of 25, the appropriate ratio of
the aggressive portfolio will be 3:7 instead of the initial ratio of 1:1 Likewise,
if the value of the aggressive portfolio decreases by20 percent or more from
the present price of 25, the appropriate percentage of aggressive portfolio to
conservative portfolio will be 7:3. Table 13.3 presents, in boxes, the actions
taken by our invest or to readjust the value of the aggressive portfolio as per
variable-ratio plan.
Portfolio Management Table 13.3: Example of Variable-Ratio Formula Plan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stock Value of Value of Value of Total value of Revaluation Total
Price Buy- and- Conservative Aggressive Value Stock as Action No.of
Index hold Portfolio Portfolio (Col.3 + of Total Shares
Strategy() (Col.5- (Col.8 x Col.4) () Fund in
(800 shares Col.4) () Col.l) () (Col.4 + Agressive
x coal) () Col,5) Portfolio
You may notice that the increase in the total value of the portfolio after the
complete cycle under this plan is 1,160, which is greater than the increase
registered under the other two formula plans. The revaluation actions/
transactions undertaken are also fewer under this plan compared to other two
plans. Variable ratio plan may thus be more profitable compared to constant-
dollar-value plan and the constant-ratio plan.
But, as is obvious, variable ratio plan demands more forecasting than the
other formula plans. You must have observed, the variable ratio plan requires
forecasting of the range of fluctuations both above and below the initial price
(or say median price) to establish the varying ratios at different levels of
portfolio values. Beyond a point, it might become questionable as to whether
the variable ratio plan is less complicated than the extensive analysis and
forecasting that it was supposed to replace.
Indeed, none of the formula plans are a royal road to riches, First, as an effort
to provide mechanical rules for portfolio revision, they make no provision
for what securities should be selected for investment. Second formula plans
by their nature are in flexibility makes it difficult to know if and when to
adjust the plan to new conditions emerging in the investment environment.
Finally, in the absence of much faith in the market efficiency, particularly in
the development stock markets, there may not be many followers of formula
plans for portfolio revision
Activity2 Portfolio Revision
a) What is the total value of the portfolios at the end of the complete cycle
under Constant. Dollar Value Plan, Constant Ratio Planand Variable Ratio
Plan in the examples given above.
b) Comment on the differences, if any?
The above Table was prepared based on the assumption that an investor invests
500 (you can add more zeroes to make the purchases realistic) every quarter
irrespective of the price. Column 2 shows the market price at the time of
purchase. Column 3 shows the number of stocks that can be purchased with
500. Column 4 gives the cumulative number of shares and column 5 gives the
value of such cumulative stocks on that date (if the investor sells, this much
amount will be available). Column 6 shows the amount invested in such plans
and the last column shows the difference between the wealth and investments Portfolio Revision
as on 31.12.2022. At the end of five years, for an investment of 10,500, the
investor could have purchased 54.73 stocks whose wealth on that day is
16,700. It gives a net appreciation of 6,200. The average cost per share works
out to 191.86 against the market price of 305 as on 31.12.2022. The investor
incurring loss in this stock is unlikely given the difference between the average
cost of acquisition and current market price. The investment offers an average
return of 4.4% per quarter, which will move upward once the stock price
moves forward. To succeed this plan, one has to wait more time and increase
the frequency of investment, say from quarterly to monthly.
If an investor followed the share average plan, she would have got the
following returns.
Table 13.5 Share Average Plan
In this unit, we have noticed that in the entire process of portfolio management,
portfolio revision, which involves changing the existing mix of securities, is
as important as portfolioanalysis and selection. The portfolio revision
strategies adopted by investors can be broadlyclassified as ‘active’; and
‘passive’; revision strategies. This Unit also points out that whileboth ‘active
and ‘passive’ revision strategies are followed by believers of market efficiency
orthose, who lack portfolio analysis and selection skills and resources. Major
constraints,which come in the way of portfolio revision, are transaction costs,
taxes, statutorystipulations and lack of ideal formula. This unit also discusses
and illustrates three formulaplans of portfolio revision, namely, constant-
dollar-value plan, constant-ratio plan, andvariable-ratio plan. Before closing
the discussion about formula plans, it was also noted that these formula plans
are not a royal road to riches. They have their own limitations. The choice of
portfolio revision strategy or plan is thus no simple question. The choice will
involvecost and benefit analysis.
Portfolio Revision
1. ‘In the Indian Context, buy-and-hold is a better strategy compare to any
of the portfolio revision strategies’. Comment.
2. Compare and contrast constant-dollar-value plan, constant-ratio plan and
variable- ratio plan. You may use hypothetical data.
4. ‘Formula plans are hardly useful in the Indian Context.’ Comment.
5. ‘Formula plans are good because they aid the investor in overcoming his
emotional involvement with the timing of the purchase and sale of stock.
6. Critically evaluate the three formula plans and suggest modification, if
any, to make them useful for investors in Indian Stock market..
7. Why does the need arise for portfolio revision? What are the constraints
in portfolio revision?