Investement Analysis and Portfolio Management Chapter 6
Investement Analysis and Portfolio Management Chapter 6
Investement Analysis and Portfolio Management Chapter 6
What is portfolio?
A portfolio is a collection of securities. Since it is rarely desirable to invest the entire funds of an
individual or an institution in a single security, it is essential that every security be viewed in a
portfolio context. Portfolio comprises of different types of securities and assets.
6.1. Diversification and Portfolio Risk
Suppose your portfolio is composed of only one stock, Compaq Computer Corporation. What
would be the sources of risk to this “portfolio”? You might think of two broad sources of
uncertainty. First, there is the risk that comes from conditions in the general economy, such as
the business cycle, inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates. None of these macroeconomic
factors can be predicted with certainty, and all affect the rate of return on Compaq stock. In
addition to these macroeconomic factors there are firm-specific influences, such as Compaq’s
success in research and development, and personnel changes. These factors affect Compaq
without noticeably affecting other firms in the economy.
Now consider a naive diversification strategy, in which you include additional securities in your
portfolio. For example, place half your funds in Exxon and half in Compaq. What should happen
to portfolio risk? To the extent that the firm-specific influences on the two stocks differ,
diversification should reduce portfolio risk. For example, when oil prices fall, hurting Exxon,
computer prices might rise, helping Compaq. The two effects are offsetting and stabilize
portfolio return. But why end diversification at only two stocks? If we diversify into many more
securities, we continue to spread out our exposure to firm-specific factors, and portfolio volatility
should continue to fall. Ultimately, however, even with a large number of stocks we cannot avoid
risk altogether, since virtually all securities are affected by the common macroeconomic factors.
For example, if all stocks are affected by the business cycle, we cannot avoid exposure to
business cycle risk no matter how many stocks we hold.
6.2. Portfolio Theory
6.2.1. Portfolio theory.
Markowitz portfolio theory.
The Risk and Expected Return of a Portfolio.
6.2.2. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
6.2.3. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT).
6.2.4. Market efficiency theory.
6.2.1.Portfolio theory
Markowitz portfolio theory
The author of the modern portfolio theory is Harry Markowitz who introduced the analysis of the
portfolios of investments in his article “Portfolio Selection” published in the Journal of Finance
in 1952. The new approach presented in this article included portfolio formation by considering
the expected rate of return and risk of individual stocks and, crucially, their interrelationship as
measured by correlation.
Prior to this investors would examine investments individually, build up portfolios of attractive
stocks, and not consider how they related to each other. Markowitz showed how it might be
possible to better of these simplistic portfolios by taking into account the correlation between the
returns on these stocks.
The diversification plays a very important role in the modern portfolio theory.
Markowitz approach is viewed as a single period approach: at the beginning of the period the
investor must make a decision in what particular securities to invest and hold these securities
until the end of the period. Because a portfolio is a collection of securities, this decision is
equivalent to selecting an optimal portfolio from a set of possible portfolios.
The method that should be used in selecting the most desirable portfolio involvesthe use of
indifference curves. Indifference curves represent an investor’s preferencesfor risk and return.
These curves should be drawn, putting the investment return on the vertical axis and the risk on
the horizontal axis.
Following Markowitz approach, the measure for investment return is expected rate of return and
a measure of risk isstandard deviation.
The exemplified map of indifference curves for the individual risk-averse investor is presented in
Fig. below. Each indifference curve here (I1, I2, I3 ) represents the most desirable investment or
investment portfolio for an individual investor. That means, that any of investments (or
portfolios) plotted on the indifference curves (A,B,Cor D) are equally desirable to the investor.
Features of indifference curves:
All portfolios that lie on a given indifference curve are equally desirable tothe investor.
An implication of this feature: indifference curves cannotintersect.
An investor has an infinitive number of indifference curves. Every investorcan represent
several indifference curves (for different investment tools).Every investor has a map of
the indifference curves representing his or herpreferences for expected returns and risk
(standard deviations) for eachpotential portfolio.
Two important fundamental assumptions than examining indifference curvesand applying them
to Markowitz portfolio theory:
1. The investors are assumed to prefer higher levels of return to lower levels of return, because
the higher levels of return allow the investor to spend more on consumption at the end of the
investment period. Thus, given two portfolios with the same standard deviation, the investor will
choose the portfolio with the higher expected return. This is called an assumption
2. Investors are risk averse. It means that the investor when given the choice will choose the
investment or investment portfolio with the smaller risk. This is called assumption of risk
Fig. 5.2. Portfolio choice using the assumptions of nonsatiation and risk aversion
Fig. an example how the investor chooses between 3 investments –
A,B and C. Following the assumption of nonsatiation, investor will choose A or Bwhich have the
higher level of expected return than C. Following the assumption of risk aversion investor will
choose A, despite of the same level of expected returns forinvestment A and B, because the risk
(standard deviation) for investment A is lower than for investment B.
In reality there are an infinitive number of portfolios available for theinvestment. Is it means that
the investor needs to evaluate all these portfolios on return and risk basis? Markowitz portfolio
theory answers this question using efficient settheorem: an investor will choose his/ her optimal
portfolio from the set of theportfolios that (1) offer maximum expected return for varying level of
risk, and (2)offer minimum risk for varying levels of expected return.
Efficient set of portfolios involves the portfolios that the investor will find optimal ones. These
portfolios are lying on the “northwest boundary” of the feasible set and is called an efficient
frontier. The efficient frontier can be described by the curve in the risk-return space with the
highest expected rates of return for each level of risk.
Feasible set is opportunity set, from which the efficient set of portfolio can be identified. The
feasibility set represents all portfolios that could be formed from the number of securities and lie
either or or within the boundary of the feasible set.
In Fig.5.3 feasible and efficient sets of portfolios are presented. Considering the assumptions of
nonsiation and risk aversion discussed earlier in this section, only those portfolios lying between
points A and B on the boundary of feasibility set investor will find the optimal ones. All the
other portfolios in the feasible set are inefficient portfolios. Furthermore, if a risk-free investment
is introduced into the universe of assets, the efficient frontier becomes the tagental line shown in
Fig. 5.3 this line is called the Capital Market Line (CML) and the portfolio at the point at which
it is tangential (point M) is called the Market Portolio.
It is important to note that the arbitrage in the APT is only approximate, relating diversified
portfolios, on assumption that the asset unsystematic (specific) risks are negligible compared
with the factor risks.
There could presumably be an infinitive number of factors, although the empirical research done
by S.Ross together with R. Roll (1984) identified four factors economic variables, to which
assets having even the same CAPM Beta, are differently sensitive:
industrial production;
risk premiums;
Slope of the term structure in interest rates.
In practice an investor can choose the macroeconomic factors which seemsimportant and related
with the expected returns of the particular asset. The examples of possible macroeconomic
factors which could be included in using APT model :
• GDP growth;
• An interest rate;
• An exchange rate;
• Default spread on corporate bonds, etc.
Including more factors in APT model seems logical. The institutional investors and analysts
closely watch macroeconomic statistics such as the money supply, inflation, interest rates,
unemployment, changes in GDP, political events and many others. Reason for this might be their
belief that new information about the changes in these macroeconomic indicators will influence
future asset price movements. But it is important to point out that not all investors or analysts are
concerned with the same set of economic information and they differently assess the importance
of various macroeconomic factors to the assets they have invested already or are going to invest.
At the same time the large number of the factors in the APT model would be impractical,
because the models seldom are 100 percent accurate and the asset prices are function of both
macroeconomic factors and noise. The noise is coming from minor factors, with a little influence
to the result – expected rate of return.
The APT does not require identification of the market portfolio, but it doesrequire the
specification of the relevant macroeconomic factors. Much of the current empirical APT research
are focused on identification of these factors and the determination of the factors’ Betas.
The CAPM and APT are not really essentially different, because they are developed for
determing an expected rate of return based on one factor (market portfolio – CAPM) or a number
of macroeconomic factors (APT). But both models predict how the return on asset will result
from factor sensitivities and this is of great importance to the investor.
6.2.4. Market efficiency theory
The concept of market efficiency was proposed by Eugene Fama in 1965, whenhis article
“Random Walks in Stock Prices” was published in Financial Analyst Journal.
Market efficiency means that the price which investor is paying for financial asset (stock,
bond, other security) fully reflects fair or true information about the intrinsic value of this
specific asset or fairly describes the value of the company – the issuer of this security.
The key term in the concept of the market efficiency is theinformation available for investors
trading in the market. It is stated that the marketprice of stock reflects:
1. All known information, including:
_ Past information, e.g., last year’s or last quarter’s, month’s earnings;
_ Current information as well as events, that have been announced but are still forthcoming, e.g.
shareholders’ meeting.
2. Information that can reasonably be inferred, for example, if many investors believe that ECB
will increase interest rate in the nearest future or the government deficit increases, prices will
reflect this belief before the actual event occurs.
Capital market is efficient, if the prices of securities which are traded in themarket, react to the
changes of situation immediately, fully and credibly reflect all the important information about
the security’s future income and risk related withgenerating this income.
What is the important information for the investor? From economic point of view the important
information is defined as such information which has direct influence to the investor’s decisions
seeking for his defined financial goals. Example, the essential events in the joint stock company,
published in the newspaper, etc.
Market efficiency requires the adjustment to new information occurs very quickly as the
information becomes known. Obvious, that Internet has made the markets more efficient in the
sense of how widely and quickly information is disseminated.
There are 3 forms of market efficiency under efficient market hypothesis:
Weak form of efficiency;
Semi- strong form of efficiency;
Strong form of the efficiency.
Under the weak form of efficiency stock prices are assumed to reflect any information that may
be contained in the past history of the stock prices. So, if the market is characterized by weak
form of efficiency, no one investor or any group of investors should be able to earn over the
defined period of time abnormal rates of return by using information about historical prices
available for them and by using technical analysis. Prices will respond to news, but if this news
is random then price changes will also be random.
Under the semi-strong form of efficiency all publicly available information is presumed to be
reflected in stocks’ prices. This information includes information in the stock price series as well
as information in the firm’s financial reports, the reports of competing firms, announced
information relating to the state of the economy and any other publicly available information,
relevant to the valuation of the firm. Note that the market with a semi strong form of efficiency
encompasses the weak form of the hypothesis because the historical market data are part of the
larger set of all publiclyavailable information. If the market is characterized by semi-strong form
of efficiency, no one investor or any group of investors should be able to earn over the defined
period of time abnormal rates of return by using information about historical prices and publicly
available fundamental information(such as financial statements) and fundamental analysis.
The strong form of efficiency which asserts that stock prices fully reflect all information,
including private or inside information, as well as that which is publicly available. This form
takes the notion of market efficiency to the ultimate extreme.
Under this form of market efficiency securities’ prices quickly adjust to reflect both the inside
and public information. If the market is characterized by strong form of efficiency, no one
investor or any group of investors should be able to earn over the defined period of time
abnormal rates of return by using all information available for them.
The validity of the market efficiency hypothesis whichever form is of great importance to the
investors because it determines whether anyone can outperform the market, or whether the
successful investing is all about luck. Efficient market hypothesis does not require to behave
rationally, only that in response to information there will be a sufficiently large random reaction
that an excess profit cannot be made.
The concept of the market efficiency now is criticized by some market analysts and participants
by stating that no one market can be fully efficient as some irrational behavior of investors in the
market occurs which is more based on their emotions and other psychological factors than on the
information available (the psychological aspects of investment decision making). But, at the
same time, it can be shown that the efficient market can exist, if in the real markets following
events occur:
A large number of rational, profit maximizing investors exist who areactively and
continuously analyzing valuing and trading securities;
Information is widely available to market participants at the same timeand without or
very small cost;
Information is generated in a random walk manner and can be treated asindependent;
Investors react to the new information quickly and fully, though causingmarket prices to
adjust accordingly.
1. Essentiality of the Markowitz portfolio theory is the problem of optimal portfolio selection.
The Markowitz approach included portfolio formation by considering the expected rate of return
and risk of individual stocks measured as standard deviation, and their interrelationship as
measured by correlation. The diversification plays a key role in the modern portfolio theory.
2. Indifference curves represent an investor’s preferences for risk and return. These curves
should be drawn, putting the investment return on the vertical axis and the risk on the horizontal
3. Two important fundamental assumptions than applying indifference curves to Markowitz
portfolio theory. An assumption of nonsatiation assumes that the investors prefer higher levels of
return to lower levels of return, because the higher levels of return allow the investor to spend
more on consumption at the end of the investment period. An assumption of risk aversion
assumes that the investor when given the choice will choose the investment or investment
portfolio with the smaller risk, i.e. the investors are risk averse.
4. Efficient set theorem states that an investor will choose his/ her optimal portfolio from the set
of the portfolios that (1) offer maximum expected return for varying level of risk, and (2) offer
minimum risk for varying levels of expected return.
5. Efficient set of portfolios involves the portfolios that the investor will find optimal ones. These
portfolios are lying on the “northwest boundary” of the feasible set and are called an efficient
frontier. The efficient frontier can be described by the curve in the risk-return space with the
highest expected rates of return for each level of risk. Feasible set is opportunity set, from which
the efficient set of portfolio can be identified. The feasibility set represents allportfolios that
could be formed from the number of securities and lie either or within the boundary of the
feasible set.
6. Capital Market Line (CML) shows the trade off-between expected rate of return and risk for
the efficient portfolios under determined risk free return.
7. The expected rate of return on the portfolio is the weighted average of the expected returns on
its component securities.
8. The calculation of standard deviation for the portfolio can‘t simply use the weighted average
approach. The reason is that the relationship between the securities in the same portfolio
measured by coefficient of correlation must be taken into account. When forming the diversified
portfolios consisting large number of securities investors found the calculation of the portfolio
risk using standard deviation technically complicated.
9. Measuring Risk in Capital asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is based on the identification of two
key components of total risk: systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Systematic risk is that
associated with the market. Unsystematic risk is unique to an individual asset and can be
diversified away by holding many different assets in the portfolio. In CAPM investors are
compensated for taking only systematic risk.
10. The essence of the CAPM: CAPM predicts what an expected rate of return for the investor
should be, given other statistics about the expected rate of return in the market, risk free rate of
return and market risk (systematic risk).
11. Each security has it’s individual systematic - undiversified risk, measured using coefficient
Beta. Coefficient Beta (β) indicates how the price of security/ return on security depends upon
the market forces. The Beta of the portfolio is simply a weighted average of the Betas of its
component securities, where the proportions invested in the securities are the respective weights.
12. Security Market Line (SML) demonstrates the relationship between the expected return and
Beta. Each security can be described by its specific security market line, they differ because their
Betas are different and reflect different levels of market risk for these securities.
13. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) states that the expected rate of return of security is the linear
function from the complex economic factors common to all securities. There could presumably
be an infinitive number of factors. The examples of possible macroeconomic factors which could
be included in using
APT model are GDP growth; an interest rate; an exchange rate; a default spread on corporate
bonds, etc.
14. Market efficiency means that the price which investor is paying for financial asset (stock,
bond, other security) fully reflects fair or true information about the intrinsic value of this
specific asset or fairly describes the value of the company the issuer of this security. The key
term in the concept of the market efficiency is the information available for investors trading in
the market.
15. There are 3 forms of market efficiency under efficient market hypothesis: weak form of
efficiency; semi- strong form of efficiency; strong form of the efficiency.Under the weak form of
efficiency stock prices are assumed to reflect any information that may be contained in the past
history of the stock prices.Under the semi-strong form of efficiency all publicly available
information is presumed to be reflected in stocks’ prices.The strong form of efficiency which
asserts that stock prices fully reflect all information, including private or inside information, as
well as that which is publicly available.