Jurnal Tranlation
Jurnal Tranlation
Jurnal Tranlation
By :
Rika Rizkinia
Npm : 202112500172
Class : S5B
Mental disorders if not handled properly, will get worse, and in the
can end burden families, communities, and the government. The
The method used in this paper is to use descriptive exploratory analysis,
through literature review and secondary data studies. The results of
the study shows that the study of the 2018 Riskesdas data revealed
that the prevalence of severe mental disorders in the Indonesian
population is 7% (per mile of the total population) and most were in
Bali, Yogyakarta, NTB and Aceh. The mental emotional disorders with
symptoms of depression and anxiety amounted to 9.8% and most
were in Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, NTT and Maluku. The mental
health movement must prioritize prevention and the role of the
community to help optimize the mental functions of individuals. Mental
health is not only related to medical or psychological problems, but
also has a socio-cultural dimension to the spiritual and religious
dimensions. For this reason, not only medical treatment but also
religious handling, such as being a patient, getting used to implementing
and disciplining commendable habits, doing positive activities,
increasing confidence in certain values (truth, beauty, virtue, faith and
others), reading prayers, reading Al-Quran, remembrance of
remembrance and hadith of the Prophet, performing evening prayers,
associating with people who are good or evil, fasting, following Islamic
studies, follow recitations of recitation and jurisprudence, follow the
Assembly of Remembrance and learning Islamic Da'wah and science.
Every day through information media, either print or electronically, news of crime and
tragedy always appears domestic violence, rape, harassment sexual violence, prostitution and
various other forms of crime. This illustrates the life of our society being sick. Society is
experiencing an identity crisis leading to a moral and spiritual crisis. More annoying Again, the
phenomenon of moral and spiritual crisis that has become widespread recently has apparently
not only affected adults, however has involved children. From the current condition of society, it
can be seen that mental health in each individual cannot generalized. This condition creates
even more urgency discussion of mental health that leads to how to empower individuals,
families, and
community to be able to find, maintain, and optimize mental health conditions in dealing with
everyday life (Dewi, 2012).
Prof. Drs. Subandi, M.A, Ph.D., an expert in psychiatry said that mental disorders and health
problems has quite complex dimensions. Not only mental health related to medical or
psychological problems alone, but also has a socio-cultural dimension to a spiritual dimension
and religious. (Matta, 2016). Good mental health enables people to realizing their potential,
coping with the stresses of life normal, work productively, and contribute to their communities
(WHO, 2013). According to Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018 by the Ministry of Health,
around 9.8% or around 26 million of the 267 million people in Indonesia live with “disorders
mental emotional” or mental health disorders. If explained in more detail, it shows the
prevalence of the disorder Mental heaviness in the Indonesian population is around 7% per mile
andThe largest numbers are in Bali, Yogyakarta, NTB and Aceh who pointed. As for emotional
mental disorders with symptoms of depression and anxiety were 9.8% for age15 years and over
and mostly found in Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, NTT and Maluku (Riskesdas, 2018).
The explanation above is an improvement on the research data
Basic Health (Riskesdas) in 2013 where shows the prevalence of emotional mental disorders
with symptoms of depression and anxiety by 6% for ages 15 years and above or around 16
million people. Whereas
the prevalence of serious mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, is
1.7% per mile. This means 1-2 people out of 1000 residents in Indonesia is experiencing serious
mental disorders. (Riskesdas, 2013).
Therefore, mental health disorders cannot be We underestimate it, because the current
number of cases is still sufficient worrying. There are around 450 million people suffering
mental and behavioral disorders worldwide. Estimated one in four people will suffer from a
mental disorder during their lifetime. According to the WHO Asia region Pacific (WHO SEARO)
number of cases of depressive disorders most in India (56,675,969 cases or 4.5% of the total
population), lowest in the Maldives (12,739 cases or 3.7% of population). Meanwhile in
Indonesia there were 9,162,886 cases or 3.7% of the population (WHO, 2017). Things that are
still being considered in handling Mental health disorders are a lack of services and mental
health facilities in various regions of Indonesia so many sufferers of mental health disorders
who have not handled well. Disorder treatment gaps people in Indonesia reach more than 90
percent. It means, less than 10 percent of people with mental disorders are receive therapy
services by health workers. (Riskesdas, 2018). The number of mental health services in
Indonesia limited, uneven distriCurrently, health service facilities provide services.
Currently, health service facilities provide services health in the mental health sector
consists of 50 RSJs and 1 RSKO in 26 of 34 provinces in Indonesia (8 provinces without RSJ), 151
of 445 RSUs with psychiatric services or amounting to 33% RSU, and 1934 (21.47%) of 9005
health centers that serve mental health. Then too he explained. Only 249 of the total 445 public
hospitals in Indonesia which can provide all kinds of treatments mental health and only 30% of
the 9000 community health centers in throughout Indonesia that has a health service program
soul. Mental health is still a serious problem in Indonesia (Health Development Directorate
Activity Action Plan soul, 2014). In Indonesia, only 6.1% of the population suffers from
depression undergoing medical treatment. Even though depression is the beginning symptoms
of more severe mental disorders that can come from various factors such as biological,
psychological and social. If it is not treated immediately, the number of cases of mental
disorders will increase is likely to continue to increase. Therefore it is important in Every country
has efforts to overcome the consequences this mental health disorder (Riskesdas, 2018).
According to Firmansyah (2017), there are three things that happen indicators of whether
humanity is mentally healthy or not, namely faith, knowledge, and good deeds or productive
actions. This matter explains that a person can maintain health mentally by using and exploiting
energy (intellectual or cognitive, emotional and motivational) as well as possible and lead to
realization humanity (productivity) which is not contradictory with the rules or morals/morals
regulated in Islam. Therefore, this paper aims to understand the mental health situation in
society now and handling the disorder in an Islamic manner.
This article is an analysis of the situation using descriptive exploration. Information
sources consist of several, including the 2013 and 2018 Riskesdas surveys, reports results of
WHO activities, previous research on mental health topics, as well as regulations and policies
related. Also included are books, journals and related articles from electronic media. The things
discussed in this article are current state of mental health and treatment the disorder is Islamic.
The main focus of attention is material objects Mental health is human, especially
related with human mental health problems, while the formal object concerns the problem,
how to work systematically and plan so that human mental health can be maintained in various
ways symptoms of mental disorders and mental illness. As is said Daradjat as an expert who
said, how to ensure that a healthy mental/soul can truly be realized, in the sense of avoiding
various symptoms of mental disorders (neuroses) and avoid them mental illnesses (psychoses),
which are the object main discussion of mental health (Daradjat, 1996)
According to WHO, mental health is a condition of a person's well-being individuals who
are aware of their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, be able to work
productively and able to contribute to community (WHO, 2013).
Based on Law Number 18 of 2014 concerning Mental Health, mental health is defined as
a condition where an individual can develop physically, mental, spiritual, and social so that the
individual aware of one's own abilities, able to handle pressure, able to work productively, and
able to deliver contribution to their community (UU, 2014). Another expert, namely Daradjat
(1996) also explains that there are five definitions of mental health according to him, that is :
1. Mental health is preventing people from experiencing symptoms mental disorders
(neuroses) and from the symptoms of disease soul (psychose). This definition is widely
adopted among people psychiatry (mental medicine) which looks at humans from the
point of view of health or illness. psychiatry (mental medicine) which looks at humans
from the point of view of health or illness.
2. Mental health is the ability to adapts to himself, to people others and the society and
environment in which he lives. This definition seems broader and more general than the
first definition, because it is connected with social life as a whole. The ability to adapt is
expected creates peace and happiness in life.
3. Mental health is the realization of harmony which really is between the functions of the
soul, as well have the ability to face common problems and avoid them anxiety and
inner conflict (conflict). This definition shows that the functions of the soul such as
thought, feelings, attitudes, views and beliefs must be mutual support and work
together to create harmony of life, which distances people from nature hesitate and
hesitate, and avoid feeling anxious and inner conflict.
4. Mental health is knowledge and action which aims to develop and
utilize existing potential, talents and characteristics as much as possible, so that it leads
to happiness of oneself and others, and avoidance of mental disorders and illnesses.
5. Mental health is the realization of harmony seriously between psychological functions
and the creation of adaptation between humans and himself and his environment,
based on faith and devotion, and aims to achieve a life that is good meaningful and
happy in this world and happy in the afterlife.
According to El-Quusy (1996) that, mental health ora healthy soul is perfect harmony or
integration between various functions of the soul accompanied by the ability to deal with mild
mental shocks, which usually occur in everyone people, besides being positive can feel
happiness and abilities. Mental health was also mentioned as mental disorders (neuroses) and
mental illnesses (psychoses) which starts from the inability of the person facing it his difficulties
are reasonable, or he is unable adapt to the situation he faces. Factor that affects self-
adjustment such as frustration (feeling pressure), conflict (inner conflict), anxiety (anxiety).
According to Al Farabi (in el-Quussy, 1996), Health or mental health comes from the
active human mind, if the mind is active in a healthy condition, then it is a healthy condition his
mind will be healthy. If the active mind is sick, then the condition his mental health will hurt.
According to Ibn Sina (in el-Quussy, 1996), as in the Syarif there are several statements
regarding mental health namely:
1. The desires and impulses of the soul follow the imagination. In it is imagination that
drives desire which are desired
2. The influence of the mind on the body, namely the influence of emotions and will. Ibn
Sina said based on medical experience, that it is actually physical sick people, just by
force His will, can be healed and so too with healthy people can be absolutely sick when
influenced by the thought that he is sick.
3. What a strong emotion, like fear can be damage the organism's temperament and cause
death, by affecting vegetative functions: “This happens when a judgment resides within
soul: judgment, as a pure belief is not affects the body, but it affects if This belief is
accompanied by feelings of joy and sadness.
4. Feelings of joy or sadness are states of being mental and both have an influence on
vegetative functions. Actually if the soul is strong enough, the soul can heal and hurt
other bodies without any means. Here Ibn Sina was very advanced and goes beyond
modern psychology, namely hypnosis and suggestion.