Action Plan 2011
Action Plan 2011
Action Plan 2011
Action Plan 2010-2011 1. Summary: Increase opportunities for all students to learn through enquiry and discovery and improve their research and investigation skills.
Status/Comments: Actions to Be Taken: To incorporate a study skills program in the English curriculum with more focus on research and investigation skills. To direct teachers teaching techniques, adjust lesson plans into training students to inquire and discover and inform parents of the new changes through the school website. To allot more marks on in-class and homework research assignments. To allow more space for students in libraries for researching. To increase the number of computers in the libraries with subscription to ejournals and magazines. To conduct internal and external professional workshops and training sessions to improve teachers methods to teach through enquiry and discovery. All academic departments have prepared their schedules of workshops to be held by teachers, coordinators and heads. An MOU with Zayed University will be signed in October 2010.
(Ongoing Achieved No Action Taken Yet)
Professional Development
Teachers Training
2. Summary: Continue to focus on ensuring an appropriate challenge for gifted and talented students. Status/Comments: Actions to Be Taken To set clear identification criteria for the gifted and talented students and make sure all staff members are aware of them. To investigate the possibility of applying IQ tests to spot and measure intelligence in classrooms. To continue to focus on questions which require critical thinking. To engage talented students in personalized programs to achieve their full potentials. To continue the Pilot Leadership and Interpersonal Skills Program in the High School. To continue with the Student-Student Help Program in each subject. To continue with Assistant Teacher program in each subject. To consider the idea of establishing resource rooms for gifted and talented students well equipped with enrichment facilities and activities. To submit a proposal for the Governing Board to start special crafts clubs/classes to discover gifted and talented students. To continue with the Math Genius Program. To investigate the possibility of applying Cami system at school. To prepare for an achievement fair presenting their achievements throughout the year. To continue participating in national competitions organized by both governmental and private sectors. To waive the third term final exams for students with distinguished academic performance. To continue cooperating with external educational institutions to provide our staff with professional sessions in designing and developing methods suitable for gifted and talented students.
(Ongoing Achieved No Action Taken Yet)
Identification Criteria
On-going No Action Taken Yet Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved On-going Achieved On-going On-going Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved
Enrichment Activities
3. Summary: Develop further the curriculum to address the broader needs and aspirations of all learners.
Status/Comments Actions to Be Taken To give the option for the tenth graders to choose between Business and Scientific Streams. Orientations have been done to all ninth graders. To consider offering elective courses for the eleventh graders such as Electronics, Psychology, Statistics and French Language. To form a department for the purpose of further improving the curriculum.
(Ongoing Achieved No Action Taken Yet)
Persons/Parties In-charge
Achieved On-going
School Board
To continue cooperating with external educational institutions to provide our staff with professional sessions in curriculum review.
4. Summary: Increase the effectiveness of the schools self-evaluation, based on a broader, more rigorous evaluation of the whole school and more systematic planning for improvement.
Status/Comments: Actions to Be Taken: To engage parents in the process of evaluation in a systematic approach through communication with the Parents Council. To form an Accreditation Panel to be in-charge of the KHDA and NEAS&C accreditation process. To implement the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEAS&C) self-study to identify the points of strength and the areas to strengthen and plan accordingly to meet all negative issues. To continue with the HODs, Coordinators and supervisors visits to teachers. To continue with the cross-visits program where teachers visit their colleagues. To regularly conduct self-evaluation questionnaires for the school staff members. To conduct a result analysis for the staff responses to the self-evaluation questionnaire to identify points of strength and those that need improvement and enable us set plans for improvement. To use the KHDA self-evaluation handbook as a supplementary guide to ensure commitment to continuous improvement within the context of the Schools philosophy.
(Ongoing Achieved No Action Taken Yet)
Focus Area
Persons/Parti es In-charge:
KHDA Self-Evaluation
School Staff