Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 6
Margot Kinberg, Ph.D.
Contributing Author Publishing Credits
Christine Dugan, M.A.Ed. Dona Herweck Rice, Editor-in-Chief; Robin Erickson, Production Director;
Lee Aucoin, Creative Director; Timothy J. Bradley, Illustration Manager;
Sara Johnson, M.S.Ed., Senior Editor; Aubrie Nielsen, M.S.Ed., Editor;
Leah Quillian, Assistant Editor; Grace Alba, Designer; David Saracino, Illustrator;
Howard McWilliam, Illustrator; Jennifer King-Harvey, Illustrator;
Stephanie Reid, Photo Editor; Corinne Burton, M.A.Ed., Publisher
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© 2004 Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL)
© 2007 Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (TESOL)
© 2007 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment
(WIDA). For more information on using the WIDA ELP Standards, please visit the WIDA website at
© 2010 National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSS)
Shell Education
5482 Argosy Avenue
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ISBN 978-1-4258-0927-0
©2020 Shell Education Publishing, Inc.
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Understanding Assessment
In addition to providing opportunities for frequent practice, teachers must be able to
assess students’ comprehension and word-study skills. This is important so that teachers
can adequately address students’ misconceptions, build on their current understanding,
and challenge them appropriately. Assessment is a long-term process that often involves
careful analysis of student responses from a lesson discussion, a project, a practice sheet,
or a test. When analyzing the data, it is important for teachers to reflect on how their
teaching practices may have influenced students’ responses and to identify those areas where
additional instruction may be required. In short, the data gathered from assessments should
be used to inform instruction: slow down, speed up, or reteach. This type of assessment is
called formative assessment.
Every sixth-grade practice page provides questions that are tied to a reading or writing
standard. Students are given the opportunity for regular practice in reading comprehension
and word study, allowing them to build confidence through these quick standards-based
Reading Anchor Standard 4: Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
3–5 determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices
shape meaning or tone.
Day 4
Reading Anchor Standard 10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
Reading Anchor Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make
logical inferences from it or
Reading Anchor Standard 6: Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of
a text.
Reading Anchor Standard 2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their
development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
Day 5
Writing Anchor Standard 4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
2 Name: ____________________________
___ Date:__________________
the text and then answer the questions
Directions Read
3. Y N
1 Name: _________
_________ ____________
Name : _______________
______ __________ 1. Which is not a way that your body
uses calories?
4. Which of these words is an adverb?
_________ 3
er the question
s. 4. Y N A properly Read the text
and then answer the
and then answ
Read the text A thinking SCORE B grow
Fill in the appropriate circle for each problem to indicate correct (Y) or incorrect (N)
responses. You might wish to indicate only incorrect responses to focus on those skills.
(For example, if students consistently miss items 2 and 4, they may need additional help
with those concepts as outlined in the table on page 4.) Use the answer key at the back of
the book to score the problems, or you may call out answers to have students self-score or
peer-score their work.
© Shell Education #50927—180 Days of Reading for Sixth Grade 5
How to Use This Book (cont.)
DAYS Name: _______________________________ Date:__________________
4 5
____ Name: ______________
4–5 Name: _______ ______________
_______ ___
Directions Read “The Blowout Block Party” and then answer the questions.
___ Date:______________
Directions Reread “The Blowout
Block Party.” Then,
respond on the lines read the prompt
ck Party
SCORE SCORE below. and
A longer text is used for Days 4 and 5. Students answer more in-depth comprehension
questions on Day 4 and complete a written response to the text on Day 5. This longer text
can also be used for fluency practice (see page 7).
Writing Rubric
Score students’ written response using the rubric below. Display the rubric for students to
reference as they write (G6_writing_rubric.pdf ).
Points Criteria
• Uses an appropriate organizational sequence to produce very clear and
coherent writing
4 • Uses descriptive language that develops or clarifies ideas
• Engages the reader
• Uses a style very appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
• Uses an organizational sequence to produce clear and coherent writing
• Uses descriptive language that develops or clarifies ideas
• Engages the reader
• Uses a style appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
• Uses an organizational sequence to produce somewhat clear and
coherent writing
2 • Uses some descriptive language that develops or clarifies ideas
• Engages the reader in some way
• Uses a style somewhat appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
• Does not use an organized sequence; the writing is not clear or coherent
• Uses little descriptive language to develop or clarify ideas
• Does not engage the reader
• Does not use a style appropriate to task, purpose, or audience
0 Offers no writing or does not respond to the assignment presented
Assessing Fluency
Fluent readers read accurately, with expression, and at a good pace. A Fluency Rubric along
with detailed instructions for scoring and keeping oral reading records is included in the
digital resources (G6_fluency.pdf ).
The table below lists fluency norms by grade level (Rasinski 2003):
Diagnostic Assessment
Teachers can use the practice pages as diagnostic assessments. The data analysis tools
included with the book enable teachers or parents to quickly score students’ work and
monitor their progress. Teachers and parents can see at a glance which reading concepts or
skills students may need to target in order to develop proficiency.
After students complete a practice page, grade each page using the answer key
(pages 231–237). Then, complete the Practice Page Item Analysis for the appropriate
day (pages 10–11) for the whole class, or the Student Item Analysis (pages 12–13) for
individual students. These charts are also provided in the digital resources (filenames:
G6_practicepage_analysis.pdf, G6_student_analysis.pdf ). Teachers can input data into the
electronic files directly on the computer, or they can print the pages and analyze students’
work using paper and pencil.
• The item numbers are included across the top of the charts. Each item correlates with
the matching question number from the practice page.
• For each student, record an X in the column if the student has the item incorrect. If the
item is correct, leave the item blank.
• Count the Xs in each row and column and fill in the correct boxes.
• The item numbers are included across the top of the chart. Each item correlates with
the matching question number from the practice page.
• For each day, record an X in the column if the student has the item incorrect. If the item
is correct, leave the item blank.
• Count the Xs in each row and column and fill in the correct boxes.
Whole-Class Support
The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that the entire class is struggling with a
particular concept or group of concepts. If these concepts have been taught in the past,
this indicates that further instruction or reteaching is necessary. If these concepts have not
been taught in the past, this data is a great preassessment and demonstrates that students do
not have a working knowledge of the concepts. Thus, careful planning for the length of the
unit(s) or lesson(s) must be considered, and extra frontloading may be required.
Digital Resources
Reference page 239 for information about accessing the digital resources and an overview of
the contents.
© Shell Education
Directions: Record an X in cells to indicate where students have missed questions. Add up the totals. You can view the
following: (1) which items were missed per student; (2) the total correct score for each student; and (3) the total number of
students who missed each item.
© Shell Education
Week: _____ Day: _____ Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # correct Written Response
Student Name
Sample Student x x x 5/8 3
# of students missing
each question 8
Written Response
Student Item Analysis Days 1–3
Directions: Record an X in cells to indicate where the student has missed questions. Add
up the totals. You can view the following: (1) which items the student missed; (2) the total
correct score per day; and (3) the total number of times each item was missed.
1 X X X 5/8 3
Written Response
Standards are designed to focus instruction and guide adoption of curricula. Standards
are statements that describe the criteria necessary for students to meet specific academic
goals. They define the knowledge, skills, and content students should acquire at each level.
Standards are also used to develop standardized tests to evaluate students’ academic progress.
Teachers are required to demonstrate how their lessons meet state standards. State standards
are used in the development of all of our products, so educators can be assured they meet the
academic requirements of each state.
Your body needs energy to grow and heal itself. Your body also needs energy to move
and think. That energy comes from the food you eat. It also comes from what you drink.
How can you tell how much energy you get when you eat and drink? You can look at the 1. Y N
calories. Most foods and drinks have labels that tell you how many calories they have. That
number tells you how much energy you could get from eating or drinking something. You
need the right number of calories every day. That way, your body can stay healthy. But
what is the right number? Everyone is different. Most kids need between 1,600 and 2,500 2. Y N
calories every day. Your doctor can help you decide how many calories you should get.
3. Y N
What does your body do with the calories you eat and drink? Your body uses that energy
to help you move and think. Your body also uses calories to help you grow. If you do not get
1. Y N enough calories, you do not have much energy. You cannot think as well. You do not grow
properly and it is hard for your body to heal properly. Your hair, skin, and nails are not at their
healthiest. Your body needs calories for growing, for healing, and for energy. So it is very
important to get enough calories. What happens if you get more calories than you need?
2. Y N
Your body stores that energy. You use that energy when you are active. If you do not use
that energy, you can gain weight. Being overweight is not healthy. So it is important to be
active. It is also important not to get more calories than you need.
3. Y N
1. Which is not a way that your body 4. Which of these words is an adverb?
uses calories?
4. Y N
A properly
A thinking B grow
B growing C heal
5. Y N
C healing D you
D getting rid of energy
A pre–
B im–
C ab–
D pro–
Some foods are higher in calories than other foods. Foods that are high in fat often have
more calories than foods that are low in fat. For example, a small serving of french fries has
14.5 grams of fat and 271 calories, but two ounces of turkey has just over 1.5 grams of fat 1. Y N
and only 85 calories. Healthy foods such as lean meat, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
are usually low in fat. They are also very good for you. That doesn’t mean you can never
have french fries or potato chips, but it is a good idea to make sure that most of the calories
you eat are healthy calories. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and protein, and get most of 2. Y N
your calories from these foods. Save high-fat foods, such as candy, potato chips, and fried
food, for treats.
3. Y N
A never
B most of the time
C once in a while
D every week
Have you eaten at a fast-food restaurant lately? Many restaurants serve much bigger portions
of food than they used to serve. A portion is the amount of food that you get when you order.
For example, in the 1950s, a portion of french fries was about 2.4 ounces. Today’s portion can
be as high as 7 ounces or more. In the 1950s, a regular soda was 8 ounces. Today, that size
soda is more likely to be 24 ounces.
Why does it matter if portion sizes are bigger now? Isn’t that a good thing for customers? Not
if you want to eat a healthy diet. Bigger portions have more food in them, and the more food you
eat, the more calories your body gets. If you eat a lot of fast food, you are probably getting many
more calories than you need, and those
calories may not be healthy calories. Here
is just one example: A meal with a large
burger, fries, and a soda at one major
fast-food restaurant has 1,200 calories.
That is one-half to three-quarters of the
number of calories most kids should eat
in one day. That meal has a lot of fat
and salt without a lot of the vitamins and
minerals that your body needs. So, that
meal gives you a lot of calories but not
much nutrition.
1. Which fact is true about restaurants 5. Since it takes the brain up to twenty
in the 1950s? minutes to know the stomach is full,
which conclusion makes sense? 1. Y N
A They served bigger portions.
B They did not serve soda.
A Meals should not be longer than
twenty minutes.
C They did not serve french fries. B Meals should take only
2. Y N
C never eat fast food again C Celia will feel satisfied with less food
D eat as quickly as you can than Lisa will.
D Lisa will be very hungry.
___ / 8
4. Why are bigger portions a problem?
A They have too many calories. 8. Which conclusion about people in
the 1950s is the most realistic?
B They are too expensive.
C They do not taste good.
A They ate more fast food than we do.
___ / 4
How can you make smart food choices at your favorite fast-food restaurant? Write
about what you could do to make smart food choices.
Brooke had been in her school’s library for half an hour, looking unsuccessfully for some
information for a project. She was nearly ready to give up in frustration when she spotted
the school’s librarian. “Mrs. Jordan,” Brooke pleaded, “can I please have some help finding 1. Y N
some things?”
“I’ll certainly do my best, Brooke. What is it that you need?” Mrs. Jordan asked.
2. Y N
“I need good resources for my project on ancient Assyria, but there’s not much here.”
“I’m sorry you’re not finding what you need,” Mrs. Jordan said with some embarrassment.
“I wish we had more material on ancient Assyria, but we just don’t have the funding we need 3. Y N
for all the books we would like to have.”
Mrs. Jordan helped Brooke as best she could, but Brooke couldn’t help thinking the school
ought to hold a fund-raiser for more library materials. 4. Y N
1. What is Brooke’s problem? 4. What does the prefix un– in the word 5. Y N
unsuccessfully tell the reader about
A Mrs. Jordan is angry with her. Brooke’s search?
B She does not like being in the library.
A She finds everything she needs.
C She can’t find the material she needs.
B ___ / 5
She is successful.
D She has lost a library book.
C Total
She is not successful.
D She is afraid to ask for help.
2. How does the text explain why the
library does not have the material
it needs?
5. Which word is used to describe
A what a group holds in order to
The material is hard to find.
raise money?
B There is not enough funding.
C Mrs. Jordan does not like
A fund-raiser
the material. B library
D The library is too small. C material
D project
3. Which two words are synonyms?
Brooke was working on a project about ancient Assyria. She had looked in her school’s
library for material, but there wasn’t very much. So she had to go to the public library.
1. Y N
Brooke got what she needed at the public library, but she kept thinking that the school’s
library should have more resources. Mrs. Jordan, the librarian, told Brooke that the library
didn’t have the funding it needed. That was why there wasn’t enough material. So Brooke
2. Y N decided to ask if there could be a fund-raiser to get more library books and materials. She
talked to Mrs. Archer, who was head of the school’s booster club. Mrs. Archer thought a
library fund-raiser was a terrific idea. She and Brooke talked about what to do for a
fund-raiser and finally they hit on the perfect idea—a block party where everyone would
3. Y N bring food and a small donation.
A discussion
B library
C party
D contribution
Do you enjoy eating delicious homemade food? Do you like to play games, watch
movies, and spend time with your friends? Then, you want to be there for the amazing
Blowout Block Party Potluck! The Block Party Potluck will be held at Mason Street 2. Y N
School on Saturday, September 17, from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Bring a potluck dish
to share, and sample some of the finest cooking in town! There will be music, movies,
games, and prizes, too! Don’t miss out on this spectacular event!
3. Y N
Get your tickets now: Adult tickets are $5.00, and student tickets are $4.00.
All proceeds from ticket sales will benefit the Mason Street School library, so get ready
to have a great time and help the library, too!
4. Y N
1. Which information is not provided in 4. What does the adjective delicious tell Y N
A taste
B cook
C attend
D ticket
© Shell Education #50927—180 Days of Reading for Sixth Grade 23
Brooke worked with her friends and Mrs. Archer, and together they created flyers and got
tickets printed. Mrs. Archer arranged for the party to be held at the school and got permission to
use some of the rooms. One room would be used to show movies. There was even going to be
popcorn. There would be games outside, with prizes for the winners. There would also be long
tables set up outside for the food and drinks. Mrs. Archer knew someone who played in a local
band, so there would be music at the party, too.
Once everything was planned, the next step was to publicize the party and let everyone know
about it. Brooke and her friends passed out the flyers, posted a notice about the party on the
school’s website, and called everyone they knew. They posted notices in the local newspaper,
too, and called some of the radio stations to ask them to help spread the word.
1. Which is a good word to 5. How does Brooke likely feel, given
describe Brooke? that her idea worked so well?
1. Y N
A fearful A proud
B organized B jealous
C selfish C fearful 2. Y N
D athletic D curious
3. Y N
2. Which word in this text would help 6. What do you think Mrs. Jordan’s
a reader understand the relevant opinion is about the fund-raiser?
definition of band?
A She probably thinks the fund-raiser is 4. Y N
A programs not a good idea.
B music B She is probably happy that money
C was raised for the library. 5. Y N
D books
C She is probably angry about
the fund-raiser.
D She is probably afraid to get new 6. Y N
3. What do you think might happen if it materials for the library.
rained during the party?
A Brooke would not play in the band. 7. What indicates that the party will be 7. Y N
a success?
B The money would not be given to
the library. A It rains on the day of the party.
C The party would be held outside. 8. Y N
B People stay up all night the night
D People would go inside and have the before the party.
party there. C A few students go to the party.
D When Brooke gets to the school, ___ / 8
4. Which statement reflects a purpose there are already people there.
for reading this text? Total
___ / 4
What kind of fund-raiser would you plan for your school? Write about what you would
do for your fund-raiser, and where the money would go.
If you watch television, you have probably seen advertisements. In fact, the average kid
sees 20,000 televised ads every year! And that doesn’t include the ads that you see on
the Internet and in magazines. Why are they there, and how do they get there? The basic 1. Y N
purpose of ads is to get you to buy products or services. Companies know that people
watch television, and they want people to watch their ads. They also know that it can be
very expensive to make TV shows. So they find out which TV shows are the most popular
2. Y N
shows. Then, companies pay the people who make those TV shows to show their ads. The
people who make TV shows then use that money to pay for making the shows.
3. Y N
1. What is the main purpose of 4. Which word has the same root word
advertisements? as the noun products?
4. Y N
A to be on television A prefabricate
B to get you to buy products or services B pore
C to be on the Internet C prompt 5. Y N
2. Which statement is not true? 5. Which word has the same meaning
___ / 5
as purpose?
A Companies want people to watch Total
their ads. A work
B The people who make TV shows B history
use the money from ads to make C picture
their shows.
C Most kids do not see many ads.
D reason
A typical
B largest
C smallest
D unusual
Companies want their ads to bring them lots of customers. So they pay the people who
make TV shows to put their ads on the shows. But creating ads and paying the people
1. Y N
who make TV shows is expensive. So companies want to be certain they choose shows
that are popular with their target market. A target market is the group of people a company
thinks will be most likely to buy its product or service. For instance, suppose a company
2. Y N makes snacks for kids. Kids like you are that company’s target market. Now, suppose that
company creates a new snack and makes an ad for the new product. The company wants to
be sure that its target market sees the ad, so it carefully selects TV shows that kids like you
watch. Those are the shows the company uses for its ads.
3. Y N
4. Y N
1. What is this text about? 4. Which sentence below uses the word
target as an adjective?
A how to make a good ad
B how to make a TV show
A The teacher wanted to target
counting as an important skill.
5. Y N
C how companies choose where to put B I see the target across the field.
their ads
D snacks for kids
C The soldier hit his target.
D Our target date for moving is
___ / 5 September 1st.
2. Which title would help a reader
understand the main idea?
5. When the author claims that a
A Watching TV company is certain of something,
what does that mean?
B Ads for Dollars
C Money Talks A The company is sure.
D Targeted Advertisements B The company is confused.
C The company is careful.
3. Which two words are synonyms? D The company is busy.
Companies want to be sure that their target markets see their ads. So they carefully
select shows that are popular with their target markets. But how do they know which shows
to choose? Companies often use information they get from Nielsen Media Research. That 1. Y N
is a company that collects information on what people watch on TV. Some people keep
Nielsen TV diaries where they write down what they watch. Some people use Nielsen
People Meters. People Meters are placed on all televisions in a participant’s home to
keep track of all the shows watched in the household. Nielsen Media Research gathers 2. Y N
information on how many people watch each TV show. It also gathers information on the
kinds of people who watch each show. That information helps companies decide where to
place their ads.
3. Y N
Commercial Break
Advertisements are everywhere. Every time you watch a TV show, use the Internet, or read a
magazine, you see them. Some ads are funny, some are beautiful, and some are action-packed.
But all of them have one important purpose: to get you to buy a product or service. Ads can be
useful. For instance, that is how stores let you know when they are having sales. Ads also let
you know about new products or services. Without ads, you might not know about those things.
Ads are important for companies, too—that’s how they reach customers.
When you see an ad, it is important to remember why it is there. The company that made
the ad wants you to buy that product or service. The ad is made so that when you see it, you
will want to buy. For example, ads for restaurants are designed to make you feel hungry for the
food in the ad. Ads for clothes are
designed so that you will want to buy
those clothes. Ads for cell phones
and music players are designed so
that you will believe you are missing
out if you don’t have those things. It is
important to think carefully and make
up your own mind before you buy.
Don’t buy something just because an
ad says that you should.
1. What do the title and photograph 5. Before they create an ad, companies
indicate about this text?
A show it to people to get their opinions. 1. Y N
A It describes how to set up a TV. B tell people about a product or service.
B It describes TV ads. C create a product or service to sell.
C It is about moving to a new place. D change the ad if people don’t like it.
2. Y N
___ / 4
What kinds of ads get your attention? Why? Describe the kinds of ads you
notice most.
Jared was planning to play basketball with some of his friends. His mom said he could,
but she insisted that he take his little brother, Max, with him. Max was only five years old,
and Jared was afraid that he would slow everyone down. He was embarrassed to even think 1. Y N
about that. But Jared’s mom repeated that Max would have to go along with Jared; she had
some errands she needed to do, and Max couldn’t remain at home alone. “Besides,” Mom
added, “Max doesn’t want to be left out. He admires you, you know.”
2. Y N
Jared was aware of that, but it wasn’t very comforting. He reluctantly told Max that he was
going to play basketball and that Max could join him. Max was so excited to go that Jared
couldn’t stay upset for long.
3. Y N
1. Initially, how does Jared feel about 4. What does the adverb reluctantly
4. Y N
taking Max with him? tell the reader?
C where he is going.
D jealous
C Jared cannot hear Max.
D Jared does not know where Max is.
___ / 5
2. Which word best describes Jared?
5. Which word is a synonym
A annoyed for remain?
B angry A work
C cooperative B leave
D irresponsible C stay
D travel
3. Which word or phrase
means admire?
A ride
B dislike
C look up to
D follow
Jared often met his friends after school and on the weekends to play basketball. They
would play until it was time to go home for dinner. But today, Jared wasn’t looking forward
1. Y N
to playing basketball. His mom had insisted that he take his little brother, Max, with him,
and Jared wasn’t happy about it. When he first told Max that he could go along, Max was
so excited that Jared couldn’t stay unhappy about it. But now, on the way to the basketball
2. Y N court, it was all coming back. What was he going to do with Max while he played basketball?
Jared was so preoccupied that he didn’t even notice when they got to the basketball court.
Then he looked up and couldn’t believe what he saw—there were three other little kids Max’s
age! Jared wasn’t the only kid who had brought his younger sibling along. Now, he wouldn’t
3. Y N have to worry about what Max would do while he played.
4. Y N
1. Why does Jared bring Max to the 4. What does the verb insisted tell
basketball court? you in the sentence: His mom had
insisted that he take his little brother,
5. Y N
A His mom insisted that he bring Max. Max, with him, and Jared wasn't
happy about it?
B Max begged to go along.
C Jared’s friends want to meet Max. A She didn’t know where Jared was.
D Jared’s teacher says he should B She didn’t notice Max.
___ / 5 bring Max. C She asked Jared if he wanted to
Total take Max.
2. How is Jared’s problem solved? D She said Jared had to take Max.
Jared and his friends played basketball as often as they could. The basketball court they
used had a fence all around it and a solid gate. During the day, the gate was unlocked so 1. Y N
that players could come in and play basketball. At night, the gate was locked for safety.
Today, Jared was bringing his little brother, Max, to the basketball court for the first time.
Some of Jared’s friends had brought their little brothers and sisters, too. When Jared and
Max got to the basketball court, Jared was surprised to see all of his friends outside the 2. Y N
gate. “The gate’s locked,” one of Jared’s friends said. “We can’t get in to play.” Everyone
looked at one another in dismay. It looked as though there would be no basketball that day.
3. Y N
1. What is the setting of the text? 4. What does the adjective solid
indicate about the gate? 4. Y N
A Jared’s home
B the cafeteria
A It is strong.
C court
B promised
D play
C looked at
D seemed that
For a few minutes, everyone waited helplessly, trying to figure out what to do. Then, from
around the corner strode Mr. Giles, the maintenance manager at the community center where
the basketball court was located. Mr. Giles hastily approached the boys and said apologetically,
“Sorry I’m behind schedule today, guys. I had a flat tire.” He unhooked a bunch of keys from his
belt and reached over to unlock the gate. But instead, Mr. Giles accidentally dropped the keys
on the other side of the fence!
There was a long silence. Then Max piped up, “I can get them.” Everyone ignored him until
he repeated himself, this time more loudly.
1. Why does Max repeat himself? 5. How does Mr. Giles likely feel about
dropping the keys?
A Nobody is there at first. 1. Y N
D embarrassed
C lacking excitement
B It is snowy and freezing.
___ / 4
Do you have brothers or sisters? Has someone younger than you ever helped you?
Write about a time your brother, sister, or a friend helped you.
The United States government has three branches: the legislative branch, the judicial
branch, and the executive branch. The legislative branch makes and passes laws. It also
1. Y N
coins money and has other powers. The judicial branch can stop a law if it is not fair or if it
goes against the Constitution. It also makes decisions in some court cases. The executive
branch runs the country and executes, or carries out, laws. The executive branch is headed
by the president, who has special powers. For instance, Congress makes and passes 2. Y N
laws. But those laws do not go into effect until the president signs them. The president also
has veto power. That means the president can stop a law if it is not a good law. All three
branches must work together. They do that so that no branch becomes too powerful. This is
called the system of checks and balances. 3. Y N
A make decisions in some court cases A This is called the system of checks
and balances. 5. Y N
B make and pass laws
C veto laws
B The president also has veto power.
D coin money
C The executive branch runs the
country and executes, or carries
out, laws. ___ / 5
2. Who is the head of the D It also makes decisions in some Total
executive branch? court cases.
A Congress
B the president
5. Which word means the power to stop
a law?
C the judicial branch
D A the Constitution
checks and balances
B the president
A carry out
B kill
C write
D get rid of
The president has many powers. For example, laws do not go into effect until the
1. Y N president signs them. And the president can veto laws if they are not good laws. The
president is also the commander in chief of the troops. This means that the president
is in charge of the military. The president also chooses ambassadors. An ambassador
represents the United States in other countries. The president also names justices to the
2. Y N Supreme Court. Congress must confirm, or agree with, those choices. The president can
veto a law. But Congress can override that veto. That means Congress can vote for a law
even if the president vetoes it. There are limits to what the president can do.
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. Which word from the text is not
4. Y N a verb?
A what the president can do
B what the Supreme Court does
A choose
5. Y N C what ambassadors do
B confirm
A a veto
B the commander in chief
C a justice
D an ambassador
To be elected president, a person must be at least thirty-five years old. The president
must also have been born in the United States. Finally, the president must have lived in the 1. Y N
United States for at least fourteen years. These rules are in the Constitution. The president
serves for four years. That is called one term. Presidents can be in office for only two terms.
The president lives and works in the White House in Washington, DC. Part of the White
House is living quarters for the president and the president’s family. Many people beside 2. Y N
the president work in the White House, so many rooms in the White House are used for
meetings and offices. If you visit Washington, DC, you can take a tour of the White House.
3. Y N
1. Where can you find the rules about 4. Which verb means elected?
who can be president? 4. Y N
A served
A in the White House B called
B in the Constitution C born 5. Y N
C in the term D chosen
D in the office
A Constitution
B White House
C a term
D quarters
The president also gets a lot of help and advice from the people who work at the White
House. For example, the president has a press secretary who talks to television and newspaper
reporters. The press secretary’s job is to tell those reporters what the president is doing. Then,
the reporters tell people who read and watch the news. The president also works with people
who help make policies. A policy is a set of rules and ways of doing things. Other advisors
also work with the president and provide information. That way, the president can make
smart decisions.
The president is a very busy person. So, there are people at the White House who help plan
what the president does. There are also people who help the president prepare speeches.
Other people do other jobs at the White House, such as answering letters and telephone calls.
When you think of the executive branch of our government, you may think of the president. And
the president leads that branch. But as you can see, the president can’t run the government
alone. The president depends on many people to get the job done.
1. What do the title and picture help 5. Why does the president need a
readers to predict? group of experts?
1. Y N
A This text is about the executive A The experts work very hard.
branch of government. B The experts make the decisions.
B This text is about a leader of C The president needs to talk to 2. Y N
a business.
TV reporters.
C This text is about a large house. D The president needs their information
D This text is about the workplace. to make decisions. 3. Y N
___ / 4
What are some things that you would do if you were the president? Write about what
you would do.
Ashley loved music and talking about music. So when her friend Tara mentioned an
online music chat group, Ashley wanted to join it. Ashley talked to her parents about the
group, too. At first, they didn’t want her to join. They explained that online chat groups 1. Y N
can be very dangerous for kids. But Ashley kept begging, and finally, her mom and dad
consented. They told her that she could join, but she could only enter the chat room when
one of them was home. Ashley didn’t like that rule at all. Her mom and dad explained that
2. Y N
it was important for Ashley to be safe. So she agreed to follow their rule and only enter the
chat room when an adult was home. At least she would get the chance to talk to other kids
who loved music as much as she did.
3. Y N
1. How does Ashley find out about the 4. What does the verb begging tell
chat room? the reader? 4. Y N
A Her mom tells her about it. A Ashley really wants to join the
B chat room.
Her friend Tara mentions it. 5. Y N
C Her dad tells her about it.
B Ashley doesn’t care about the
chat room.
D She finds it online. C Ashley is angry with her mom
and dad.
___ / 5
2. Which title would hint at the text’s D Ashley has never met Tara.
main idea? Total
A asked questions
B yelled
C refused
D gave permission
Ashley’s parents had allowed her to join an online music chat group. At first, they had
been reluctant to let her join. Chat rooms can be dangerous for kids because it is very
1. Y N
hard to tell who someone really is when you are online. But Ashley promised to be careful,
and she was. She only entered the chat room when her mom or dad was home. She did
not give anyone her telephone number or address, and she didn’t post pictures of herself,
2. Y N either. She was also careful about what she said in the chat room. And she loved having
the chance to talk about music. She found a lot of kids in the chat room who loved music
just as much as she did. They talked about bands, concerts, and music lessons, and they
suggested songs to one another.
3. Y N
A to mail
B a piece of wood
C a job
D to display online
Ashley was a member of an online music chat group. She got a lot of music news from
the other members of the group, and she shared music news, too. She and her group also
1. Y N
talked about bands, singers, and concerts. One day, everyone in the group was talking
about some very big news. A band called Seven Wonders was going to release a new CD.
Lots of kids in the group, including Ashley, were fans of Seven Wonders and couldn’t wait to
get their new music. Ashley saved up her allowance for three weeks. She wanted to have 2. Y N
enough money to buy the new CD when it was released. The other kids in her online chat
group were just as excited. Everyone talked about how amazing their music was.
3. Y N
1. How will Ashley pay for the CD she 4. Which part of speech is the word her
wants to buy? in the sentence: Ashley saved up her
allowance for three weeks. 4. Y N
A Ashley’s mom and dad will buy it
for her. A an adjective
B She is saving up her allowance. B a possessive pronoun 5. Y N
A dismiss
B rent or lease again
C free or let out
D make available for sale
All of a sudden, Ashley got a chat message from Stephanie, one of the kids in the chat room.
The message said that Stephanie wanted to meet Ashley at the mall. Then they could buy the
new CD together. Ashley told her mom about the message, and her mom asked, “Do you know
Stephanie from school?”
“No,” Ashley admitted. “We’ve only chatted online. I don’t think she goes to my school.”
“Listen,” Ashley’s mom said, “I want you to have friends, but sometimes, people online aren’t
who they say they are. And when you’re online, you can’t always tell. So I don’t think it’s a good
idea for you to meet this person.”
“But, Mom,” Ashley pleaded, “what if it is just a kid named Stephanie who wants to buy a CD
with me?”
Ashley's mom considered that for a moment. Then she said, “Let’s do this. Dad and I will go
with you to the mall to buy the CD with Stephanie. If Stephanie really is just a kid who wants
to meet you in person, that’s great. If not,
you’ll be safe.”
1. Which answers the title’s question, 5. What is the point of view of this text?
who’s in the room?
A first person 1. Y N
A There is music playing in the room. B second person
B Ashley and Stephanie are alone in C third person
the room. 2. Y N
C The room is empty.
D There is no point of view.
___ / 4
Do you go online? If you do, what do you do to stay safe? Write about how to stay
safe online.
What would it be like if library books weren’t put into any kind of order? You probably
wouldn’t be able to find the book you wanted. That is why library books are organized.
1. Y N
Most public libraries separate books for children and teens from books for adults. That way,
children, teens, and adults can find the books they want more easily. Most libraries also
separate fiction books from nonfiction books. Fiction books are alphabetized by the author’s
last name. So if you are looking for a children’s fiction book, begin by going to the children’s 2. Y N
section. Next, look for the fiction books in that section. Finally, search alphabetically for the
last name of the author, and you will likely find the book.
3. Y N
One of the best ways to find what you are looking for in a library is to use the library’s
catalogue (KAT-uh-log). Libraries used to have card catalogues, which are groups of
1. Y N
drawers that hold sets of cards. Each card has the title and author of a book. It also tells
you the book’s topic and where it is located. You can search for a book by the title, by the
author’s name, or by the topic. Most libraries now have their catalogues on computers. The
process of looking for a book on the computer is a lot like using a card catalogue. You can
2. Y N
search for a book by author, by title, or by subject. Then, you can go to the section of the
library that has that book and get what you need.
3. Y N
5. Y N C by date
B subject
D by subject
C author
D section
A catalogue
B book
C method
D library
Once you find a book in the catalogue, how do you find it in the library? Many libraries
use the Dewey Decimal System, or DDS. The DDS divides books into ten topics. Each topic
1. Y N
has its own number. You can find each book’s number when you look that book up in the
catalogue. For example, art has the Dewey number of 700, so if you search for a book about
art, you will find that art books have numbers that start with 7. Each topic has topics within
it. Suppose you are interested in drawing. Drawing is a kind of art, and the Dewey number 2. Y N
for books about art is 700, so start at the section of your library labeled “700.” Books about
drawing have the Dewey number of 730. Go to that section of the art books. You will
probably find what you want.
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. What does the pronoun it refer to in
the sentence: Once you find a book 4. Y N
A the Dewey Decimal System in the catalogue, how do you find it
in the library?
B art books
C the history of libraries A the library 5. Y N
Melvil Dewey
Today, it is easy to find what you want when you go to the library. For that, you can thank
Melvil Dewey. Melvil was born in Adams Center, New York, in 1851. His parents, Joel and Eliza,
owned a general store. He was always interested in books and words. That interest continued
when he went to Amherst College. In 1872, he began working at the college library.
Melvil thought that it was important for people to be educated. He also thought that libraries
could play a big role in teaching people, so he wanted them to be easy to use. At the time, it
was hard for people to use libraries. Books were not organized. So, books on the same subject
might be in several parts of a library. It was hard to find books on one subject because there
was no good way to know which books in a library were about which topics. So Melvil invented
a new system of organizing books. That system is called the Dewey Decimal System (DDS). It
was so successful that many libraries still use it today. It is an easy way to keep track of books
and an easy way to find books.
Melvil Dewey
1. Knowing about which topic will help 5. Which purpose for reading makes
readers better understand this text? the most sense for this topic?
1. Y N
A libraries A to learn about the DDS
B colleges B to learn about the accomplishments
C of Melvil Dewey 2. Y N
D boats
C to learn about bookmobiles
D all of the above
3. Y N
2. What did Melvil do before he
invented the DDS? 6. Which of these is a good word to
describe Melvil?
A He started the first school 4. Y N
for librarians. A organized
B He founded the Library Journal. B athletic
C He founded the American C sloppy 5. Y N
Library Association. D lazy
D He went to Amherst College.
6. Y N
7. Which statement is not an important
3. How did Melvil help solve the idea from the text?
problem of training people to
be librarians? A Organizing books in a library helps 7. Y N
us use the library more effectively.
A He went to Amherst College. B Education was not important to
B He organized library books. Melvil Dewey. 8. Y N
C He became a librarian. C Librarians have benefitted from Melvil
D Dewey’s work.
He started the first school
for librarians. D Successful ideas can help people.
___ / 8
4. Which did Melvil not use to 8. Which of these is a problem that Total
organize libraries? Melvil solved?
___ / 4
How do you find a library book when you are looking for one? Give an example. Write
about how to find a book in a library.
Carlos opened the back door of his house to let his puppy, Lucky, back inside. He and his
family had only had Lucky for a few weeks, but Lucky was already learning a lot of things.
As Carlos glanced out at the sky, he saw dark clouds that threatened rain. It was going to 1. Y N
be a very soggy afternoon. The thought of taking Lucky out in the pouring rain made Carlos
think that it would be nice if Lucky had a doghouse. Then, the puppy could have a place
to go to stay dry in the rain and cool in the heat. Carlos looked at doghouses online, but
he couldn’t find one that was exactly right for Lucky. So he decided that he would build a 2. Y N
doghouse himself.
3. Y N
1. How will Carlos solve the problem of 4. What does the verb glanced tell you
not finding a doghouse to buy? about how Carlos looked at the sky?
4. Y N
A He will ask a friend for help. A He stared at the sky for a long time.
B He will go to pet stores. B He looked at the sky very quickly.
C He will not get Lucky a doghouse. C He did not look outside. 5. Y N
D He will build a doghouse himself. D He wanted another puppy.
A A Total
Wet Lucky bullied
B Carlos Gets an Idea B warned
C A Rainy Day C removed
D A Boy and His Puppy D protected
A parched
B damp
C very wet
D cloudy
Carlos wanted his puppy, Lucky, to have a doghouse, but he hadn’t been able to find
exactly what he wanted online. So he decided that the best idea would be to build a
1. Y N
doghouse himself. Carlos had not done a project like that before, and he knew he would
need help. So he asked his dad about building a doghouse. Carlos’s dad suggested that
they look at some websites for building a doghouse. He also thought it would be a good
2. Y N idea to go to a building-supply store and ask some questions. People there would probably
have helpful advice. Carlos agreed. Together, they visited some do-it-yourself websites.
They also visited a few local home-improvement stores. Soon, they knew what supplies they
would need to build a doghouse.
3. Y N
4. Y N
1. Which action does Carlos take to get 4. Which word is a conjunction in the
help with his doghouse? sentence: Carlos hadn’t done a
project like that before, and he knew
A He asks the vet about doghouses. he would need some help.
2. How do the characters discover 5. What does exactly mean?
what supplies they will need for
a doghouse? A precisely
A enormous
B new
C expensive
D nearby
Carlos and his father went to The Fix-It Place, a local home-improvement store, to get
supplies for making a doghouse. They made a list of what they would need so they wouldn’t 1. Y N
forget anything. The first thing they would need was wood. They would need solid lumber
for the frame of the doghouse, and plywood, a kind of thin wooden board, for the walls. They
were also going to need nails, paint, and some other supplies. As they went through the
store, they checked their list and put what they needed into their shopping cart. Finally, they 2. Y N
had all their supplies. Carlos was really beginning to get excited about this project. He knew
it would be a challenge, but he was looking forward to getting started.
3. Y N
B at school
A materials
C in Carlos’s backyard
B boards
5. Y N
D at The Fix-It Place
C lists
D improvements
C tile
B finally
D lumber
C forget
D supplies
A a list
B a frame
C plywood
D paint
the Doghouse
Carlos and his father were about to build a doghouse for their puppy, Lucky. Carlos wanted
Lucky to have a place to stay dry when it rained and stay cool when it was hot. Carlos and his
dad had gone to The Fix-It Place to get their supplies, and now they were ready to begin the
project. Carlos’s dad explained that the first thing they would need to do would be to measure
Lucky. The doghouse would have to be big enough so Lucky could turn around and lie down,
and big enough to hold food and water.
After they measured Lucky, it was time to build the frame. Carlos and his dad used strong
boards for the frame so the doghouse would be sturdy. Then, they measured and cut plywood
for the walls and floor. They also made sure to cut an opening that was big enough for Lucky to
go in and out. Once they attached it to the frame, it was time to start working on the roof.
Carlos and his dad started with strong boards for the roof frame, and then they used other
boards for the rafters. They used plywood to complete the shape of the roof. The roof would
need to protect Lucky from rain and too much sun, so they also put shingles on the roof. Carlos
thought the doghouse roof looked a lot like the roof of his own house—it even had the same
shape. His dad explained that the pitched roof would help the rain fall off the roof instead of
collecting on top of it.
Finally, the doghouse was ready to be decorated. Carlos painted it bright red, and painted
Lucky’s name above the door. As a finishing touch, Carlos put a piece of carpet and a blanket
in the doghouse. Lucky was going to be a comfortable puppy! Carlos couldn’t believe how good
the doghouse looked. He was glad he had thought of this idea.
1. How does Carlos’s dad likely feel 5. What is the point of view of this text?
when the doghouse is done?
A first person 1. Y N
A angry B second person
B proud C third person
C suspicious D There is no point of view.
2. Y N
D unsure
A He likes dogs.
B Dogs do not make good pets.
B He likes baseball.
C It is better to work alone than
with help.
C He does not like to make things. D There is not much planning involved
D He does not live in a house. with building projects.
___ / 4
If you were going to build something, what would you build? Write about the supplies
you would use and how you would build the object.
Your body does a lot of things amazingly well. But as incredible as your body is, it can still
be attacked by germs. Germs can invade your body, and until your body gets rid of them,
you feel sick. There are many different kinds of germs, and all of them are too small for you 1. Y N
to see without a microscope. One kind of germ is bacteria (bak-TEER-ee-uh). Bacteria are
one-celled forms of life. They can grow outside the body, but they can also grow inside the
body. Ear infections and strep throat are caused by bacteria. Food poisoning is also caused
2. Y N
by bacteria. Some bacteria are actually good for your body. They help you digest what you
eat and drink. But many kinds of bacteria can make you very sick.
3. Y N
There are a few types of germs that can invade your body and make you sick. Some of
those germs are viruses. Viruses are a little different from bacteria. While bacteria are
1. Y N
one-celled forms of life, viruses are not. In fact, many scientists don’t consider viruses to be
alive until they are in a cell. That is because viruses need to be inside a cell to grow. When
a virus gets inside a cell, it uses that cell as a host and lives on the nutrients in the cell.
2. Y N
Then, it reproduces itself and makes more viruses. Those viruses invade more cells and
use them as hosts. Viruses are smaller than bacteria, but they can still make you very sick.
Most colds are caused by viruses. Viruses cause the flu, chicken pox, and measles, too.
3. Y N
1. Which index entry would include 4. What is the phrase inside a cell an
this text? example of?
4. Y N
A doctors A conjunction
B kinds of germs B predicate
5. Y N C nutrition C subject
D hosting a party D prepositional phrase
___ / 5 2. Which word in the text is important to 5. Which word has the same meaning
know and could be shown in bold or as invade?
Total italicized print?
A attack
A sick B grow
B bacteria C feed
C chicken pox D study
D viruses
A remove
B copy
C erase
D move
Viruses and bacteria can make you very sick. But there are several things you can do
to prevent a lot of them from invading your body. One important thing to do is wash your
1. Y N
hands. Many viruses can live on doorknobs. They can also live on telephones, remote
controls, and computer keyboards. If you touch those things, you can get germs on your
hands. So wash your hands, especially before you eat and after you use the bathroom.
Germs are contagious. If your friends are sick, wait until they are well again before you visit. 2. Y N
And if you are sick, wait until you are well before spending time with your friends.
3. Y N
1. Which title best fits the text? 4. Which prefix could be added to the
word visit to make a word that means
A What to Do if You Are Sick visit again?
4. Y N
B How to Cook Your Food Properly A pre–
C Where Viruses Live B re–
D How to Keep from Spreading Germs C non–
5. Y N
D un–
2. Which is a true statement about
this topic?
5. What does the word ___ / 5
A Germs cannot spread from one contagious mean?
person to another. Total
B You can do several things to prevent
A unhealthy
germs from making you sick. B disgusting
C Washing your hands isn’t C can be passed around
very important. D moves quickly
D Bacteria cannot grow on food.
A stop
B open
C permit
D operate
The first thing to do when you are not feeling well is to let your parents know. Sometimes it is
hard to tell whether you have a cold, the flu, or something more serious. So your parents may
take you to the doctor. Your doctor can do tests that will let you know what is making you sick.
You may be sick because of bacteria. Strep throat is an example of an illness caused by
bacteria. If bacteria has made you sick, your doctor will give you antibiotics. Antibiotics are
medicines that are designed to help your body get rid of the bacteria that is making you sick. It
is important to take all of the medicine the doctor gives you because your body needs all of the
medicine in order to kill the germs. It is also important to get plenty of rest because your body
needs rest to heal. Drinking plenty of liquids such as water and juice also helps.
Your doctor may tell you that you have a virus, like the flu. If you do, the best thing to do is
get plenty of rest. Even if you are not asleep, rest as much as you can. It is also important to
drink lots of fluids. Water, juice, and soup are especially good for you. Your parents can give you
medicine for your fever and aches. Tell your parents if you start to feel a lot worse or if you have
trouble breathing. They will take you back to the doctor.
1. What is an example of bacteria 5. Which is a purpose for reading
making you sick? this text?
1. Y N
A cold A to learn how to find a good doctor
B the wrong medicine B to learn how to become a doctor
C strep throat C to learn how to make your own juice 2. Y N
___ / 4
When was the last time you were sick? What was it like? Write about what happened
and what you did to feel better.
Vanessa usually got to class before the bell sounded, but today she was running late and
barely made it. She and her friends had been talking about a rumor they had heard, and
1. Y N
she hadn’t paid attention to the time. A few people had seen a new girl walking around, and
everyone wondered whose class she would be in. A lot of stories about the new student
had been passed around already, so Vanessa was curious about her. Just then, Mr. Sharpe
came into the classroom followed by a girl Vanessa had never seen before. This must be 2. Y N
the new student, and she was going to be in Vanessa’s class. “Okay, everyone,” Mr. Sharpe
announced, “I want you all to meet Niki. She’s just moved here, and moving isn’t easy, so
let’s all make her welcome.”
3. Y N
1. What is the setting of this text? 4. Which noun means the same
as rumor? 4. Y N
A the school library
B the cafeteria
A question
C a classroom
B gossip 5. Y N
D the gym
C interest
D friend
D a picture of a teacher
C passed around
D paid attention
Niki was a new student in Vanessa’s class. She had only been there for a few days, but
rumors about her were already spreading around. Some of Vanessa’s friends said that Niki
1. Y N
was really rich and she was a stuck-up snob. Other people spread the rumor that Niki got
good grades but only because she cheated on all of her tests. Vanessa heard other stories,
too, and she didn’t know which ones to believe. She didn’t know what to say to Niki, either.
2. Y N Niki never talked very much unless the teacher called on her. Vanessa had tried to talk to
her a few times. But every time she did, Niki ended the conversation as soon as possible.
Vanessa didn’t want to be rude or mean, but if Niki didn’t want to talk to her, maybe she was
a snob just as Vanessa had heard she was.
3. Y N
1. Why does Vanessa think that Niki 4. What kind of sentence is: Niki was a
4. Y N might be a snob? new student in Vanessa’s class.
A Making a Friend
B metaphors
C Rumor Has It
D alliteration
D Starting Over
A unkind
B cheap
C average
D friendly
Vanessa had tried to talk to Niki, the new student, but Niki never said much. Vanessa
was beginning to think that Niki was a snob—that’s what the rumor was about her, anyway.
Well, if Niki wanted to be a snob, that was just fine with Vanessa. So for several days,
1. Y N
Vanessa didn’t speak to Niki at all. Then one day, Vanessa noticed that Niki had forgotten
her notebook in class. Vanessa decided to try one last time to talk to Niki. Holding the
notebook, she followed Niki out of the classroom.
2. Y N
When she caught up with Niki, she said, “Here, I think you forgot this.”
Niki thanked her and abruptly turned away. Then, she suddenly turned back, smiled, and
3. Y N
said, “Thanks for being nice to me.”
Vanessa couldn’t believe Niki had actually spoken to her. Maybe she wasn’t such a snob.
4. Y N
1. What is the turning point in the 3. What does the word abruptly tell
text’s plot? readers about Niki’s action? 5. Y N
A never
B possibly
C really
D quietly
© Shell Education #50927—180 Days of Reading for Sixth Grade 71
The next day, Vanessa and Niki waited in the cafeteria for Vanessa’s other friends. Niki was
nervous, but Vanessa said, “Don’t worry. Just be yourself. You’ll be fine.” Finally, everyone
else arrived.
One of Vanessa’s friends took one look at Niki and asked, “Why are you sitting with the snob,
Vanessa? Come on and eat with us.” Niki’s eyes filled with tears.
Vanessa took a breath and then said, “I’m sitting with Niki because she’s my friend and she’s
nice. How about finding out for yourself instead of believing every rumor you hear?” For a
moment, everyone stared at each other. Then, very slowly, the other girls sat down at the table.
At first, nobody said much, but soon, they started talking. By the time lunch was over, Niki
realized that Vanessa was right—all she had to do was be herself. And all everyone else needed
to do was stop believing rumors.
1. Whom is the conflict between? 5. Which statement reflects a purpose
for reading this text?
A Vanessa and her math teacher 1. Y N
A Vanessa will eat lunch alone. 7. What lesson does Vanessa learn?
7. Y N
B Vanessa will be very angry with Niki. A She learns that Niki is a snob.
C Niki will stop speaking to Vanessa. B She learns not to believe rumors.
D Niki will have lunch with Vanessa and C She learns that her other friends 8. Y N
her friends again.
are snobs.
D She learns not to sit with her friends
4. How do Vanessa’s friends likely feel at lunch.
when they first see that she is sitting
___ / 8
with Niki?
8. How does Vanessa feel about no Total
A excited longer believing the rumors?
B surprised A She feels angry.
C frightened B She feels guilty.
D joyful C She feels proud.
D She feels afraid.
___ / 4
Have you ever heard rumors about people? What did you do? Write about what you
have done about a rumor or how you would handle gossip.
Companies want to sell products or services that people will buy. But in order to do
that, they need to understand their market—the people who will buy from them. So, many
1. Y N
companies use market research to find out about their customers. For example, imagine
a company is planning to make a new kind of video game. The company wants to make a
game people want. So the company decides to find out the mean, or average, age of
video-game players. To do that, the company finds out the ages of a group of players. Then, 2. Y N
the company adds up all of the ages and divides that total by the number of players. That is
the mean age. Then, the company can interview people in that age group and find out what
they want in a game.
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. Which word below is both a noun
4. Y N
and a verb?
A video games
B how companies make their products
A people
___ / 5
2. Which chapter title reflects the 5. What is a tool for finding out
main idea? about customers?
A division
B group
C total
D average
Imagine a company has decided to make a new kind of video game. The company knows
1. Y N that if the game costs too much, people will not buy it. If the game does not cost enough,
the company will not earn much money. So the company wants to find out how much money
people are willing to spend on video games. The company knows that a few people will
spend a lot of money on video games and a few people will only spend a little. The company
2. Y N wants to sell its game to the most people. So the company wants to find out how much most
people are willing to spend on video games. To do that, the company uses the median price
that people will pay. To find the median, the company lists all of the prices people will pay,
from lowest to highest price. The number in the middle of that list is the median price.
3. Y N
4. Y N
1. What is the first step in finding a 3. What does the root medi– in
median price? median mean?
A report
B earn
C learn
D ask
Imagine that a video game company makes several different games. The company wants
to make a lot of copies of the most popular games. That way, there will be enough copies
of those games for everyone who wants one. The company doesn’t want to make a lot of 1. Y N
copies of games that are not popular. If it does, there will be a lot of unsold copies of those
games. The company won’t earn money that way. So the company finds out how many
copies it sells of each game. It makes a list of games and the number of copies sold. The
2. Y N
game that appears the most often on that list is the mode—it is the most frequently bought
game. The company will make more copies of that game than it will make of other games
since it will probably sell more of that game.
3. Y N
A verb
2. According to this text, what does the
B noun
mode explain?
C adverb
A which games companies make
D adjective
B which item appears the least often on
a list
C how much a video game costs 5. Which word is a synonym
for enough?
D which item appears the most often on
a list A never
B some
C sufficient
D sparse
Game On
Imagine that BestGames wants to make a new video game called Dragon Days. BestGames
wants to make a game that people want to buy, so the company will do some market
research. One thing that BestGames wants to know is the mean age of video-game buyers.
So BestGames finds out the ages of a group of video-game buyers. Then, it adds up those
ages and divides that total by the number of buyers. Here is what BestGames learns about
video-game buyers:
Video-Game Buyers
Total video-game buyers 100
Sum of buyers’ ages 2,200
Mean age of video-game buyers 22
BestGames also wants to know how much people will pay for Dragon Days. So BestGames
asks a number of people how much they will pay for a game. BestGames wants to know how
much most people will pay, so it will list all of the prices people are willing to pay, from lowest
to highest. The number in the middle is the median. That number will give BestGames a good
idea of what most people will pay. Here is what BestGames learns about the median price
people will pay:
Once the game is in stores, BestGames needs to monitor its sales. So each month, the
company lists the game that sells the most copies. The game that is on that list most often is
the mode. That is the most popular game. If Dragon Days is the mode, BestGames will make
a lot of copies of that game. That is because it will probably sell most of them. Here is what
BestGames learns about its sales.
1. What is the average age of 5. Which was the least popular game
video-game buyers? between January and June?
1. Y N
A 22 A New World
B 100 B Dragon Days
C 2,200 C Your City 2. Y N
D 12 D BestGames
3. Y N
2. Based on the text, what can you 6. What would BestGames likely do if
tell about the definition of the Your City became the mode?
word mean?
A stop making video games 4. Y N
A not nice B make a lot of copies of Dragon Days
B have good intentions C stop selling it
C intend to do something D make more copies of it
5. Y N
D average
4. What would BestGames do if the 8. What does this text tell you about
mean age of game buyers were 8? market research?
___ / 8
A find out the mean age of game sellers A It is only helpful to video-game Total
B not make any more games
B It is mostly about making guesses.
C make more games for adults
C Companies rely on it to make
D make more games for kids many decisions.
D Most businesses do not think it is
very important.
___ / 4
How do you find the mean of a set of numbers? How do you find the median of a set of
numbers? Explain how to find the mean and the median of a set of numbers.
Josh got tired of losing his things, especially important things like money. He admitted
that it was mostly his own fault. He didn’t keep his room very organized and he didn’t clean
it often. Whenever he lost something, his mom or dad offered to help him look for it, but 1. Y N
Josh didn’t want them going through his things. One day, he lost a game that belonged to
his friend Ian, and although he looked for a long time, he couldn’t find it. That was when
he knew he needed to do something about his room. That night at dinner, he asked his
2. Y N
parents, “Can I have some crates or boxes or something for my stuff? I don’t want to keep
losing everything.” His mom and dad thought that would be a very good idea for Josh’s
room, so they agreed to take him shopping.
3. Y N
C Josh
B fill 5. Y N
D Ian’s dad
C eat too much
D push
A sang
B confessed
C realized
D denied
Josh and his parents went to the home-supply store to get some things to help him
organize his room. Josh had a bad habit of losing things, and he was tired of it. He wanted
1. Y N some way to keep track of everything, and he didn’t want to ask for help every time he
lost something. When they got to the store, Josh’s dad asked him what kinds of things
he wanted. At first, Josh wasn’t sure—he had never made an effort to organize his things
before. But soon, he chose a storage cart with four drawers in it and a storage bin that fit
2. Y N under his bed. Josh’s mom suggested a laundry hamper so Josh would have a separate
place for his dirty clothes. Josh had the feeling it wasn’t going to be easy to organize his
things, but now he had the tools he needed to do it.
3. Y N
1. Why do Josh and his parents go to 4. Which verb means to keep track of?
the home-supply store?
4. Y N A clean
A Josh needs to buy a new bed. B lose
B Josh’s parents need to buy some C monitor
5. Y N sheets and towels.
C Josh wants a way to keep track of
D throw
his things.
D His parents want to see what the 5. What does the phrase make an
___ / 5 store is like. effort mean?
Total A talk
2. How are events ordered in this text?
B shop
A in order of importance C clean
B in the order they occur D try
C in alphabetical order
D in numerical order
A mistake
B discover
C misplace
D discuss
Josh knew that he would have a lot of work to do. His parents had just gotten him some
new storage bins and a laundry hamper so he could organize his room. But his room was
1. Y N
such a mess that he didn’t quite know where to begin. The easiest thing to do was separate
clothes from everything else. So the first thing Josh did was to toss all of his dirty clothes
into his new laundry hamper. Once that was done, he looked around to see what else he
could separate from everything. There were a lot of movies and video games lying around, 2. Y N
so Josh gathered them all up and put them into one of his storage bins. Then, he picked up
books and papers and put them into another storage bin. It wasn’t long before everything
was put away.
3. Y N
1. What is the setting of this text? 4. Which is the root word in lying?
4. Y N
A the home-supply store A lie
B school B lay
C the living room C loaf 5. Y N
2. Why is Josh’s first action to put his 5. What does the phrase know where ___ / 5
dirty clothes in the hamper? to begin mean?
A Josh doesn’t have any clean clothes. A get ready to go
B His mom tells Josh to start B begin at the starting line
with clothes. C how to get started
C It is easiest to separate clothes from D start walking
everything else.
D Josh puts all of his clothes away.
A taken
B bought
C talked about
D washed
One day, Josh decided to get his skateboard out of the garage and ride it for a while.
When he got to the garage, though, he couldn’t find his skateboard. The garage was just as
disorganized as his room had been. Josh thought about it for a while and then decided he might
as well clean the garage. At least that way he would be able to find his skateboard, bike, and
helmet. He asked his parents if they could get more storage bins, and they were happy to agree
to that! His dad even said there were some bins in the basement, and that Josh could use them.
So one Saturday morning, his mom moved the car out of the garage, and Josh got to work.
First, he made separate piles for everything. There was a pile for gardening supplies, a pile
for tools, and a pile for bike and skateboard equipment. There was also a pile for painting and
cleaning supplies. By the time Josh was done, there were seven different piles of things. After
everything was sorted out, Josh started putting everything into different bins. It took a long time
because the garage was a big mess. But when Josh was finished, it looked a lot neater. When
everything was stored, Josh swept the garage. His family said the garage looked great, and
Josh knew that the next time he wanted his skateboard, he would be able to find it.
1. What is the last thing that 5. From which point of view is this
Josh does? text told?
1. Y N
A He sweeps the garage. A third person
B He makes separate piles for B first person
everything. C 2. Y N
second person
C He puts things into different bins. D There is no point of view.
D He looks for his skateboard.
3. Y N
6. Why might Josh wait until the very
2. What does it mean that Josh was end to sweep the garage?
tired of something?
A There is no room for him to sweep 4. Y N
A He needed sleep. until he stores everything.
B He was ready for a change. B His parents tell him that it’s not safe
C to sweep. 5. Y N
He needed to change a tire.
D He had too much energy.
C The broom is broken and Josh has to
get a new one.
D Josh is too tired to sweep at first. 6. Y N
3. What will likely happen the next time
Josh wants his skateboard?
7. How do Josh’s parents likely feel
A He will lose it. about the way the garage looks at 7. Y N
the end of the text?
B He will find it quickly.
C He will not ride it. A angry
8. Y N
D His dad will take it. B confused
C afraid
4. Which purpose for reading is most D happy
appropriate for this text?
___ / 8
A to know how someone stays 8. Which of these sayings is a good Total
organized summary of the theme of this text?
B to know how to keep my dog clean A Too many cooks spoil the broth.
C to read about a character who B The early bird catches the worm.
apologizes for a lie
D to read about how to better clean
C A place for everything, and
everything in its place.
my house
D Do unto others as you would have
them do unto you.
© Shell Education #50927—180 Days of Reading for Sixth Grade 85
___ / 4
How organized are you? Write about how you keep track of your things.
Have you ever passed a construction site? Putting up a house or another building takes a
lot of time and knowledge. If the building isn’t constructed well, it could be very dangerous.
1. Y N
If a building is constructed on land that can’t support a building, that could be dangerous,
too. So the people who design and make buildings have to be good at their jobs. There are
several steps to designing and constructing buildings. First, an architect (AHRK-i-tekt) draws
up the plans for the building. The architect makes a small model of the building so everyone 2. Y N
will know what the building will look like. Then, a construction company uses those plans to
make the house, store, or other building. When the building is finished, a building inspector
goes through it to make sure that everything is safe. Finally, the building is ready for people
to use it. 3. Y N
A then
B finally
C first
D have
In most cities, people cannot put up buildings wherever they want because different kinds
of buildings are used for different things. For example, factories are used to make things.
1. Y N
Sometimes, the people who work there use dangerous equipment. Factories can also
be extremely loud. So it wouldn’t be wise to have a factory next to a school. But factories
can be near each other. And schools and houses can be near each other—in fact, a lot
2. Y N of schools and houses are very near each other. So how do people know what kinds of
buildings they can put up in an area? Most cities and towns have laws called zoning laws.
Those laws tell which parts, or zones, of a city are for houses and schools, for factories, and
for stores and other businesses.
3. Y N
1. Which title best describes what this 4. Which noun describes rules for the
4. Y N text is about? parts of a city that are for different
kinds of buildings?
A An Architect’s Dream
B Building Up
A area laws
5. Y N
C City Zones
B business laws
D Living Together
C factory laws
D zoning laws
___ / 5
2. Which type of book would likely
Total include this information in a chapter? 5. What does the phrase put up mean
in this text?
A a book of maps
B a book about city government
A tolerate
A zone
B building
C factory
D law
It is important that buildings are safe for people. So most cities and states have laws that
tell how buildings must be constructed. Those laws are called building codes. For example,
1. Y N
codes tell how floors and walls must be made. They also tell what materials can be used
for basements, attics, and roofs. There are other codes, too, that builders must follow when
they construct houses, factories, and other buildings. In fact, before a building can be used,
a building inspector goes through the building. The building inspector checks to make sure 2. Y N
that the building has been constructed properly. If the builders have followed the codes,
then walls and floors are sturdy and roofs are safe and strong. Electrical wiring has been
done properly. And stairs are wide enough and strong enough to be safe. Once the building
inspector is sure that the building follows the codes, then people can use the building. 3. Y N
A hyper–
B sub–
C per–
D im–
Civil Engineers
How are houses, stores, and other buildings designed? What about roads, bridges, and
tunnels? Many of these are designed by civil engineers. They manage all kinds of construction
projects. They design tunnels, bridges, and office buildings. They design houses and apartment
buildings, too. Some work for cities and states. Others work for construction companies. One
of their jobs is to see that construction projects are safe. Another is to be sure that they do not
harm the environment. They also must be sure their projects are completed on time.
Sometimes, civil engineers are hired by towns or cities. For example, if a city is planning to
build a new mall or office building, it will need civil engineers. If a company wants to build a new
apartment complex, it may hire a civil engineer. If a state wants to build a new system of roads
or improve the roads it has, it will hire civil engineers.
How do civil engineers learn their jobs? Most people who want to be civil engineers go to
college. They study math, physics, and other kinds of science. After college, they often work
with an experienced engineer. They do their job for four years, and then they take a special
exam. If they pass that exam, they get a license. With that license, they can work directly with
people or they can be hired by companies.
Civil engineers often work near construction sites. Many work near larger towns and cities
where buildings are being planned. Civil engineers are responsible for a lot of things. They
must be sure that their projects follow building codes and are completed by the deadline. They
also have to be sure that their projects do not harm the environment or cost more than the
budget allows.
1. Which question is not answered in 5. Which of these projects would a civil
the text? engineer manage?
1. Y N
A What do civil engineers do? A building a new kind of computer
B How much money do civil B designing a new style of jeans
engineers earn? C 2. Y N
designing a new kind of car
C How do civil engineers learn D building a new shopping center
their jobs?
D Who hires civil engineers? 3. Y N
6. Which is likely the author’s opinion
about civil engineers?
2. Which words in the text help the
reader understand the meaning of A They do not work hard. 4. Y N
the word engineer?
B They are professional athletes.
A building and designed C They are not interesting.
5. Y N
B civil and responsible D They do important work.
C towns and cities
D budget and cost 7. Who would most likely work with a 6. Y N
civil engineer?
___ / 4
What do you think it might be like to be a civil engineer? Write about what would be
the best and the hardest parts of the job.
This morning, the weather was cloudy and the forecast was for very rainy weather,
so Melanie wore a hooded jacket to school. At school, Mrs. Jackson explained that a
1. Y N
low-pressure weather system was going to pass through the area. That meant that the
air would be warmer, so it would rise, and that would bring wind, clouds, and a lot of rain.
Mrs. Jackson told the class that low-pressure systems sometimes lead to major storms,
such as hurricanes. When she heard that, Melanie wondered if this particular low-pressure 2. Y N
system would bring a hurricane. Mrs. Jackson said, “Well, there is a hurricane forming out
over the ocean, but we don’t know if it will hit land yet. And fortunately, we’re not very near
the ocean, so it probably won’t be a serious storm here.”
3. Y N
___ / 5
2. What does the important vocabulary 5. What is the meaning of hit in
in this text teach readers? this text? Total
3. What is a hurricane?
A a kind of jacket
B a kind of storm
C a kind of ocean
D a kind of cloud
Melanie had heard in class and in weather reports that there was going to be a major
storm. A hurricane was forming over the ocean, and it was possible that it might hit land.
1. Y N
One morning, the weather report mentioned that the barometric pressure was starting to
fall. That meant that a low-pressure system was starting to move through the area. Melanie
asked her parents what they would do if a hurricane did strike land. They told Melanie
that they lived inland—not very near the ocean. So the storm probably wouldn’t be severe.
2. Y N
“Besides,” her mom told Melanie, “even if it is a serious storm, we’re ready. We’ve got
flashlights and lanterns in case we lose power. And there’s plenty of food and bottled water.”
3. Y N
1. What does Melanie’s mom say about 4. Which verb has a similar meaning to
the weather? the word mentioned?
4. Y N
A She doesn’t know about the weather. A shouted
B There will probably not be any rain. B asked
5. Y N
C The family is ready in case there is C stated
a storm. D surveyed
D The weather is sunny and warm.
2. What makes Melanie think there pressure of a mass of air?
might be a storm?
A ocean pressure
A Melanie’s friends have told her there B land
will be a storm.
B A hurricane is forming over
C hurricane
the ocean. D barometric pressure
C Her mom and dad are very worried
about the weather.
D Melanie is afraid of hurricanes.
A serious
B cloudy
C distant
D brilliant
A major storm was predicted to strike within the next few days. Melanie and her parents
weren’t worried about it because they had the supplies they would need. But they still
wanted to be sure that they were prepared. So they checked to make sure that everything 1. Y N
was ready in case the storm was severe. Melanie checked each flashlight and lantern to
be sure that all of them were working. Her dad checked that the windows and doors were
sealed properly. Her mom checked to be sure that the basement was sealed off so water
wouldn’t leak in. The family also went over their emergency plan. Then they made sure they 2. Y N
had plenty of canned food and water. When they were done, they knew that they were ready
if bad weather came.
3. Y N
1. Which action is not part of this 3. Which two words are synonyms?
text’s plot?
4. Y N
A canned and food
A The family checks that the basement B sealed and properly
is sealed.
B The family checks that the smoke
C storm and strike 5. Y N
A telephoned
B traveled
C reviewed
D wrote
Storm Front
A major storm had been predicted for a few days. Finally one afternoon, it struck. Melanie
had just gotten home from school when the sky began to get unusually dark and the wind began
to blow harder. She hurried around the house shutting the windows so that rain wouldn’t pour
in. For a while, not much happened, although it did start to sprinkle. Fortunately, Melanie’s mom
and dad got home from work before the weather got terribly bad.
Then, all of a sudden, the skies opened up. The rain poured down as though someone had
overturned a bucket of water. It lashed against the roofs and churned down the streets. It beat a
loud drumbeat on the windowpanes and ran like a river down driveways. It was raining so hard
that Melanie could barely see through the windows, but she could certainly hear the wind. It
whipped the tree limbs around and rattled against the windows and doors.
Before long, the wind had raised its voice from a moan to a loud scream as the storm blew
through. Then, everything went dark. For a moment, everybody sat silently, but then Melanie
felt her way to the kitchen for some flashlights. Melanie’s dad went to get lanterns and her mom
pulled some blankets out of the closet. Everyone got comfortable in the living room as they
waited for the storm to pass.
1. What do the title and picture tell 5. From which point of view is this
readers about the topic of the text? text told?
1. Y N
A It is about a swimming pool party. A third person
B It is about moving to a new town. B first person
C It is about buying a new house. C second person 2. Y N
3. Y N
2. Why does everything go dark? 6. Which inference makes the most
sense, based on the text?
A The lightbulb burns out.
B The storm makes the house
A The wind blew the tree limbs down. 4. Y N
3. Why might the author use words 7. What can a reader learn from 6. Y N
such as churned and lashed? this text?
4. How do Melanie and her parents 8. Why is the family able to get through
solve the problem of getting food the storm so easily?
___ / 8
without electricity?
A They are very well prepared, with Total
A They decide not to eat dinner. food and extra sources of light.
B They make peanut butter and jelly B Peanut butter and jelly is their
sandwiches. favorite meal.
___ / 4
Tell about the worst storm you can remember. What was it like? Write about the storm.
How do you learn about what’s going on in the world? Many people get their news by
reading a daily newspaper. Newspapers generally have several sections. Each section
1. Y N
focuses on one kind of story. The front section is for major national stories. World news is
in the front section, too. There is often another section that gives local and regional news.
Many newspapers have a section for sports news, too. Some have a section for business
news. Newspapers also often have a section that lists movies and TV shows. Opinions are 2. Y N
often given in a newspaper’s editorial section. That’s where the newspaper prints letters to
the editor. And finally, newspapers usually have a classified section. That section lists ads
for jobs, personal ads, and items to be bought or sold.
3. Y N
A major
B city
C area
D newspaper
Many people get their news by listening to the radio. There are some advantages to
1. Y N listening to the radio to get news. For one thing, news can be reported on the radio as it
is happening. People don’t have to wait until the newspaper is delivered to find out what is
going on. For another, radio news is convenient. People can find out the news while they
are commuting, or traveling to work. In fact, radio news is so popular that there are many
2. Y N all-news radio stations. Radio stations often report the news every hour. Some report it
every half-hour. At rush hour, they also have traffic reports. Radio news stories often do not
have a lot of detail. That is because radio stations tend to have short news breaks.
3. Y N
Since 1926, news has been reported on television. Until the late 1940s, though, most
people did not have TVs, so most people listened to the radio for their news. As more
1. Y N
people have gotten TVs, television news has become more and more important. Today,
most people have TVs, and most TV stations have news programs. There are a few kinds
of news programs. One of them is local news. Local news focuses on stories from the area
served by the TV station. Reporters go to places where news is happening and report their 2. Y N
stories. Local news programs have three sections: news, sports, and weather. Other kinds
of news programs report world and national news. Those programs do not usually have
sports and weather sections. Some news programs are called news magazines. Those
programs report stories in greater depth. There are a few news-only stations that have both 3. Y N
shorter news programs and news magazines.
4. Y N
1. How does the text compare local TV 3. Which word is a synonym
news and national TV news? for sections?
A taking place
B reporting on
C listening to
D taking a break
Extra! Extra!
Today there are many ways in which people can follow news stories. Many people listen to
the news on the radio while they are going to and from work. Other people read the newspaper
to get their news. But more than ever before, people get their news from the Internet. In a
survey of 2,259 adults, 61 percent said they get their news from the Internet.
There are a lot of different ways to get news on the Internet. Some people go to news
websites where they read articles about different news events. Other people go to blogs and
other websites where people write about news events and discuss them. Some people go to
video websites where they watch videos of news stories. All of those ways can help you learn
about what is happening in the news, but there are important things to keep in mind. First, it is
important to be sure you are going to safe sites. Second, it is important to remember that some
blogs and social media sites give their own points of view about events. Just because you read
a story on a blog or on a social site doesn’t mean the story is true. It’s a good idea to check any
story at a news site to be sure it is true. It’s also a good idea to check out some news sites so
you know what is happening.
Many, many people also get their news from TV. In fact, 78 percent of people in the survey
said they get their news from TV. Both TV news programs and TV news magazines can tell you
what is going on, too. Again, it’s a good idea to find out what different TV programs say about a
story so you know the whole story. You can even use the Internet and TV to follow a story. That
is what 92 percent of people in the survey said they do. Today more than ever, there are a lot of
ways to follow a news story.
1. Why should readers check stories on 5. What is a fact about blogs and social
a news site? media sites?
1. Y N
A There are not many news sites. A They are not current.
B There are many news sites. B They give their own points of view.
C News sites have a lot of videos. C They only share lies. 2. Y N
A Look it up in a dictionary.
B The author reads news stories.
3. What is the author’s purpose? 7. What does the text say about how to
follow the news?
A to instruct 7. Y N
B to persuade
A There are many ways to follow
the news.
C to inform B TV is the best way. 8. Y N
D to entertain C The Internet is not an effective way.
D Radio is outdated.
4. How do people who drive a
long distance to work likely get
___ / 8
their news? 8. Which summarizes how most people
get their news? Total
A only from the Internet
B on the radio while they are in
A from newspapers and TV
their cars B from the Internet and TV
C only from newspapers C from TV and the radio
D on billboards D from the radio and newspapers
___ / 4
What kind of news stories do you think are interesting? Write about how and where
you get news.
Shawn had an uneasy feeling right from the beginning that this was going to be an
annoying day. For one thing, he almost missed the school bus and had to race to get to the
1. Y N
bus stop on time. Then, when Shawn arrived at school, things quickly went downhill. In
English class, Mr. Matthews announced that everyone would be writing persuasive essays.
Shawn hated writing any kind of essay—he could never figure out what to write, and he
always ended up waiting until the last minute. Mr. Matthews announced that the class would 2. Y N
have a week to do the assignment and that he would be available to answer questions
after school. Shawn decided he was going to have to do something—maybe talk to Mr.
Matthews—because he had no idea how to get started on his essay.
3. Y N
1. How does Shawn plan to solve 4. What does the adjective persuasive
4. Y N
his problem? tell a reader about an essay?
A He will ask Mr. Matthews for help. A The essay tells how to do something.
B He will not write the essay. B The essay tells a personal story. 5. Y N
A uni–
B sub–
C un–
D pre–
Mr. Matthews had assigned the class a persuasive essay, and Shawn had no idea
1. Y N how to begin. He really disliked writing essays, but he also didn’t want to do poorly on
the assignment. So one day, he remained after school to try to get some advice from
Mr. Matthews. When he had caught Mr. Matthews’s attention, Shawn explained his situation.
“I never know how to get started with essays,” he began. “I get nervous about it, so I just
2. Y N stare at the blank page until the assignment’s due, and then I scribble whatever comes to
my mind. I know that’s a terrible way to write, but I don’t know any other way.”
Mr. Matthews replied, “You’re not the only one in that situation, Shawn. Let me offer you a
3. Y N few pointers for getting started, and hopefully, they will help you organize your ideas.”
4. Y N
1. What is the setting of this text? 4. What does the verb scribble indicate
about Shawn?
A a classroom
5. Y N B a cafeteria
A He writes slowly and carefully.
C a gymnasium
B He takes a lot of time to write.
D a principal’s office
C He plans his work weeks in advance.
D He writes quickly and without a plan.
___ / 5
2. How does the author share a
solution to Shawn’s problem? 5. What does the phrase a few
pointers mean?
A Shawn realizes his own solutions in
a dream. A advice or tips
B Mr. Matthews suggests solutions. B arrows
C The author describes the solution for C papers
the reader. D words
D The author does not include
a solution.
A stay
B leave
C study
D explain
Mr. Matthews was helping Shawn plan a persuasive essay he was assigned to write. “The
first step,” Mr. Matthews explained, “is to develop an opinion on something that’s important
to you.” Shawn wanted very much to be on the school’s football team. He had tried out for 1. Y N
the team, but he hadn’t been selected, so he decided to write a persuasive essay explaining
why he should be allowed to be a part of the team even if he didn’t play in every game.
Mr. Matthews agreed that Shawn had a workable idea for a persuasive essay, and he asked
2. Y N
Shawn to write it down. Then, Mr. Matthews asked Shawn to list all of the strongest reasons
he could think of—reasons that would convince someone that Shawn was right for the team.
When Shawn was finished, he had the ingredients for his essay.
3. Y N
1. What is Mr. Matthews helping Shawn 4. Which verb has the same meaning
to do? as allowed? 4. Y N
___ / 5
2. How does the author organize the 5. What is the tone of the text?
plot of this text? Total
A informative
A It is told in the order that Shawn B silly
should take to write his essay.
B It is told in the order of what
C mysterious
happened over a week. D encouraging
C It compares Shawn’s experience with
another student.
D It is told as a persuasive tale.
A explain
B agree
C essay
D convince
Mr. Matthews suggested that Shawn begin by selecting a topic that was important to him.
Shawn wanted to be on the football team, so he decided to write a paper explaining why he
should be on the team. Next, Mr. Matthews suggested that Shawn list the strongest and best
reasons he could think of that would persuade people. When Shawn had listed his reasons, he
was ready to start writing.
First, Shawn wrote a draft of the paper. He began with his main point—that he should be
allowed to be on the football team. Then, he explained why he should be on the team, using the
reasons he had listed. Then, he wrote the conclusion—the end of the paper. After Shawn had
his draft finished, he was ready to revise what he had written.
Shawn read the paper aloud to himself and to his parents. His mom and dad suggested ways
that he could revise the paper to make it more convincing. Then, Shawn read the paper again.
This time, he thought of a few persuasive details himself. After the revisions were finished, it was
time to edit.
1. What is notable about the title? 5. From which point of view is this
text told?
A It indicates that the story is 1. Y N
about Shawn. A third person
B It uses a homophone to hint that the B first person
story is about writing. C second person 2. Y N
C It hints that the text is about D There is no point of view.
being right.
D The story teaches the difference 3. Y N
between right and wrong. 6. Which inference makes the
most sense?
2. Why does Shawn look for errors in A Mr. Matthews does not know who 4. Y N
his essay? Shawn is.
___ / 4
Do you think Shawn should be allowed to work with the football team even though he
was not chosen? Why? Explain your answer.
Do you live near a river? People have made their homes and built towns and cities near
rivers for thousands of years. A nearby river helps people in many ways. One way is that
rivers offer a steady supply of water. Water is essential for life. People have used river water 1. Y N
to cook, clean, drink, raise animals, and grow crops for a very long time. Another thing that
makes rivers very appealing is that they provide a good source of food. Fish and other water
animals have been a part of people’s diets for thousands of years. Finally, rivers provide
2. Y N
good transportation. They allow people to travel from one place to another, and they allow
goods to be moved easily from one place to another. No wonder so many of the first cities
were built near rivers.
3. Y N
1. Which statement is not a way that 4. In this text, the word drink is which
having a river nearby helps people? part of speech? 4. Y N
A large
B necessary
C attractive
D new
What is the climate like where you live? Climate has a tremendous effect on the places
where people live and on the kinds of homes and lives they have. A climate that is too cold
1. Y N
makes it extremely hard to find and grow food. That means fewer people can live there, and
those people who do live there don’t get as much food. That’s why most of the first cities
weren’t built in very cold climates. A climate that is too hot and dry doesn’t allow people
to grow food easily, either. That’s one reason why the first cities weren’t built in very hot
2. Y N
climates. The first cities were built in places where the climate is warm and pleasant. That
way, people could grow crops and have pastures for their animals.
3. Y N
A enormous
B unimportant
C silly
D grateful
Some places have many natural resources such as coal, iron, or trees. Other places
do not. What happens to people who live in places without many natural resources? How
1. Y N
can they get them? People who lived in early cities solved this problem. They developed
a system of trade. People who lived in places with many natural resources traded those
resources. They got goods such as clothes and tools. People who lived in places without
natural resources made goods. They traded those goods for the things they needed. For 2. Y N
example, they traded goods for iron and lumber. Trading allowed people to get what they
needed. It also allowed different people to communicate. This meant that people could
learn from one another. It also meant that people passed their language and culture along.
This is called cultural diffusion. 3. Y N
A coal
B iron
C trees
D houses
One reason that cities developed where they did is rivers. The city-state of Sumer
(sue-MARE) was one early civilization. It developed in the Middle East. It was between the
Tigris (TAHY-gris) and Euphrates (yoo-FREY-teez) rivers. The Indus (IN-duhs) Valley civilization
was in India. It was located near the Indus River. The first Chinese civilizations developed near
the Huang He, or Yellow River. The first cities in Egypt were built near the Nile River. Rivers
were very important because they provided many things. They provided an easy source of water
for drinking, cooking, and more. They also served as a good source of food. They also allowed
people to travel more. Later, people used rivers for transportation.
The first cities were located in warm, pleasant climates. People needed warm climates so that
they could grow crops and have pastures for their animals. All of the earliest cities were located
in warm climates with plenty of rain.
Not all cities had everything people needed. So people developed a system of trade. They
traded goods they made. They got natural resources from other places. They also learned from
one another. They spread their own cultures and languages. That process is called cultural
diffusion. Gradually, cities became larger, and more people lived in them. But it all started with
a good source of water and a warm climate.
Ancient Sumer
1. What does the map tell you 5. What is the author’s purpose?
about Sumer?
A to persuade 1. Y N
A It is in India. B to inform
B It is in Egypt. C to entertain
C It is in Iraq. D to instruct
2. Y N
D It is in South America.
D They moved around a lot. D They did not want to live near
other people.
___ / 4
Imagine you could start your own city. Where would you put it? Why? Explain
your answer.
Stephanie’s best friend, Lindsey, was having a birthday in a few weeks. The problem
was that Stephanie had no idea what to get her. She didn’t want to get Lindsey clothes
or jewelry—everyone did that. Stephanie wanted her gift to be extra special. It didn’t help 1. Y N
matters that Stephanie didn’t have a lot of money to spend. Whatever she got for Lindsey
would have to be inexpensive. Stephanie thought about it for days but couldn’t come up with
any good ideas. Her mom usually had good ideas for presents. But even she couldn’t think
of an idea that Stephanie liked. As Lindsey’s birthday got closer, Stephanie became more 2. Y N
and more worried. What if she couldn’t think of anything at all? She couldn’t skip her best
friend’s birthday, but she didn’t want to go to Lindsey’s party without a good present.
3. Y N
Stephanie was worried because she couldn’t think of a good birthday present for her
best friend, Lindsey. And Lindsey’s birthday was coming up soon. Stephanie would have to
1. Y N
think of something fast. Finally, Stephanie decided that the best thing to do was just to ask
Lindsey what she wanted. So one day, when Lindsey came over, Stephanie did just that. To
Stephanie’s shock, Lindsey said, “Forget about the whole birthday thing. Something terrible
2. Y N has happened! My parents just told me we’re moving! I don’t even want to think about my
birthday! I don’t even think I want presents.” Both girls sat silently for a while. Stephanie
couldn’t believe this was happening! Her best friend was leaving her and there was nothing
she could do about it. This was much worse than not having the perfect birthday present
3. Y N for Lindsey.
4. Y N 1. Why doesn’t Lindsey want 3. What does the word terrible tell you
birthday presents? about Lindsey?
A a metaphor
B a simile
C alliteration
D personification
Stephanie couldn’t think of a good birthday gift for her best friend, Lindsey. She thought
that was the worst of her troubles until Lindsey told her the bad news. Lindsey and her
1. Y N
family were moving! Stephanie was terribly upset about it. Still, she wanted to give Lindsey
a present. After a lot of thought, Stephanie finally hit on exactly the right present. She had
a lot of good pictures of things she and Lindsey had done together. She also had plenty
of pictures of places they’d been to and friends they shared. Stephanie decided she would 2. Y N
make a photo album for Lindsey. First, she got Mom to take her to the store to buy just the
right album. Then, she put all of the pictures together into the album. She labeled each
picture and then added her own drawings. Finally, the photo album was done. Stephanie
was really hoping Lindsey would like it. 3. Y N
1. Who is the main character in 4. If the author didn’t want to use the 4. Y N
this text? verb labeled, which verb has the
same meaning?
A Lindsey
A drew 5. Y N
B Mom
C Stephanie
B titled
D Dad
C colored
D pasted ___ / 5
2. What will Stephanie give Lindsey for Total
her birthday? 5. Which word indicates that you are
about to read a set of steps in order?
A a photo album full of pictures
B a label maker
A pictures
C new music
B album
A smacked
B played baseball
C won
D thought of
Lindsey’s parents had said she could have a birthday party. But Lindsey didn’t really want
one. She just wanted Stephanie to come over for a while and keep her company. So on the day
of Lindsey’s birthday, Stephanie went over to her house with the photo album she’d made. When
she got there, she gave Lindsey her present. Lindsey opened it reluctantly—she really wasn’t in
the mood for gifts. But then she saw the photo album and couldn’t resist taking a peek inside. In
no time at all, she and Stephanie were laughing at some of the pictures. They talked about the
friends in other pictures and reminded each other of the good times they had had.
After a while, both girls began to feel just a little bit better. Then, Lindsey’s father came into
the living room where the girls were sitting. “I just talked to your parents,” he told Stephanie.
“I asked them if you could stay overnight, and they said that would be fine.” Stephanie and
Lindsey looked at each other and then both squealed. They hugged each other, and then they
hugged Lindsey’s father. Maybe Lindsey was going to be moving, but that didn’t mean the girls
couldn’t enjoy the time they still had.
1. Why do you think Lindsey isn’t in the 5. What is one purpose for reading
mood for gifts? this text?
1. Y N
A She’s angry because nobody A to learn about how to give the perfect
remembered her birthday. birthday present
B She already has too many gifts. B to enjoy a story of two good friends 2. Y N
C It isn’t her birthday. C to find out about birthday parties
D She is sad that her family is moving. D to learn how to wrap a present
3. Y N
2. How do the two girls likely feel on the 6. Which inference can be made based
morning after the sleepover? on the text?
4. Y N
A rested A Lindsey does not like the photo
B album that Stephanie gives her.
C exhausted
B Lindsey’s father does not want 5. Y N
Stephanie to stay overnight.
D startled C The two girls have never met before.
D The two girls are surprised when 6. Y N
3. How does Lindsey likely feel about Lindsey’s father invites Stephanie to
Stephanie coming to her house? stay overnight.
A grateful 7. Y N
B frightened
7. How do you think Stephanie feels
about giving Lindsey a photo album?
C jealous
A pleased 8. Y N
D worried
B ashamed
___ / 4
Have you ever had a good friend move away? Have you ever moved away from a
good friend? Write about what happened and what it was like, or what it might be like
to move.
What’s the first thing you should do if there is an emergency? Your best choice is almost
always to call 911. When you call 911, your call will be answered by a dispatcher, who will 1. Y N
find out what your emergency is and send help. The dispatcher will ask you questions to
help decide whether you need a police officer, an ambulance, a fire truck, or other help. The
dispatcher may also give you some instructions. After that, the dispatcher will send help.
What should you do when you call 911? Take a deep breath before you call. That way, 2. Y N
you will be able to tell the dispatcher what the emergency is. Give the dispatcher as many
details as you can. That way, the dispatcher will know what kind of help to send. Follow the
dispatcher’s instructions carefully. Then, wait for help to arrive.
3. Y N
A directions
B information
C dispatchers
D emergencies
Would you be prepared to help if your best friend were choking on something? You would
if you’ve learned the Heimlich maneuver (HYM-lick muh-NOO-ver). The Heimlich maneuver
1. Y N
is a special procedure that helps people who are choking to expel, or push out, the object
that is caught in their throats. Follow these steps to perform the Heimlich maneuver:
2. Y N 1. Stand behind the choking person and wrap your arms around his or her waist.
2. Make a fist and place the thumb side of your fist against the person’s upper abdomen,
below the rib cage and above the navel (belly button).
3. Y N
3. Grasp your fist with your other hand and press into the person’s upper abdomen with
a quick upward thrust. Do not squeeze the person’s rib cage; confine the force of the
thrust to your hands.
4. Y N
4. Keep thrusting with your fist until the choking person expels the object.
5. Y N
1. What does this text explain? 3. Which word means to push
something out?
A how to perform the
Heimlich maneuver A fist
___ / 5 B how to eat carefully so you B expel
Total won’t choke C choke
C why people sometimes choke D wrap
D the history of the Heimlich maneuver
4. What does the verb thrust refer to?
2. How does the text feature below help A part of the body
a reader?
(HYM-lick muh-NOO-ver) B type of food
How can you help if someone gets seriously cut? If it is a very serious cut, call 911 or
call for other help immediately. While you’re waiting, you can help stop the bleeding. Deep
1. Y N
and serious cuts can lead to a lot of blood loss, and that’s dangerous, so it’s extremely
important to stop the bleeding. Start by covering the wound with cloth. The best kind of
cloth is gauze. Many large bandages are made of gauze. But if there’s no gauze available,
a towel is almost as effective. If you’re outside or someplace without towels, even a shirt will 2. Y N
work. After you’ve covered up the wound, put pressure directly on the covering. Pressure
causes the blood to clot and the wound to close up so that it can heal. Don’t take the cloth
off the wound; otherwise, you’ll open up the wound and the blood cannot clot as well. Keep
pressure on the wound until medical help arrives. 3. Y N
A informative
B silly
C persuasive
D mysterious
Nobody likes to think about being in an emergency, but they happen. If you know what
to do when there is an emergency, you can save lives. In most emergencies, the best thing
you can do is call 911. The 911 emergency system is set up to get people the help they need
immediately. When you call 911, the dispatcher finds out what kind of help you need. Then the
dispatcher gives you instructions for what to do while you wait for help. Next, the dispatcher
sends help to you. It is very important to remember that 911 is only for emergencies. So don’t
call 911 unless you really need to; otherwise, people with emergencies might not be able to get
through. If you do have a real emergency, the 911 system is there to help.
1. Which sentence supports the idea 5. Why might the author mention the
that you can learn to stop bleeding? Heimlich maneuver?
1. Y N
A When you call 911, the dispatcher A It is very expensive and does not
finds out what kind of help you need. always work.
B One of them is the B It is not hard to learn and it can save 2. Y N
Heimlich Maneuver. lives.
C Applying direct pressure to a wound C Only adults can learn it.
is the best way to do that. D It is too dangerous for people to use. 3. Y N
D If you do have a real emergency, the
911 system is there to help.
6. How might a person feel after helping
someone in an emergency? 4. Y N
2. What could happen if too many
people call 911 when there is not an A hungry
B angry 5. Y N
A There would be no emergencies. C tired
B There would be fewer emergencies. D proud
C People would call 911. 6. Y N
___ / 4
Have you ever been in an emergency? If so, write about what happened and what you
did. If not, write about how you would respond to an emergency.
Paul usually took the bus to and from school, but today, his mom picked him up. He had
an appointment at the dentist, and they needed to be there on time. When they arrived
at the dentist’s office, Paul signed in, and he and his mom took seats in the waiting room. 1. Y N
Soon, Paul’s name was called, and he followed the dental hygienist (hahy-JEN-ist) back to
an exam room. The dental hygienist cleaned Paul’s teeth and took X-rays of them. A few
minutes later, the dentist examined Paul’s teeth, too, and looked at the X-rays. The dentist
2. Y N
told Paul that he didn’t have any cavities, and that was good news. But the dentist had other
news: Paul was going to need braces.
3. Y N
B Paul’s home
A visited
C school
B came
D noticed
Paul’s dentist told him that he was going to need braces and recommended that Paul see
an orthodontist. The orthodontist would work with Paul to straighten his teeth. Paul’s mother
1. Y N
made an appointment at the orthodontist’s office. The first step was to find out exactly
what kind of work Paul’s teeth would need, so the orthodontist took special X-rays of Paul’s
teeth and gums. Then, she, Paul, and Paul’s mom sat down to discuss what needed to be
2. Y N done. She explained that Paul’s teeth were slightly crowded and that braces would help
move and separate them. She also said that Paul had a slight overbite. That meant that his
upper teeth overlapped his lower teeth a little. Both problems could easily be corrected with
braces, so Paul and his mom decided to get started.
3. Y N
___ / 5
D a special kind of dentist who makes
2. What does the orthodontist explain toothbrushes and toothpaste
Total about Paul’s teeth?
A Paul’s teeth are slightly crowded, and 4. Which part of speech is work in the
he has a slight overbite. phrase kind of work?
B Paul’s teeth are too small for A noun
his mouth.
C Paul is missing several teeth.
B verb
A talk about
B ignore
C work on
D purchase
Paul needed braces for his teeth, so he and his mother went to the orthodontist to get
started. The orthodontist told them what to expect. She explained that everyone is different,
so not everyone wears braces for the same amount of time. But she gave Paul and his mom 1. Y N
a good idea of what would probably happen. After Paul got his braces, he would probably
wear them for two years. Every couple of months, he would go to the orthodontist for a
checkup. He would also get his braces adjusted. After about two years, Paul would get his
braces removed. He would then get a retainer to help keep his teeth straightened. At first, 2. Y N
Paul would need the retainer all the time, but gradually, he would wear it less often. After
about another six months, he probably wouldn’t need the retainer.
3. Y N
A hemo–
B super–
C pro–
D mal–
Paul was going to get braces on his teeth. He and his mother had talked to the orthodontist
about what was going to happen, so he was prepared, but he was still a little nervous. Before
Paul could have his braces put on, the orthodontist had to know the size and shape of his mouth
and teeth so the braces would be the right size. So one day, Paul went to the orthodontist’s
office to get molds made of his teeth.
Two weeks later, Paul’s mother got a call to tell her that Paul’s braces were ready. So they
went to the orthodontist’s office again to have the braces put on. Paul was surprised that it didn’t
hurt to have the braces put on. After the orthodontist was finished, though, Paul’s teeth started
to hurt. The orthodontist explained that Paul would be uncomfortable for a few days, but his
teeth wouldn’t hurt for long. And she was right! Within a few days, Paul was getting used to the
braces, and before long, he often forgot he had them.
1. Which statement is supported by 5. This text is told in
the illustration?
A third-person point of view. 1. Y N
A The story is about going to school. B first-person point of view.
B The story is about taking pictures. C second-person point of view.
C The story is about getting braces. D There is no point of view.
2. Y N
___ / 4
Do you have braces? What was it like to get them? If you do not have braces, does
someone you know have braces? What do you think it would be like? Write about
what it was like or what it would be like.
Track and field events are an important part of the Olympic Games. When many people
think of the Olympics, they think about track and field events first. Track and field events
1. Y N
involve running, jumping, and throwing and are usually held at a stadium with an oval
running track. There are three kinds of running events: sprints, middle-distance races,
and long-distance races. Sprints are short races. Runners win them by going as fast as
possible. Sprinting events are very old; they have been around for thousands of years. 2. Y N
Middle- and long-distance races require more stamina (STAM-min-uh), or endurance. In
those races, it is more important to keep going for a long time than to go fast. Some running
events are relay races. Those races are for teams of runners.
3. Y N
1. Which is not a kind of track and 4. What type of race does a team of
field event? runners compete in? 4. Y N
A running A sprint
B jumping B stamina 5. Y N
C throwing C relay
D swimming D middle-distance
___ / 5
2. What do middle-distance and 5. What is the tone of the text?
long-distance races require? Total
A informative
A speed B silly
B stamina C persuasive
C practice D serious
D a team of runners
A stamina
B sprint
C relay
D oval
Running events are not the only track and field events. There are also several jumping
events. In those events, the goal is to jump as high or as far as possible. For example, in
1. Y N
the long jump, athletes run for a short distance to a jumping board and a sandpit. They
use the jumping board to try to jump as far as they can. In the high jump, the idea is to get
as much height as possible when the athlete jumps. In that event, athletes run for a short
2. Y N distance, and then they take off from one foot and jump over a raised bar. In the pole vault,
athletes run along a runway holding a long pole. When they get to the end of the runway,
they plant one end of the pole in a metal box and use the pole to jump over a very high bar.
3. Y N
1. What is true for both the high jump 4. In which sentence below is the word
and the pole vault? foot used as a noun?
4. Y N
A Athletes jump over a metal bar. A My mom does not want to foot the bill
B for dinner.
Athletes jump into a sandpit.
5. Y N
C Athletes jump into water.
B The child walked a foot or two
before crying.
D Athletes jump onto a horse. C My favorite sport is football.
D What time does the foot race start?
___ / 5 2. Which is true of all three
jumping events?
Total 5. What does the phrase take off mean
A Athletes start by throwing something. in this text?
B Athletes start by carrying a pole. A remove
C Athletes start by diving. B leave the ground
D Athletes start by running for a C cut off
short distance.
D copy
Some track and field events involve throwing things. For all of those events, the goal is
to see how far the athlete can throw an object. One of the throwing events is called the
shot put. Shot putters try to “put,” or throw, the “shot,” a 16-pound ball, as far as possible. 1. Y N
In the javelin (JAV-lin) throw, athletes try to throw a javelin, which is a little like a spear, as
far as possible. The discus throw is one of the oldest track and field events. It was one of
the original Olympic events in the games held in ancient Greece. Discus throwers compete
2. Y N
with a 4.4-pound disc, and each athlete tries to hurl the discus as far as possible. The final
throwing event is the hammer throw. In this event, athletes compete using a heavy metal
ball that is attached to a wire and a handle.
3. Y N
A hurl
B discus
C compete
D javelin
Wilma liked sports, so when she was ready for high school, she decided to play basketball.
Two years later, she was noticed. The head coach of the women’s track team at Tennessee
State University saw her play. She was such a good athlete that he wanted her to be on his
track team. Wilma became a track and field star in college. Then, she headed for the Olympic
Games. She won a bronze medal in the 1956 Olympic Games. Then, she won three gold
medals in the 1960 Olympic Games.
Wilma Rudolph
1. What did Wilma do before she went 5. What is a reason for reading
to college? this text?
1. Y N
A worked on sports programs A to read about the history
on television of Tennessee
B taught at her old high school B to try track and field events 2. Y N
C went to the Olympics C to understand Wilma Rudolph’s life
D played basketball in high school D to learn how to run faster
3. Y N
6. Y N
3. How did Wilma’s family likely feel 7. Which word from the text gives a
when she won her Olympic medals? good summary of Wilma’s life?
___ / 4
Wilma Rudolph had to work very hard to learn to walk and run. What do you have
to work very hard to do? Write about what you work very hard at doing and what you
have accomplished.
Sara noticed the letter among the rest of the letters in the day’s mail. She grabbed it
excitedly and ripped it open. After hastily scanning its contents, she rushed into the kitchen
waving it. “My information’s here!” she yelled joyfully to her father. The letter was from the
1. Y N
U.S. Space and Rocket Center; it contained information Sara would need for her upcoming
Space Academy week. Sara had always enjoyed science, especially space science, so
when she first learned about Space Academy, she was determined to go. She and her 2. Y N
parents had checked the website, found out information, and planned her trip. She was
thrilled to know she’d be among the students who would be going this year.
3. Y N
A –ous
B –less
C –ish
D –tion
Sara would be leaving the next day for a week at Space Academy, so today, she was
packing her things. She and her parents had discussed what she would need for the trip,
1. Y N
and they had downloaded a guide from the Space Academy website. Now, Sara checked
the guide as she looked at the things she planned to put into her suitcase. Her bed was
heaped with things, and now she had to sort everything out and pack. The guide suggested
2. Y N bringing towels and a swimsuit as well as clothes. Sara would also need comfortable shoes,
socks, sleepwear, and a jacket. She’d also be bringing her brush and comb, toothbrush,
soap, and shampoo. Sara checked everything off on the guide and then put things into her
suitcase. She wasn’t sure everything would fit, but she managed to get everything into one
3. Y N bag. Sara was ready to go!
4. Y N
1. Where does this story take place? 4. Which of these sentences has a
compound subject?
A Space Academy
5. Y N B school
A Sara was ready to go!
C Sara’s room
B Now, Sara checked the guide as she
looked at the things she planned to
D the living room put into her suitcase.
C Sara checked everything off on
___ / 5 the guide and then put things into
2. Which of these is not something
her suitcase.
Sara will bring?
D She and her parents had discussed
A winter boots what she would need for the trip.
B a swimsuit
C clothes 5. Which word or phrase has the same
meaning as as well as?
D shoes and socks
A along with
3. Which word is a synonym B instead of
for heaped? C underneath
A lots D in place of
B piled
C messy
D empty
Sara was on her way to Space Academy for a week. She was a little nervous about
traveling alone, but she was excited to be going. Her mom and dad drove her to the airport
1. Y N
and made sure that she boarded the right airplane. Space Academy is in Huntsville,
Alabama, so it would be a long flight. When Sara got on board the plane, she settled herself
into her seat and prepared for takeoff. The flight left on time, and before she knew it, they
were in the air. After a four-hour flight, the plane landed in Alabama. Sara got off the plane 2. Y N
and looked around for the Space Academy staff who would take her to the training center.
Soon, she spotted the person in the Space Academy uniform, just as the online guide had
said she would. She and the other kids who were going to Space Academy got on a bus,
and soon, they were on their way. 3. Y N
1. How is Sara getting to the 4. In the word aboard, what does the 4. Y N
training center? prefix a– mean?
A by train A over
5. Y N
B by air B not
C her mom and dad are driving her C on or in
D by boat D under
___ / 5
2. Why is Sara a little nervous? 5. What is the meaning of the phrase Total
before she knew it?
A The flight is very late.
B Her parents are angry with her.
A Sara does not know the flight
is leaving.
C She does not want to go to B The flight takes off quickly.
space camp.
D She is traveling alone.
C Sara is afraid to fly.
D The flight is delayed.
A noun
B verb
C pronoun
D adjective
You have no idea what a busy week I’m having at Space Academy! Our schedule is full every
day, but what we’re doing is amazing and fun! We get up in the morning at 7:00 a.m. and have
breakfast, and then it’s time for our mission briefing. We work in teams, so each team has a mission
to accomplish. Our team is making a two-stage rocket, and we’re hoping it will launch. After our
mission briefing and some work with the team, it’s time for lunch.
When lunch is over, we do some other activities. Yesterday, I tried out the one-sixteenth Gravity
Chair! It’s a chair that makes you feel the way you’d feel if you were on the moon, where there’s a lot
less gravity than there is on Earth. Tomorrow, I want to try the Manned Maneuvering Unit—that’s
a special room that lets you feel what it’s like to work without any friction. I hope I’ll also get to
experiment with the Five Degrees of Freedom Chair—they call it the 5DF. That’s a special kind of
chair that moves you back and forth—even upside down!
1. What does a quick glance of this text 5. Who is the narrator?
explain to readers?
A Mom 1. Y N
A The text is very descriptive. B Dad
B The text is too challenging. C Sara’s brother
C The text is long. D Sara
2. Y N
___ / 4
Imagine you are at Space Academy. What do you think a day there would be like?
Describe your day.
Today, we take airplane travel for granted, but that wasn’t always the case. For thousands
of years, people wanted to fly and were interested in flight. The ancient Greeks, for instance,
had several myths about people who could fly. In real life, though, their experiments with
1. Y N
flight failed. In the late 1400s, Leonardo da Vinci designed a machine that could help
people fly. The machine was never created, but da Vinci’s design was the inspiration for
today’s helicopter. Da Vinci was fascinated by flight, though. He drew over 100 pictures 2. Y N
of his theories about flying. In 1783, the first hot air balloon took flight in France. Its first
passengers were a sheep, a rooster, and a duck!
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. Which word from the text is used as
a verb?
A the history of flight 4. Y N
B Leonardo da Vinci
A drew
A theories
B inventors
C history
D legends
Over the centuries, inventors had tried to find a way for people to fly. But they weren’t
successful until 1903. That was the year that brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the first
1. Y N
airplane. For years, the Wright brothers had been interested in flight. They tried to learn
all they could about it. In 1902, they built a glider, which is a machine that flew without an
engine. The glider used wind to power its flight. But the Wright brothers wanted a machine
2. Y N
that could fly even without wind. So they created a glider with a small engine. They called it
their flying machine. On December 14, 1903, Orville Wright flew the first gasoline-powered
airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The age of the airplane had begun!
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. Which part of speech is the word fly
in the first sentence?
4. Y N A Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
B the Wright brothers’ childhood
A a noun
A to get older
B how old a person is
C years
D era
The first airplanes were very fragile. They were made of light material such as bamboo,
and their wings were made of fabric. That was so that they would be able to fly more easily.
1. Y N
But those light materials were also easily broken and torn. There was another problem,
too. An engine powerful enough to keep a plane flying was often too large and heavy for
the plane’s structure. An engine that was light enough and small enough for a plane was
also not very powerful. But the people who developed and flew those planes kept working 2. Y N
at it. Eventually, airplane design improved. Planes were slimmer and made better use of
air currents. Motors got both smaller and more efficient. The people who designed and flew
these first planes were called “birdmen.” Their hard work led to the airplanes we know today.
3. Y N
1. Why were the first airplanes made of 3. Which word is a synonym for fabric?
4. Y N
light materials?
A fragile
A so they would fit together better B motor
B so they would be able to fly C engine
5. Y N
more easily
C so they would be less expensive
D cloth
In the early days of airplanes, a lot of people didn’t think it was really possible for humans to
fly. So at that time, airplanes were a novelty. They were something interesting that people hadn’t
seen before. Early pilots sometimes put on air shows for the public so people could see what
airplanes were capable of doing. Those pilots were called barnstormers. Some barnstormers
took people on plane rides. That was a very exciting and sometimes dangerous thing to do!
Those barnstormers would borrow a farmer’s field and offer rides. People would pay the pilot
and take a plane ride.
Other barnstormers did stunts, or tricks, in the air. For example, some barnstormers flew
upside down, and others flew their planes in a zigzag pattern. Sometimes, barnstormers flew in
pairs. One person would fly the plane, and the other would walk on the plane’s wing or do some
other stunt. People loved to see these air shows—the fancier or more dangerous the stunts, the
better they liked it.
Some barnstormers grew quite rich. They traveled around to different air shows. They were
paid for their performances. But most barnstormers did not fly in order to get rich. They flew
because they loved flying. Sometimes, they flew because they liked the danger. And flying was
dangerous at that time. Many barnstormers got into accidents or crashed their planes. Several
of them died.
After the 1920s, planes became much safer. They began to be used for regular travel. And
people became more familiar with them. So by the late 1930s, barnstorming wasn’t as popular
anymore. But the barnstormers are still remembered as daring pilots.
1. What could a reader do to 5. According to the text, when did
understand the word novelty? planes become much safer?
1. Y N
A say the word aloud A after the 1930s
B read the title and look at the picture B after the 1920s
C reread the paragraph where you see C before the 1920s 2. Y N
the word D they are not safe even today
D read the last sentence
3. Y N
6. Why do you think barnstormers did
2. Which question is not answered in not do shows in the middle of a city?
the text?
A They were afraid of being 4. Y N
A What is a barnstormer? in airplanes.
B When did barnstorming stop B They did not want to do tricks in
being popular? the air. 5. Y N
C How many barnstormers were there? C They did not know where cities were.
D What did barnstormers do? D They did not have room to take off
and land. 6. Y N
C angry
B clumsy 8. Y N
D confused
C timid
D brave
___ / 4
What do you think it would be like to be a barnstormer? Would you want to be one?
Why or why not? Write about what you think it would be like, and explain why you
would or would not like the job.
Zach had liked soccer for a long time. In fact, he had been playing since he was six years
old. But until now, he had only played in a neighborhood soccer league. That changed one
1. Y N
day when he heard the morning announcements at school. The principal announced that
the school would be starting a soccer team! Zach was so excited about it that he almost
didn’t listen closely to the details. But he did hear the most important information. There
would be a meeting on Wednesday for everyone who was interested in being on the soccer 2. Y N
team. Zach didn’t want to miss out on that meeting, so he wrote down the time. He would
have to talk to his parents about it, but he was sure they would let him join the team. After
all, they hadn’t had a problem letting him play in the neighborhood league.
3. Y N
___ / 5
2. What makes Zach think his parents 4. Which word in the text is used as an
will let him join the team? adjective to describe a league?
A to leave out
B to feel lonely for
C to attend
D to lose a chance for
Zach’s school was starting a soccer team, and he wanted to join it. Zach already played
for a neighborhood soccer league. So when he asked his parents about trying out for the
1. Y N
school team, they were concerned. They thought he might be so busy with soccer that he
wouldn’t have time for his schoolwork. But Zach explained that he would rather play for the
school team. If he made that team, he would stop playing in the neighborhood league. The
neighborhood league was for younger kids anyway, and Zach was getting too old for it. So
2. Y N
his mom and dad said that he could try out for the school team. On tryout day, Zach got to
the field early to practice—and so did a lot of other kids. But Zach was a good player, so
when it was his turn to try out, the coach chose Zach immediately.
3. Y N
1. Where does the end of this story 3. What does the word already tell you
4. Y N take place? about what Zach was doing?
A object to
B never
C prefer to
D sometimes
Zach played on his school’s new soccer team, and he really enjoyed it. Practices
were difficult, but he was learning a lot. Soon, the school’s team started playing some
other teams. At first, Zach’s school didn’t win very many games, and losing was very 1. Y N
disappointing. But the coach told the team not to give up. He explained that every
new team loses games while everyone learns to work together. He promised the team
members that if they worked hard and helped one another, the team would begin to win,
and after a few more games, it started to happen. Zach’s team won the first one, and then 2. Y N
another game, and it wasn’t long until they started winning most of their games. Zach
couldn’t have been happier! Then came very good news: The team was going to play in
this year’s soccer tournament!
3. Y N
1. What good news does the team get? 3. Which word has the same meaning
4. Y N
as give up?
A There are some new people on
the team. A begin
B Zach will play more often. B quit 5. Y N
A infuriating
B saddening
C pleasing
D confusing
Zach’s school now had a soccer team, and he was excited to be a part of it. The team
practiced regularly, and everyone worked hard. The team members tried to help one another,
and their hard work paid off with good results. Little by little, the team began to win their games.
Then, they were invited to play in a soccer tournament. Zach wanted his team to win the
tournament, and he was determined to do his best to see that they would.
On the day the tournament began, Zach and his team got to the soccer field early. They
wanted to practice as much as they could before the tournament started. The coach told them
to do their best and play as well as they could. He said that it wouldn’t be easy because the
other teams were very good. But he explained that even if the team didn’t win the tournament,
they should be proud they were there. Then, the first games began. Zach and the team played
against some very good teams that day, and they almost lost a few times. But everybody kept
working hard, and they managed to win. The more games they won, the harder the games got.
The final games in the tournament were held the next day. Zach and his team still had a
chance to win the tournament, so they all played the best they could, and they beat several
teams. Then, came the final game. This time, they were up against the best soccer team in
the tournament. Zach and his team gave the game their best effort, but the other team won.
Everyone was upset about losing, but the coach told them they’d done a fantastic job. He said
he thought they’d done very well in the tournament considering they were a new team. That
didn’t make Zach any happier, but he knew the coach was right. And he knew that he and his
team would be back next year.
1. Where would a reader find a text 5. From what point of view is this
like this? text told?
1. Y N
A in a science textbook A third person
B in a recipe book B first person
C in a book of short stories C second person 2. Y N
D in a fishing magazine D there is no point of view
2. What would readers who enjoy this 6. What does the author’s word
text also like to read about? choice tell readers about Zach and
his team?
A sports
A They are lazy. 4. Y N
B history
C television
B They are studious.
D science
C They are athletic.
5. Y N
D They are clumsy.
___ / 4
Have you ever lost at something? What happened? What was it like? What did
you do about it? Write about what happened, or how you will respond to a loss in
the future.
Have you ever wanted to get a desk, a table, or a chair for your room? Maybe you’ve
wanted to put shelves up. Making changes to your room can cost a lot of money if you 1. Y N
go to a store and buy new furniture. But you don’t have to do that. You can make some
amazing changes in your room without spending a lot of money at all. Sometimes, people
sell furniture they no longer want. They often do this when they are moving or when they are
buying new things. You can frequently find that furniture at yard sales or garage sales. Flea 2. Y N
markets are also good places to look for used desks, tables, or chairs. You can also go to
swap meets, where people bring things that they want to sell and look for things they want to
buy. If you know where to look, you can find some very nice things that aren’t expensive.
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. Which is not a good place to look for
4. Y N
used furniture?
A how to find inexpensive furniture
B how to make a new desk
A a swap meet
What if you find the perfect desk, table, or chair, but you dislike the color? You can paint
your new furniture exactly the color you want. To do that, though, you need to choose the
1. Y N
kind of paint that will work best for your furniture. Different kinds of paint work best for
different kinds of material, so the first step to painting is selecting the right kind of paint. If
you have a metal desk, chair, or table, you may want latex paint. Latex paint has a water
2. Y N base. One of its ingredients is latex, a kind of rubber. You can also use enamel paint on
metal. Enamel paint has an oil base. Enamel paint looks glossy when it dries. You can also
use enamel paint to paint wooden furniture. You can also use wood stain, which is a kind of
dye, on wooden furniture.
3. Y N
A dull
B green
C sticky
D shiny
Suppose you’ve found exactly the desk, table, or chair you want. You’ve decided to
paint it, and you’ve found exactly the color you want. Before you paint, you’ll need to
prepare your furniture. That way, your desk, table, or chair will look its best when you’re
1. Y N
finished. The way you prepare furniture depends on its material. For example, if your
furniture is made of wood, you will want to make sure the wood is very smooth before you
apply any paint. You will also want to get rid of old, flaky paint that may be there. If you
2. Y N
are using wood stain, you will want to use sandpaper to smooth the wood first. If your
furniture is made of metal, it may be rusty. You’ll want to remove the rust before you paint
it. A wire brush will scrape away the rust, and then you can wash the piece of furniture to
remove dirt. 3. Y N
1. What does this text tell readers? 4. What word or phrase has the same 4. Y N
meaning as the verb remove?
A where to find metal furniture
B how to prepare furniture for painting
A apply
5. Y N
C why you need to paint furniture
B put on
Do it Yourself
Have you ever wanted to change the look of your room? Maybe you have wanted a new
table, chair, or desk. Brand new furniture can be very expensive, though, so many kids don’t
think they can easily get new things. But you really don’t have to spend a lot of money on
furniture. You can find a terrific desk, table or chair that doesn’t cost much and turn it into the
perfect piece of furniture for your room.
Start by going to yard sales, garage sales, flea markets, and swap meets. All of those are
good places to find furniture. If you don’t find what you want at first, keep looking. Chances are
you’ll find exactly the kind of desk, chair, or table you want for your room. And you won’t pay
nearly as much for it as you would in a department store.
Once you find the furniture you want, it’s time to make it your own. Choose the kind of paint
that will work best for the furniture you’ve bought. Most stores offer latex and enamel paints in
many colors. Choose a color that will match the rest of what you have in your room, and then
get enough paint in that color to do the job. You will also want to get supplies to prepare your
furniture for painting.
If your table, desk, or chair is wooden, you may choose to use wood stain. If you do, you’ll
want to smooth it with sandpaper first. If you will be painting it, you don’t need sandpaper unless
there are cuts or splinters in the wood. If your furniture is made of metal, you’ll want a wire brush
to get rid of rust and prepare it for painting.
1. What is the first step in finding great 5. What might people who are
new furniture for your room? interested in this topic also like?
1. Y N
A Use primer to cover up old paint. A doing home projects
B Check out flea markets, thrift shops, B playing football
and swap meets. C reading a lot 2. Y N
C Choose a paint color that will match D watching movies on TV
your room.
D Make sure you are wearing old 3. Y N
clothing. 6. Why should you wear old clothes if
you are painting or staining?
D 6. Y N
Read the first sentence again.
7. What are the facts in this text about?
C to get readers to go to a
furniture store
D 8. Why might kids think they can’t get
to show how to stay safe in new furniture for their rooms?
an emergency ___ / 8
A New furniture is extremely hard
to find. Total
4. What is a reason for reading B Kids do not like to use furniture.
this text?
C Most parents do not want kids to
A to find out how to paint furniture have rooms.
B to find a good furniture store D Brand new furniture can be
C to learn how to paint portraits expensive.
___ / 4
What kind of furniture would you want for your room? Write about what you would do
to find what you want, get it ready, and paint or stain it.
Crystal was a reporter for her school’s newspaper, The Real Story. She liked interviewing
people. She also liked getting new ideas for stories and special features. She enjoyed it so 1. Y N
much that she wanted a career in news reporting. Every week, the kids who worked on the
newspaper met with their advisor, Mr. Thorne. They put together the news stories for that
week’s edition of the paper. Then, they planned the next week’s edition. During the week,
the reporters would get their stories and write them up. Then, they would bring their stories 2. Y N
to the next week’s meeting. Crystal especially liked it when the newspaper was ready for
publishing and she could see how her stories and interviews fit in with everyone else’s work.
3. Y N
1. What does Crystal enjoy the most? 4. Which prefix could you add to make
an antonym for the verb liked? 4. Y N
A playing on her school’s
basketball team A bi–
B writing news stories and interviews B sub– 5. Y N
C playing video games C mega–
D going to the movies D dis–
___ / 5
2. Which event does not happen at the 5. What is the meaning of feature in
newspaper meetings? this text? Total
A edition
B advisor
C interview
D idea
Crystal really enjoyed working on The Real Story, her school’s newspaper, but one day
she got a story assignment she was convinced she would hate. The newspaper’s advisor,
1. Y N
Mr. Thorne, asked her to interview the school nurse, Mrs. Curtis. Crystal was positive that an
interview with the nurse would be a really boring story. Who wanted to read a feature about
going to the nurse’s office for hearing and vision testing and to take medicine? But
2. Y N Mr. Thorne insisted that Crystal do the interview. He reminded her that everyone has a
story to tell. “You never know what you might learn,” he told her. So, very reluctantly, Crystal
agreed to do the story. She contacted Mrs. Curtis and asked if she could interview her for
the school paper. Mrs. Curtis agreed willingly, and the two set up an appointment.
3. Y N
1. Why doesn’t Crystal want to interview 4. What does the verb insisted tell
4. Y N the nurse? readers about Mr. Thorne?
A She thinks the story will be boring. A He does not know Crystal will do
B the interview.
5. Y N She does not like Mrs. Curtis.
C She does not know how to do
B He wants to do the interview.
an interview. C He feels strongly about Crystal doing
D the interview.
She thinks the story will be too hard.
___ / 5
D He does not care if Crystal does
the interview.
Total 2. How does Mrs. Curtis feel about
doing the interview?
5. Which two words are antonyms?
A She is angry about it.
B She is nervous about it.
A reluctantly and willingly
Crystal had been assigned to interview the school nurse, Mrs. Curtis, for her school’s
newspaper. Although she wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea, Crystal kept the appointment
for the interview. After the two greeted each other, Crystal thanked Mrs. Curtis for being 1. Y N
willing to do the interview. Mrs. Curtis responded, “Oh, it’s no problem at all. I remember
doing some stories for the newspaper years ago when I was a student here.”
That got Crystal’s interest immediately, and she asked in surprise, “You were a 2. Y N
student here?”
“Sure was,” Mrs. Curtis answered proudly. “In fact,” she lowered her voice and continued,
“did you ever hear about the secret basement here at the school?” 3. Y N
Now, Crystal was really interested. Who knew what might be stashed in a secret
basement? This was going to be a real story!
4. Y N
1. Where does this text take place? 4. What part of speech is the
5. Y N
word greeted?
A the supermarket
B the mall
A verb
C Crystal’s home
B noun
C ___ / 5
D adverb
the nurse’s office
D adjective
A willing
B proud
C reluctant
D secret
Crystal got permission from the principal to go down into the basement as long as some
teachers went with her. So Mr. Thorne and Mrs. Curtis accompanied Crystal when she went
to explore the basement. The janitor unlocked the basement door, and Crystal and the two
teachers slowly descended the narrow staircase. When they reached the bottom of the stairs,
Mrs. Curtis turned on the light, and she, Mr. Thorne, and Crystal began to look around.
Crystal soon discovered a large set of bookshelves with a collection of old dusty books on
them. “What are those?” she wondered aloud. Neither of the two teachers knew, so Crystal
made her way over to look more closely at the books. They turned out to be yearbooks from
every year since the school opened. For almost an hour, Crystal, Mr. Thorne, and Mrs. Curtis
paged slowly through the yearbooks. They joked about the old-fashioned clothes and hair in
the oldest books, and they commented on some of the people they recognized. All of a sudden,
Crystal knew the next feature she wanted to write. These books were the school’s story just
waiting to be told.
1. Which prediction based on the title of 5. Why do Mr. Thorne and Mrs. Curtis
the text is most accurate? go to the basement with Crystal?
1. Y N
A This text is about ice cream. A They want to stop Crystal from going.
B This text is about picking B They are afraid to go alone.
something up. C 2. Y N
Crystal is too afraid to go by herself.
C This text is about a famous journalist. D The principal says that some
D This text is about a reporter getting teachers must go to the basement
a story. with Crystal. 3. Y N
___ / 4
What story would you want to write about your school? Explain the story you would
write about.
You probably write all the time without even thinking about it. Writing is a very important
part of daily life. It serves several important purposes. One purpose of writing is to
communicate. In fact, before there were telephones, writing was just about the only way 1. Y N
people could stay in contact. That was especially true if they did not live in the same town.
Writing also helps us to remember things and keep records. That’s one reason you take
notes in class. It’s also why people make shopping lists and write down telephone numbers.
2. Y N
Imagine what it would be like if your teacher did not keep records of your assignments and
exam scores. It would be difficult to recall what work you had completed. It would also be
hard to know how you were doing in class.
3. Y N
A remember
B write
C discuss
D complete
The alphabet you use is a very important tool for writing, but it is not the only one. There
are many kinds of alphabets. Children in Japan learn to write with kanji (KAHN-gee). Kanji
1. Y N
are small drawings, or characters. They do not represent letters, the way the alphabet you
know does. Instead, they represent a whole meaning. For instance, there is a kanji for water
and one for big. Russian children learn another kind of alphabet called the Cyrillic
(si-RIL-ik) alphabet. Some Cyrillic letters, such as O and T, sound like the letters you know.
2. Y N
But there are many Cyrillic letters that sound different from the letters you know. Hebrew and
Arabic also use alphabets that are different from the one you know. So does Hindi. Hindi is
a language spoken in India.
3. Y N
There are several languages that do not have a written alphabet. One example is
American Sign Language. It is a language used by many people who are deaf. This
language uses hand signs and facial expressions. It has an alphabet, but it is not a 1. Y N
written alphabet. Instead, each letter is made with a special hand shape. Many American
Indian languages did not have written languages at first. So people created alphabets for
them. For instance, the Cherokee did not have a written alphabet. So a Cherokee named
2. Y N
Sequoyah (si-KWOI-uh) created one. There are also some other languages that do not have
written alphabets. Ainu is an example. Ainu is a very old language spoken in Japan.
3. Y N
1. Which of these is the main idea of 4. What does the pronoun it in the third
this text? sentence refer to?
4. Y N
A Ainu is a very old language. A Ainu
B American Sign Language is used by B American Sign Language
people with deafness. C 5. Y N
American Indians
C The Cherokee did not used to have a D people
written alphabet.
D Several languages do not have a
written alphabet. 5. What is the meaning of the phrase
___ / 5
for instance?
2. How are American Sign Language A for that matter
letters made?
B for what it’s worth
A with characters C for example
B with a written alphabet D for a start
C with special hand shapes
D with pictures
A a slap
B a scowl
C a smile
D a look of surprise
Alphabet Soup
Alphabets are very important tools. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to write. How did
alphabets get started in the first place? When and why did people start to write?
The first people were hunter-gatherers who didn’t really need a writing system. They left
behind beautiful paintings, but they didn’t leave anything written. Then, people learned to grow
crops and domesticate animals. Now, people needed some sort of system to record what they
grew and keep track of their animals. They needed a writing system to help them keep records.
The first writing systems developed in two places, Egypt and Mesopotamia, at about the same
time. Both systems used pictograms, which are pictures that represent things. For instance, a
picture of a bull might represent a real bull. For a while, those systems were very successful.
But as cities began to grow, people needed more than a system of pictures. People needed
to be able to represent new ideas. So the Sumerians developed a system of wedge-shaped
marks. That system is called cuneiform (kyoo-NEE-uh-fawrm). At first, those marks represented
things. Later, they represented sounds. A similar thing happened in Egypt. At first, Egyptian
hieroglyphics (hahy-er-uh-GLIF-iks) were pictures of things. Later, they came to represent
sounds, and still later, the symbols for those sounds became letters.
cuneiform writing
1. Why did hunter-gatherers not need 5. What happened as a result
an alphabet? of the Sumerians developing
cuneiform writing? 1. Y N
A They lived in Mesopotamia.
B They lived in large cities.
A Today’s alphabet was developed.
6. Y N
3. Which statement reflects an 7. Why did the first writing systems
appropriate purpose for reading this? develop in Egypt and Mesopotamia?
A I want to learn the recipe for A The first humans hunted there. 7. Y N
alphabet soup. B Those places had a lot of animals.
B I want to know the history of C The first cities were located there.
alphabets and how they came to be. 8. Y N
C I want to memorize a new alphabet.
D Those places had very cold climates.
___ / 4
Imagine you lived in Mesopotamia. What sort of writing would you invent? Create five
or six symbols. Draw the symbols and explain what they mean.
Tyler enjoyed riding his bike almost more than anything else. Most of all, he liked the
feeling of freedom it gave him. He didn’t have to ask his parents for rides every time he
1. Y N
wanted to go somewhere, and if he wanted to spend time with his friends after school, he
didn’t have to worry about missing the school bus. In fact, Tyler was riding his bike home
from school one day when he got into an accident. He was two blocks from home when
a car came out of a side street without stopping and knocked Tyler and his bicycle to the 2. Y N
ground. The driver immediately stopped and rushed back to see if Tyler was hurt. Tyler was
wearing his helmet, so the accident could have been much worse. But he broke his arm.
There would be no bike riding for Tyler for several weeks to come.
3. Y N
1. How does Tyler break his arm? 3. Which word tells you that the driver
4. Y N
is in a hurry to see if Tyler is hurt?
A Tyler runs his bike into a curb.
B A car comes out of a side street and
A back
knocks Tyler over. B stopped 5. Y N
Tyler had gotten into an accident while riding his bicycle. He was going to be fine, but
he’d broken his arm, so he wasn’t going to be riding his bicycle any time soon. Tyler was
1. Y N
a careful bike rider. He always wore his helmet—even on summer days when it made his
scalp itch—and he always watched where he was going. That was part of what made him
curious about how the accident had happened. He knew he’d been careful, and the driver
of the car that struck him wasn’t driving recklessly. So one afternoon, Tyler decided to try to
2. Y N
figure out what had happened. He walked to the corner where the accident had occurred.
All of a sudden, he realized the problem: there were no stop signs at that corner. The driver
hadn’t known that Tyler was coming and hadn’t stopped because there was no stop sign.
3. Y N
A request
B hide
C discover
D refuse
Tyler had broken his arm in a bicycle accident at a corner near his home. A car had pulled
out of a side street without stopping and knocked Tyler off of his bike. Tyler had discovered
that there was no stop sign at that corner, and that was why the driver hadn’t stopped. Tyler 1. Y N
thought that if there had been a stop sign at the corner, the driver would have stopped and
wouldn’t have hit him. Tyler decided that he was going to do something about it. He was
going to see if there could be a stop sign put up at that corner. That would make it safer for
2. Y N
neighborhood kids to ride their bikes in that area. Tyler talked to his parents about his idea.
He went online for information, too. He found out what he needed to do to get the city to put
up a stop sign, and he got started.
3. Y N
1. What is the problem that Tyler wants 3. Which prefix can be added to safe to
to solve? make its antonym? 4. Y N
A noun
2. How does Tyler plan to solve
B verb
the problem?
C adjective
A He will try to get the city to put up a
stop sign. pronoun
First, Tyler’s parents helped him to write a petition to have a stop sign put up. Then, Tyler and
his parents asked everyone they knew to sign the petition. They got their neighbors and friends
to sign and asked those people to talk to other people. Tyler asked everyone at school to sign
and to ask their parents to sign. He asked his teachers to sign the petition, too. Soon, there
were hundreds of names on the petition.
Tyler also got some information about other accidents at the same corner where he’d had his
own accident. If he could show the city that it was a dangerous corner, they might put up a stop
sign there. He hoped that this information and his petition would work.
When the petition was ready, Tyler and his parents went to a meeting of the city council. They
brought along the petition. They also brought the other information. After a long wait, Tyler got
a chance to tell what had happened to him. He told the story of the bicycle accident. Then, he
explained his idea. If there were a stop sign at the corner where the accident happened, other
kids would be safer. After that, Tyler read the petition out loud. Then, he handed it and the other
information to the council. The city council agreed to consider the request and make a decision
before their next meeting.
1. What is the first thing Tyler does to 5. How will the other kids likely feel
get a stop sign at the corner? when the new stop sign is put up?
1. Y N
A He finds out about other accidents. A confused
B He writes a petition for the stop sign. B angry
C He and his parents give the petition C jealous 2. Y N
to the members of the city council. D grateful
D He puts the stop sign on the corner.
3. Y N
6. Which inference makes the
2. Which words signal that this text is most sense?
written in sequential order?
A Tyler’s parents agree with him. 4. Y N
A now and when B Tyler’s mom and dad do not want the
B first and then new stop sign.
C if and they might C Tyler’s parents do not know about 5. Y N
D Tyler’s idea.
after and long wait
D Tyler’s mom and dad think kids
should not ride bikes. 6. Y N
3. What might have happened if Tyler
had not had his accident?
7. What does the information about
A He would have broken his leg, too. other accidents on that corner show? 7. Y N
B He would not live in the A that the corner does not need a
same neighborhood.
stop sign
C He would never learn to ride a bike. 8. Y N
B that it is a dangerous corner
D He would not have noticed the need C that Tyler does not ride his bike safely
for a stop sign.
D that the city needs a new street
___ / 8
4. Which is a reasonable purpose for
reading this text? 8. What does the text tell a reader? Total
A to find out how to get the city to put A Stop signs should be put on
up a stop sign every corner.
B to find out how to stop safely on my B Adults are the only ones who can
bicycle change anything.
C to find out about speed limits C Kids can make a positive change in
D their neighborhoods.
to find out about safety stops for
emergency vehicles D Kids should not ride their bikes.
© Shell Education #50927—180 Days of Reading for Sixth Grade 181
___ / 4
What change would you like to see in your town or city? Write about the change you
want and why it is important.
Hundreds of years ago, people from Europe explored North America. They thought they
had found a new land. They thought nobody else lived in North America. But they were
wrong. Many people already lived in North America. We call those native people American 1. Y N
Indians. Different groups of American Indians lived in different places. Each group had its
own language and its own way of life. Each group was a little different from the other groups.
Today, there are still several groups of American Indians called nations. They live in different
2. Y N
regions of the United States. Each American Indian nation still has its own ways of life and
its own language. Some nations have their own schools, too, where kids learn the language
of their nation.
3. Y N
One American Indian nation is called the Navajo Nation. Most Navajo live in the
Southwest. One part of the Navajo reservation is in Arizona and another part is in New
1. Y N
Mexico. There are also parts in Colorado and in Utah. Some Navajo live in cities, and some
live on the reservation. Some Navajo live in houses called hogans. Hogans are usually
round, but they can also be square. The door of a hogan faces east. Navajo believe that
2. Y N a house should face the rising sun. Many Navajo speak their own language. It is a very
different language from English. Some Navajo kids go to Navajo schools. In those schools,
they learn the same things you are learning, but they learn other things, too. They also learn
their own language and they learn Navajo ways of life.
3. Y N
___ / 5
2. Which is not a subject that kids learn 5. What does it mean for a door to face
Total in Navajo schools? a certain direction?
A nation
B reservation
C hogan
D Navajo
The Navajo people call themselves the Diné (dee-NEH). That means “the people” in
Navajo. Nobody knows just when the Navajo came to the Southwest. But they have been
1. Y N
there for hundreds of years. After they arrived, the Navajo learned several skills. They
learned to tend sheep—in fact, they have become expert shepherds. They learned to
weave, too. Many Navajo still practice this traditional skill. The Navajo also became skilled
at riding. They got involved in rodeos, too. Some of today’s Navajo still take part in rodeo 2. Y N
riding, and they are experts at rodeo skills. In 1864, the Navajo were forced to leave their
homes and travel to Fort Sumner, New Mexico. The Navajo call that terrible trip The Long
Walk. They were kept at Fort Sumner for four years. In 1868, the Navajo who were still alive
returned to their homes. 3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. Which two words are synonyms? 4. Y N
___ / 5
2. What is The Long Walk? 5. What makes a skill traditional?
A the forced move of the Navajo to Fort A It is handed down by ancestors.
Sumner, New Mexico B It is challenging.
B the coming of the Navajo to C It has to do with sheep.
the Southwest
C the way the Navajo learned to
D It is performed at the rodeo.
tend sheep
D the way the Navajo built their homes
A Fort Sumner
B Navajo
C Diné
D Mexico
Code Talkers
Have you ever made up a secret code? Codes let people communicate in a special way. The
only people who can understand messages in code are people who know that code. During
World War II, America needed a special code. Soldiers needed to send messages, but they did
not want the enemy to know what those messages were. So America needed a secret code.
American soldiers would know the code, but enemy soldiers would not. The Navajo people
turned out to be the solution.
The Navajo language is not easy to understand, and not many people speak that language.
So 29 Navajo soldiers used their language to make up a special code using Navajo words.
When the code was ready, they used it and taught it to other soldiers. People who knew the
code could understand messages that were in that code, but people who didn’t know the code
would not know what the messages meant. This group of people who used the code had
a special name: they were called Code Talkers. Code Talkers were able to send important
messages that had to be secret. For example, they could let everyone know when there would
be an attack. They could let others know where the enemy was hiding. That was important
information, and it helped America during the war. In fact, this code remains the only unbroken
code in modern history.
When the war ended, the Code Talkers returned to their homes. They were welcomed home
as heroes. But most people did not know about them because the code was so secret that
nobody could know about it. It wasn’t until the 1960s that anybody knew about the Code Talkers.
Today, we know how important they were. We even know some of the code they used. Here is
an example: The Navajo word for turtle is ch’ééh digháhii (ch-AY da-GAH-hee). A tank looks a
little like a turtle, so when the Code Talkers wanted to send a message about tanks, they said
ch’ééh-digháhii. Now you know some of the code, too!
1. Why was Navajo a good choice for a 5. What is a reasonable purpose for
code language? reading this?
1. Y N
A It has more words than any
A to read a personal story
other language. B to learn the Navajo language
B It has very few words in it. C to learn about the Code Talkers 2. Y N
C It is one of the most D to learn the story of World War II
popular languages.
D It is hard to learn, and not many 3. Y N
people speak it. 6. What is the author’s likely opinion
about Code Talkers?
___ / 4
If you wanted to send a message in code, how would you do it? Make up your own
code and write a word or two in that code. Then, explain how the code works.
Naomi took a long, critical look at herself in the mirror. This was going to be her first day
at her new school, and she wanted to make the perfect first impression. She finally decided
she was satisfied with her appearance and got her things together for school. She loaded 1. Y N
up her backpack, carried it downstairs, and dropped it by the front door. Then, she went into
the kitchen to get some breakfast. There was her mom, sipping her coffee, wearing those
boring old clothes. Naomi wished her mom wasn’t going to drop her off at school, but she
2. Y N
had insisted on driving Naomi for her first day. Well, at least she wasn’t going to get out of
the car. It was embarrassing enough that she was even going to be there.
3. Y N
A –less
B sub–
C dis–
D hyper–
Naomi and her mom slowly pulled up to Naomi’s new school. Naomi looked around her
anxiously and then glanced over at her mom out of the corner of her eye. Why did her mom
1. Y N have to wear that stupid sweater and those jeans? Couldn’t she wear something at least
a little less embarrassing? Naomi hunched down in her seat and muttered, “This is fine,
Mom. Just stop here.” She grabbed her backpack and hurtled out of the car as quickly as
she could, not noticing that a notebook had fallen out of her backpack. She quickly headed
2. Y N
toward the door of the school without looking behind her. She hadn’t even responded to her
mother’s “Hope it goes well!” Nervously, Naomi looked around her. Nobody seemed to have
noticed her getting out of the car. Maybe she’d survive her first day at this school after all.
3. Y N
___ / 5 2. How does Naomi feel about her mom 5. Which is not an example of
driving her to school? alliteration?
A proud A little less
B embarrassed B stupid sweater
C curious C not noticing
D excited D slowly pulled
A excited
B happy
C very loud
D low
It was Naomi’s first day in her new school, and so far, it wasn’t going too terribly. She had
only gotten lost once, and she had gotten out of that situation without having to ask anyone
1. Y N
for help. Then, everything fell apart. Naomi was on her way from math class to lunch when
she heard a familiar voice calling her name. What was her mom doing here? Naomi wanted
more than anything to ignore her mother, but she knew she couldn’t. So she rushed up to
her mother and hissed, “What are you doing here?” 2. Y N
Her mom answered evenly, “I wanted to give you your notebook. You left it in the car.”
Everyone seemed to be staring at Naomi as she silently took the notebook. She wished
the floor would swallow her up. She turned away without saying anything and fled to 3. Y N
the cafeteria.
4. Y N
1. Why is Naomi’s mom at her school? 4. Which verb means the same as the
word fled?
A She wants to talk to Naomi’s teacher.
B She forgot something at the school.
A crawled 5. Y N
C excited
B personification
D jealous
C alliteration
D metaphor
A It is very loud.
B It is happy.
C It is low and angry.
D It is musical.
“I’m Naomi,” Naomi responded almost in disbelief. This girl was actually talking to her! After a
moment of stunned silence, Naomi haltingly invited Emily to sit down.
Emily plopped down at the table and then continued, “I saw you in the hall just now, too. Was
that your mom with you?”
Naomi cringed with embarrassment at that question. Of all the things Emily could have
noticed, it had to be that. Unable to say anything, she just nodded.
“You’re so amazingly lucky,” Emily responded. “My mom doesn’t even live with me. I haven’t
talked to her in forever.”
Suddenly everything seemed different to Naomi. Not see your mom every day? Not have
her there when you get home from school? That would be even more horrible than having your
mom embarrass you publicly. “I’m sorry,” she finally said quietly.
For the rest of lunch, the two girls chatted, and by the time lunch was over, they had decided
they liked each other. On her way to her next class, Naomi promised Emily she would have
lunch with her again tomorrow. And she promised herself she would apologize to her mom
later, too.
1. How does Naomi feel about her new 5. From what point of view is this
school when she first arrives? story told?
1. Y N
A nervous A third person
B happy B first person
C confused C second person 2. Y N
3. Y N
2. Why does Emily say that Naomi 6. How does Naomi probably feel when
is lucky? Emily says that she is lucky?
___ / 4
Describe a time when something embarrassing happened to you. How did you deal
with it? Write about how you coped with being embarrassed.
No matter where on Earth you live, you have day and night. That happens because of
a movement of Earth called rotation. Earth rotates, or turns, on an imaginary line called
1. Y N
an axis. Imagine a line that starts at the North Pole and goes straight through Earth to the
South Pole. That is Earth’s axis. About every 24 hours, Earth rotates around that axis. To
get an idea of how the Earth rotates, try this. Spin a basketball around, and you will see
that it spins around in a circle. The basketball is rotating around its axis, just as Earth 2. Y N
rotates around its axis. You see daylight when your part of Earth is facing the sun. You see
darkness when Earth has turned so that your part of Earth faces away from the sun.
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. What verb is used to describe Earth’s
movement around its axis?
A the North Pole 4. Y N
A imaginary
B the North Pole
C axis
D turn
Our Earth does not just rotate on its axis. It also revolves, or turns, around the sun.
1. Y N Earth revolves around the sun because of the sun’s gravity. That gravity pulls Earth toward
the sun. But Earth is far away from the sun—it is about 93 million miles away. So Earth’s
revolutions do not happen quickly. Each revolution of Earth around the sun takes about
365 days, or one year. The path that Earth takes around the sun is called its orbit. You
2. Y N might think of that path as a circle, but actually, it isn’t a perfect circle. Earth’s orbit is oval,
much like the shape of an egg. Earth rotates and revolves, but you do not feel that motion
because you rotate and revolve with the planet.
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. Which verb means the same
4. Y N as turns?
A how Earth was formed
B how Earth moves around the sun
A revolves
5. Y N C what an axis is
B axis
A axis
B rotation
C orbit
D gravity
Our Earth has seasons because of the tilt of Earth’s axis. Remember that Earth rotates
on its axis, and that is why we have day and night. But that axis does not go straight up
1. Y N
and down; it is slightly tilted. So as Earth revolves around the sun, different parts of Earth
are tilted toward the sun and get more sunlight. For example, in June, July, and August, the
Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. So people who live there have longer days
and warmer weather—it is summer there. But people in the Southern Hemisphere have 2. Y N
winter at that time. During December, January, and February, the opposite happens—the
Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. So it gets longer days and warmer weather.
Those are summer months there. But people in the Northern Hemisphere have winter at
that time. 3. Y N
Here are a few interesting things about the planets. Uranus and Venus are the only two
planets that rotate backward. Every other planet, including Earth, rotates in the other direction.
Also, Uranus does not have a vertical axis the way Earth does. Its axis is horizontal. So it
rotates on its side! Venus has the slowest rotation. A rotation takes longer than a revolution
does. Why don’t Venus and Uranus move the way the other planets do? Many scientists have a
theory about that. They think that a large asteroid might have hit those planets millions of years
ago. A hit like that could change a planet’s rotation. Then, the planet might rotate in the other
direction. It could also make a planet rotate on its side.
1. The chart shows which planets have 5. What is a reason for reading
the same rotation time? this text?
1. Y N
A Jupiter and Venus A to learn how the planets move
B Earth and Venus B to decide to become a scientist
C Saturn and Mercury C to read a personal story 2. Y N
3. Y N
2. Which of these planets has the 6. Why does Neptune take longer to go
shortest rotation time? around the sun than Earth does?
3. If there were a planet closer to the 7. How are all the planets in the solar 6. Y N
sun than Mercury, it would likely system alike?
A be much bigger than Mercury. A They all revolve around the sun.
7. Y N
B take more time to travel around the B They rotate on a horizontal axis.
sun than Mercury does. C They all rotate at the same speed.
C be the same size as Mercury. D They all have a vertical axis. 8. Y N
D take less time to travel around the
sun than Mercury does.
8. What does it mean for a planet to be
farther from the sun?
4. Why do scientists think Venus and
___ / 8
Uranus move differently than the A It takes a planet longer to travel
other planets do? around the sun. Total
___ / 4
What do you think it would be like if Earth were as far away from the sun as Jupiter is?
What would happen to its revolution? Would its rotation change? Explain your answer.
There I was one afternoon, getting ready to play my new video game. I was really excited
about it. I had saved my allowance for a month, and yesterday, I finally had enough money
to buy it. I put the game into the game system, and at first, the game looked as though it 1. Y N
was loading up. All of a sudden, though, everything stopped! I pushed a few buttons, but
the game system stared stubbornly at me, daring me to make it work. I managed to unload
the game itself, but that didn’t help very much. My game system seemed to be completely
2. Y N
dead. I yelled for my big brother, Cody, to come and help me, but he took one look at the
game system and said, “Justin, you’re out of luck. This system is gone. You’ll have to get
another one.”
3. Y N
1. Who is the narrator in this text? 4. In this text, what does the adjective
gone mean? 4. Y N
A Dad
B Cody
A broken
C Justin
B disappeared 5. Y N
D Mom
C difficult
D interesting
My game system was completely broken and wouldn’t work at all. I couldn’t remember
exactly when I’d bought it, but I didn’t think it was very long ago, so Dad suggested I try to
1. Y N
get it replaced. He said it might still be under warranty, and if it were, then I could exchange
it for a new game system. I was hoping Dad was right—good game systems are expensive,
and I didn’t want to have to save up my money for months. So I took my system back to the
2. Y N store where I’d bought it. The manager looked up my purchase. He said, “I’m sorry, Justin,
but you actually bought this 14 months ago, and the warranty only lasted for 12 months.
So you won’t be able to get a replacement system unless you purchase a new one.” I was
running out of options fast!
3. Y N
My game system was broken and couldn’t be repaired. I had also found out that the
warranty on it ended, so I couldn’t get it replaced unless I bought a new one. But that was
1. Y N
the problem—I didn’t have the money for a new one. Mom and Dad gave me an allowance
every week, but I would have to save for a few months if I were going to get the kind of
system I wanted. I didn’t want to wait that long, and I knew Mom and Dad wouldn’t just buy
me a new game system—not unless it was my birthday, which it wasn’t. I complained about 2. Y N
it all to my brother Cody—maybe he would have an idea. Cody suggested, “You could get
some kind of job, Justin. That way, you could earn the money for the game system.”
3. Y N
My neighbor, Mr. Drummond, was wheeling his garbage barrel out to the curb. Mr. Drummond
was elderly, and I could tell he was struggling to move his garbage barrel. I sprinted downstairs
and outside, dashed across the street, and offered to move Mr. Drummond’s trash to the curb.
He was very grateful. After he thanked me, I decided to discuss my inspiration with him. “I’m
trying to earn some extra money,” I explained, “and I’m just wondering whether people would be
interested in having me do chores.”
1. Which prediction about the text is 5. Which point of view does this
most relevant? text use?
A 1. Y N
Justin will stop talking to A first person
his neighbors.
B Justin will stop playing video games.
B second person
___ / 4
If you wanted to earn extra money for something, what would you do to earn it? Write
about what you would want to buy and how you would earn the money.
You know where North America is, and you might also know where South America is.
But there is an important place between them that you might not know about. That place is
1. Y N
called Central America. There are seven countries in Central America. In most of them, the
people speak Spanish. That is because long ago, people from Spain explored there. And
for many years, Central America belonged to Spain. But after many years of Spanish rule,
those countries did not want to belong to Spain anymore. They saw that Mexico and the 2. Y N
United States were free. They wanted the same thing for themselves. So in the early 1800s,
those countries declared their independence. Today, each of those seven countries has its
own government.
3. Y N
C Where to Go in Mexico
D –ent
A ask
B state
C grow
D run
Explorers from Spain were not the first people to live in Central America. Another group
of people was already living there when the Spanish came. They were the Mayans. The
1. Y N
Mayans are a group of American Indians. They have lived in Central America for thousands
of years. For a very long time, they had a strong empire. It stretched from southern Mexico
to northern Colombia. The Mayans were the first American Indians to have their own
written language. They were also very skilled at math. And they were especially skilled
2. Y N
at astronomy. There is no longer a Mayan empire. But you can still see the ruins of many
Mayan buildings, and there are still many Mayan people. They live in several places in
Central America. They have their own language and their own culture.
3. Y N
1. Which statement is not true about 4. What does the noun ruins
4. Y N the Mayans? tell readers?
A afraid
B unable
C unknown
D talented
Because Central America is close to the equator, it has a tropical climate. Most of
Central America has two seasons, a rainy season and a dry season. The rainy season
1. Y N
usually lasts from May to November. Central America has two coasts. On the east are the
Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. On the west is the Pacific Ocean. Some parts are
so narrow that going from coast to coast takes very little time. For example, Panama is one
country in Central America. In some parts of Panama, there are only 30 miles between 2. Y N
coasts! There isn’t much flat land in Central America. Most of the land is hilly, and there
are many mountains. In fact, Central America has several active volcanoes. The weather
is sometimes very hot and humid on the coasts. But in the mountains, it is cooler. Central
America has several rainforests. Many animals and plants live there. 3. Y N
A wide
B watery
C wild
D windy
Welcome to Honduras!
Do you enjoy seeing all kinds of different animals? Would you like to visit a place where
you can swim in the sea and hike in the mountains? Then, you would probably enjoy a trip to
Honduras. The country of Honduras is located in the middle of Central America. Many years
ago, it was part of the Mayan empire. Then, it belonged to Spain until 1821. It was even a part
of Mexico for a time. That is why the people of Honduras speak Spanish. But since 1838,
Honduras has been an independent country. Most of the country is mountainous, so the climate
tends to be cooler. But along the Caribbean coast, the land is flat; there, the climate is warm and
humid and the beaches are beautiful.
There are many things to do and see in Honduras. You can visit beautiful Mayan ruins and
see how the people lived thousands of years ago. You can take a hike through a rainforest.
There, you will see hundreds of different kinds of plants and animals. You can even go diving
from a coral reef off the Caribbean coast. You can take a beach vacation, and go swimming and
snorkeling. You can see a professional soccer game, too. Hondurans love soccer, and there are
many teams.
Honduras has several cities. Its capital is Tegucigalpa (tay-goo-see-GAL-pah). That city is in
the mountains. Another very popular city is La Ceiba (la SAY-bah). La Ceiba is on the beach.
It is a very popular vacation place. Every year in May, the people of La Ceiba have a carnival
with parades, dances, and lots of good food. During the carnival, the city also holds a Milk Fair,
which is a lot like a farmer’s market. People from rural areas bring in their animals and crops to
the Milk Fair to show and sell.
Central America
1. Who might be interested in reading 5. If Honduras belonged to France
this text? instead of Spain, which language
would people probably speak? 1. Y N
A a person who likes mountain ranges
B a person who wants to travel
A English
to Honduras B Spanish 2. Y N
C a person who likes plants C French
D a person who speaks Spanish D Dutch
3. Y N
6. Y N
3. How does the author likely feel 7. Where is the country of
about Honduras? Honduras located?
A The author does not know about it. A the western part of Central America 7. Y N
___ / 4
Imagine you are going to Honduras. What kind of vacation would you want? Write
about your Honduras vacation.
Scented candles were one of Heather’s favorite things. She particularly liked
fruit-scented candles like cherry and strawberry. But she liked lots of other scents, too. She
wasn’t allowed to light her candles very often. Her mom and dad were afraid that her little 1. Y N
sister, Sophia, would get too close to them and burn herself. But Heather lit her candles
whenever she could. She enjoyed the way her candles made her room smell—it was as
warm and comforting as a fuzzy favorite blanket. The candles helped Heather relax. She
2. Y N
even swore that they helped her focus better when she was doing homework. One day,
Heather’s friend Brittany gave Heather an idea she had never considered before. “I’ll bet
candles wouldn’t be hard to make,” Brittany said. “You should learn to make your own.”
3. Y N
C Dad
B hardly 5. Y N
D Brittany
C especially
D carefully
A compose
B imagine
C read
D concentrate
Heather’s friend Brittany had suggested that she learn to make candles. That idea made
a lot of sense to Heather because she loved scented candles, and it might be fun to learn
1. Y N
to make them. So Heather asked her mom and dad about candle making. Neither of them
knew how to do it, but her dad suggested that Heather think about getting a candle-making
kit. A few craft stores in town sold them. Maybe one of the people who worked in the stores
would have some good ideas. Heather liked her dad’s idea, so one Saturday afternoon, her
2. Y N
mom drove her and Brittany to a few craft stores. The first one they visited didn’t sell candle-
making kits. But at the second store, they saw several. One of the salespeople helped
Heather choose the right kit for a beginner. Heather couldn’t wait to start.
3. Y N
1. Where does most of this text 4. In this text, what part of speech is
4. Y N take place? the word candle-making?
5. Y N B school B adjective
C Brittany’s house C adverb
D the supermarket D verb
___ / 5
2. How will Heather learn to 5. What is the meaning of kit in
Total make candles? this text?
A seller
B learner
C novice
D expert
Heather was very excited to get started making her own candles. Heather’s mom and dad
had gotten her a candle-making kit, and she was eager to begin using it. The kit contained 1. Y N
everything she would need: wax, wicks, molds, scented oil, and coloring. Heather’s kit came
with enough supplies for two kinds of candles: pillar candles and container candles. Pillar
candles were tall and straight, and container candles were shorter and wider. The kit came
with round, silver boxes for the container candles. Heather invited Brittany over to help make 2. Y N
candles, and the two girls began. They decided to start with a pillar candle. Heather’s mom
helped them melt the wax, and Heather put the wick in the mold. When the wax was ready,
Heather and Brittany carefully poured it into the mold. They added some red coloring and
some strawberry scent. Soon, Heather had her own strawberry candle! 3. Y N
1. What is the first step in making 4. Which word from the text is a verb? 4. Y N
Heather’s candle?
A container
A melting the wax B scented 5. Y N
B adding red coloring and C poured
strawberry scent
C putting the wick in the mold
D own
A molds
B a furry growth
B wax
C a hollow form that gives shape
C scented oil
D a frame
D matches
A wax
B materials
C boxes
D candles
Lighting Things Up
Heather’s friend Brittany had suggested that Heather learn to make candles. Heather was
really grateful to Brittany for that idea. Heather’s mom and dad had gotten her a candle-making
kit, and she was really enjoying it. She had already made two pillar candles—one was a
strawberry candle and the other one had a vanilla scent. That weekend, Heather was planning
to make a container candle. This one would be lavender. Heather invited Brittany over to spend
the night on Friday to help her. When Brittany got to Heather’s house, she tossed her backpack
on Heather’s bed, and the two girls got started.
Heather’s dad saw them a few minutes later and teased Heather about spending all her time
making candles. “You just wait—you’ll thank me!” Heather teased back, and the girls returned
to what they were doing. By the time they were finished preparing the container candle, it was
almost time for dinner. Heather’s mom had ordered pizza, and everyone crowded to feast on the
pizza when it arrived. Then suddenly, the lights went out!
“I guess it’s a neighborhood blackout,” her dad said, glancing out the window, “It’s dark all over
the street.”
All of a sudden, Heather and Brittany looked at each other. They both had the same idea.
They ran up to Heather’s room and got some candles, including the two that Heather had made.
Then, they brought them downstairs to the living room. Heather’s dad found a lighter and lit the
candles, and in no time at all, there was plenty of light to eat dinner.
1. When is the power restored? 5. Which of these books would Heather
likely want to read?
A before the blackout 1. Y N
3. Y N
2. Which prediction makes the 6. Why is the street so dark during
most sense? the blackout?
3. At the end of the text, how do A This text is about making lights work. 7. Y N
Heather’s parents likely feel about
her making candles? B This text is about making candles.
C This text is about stars.
A grateful
D 8. Y N
This text is about night lights.
B worried
C angry
D 8. What does it mean that Heather’s
jealous candles saved the day?
___ / 8
A She is sad about being teased. Total
4. What can be inferred about the
setting of this text? The candles helped the family have
light during the blackout.
A It takes place during school. C Her candles were made in one day.
B It takes place early in the morning. D Heather wants to save the candles to
C It takes place in the middle of use another day.
the night.
D It takes place in the evening.
© Shell Education #50927—180 Days of Reading for Sixth Grade 217
___ / 4
In this story, Heather learns to make candles. What would you like to learn to make?
How would you learn? Write about what you would like to learn to make and how you
would learn it.
What kinds of rights do you think people should have? For example, you probably
think that people have the right to be safe from burglars. There are a lot of other rights
that many people think we should have, too. That is why we need to have a government. 1. Y N
Governments are there to protect the rights of citizens. In return, citizens support the
government by paying taxes and obeying laws, and some serve in the armed forces. There
are many different kinds of governments. One of them is the republic, which is the kind of
2. Y N
government the United States has. In a republic, citizens elect people to represent them.
Those representatives make laws that protect the citizens. In a republic, citizens do not vote
on laws, but elect people to make and vote on laws.
3. Y N
1. According to this text, why do we 4. Which noun below can also be used
need to have a government? as a verb? 4. Y N
___ / 5
2. Which is not something citizens do 5. What is the meaning of the phrase
to support the government? in return? Total
A representative
B republic
C law
D citizen
There are many other kinds of governments besides republics. One of them is the
monarchy. A monarchy is a government that is run by a ruler, often a king or a queen. The
1. Y N
monarchy is one of the oldest forms of government. Many ancient people were ruled by
monarchs. For example, in ancient Egypt, the monarch was called the Pharaoh (FAIR-oh).
China and Japan had monarchs for a very long time, too. Some monarchies still exist today.
2. Y N For example, both England and Spain have monarchs. For many centuries, monarchs
made all the decisions, and they could do whatever they wanted. But that is not true today.
Today’s monarchs usually do not have the last word when it comes to making decisions. The
decisions are made by a group of representatives. The monarch still has some power, but it
3. Y N is shared with others.
4. Y N 1. What is this text mostly about? 4. The root cent means 100. The noun
centuries probably means
A China
B A hundreds of days
5. Y N representatives
C Japan
B hundreds of years
D monarchies
C thousands of days
D thousands of years
___ / 5
2. Which statement is true about
Total monarchies? 5. What does the phrase to have the
last word mean?
A In a monarchy, the government is run
by a ruler. A to make the decision
B There are no more monarchies. B to say something last
C The monarchy is a brand-new form C to have no power
of government. D to stand behind everyone else
D Monarchies were not common in
ancient times.
A country
B government
C ruler
D power
Sometimes, a government is run by a small group of people. That form of government
is called an oligarchy. The people who run an oligarchy are all members of the same
1. Y N
group. They are not elected to office. Instead, they hold power because they belong to
that particular group. Some oligarchies are run by the very wealthy. Some are run by the
members of a ruling family. Sometimes, they are run by members of one political party.
There have been many oligarchies in history. For example, the kingdom of Sparta was a 2. Y N
city-state in ancient Greece. It was run by an oligarchy. The ruling class of Sparta had all
of the power and made all of the decisions. Ordinary people did not vote. The Soviet Union
lasted from 1917 to 1991; it was also an oligarchy. Only members of the Communist Party
could hold office. There have been other oligarchies, too. 3. Y N
1. Why are the people who run an 4. Which word from the text is 4. Y N
oligarchy in charge? an adjective?
D There is no government.
A many
B few
C the study of
D universe
Who’s In Charge?
For as long as people have lived in groups, they have had leaders. And when people began
to live in cities, they began to create governments. Governments do several things for people.
A government helps to protect people’s rights and keep the peace. Governments also protect
the borders of the countries they serve. They also provide things such as education, highways,
and mail service. People cannot easily provide those things for themselves. So the government
provides them. In return, people pay taxes, obey laws, and support the government.
People have tried many different forms of government. For example, one of the earliest
forms of government was the monarchy. In a monarchy, a ruler, usually a king or queen, is in
charge. For many years, monarchs had all of the power. They made all of the decisions. Those
monarchies are called absolute monarchies. There are still monarchies today. But the rulers
cannot do whatever they want. Today, most monarchs share power. They work with a group of
elected representatives. The people vote for the members of that group. These monarchies are
called constitutional monarchies. England and Spain are constitutional monarchies.
People have also been ruled by oligarchies. In an oligarchy, the government is run by a
small group. Some are run by the wealthy, and others are run by members of a ruling family.
Still others are run by members of the same political party. In many oligarchies, the people do
not vote. The people who run the government are in charge because they are members of a
particular group.
1. If a reader doesn’t remember what 5. What is a purpose for reading
an oligarchy is, what could he or this text?
she do? 1. Y N
A to learn about different kinds of
A Review the title and the picture. government
B Reread the paragraph that has that B to learn how to vote 2. Y N
word in it. C to read a personal story
C Say the word out loud. D to learn about a visit to England
D Write the word a few times. 3. Y N
A a republic
B Rulers do not want to share power.
B an oligarchy
C Rulers want to share power.
C an absolute monarchy
D The people want a voice.
D a king or queen
___ / 4
If you could design a government, what would it be like? Write about the government
you would have.
Austin liked to spend time at his friend Devin’s house. One of the greatest things about
Devin’s family was that Devin’s older brother, Jacob, had his own band. Jacob and his band
practiced in Devin’s garage, and Austin really liked to hear them play. One day, Austin and 1. Y N
Devin were talking about the band, and Austin suggested they should start a band of their
own. Devin wasn’t in the least bit interested in being in a band, but he said Austin ought
to learn to play the guitar. “Who knows?” Devin said, “You might get really famous.” Austin
2. Y N
thought about what his friend had said. Maybe it would be a good idea to learn to play the
guitar—the electric guitar. Then, when he was good enough at it, he could have a band like
Jacob’s even if Devin didn’t want to join.
3. Y N
D Dad B semi–
C un–
2. What is Devin’s suggestion D sub– ___ / 5
for Austin?
A He suggests that Austin not come to 4. Which word from the text can be both
the house. a noun and a verb?
B He suggests that Austin forget A idea
about music.
C He suggests that Austin play in
B interested
Jacob’s band. C band
D He suggests that Austin learn to play D talking
the guitar.
A should
B cannot
C might
D could
Austin had decided he wanted to learn to play the electric guitar. It was originally his
friend Devin’s idea, but the more he thought about it, the more Austin liked the idea of being
1. Y N
a guitarist in a band. So he asked his parents if he could have a guitar. His mom and dad
liked the idea, too, but they thought that an electric guitar might be really expensive. Austin
thought so himself. Then one day, he stopped into a music-supply store to look at prices. He
noticed a few ads at the store for used guitars. He asked the manager about the ads. “Oh,
2. Y N
sure,” the manager said. “People are always selling used guitars. That’s really the best way
for a beginner to get an inexpensive instrument.” Now Austin knew how he could get a guitar
without spending a lot of money.
3. Y N
1. What do Austin’s mom and 4. What does the suffix –ist in the noun
4. Y N dad believe? guitarist mean?
___ / 5
2. How will Austin get a guitar without 5. What is inexpensive instrument an
Total spending a lot of money? example of?
A in–
B hypo–
C mal–
D super–
Austin wanted to learn to play the electric guitar. His mom and dad thought it was a good
idea, too, but they were concerned about the cost, and so was Austin. The solution to the
problem turned out to be a used guitar. Austin had discovered that many musicians sell 1. Y N
inexpensive, used electric guitars. So he returned to the music supply store where he had
seen ads for guitars. He wrote down the names and telephone numbers listed on the ads.
He didn’t recognize any of the names he saw on the ads. So his mom and dad insisted on
2. Y N
going with him when he went to look at the guitars. The first two guitars he wanted to see
had already been sold, but the third one was still for sale, and Austin liked it. In a very short
time, Austin had his electric guitar.
3. Y N
1. What is this text mostly about? 4. What does the verb returned tell you
about Austin? 4. Y N
A the history of the electric guitar
B how Austin learns to play the guitar
A He has never been to the
music-supply store.
C how Austin gets an electric guitar B He has been to the music-supply
5. Y N
A sub–
B ambi–
C bi–
D un–
Austin tried to play the same songs he heard Jacob and his band play, but he couldn’t make
his guitar sound the same at all. It wasn’t long before he decided he was going to need lessons.
Austin’s mom and dad had thought of that, too, and together, the three of them found a guitar
teacher. Austin attended the first few lessons, but he began to get bored. His teacher kept
giving him little songs and music exercises to do, not real songs like Jacob played. When Austin
complained to his mom and dad about it, his mother advised him, “Be patient. You need to learn
the basics first so you can sound good later when you play harder songs.” Austin didn’t believe
her, but he wasn’t a quitter, either. So he kept going for lessons and practicing.
1. Why does Austin try to play his new 5. What does Austin most likely hope
guitar as soon as he gets it? will happen in the future?
1. Y N
A He starts to sound better. A He will have his own band someday.
B He takes guitar lessons. B He will stop playing the guitar.
C He thinks it will be easy to play. C He will never visit Devin and Jacob. 2. Y N
D He realizes that playing the guitar is D He will play only easy songs.
not easy.
3. Y N
6. What inference can be made about
2. Why do Jacob and his band sound Austin’s mom and dad?
better than Austin does at first?
A They do not know Austin wants 4. Y N
A They have practiced more and guitar lessons.
played longer. B They want to play the guitar.
B They have newer guitars. C They wish Austin would not take 5. Y N
C They do not practice. guitar lessons.
D They have a bigger place to play. D They are glad Austin is taking
guitar lessons. 6. Y N
___ / 4
What have you learned to do well? Did it take a lot of practice? Write about what you
have learned to do well and how you learned it.
Week 35 Day 2
1. A
Day 1 2. C
1. A 3. A
2. D 4. D
3. D 5. B
4. C
5. C Day 3
1. C
Day 2 2. B
1. D 3. D
2. A 4. B
3. C 5. B
4. B
5. A Day 4
1. C
Day 3 2. A
1. B 3. C
2. C 4. C
3. B 5. A
4. A 6. D
5. A 7. D
8. A
Day 5
Responses will vary.
National Reading Panel. 2000. Report of the National Reading Panel. Teaching Children to
Read: An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and
its Implication for Reading Instruction (NIH Publication No. 00-4769). Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office.
Rasinski, Timothy V. 2003. The Fluent Reader: Oral Reading Strategies for Building Word
Recognition, Fluency, and Comprehension. New York: Scholastic.
Wolf, Maryanne. 2005. What is Fluency? Fluency Development: As the Bird Learns to Fly.
Scholastic professional paper. New York: ReadAbout.
/products/fluencyformula/pdfs/What_is_Fluency.pdf (accessed June 8, 2007).
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