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This book provides 180 daily writing prompts and exercises to help students practice and improve their writing skills. It focuses on teaching elements like narrative, informative, and opinion writing through examples and tips.

The purpose of this book is to provide daily writing practice to help students develop their writing abilities and meet writing standards. It gives teachers materials to assign on a daily basis to develop different writing skills.

This book focuses on teaching narrative, informative, and opinion writing styles. It provides examples, tips, and exercises related to elements like developing a topic, organizing ideas, using details and sensory language, revising and editing. The writing process is also covered.


Tracy Pearce
For information on how this resource meets
national and other state standards, see pages
4–6. You may also review this information by
scanning the QR code or visiting our website at
http://www.shelleducation.com and following
the on-screen directions.

Publishing Credits
Corinne Burton, M.A.Ed., President; Emily R. Smith, M.A.Ed., Content Director; Jennifer Wilson, Editor; Grace Alba Le, Multimedia
Designer; Don Tran, Production Artist; Stephanie Bernard, Assistant Editor; Amber Goff, Editorial Assistant

Image Credits
pp. 17, 21, 33, 66, 68, 78, 99, 136, 143, 195, 197, 210, 213, iStock; All other images Shutterstock.

© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All
rights reserved. (CCSS)

Shell Education
5301 Oceanus Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92649-1030
ISBN 978-1-4258-1523-3
© 2015 Shell Education Publishing, Inc.

The classroom teacher may reproduce copies of materials in this book for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part
for an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be transmitted, stored, or recorded
in any form without written permission from the publisher.

2 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Table of Contents
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How to Use This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Standards Correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Daily Practice Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Answer Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Writing Rubrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Writing Analyses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
The Writing Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Editing Marks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Writing Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Writing Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Peer/Self-Editing Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Contents of the Digital Resource CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

The Need for Practice
To be successful in today’s writing classrooms, students must deeply understand both concepts
and procedures so that they can discuss and demonstrate their understanding. Demonstrating
understanding is a process that must be continually practiced for students to be successful. Practice
is especially important to help students apply their concrete, conceptual understanding of each
particular writing skill.

Understanding Assessment
In addition to providing opportunities for frequent practice, teachers must be able to assess students’
writing skills. This is important so that teachers can adequately address students’ misconceptions,
build on their current understandings, and challenge them appropriately. Assessment is a
long‑term process that involves careful analysis of student responses from a discussion, project,
practice sheet, or test. When analyzing the data, it is important for teachers to reflect on how
their teaching practices may have influenced students’ responses and to identify those areas where
additional instruction may be required. In short, the data gathered from assessments should be
used to inform instruction: slow down, speed up, or reteach. This type of assessment is called
formative assessment.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 3

How to Use This Book
With 180 Days of Writing, creative, theme-based units guide students as they practice the five steps
of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. During each odd week
(Weeks 1, 3, 5, etc.), students interact with mentor texts. Then, students apply their learning by
writing their own pieces during each following even week (Weeks 2, 4, 6, etc.). Many practice pages
also focus on grammar/language standards to help improve students’ writing.

Easy to Use and Standards Based

These daily activities reinforce grade-level skills across the various genres of writing: opinion,
informative/explanatory, and narrative. Each day provides a full practice page, making the activities
easy to prepare and implement as part of a classroom morning routine, at the beginning of each
writing lesson, or as homework.

The chart below indicates the writing and language standards that are addressed throughout
this book. See pages 5–6 for a breakdown of which writing standard is covered in each week.
Note: Students may not have deep understandings of some topics in this book. Remember to assess
students based on their writing skills and not their content knowledge.

College and Career Readiness Standards

Writing K.1—Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to

compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of
the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about
the topic or the book.
Writing K.2—Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to
compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are
writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Writing K.3—Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing
to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the
events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to
what happened.
Language K.1—Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Language K.2—Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard
English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

4 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)
Below is a list of overarching themes, corresponding weekly themes, and the writing standards that
students will encounter throughout this book. For each overarching theme, students will interact
with mentor texts in the odd week and then apply their learning by writing their own pieces in the
even week. Note: The writing prompt for each week can be found on pages 7–8. You may wish to
display the prompts in the classroom for students to reference throughout the appropriate weeks.

Weekly Themes Standards

Writing K.3—Narrate a single event or several loosely

Week 1: Playing at the Park linked events. Tell about the events in the order in
Week 2: Picnic at the Park which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what
Writing K.3—Narrate a single event or several loosely
Week 3: What We Do in
linked events. Tell about the events in the order in
School School
which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what
Week 4: School Rules
Writing K.1—Compose opinion pieces in which they
Week 5: Spring or Fall?
tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they
Seasons Week 6: Summer or
are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or the book.
Writing K.2—Compose informative/explanatory
The Five Week 7: Sight and Smell
texts in which they name what they are writing about
Senses Week 8: Taste and Touch
and supply some information about the topic.
Writing K.2—Compose informative/explanatory
Community Week 9: Firefighters
texts in which they name what they are writing about
Heroes Week 10: Police Officers
and supply some information about the topic.
Week 11: Humpty Dumpty Writing K.1—Compose opinion pieces in which they
Nursery or Jack and Jill? tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they
Rhymes Week 12: Itsy Bitsy Spider are writing about and state an opinion or preference
or Little Bo Peep? about the topic or the book.
Writing K.2—Compose informative/explanatory
Week 13: Sun and Moon
Solar System texts in which they name what they are writing about
Week 14: Earth
and supply some information about the topic.
Week 15: Christmas or St. Writing K.1—Compose opinion pieces in which they
Patrick’s Day? tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they
Week 16: Valentine’s Day are writing about and state an opinion or preference
or Halloween? about the topic or the book.
Writing K.2—Compose informative/explanatory
Week 17: Ocean Animals
Animals texts in which they name what they are writing about
Week 18: Land Animals
and supply some information about the topic.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 5

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Weekly Themes Standards

Writing K.3—Narrate a single event or several loosely

Week 19: Farms linked events. Tell about the events in the order in
Week 20: Forests which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what
Writing K.3—Narrate a single event or several loosely
Week 21: Soccer linked events. Tell about the events in the order in
Week 22: Baseball which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what
Writing K.3—Narrate a single event or several loosely
People We Week 23: Family linked events. Tell about the events in the order in
Know Week 24: Friends which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what
Week 25: Pet Hamsters or Writing K.1—Compose opinion pieces in which they
Bunnies? tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they
Week 26: Pet Dogs or are writing about and state an opinion or preference
Cats? about the topic or the book.
Writing K.3—Narrate a single event or several loosely
Week 27: My Birthday
linked events. Tell about the events in the order in
Birthdays Week 28: Favorite Birthday
which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what
Week 29: Apples or Writing K.1—Compose opinion pieces in which they
Oranges? tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they
Week 30: Ice Cream or are writing about and state an opinion or preference
Cookies? about the topic or the book.
Writing K.2—Compose informative/explanatory
Week 31: Peacocks
Birds texts in which they name what they are writing about
Week 32: Ducks
and supply some information about the topic.
Writing K.1—Compose opinion pieces in which they
Week 33: Hot or Cold? tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they
Week 34: Wind or Rain? are writing about and state an opinion or preference
about the topic or the book.
Week 35: How to Make Writing K.2—Compose informative/explanatory
a Peanut Butter and Jelly texts in which they name what they are writing about
How To . . . Sandwich and supply some information about the topic.
Week 36: How to Wash
Your Hands

6 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Weekly Setup
Write each prompt on the board throughout the appropriate week. Students should reference the
prompts as they work through the activity pages so that they stay focused on the topics and the right
genre of writing: opinion, informative/explanatory, and narrative. You may wish to print copies
of this chart from the Digital Resource CD (filename: writingprompts.pdf ) and distribute them to
students to keep throughout the school year.

Week Prompt Week Prompt

Write about a time you played Write about Humpty Dumpty or

1 11
at the park. Jack and Jill.

Write about a time you had Write about The Itsy Bitsy Spider
2 12
a picnic. or Little Bo Peep.

3 Write about what you do at school. 13 Write about the sun or the moon.

Write about a school rule that 14 Write about Earth.

you follow.
Write about Christmas or
5 Write about spring or fall. St. Patrick’s Day.

6 Write about summer or winter. Write about Valentine’s Day

or Halloween.
Write about something you see
or smell. 17 Write about ocean animals.

Write about something you taste 18 Write about land animals.

or touch.
Write about spending time
Write about firefighters. Tell what on a farm.
they do.
Write about spending time
Write about police officers. in a forest.
Tell what they do.
21 Write about a soccer game.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 7

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Week Prompt Week Prompt

22 Write about a baseball game. 32 Write about ducks.

Write about spending a day with 33 Write about hot or cold weather.
your family.
34 Write about wind or rain.
Write about spending a day with
a friend. Write about making a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich.
25 Write about a hamster or a bunny.
36 Write about washing your hands.
26 Write about a dog or a cat.

Write about a birthday party you

have had.

Write about your favorite

birthday party.

29 Write about apples or oranges.

30 Write about ice cream or cookies.

31 Write about peacocks.

8 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Using the Practice Pages

The activity pages provide practice and assessment opportunities for each day of the school year.
For this age level, teachers may wish to complete the pages together as a class. Teachers may wish to
prepare packets of weekly practice pages for the classroom or for homework. As outlined on pages
5–6, each two-week unit is aligned to one writing standard. Note: Before implementing each week’s
activity pages, review the corresponding prompt on pages 7–8 with students and have students
brainstorm thoughts about each topic.
On odd weeks, students practice the daily skills Week 1

using mentor texts. On even weeks, students use 1 Name: _____________________________

what they have learned in the previous week and Directions: Read the notes about playing at a
park. Choose and underline one note in each box.

apply it to their own writing.

Playing at the Park
Who? Where?

my friend(s) outside
and I
near my house
Each day focuses on one of the steps in the writing my sister and I
process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing,
When? Event 1
and publishing.
on Sunday I climbed a tree.

on Monday I ate lunch.

Event 2

I went on the

There are 18 overarching themes. Each odd week I played soccer.

and the following even week focus on unique 14 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

themes that fit under one overarching theme. For

a list of the overarching themes and individual
weekly themes, see pages 5–6.
ubrtive ic Narrat ivry e Writing
g Rrma /Ex planato
Writin info Students Rubric
Dire ctio ns: . Evaluate

Using the Resources

in eac h row
to scorric
e numberhave
egory by circling on Wri
15 po int s ting
tot Rub
al .opportunities
students’ work
in each
e up to five poin category by circling one
in each cat and up to
circling one number intseach
in each Students
row .row number in each
ts’ work ints in each row Writ
category and up to 15 row . Students
te studen s: Evaluate students’ work De veloping Exc
in each
points total .
ns: Evalua score up to five Direction
po onauplto points total .
in each row and Wri
Directio to have opportun itiesWtorit ing up to five pointsunc
score opinion . Quality Wri
rtunities Quality States an
State s a clear intro ting
have oppo ing ails .
duction .
Developi ng Writing Developing
det State Writing
nal Writ WritingIncludes few Quality Writing
lear s an

opinion . unc introduction .

States an Exceptional
Focus and

des lots of event State

ing .
s . an unclear topic sentence .
StatesInclu s an unclear
introduction .
n . detail .sentence . a topic
States lud sentence .
a clos des at least one
r opinio one topic
a tclear
at leas incIncluedes a stron

The following resources will be helpful to students

clea States event .
States a Includes Does not g closing . few or unclear details . Includes few
Includes or unclear event
of details
. . of details . Includes at least one detail . Includes a closin s .
a closing

lots Includes lots g .

Includes Includes

Focus and

Does not inclu

Does not include a closing . de a closing .
closing .

a strong Includes a closing .

Includes a strong closing .
Focus an


as they complete the activity pages. Print copies 2

Usesited ord and
Uses a lim varie
an unvarie
d 4

3 interesting 2
. . 0 1
4 tive words descr
vocabu laryiptive
3 words . 2 1 some
Uses 0

of these resources and provide them to students to

5 e descrip
5 4 ce . descriptive word
PointsUses som ons istent voi s . Uses a limite
Points interesting ent voice . Main an inc
tains words . Uses limited or an unvaried
Mainatains d or an unva
Written Exp

sistinteresting ProUses adescriptive

consi vocabulary . ried
ied and
Uses var words . MaUses
a conand
intains and uses a tone stent voice vocabulary .a consistent voice .
Written Expression

that supports
descriptive descriptive words . meaning . a consistent voice .
Maintains Provides an incon
ent voice Provides an inconsistent voice . sistent voice .

keep at their desks.
a consist Maintains a consistent voice

Maintains ports
e that sup

s a ton and uses a tone that supports

and use

meaning . meaning . 0
Points 1
2 in wit4h
3 SenteMo
ncesst sen tences beg 3
ers .capital 2
4 in with 0 1
letters . 1 nces
Some sente 0
tences beg 3 2

5 4 begin with
Some sen 5 incorrect capit

Points in al letters . Most sentences

Points ctuation Most sentences
ital ers . ces end beginpun begin with
capital lett Sentences begin with

Rubrics for the three genres of writing (opinion, ces beg in with cap with capital rec t Senend
in corre
n, or no with
ct lowercase letter
Senten Sentences begin in cor punctuatio punn .ctu atio Somelowercase letters . s .
e sen tences end capital letters .
d .
sentences end
letters . letters .
Som is use punc tuation . corre ct Sentences end
rect ctuation . spacing Sentences end in incorrect punc

cor pun Words in sente correct in incorrect


in sentences
nces end in
end have ngSome e inccorrect tuation, or no

have punctuation, or no punctuation

Sentences n . Sentences end in correct
sentences spaci rds hav

betwWoeen .the . m . Most word is used . punctuation

. in m . punctuation them s in sentences

informative/explanatory, and narrative) can be

punctuatio st words
punctuation ween the between used .
correct isspaci have

rect Mo rect spacing bet


have cor ng between them

Poin in sentences0 have . Words have
Words in ween them . Words in sentences ts correct Most5 words
have 1 Words have incorrect spacing incor
bet correct spacing between them . between them rect spacing
spacing spacing between them . 2 4
between them . .
3 2

found on pages 199–201. Use the rubrics to assess

4 0 1
2 1 0
5 Tota
5 l Points: 4 3
Points ____________
Points ________

students' writing at the end of each even week. Be Total Points:

Total Points: ________________

sure to share these rubrics with students often so

s of Writing
© Shell Educa —180 Day
tion #51523
© Shell Education

that they know what is expected of them. © Shell

200 #51523—180 Days of Writing #51523—180
Days of Writi

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 9

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Using the Resources (cont.) The Writing Process

The Writing Process can be found on page 205 and on Step 1: Prewriting

Think about the topic.

the Digital Resource CD (filename: writingprocess.pdf ). Brainstorm ideas.

Step 2: Drafting

Students can reference each step of the writing process

Use your ideas to write a draft.
Don’t worry about errors.

Step 3: Revising

as they move through each week. Read your draft. Think

about the vocabulary. Think
about the organization.
Make changes to improve
your writing.

Step 4: Editing
Reread your draft. Check for
errors in spelling, punctuation,
and grammar.

Step 5: Publishing
Create a final draft. Be sure to

Editing Marks Editing Marks can be found use your best printing.

on page 206 and on the Digital

Editing Marks Symbol Names Example

capitalization © Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 205

david ate grapes.

My mother hugged
Me. Resource CD (filename:
editingmarks.pdf ). Students
insert period The clouds are in
symbol the sky

check spelling I laffed at the

may need to reference this

symbol story.

How you are?

insert symbol
Would you pass
the pizza? page as they work on the Peer/Self-Editing Checklist
editing activities (Day 4s).
insert comma I have cats, dogs
symbol and goldfish. Directions: Place a check mark in front of each
item as you check it.
That is amazing,
she shouted.

deletion Will you call call

symbol me?

add space #
# symbol
I run tothe tree.
The writing has . . .
206 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
q an opinion or topic stated
q an engaging beginning

If you wish to have students q details about the opinion

or topic
q a strong conclusion

peer or self-edit their writing, q a logical order

q interesting words

a Peer/Self-Editing Checklist q capital letters

q correct spelling

is provided on page 213 and

q correct punctuation

on the Digital Resource CD © Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 213

(filename: editingchecklist.pdf ).

Writing Signs for each of the writing genres Writing Tips for each of the writing genres
are on pages 210-212 and on the Digital can be found on pages 207–209 and on
Resource CD (filename: writingsigns.pdf ). the Digital Resource CD (filename:
Hang the signs up during the appropriate writingtips.pdf ). Students can reference the
two‑week units to remind students which appropriate Writing Tips pages as they work
type of writing they are focusing on. through the weeks.

g Tips Naory
rrative Wr
Writin Writing Tips iting Tips
Write a top
1. Choose a sentence
e your that
1. Writ n. tells what
topic. you r story
opinio is about.
Write in
2. Write a ate logical ord a
Rest 3. Write a beginning er with
strong3.topic n. facts about , a mid
senten and an end dle,
Include the topic. .
e reas
2. Writ ort your cha racters
to suppinion.
4. Finish
with a strong
statement about the Join the
topic. sentences
with the wo
first, next, rds
k and finally
4. Chec ct .
for co and
spellin ation.
punc tu
5. Check
for correct Check
spelling and Use lots for correc
punctuation. details of spelling and
and punctuatio
sensory wo n.

Education of Writing
212 © Shell
#51523—18 © Shell 523— 180 Days
0 Days of Writing #51 Education
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of Writing © Shell Educat 0 Days of Writing
180 Days ion 209
#51523— Education
© Shell

10 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Diagnostic Assessment
Teachers can use the practice pages as diagnostic assessments. The data analysis tools included
with the book enable teachers or parents to quickly score students’ work and monitor their progress.
Teachers and parents can quickly see which writing skills students may need to target further to
develop proficiency.

After students complete each two-week unit, score each students’ even week Day 5 published piece
using the appropriate, genre-specific rubric (pages 199–201). Then, complete the Practice Page
Item Analysis (pages 202–204) that matches the writing genre. These charts are also provided
on the Digital Resource CD as PDFs, Microsoft Word® files, and Microsoft Excel® files (filenames:
opinionpageitem.pdf, opinionpageitem.doc, opinionpageitem.xls; informativepageitem.pdf,
informativepageitem.doc, informativepageitem.xls; narrativepageitem.pdf, narrativepageitem.doc,
narrativepageitem.xls). Teachers can input data into the electronic files directly on the computer, or
they can print the pages and analyze students’ work using paper and pencil.

To Complete the Practice Page Item Analyses:

• Write or type students’ names in the far-left column. Depending on the number of students,
more than one copy of the form may be needed or you may need to add rows.

• The weeks in which the particular writing genres are the focus are indicated across the tops of
the charts. Note: Students are only assessed on the even weeks, therefore the odd weeks are
not included on the charts.

• For each student, record his or her rubric score in

the appropriate column.
is plan
lys/Ex atory
Infogrma Narr ative Writi
Writin Writing Analysis ng Analys
Opinion is
• Add the scores for each student after
ative genre and ks and record the

Total Scores

Total Scores

(2) how stud

e/explanatory genre and (2)
totals every two weeks and record

they’ve focused on a particular writing


s ever y two wee


totals eve re and (2) how
eks and


genre twice. Place that sum in the far right

ry two we


h students are ate columns . Add the total


column. Use these scores as benchmarks to

nding the narr
not understanding the informativ

columns . ing the opinion


appropriate columns . Add the


determine how each student is performing.

Add the

not understa
e/explanatory genre .


This allows for three benchmarks during

in the appropri

t un


ts are no

can view: (1) which students are

the year that you can use to gather formative

encounters with the informativ


e .
score (page 201)
s rubric score (page 200) in the

narrative genr


view: (1) whic



diagnostic data.
) in

d each stu umn . You can on genre .

(page 199

view: (1)

unters with the

sums in the Tota rd each student’s rubric
mn . You can

om Score

Directio the Total Scores nters with the op

Average Classroom Score



l Scores colu

Student Nam

sroom Score
multiple enco
Directions: Record each student’
dent’s rub

column .

Student Name





Average Clas
progress after


ns: Recor

after mu


© Shell
sums in
s in



Days of Writi
the sum

ng 203
#51523—180 Days of Writing
© Shell Education
s of Writing © Shell Educa
—180 Day tion

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 11

How to Use This Book (cont.)

Using the Results to Differentiate Instruction

Once results are gathered and analyzed, teachers can use the results to inform the way they
differentiate instruction. The data can help determine which writing types are the most difficult for
students and which students need additional instructional support and continued practice.

Whole-Class Support
The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that the entire class is struggling with a particular
writing genre. If these concepts have been taught in the past, this indicates that further instruction
or reteaching is necessary. If these concepts have not been taught in the past, this data is a great
preassessment and may demonstrate that students do not have a working knowledge of the
concepts. Thus, careful planning for the length of the unit(s) or lesson(s) must be considered, and
additional front-loading may be required.

Small-Group or Individual Support

The results of the diagnostic analysis may show that an individual student or a small group of
students is struggling with a particular writing genre. If these concepts have been taught in the past,
this indicates that further instruction or reteaching is necessary. Consider pulling these students
aside to instruct them further on the concept(s), while others are working independently. Students
may also benefit from extra practice using games or computer-based resources. Teachers can also
use the results to help identify individual students or groups of proficient students who are ready
for enrichment or above-grade-level instruction. These students may benefit from independent
learning contracts or more challenging activities.

Digital Resource CD
The Digital Resource CD contains digital copies of the activity pages, the diagnostic pages, and
additional resources, such as the Editing Marks and Writing Tips pages, for the students. The list of
resources on the Digital Resource CD can be found on page 214.

12 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Standards Correlations
Shell Education is committed to producing educational materials that are research and standards
based. In this effort, we have correlated all of our products to the academic standards of all
50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Dependents Schools, and all
Canadian provinces.

How to Find Standards Correlations

To print a customized correlation report of this product for your state, visit our website at
http://www.shelleducation.com and follow the on-screen directions. If you require assistance in
printing correlation reports, please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-877-777-3450.

Purpose and Intent of Standards

Legislation mandates that all states adopt academic standards that identify the skills students will
learn in kindergarten through grade twelve. Many states also have standards for Pre-K. This same
legislation sets requirements to ensure the standards are detailed and comprehensive.

Standards are designed to focus instruction and guide adoption of curricula. Standards are
statements that describe the criteria necessary for students to meet specific academic goals. They
define the knowledge, skills, and content students should acquire at each level. Standards are also
used to develop standardized tests to evaluate students’ academic progress.

Teachers are required to demonstrate how their lessons meet state standards. State standards are
used in the development of all of our products, so educators can be assured they meet the academic
requirements of each state.

The activities in this book are aligned to today's national and state-specific college and career
readiness standards. The chart on page 4 lists the writing and language standards used throughout
this book. A more detailed chart on pages 5–6 correlates the specific writing standards to each
week. The standards charts are also on the Digital Resource CD (filename: standards.pdf ).

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 13

Week 1

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the notes about playing at a

park. Choose and underline one note in each box.
Playing at the Park

Who? Where?

my friend(s) outside
and I
near my house
my sister and I

When? Event 1

on Sunday I climbed a tree.

on Monday I ate lunch.

Event 2

I went on the

I played soccer.
14 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 1

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Playing at the Park

Green: Red: Blue:
introduction event closure

I went to the park

on Sunday with my

sister. First, we

played on the swings.

Then, we went down

the slide. We had a

great day.

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Pp’s. Write your own.

Pp Pp
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 15
Week 1

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Look at the picture. Circle the details.

Playing at the Park

Directions: Draw your favorite detail from

the picture.

16 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 1

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for periods. Circle the
correct sentences.

Playing at the Park

Example: P
 at rides on the swings.
Pat rides on the swings

1. Al goes down the slide

Al goes down the slide.

2. Liz plays in the sand.

Liz plays in the sand

3. She runs to the swings.

She runs to the swings

4. I am on the seesaw

I am on the seesaw.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 17

Week 1

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Playing at the Park

I went to the park on Sunday with my sister.

First, we played on the swings. Then, we went
down the slide. We had a great day.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between the words.
18 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 2

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Think about a picnic at the park.
Draw notes about the day.

Picnic at the Park

Who? Where?

When? Event 1

Event 2

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 19

Week 2

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about a picnic. Fill in

the checklist.
Picnic at the Park

I had a picnic with


First, .

Then, .

Closing Sentence

and I had so much fun!

q I have an introduction.
q I have events.
q I have a closing.
20 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 2

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Add details to the picture.

Picnic at the Park


© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 21

Week 2

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Add periods to the sentences.

Picnic at the Park

Example: Jim is flying a kite . 

1. Nic sits on a blanket

2. She eats a roll

3. I look in the basket

4. The park is fun

22 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 2

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about a picnic. Fill in
the checklist.

Picnic at the Park


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 23
Week 3

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the notes about a day at school.

Choose and underline one note in each box.
What We Do in School

Who? Where?

my classmates on the
and I playground

my teacher and I in the classroom

When? Event 1

today I practiced math.

yesterday I played on the

monkey bars.

Event 2

I went down
the slide.

I drew a picture.
24 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 3

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline each
sentence in green, red, or blue.

What We Do in School
Green: Red: Blue:
introduction event closure

Today, I went to

school. First, we did

school work. Then,

we went to recess.

I had a lot of fun

at school.

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Ll’s. Write your own.

Ll Ll
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 25
Week 3

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Look at the picture. Circle the details.

What We Do in School

Directions: Draw your favorite detail from

the picture.

26 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 3

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for spacing. Circle the
correct sentences.

What We Do in School
Example: J
 im plays with blocks.
Jimplays with blocks.

1. I read a story.

Iread a story.

2. Heeats lunch.

He eats lunch.

3. Luz playsat recess.

Luz plays at recess.

4. We do a puzzle.

Wedo a puzzle.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 27

Week 3

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
What We Do in School

Today, I went to school. First, we did

school work. Then, we went to recess.
I had a lot of fun at school.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between the words.
28 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 4

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Think about a school rule that you
follow. Draw notes about it.

School Rules
Who? Where?

When? Event 1

Event 2

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 29

Week 4

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about a school rule. Fill in

the checklist.
School Rules

I followed a rule with

First, .
Then, .
Closing Sentence

and I follow rules.

q I have an introduction.
q I have events.
q I have a closing.
30 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 4

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Add details to the picture.

School Rules

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 31

Week 4

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Look for spacing. Complete

the sentences.
School Rules

(Iwait or I wait)
I wait my turn.

1. Zan raises .
(his hand or hishand)

2. a good listener.

(Heis or He is)

3. She shares .
(her toys or hertoys)

32 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 4

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about a school rule.
Fill in the checklist.

School Rules

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 33
Week 5

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the picture you like best.

Opinion: I like . . .
Spring or Fall?

spring fall

Directions: Place a check mark next to a reason.


_____ I like leaves. _____ I like sunshine.

_____ I like flowers. _____ I like clouds.

34 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 5

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline each
sentence in green, red or blue.

Spring or Fall?
Green: Red: Blue:
opinion detail closure

I like spring more

than fall. I like it

because there are

lots of fun things I

can do. Spring is the

best season.

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Ss’s. Write your own.

Ss Ss
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 35
Week 5

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Match the sentences to the pictures.

Spring or Fall?

1. He likes the

2. I plant flowers.

3. She bounces
a ball.

4. The sun is bright.

5. I see a leaf.

36 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 5

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for periods. Circle the
correct sentences.

Spring or Fall?
Example: L
 eaves are falling
Leaves are falling.

1. It is raining.

It is raining

2. Here is a pumpkin.

Here is a pumpkin

3. The flower is pink

The flower is pink.

4. I like the rain.

I like the rain

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 37

Week 5

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Spring or Fall?

I like spring more than fall. I like it

because there are lots of fun things I
can do. Spring is the best season.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between the words.
38 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 6

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Circle the picture you like best. Write
your opinion. Write a reason.

Summer or Winter?
summer winter


I like .


I like it because

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 39

Week 6

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about summer or winter. Fill in

the checklist.
Summer or Winter?


(Summer or Winter)
is the best season.


I like it because

I love !
(summer or winter)

q I state my opinion.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.

40 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 6

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Draw pictures
to match.

Summer or Winter?
1. They build a snowman.

2. It is hot.

3. The snow is falling.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 41

Week 6

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Add periods to the sentences.

Summer or Winter?

Example: It is cold . 

1. I like to swim

2. The bear sleeps

3. They play in snow

4. I go to the beach

5. I wear a coat

42 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 6

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about summer or
winter. Fill in the checklist.

Summer or Winter?

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 43
Week 7

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the pictures about sight

and smell.
Sight and Smell

smell dog

sight and

see ear
44 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 7

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline each
sentence in green, red, or blue.

Sight and Smell

Green: Red: Blue:
topic detail closure

We have five senses.

We use our eyes to see.

We use our noses to

smell. It is great to have


Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Ee’s. Write your own.

Ee Ee
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 45
Week 7

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose a word. Underline it.

Sight and Smell

Example: I (smell or sniff) my food.

1. I (see or saw) my mom.

2. I smell a (flower or tree).

3. I see a (bird or butterfly).

4. I (like or love) my senses.

46 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 7

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for capital letters. Circle the
correct sentences.

Sight and Smell

Example: H
 e smells a flower.
he smells a flower.

1. She smells pizza.

she smells pizza.

2. i see flowers.

I see flowers.

3. They smell muffins.

they smell muffins.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 47

Week 7

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Sight and Smell

We have five senses. We use our eyes to

see. We use our noses to smell. It is great to
have senses!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between the words.
48 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 8

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Trace the words about taste
and touch.

Taste and Touch

apple bunny

taste and

© Shell Education
#51523—180 Days of Writing 49
Week 8

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about taste or touch. Fill in

the checklist.
Taste and Touch


I use my sense of
(taste or touch)


I use it to

I like to
(taste or touch)

q I have a topic.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
50 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 8

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Choose a word. Write it.


Taste and Touch

Example: I smell a .
(rose or flower)

1. She tastes a .
(cookie or candy)

2. He feels a .
(bed or bell)

3. She feels a .
(cat or dog)

4. He eats .
(pizza or cheese)

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 51

Week 8

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.

Taste and Touch

(They or they)
They touch the cat.

1. taste the apple.

(I or i)

2. feels the crayon.

(he or He)

3. feels a horse.
(She or she)

4. eat cookies.
(I or i)

52 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 8

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about taste or touch.
Fill in the checklist.

Taste and Touch


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 53
Week 9

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the pictures about firefighters.


helmet hose


truck bracelet

54 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 9

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline each
sentence in green, red, or blue.

Green: Red: Blue:
topic detail closure

Firefighters help the

community. They keep

people safe. They

stop fires. Firefighters

are heroes.

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Ff’s. Write your own.

Ff Ff
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 55
Week 9

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose a word. Underline it.


Example: Firefighters (can or will) put out fires.

1. Firefighters (rescue or help) people.

2. Firefighters (drive or steer) trucks.

3. Firefighters (use or carry) ladders.

4. Firefighters (wear or have) jackets.

56 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 9

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for periods. Circle the
correct sentences.

Example: F
 irefighters have boots
Firefighters have boots.

1. Firefighters rescue people

Firefighters rescue people.

2. Firefighters use ladders.

Firefighters use ladders

3. Firefighters work at fire stations.

Firefighters work at fire stations

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 57

Week 9

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.

Firefighters help the community. They keep

people safe. They stop fires. Firefighters
are heroes.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between the words.
58 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 10

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Trace the words about police officers.

Police Officers
car hat


© Shell Education
#51523—180 Days of Writing 59
Week 10

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about police officers. Fill in

the checklist.
Police Officers


Police officers
(save or help)



Police officers are

(kind or brave)

q I have a topic sentence.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
60 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 10

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Choose a word. Write it.


Police Officers
Example: Police officers work
(at or in)
police stations.

1. Police officers keep safe.

(me or us)

2. Police officers tickets.

(give or have)

3. Police officers laws.

(obey or follow)

4. Police officers are .

(kind or brave)

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 61

Week 10

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Add periods to the sentences.

Police Officers

Example: Police officers help people . 

1. Police officers wear badges

2. They drive in cars with sirens

3. Police officers wear uniforms

4. Police officers work very hard

5. Police officers are heroes

62 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 10

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about police officers.
Fill in the checklist.

Police Officers

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 63
Week 11

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the picture you like best.

Opinion: I like . . .
Humpty Dumpty or Jack and Jill?

Humpty Dumpty Jack and Jill

Directions: Place a check mark next to a reason.


_____ They are nice. _____ He is funny.

_____ He falls off _____ They fall down

a wall. a hill.

64 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 11

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline each
sentence in green, red, or blue.

Humpty Dumpty or Jack and Jill?

Green: Red: Blue:
opinion detail closure

I like “Jack and Jill”

more than “Humpty

Dumpty.” I like it

because it is funny.

“Jack and Jill” is my


Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Jj’s. Write your own.

Jj Jj
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 65
Week 11

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Match the sentences to the pictures.

Humpty Dumpty or Jack and Jill?

1. Jack fell down.

2. Humpty Dumpty

3. Jill had a pail.

4. Jack and Jill

went up a hill.

66 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 11

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for spacing. Circle the
correct sentences.

Humpty Dumpty or Jack and Jill?

Example: J
 ack and Jill wentup the hill.
Jack and Jill went up the hill.

1. Jack fell down.

Jack felldown.

2. AndJill came tumbling after.

And Jill came tumbling after.

3. Jack and Jill were both okay.

Jackand Jill were both okay.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 67

Week 11

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Humpty Dumpty or Jack and Jill?

I like “Jack and Jill” more than

“Humpty Dumpty.” I like it because it is

funny. “Jack and Jill” is my favorite.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
68 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 12

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Circle the picture you like best.
Write your opinion. Write a reason.

Itsy Bitsy Spider or Little Bo Peep?

Itsy Bitsy Spider Little Bo Peep


I like .

I like it because
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 69
Week 12

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or

“Little Bo Peep.” Fill in the checklist.
Itsy Bitsy Spider or Little Bo Peep?


(“Itsy Bitsy Spider” or “Little Bo Peep”)

is the best rhyme.


I like it because


I love
(“Itsy Bitsy Spider” or “Little Bo Peep”)

q I state my opinion.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
70 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 12

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Draw pictures
to match.

Itsy Bitsy Spider or Little Bo Peep?

1. I see a spider.

2. There is a sheep.

3. Little Bo Peep is sad.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 71

Week 12

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the words. Write them.

Itsy Bitsy Spider or Little Bo Peep?

(Shelikes or She likes)
She likes her sheep.

1. The sheep .
(arelost or are lost)

2. The spider climbs .

(a web or aweb)

3. I see .
(asheep or a sheep)

4. the spider.
(I see or Isee)

72 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 12

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about “Itsy Bitsy
Spider” or “Little Bo Peep.” Fill in the checklist.

Itsy Bitsy Spider or Little Bo Peep?


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 73
Week 13

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the pictures about the sun or

the moon.
Sun and Moon

hot chair

sun and moon

half moon crescent moon

74 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 13

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Sun and Moon

Green: Red: Blue:
topic detail closure

The sun and the moon

are in the sky. The sun

comes out in the day.

The moon comes out at

night. They are both

important to Earth.

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Mm’s. Write your own.

Mm Mm
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 75
Week 13

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose a word. Underline it.

Sun and Moon

Example: The sun and moon are (big or huge).

1. The sun is a (big or huge) star.

2. The (sun or moon) is in the sky.

3. Earth (has or gets) light from the sun.

4. We (see or saw) the moon at night.

76 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 13

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for capital letters. Circle the
correct sentences.

Sun and Moon

Example: T
 he sun is a big star.
the sun is a big star.

1. the sun is bright.

The sun is bright.

2. The moon is smaller than Earth.

the moon is smaller than Earth.

3. the sun is hot.

The sun is hot.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 77

Week 13

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Sun and Moon

The sun and the moon are in the

sky. The sun comes out in the day. The
moon comes out at night. They are both
important to Earth.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
78 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 14

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Trace the words about features
of Earth.

mountain lake


hill glacier
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 79
Week 14

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about Earth. Fill in the checklist.


There are
(lots of or many)
about Earth.

Earth has

Earth is .

q I have a topic sentence.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
80 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 14

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Choose a word. Write it.


Example: There are planets.
(eight or 8)

1. Earth around the sun.

(goes or travels)

2. Earth has moon.

(1 or one)

3. Earth is .
(large or big)

4. Earth energy from the sun.

(has or gets)

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 81

Week 14

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.


(the or The)
The planet Jupiter is big.

1. planets go around the sun.

(the or The)

2. are eight planets.

(There or there)

3. planet Earth is mostly water.

(the or The)

82 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 14

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about Earth.
Fill in the checklist.


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 83
Week 15

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the picture you like best.

Opinion: I like . . .
Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day?

Christmas St. Patrick’s Day

Directions: Place a check mark next to a reason.


_____ We wear _____ We decorate

green. a tree.

_____ We open gifts. _____ There are pots

of gold.

84 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 15

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline each
sentence in green, red, or blue.

Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day?

Green: Red: Blue:
opinion detail closure

I like St. Patrick’s

Day. I like it because

I get to wear green. I

love St. Patrick’s Day!

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Cc’s. Write your own.

Cc Cc
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 85
Week 15

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Match the sentences to the pictures.

Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day?

1. I open gifts.

2. I see a clover.

3. I decorate a tree.

4. I see a pot of gold.

86 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 15

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for spelling. Circle the
correct sentences.

Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day?

Example: C
 hristmas iss on December 25.
Christmas is on December 25.

1. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17.

St. Patrick’s Daay is March 17.

2. People open gifts onn Christmas.

People open gifts on Christmas.

3. People wear green on St. Patrick’s Day.

People wear green oon St. Patrick’s Day.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 87

Week 15

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Christmas or St. Patrick’s Day?

I like St. Patrick’s Day. I like it

because I get to wear green. I love
St. Patrick’s Day!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
88 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 16

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Circle the picture you like best.
Write your opinion. Write a reason.

Valentine’s Day or Halloween?

Valentine’s Day Halloween


I like .


I like it because
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 89
Week 16

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about Valentine’s Day or

Halloween. Fill in the checklist.
Valentine’s Day or Halloween?


(Valentine’s Day or Halloween)

is the best holiday.


I like it because


I love
(Valentine’s Day or Halloween)

q I state my opinion.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
90 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 16

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Draw pictures
to match.

Valentine’s Day or Halloween?

1. I see a jack-o-lantern.

2. I like hearts.

3. I see a witch.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 91

Week 16

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.

Valentine’s Day or Halloween?

Example: Valentine’s Day

(is or iss)
February 14.

1. Halloween be fun.
(can or caan)

2. People dress costumes.

(iin or in)

3. People give cards Valentine’s Day.

(onn or on)

92 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 16

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about Valentine’s Day
or Halloween. Fill in the checklist.

Valentine’s Day or Halloween?


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 93
Week 17

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the pictures about

ocean animals.
Ocean Animals

fish whale


tiger crab
94 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 17

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Ocean Animals
Green: Red: Blue:
topic detail closure

Many animals live in

the ocean. There are

whales and sharks.

There are lots of

colorful fish. Ocean

animals are very


Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 95
Week 17

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose a word. Underline it.

Ocean Animals

Example: I (see or saw) a fish.

1. A crab lives in the (sea or ocean).

2. The ocean is (big or large).

3. There are (many or few) animals.

4. (Whales or Sharks) live in the ocean.

96 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 17

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for question marks. Circle the
correct sentences.

Ocean Animals
Example: D
 oes a crab live in a shell?
Does a crab live in a shell.

1. How big is a whale.

How big is a whale?

2. Does an octopus have eight legs?

Does an octopus have eight legs.

3. Do fish sleep behind rocks?

Do fish sleep behind rocks.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 97

Week 17

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Ocean Animals

Many animals live in the ocean. There

are whales and sharks. There are lots
of colorful fish. Ocean animals are
very interesting.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
98 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 18

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Trace the words about land animals.

Land Animals
elephant horse

land animals

© Shell Education
lion bear
#51523—180 Days of Writing 99
Week 18

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about land animals. Fill in

the checklist.
Land Animals

Land animals are


I land animals.

q I have a topic sentence.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.

100 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 18

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Choose a word. Write it.


Land Animals
Example: A is a cool animal.
(tiger or lion)

1. An elephant is .
(big or huge)

2. I like .
(horses or monkeys)

3. A bear eats .
(fish or food)

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 101

Week 18

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Add question marks to the sentences.

Land Animals

Example: Is the lion big ? 

1. Do you see the elephant

2. Is the tiger fast

3. Where are the horses

4. What does a bear eat

102 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 18

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about land animals.
Fill in the checklist.

Land Animals

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 103
Week 19

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the notes about being on a farm.

Choose and underline one note in each box.

Who? Where?

my uncle and I in Texas

my cousin and I in Montana

When? Event 1

on vacation We walked
around the farm.
last week
We rode on
a tractor.
Event 2
We fed the

We ate a
big dinner.
104 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 19

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Green: Red: Blue:
introduction event closure

I went on vacation.

I went to my uncle’s

farm. First, we rode

on a tractor. Then, we

ate a big dinner. It

was lots of fun!

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 105
Week 19

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Look at the picture. Circle the details.


Directions: Draw your favorite detail from

the picture.

106 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 19

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look at the spelling. Circle the correct

Example: T
 he pig kan oink.
The pig can oink.

1. A cow can give milk.

A cow cna give milk.

2. Teh farmer rides a horse.

The farmer rides a horse.

3. A duck quacks.

A duc quacks.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 107

Week 19

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.

I went on vacation. I went to my uncle’s

farm. First, we rode on a tractor. Then,
we ate a big dinner. It was lots of fun!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
108 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 20

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Imagine you visit a forest.
Draw notes about the day.

Who? Where?

When? Event 1

Event 2

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 109

Week 20

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about a forest. Fill in the


I went to the forest with


First, .
Then, .
Closing Sentence

and I had so much fun!

q I have an introduction.
q I have events.
q I have a closing.
110 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 20

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Add details to the picture.


© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 111

Week 20

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.


(We or Wee)
We visit the forest.

1. The forest dark.

(iss or is)

2. forest is big.
(The or Teh)

3. we go to the forest?
(Caan or Can)

112 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 20

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about a forest. Fill in
the checklist.


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 113
Week 21

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the notes about a soccer game.

Choose and underline one note in each box.

Who? Where?

my team and I at the park

my family and I on the field

When? Event 1

yesterday I kicked the ball.

Saturday I ran around.

Event 2

I scored a goal.

I passed the ball.

114 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 21

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Green: Red: Blue:
introduction event closure

I had a soccer game

on Saturday. First, I

kicked the ball. Then,

I scored a goal. The

team had a great


Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the Ii’s. Write your own.

Ii Ii
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 115
Week 21

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Look at the picture. Circle the details.


Directions: Draw your favorite detail from

the picture.

116 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 21

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for capital letters. Circle the
correct sentences.

Example: I went to the game with Jane.
I went to the game with jane.

1. al kicked the ball.

Al kicked the ball.

2. Mia scored a goal.

mia scored a goal.

3. Tim won an award.

tim won an award.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 117

Week 21

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.

I had a soccer game on Saturday. First,

I kicked the ball. Then, I scored a goal.
The team had a great game!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
118 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 22

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Think about a baseball game.
Draw notes about it.

Who? Where?

When? Event 1

Event 2

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 119

Week 22

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about a baseball game. Fill in

the checklist.

I went to a baseball game with

First, .
Then, .
Closing Sentence

and I had a great day!

q I have an introduction.
q I have events.
q I have a closing.
120 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 22

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Add details to the picture.


© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 121

Week 22

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.


Example:  ran to the base.

(I or i)

1. play baseball with Nick.

(We or we)

2. hit the ball.

(I or i)

3. team won!
(our or Our)

122 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 22

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about a baseball
game. Fill in the checklist.


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 123
Week 23

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the notes about spending a day

with your family. Choose and underline one note in
each box.

Who? Where?

my cousins and I at the movies

my parents and I at the park

When? Event 1

last week We bought

We played on
the playground.
Event 2

We ate lunch.

We watched
a movie.

124 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 23

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Green: Red: Blue:
introduction event closure

Last week, my cousins

and I went to the movies.

First, we got popcorn and

candy. Then, we watched

a funny movie. We had a

great time!

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 125
Week 23

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Look at the picture. Circle the details.


Directions: Draw your favorite detail from

the picture.

126 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 23

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for periods. Circle the
correct sentences.

Example: M
 y family eats dinner.
My family eats dinner

1. My family plays games

My family plays games.

2. My family has fun.

My family has fun

3. We go to the park.

We go to the park

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 127

Week 23

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.

Last week, my cousins and I went to the

movies. First, we got popcorn and candy.
Then, we watched a funny movie. We had
a great time!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
128 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 24

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Think about a time you did something
with your friends. Draw notes about the day.

Who? Where?

When? Event 1

Event 2

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 129

Week 24

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about a day with your friends.

Fill in the checklist.

I spent a day with


First, .
Then, .
Closing Sentence

and I had a great day!

q I have an introduction.
q I have events.
q I have a closing.
130 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 24

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Add details to the picture.


© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 131

Week 24

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Add periods to the sentences.


Example: Matt shares the blocks

with Paul . 

1. He listens to Bill

2. Kevin and Cole are helping

3. Tara and Ben are friends

4. I play with Maria

132 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 24

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about your friend(s).
Fill in the checklist.


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 133
Week 25

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the picture you like best.

Pet Hamsters or Bunnies?

Opinion: I like . . .
hamsters bunnies

Directions: Place a check mark next to a reason.


_____ They run _____ They eat

on wheels. veggies.

_____ They climb _____ They hop.

on arms.

134 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 25

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Pet Hamsters or Bunnies?

Green: Red: Blue:
opinion detail closure

I like hamsters more

than bunnies. I like them

because they are small and

cute. Hamsters make the

best pets!

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 135
Week 25

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Match the sentences to the pictures.

Pet Hamsters or Bunnies?

1. Bunnies are cute.

2. Hamsters run
on wheels.

3. Bunnies eat

4. Hamsters eat

136 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 25

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for capital letters. Circle the
correct sentences.

Pet Hamsters or Bunnies?

Example: m
 y hamster crawls on my arm.
My hamster crawls on my arm.

1. A bunny likes to hop.

a bunny likes to hop.

2. Hamsters like to cuddle.

hamsters like to cuddle.

3. i see a hamster run.

I see a hamster run.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 137

Week 25

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Pet Hamsters or Bunnies?

I like hamsters more than bunnies. I

like them because they are small and
cute. Hamsters make the best pets!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
138 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 26

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Circle the picture you like best.
Write your opinion. Write a reason.

Pet Dogs or Cats?

dog cat


I like .

I like it because
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 139
Week 26

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about a dog or a cat. Fill in

the checklist.
Pet Dogs or Cats?


(A dog or A cat)
is the best pet.


I like it because

I love
(dogs or cats)

q I state my opinion.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.

140 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 26

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Draw pictures
to match.

Pet Dogs or Cats?

1. Dogs like to bark.

2. A cat is furry.

3. A cat likes to purr.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 141

Week 26

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.

Pet Dogs or Cats?

Example:  dogs are fluffy.

(Some or some)

1. cat meows.
(a or A)

2. dog barks.
(The or the )

3. cats are black.

(Some or some)

142 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 26

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about a cat or a dog.
Fill in the checklist.

Pet Dogs or Cats?


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 143
Week 27

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the notes about your birthday.

Choose and underline one note in each box.
My Birthday

Who? Where?

my family and I at the park

my friends and I at home

When? Event 1

my fifth I hit the piñata.

I opened

my sixth birthday presents.

Event 2

We ate cake.

We played
a game.
144 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 27

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

My Birthday
Green: Red: Blue:
introduction event closure

On my sixth birthday,

we went to the park.

First, we played

games. Then, we

ate cake. It was my

favorite birthday.

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 145
Week 27

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Look at the picture. Circle the details.

My Birthday

Directions: Draw your favorite detail from

the picture.

146 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 27

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for capital letters. Circle the
correct sentences.

My Birthday
Example: T
 ess’s birthday is october 14.
Tess’s birthday is October 14.

1. Her birthday is july 9.

Her birthday is July 9.

2. Elan’s birthday is August 22.

Elan’s birthday is august 22.

3. His birthday is may 29.

His birthday is May 29.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 147

Week 27

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
My Birthday

On my sixth birthday, we went to the

park. First, we played games. Then, we
ate cake. It was my favorite birthday.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
148 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 28

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Think about a time you went to a
birthday party. Draw notes about the day.

Favorite Birthday Party

Who? Where?

When? Event 1

Event 2

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 149

Week 28

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about a birthday party. Fill in

the checklist.
Favorite Birthday Party

I went to a birthday party for


First, .
Then, .
Closing Sentence

had a great birthday!

q I have an introduction.
q I have events.
q I have a closing.
150 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 28

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Add details to the picture.

Favorite Birthday Party


© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 151

Week 28

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.

Favorite Birthday Party

Johnny’s birthday is in
(April or april)
April .

1. Maria’s birthday is in .
(may or May)

2. Kim’s birthday is in .
(July or july)

3. Jin’s birthday is in .
(june or June)

152 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 28

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about your favorite
birthday party. Fill in the checklist.

Favorite Birthday Party


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 153
Week 29

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the picture you like best.

Apples or Oranges?

Opinion: I like . . .
apples oranges

Directions: Place a check mark next to a reason.


_____ They have _____ They are

stems. peeled.

_____ They are red _____ They are

or green. orange.

154 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 29

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline each
sentence in green, red, or blue.

Apples or Oranges?
Green: Red: Blue:
opinion detail closure

I like apples more

than oranges. I like

them because they are

crunchy and sweet.

Apples are yummy!

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 155
Week 29

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Match the sentences to the pictures.

Apples or Oranges?

1. An apple has
a leaf.

2. Oranges are

3. You can slice

an apple.

4. You can peel

an orange.

156 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 29

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for periods. Circle the
correct sentences.

Apples or Oranges?
Example: A
 pples are crunchy.
Apples are crunchy

1. Oranges are juicy.

Oranges are juicy

2. Apples are red

Apples are red.

3. Oranges have peels.

Oranges have peels

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 157

Week 29

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Apples or Oranges?

I like apples more than oranges. I like

them because they are crunchy and sweet.
Apples are yummy!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
158 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 30

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Circle the picture you like best.
Write your opinion. Write a reason.

Ice Cream or Cookies?

ice cream cookies


I like .

I like it/them because

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 159
Week 30

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about ice cream or cookies.

Fill in the checklist.
Ice Cream or Cookies?


(Ice cream or Cookies)

is/are the best.


I like it/them because



I love
(ice cream or cookies)

q I state my opinion.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
160 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 30

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Draw pictures
to match.

Ice Cream or Cookies?

1. I like ice cream cones.

2. Ice cream melts on hot days.

3. Cookies are baked in ovens.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 161

Week 30

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Add periods to the sentences.

Example: I like the taste of cookies . 

Ice Cream or Cookies?

1. I like cookies because they are round

2. I like ice cream because it is creamy

3. I like cookies because they are warm

4. I like cookies more than ice cream

162 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 30

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about ice cream
or cookies. Fill in the checklist.

Ice Cream or Cookies?


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 163
Week 31

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the pictures about peacocks.


feathers monkey


food (insects) feet

164 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 31

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Green: Red: Blue:
topic detail closure

Peacocks are a type

of bird. They have

colorful feathers. They

eat insects. Peacocks

are interesting.

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 165
Week 31

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose a word. Underline it.


Example: Birds have (beaks or eyes).

1. Birds have two wings and two

(legs or eyes).

2. Birds have wings to (fly or roam).

3. Birds’ legs let them (walk or run).

4. Birds (have or lay) eggs.

166 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 31

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for spelling. Circle the
correct sentences.

Example: P
 eacocks hav feathers.
Peacocks have feathers.

1. Birds do nt have teeth.

Birds do not have teeth.

2. Birds hatch frm eggs.

Birds hatch from eggs.

3. Cardinals are red.

Cardinals are rd.

4. Birds have two feet.

Birds have two fet.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 167

Week 31

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.

Peacocks are a type of bird. They

have colorful feathers. They eat insects.
Peacocks are interesting.

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
168 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 32

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Trace the words about ducks.

rock pond


© Shell Education
#51523—180 Days of Writing 169
Week 32

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about ducks. Fill in the checklist.


Ducks are .




I love .

q I have a topic sentence.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.

170 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 32

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Choose a word. Write it.


Example: Ducks eat .
(bread or food)

1. Ducks are birds.

(small or large)

2. They in the water.

(swim or dive)

3. They build .
(nests or homes)

4. They like to .
(fly or quack)

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 171

Week 32

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.


Example: Ducks
(live or liv)
live near water.

1. Ducks in the water.

(swm or swim)

2. Ducks bread.
(eat or eet)

3. They lay eggs in .

(nests or nestz)

4. They to dive.
(lke or like)

172 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 32

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about ducks. Fill in
the checklist.


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 173
Week 33

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the picture you like best.

Opinion: I like . . .
Hot or Cold?

hot weather cold weather

Directions: Place a check mark next to a reason.


_____ I play in _____ I play in

the snow. the sun.

_____ I go swimming. _____ I wear a coat.

174 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 33

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

Hot or Cold?
Green: Red: Blue:
opinion detail closure

I like hot weather

the most. I like it

because I get to go

swimming in the pool.

Hot weather is great!

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 175
Week 33

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Match the sentences to the pictures.

Hot or Cold?

1. I eat ice cream.

2. I drink hot

3. I swim in hot

4. I wear a jacket
in cold weather.

176 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 33

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for capital letters. Circle the
correct sentences.

Hot or Cold?
Example: T
 he sun is shining.
the sun is shining.

1. the clouds are in the sky.

The clouds are in the sky.

2. The girl puts on her coat.

the girl puts on her coat.

3. I see the sun outside.

i see the sun outside.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 177

Week 33

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
Hot or Cold?

I like hot weather the most. I like it

because I get to go swimming in the pool.
Hot weather is great!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.

178 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 34

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Circle the picture you like best.
Write your opinion. Write a reason.

Wind or Rain?
wind rain


I like .

I like it because
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 179
Week 34

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about wind or rain. Fill in

the checklist.
Wind or Rain?


(Wind or Rain)
is the best.


I like it because

I love
(rain or wind)

q I state my opinion.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
180 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 34

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Read the sentences. Draw pictures
to match.

Wind or Rain?
1. I jump in puddles.

2. I fly a kite.

3. I use an umbrella.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 181

Week 34

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose the correct word. Write it.

Wind or Rain?

Example:  rain hits the ground.

(The or the)

1. flies her kite.

(tia or Tia)

2. uses his umbrella.

(Ethan or ethan )

3. loves the rain.

(Lan or lan)

182 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 34

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about wind or rain.
Fill in the checklist.

Wind or Rain?

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 183
Week 35

1 Name:______________________________

Directions: Circle the pictures about peanut

butter and jelly sandwiches.
How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

jelly bread

a Peanut
and Jelly


peanut butter butter knife

184 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 35

Name:______________________________ 2
Directions: Read the text. Then, underline
each sentence in green, red, or blue.

How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Green: Red: Blue:
topic detail closure

It is easy to make a peanut butter and

jelly sandwich. First, spread the peanut

butter and jelly on the bread. Then, put

the slices of bread together. Finally, you

get to eat it!

Printing Practice 
Directions: Trace the word. Write it on your own.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 185
Week 35

3 Name:______________________________

Directions: Choose a word. Underline it.

How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Example: (Then or Next) get the bread.

1. (Then or Next), get out the jelly.

2. (Now or Then), get out the bread.

3. (Next or Now), put the peanut butter

on the bread.

4. (Then or Next), put the jelly on the


5. (Now or Next), put the slices of

bread together.

186 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 35

Name:______________________________ 4
Directions: Look for periods. Circle the
correct sentences.

How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Example: F
 irst, get out some jelly.
First, get out some jelly

1. Second, get out some peanut butter.

Second, get out some peanut butter

2. Next, get out some bread

Next, get out some bread.

3. Last, put the two slices of bread together.

Last, put the two slices of bread together

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 187

Week 35

5 Name:______________________________

Directions: Read the text. Draw a picture. Fill in

the checklist.
How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

It is easy to make a peanut butter and jelly

sandwich. First, spread the peanut butter
and jelly on the bread. Then, put the slices
of bread together. Finally, you get to eat it!

q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
188 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 36

Name:______________________________ 1
Directions: Trace the words about washing
your hands.

How to Wash Your Hands

hands water

Washing Your

© Shell Education
#51523—180 Days of Writing 189
Week 36

2 Name:______________________________

Directions: Write about washing your hands.

Fill in the checklist.
How to Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands is

You must

Make sure you .

q I have a topic sentence.
q I have a detail.
q I have a closing.
190 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Week 36

Name:______________________________ 3
Directions: Choose a word. Write it.


How to Wash Your Hands

Example: walk to the sink.
(First or Now)

1. , turn on the water.

(Now or First)

2. , put soap on your hands.

(Then or Next)

3. , wash your hands.

(Next or Now)

4. , dry your hands.

(Last or Finally)

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 191

Week 36

4 Name:______________________________

Directions: Add periods to the sentences.

Example: First, turn on the water . 

How to Wash Your Hands

1. Next, get soap on your hands

2. After that, wash your hands

3. Finally, dry your hands

4. Your hands are now clean

192 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Week 36

Name:______________________________ 5
Directions: Draw and write about washing
your hands. Fill in the checklist.

How to Wash Your Hands


q Sentences begin with capital letters.
q Sentences end with punctuation.
q There are spaces between words.
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 193
Answer Key
The activity pages that do not have specific answers to them are not included in this answer key. Students’ answers will
vary on these activity pages, so check that students are staying on task.

Week 1: Playing at the Park Day 3 (page 26) Week 6: Summer or Winter?
Day 2 (page 15) Students may circle the students or Day 4 (page 42)
any of the details in the classroom.
Introduction: I went to the park on 1. I like to swim.
Sunday with my sister. Day 4 (page 27) 2. The bear sleeps.
1. I read a story. 3. They play in snow.
Events: First, we played on the
2. He eats lunch. 4. I go to the beach.
swings. Then, we went down the
slide. 3. Luz plays at recess. 5. I wear a coat.
4. We do a puzzle. Day 5 (page 43)
Closure: We had a great day.
See Opinion Writing Rubric on
Day 3 (page 16) Week 4: School Rules page 199.
Students may circle the children Day 3 (page 31)
playing, the flowers, the playground Students may draw students or items Week 7: Sight and Smell
equipment, or any of the scenery. that belong in a classroom. Day 1 (page 44)
Day 4 (page 17) Day 4 (page 32) Students may circle all of the items
1. Al goes down the slide. 1. Zan raises his hand. except the ear.
2. Liz plays in the sand. 2. He is a good listener.
3. She runs to the swings. Day 2 (page 45)
3. She shares her toys.
4. I am on the seesaw. Topic: We have five senses.
Day 5 (page 33)
Details: We use our eyes to see. We
Week 2: Picnic at the Park See Narrative Writing Rubric on use our noses to smell.
page 201.
Day 3 (page 21) Closure: It is great to have senses!
Students may add food items or any
Week 5: Spring or Fall? Day 4 (page 47)
other detail to the scenery.
Day 2 (page 35) 1. She smells pizza.
Day 4 (page 22) 2. I see flowers.
Opinion: I like spring more than
1. Nic sits on a blanket. 3. They smell muffins.
2. She eats a roll.
3. I look in the basket. Details: I like it because there are Week 8: Taste and Touch
4. The park is fun. lots of fun things I can do.
Day 1 (page 49)
Day 5 (page 23) Closure: Spring is the best season.
Students may trace all of the items.
See Narrative Writing Rubric on Day 3 (page 36)
page 201. 1. He likes the pumpkin. Day 4 (page 52)
1. I taste the apple.
Week 3: What We Do in 2. I plant flowers. 2. He feels the crayon.
School 3. She feels a horse.
3. She bounces a ball.
4. I eat cookies.
Day 2 (page 25) 4. The sun is bright.
Introduction: Today, I went to Day 5 (page 53)
school. 5. I see a leaf. See Informative/Explanatory
Writing Rubric on page 200.
Events: First, we did school work. Day 4 (page 37)
Then, we went to recess. 1. It is raining.
2. Here is a pumpkin.
Closure: I had a lot of fun at school.
3. The flower is pink.
4. I like the rain.
194 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Answer Key (cont.)
Week 9: Firefighters Day 3 (page 66) Week 14: Earth
1. Jack fell down.
Day 1 (page 54) Day 1 (page 79)
Students may circle the following: 2. Humpty Dumpty Students may trace all of the items.
helmet, hose, and truck. fell.
Day 4 (page 82)
Day 2 (page 55) 3. Jill had a pail. 1. The planets go around the
Topic: Firefighters help the 4. Jack and Jill went sun.
community. up a hill. 2. There are eight planets.
3. The planet Earth is mostly
Details: They keep people safe. Day 4 (page 67) water.
They stop fires. 1. Jack fell down.
2. And Jill came tumbling after. Day 5 (page 83)
Closure: Firefighters are heroes.
3. Jack and Jill were both okay. See Informative/Explanatory
Day 4 (page 57) Writing Rubric on page 200.
1. Firefighters rescue people. Week 12: Itsy Bitsy Spider or
2. Firefighters use ladders. Little Bo Peep Week 15: Christmas or
3. Firefighters work at fire St. Patrick’s Day
Day 4 (page 72)
1. The sheep are lost. Day 2 (page 85)
2. The spider climbs a web. Opinion: I like St. Patrick’s Day.
Week 10: Police Officers
3. I see a sheep.
Day 1 (page 59) Details: I like it because I get to
4. I see the spider.
wear green.
Students may trace the following:
Day 5 (page 73) Closure: I love St. Patrick’s Day!
car, hat, and badge.
See Opinion Writing Rubric on
Day 4 (page 62) page 199. Day 3 (page 86)
1. Police officers wear badges. 1. I open gifts.
2. They drive in cars with sirens. Week 13: Sun and Moon
2. I see a clover.
3. Police officers wear uniforms.
Day 1 (page 74)
4. Police officers work very hard. 3. I decorate a tree.
Students may circle the following:
5. Police officers are heroes.
hot, half moon, and crescent moon. 4. I see a pot
Day 5 (page 63) of gold.
See Informative/Explanatory Day 2 (page 75)
Day 4 (page 87)
Writing Rubric on page 200. Topic: The sun and the moon are in
1. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17.
the sky.
2. People open gifts on
Week 11: Humpty Dumpty or Details: The sun comes out in the Christmas.
Jack and Jill day. The moon comes out at night. 3. People wear green on
St. Patrick’s Day.
Day 2 (page 65) Closure: They are both important
Opinion: I like “Jack and Jill” more to Earth.
than “Humpty Dumpty.”
Day 4 (page 77)
Details: I like it because it is funny. 1. The sun is bright.
Closure: “Jack and Jill” is my 2. The moon is smaller than
favorite. Earth.
3. The sun is hot.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 195

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 16: Valentine’s Day or Week 19: Farms Week 22: Baseball
Day 2 (page 105) Day 3 (page 121)
Day 4 (page 92) Introduction: I went on vacation. Students may add players or a play in
1. Halloween can be fun. I went to my uncle’s farm. action on the baseball field.
2. People dress in costumes. Events: First, we rode on a tractor.
3. People give cards on Then, we ate a big dinner. Day 4 (page 122)
Valentine’s Day. Closure: It was lots of fun! 1. We play baseball with Nick.
2. I hit the ball.
Day 5 (page 93) Day 3 (page 106) 3. Our team won!
See Opinion Writing Rubric on Students may circle the animals or
page 199. any of the scenery on the farm. Day 5 (page 123)
See Narrative Writing Rubric on
Week 17: Ocean Animals Day 4 (page 107) page 201.
Day 1 (page 94) 1. A cow can give milk.
2. The farmer rides a horse. Week 23: Family
Students may circle the following: 3. A duck quacks.
fish, whale, and crab. Day 2 (page 125)
Week 20: Forests Introduction: Last week, my
Day 2 (page 95) cousins and I went to the movies.
Topic: Many animals live in the Day 3 (page 111) Events: First, we got popcorn and
ocean. Students may add animals and more candy. Then, we watched a funny
Details: There are whales and trees to the picture. movie.
sharks. There are lots of colorful fish. Closure: We had a great time at the
Closure: Ocean animals are very Day 4 (page 112) movies!
interesting. 1. The forest is dark.
2. The forest is big. Day 3 (page 126)
Day 4 (page 97) 3. Can we go to the forest? Details may include any of the family
1. How big is a whale? members or any of the elements in
2. Does an octopus have eight Day 5 (page 113) the scenery.
legs? See Narrative Writing Rubric on
3. Do fish sleep behind rocks? page 201. Day 4 (page 127)
1. My family plays games.
Week 18: Land Animals Week 21: Soccer 2. My family has fun.
Day 1 (page 99) 3. We go to the park.
Day 2 (page 115)
Students may trace all of the words. Introduction: I had a soccer game Week 24: Friends
on Saturday.
Day 4 (page 102) Day 3 (page 131)
Events: First, I kicked the ball.
1. Do you see the elephant? Then, I scored a goal. Students may add more to the
2. Is the tiger fast? Closure: The team had a great background scenery and draw
3. Where are the horses? game! themselves playing with friends.
4. What does a bear eat?
Day 3 (page 116) Day 4 (page 132)
Day 5 (page 103)
Students may circle the soccer 1. He listens to Bill.
See Informative/Explanatory 2. Kevin and Cole are helping.
players or anything else on the
Writing Rubric on page 200. soccer field. 3. Tara and Ben are friends.
4. I play with Maria.
Day 4 (page 117)
1. Al kicked the ball. Day 5 (page 133)
2. Mia scored a goal. See Narrative Writing Rubric on
3. Tim won an award. page 201.

196 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 25: Pet Hamsters or Day 4 (page 147) Week 30: Ice Cream or
Bunnies? 1. Her birthday is July 9. Cookies?
Day 2 (page 135) 2. Elan’s birthday is August 22. Day 4 (page 162)
Opinion: I like hamsters more than 3. His birthday is May 29. 1. I like cookies because they are
bunnies. round.
Week 28: Favorite Birthday 2. I like ice cream because it is
Details: I like them because they are Party creamy.
small and cute. 3. I like cookies because they are
Day 3 (page 151)
Closiure: Hamsters make the best warm.
Students may add more decorations 4. I like cookies more than ice
or more gifts to the picture. cream.
Day 3 (page 136)
Day 4 (page 152) Day 5 (page 163)
1. Bunnies are cute.
1. Maria’s birthday is in May. See Opinion Writing Rubric on
2. Hamsters run 2. Kim’s birthday is in July. page 199.
on wheels. 3. Jin’s birthday is in June.
3. Bunnies eat carrots. Day 5 (page 153) Week 31: Peacocks

4. Hamsters eat corn. See Narrative Writing Rubric on Day 1 (page 164)
page 201. Students may circle the following:
Day 4 (page 137) feathers, food (insects), and feet.
1. A bunny likes to hop. Week 29: Apples or Oranges?
2. Hamsters like to cuddle. Day 2 (page 165)
3. I see a hamster run.
Day 2 (page 155)
Topic: Peacocks are a type of bird.
Opinion: I like apples more than
Details: They have colorful feathers.
Week 26: Pet Dogs or Cats? oranges.
They eat insects.
Day 4 (page 142) Details: I like them because they are
crunchy and sweet. Closure: Peacocks are interesting.
1. A cat meows.
2. The dog barks. Closure: Apples are yummy! Day 4 (page 167)
3. Some cats are black. 1. Birds do not have teeth.
Day 3 (page 156) 2. Birds hatch from eggs.
Day 5 (page 143) 1. An apple has a leaf. 3. Cardinals are red.
See Opinion Writing Rubric on
2. Oranges are juicy. 4. Birds have two feet.
page 199.
3. You can slice an apple. Week 32: Ducks
Week 27: My Birthday
4. You can peel Day 1 (page 169)
Day 2 (page 145) an orange. Students may trace all of the words.
Introduction: On my sixth
Day 4 (page 157)
birthday, we went to the park.
1. Oranges are juicy. Day 4 (page 172)
Events: First, we played games. 1. Ducks swim in the water.
2. Apples are red.
Then, we ate cake. 2. Ducks eat bread.
3. Oranges have peels.
3. They lay eggs in nests.
Closure: It was my favorite birthday.
4. They like to dive.
Day 3 (page 146)
Day 5 (page 173)
Details may include the balloons, the See Informative/Explanatory
cake, the party hats or any element of Writing Rubric on page 200.
the scene.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 197

Answer Key (cont.)
Week 33: Hot or Cold? Day 4 (page 187)
1. Second, get out some peanut
Day 2 (page 175) butter.
Opinion: I like hot weather the 2. Next, get out some bread.
most. 3. Last, put the two slices of
Details: I like it because I get to go bread together.
swimming in the pool.
Week 36: How to Wash Your
Closure: Hot weather is great! Hands
Day 3 (page 176) Day 1 (page 189)
1. I eat ice cream. Students may trace all of the words.
2. I drink hot chocolate. Day 4 (page 192)
3. I swim in hot 1. Next, get soap on your hands.
weather. 2. After that, wash your hands.
3. Finally, dry your hands.
4. I wear a jacket 4. Your hands are now clean.
in cold weather.
Day 5 (page 193)
Day 4 (page 177)
1. The clouds are in the sky. See Informative/Explanatory
Writing Rubric on page 200.
2. The girl puts on her coat.
3. I see the sun outside.

Week 34: Wind or Rain?

Day 4 (page 182)
1. Tia flies her kite.
2. Ethan uses his umbrella.
3. Lan loves the rain.
Day 5 (page 183)
See Opinion Writing Rubric on
page 199.

Week 35: How to Make a

Peanut Butter and Jelly
Day 1 (page 184)
Students may circle the following:
jelly, bread, peanut butter, and
butter knife.

Day 2 (page 185)

Topic: It is easy to make a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich.
Details: First, spread the peanut
butter and jelly on the bread. Then,
put the slices of bread together.
Closure: Finally, you get to eat it!

198 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Opinion Writing Rubric
Directions: Evaluate students’ work in each category by circling one number in each row. Students
have opportunities to score up to five points in each row and up to 15 points total.

Exceptional Writing Quality Writing Developing Writing

States a clear opinion. States an opinion. States an unclear opinion.

Includes lots of details. Includes at least one detail. Includes few or unclear details.
Focus and

Includes a strong closing. Includes a closing. Does not include a closing.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Uses varied and interesting Uses some descriptive words. Uses a limited or an unvaried
descriptive words. vocabulary.
Maintains a consistent voice.

Maintains a consistent voice Provides an inconsistent voice.

and uses a tone that supports

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Sentences begin with capital Some sentences begin with Most sentences begin with
letters. capital letters. lowercase letters.

Sentences end in correct Some sentences end in correct Sentences end in incorrect
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation, or no punctuation
is used.
Words in sentences have correct Most words in sentences have
spacing between them. correct spacing between them. Words have incorrect spacing
between them.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points: _____________________

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 199

Writing Rubric
Directions: Evaluate students’ work in each category by circling one number in each row. Students
have opportunities to score up to five points in each row and up to 15 points total.

Exceptional Writing Quality Writing Developing Writing

States a clear topic sentence. States a topic sentence. States an unclear topic sentence.

Includes lots of details. Includes at least one detail. Includes few or unclear details.
Focus and

Includes a strong closing. Includes a closing. Does not include a closing.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Uses varied and interesting Uses some descriptive words. Uses a limited or an unvaried
Written Expression

descriptive words. vocabulary.

Maintains a consistent voice.
Maintains a consistent voice Provides an inconsistent voice.
and uses a tone that supports

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Sentences begin with capital Some sentences begin with Most sentences begin with
letters. capital letters. lowercase letters.

Sentences end in correct Some sentences end in correct Sentences end in incorrect
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation, or no punctuation
is used.
Words in sentences have correct Most words in sentences have
spacing between them. correct spacing between them. Words have incorrect spacing
between them.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points: _____________________

200 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Narrative Writing Rubric
Directions: Evaluate students’ work in each category by circling one number in each row. Students
have opportunities to score up to five points in each row and up to 15 points total.

Exceptional Writing Quality Writing Developing Writing

States a clear introduction. States an introduction. States an unclear introduction.

Includes lots of events. Includes at least one event. Includes few or unclear events.
Focus and

Includes a strong closing. Includes a closing. Does not include a closing.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Uses varied and interesting Uses some descriptive words. Uses a limited or an unvaried
Written Expression

descriptive words. vocabulary.

Maintains a consistent voice.
Maintains a consistent voice Provides an inconsistent voice.
and uses a tone that supports

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Sentences begin with capital Some sentences begin with Most sentences begin with
letters. capital letters. lowercase letters.

Sentences end in correct Some sentences end in correct Sentences end in incorrect
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation, or no punctuation
is used.
Words in sentences have correct Most words in sentences have
spacing between them. correct spacing between them. Words have incorrect spacing
between them.

Points 5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points: _____________________

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 201

Directions: Record each student’s rubric scores (page 199) in the appropriate columns. Add the totals every two weeks and record
the sums in the Total Scores column. You can view: (1) which students are not understanding the opinion genre and (2) how students
progress after multiple encounters with the opinion genre.

Week Week Week Week Week Week Total Scores

6 12 16 26 30 34
Student Name

#51523—180 Days of Writing

Opinion Writing Analysis

Average Classroom Score

© Shell Education
Directions: Record each student’s rubric score (page 200) in the appropriate columns. Add the totals every two weeks and record the
sums in the Total Scores column. You can view: (1) which students are not understanding the informative/explanatory genre and (2)
how students progress after multiple encounters with the informative/explanatory genre.

© Shell Education
Week Week Week Week Week Week Total Scores
8 10 14 18 32 36
Student Name
Writing Analysis

#51523—180 Days of Writing

Average Classroom Score

Directions: Record each student’s rubric score (page 201) in the appropriate columns. Add the totals every two weeks and record the
sums in the Total Scores column. You can view: (1) which students are not understanding the narrative genre and (2) how students
progress after multiple encounters with the narrative genre.

Week Week Week Week Week Week Total Scores

2 4 20 22 24 28
Student Name

#51523—180 Days of Writing

Narrative Writing Analysis

Average Classroom Score

© Shell Education
The Writing Process

Step 1: Prewriting
Think about the topic.
Brainstorm ideas.

Step 2: Drafting
Use your ideas to write a draft.
Don’t worry about errors.

Step 3: Revising
Read your draft. Think
about the vocabulary. Think
about the organization.
Make changes to improve
your writing.

Step 4: Editing
Reread your draft. Check for
errors in spelling, punctuation,
and grammar.

Step 5: Publishing
Create a final draft. Be sure to
use your best printing.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 205

Editing Marks
Editing Marks Symbol Names Example

david ate grapes.

lowercase My mother hugged

symbol Me.

insert period The clouds are in

symbol the sky

check spelling I laffed at the

symbol story.

How you are?

Would you pass

insert symbol
the pizza?

insert comma I have cats, dogs

symbol and goldfish.

That is amazing,
she shouted.

deletion Will you call call

symbol me?

add space #
# symbol
I run tothe tree.

206 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Opinion Writing Tips

1. Write your

2. Write reasons 3. Restate

to support your your opinion.

4. Check
for correct
spelling and

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 207

Writing Tips

1. Choose a

2. Write a
strong topic 3. Write
sentence. facts about
the topic.

4. Finish
with a strong
statement about the

5. Check
for correct
spelling and

208 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education

Narrative Writing Tips

Write a topic
sentence that
tells what your story
is about. Write in a
logical order with
a beginning, a middle,
and an end.


Join the
with the words
first, next, then,
and finally.

for correct
spelling and
Use lots of punctuation.
details and
sensory words.

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 209

210 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 211
212 #51523—180 Days of Writing © Shell Education
Peer/Self-Editing Checklist
Directions: Place a check mark in front of each
item as you check it.

The writing has . . .

q an opinion or topic stated
q an engaging beginning
q details about the opinion
or topic
q a strong conclusion
q a logical order
q interesting words
q capital letters
q correct spelling
q correct punctuation

© Shell Education #51523—180 Days of Writing 213

Contents of the Digital Resource CD
Teacher Resources

Resource Filename
Writing Rubrics writingrubrics.pdf
Opinion Writing Analysis opinionpageitem.pdf
Informative/Explanatory Writing Analysis informativepageitem.pdf
Narrative Writing Analysis narrativepageitem.pdf
Writing Signs writingsigns.pdf
Standards Charts standards.pdf

Student Resources
All of the 180 practice pages are contained in a single PDF. To print specific days, open the PDF and
select the pages to print.

Resource Filename
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Writing Tips writingtips.pdf
Writing Prompts writingprompts.pdf
The Writing Process writingprocess.pdf
Editing Marks editingmarks.pdf
Peer/Self-Editing Checklist editingchecklist.pdf

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