MORET DepletedUranium 2004
MORET DepletedUranium 2004
MORET DepletedUranium 2004
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World Affairs: The Journal of International Issues
ince 1991, the United States has staged four wars using depleted
uranium weaponry, illegal under all international treaties, conventions
and agreements, as well as under the US military law. The continued use
of this illegal radioactive weaponry, which has already contaminated vast regions
with low-level radiation and will contaminate other parts of the world over
time, is indeed a world affair and an international issue. The deeper purpose
is revealed by comparing regions now contaminated with depleted uranium —
from Egypt, the Middle East, Central Asia and the northern half of India —
to the US geostrategic imperatives described in Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997
book The Grand Chessboard.
The fact is that the United States and its military partners have staged four
nuclear wars, “slipping nukes under the wire” by using dirty bombs and dirty
weapons in countries the US needs to control. Depleted
uranium aerosols will permanently contaminate vast regions and slowly destroy
the genetic future of populations living in those regions, where there are
SOUTH REGION: “This huge region, torn by volatile hatreds and surrounded by
competing powerful neighbors, is likely to be a major battlefield, both for wars among
nation-states and, more likely, for protracted ethnic and religious violence. Whether
India acts as a restraint or whether it takes advantage of some opportunity to impose
its will on Pakistan will greatly affect the regional scope of the likely conflicts. The
internal strains within Turkey and Iran are likely not only to get worse but to greatly
reduce the stabilizing role these states are capable of playing within this volcanic
region. Such developments will in turn make it more difficult to assimilate the new
Central Asian states into the international community, while also adversely affecting
the American-dominated security of the Persian Gulf region. In any case, both
America and the international community may be faced here with a challenge that
will dwarf the recent crisis in the former Yugslavia.” Z Brzezinski, The Grand
resources which the US must control, in order to establish and maintain
American primacy.
Described as the Trojan Horse of nuclear war, depleted uranium is the
weapon that keeps killing. The half-life of Uranium-238 is 4.5 billion years,
the age of the earth. And, as Uranium-238 decays into daughter radioactive
products, in four steps before turning into lead, it continues to release more
radiation at each step. There is no way to turn it off, and there is no way to
clean it up. It meets the US government’s own definition of weapons of mass
After forming microscopic and submicroscopic insoluble uranium oxide
particles on the battlefield, they remain suspended in air and travel around the
As a Terrain Contaminant:
To be used in this manner, the radioactive materials would be spread on
the ground either from the air or from the ground if in enemy-controlled
territory. In order to deny terrain to either side except at the expense of
exposing personnel to harmful radiations … Areas so contaminated by
radioactive material would be dangerous until the slow natural decay of
the material took place … for average terrain no decontaminating methods
are known. No effective protective clothing for personnel seems possible
of development … Reservoirs or wells would be contaminated or food
poisoned with an effect similar to that resulting from inhalation of dust or
Internal Exposure:
… Particles smaller than 1µ [micron] are more likely to be deposited in
the alveoli where they will either remain indefinitely or be absorbed into
the lymphatics or blood. … could get into the gastrointestinal tract from
polluted water, or food, or air … may be absorbed from the lungs or G-
I tract into the blood and so distributed throughout the body.
Both the fission products and depleted uranium waste from the Atomic
Bomb Project were to be utilised under this plan. The pyrophoric nature of
depleted uranium, which causes it to begin to burn at very low temperatures
from friction in the gun barrel, made it an ideal radioactive gas weapon then
and now. Also, it was more available because the amount of depleted uranium
produced was much greater than the amount of fission products produced in
Britain had thoughts of using poisoned gas on Iraq long before 1991:
I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes.
The moral effect should be good ... and it would spread a lively terror...
(Winston Churchill commenting on the British use of poison gas against
the Iraqis after the First World War)
D epleted uranium weapons were first given by the US to Israel for use
under US supervision in the 1973 Sinai war against the Arabs. Since
then the US has tested, manufactured, and sold depleted uranium weapons
systems to 29 countries. An international taboo prevented their use until
1991, when the US broke the taboo and used them for the first time, on the
battlefields of Iraq and Kuwait.
The US military admitted using depleted uranium projectiles in tanks and
planes, but warheads in missiles and bombs are classified or referred to as a
“dense” or “mystery metal”. Dai Williams, a researcher at the 2003 World
Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference, reported finding 11 US patents for
guided weapons systems with the term “depleted uranium” or “dense metal”,
which from the density can only be depleted uranium or tungsten, in order
to fit the dimensions of the warhead.
Extensive carpet bombing, grid bombing, and the frequent use of missiles
and depleted uranium bullets on buildings in densely populated areas has
occurred in Iraq, Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan. The discovery that bomb craters
in Yugoslavia in 1999 were
radioactive, and that an unexploded The discovery that bomb craters
missile in 1999 contained a depleted in Yugoslavia in 1999 were
uranium warhead, implies that the radioactive, and that an
total amount of depleted uranium unexploded missile in 1999
used since 1991 has been greatly
contained a depleted uranium
underestimated. Of even greater
concern is that 100 per cent of the warhead, implies that the total
depleted uranium in bombs and amount of depleted uranium used
missiles is aerosolised upon impact since 1991 has been greatly
and immediately released into the underestimated.
atmosphere. This amount can be as
much as 1.5 tons in the large bombs. In bullets and cannon shells, the amount
aerosolised is 40–70 per cent, leaving pieces and unexploded shells in the
environment to provide new sources of radioactive dust and contamination of
the groundwater from dissolved depleted uranium metal long after the battles
are over, as reported in a 2003 report by the UN Environmental Program on
Yugoslavia. Considering that the US has admitted using 34 tons of depleted
uranium from bullets and cannon shells in Yugoslavia, and the fact that 35,000
NATO bombing missions occurred there in 1999, potentially the amount of
depleted uranium contaminating
Although restricted to battle-fields Yugoslavia and trans-boundary drift
in Iraq and Kuwait, the 1991 into surrounding countries is
Gulf War was one of the most staggering.
toxic and environ-mentally Because of mysterious illnesses
and post-war birth defects reported
devastating wars in world history. among Gulf War veterans and
Oil well fires, the bombing of oil civilians in southern Iraq, and
tankers and oil wells which radiation-related illnesses in UN
released millions of gallons of oil Peacekeepers serving in Yugoslavia,
into the Gulf of Arabia and desert, growing concerns about radiation
and the devastation from tanks effects and environmental damage
have stirred up international outrage
and heavy equipment dest-royed about the use of radioactive weapons
the desert ecosystem. by the US after 1991. At the 2003
meeting of parties to the Nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty, discussing the US desire to maintain its nuclear
weapons stockpile, the Hiroshima mayor Tadatoshi Akiba, stated:
It is incumbent upon the rest of the world ... to stand up now and tell all
of our military leaders that we refuse to be threatened or protected by
nuclear weapons. We refuse to live in a world of continually recycled fear
and hatred.
T here are four reasons why using depleted uranium weapons violates the
UN Convention on Human Rights:
Legality Test for Weapons under International Law
• Temporal Test — Weapons must not continue to act after the battle is
• Environmental Test — Weapons must not be unduly harmful to the
• Territorial Test — Weapons must not act off the battlefield.
• Humaneness Test — Weapons must not kill or wound inhumanly.
and Central Asia will quickly spread the radioactive contamination around the
world, and weathering of old depleted uranium munitions on battlefields and
other areas will provide new sources of radioactive contamination in future
years. Downwind from the radioactive devastation in Iraq, Israel is also suffering
from large increases in breast cancer, leukaemia and childhood diabetes.
of the babies were reported to have serious illnesses or serious birth defects.
They were born without eyes, ears, had missing organs, fused fingers, thyroid
or other malfunctions. Depleted uranium in the semen of the soldiers internally
contaminated their wives. Severe birth defects have been reported in babies
born to contaminated civilians in Iraq, Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan and the
incidence and severity of defects is increasing over time. Women in Yugoslavia,
Afghanistan and Iraq are afraid now to have babies, and when they do give
birth, instead of asking if it is a girl or a boy, they ask “Is it normal?.”
Soldiers who served in Bradley fighting vehicles, where it was common to
sit on ammunition boxes where depleted uranium ammunition was stored, are
now reporting that many have rectal cancer.
For the first time, medical doctors in Yugoslavia and Iraq have reported
multiple in situ unrelated cancers developing in patients, and even in families
abnormal births and birth calcium loss in body heart attack/disease
defects cardiovascular signs or high blood pressure
abnormal metabolism of symptoms high frequency of
semen: contain amine and chemical sensitivities micturition
ammon. alkal. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Hodgkin lymphoma
acute auto-immune chronic kidney and liver immune system deficiency
symptoms disorders infections
(lung, liver, kidney failure) chronic myeloid leukaemia insomnia
acute myeloid leukemia chronic respiratory infections involuntary movements
(deadly within days or colon cancer joint/mustle/leg pain
weeks) confusion kidney failure/damage
acute immune depression diarrhoea leukaemia
acute respiratory failure digestive problems liver carcinoma
asthma dizziness loss of feeling in fingers
auto-immune deficiencies Eppstein Barr Syndrome Lou Gehrigs Disease ALS
Balkan Syndrome fluid buildup low blood oxygen saturation
blood in stool and urine fibromyalgia (low HbO2)
body function control loss gastrointest: signs/symptoms low lung volume
bone cancer general fatigue lung damage
brain damage genetic alterations lung cancer
brain tumours glandular carcinoma lymph cancer
burning semen Gulfwar Syndrome lymphoma
burning sensations headaches (severe) melanoma
Table 1: Compiled by Leuren Moret from Interviews with Gulf War Veterans
and their families
Desert Shield/Desert Storm, website:
who are living in highly contaminated areas. Even stranger, they report that
cancer was unknown in previous generations. Very rare and unusual cancers
and birth defects have also been reported to be increasing above normal levels
prior to 1991, not only in war-torn countries, but in neighbouring countries
from trans-boundary contamination.
Dr Keith Baverstock, a senior radiation adviser who was on the staff of the
World Health Organization (WHO), co-authored a report in November 2001,
warning that the long-term health
effects of depleted uranium would Severe birth defects have been
endanger Iraq’s civilian population, reported in babies born to
and that the dry climate would contaminated civilians in Iraq,
increase exposure from the tiny
Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan and
particles blowing around and be
inhaled for years to come. The WHO the incidence and severity of
refused to give him permission to defects is increasing over time.
publish the study, bowing to pressure
from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Dr Baverstock released
the damning report to the media in February 2004. Pekka Haavisto, chairman
of the UN Environment Program’s Post-Conflict Assessment Unit in Geneva,
shares Baverstock’s anxiety about depleted uranium but UNEP experts have
not been allowed into Iraq to assess the pollution.
2003 Gulf War, estimates of 2200 tons have been given — causing about
22,000,000 new cancer cases. Altogether the total number of cancer patients
estimated using the UKAEA data would be 25,250,000. In July 1998, the CIA
estimated the population of Iraq to be approximately 24,683,313.
Ironically, UN Resolution 661 calling for sanctions against Iraq was signed
on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 1990.
War can really cause no economic boom, at least not directly, since an increase
in wealth never does result from destruction of goods.
— Ludwig von Mises
Map of regions within a 1000 mile radius of Baghdad and Afghanistan which
have been contaminated with depleted uranium since 1991. Depleted uranium
dust will be repeatedly recycled throughout this dry region, and also carried
around the world. More than ten times the amount of radiation, released
during atmospheric testing, has been released from depleted uranium weaponry
since 1991. In 2002 the US government admitted that every person living in
the US between 1957 and 1963 was internally contaminated with radiation.
Note that the contaminated region corresponds with the “South” region on the
Eurasian chessboard.
Our collective gene pool of life, evolving for hundreds of millions of years
has been seriously damaged in less than the past fifty. The time remaining
to reverse this culture of “lemming death” is on the wane. In the future,
what will you tell your grandchildren about what you did in the prime of
your life to turn around this death process? (Rosalie Bertell, 1982)
The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private
power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself.
That, in its essence, is Fascism — ownership of government by an individual,
by a group, or any controlling private power.
— Franklin Delano Roosevelt
• To blur and break down the distinction between conventional and nuclear
• To make it easier to reintroduce nuclear weapons into the US military
Today, the US is number one in fourth-generation nuclear weapons research
and development, followed by Japan and Germany tied for number two, and
Russia and other countries follow.
The Carlyle Group, a private massive equity firm, the twelfth largest defence
business with an obscenely high profit margin, is a business “arrangement”
between the Bush and Bin Laden families, wealthy Saudis, former British
Prime Minister John Major, James Baker, Afsaneh Masheyekhi, Frank Carlucci,
Colin Powell, other former US government administrators, and Madeleine
Albright’s daughter. The Carlyle Group is the “gatekeeper” to the Saudi
investment community. It owns 70 per cent of Lockheed Martin Marietta, the
largest military contractor in the US, and because Carlyle is privately owned,
has no scrutiny or accountability whatsoever. A journalist who calls himself “a
skunk at the garden party” described his investigation of the Carlyle Group
and said “it’s like shadow boxing with a ghost”. The group hires the best-
known politicians as lobbyists from around the world, in order to influence
the politics of war, and privately profit from their previous public policies.
The conflict of interests is obvious: President Bush is creating wars as his
father, former President George Bush, is globally peddling weapons and
“protection”. Lockheed Martin Marietta now owns Sandia Laboratories, a
private contractor that makes the trigger for nuclear weapons, with a Sandia
laboratory facility across the street from Los Alamos and Livermore National
Laboratories, where the nuclear bombs are made.
At the May 2003 University of California (UC) Regents meeting which
I attended, Admiral Linton Brooks was present and newly in charge of the
nuclear weapons programme under the Department of Energy. Admiral Brooks
informed California Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante and the UC Regents
that the management contract for the nuclear weapons laboratories, held
unchallenged by the University of California for over 60 years, will be put up
for competitive bidding in 2005. The favoured institution, with a faculty
member on the “blue ribbon committee” making the contract award, is the
University of Texas. This privatisation and management contract transfer of
the US nuclear weapons programme will put control of the US nuclear weapons
Arundhati Roy
The Algebra of Infinite Justice