Year 10 Revision List 2019

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Year 10 Chemistry Exam – Revision List

The Year 10 exam will cover topics from Year 9 and Year 10.
The paper will be 1 hour 45 minutes, and of a similar style to
the AQA 8462 GCSE Chemistry Paper 1.

The topics covered;

4.1 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
4.1 .1 Atomic structure
Atoms , elements and compounds
The development of the model of the atom.
Relative electrical charges of subatomic particles.
Size and masses of atoms.
Electronic structure.
Relative atomic mass

4.1.2 The Periodic Table

Development of the periodic table
Metals and non -metals
Group 0
Group 1
Group 7
Transition metals

4.2 Bonding Structure and Properties of metals

The whole of this section which includes:
Chemical bonding-ionic, covalent and metallic
States of matter
State symbols
Properties of ionic compounds
Properties of Polymers
Properties of Giant Covalent Structures
Properties of metals and alloys
Metals as conductors.
Structure and bonding in carbon, including diamond, graphite, graphene and
Nanoparticles, including size of particles and uses of nanoparticles.

4.3 Quantitative chemistry

Relative Formula Mass
Mass change when a reactant or product is a gas
Chemical measurement
Moles, including reacting mass calculations
Limiting reagents
Yield and atom economy
Volume of gas

4.4 Chemical Changes

Reactivity of metals.
Metal oxides
Reactivity series
Extraction of metals and reduction
Oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer
Reactions of acids with metals
Neutralisation of acids and salt production ( in other words reactions of acids
with metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates)
Soluble salts
pH scale and neutralisation
Procedure and calculations

Molten ionic compounds
Using electricity to extract metals
Electrolysis of aqueous compounds
Half equations at electrodes.

Note: You do not need to revise strong and weak acids from this section as
you haven’t covered this yet
4.5 Energy changes
Exothermic and endothermic reactions
Reaction profiles.
Energy change of reactions including bond enthalpy calculations.
Chemical cells and fuel cells
Cells and batteries
Fuel cells (including the half equations and overall equation for the reaction in
the fuel cell)

4.6 Rates and extent of Chemical reactions

Note you have only covered rates and not equilibrium from this section.
Calculating rates of reaction
Factors affecting rates of reaction
Collision theory and activation energy

4.8 Chemical analysis

Tests for gases - identification of H2 O2 CO2

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