Important Chemistry Chapters For JEE Main April

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Important Chemistry

Chapters For JEE Main

Important chapters in Physical Chemistry:

Mole Concept
Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics,
Solution,Equilibrium, Kinetics, etc. are essentially
derived from the mole concepts

Atomic Structure
One of the High weightage topic in physical
chemistry Also connected with Physics
Important chapters in Inorganic Chemistry

All the topics included in Inorganic Chemistry are

equally important. Therefore, don’t skip any topic
from this unit as it is one of the high scoring
High Weightage Topic in Inorganic

The periodic table and Representative


Transition Elements and Coordination

Important chapters in Organic Chemistry

The entire portion of organic chemistry could be

easily understood if you are well versed with the
general topics in organic chemistry that includes
nucleophiles, electrophiles, type of reactions,
basicity, acidity, etc and the remaining portion of
organic chemistry is just its application part. These
topics are covered in the general organic chemistry
part of the JEE syllabus.
High Weightage Topic in Organic

Named Reactions
High Weightage Low Weightage

Atomic Structure Chemical Equilibrium

Gaseous & Liquid State Redox & Volumetric Analysis

Electrochemistry Solutions

Chemical Kinetics Metallurgy

Nuclear & Surface Chemistry Qualitative Analysis

Chemical Bonding Hydrocarbons

d-Block Elements Mole Concept

Co-ordination Compound Ionic Equilibrium

Alkyl Halides Solid State

High Weightage Low Weightage

Aromatic Compounds s-Block Elements

Thermodynamics Periodic Classification

p-Block Elements Classification & Nomenclature

General Organic Chemistry Alcohol & Ether

Isomerism Nitrogen Compounds & Aliphatic Amines

Aldehydes and Ketones Biomolecules & Polymers

Carboxylic Acids & Its Derivatives

Keep in Mind

Remember to study the values of log 2 (0.3010) and log

3 (0.4771) as they often come up during calculations.

One should be good at comparing the stability of

reaction intermediates and questions related to acidity
and basicity.
Keep in Mind

● Advised to maintain a diary for quick revision of

simple formulas pertaining to chapters like
atomic structure, solid-state, ionic equilibrium,
electrochemistry and thermochemistry.
● Also, keep in mind the situations where these
formulae cannot be applied directly. An extra
effort should be given to the topics mentioned
above as more questions are often asked from
these topics

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