Mode of ingestion of fresh direct Ingestion/inh Ingestion of raw or Skin skin penetration
transmission water fish penetration of alation of undercooked meat penetration through the
containing human skin by embryonate containing the through the exposed skin.
encysted larva infective larvae egg with a nurse-cell encysted exposed
when in contact 3rd stage larva complex skin.
with soil larva
Unique Smaller Rhabditiform (L1) the head has larva 80-120um by hook-like Buccal capsules:
features whipworm - free-living 3 lips with 5.6 um at birth teeth cutting plates, no
minute teeth reaches 900- teeth
Filariform stage or denticles 1,300um by 35- caudal
(L3) – parasitic 40um after it bursa with caudal bursa
fertilized egg enters a muscle 13 rib-like with 14 rib-like
LARVA CURRENS is brownish, fiber it has a spear- rays used rays used
ovoid like burrowing Dorsal ray – Dorsay ray
anterior tip tripartite bipartite
larva maybe
seen in the skeletal muscle,
lungs, striated spicules are spicules fused at
separated, the tip forming a
long and delicate barb
bristle- like
buccal spears.
us buccal
Capillara Strongyloides Ascaris Trichenella Ancylostroma Necator
philippinensis stercoralis lumbricoides spiralis duodenale Americanus
Infective Encysted larva Filariform stage embryonate Encysted larva filariform filariform larva
stage d egg with found in the larva
3rd stage muscles of pigs or
larva animals
Definitive Man (encysted Man (alternate
host larva) host)
Intermediate Freshwater fish Pig (optimm host)
host (embryonated
Morphology Mimics to cylindrical mature whitish in color, the adult is the adults are
Trichuris trichuira esophagus- one worms is 1.5-3.5mm by 0.04- slightly small, cylindrical,
of the disctinct cylindrical 0.06mm larger than fusiform, grayish-
thin filamentous features of N. white nematodes
anterior end & a female tapering americanus
slightly thicker & strongyloides ends the buccal
shorter posterior which occupies the buccal capsule has a
end the anterior 1/3 it has a thick capsule has ventral pair of
of the body. cuticle. two pairs of semi-lunar
peanut-shaped curved cutting palates
egg w/ flattened creamy ventral
bipolar plugs white to light teeth the head is
brown in curved opposite
color. the shape to the curvature
of the adult of the body w/c
the head has is the head is like a hook at
3 lips with continues in the anterior end
minute teeth the same
or denticles direction as
the they have longer
curvature of buccal cavity.
the body.
those of S.
but they are
Capillara Strongyloides Ascaris Trichenella Ancylostroma Necator
philippinensis stercoralis lumbricoides spiralis duodenale Americanus
Male male worm is 1.5 rhabditiform the male has male is 1.5mm by Umbrella the male
- 3.9 mm male measures 2 broad 0.04 mm has a measures 5-9mm
0.7 mm by 0.04 spicules. single testes by 0.30mm
male spicule is mm, smaller and
230 - 300 um broader than the posterior end of
long, unspined female. the male has a
sheath broad, caudal
it has a ventrally bursa with 14
curved tail, 2 rib-like rays used
copulatory for copulation.
spicules which
penetrate the
female during
copulation are
located at each
side of the
Female female is 2.3 -5.3 the filariform female female is 3.5mm Posterior Posterior end: S-
mm female is 2.2 mm measures by 0.06 mm has a end: C- shaped (no
by 0.04 mm, 20-35 cm single ovary, shaped spine)
internal colorless, semi- long & 3- oviduct, seminal (spine is
autoinfection transparent, with 6mm wide. receptacle, a coiled preset)
finely striated uterus, vagina &
cuticle. the female vulva, produce
vulva opens 1,500 larvae or
it has a slender at the more in her
tapering anterior junction of lifetime
end and a short the anterior
conical pointed & the middle
tail. thirds of the
contains paired
uteri: Vagina and
vulva. The paired
uteri lead to the
vulva is situated t
the junction of
the middle and
posterior thirds of
the body
Gravid female:
uteri contains
Capillara Strongyloides Ascaris Trichenella Ancylostroma Necator
philippinensis stercoralis lumbricoides spiralis duodenale Americanus
transparent ova
Habitat tiny nematode Small intestine Small Small intestine Small Small intestine
residing in the intestine intetsine
small intestine
Pathogenesis Borborygmus Three phases of occasionally 1. Enteric Phase: More Less pathogenic
abdominal pains, infection: patients may intestinal phase pathogenic 9K eggs
gurgling develop 2. Invasion Phase: 25K-30K
stomach, 1. Invasion of the fever, sword stylet eggs
diarrhea skin by filarifom urticaria, 3. Convalescent during skin
weight loss, larva malaise, Phase: gradual during skin penetration larva
malaise, - intestinal recovery, later penetration can cause
anorexia, erythema of the colic, nausea, stage of any larva can intense itching &
vomiting & skin, pruritic vomiting, disease or illness. cause dermatitis at the
edema elevated diarrhea & intense site of entry.
hemorrhagic CNS Correspond to the itching & (ground itch)
papules. disorders. following stages: dermatitis
Eosinophilia. 1. Incubation & at the site
- larval intestinal invasion of entry.
2. Migration of migrations 2. Larval migration (ground
larva through the may cause 3. Encystment itch)
body pneumonitis
- lungs are &
destroyed (lobar bronchospas
pneumonia w/ m.
hemorrhage). bolus
3. Penetration of
the intestinal - ectopic
mucosa by adult migration
worms. (appendix,
bile duct,
- adult worms pancreatic
maybe found in the duct).
mucosa, but the
greatest numbers
are found in the
doudenal and
upper jejunal
Capillara Strongyloides Ascaris Trichenella Ancylostroma Necator
philippinensis stercoralis lumbricoides spiralis duodenale Americanus
Clinical finding the 1. Light infection Diagnosis -severity of larval migration to the lungs
Presentations characteristic - does not cause detection of symptoms depend may cause pneumonitis &
eggs in the feces intestinal ascaris eggs on the intensity of bronchitis
(DFS) symptoms in the feces. infection
doudenal adult worm - 10 larvae are in heavy infection microcytic
aspiration 2. Moderate are usually hypochromic anemia is
infection visualized in asymptomatic produced.
the - 100 or more
-diarrhea intestines by larvae show - hemorrhage at the site of
alternating with barium meal symptoms attachment.
constipation examination. - 1000/more larvae - infected children are
is severe & even edematous.
3. Heavy fatal (protein-losing enteropathy)
diarrhea- on and
off diarrhea
(Cochin China
diarrhea) because
it was observed
by soldiers in
Cochin china.
characterized by
episodes of
watery and
bloody stools.
Illustration Egg:
Capillara Strongyloides Ascaris Trichenella Ancylostroma Necator
philippinensis stercoralis lumbricoides spiralis duodenale Americanus
Life cycle MOT: ingestion Eggs -> hatches -> MOT: MOT: ingestion of MOT: Penetration of skin
of fresh water rhabditiform ingestion of raw or DH: Man
fish containing larvae -> mature - embryonate undercooked meat
encysted larva→ > filariform larvae d egg with a containing the When filariform larvae is
excysts in the 3rd stage nurse-cell encysted formed, it penetrates the skin
small intestine Eggs -> hatches -> larva → larva complex of the man.
(HABITAT: larva rhabditiform swallowed EXCYST larvae
matures and larvae -> mature - → SI → released by acid- And the larvae has the capacity
where copulation > develop Hatch → pesin digestion in to migrate via bloodstream.
happens) → another free- larva the stomach S.I.
according to CDC living male and migrates → penetrate the Larvae may reach the pharynx
Female may lay female. lumen→ columnar and are ultimately swallowed
(unembryonated penetrates: epithelium at the again wherein they enrich and
eggs: passed out intestinal base of a villous settle in the SMALL INTESTINE
with the feces → wall → liver obligate where they develop to adult
embryonate in (by portal intracelluar worms. During copulation,
the environment circulation) parasite molt 4 segmented eggs are passed in
(fresh water)10- → heart and times (undergo 4 feces. These eggs are not
14 days to lungs (blood larval stages) infective to human.
embryonate 1) to stream) → during a 30 hr
→ eggs are breaks into period develop Rhabditiform becomes the
ingested by the the alveoli of adult worms FILARIFORM which is the
fish → Hatch in lungs → copulate: female INFECTIVE STAGE.
the fish intestine carried by lives appprox 1
→ larvae → mucus flow month while the
encysted in flesh to trachea → male disappears
of the mucosa of pharynx → shortly after
the fish intestine swallowed: copulation
→ infective larval SI → molts female expel
stage (at least 2 and becomes newborn larvae (4-
weeks 4th stage 7 days of infection)
development) larva → live end of enteric or
free in lumen gastroinstestinal
Internal → molt → phase newborn
autoinfection mature and larvae possess a
appears to be a copulate → unique sword stylet
normal feature: female that can cut an
female lays (2) worms lay: entry hole in the
embryonated fertilized or lamina propia
eggs which lack unfertilized arterial circulation
shell covering → egg (will not disseminate
hatch inside the undergo throughout the
definitive host → further host systemic
larvae: reinvade development (parenteral) phase
SI mucosa in ) → fertilized skeletal muscle
autoinfective egg → feces the larva induce
Capillara Strongyloides Ascaris Trichenella Ancylostroma Necator
philippinensis stercoralis lumbricoides spiralis duodenale Americanus
Life cycle MOT: ingestion of embryonated egg MOT: Ingestion of embryonated egg
Eggs Hatches in small intestine Release larvae
penetrate the columnar epith & situate above the
Egg hatches: duodenum Cecum lamina propria 4 molts immature adult emerges
and passively carried to the L.I. (HABITAT: where
(habitat: develop to become an adult maturation and mating occurs) embeds into the
and where copulation occur: male colonic columnar epithelium usually in the cecum
dies) gravid female migrates colon and ascending colon (heavier burden of infection
spread to the transverse colon and rectum)
rectum gravid female dies after creates a tunnel between the mouth of crypts;
oviposition oviposits perianal skin narrow anterior portion is threaded into the
mucosa and its thicker posterior end protrudes into
(nocturnal migration governed by the lumen allowing eggs to escape. female worms
maturation of ova and need for shed unembryonated eggs passed in the feces
oxygen. SOIL eggs develop into a 2 cell stage advance
cleavage stage embryonated egg (IS) high
humidity and warm temp quickens the
development of the embryo occurs 15-30 days