Term 3 Marks Criteria

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As I said at the beginning of the year, this subject was not static and it
could change according to how the people in class got involved.

We have carried out 3 different tasks, but not all of them can have the
same percentage in the overall mark of the term. Taking into account that
2 of the tasks have been done in teams and the last one was individual
and the end of the year project, this is the one with a higher percentage.

You have all had enough time in class to do your tasks.

While task 1, the podcast, has been produced fairly OK, tasks 2, the
transformation of the end of the Metamorphosis, has been very
disappointing as there has been very little effort and lots of the work is
not original(I have been able to get the same ideas, in same cases the
same sentences, from Chat GPT).

Task 3, the end project, I have only taken into account how you did your

This is the way your marks have been calculated:

1. Podcast: 4 marks
2. Transformation of the Metamorphosis: 1 mark(for the reasons
explained above)
3. End of the year project: 5 marks
POINTS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT for the marking in each task

1. Edgar Allan Poe & Oscar Wilde podcast:

Your marks were calculated on how you fulfilled the criteria.

TEAMS: 4 members(one team of 3)

- Presenter: some more active than others

- Allan Poe expert: some you had the author as a guest, impossible
as he is dead
- Oscar Wilde expert: some you had the author as a guest, impossible
as he is dead
- Psychologist: some of you only made a few comments, but didn’t
give explanations


- The presenter will introduce the guests, guide the interview, thank
them at the end
- The expert will give information about their author and work
- The plots of the stories will be summarised (you decide who is going
to do it)
- The psychologist will analyse the authors and the characters of the

- The podcast must have a name and a tune
- Active, everybody talks: lots of you just read(sometimes with
difficulty) and there was no inter-action.
- Informal but correct English and grammar: sometimes it was just
copied and you could tell the reader did not understand what was
being said


- 5-10 minutes: everybody fine.
2. The transformation of the end of the Metamorphosis:

I initially meant to give more marks but I was quite disappointed

when I looked at the final work. I suppose that some of your work is
more genuine than others, but there is no guarantee. Therefore, all
of you will get the same mark, just a pass 0,5 out of 1 mark.

3. End of the year project:

- Information about the author: 1 mark

- Information about the chosen book: 1 mark
- Reason why you chose that particular book: 1 mark
- Information about about the fragment from the book
- Feeling the fragment supposed for you: 2 marks
- Connection with another art expression: 2 marks
- Communication: 2 marks
*We understand by communication how natural you were, if
you only read or explained, if you looked and interacted with
the class. Some of you used language which was too informal,
but I did not take this into account.

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