TVL11-Organic Agri-Q3-Module3
TVL11-Organic Agri-Q3-Module3
TVL11-Organic Agri-Q3-Module3
Quarter 3 – Module 3:
(Care and Maintenance of
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What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the nature of Organic Agriculture. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations.
The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed
to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
What I Know
True or False
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
wrong, write your answers in your notebook.
2. The nursery should be shaded to protect the seedlings from the heat
of the sun and the beat of the rain.
Care and Maintenance of
1 Seedlings
What’s In
1. What is the proper ratio of loam soil for plant growing media?
What’s New
It’s that time of year when self-starting gardeners have sown their
seeds indoors and are contemplating the next steps. Those tiny little
sprouts have shown up and need the best care before their plant out
into the world. Care for seedlings once sprouted amounts to more than
just giving them water. Healthy, robust plants produce faster with
higher yields, which is a winning situation for the gardener. A few tips
on how to take care of seedlings should help ensure you bumper crops
your neighbors will envy.
What is It
Seeds even have their food supply to start them off at least until
they can extend roots and draw food and water from the soil.
Seedboxes should be placed under the shade and should be
provided with temporary shelter.
Regulate watering. Too much or too little of it may prevent
Care of Seedlings
When seedlings are already growing, water them once with 3-4
tablespoons of ammonium sulfate dissolved in a sprinkler of
Expose the seedlings to the morning sun not later than eight
o’clock every day. The length of exposure depends upon the
resistance of the seedlings to heat.
Protect the seedlings from excessive heat or heavy rain.
If dumping-off develops, remove immediately the infected
seedlings with the soil surrounding them. Burn the disease-
infected seedlings and soil to avoid further spread of the disease.
Seedling Management
In cases where seedling in seedboxes or seedbeds is thickly
populated, practice pricking out. This is done by transferring young
seedlings (when the first two true leaves have already developed) to
another seedbox or seedbed on individual plastic bags. The rule in
pricking is never handling the plants by their stems, which bruise
easily, but always by their seed leaves. Others use a sharpened wood or
a metal device called dibble to separate and ease out the seedlings,
taking care not to damage the delicate roots.
Hardening Off
It will be necessary to harden off your seedlings before
transplanting them into the garden beds. This is accomplished by
placing the seedlings outside in a sheltered location. At this point, the
seedlings are very tender and could easily be broken by wind and rain.
Start by placing the seedlings in full morning sunlight for one
hour. Increase the time for full sunlight, gradually adding time each day.
Protect your seedlings from wind and animals to prevent breakage of the
tender vegetation. Within a week your seedlings should be able to
withstand full sunlight the whole day without wilting or burning the
tender leaves.
Thinning and Roguing
Some plants with tiny seeds are delicate. They can be sown along with a
shallow drill and later some seedlings can be pulled out leaving the
healthy seedlings about 5 cm apart. This is called thinning. Meanwhile,
the process of pulling out disease-infected or damaged seedlings is
Thinning is the process of reducing the number of seedlings in the
seedbed or seedbox. This should be done as follows:
What’s More
Matching Type:
Direction: Match Column A with the correct term on column B. Write the
letters of the correct answer on a separate sheet.
Column Column B
1. This is done by transferring young seedlings (when A. hardening off
the first two true leaves have already developed) to
B. roguing
another seedbox or seedbed on individual plastic bags
C. thinning
2. This is accomplished by placing the seedlings
outside in a sheltered location D. pricking
3. The process of pulling out disease-infected or E. picking
damaged seedlings is roguing.
F. grafting
4. Thinning is the process of reducing the number of
seedlings in the seedbed or seedbox.
Complete the statement below by adding the ideas that you have learned.
What I Can Do
Option A:
Option B:
A. Direction: If you do not have a farm near you, please fill in the
blanks with the correct term to complete the sentence, copy and
answer this in your notebook.
3. When seedlings have developed the first two true leaves in a thickly
populated seedbed or seedbox, they could be to another seedbed
or seedbox.
B. True or False
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
3. The nursery should be shaded to protect the seedlings from the heat
of the sun and the beat of the rain.
Answer Key
Curriculum Guide in Organic Agriculture page 8.
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