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University Faculty Details Page on DU Web-site

Title Professor First Name Sudhir Last Name Sawhney Photograph

Designation Department Address (Campus) (Residence) Phone No (Campus) (Residence)optional Mobile Fax Email Web-Page Education Degree

Professor Botany Department of Botany, University of Delhi North Campus, Delhi 110 007, India J - 9/5 Rajouri Garden New Delhi 110 027, India +91 11 27667725 ext. 1435 +91 11 25923498 9811766644 +91 11 27667829 [email protected]

Institution Panjab University, Chandigarh

Year 1975

Details Thesis topic: Studies on physiological and biochemical changes associated with floral induction in Impatiens balsamina Subjects: Plant Physiology, course work, research work and dissertation Subjects: Botany Subjects: Botany, Zoology, Chemistry

Ph.D. Botany (Plant Physiology)

M.Sc. (Hon.Sch.) Botany B.Sc. (Hon.Sch.) Botany B.Sc. ( 3 yr Degree Course) Career Profile Organisation / Institution

Panjab University, Chandigarh Panjab University, Chandigarh Govt. College, Rohtak

1969 1968 1966

Designation Reader

Duration Oct 1986 Sept 1992


Department of Botany University of Delhi North Campus Delhi 110 007

Teaching & Research Professor Professor & Head Lecturer Reader Professor Oct 1992 present March 2002 March 2005 Aug 1973 - March 1978 March 1978 March 1986 March 1986 Sept 1986 Teaching & Research + Administration

Department of Biology GND University Amritsar 143 005


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Research Interests / Specialization Physiology of Plant Growth & Development Physiological and biochemical aspects of regulation of flowering in ornamentals, epiphyllous bud differentiation in crassulacean succulents, seed dormancy & germinability and growth correlations in plants. Use of hormones and local anesthetics as experimental probes to unravel regulatory mechanisms involved in diverse growth and developmental responses. Teaching Experience ( Subjects/Courses Taught) More than 36 years of teaching post-graduate/graduate classes, at two Universities. Courses taught at: University of Delhi: Physiology, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology GND University: Plant Physiology, Physiology of Plant Growth & Development, Photomorphogenesis , Ecology & Environmental Biology, Kingdom Plantae, General Biology

Honors & Awards National Merit Scholarship (1968-1969). UGC Research Fellowship (1970-1973), conducted doctoral research on physiology and biochemistry of flowering, at Botany Department, Panjab University, Chandigarh. DAAD Fellowship of Germany (1978-1979), conducted post-doctoral research on phytochrome regulation of chlorophyll biosynthesis, at Biology Institute II, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany. Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship of UK (1983-1984), conducted research on biophysical and molecular aspects of flowering, at Glasshouse Crops Research Institute, Littlehampton, UK. CIDA-NSERC Research Associateship of Canada (1988, 1989, 1992), conducted research on hormonal regulation of flowering, at Department of Biosciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. J. J. Chinoy Memorial Gold Medal (2005) of Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi, for significant research in Plant Physiology (Physiology of Growth and Development). Fellow of Indian Society for Plant Physiology. Fellow of International Society for Conservation of Natural Resources. Ex-President, K.K. Nanda Foundation for Advancement of Plant Sciences. Ex- President, Indian Society for Plant Physiology On Editorial Board of Physiology & Molecular Biology of Plants, published by Springer.


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Publications (LAST FIVE YEARS) Books / Monographs Title Year of Publication



In Indexed/ Peer Reviewed Journals Year of Publica tion 2008 Title Journal Co-Author

Thidiazuron-induced hypertrophic growth from foliar disks of Kalanchoe pinnata leads to visualization of a bioactive auxin gradient across the leaf plane. Deshooting-activated cotyledonary axillary bud growth and its correlation with nodal vasculature in chickpea seedlings. Modulation of TDZ-induced morphogenetic responses by anti-auxin TIBA in budbearing foliar explants of Kalanchoe pinnata. Correlation of epiphyllous bud differentiation with foliar senescence in crassulacean succulent Kalanchoe pinnata as revealed by thidiazuron and ethrel application. Local anaesthetic lidocaine strongly influences seedling growth, pigmentation and cotyledonary proteins of Impatiens balsamina.

In Vitro Cell Dev Biol -Plant 44: 65 68. (DOI 0.1007/s11627-0079084-z). Phytomorphology 56: 145 150.





Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 86: 69 - 76.



J Plant Physiol 163: 717 - 722.



Plant Molecular Physiology: Current Scenario and Future Projections. P. C. Trivedi (ed). 96 - 104. Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors. Jaipur. Indian J Plant Physiol (NS) 10: 108 114.



Lidocaine modulates growth performance of some dicot and monocot seedlings.

S Jaiswal, N.Sawhney


In vitro responses of various explants of Michelia champaca Linn. and induction of somatic embryogenesis. In vitro inhibition of growth and sporulation in Aspergillus niger by lidocaine a local anaesthetic agent.

Physiol Mol Biol Plants 11: 127 - 133.

R Indira Iyer, N Sawhney


Curr Sci 88: 152 - 154.

S Jaiswal, N Sawhney


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Interactive effects of -irradiation, EMS and GA3 on growth and flowering of Lens culinaris Medic. Inhibition of root differentiation on hypocotyl cuttings of Vigna mungo L. Hepper by lidocaine - a local anaesthetic agent. Seed coat ornamentation in wild and cultivated lentil taxa.

Indian J Plant Physiol. (special issue): 724 - 731.

DK Mallick


Indian J. Plant Physiol. (special issue): 732 - 736.



Phytomorphology 53: 187 - 195.

DK Mallick

Chapters in Books N Sawhney & S Sawhney (2009). Seed Dormancy. In Seed Science and Technology (ed. N. C. Singhal) Kalyani Publishers, Delhi, pp 53 83. S Sawhney & A Rani (2006). Local Anaesthetics and Plant Responses. In: Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology. Jaime A Teixeira da Silva (ed). Global Science Books, U.K. Vol. IV, pp 403 - 415. S Sawhney & S Jaiswal (2006). Development of Herbal Drugs: Views on Physiological Inputs. In: Herbal Drug Research. R.K. Sharma and R. Arora (eds). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing House, Delhi. pp 95 - 107. S Sawhney (2006). Facets of Biodiversity. In: Biodiversity, Conservation and Systematics. Prithipal Singh (ed). Scientific Publishers (India) Jodhpur. pp 1- 9.

Conference Presentations (LAST FIVE YEARS)


1. 2 international Congress of Plant Physiology, held at IARI, New Delhi, during January 8-12, 2003. Co-chaired the Session on Flowering and delivered an invited talk on: Floral inductiondisinduction and its regulation in Impatiens balsamina. Also jointly contributed 4 presentations in different Sessions. 2. National Seminar on Physiological Basis of Improving Agricultural, Horticultural and Medicinal Plant Productivity, held at Pune University, Pune, during December 27-29, 2004. Delivered an invited talk on: Foliar budding and senescence combo - a unique developmental system in crassulacean succulents. Also jointly contributed 4 presentations in different Sessions. 3. Continued Education Programme (CEP) on: Herbal Drug Research, held at INMAS, Delhi, during October 3-7, 2005. Delivered an invited lecture on: Development of herbal drugs: views on physiological inputs.


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4. National Satellite Seminar on Plant Physiology, held at NBRI, Lucknow, on November 20, 2005 . Chaired a Session and delivered an invited talk on: Reproductive strategies of Kalanchoe pinnata. 5. National Seminar on Plant Productivity and Quality Improvement through Physiological Interventions, held at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, during November 23-25, 2005. Chaired the Session on Chemical Regulation of Growth and delivered 1 KK Nanda Memorial Lecture on: Physiology of flowering as revealed by studies on Impatiens balsamina. Also jointly contributed 3 presentations in different Sessions 6. National Seminar on Physiological and Biotechnological Approaches to Improve Plant Productivity, at the Center for Plant Biotechnology, CCC HAU, Hisar, during March 1517, 2008. Actively involved in the organization of the Seminar, chaired the Young Scientists Session and jointly contributed 4 presentations in different Sessions. 7. ISPP Golden Jubilee Conference on the theme: Challenges and Emerging Strategies for Improving Plant Productivity, at IARI, New Delhi, during November, 12-14, 2008 Actively involved in the organization of the conference and jointly contributed 4 presentations in different Sessions.

Refresher Course/Workshop Presentations (LAST FIVE YEARS) 8. Refresher Course on Environmental Science, held at Panjab University, Chandigarh during March 18 April 7, 2004. Delivered an invited lecture on: Water: our fundamental and environmental concerns. 9. Refresher Course on Biodiversity, Conservation and Systematics, held at University of Delhi, Delhi, during January 17- February 8, 2005. Delivered an invited lecture on: Facets of Biodiversity. 10. Workshop on Plant Tissue Culture: Challenges and Opportunities, held at CRAPTC, CCC HAU, Hisar, during April 13-20, 2007. Delivered an invited lecture on: Foliar budding in Kalanchoe pinnata- a model system to study developmental physiology. 11. Delivered an invited lecture on: Recent Trends in Photosynthetic Research at Division of Microbiology, IARI, New Delhi, on March 20, 2009.

Total Publication Profile optional Books


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In Indexed/ Peer Reviewed Journals


Conference Presentations

Public Service / University Service / Consulting Activity

Professional Societies Memberships Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New Delhi Indian Photobiology Society, Kolkata National Institute of Ecology, New Delhi International Society of Plant Morphologists, Delhi Indian Society for Tree Scientists, Solan K.K.Nanda Foundation for Advancement of Plant Sciences, Delhi Society of Environmental Scientists, Chandigarh Society for Advancement of Botany, Meerut Indian Society for Cacti and Succulents, Delhi Delhi University Botanical Society, Delhi

Projects (Major Grants / Collaborations)

Other Details

(Signature of Faculty Member)

(Signature & Stamp of Head of the Department)


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